13 minute read

Taita don Jose Shairy Quimbo

Condor Medicine – The Teachings of the Seven Feathers–part 2


By Taita don Jose Shairy Quimbo

Fourth teaching: YANANTINKUY The complementary relationship of all existence

The condor is the glider of the heights. It possesses the most powerful claws and beak. From the heights it can spot his food (prey) which is shared with other birds and animals who will also benefit from the more superficial organs, while the condor must feed itself from the hardest/ strongest most nutritious parts.

Proper alimentation allow him to have a great thrust of flight which requires a lot of energy. He awaits his turn patiently and choses the exact best moment to eat what is best for him. In life’s philosophy complementation is an evident law. No one is on the margin of this law. There is neither privilege nor discrimination in natural law. All life is complementary. Exploitation is not an option. To be in correct relationship with this law in my option simultaneously benefits the other person. The universe shows us the correct options and in the cosmic order we all have the proper option. We are all sentient beings. Our Pachamama is a great sentient organism, thus it is cosmic intelligence. When we use our options wisely, we fill the void of the Pachamama. This vacuum is created so that we may fill it.

When we invoke our necessities, we create this vacuum. The universe responds by sending signals. In the indigenous world we recognize those signals through dreams. When the request is correct, the signal is natural and the results are spontaneous. What to do to live in complimentary reciprocity within ourselves to transcend to the universe? In

the Andean world, contemplation is synonymous to cosmic reciprocity. This law is accomplished through giving and receiving. Modern society has distorted and unbalanced this law, we focus on receiving, disregarding giving. Love yourself, love others, love the world. There is no stronger power than love, we are here to love each other and the earth and to bring happiness to all sentient beings.

• Step 1: Reflect on your life and on all the beings with whom we co-exist; (animals, people, plants, etc). Reflect on your quality of life taken into account the importance of living in harmony with all. If there is dis-harmony, make the decision to come back into harmony with those with whom you are in disharmony.

• Step 2: Make the best of your intellectual, fiscal and spiritual capacities to plant your proper option. ‘Your option is my option’ Human beings distorted this natural law to accumulate or horde for themselves to the detriment of others. We are here to re-establish this order. When I fulfill the option of others, my life’s option is qualitatively elevated.

• Step 3: Pay attention to the correct moment and the proper opportunities. For this you must use the intelligence of your heart. Do not disregard that which appears humbly because inside might be the Mana. Be grateful and magnanimous, this will make you worthy of receiving.

Fifth teaching: AYCHAYTA ACHIKYACHIKUY - Readiness to initiate the big flight

Poised in front of Father Sun, the Condor Maliku opens and tenses his wings. It is the ritual of preparation for his flight towards the infinite. He remains impassible and unperturbed to the amount of time needed to fulfill this ritual. Then, unexpectedly he flies towards the cliff in front. He stayed with Father Sun at his back.

My ignorance was so great that I had not begun to understand that the feathers were sidereal antennae that connect with cosmic messages That was the ritual of connection with Pachakamaq, the cosmic intelligence. The condor and other birds know the sacred moments of the transition of the cycles of time. Those are short periods during the day and the night during which Mother Earth and Father Sun are in synchrony. In Mother Earth the energy vortices open up; and Father Sun emits his radiation with more energetic power. Therefore they know the subtle moments of vibration when the energy transmits messages from universal intelligence. Then the Condor alights in front with his wings opened to synchronize with this vibration, since he captures those vibrations through his magnetic wings.

Beings with wings have in their feathers a complex woven structure that constitutes sidereal antennae to capture or connect with the vibration of the cosmic energy. The cosmic energy is the vibration of intelligence and logic that irradiate order and harmony. The mandate is to energize and tense our wings. Our wings are the intelligence of the heart connected with the intelligence of the mind. In this state our intuition becomes activated, which means that we connect our personal I with the absolute. We activate our innate intuition, that which exist in all children prior to the age of 7. We can achieve this state through meditation and exercise.

The four life principles

In the Andean culture there are four life principles.

The first is both our internal and external silence to propitiate the conditions to make decisions.

