Bid-Book Brasov 2021 - European Capital of Culture
Brasov 2021 Team: Project coordinator: DRAGOS DAVID Concept, vision & artistic strategy: NICOLAE PEPENE The team: NICOLAE PEPENE RADU COLȚ SORIN GANEA GABRIELA BRAȘOVEANU MEDEEA KATERINA PETROVAN Design & editing: INOVATIV MEDIA Translations: Eran Catt Photo credits: Agenția Metropolitană Brașov Primăria Municipiului Brașov Revista ASTRA Nicolae Pepene Asociația Carpaterra / Mihail Iacomir Biblioteca Județeană G. Barițiu Brașov Emi Cristea Victor Ștefănescu Inovativ Media
Municipality of Brasov
Bid-Book Brasov 2021 - European Capital of Culture
In Brasov County, not afar from the old medieval road between Brasov and Sighisoara, at Mercheasa (in the commune named Homorod), 60 km from the city of Brasov, stands ”The Elder of the Carpathians“, a mountain oak (sessile), whose age is twice that of the two prominent historic towns of Romania’s past. Brasov’s historic coat of arms is a royal crown placed on the cut trunk of a mountain oak (sessile) extended in 13 strong roots.
Ever since the Middle Ages, throughout Europe, the oak symbolizes solidity, strength, longevity and height, both in the spiritual and in the material sense. It has always and everywhere represented both moral and physical strength. Also, through its crown, the oak is a symbol of hospitality and it represented the equivalent of a temple in the European art. It is the oak that the people of Brasov have chosen in 2015 as a symbol to define the past, present and near future of the city they inhabit.
Introduction – General considerations Brasov has chosen to grow through culture! The first documentary attestation of Brasov happened in 1235, under the name of Corona. It was founded by the Saxon settlers who came to Transylvania from Western Europe since the second half of the 12th century, on a dwelling that traces back in the Neolithic and Bronze Age (actually the two archaeological cultures were named after toponyms of Brasov: Noua and Dealul Melcilor). The medieval town of Brasov had the status of free city of the St. Stefan’s crown and received major political and commercial privileges from both its feudal lord, the king of Hungary, as well as from the leaders of the two Romanian neighboring medieval states, The Romanian Country (Wallachia) and Moldova. The vigor of the historical roots is given by the economic prosperity of the medieval Brasov and the personal freedom of its inhabitants. Built on the outskirts of the most important passage of the Transylvanian Carpathians, Brasov has taken advantage of its settlement on a trade route that connected the shortest trade line from the south of the Danube and Black Sea to Transylvania and further to Central Europe. Up until the late nineteenth century, Brasov had become the largest city in Transylvania. The symbol of those times is the construction of the Citadel Saxons’ parish church (the Black Church), the largest church between Vienna and Byzantium.
The city located on the border lined by the Carpathian Mountains on the border of the kingdom, empire or principality, protected its riches behind strong fortifications, erected upon the urge of King Sigismund of Luxembourg as of the dawns of the 14th century. At the burg’s borders, to the mountain, in Schei, a strong Romanian Orthodox community, politically and economically sustained by the Romanian rulers continued its development. Intensive trade south of the Danube also ushered to Brasov a significant Balkan community. In the Middle Ages, Brasov has earned a reputation unparalleled in southeast Europe because of its Saxon craftsmen. The qualitative and, where appropriate, handicrafts brought in Romanian language a special word for Brasov’s merchandise: “brasoveniile “ (T.N. – Brasov craftsmanship). Brasov’s regional influence touched the spiritual life as well. The Saxon humanist of Brasov, Johannes Honterus was a decisive personality in imposing the Protestant Reformation among Saxons. He created Brasov as the most important humanist center in Transylvania. In this cultural circumstances, he founded a printing press (1539), the first gymnasium (1542) and the first school library on the territory of Romania (1547). In this environment, in Brasov’s Schei, deacon Coresi, a Romanian scholar and printer craftsman of the late 16th century, printed the books which are currently cherished as treasures of the old Romanian language. At the first Romanian school in Schei, the first Romanian grammar book (1757) came also into existence.
