ShamanPortal Quarterly Review vol. 4

Page 4

Condor Medicine – The Teachings of the Seven Feathers–part 2 By Taita don Jose Shairy Quimbo There is neither privilege nor discrimination in natural law. All life is complementary. Exploitation is not an option. To be in correct relationship with this law in my option simultaneously benefits the other person. The universe shows us the correct options and in the cosmic order we all have the proper option. We are all sentient beings. Our Pachamama is a great sentient organism, thus it is cosmic intelligence. When we use our options wisely, we fill the void of the Pachamama. This vacuum is created so that we may fill it.

Fourth teaching: YANANTINKUY The complementary relationship of all existence


he condor is the glider of the heights. It possesses the most powerful claws and beak. From the heights it can spot his food (prey) which is shared with other birds and animals who will also benefit from the more superficial organs, while the condor must feed itself from the hardest/ strongest most nutritious parts.

When we invoke our necessities, we create this vacuum. The universe responds by sending signals. In the indigenous world we recognize those signals through dreams. When the request is correct, the signal is natural and the results are spontaneous. What to do to live in complimentary reciprocity within ourselves to transcend to the universe? In

Proper alimentation allow him to have a great thrust of flight which requires a lot of energy. He awaits his turn patiently and choses the exact best moment to eat what is best for him. In life’s philosophy complementation is an evident law. No one is on the margin of this law.


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