The second is love, all things must be realized with unconditional love because that energy optimizes the results.

The third is to activate and materialize our dreams through accessing our knowledge and our knowing.

The fourth is to dare, the state of consciousness that guides us towards mastery.

In America and in the Andean culture we have many examples of the capacity to create material things such as great monuments like the temples and the Inca trail. It is believed that the beings who accomplished those feats were connected to cosmic knowledge yachay also known as Akasha in Sanskrit.

The preparation is also the tactical moment to measure the impact of our decisions and actions to optimize the results. The preparation consists in calculating the exact best moment to make the correct decisions thanks to the contact between the actions and the result. We all have our moment to realize our dreams. We must choose the correct moment to initiate our flight.

An important action in the preparation is to create and recognize the request and to transform it into a purpose. That is to tighten our wings. To tighten our wings means to energize and potentiate the purpose to make the flight towards our objective.

How to use our skills to illuminate the intelligence of the heart for our big flight. To dream that we are flying is a sign that our capacities, our internal power are getting ready to make the decisions and take the actions that will be favorable.

To dream that you are flying next to a Condor has a superior significance. It is the signal that indicates that we have a teacher in our lives that guides us to make the right decisions so that our actions have the result that our purpose requires.

Condors live in families. The elder Condor is the Condor Mallku who takes on the responsibility of flying together with the apprentice to show him the dexterity of flight. Our flight consists of refining our silence to be able to see and hear the signals of our dreams and other signals that come to us. Our love must be unconditional fin order for the materialization of our intentions and purpose to manifest effectively. Once we are on the path of the previous levels, we are ready to dare and we will have lost the fear of our high journey.

• Step 1: Love all that you are and that you represent. Love all that you do. Love all that exists around you. All your actions must be motivated by your unconditional love. Love yourself unconditionally because out of that will burst forth this force of love that transforms and harmonizes everything and nurtures the happiness of your life. If you don’t love yourself the well will be dry. If you are not capable of giving love, the law of love’s reciprocity will not work for you. • Step 2: Materialize our ideas, our dreams, our illusions and our intentions. When you realize this action make sure that your intentions must be of high purpose and that they are in sync with Mother Earth. When our intentions are clear, we activate cosmic intelligence and the infinite creativity makes our evolution possible.

• Step 3: Remember that the Andean wise people are the medium of the quantum leap, the daring. Remember that each particle of our being has a seed of those wise people. Daring is the result of a simple act but with extraordinary determination and faith/belief in one’s self. This belief can only be activated through self-love.

Sixth teaching: Urayman Muyurimuna The necessary descent

The Condor plans as much to go up as to come down. It’s a dialectic process. To know the right time is also to know the conditions as much to go up as to come down. The Condor knows that in order to know the perfect moment to come down he must plan it, select the right place to bring together the spatio-temporal conditions suitable, as much as for the closeness of its food as for the strategic space to be able to ascend again.

To know the laws of the winds and their trajectories is essential for its survival. We pre-cognize the closeness of changes or the end of our cycle. This is the moment to accept and plan this change or final cycle. We act with the awareness that the change or the final cycle is inevitable, so activate our faith in the positive results and we attract in this new cycle and the new options that already exist in the threshold of the door waiting for us to enter. In this way we open the door to the new cycle and we allow new life options to come in that await us around the corner of this renovation.

The spiral is the same curve to go up and to come down. There is a natural law that says that all that goes up sooner or later will come down. The problem lies in overcoming our attachments: a relationship that we consider essential, a duty to which we cling, a job that we consider vital or the money without which we consider ourselves unhappy. If we assume

the end of something with acceptance, the transition will be natural, and the new cycle will begin without difficulties.

• Step1: Free yourselves from any attachment that prevents us from taking the decision to change our life cycle. The unconditional love of the signs from the universe eliminates the resistances. The capacity of letting go allows the universe to compensate for what appears to be a loss, that is to gain by losing. Give the universe and its perfect order absolute confidence.