Introduction – General considerations
In outstanding diplomacy, the inhabitants of Brasov kept their freedoms even after the imposition of Ottoman suzerainty by mid 16th century. At the end of the 17th century, the community of Brasov experienced its first historic stem shearing. The Habsburg Empire imposed new rules, annulled freedoms, and modernized a society accustomed until then to making its own destiny. Only a year after the Austrian occupation, in 1689, the great church of the Saxons, the city pride, became “Black” after a fire that drew a red line between the Middle Ages and the modern era, between the medieval ruins and the buildings that enrich the historic center Another dark mark in the town’s and Barsa Land’s history was the civil war between 1848 - 1849, when the European revolutionary zeal seeded an ethnic conflict that countlessly then poisoned the relations between Romanians and Hungarians for a period difficult to define. Since then, the local leaders’ wisdom and experience of the blessings of living peacefully have protected the community’s core from the strikes of extreme nationalism.
for Romanians were a secular process, however, the Hungarian population soared in the late 19th century, owing it to the Szecklers who took the jobs created during the first industrialization of the city. After WWI, Brasov evolved from the borders of an empire to the heart of a kingdom. Praised for its historical heritage and the charming natural setting, Brasov was even proposed in 1919 to become the capital of Grand Romania. The economic development of the city continued in the interwar period, as evidenced by industries with a high technological level (aviation industry). Now, the city structure branches easily with new industrial zones and housing for workers. World War II and the postwar period changed radically the life in the mountain city. A community with an organic development, with highly respected historical roots, was overcome by the class struggles, a process executed by means of the Soviet Union’s specific tools. Between 1950 - 1960, Brasov became Stalin’s homage town and the local communist propaganda struggled to write the name of the great ruler with trees on Mount Tampa. It is then that the Saxons’ tragedy started and got marked by blows received from the two totalitarian regimes that have In 1848, in Brasov, Andrei Muresanu wrote rocked the history of Europe: Nazism and the patriotic song’s lyrics “Desteapta-te Communism. romane!” (Rise, Romanian!), which became The popular democracy policy of forced industrialization in Romania and attracting the anthem of the Romanian State in 1990. rural population in the industrial proletariat caused a great urban emergence. Brasov became one of the most important workers’ th cities, being valued as the promised land for The 19 century, the “nations’ century” clearly young people who fled in from poor villages in search outlined the cultural routes for each of Brasov’s “nations”. Although they have given due weight to of a better future. In Brasov, they received from the the development of social, political and especially communist regime a chance to cover primary needs: economic relations in the community and they were jobs, houses, schools and hospitals. Moreover, they the beneficiaries of an education that cultivates found an elegant, clean city, wanted by tourists for respect for cultural and spiritual diversity, the people its clean air and diverse opportunities for leisure. In 1951, Poiana Brasov hosted the World of Brasov expressed themselves culturally in parallel universes. Kronstadt of the Saxons, Brassó of the University Winter Games. On this occasion, the Hungarians or Brasov of the Romanians emerged as first modern hotel and the first cable-car were branches of the same trunk, and pulled strength inaugurated. Other major investments followed from the same roots, yet seeking light in different that turned Poiana Brasov into the most important Romanian mountain resort. A “tourism industry” realms. th Until the mid-19 century, the Saxons represented capitalized on the cultural heritage and natural the majority of the city population. After 1900, history of the area by organizing routes, especially Brasov was a city inhabited by 121,378 people, for foreign tourists in which we discover the origin divided into three main groups of citizens of the of the most popular Transylvanian offers: ‘’Fortified empire: Romanians (44.95%), Hungarians (30.13%) Churches Tour” and “Dracula Tour “. and Germans (24.92%). If the demographic trends
Communist Brasov owned trucks, tractors, bearings factories, military industry, chemical industry, textiles, footwear, cosmetics, and food industry. Each industrial site led to the construction of apartment buildings for waves of workers. In just two decades after the war, the historic center was caught between Mount Tampa and “the mountain” of working-class concrete neighborhoods.
and mature population, the percentages related to population under 25 years failing to provide demographic regeneration on medium and long term. In terms of ethnic composition, while Brasov is known for its historical multiethnic community image, 91% of the population is made of Romanians. A higher ethnic diversity is found in the metropolitan area.
