1 minute read
PJ Library: Free Jewish Children’s Books to Families Across the World

PJ Library is a program of the Harold Grinspoon Foundation, made possible through a partnership with the Jewish Federation of Greater Santa Barbara.
PJ Library sends free Jewish children's books to families across the world every month. We know that something magical happens when parents sit down together to read with their children. PJ Library shares Jewish stories that can help your family talk together about values and traditions that are important to you. You can find much inspiration on the PJ Library website: pjlibrary.org.
Families with kids ages 6 months through 8 years old with Judaism as part of their lives, are welcome to sign up. PJ Library welcomes all Jewish families, whatever your background, knowledge, or family make-up, or observance may be. Programs for older children are available too. The Jewish Federation of Greater Santa Barbara’s mission is to build a strong Jewish community. PJ Library is only one of the many programs that we offer. Our goal is to bring together families that are raising Jewish children. We host holiday parties celebrating Chanukah and Purim in our building and encourage families to come visit our Sukkah on Sukkot. Reach out to us at info@sbjf.org and we will introduce you to families in your neighborhood, provide creative ideas for activities to instill Jewish values and share topical family resources, such as how to address the theme of racism with your children.