3 minute read
The Men of Hadassah
the power of women who and the men who support them
Hadassah believes in building a world where our Jewish values in action create strong community and an enduring Israel. Our entire focus in on connecting and empowering Jewish women to affect change. We are a warm, welcoming, multi-generational, diverse group of women, chartered over fifty years ago. We offer exciting, informative programs that address the various interest of our community. We work in collaboration with other local Jewish organizations such as the Women of B’nai B’rith, Jewish Federation and Hillel.
1000 San Antonio Creek Road Santa Barbara, CA 93111 805.455.4557 hadassah.org Sissy Taran sbtar@cox.net
“Hadassah, the Women’s Zionist Organization of America, was founded before Israel was a state and before women could vote. We didn’t sit on the sidelines then. And we certainly don’t now.”
Hadassah Santa Barbara embraces everyone who shares Hadassah’s interests and passions. A warm, welcoming, multi-generational, diverse group of women. Hadassah offers exciting, informative programs that address the various interests of our active, diverse community while raising awareness about Hadassah and its important work throughout the world.
The local Hadassah depends on a group of committed volunteers to keep things going, and what an amazing group of volunteers this is. Natalie Myerson, Santa Barbara’s 101-year-old Grand Dame was one of the original three members of the local chapter. Sissy Taran continues to keep the torch alive making sure that every Jewish woman in Santa Barbara has joined.
We all know that a great group of women are members of Hadassah in Santa Barbara, but behind the scenes there are some awesome men who support the mission and activities.
What does it mean to be one of the men of Hadassah? First and foremost, it means, endless schlepping because they are fulfilling the passions of the woman they love. The men of Hadassah are selfless, they take no credit, no recognition, no awards. There are many of these men in Santa Barbara, but we want to highlight three.

Bruce Tarr’s wife Brenda has been the treasurer of the local Hadassah chapter for almost twenty years. Behind this dedicated woman is an amazing Hadassah husband. Hand in hand, this power couple has handled the finances from collecting the money at the Jewish picnic to balancing the budget. Anything that Hadassah has done that involved money, Bruce and Brenda have handled it. Always behind the scenes, never in the spotlight, this dynamic duo has kept Hadassah going strong. She is a life member, and he is an associate. COLMAN DANIEL
Sissy Taran’s adorable domestic partner Colman Daniel learned about the importance of philanthropy through his dedication to Hadassah. Always smiling and making people feel welcomed, this huge hearted teddy bear schleps and sets-up for every event. He is known for his chocolate pomegranates; it would not be a Hadassah gathering without them. CHARLIE FREUND
In the early days of COVID lockdown, Franny Taran Freund and her husband, Charlie, found themselves with extra time on their hands. They began making challah on Fridays with their children. After much trial and error, Charlie perfected his challah technique and has become the family baker. Every Friday, Charlie makes challah for friends, neighbors, and the school staff. As a Hadassah husband, he embodies the spirit of community and generosity. And he offers tech support to his mother-inlaw, Sissy, whenever she needs it. Hadassah’s mission is to bring healing to the world — in every sense of the word — where it’s needed most, in the US, Israel, and around the world. Every day. As volunteers. As philanthropists. As changemakers. Our local chapter is filled with women and men who embrace this mission and strive to make this world a better place for everyone.