The crisis of the communist regime in the 80’s of the last century hit mainly the working-class cities. Poor living conditions, social humiliation, the political police, shameless propaganda, breach of fundamental human rights have strained the society. The silence was broken on the 15th of November 1987 by the uprising workers at the truck plant “Steagu Rosu" Brasov, Romania’s pride in heavy machinery industry. Brasov shouted for the first time in Romania, "Down with Ceausescu!", singing what was to become the anthem of the 1989 insurrection and later, of the country: "Desteapta-te romane!" (Rise, Romanian!). For many historians, the anti-communist riot in Brasov was "the beginning of the end" for the fall of communism in Romania.
After two years, Brasov became a martyr city because freedom was won also with the blood of its heroes. After 1989, with the collapse of the Romanian industry, one at a time, the industrial sites of Brasov became iron wrecks. The crisis of jobs and a better life expectancy caused emigration to Western Europe. A small part of the communist factories’ workers returned to their villages. But most people chose not to leave the community’s ‘trunk’ and tried to adapt to new realities. A symbol of post-communist Brasov is its name written in metallic letters on Mount Tampa. On the 1st of July 2014, the population of Brasov Municipality quoted 291,490 inhabitants. Brasov has a predominantly aged
Currently, Brasov appears to have overcome the postrevolutionary transitional period, being included on the list of the Romanian cities that undergo economic expansion. Since 2005, Brasov together with other 17 localities forms the Brasov metropolitan area and is considered an engine of regional development, being the only growth pole in the Central Region. After the stagnation caused by the global crisis in 2008, since 2011, the city from under Mount Tampa recorded encouraging economic indicators. In recent years, the local industry has reached 40% of the turnover and 33% of economic activity. The largest contribution to the turnover is given by car subassemblies industry companies, wood processing industry, pharmaceutical industry and food industry.
Although it’s placed on the no. 1 Romanian tourist axis, Brasov is, still, only perceived and promoted as a winter sports center and the historic city that we should see in Romania. Lack of local tourism policies and the reduced offer of holiday entertainment retain the local tourism in the short stays category. Investments made for the European Youth Olympic Festival in 2013 in Poiana Brasov led only to a growing number of tourists attracted to skiing. The city now covers 14 districts. New residential neighborhoods have been developed on the outskirts. The Astra District, the first district of apartment buildings of Brasov, remains the most crowded (25% of the population, concentrated in about 30% of its surface).
Introduction – General considerations
Definitely, Brasov is at its peak moment of evolution and is going through an extensive transformation process. The Sustainable Development Strategy of the City of Brasov in 2010-2030, presents a vision for Brasov in 2030 to be divided into a “compact city”, “mobile city “, ”touristic city”, “protective city”, “innovative city” and, according to the insert of June 2015, “cultural city “. The main objective for the compact city is “The balanced spatial development of the city as a whole and of its districts” with the following specific objectives: “The development and consolidation of the districts of the city and its two centers”; “Stimulating the compact development of the city regarding the urban dispersal, unnecessary surfaces costs and high infrastructure costs”; “The careful conservation and rehabilitation of historic buildings”; “Strengthening the function of the Historical/Old Center”; “The development of a new urban center - Civic Center”; “Creation of an axis of development among the Historical Center, Civic Center, Brasov’s Train Station and extending to the Coresi neighborhood”. The main objective for the mobile city is “The optimization of the urban mobility”, having the following specific objectives: “The creation and consolidation of an efficient transportation network that is sustainable, attractive and compatible with the city”; “The improvement of air quality and reduction of noise pollution inside the city”, “The urban traffic development adapted to the needs of the city”; “The improvement of travelling conditions
mobile city
protective city
touristic city innovative city
compact city