• Step2: Accept change because it is inevitable. Acceptance does not mean submission. Acceptance frees you from the rigidity of resistance. Trust that you are part of this perfect order. Changes are always qualitatively better. Feel the freedom to direct your life with certitude of your evolution. Speak with your internal god or goddess. Tell her/him that you accept without conditions the change that is being presented to you. In return, you will receive wellbeing in your life. The universe opens to provide you wellbeing, abundance and fullness.

• Step3: Gather strength to begin your flight. The Condor usually has his neck inclined (lowered); However, when he is ready to fly, he gets ready and propels himself raising his chest towards the sky. To begin the flight signifies the conquest of space. It is important that you take into account that you will not return to your previous state. The universe is in evolution and we are part of this evolution. We must assume the powerful demand of being the protagonists of the qualitative chances. We must start with ourselves.

Seventh teaching: MALLKUYAY Synonym of the Condor Mallku

The condor-man or man-condor is the precept of evolution and connection with the highest values and knowledge of the cosmic conscience. The woman or man who walks the paths of knowledge has become an image or icon of society, is a cultural and human reference on which rest the columns of society’s structure. This person is recognized as woman or man Mallku, which means wise condor in aimara - the language of Bolivia, Peru, Argentina and Chile. The man-condor has remained through the cultural memory of the people of the Andes, through its myths.

This relationship is evident in the energetic synchronicity that the Andean people maintain with the king bird of the heights, who have their home in the highest peaks of the Andean mountains. The synchronicity between the Andean person and the cosmic laws of the universe, reflected through the magnetic resonance Shumman is an other evidence that the man-condor and its counterpart the condorman.

The being of evolved consciousness is an illuminated being, synonymous to the energetic symbiosis mancondor. This evolved state allows the synchronicity of the cosmic laws between man as universal being and the condor as master conductor of the laws of pure knowledge, intelligence and logic. All humas are governed by evolution. The older the human being and the condor, the more they will live in synchrony with this law. The complete human is he or she who walks and lives life with a simplicity, who has transcended

the dogma and discourses of society, who knows and follows the complexity of the cosmos through the simplicity of life. That is the man-condor Mallku.

In the Andes the ancient people are revered as being of high consciousness and are the counselors of the people. The wise person transcends his interior peace. He is not elected. He or she who has mastered the cosmic complexities with a simple lifestyle. She knows that luck and happiness are inherent in the quality of hes attention. The wise person is simultaneously a warrior, a healer, a student and a teacher.

• Step 1: The initiation consists in aligning oneself with the transcendent, take responsibility for the changes in one’s own life and to do all that is necessary for others. To accept the path, regardless of one’s personal characteristics and perspective. To know the perfect moment and to prepare one’s self when the teacher arrives.

• Step 2: Eliminate the present. Access the resources needed for power. Remain open to the result, but do not be attached to it. Pay attention to everything that has heart and significance. Develop the attitude to utilize the power of love, gratitude, acknowledgement, respect, and values. Elect to be present in creating and developing the intuition as the perfect connection between intelligence of the heart and the intelligence of the mind.

• Step 3: Believe and have faith in the supernatural. Overcome the barriers or limits either imposed or self-imposed through dogma. Know and believe that magic is a possible reality that can be created through faith. To believe is not to become attached to your beliefs, it is to walk on the path that allows you to have vision and criteria free of fanatism; it is to believe in the existence of the god within you, of the possible miracle, assuming the responsibility of the natural power that emanates from the cosmic consciousness that is known as god or goddess. That is spiritual consciousness. Spirituality is in the internalized consciousness of human beings. All is found within us, there is nothing to search for outside.

Don Shairy is a Kichwa from Peguche. On a pilgrimage to the sacred mountain of “Tayta Imbabura,” it was revealed to him that his life mission was to help humanity in the process of healing afflictions and dis-harmonies of today. He utilizes Takysamy Healing, the sound vibrations healing system of voice, sacred musical instruments, and plant medicine. He is the author and teacher of Condor Medicine: The Seven Teachings of the Andes Condor.

He shares all this wisdom in the form of ceremonies, healing concerts, personal consultations, and workshops throughout the US and Europe.

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