the power of women who and the men who support them world where our Jewish values in
action create strong community
“ Hadassah, the Women’s Zionist
Hadassah believes in building a
Myerson, Santa Barbara’s 101-year-old
and an enduring Israel. Our
Organization of America, was
Grand Dame was one of the original
entire focus in on connecting and
founded before Israel was a state
three members of the local chapter.
and before women could vote.
Sissy Taran continues to keep the torch
We didn’t sit on the sidelines then.
alive making sure that every Jewish
And we certainly don’t now.”
woman in Santa Barbara has joined.
empowering Jewish women to affect change. We are a warm, welcoming, multi-generational,
Hadassah Santa Barbara embraces
We all know that a great group of
everyone who shares Hadassah’s
women are members of Hadassah in
interests and passions. A warm,
Santa Barbara, but behind the scenes
exciting, informative programs
welcoming, multi-generational,
there are some awesome men who
that address the various interest
diverse group of women. Hadassah
support the mission and activities.
of our community. We work
offers exciting, informative programs that address the various
What does it mean to be one of
in collaboration with other
diverse group of women, chartered over fifty years ago. We offer
local Jewish organizations such as the Women of B’nai B’rith, Jewish Federation and Hillel.
interests of our active, diverse community while raising awareness about Hadassah and its important work throughout the world.
the men of Hadassah? First and foremost, it means, endless schlepping because they are fulfilling the passions of the woman they love. The men of Hadassah are selfless,
The local Hadassah depends on a
they take no credit, no recognition,
1000 San Antonio Creek Road
group of committed volunteers to keep
no awards. There are many of
Santa Barbara, CA 93111
things going, and what an amazing
these men in Santa Barbara, but
group of volunteers this is. Natalie
we want to highlight three. Sissy Taran
64 | SHALOM SANTA BARBARA | 2021–2022