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Newly Imagined Spaces for The Center for Jewish Education
NEWLY IMAGINED SPACES for our Jewish Community
The Center for Jewish Education

When the Board of Directors for Jewish Federation of Greater Santa Barbara met in June 2021 it was in-person and on-site at our downtown headquarters. It was a very happy occasion to gather together.
A vibrant Jewish community needs a beautiful, centrallylocated, safe and adaptable space to gather, and the Federation is very pleased to have launched a capital campaign to raise the funds needed to remodel and reimagine our building to be this gathering space for our community.
We envision a space that brings us together; a space that is dedicated to learning and Jewish education; and a place that can accommodate the very young or the very old, and everyone in between. Our Center for Jewish Education is a space for our past and future to take shape, a place you can visit and revisit to learn about our community’s deep history in
Santa Barbara — and beyond.
We also want to nourish you. Our newly remodeled kitchen will allow for wonderful “Jewish Food Experiences” in a deli counter style model. Imagine bagels, knishes, kreplach, matzoh ball soup, pastrami on rye, and of course… challah. Come for the company, and leave —or linger — with comfort food.
This is our vision for our physical space in our community, and we are actively speaking to our key supporters today. We would love to include you as a founding donor. Contact Executive Director Cyndi Silverman today to schedule a meeting or to learn more.