for pedestrians” and “Encouraging the use of environmentally friendly means of transportation.” The main objective for the touristic city is the “The development of the touristic destination of Brasov with the following specific objectives: “The development and promotion of the touristic destination and of the Brasov brand”, “The improvement and expansion of tourism products and offers” and “The strengthening and interconnection of existing artistic and cultural offers.” The main objective for the protective city is “Improving the quality of healthcare, education and social services” with the following specific objectives: “The development of social offers and educational institutions according to the existing demand”; “The integration of all population groups in the urban society “and “The provision of health care.” The main objective for the innovative city is “Increasing the economic competitiveness with emphasis on environmental protection” with the following specific objectives: “Brasov – The Green Capital of Europe”; “Improvement of economic competitiveness. Special task – To stimulate economic growth in the areas of manufacturing, automotive, aeronautical technology, medical technology, IT technology, energy technology and use of renewable energy and services“; “The interconnection of education, research and economy domains.” Specifically in 2010, when the Development Strategy was launched, the key role that culture holds in the new economic and societal context had not been identified. Then, especially after 2013, when Brasov hosted the European Youth Olympic Festival and the organization of the event involved a mobilization that went beyond sports area, local authorities and civil society realized that a city with an international sports agenda needs a cultural setting to match. Step by step, authorities understood that culture cannot be an appendage of tourism; that it is not a secondary dimension of socio-economic development. On the public agenda, culture emerged as an important topic.
Many people in Brasov began to imagine not only how their city would look like in 2030, but also how a citizen of Brasov would look like in 2030. Slowly but surely, the people of Brasov begin to understand the function of culture in the sustainable development of the society: “a social and communitarian development factor, a life quality factor, an essential part of the individuals’ and societies’ way of life, the expression of (individual, group, regional, national, etc.) identity and, equally, of diversity and difference, of core values and fundamental rights. Culture contributes to the society structuring and to the development of the human personality and has an important role in achieving social integration and in the fight against all forms of exclusion and marginalization”. The public discourse was amplified by the subject of Brasov’s candidacy for the title of European Capital of Culture 2021. It was the opportunity yet not the reason for which Brasov city went straight to the completion of its sustainable development strategy, horizon 2030, by including culture on the list of the development priorities. The programmatic insert was conducted in June 2015, after consulting the decision makers and all the local stakeholders. Therefore, the sustainable development priorities have been changed so that the “compact city” implies also “the polycentric development support of cultural and creative sectors offers to increase the quality of life and to combat social exclusion”; the “touristic city” includes measures “for the development of cultural and creative industries as a pillar of sustainable development”; the “innovative city” includes, as of now, the cultural and creative industries as well. The new priority, the “cultural city” aims at “potentiating the capacity of cultural and creative sectors to contribute and to effectively support the socio-economic development of the city of Brasov and, in the same time, to provide residents of the city and of the metropolitan area the satisfaction of their cultural needs and aspirations by generating the strengthening of the sense of belonging and of identity and increase their participation in the cultural life that promotes diversity in the European context “. The concept of “cultural city” is designed and developed through five axes of action, the responsibility for implementing belonging to both the public administration and to the civil society in a joint effort, a medium and long term partnership assumed for and to the benefit of culture.
We invest in CULTURE Free CULTURE Mobilization for CULTURE Smart solutions for CULTURE CULTURE for the community
As a natural consequence, the next step was to prepare a Strategy for Culture for 2015-2030. The document was drafted in the summer - autumn of 2015 and handed in to the beneficiaries (Brasov City Hall and Brasov Metropolitan Agency), after public consultations and sociological documentation comprised in a study of consumption and cultural consumption practices. We admit that the urgent elaboration of the long-term Strategy for culture was imposed when preparing Brasov City’s candidacy for European Capital of Culture 2021. Thus, we can appreciate that the project Brasov - European Capital of Culture 2021 already produced an unprecedented mobilization of all the local stakeholders. Started in November 2012, by means of a proposal submitted to Brasov’s City Council, the Brasov - European Capital of Culture in 2021 project grew either slowly or rapidly, at a pace imposed by the priorities of local authorities, political environment, economic strength and communitarian influence.
Introduction – General considerations
In 2012 and early 2013, the community of Brasov focused on the most important international event ever hosted by Brasov: The European Youth Olympic Festival 2013. In no time, Brasov’s City Hall has completed major sports infrastructure projects (the olympic rink, the ski domain) and mobilized the community. The event was successful and the IOC top officials appreciated Brasov EYOF 2013 as the most successful edition in the history of the 11 editions of the European competition. In 2014, the Brasov - European Capital of Culture in 2021 skiable continued with the support of “Transilvania” University of Brasov. The main activities were a sociological research and a campaign meant to inform the people of Brasov. In early 2015, the project has become a “live” topic for the community being addressed in the debates initiated by the stakeholders and mentioned on the local authorities’ list of priorities.
The concrete results emerged immediately: the insert on culture in The Sustainable Development Strategy of Brasov (June 2015), the elaboration of a study on culture and cultural consumption practices for Brasov and the metropolitan area of Brasov (August 2015) and The long-term strategy for culture in Brasov (October 2015). We have to mention that in 2015 Brasov submitted its candidacy for Brasov Youth Olympic Games 2020, together with two cities from the metropolitan area (Rasnov, Predeal) and the private biathlon track at Cheile Gradistei- Fundata. On 31st of July 2015, in Kuala Lumpur, representatives of participant countries of the International Olympic Committee had to choose between Lausanne and Brasov. The winner was the Swiss city. Although it did not win the competition, Brasov understood that the presence in a high-level international final is a victory. The candidacy project demonstrated that one can compete at a high level only when you have specific infrastructure, community support and a team spirit based on fairness, collegiality and collaboration.
The European Capital of Culture title is the most desirable answer for any European cultural city for the need for prestige.
The slogan for Brasov - European Capital of Culture 2021 is "EUROPA CORONA" CORONA is the name under which Brasov was mentioned for the first time in 1235. It is the name of the beginning of multicultural, historical and traditional Brasov. But it may also be a name for the future, for a beginning of history called "Brasov - European Capital of Culture". CORONA or The Crown, translated from Latin,
symbolizes in the culture of Europe the reward of an attempt, a promise for better living, the access to a valued symbol of consecration. The Crown signifies honor, majesty, joy, victory. It rewards a race towards a goal, being the sign of a success manifestation. In medieval secular art, The Crown is also the attribute of Europe.
In 2015, Brasov chose to be a “cultural city” and decided to grow through culture, to have a European cultural dimension. It’s a long road, a steep ascent, which requires a halt where to refresh forces, to enjoy the image left behind, the altitude reached, and, not least, to plan the next path to take. "The halt" is the European Capital of Culture 2021, a project that can transform Brasov in a meeting point on the cultural map of Europe
The long-term strategy for culture (2015 - 2030) is divided into two stages marked off by the year 2021. The programmatic document, assumed by the local authorities contains the obligation of major investments in cultural infrastructure and diversification of the cultural agenda. Regardless of the outcome of the application, the city of Brasov is committed to a sustained multi-sectorial partnership for cultural governance.
Not being generated by political interests of the state or propaganda, the new cultural infrastructure of Brasov can receive, through the project Brasov - European Capital of Culture in 2021 a European agenda or, if performance will allow it, a prestigious brand, even a European rank (ex. Marseille 2013 - Musée des Civilisations de l’Europe et de la Méditerranée). History has not been generous with cultural Brasov. Empires and kingdoms have not built in Brasov a Palace of Culture nor republics have invested in a Polyvalent Hall, Brasov has not hosted any institute of the Royal or Republican Academy and Brasov people wonder what guilt could they possibly have to not receive the National rank for their Theatre or Opera. Cities which are cultural title holders added progressively a new dimension, using leverage to boost the prestige of a more general development.
Success of candidature would require a relocation of local priorities. The long term sustainable development of Brasov would be shaped primarily by the commitment “We grow through culture”. The decision would identify the legacy of the European Capital of Culture title in the citizens’ welfare and the prosperity of the city. The new economic context would determine and develop long term cultural and creative sectors. Brasov would turn into an innovative, modern, cultural city, with a high quality of life for citizens, with significant investments and economic opportunities.
In a community, the height, in a spiritual way, solidity, strength, we believe that are given by the targets chosen. To be a European Capital of Culture is the crown that can provide the local community with strength and ambition to fight for a radical change of mentality. Brasov needs a unifying project that would gather the people of Brasov in the same “team”, without ethnic, social, economic discrimination, and respond to the need for esteem felt by any European community. “Europa Corona” can regenerate a local community through cultural consumption habits and personal creative projects and train a generation of children and young people to perceive and participate to culture as a normal part of their lives.
Introduction – General considerations
Brasov needs the ‘sap’ and diversity of the European culture. Brasov people should discover their city looking to Europe, realizing how deep and strong the common roots are. In this regard, for the project Brasov - European Capital of Culture in 2021 a concept that highlights both the richness and diversity of European cultures and common characteristics was chosen, thereby promoting greater mutual understanding among European citizens.
Branches of the same cultural and spiritual trunk, united by common values and ideals, the cities of Europe 2021 will discover how well knows the city of Brasov to appreciate the crown of cultural Europe and its heritage
The application for Brasov - European Capital of Culture in 2021 was written in a delicate moment for the unity of Europe. It is a time when the call for culture provides answers and solutions for the future! It’s an important moment in which we must seek Europe in us! We must think that Europe is not an inheritance from our ancestors and parents, Europe is borrowed from our children!
Now, Brasov has chosen to grow through culture!
The city of Brasov and Barsa Land Brasov – European Capital of Culture 2021 project also comprises the Metropolitan Area of Brasov, which mainly overlaps with a historically and ethnographically defined area, named Tara Barsei /Burzenland / Barcaság (Barsa Land).
The legend of Brasov's coat of arms Even before the German's settled in Transylvania, the Hungarian King Solomon went to war against the savage Cumans and succeeded in throwing them away to the border territories. However, the enemies surrounded here The King and his warriors and put them in great danger. From a safe hiding-place, the Cumans shot many arrows towards the royal army which was growing weaker and smaller. The arrows were whizzing mostly around the king, for the crown that he had on the helmet was showing the enemies who he was. When the king noticed this, took the crown from the helmet and put it, while riding, on a tree trunk. Now, the enemies were no longer able to recognise him, so they imagined they've killed him. Therefore, they felt inspirited and advanced in force. The royal army had to withdraw, but the pagans didn't recognize the runaway king and believed he was dead. This is how King Solomon saved his life by sacrificing his crown. The royal crown remained on that tree trunk, unnoticed by anyone, for many, many years, until the Saxons found it (…).
The Saxons established a community and erected the city hall on the very spot where the crown has been found. They named the new city, in honour of the crown, Kronstadt (The City of the Crown). All the urban buildings, the flags, the shields, were decorated with the coat of arms, the crown or the crown on the tree trunk. Later on, an interpretation of the coat of arms has been attempted: The roots represent the 13 rural communities from the Barsa Land, whose inhabitants, just like the roots, work the land and take their products into town. As the roots not only support the tree but also give it strength and stability in front of storms, in the same manner the rural communities from land of Barsa protect the city from destruction. As the roots are not visible, so is he quiet work of the peasant. The strong trunk symbolizes the city: the tough, hard bark resembles the city’s fortified walls. The crown represents the king. On the trunk, the crown lies safely the same way as the king can count on the support and loyalty of the city of Brasov.
Introduction – General considerations
Barsa Land is geographically outlined by the Barsa depression, covering a land surrounded by chains of the Carpathian Mountains. Barsa Land’s hearth has the appearance of a genuine plain, although we find ourselves in the heart of the mountains and the maximum altitude does not go lower than 500 m. Within this natural fortress, at the border between the East and the West, the pathways of history and civilizations met, with their extraordinary ethnical and cultural infusion, and with the ongoing movement of people and values. It appears that at the origin of the “Barsa” toponym stands the German word Wurzel = “root”, a symbol that we discover in the historical flag of Brasov and the city of Codlea. In its historical sense, Barsa Land has as equivalent the administrative-territorial structure of the District of Brasov, documented since 1331, as well as its subservient villages. “The Crown” of the local historical heritage is made up of the Saxon medieval fortified churches and the Rasnov citadel. Having been controlled both politically and administratively by the Saxons up until the first half of the 20th century, the settlements of Barsa Land represented the agricultural hinterland of Brasov. During the communist period, according to the industrialization scenario, many rural communities became cities (Rasnov, Codlea, Sacele). The Land of Barsa, promoted within the cultural tourism framework as “Little Transylvania”, holds, even without Brasov, a historic heritage relevant at European level: fortified evangelical churches (Codlea, Cristian, Ghimbav, Harman, Prejmer, Sanpetru, Vulcan) of which the Prejmer church is listed as a UNESCO site, medieval fortresses (Rasnov, Feldioara), and the oldest orthodox church in south-eastern Transylvania (Rasnov). Furthermore, there are many naturally protected areas: the secular oak forest of Cristian, Lempes Hill, the Harman swampland, the Prejmer forest and swampland, Tamina waterfall, Seven Ladders canyon, Valley of the Fortress cave etc. The metropolitan area of Brasov informally appeared as a result of the development of The Sustainable Development Plan for Brasov Municipal City, in the year of 2005. This action led to the creation of a NonGovernmental Organization – Brasov Metropolitan Agency for Sustainable Development – BMA.
The metropolitan area of Brasov forms an urbanrural territory, with a surface of 136,101 ha, and with a total population of 403,867 inhabitants. It represents a geographically, historically, and culturally compact space, made up of the polarizing centre, Brasov and 17 surrounding localities, respectively, two municipal cities, four cities and eleven villages: - Brasov municipality (Kronstadt/ Brassó); Codlea (Zeiden/ Feketehalom) and Sacele (Vierdörfer/ Négyfalu); - cities: Ghimbav (Weidenbach/ Vidombák), Predeal, Rasnov (Rosenau/ Barca-Rozsnyó), Zarnesti (Zernescht / Zernest); - villages: Budila (Bodeln/Bodola), Bod (Brenndorf/ Botfalu), Cristian (Neustadt/ Keresztényfalva), Crizbav (Krebsbach/ Krizba), Feldioara (Marienburg/ Földvár), Halchiu (Heldsdorf/ Höltövény), Sanpetru (Petersberg/ Barcaszentpéter), Harman (Honigberg/ Szászhermány), Prejmer (Tartlau/ Prázsmár), Tarlungeni (Tatrang) and Vulcan (Wolkendorf/ Volkány). The administrative units of the aforementioned cities are members of the Brasov Metropolitan Agency for Sustainable Development. Since its founding, the Metropolitan Area Brasov has developed a medium-term and long-term partnership for the development of Brasov and its surrounding cities, after a model established by the 120 regions or metropolitan areas knows at the European level. The presence of an ample urban centre, together with two municipalities and four small size cities offers the area the conditions for a balanced economic development. An important role in the development process is played by the rural communities which have the majority of the natural resources on their territory. The combination of the advantages given by the urban and rural environments has set the basis of a developing micro-region, which has both a regional and a national impact. In 2010, within the Integrated Urban Development Plan (IUDP), many objectives and development projects were defined. Brasov city remains the core of strategic development, dominating the metropolitan area by 85%. However, identifying viable alternatives on the outskirts of Brasov led to the local public administration’s decision regarding the movement of industrial production units outside of the city. Thus, we can note that Brasov and the metropolitan area started to develop together, from an economical perspective, more and more. An example of good practice is the transportation infrastructure of the metropolitan area. This represents an adequate inter-urban transportation road and
railway network. Completion of works for the ring road around Brasov allows for the transfer between the farthest points of the metropolitan area in an hour maximum, thus easing access for residents in and from Brasov, regardless of their residential area. Including the Brasov metropolitan area in the Brasov – European Capital of Culture 2021 project was a natural decision, required by the historical and cultural common roots, the secular organic development, the experience of joint projects and the common plans for the future. It is not an “artificial” creation just for the title of European Capital of Culture, but it respects the “roots of Barsa Land,” the geo-political characteristics, historical identity and a clear line of action on a long term.
For Brasov 2021, it was a key decision which brings huge advantages both to the European cultural projects, as well as to the Barsa Land communities. The need for prestige is specific to any community. The project has the ability to connect an entire area to cultural Europe and to positively contribute to the social and economic metropolitan prosperity. The necessity for cultural education and creating habits for culture consumption must represent priorities for the local authorities, in the context of the existence of a larger and larger category of cultural non-consumers in Brasov. The European dimension of the project will determine the growth of the feeling of belonging to the large community of Barsa Land and the involvement of the inhabitants, directly or indirectly, will strengthen the social cohesion. The perspective of durable development is a necessity for all the cities within the metropolitan area. The collaboration begun in October 2015, when all the representatives of local authorities from all the city halls in the metropolitan area pragmatically (through formal statements) assumed the objectives and the concept of Brasov – European Capital of Culture 2021. The context of collaboration was created by the Brasov Metropolitan Agency for Sustainable Development, an organization which got actively involved in the preparation of the project as a member of the Brasov 2021 – European Capital of Culture Association.
In the coordination and management structures for Brasov 2021 – European Capital of Culture, the role of these partners is clear, being restricted to a consultation status. Also, every partner maintains their independence regarding decisions in the cultural field. The commitment to financial, administrative and logistic implication of the members of the Metropolitan Area Brasov in the 2021 project implies a valorisation strategy for the cultural and historical heritage of Barsei Land, a common cultural agenda generated by the artistic programme of the European Capital of Culture, increasing the efficiency of metropolitan cultural infrastructure and a common promotion policy, starting with 2016, under the “EUROPA CORONA” slogan. For the stage before 2021 and the year of the capital, the candidate city favours the use of culture as a driving force for impulses stemming from Barsa Land roots, from “down up”. This way, the dedicated cultural events, some even of European value (e.g. International Historical Film Festival Rasnov), shall have the possibility to “extend” into the cultural area of Brasov. The exercise of a successful collaboration between the cities within the metropolitan area in international scale projects already exists. Brasov and Poiana Brasov have already teamed up with Rasnov and Predeal, both in organizing EYOWF 2013, as well as in preparing the candidacy for Youth Olympic Games 2020. Another challenge for Brasov 2021 is the vicinity with the villages of Bran, Moieciu and Fundata, which are nationally important touristic destinations. Situated at 30 km from Brasov, the touristic area of Bran is known internationally due to the Dracula myth and it represents one of the most important agromountainous touristic destinations in Romania. The Brasov – European Capital of Culture 2021 project needs to offer a professional alternative for the exploitation of the cultural and touristic potential of the Bran-Moieciu area, under the conditions of a poor cultural agenda in all the area’s villages and of an increasing kitsch phenomenon in the case of the Dracula myth. The popular culture of the most important pass through the Transylvanian Carpathians and Dracula are themes with extraordinary potential for any cultural field and shall be part of the artistic programme prepared for Brasov 2021.
Introduction – General considerations
General cultural profile At present, the culture of Brasov city is secluded to the historic centre, being “guarded” by the Romanian local, county, or national authorities, as well as by historic religious authorities (the Evangelical Church, the Orthodox Church, the Roman-Catholic Church and the Mosaic Cult). In the old city centre, the representative buildings of the city (the Council House, the Black Church), all museums, theatres, the only local cultural centre and the majority of art galleries are concentrated on a radius of only 1 km. Were we to expand the circle by 1 km, we would also encompass the Opera House, the Philharmonic and the oldest church in the city, St. Bartholomew. Apart from this, the local cultural landscape is reduced to two privately owned cinemas in commercial malls, concerts at the University Auditorium, temporary exhibitions organized in a commercial mall and a conference centre as well as festivals organized outdoors at Pietrele lui Solomon (Solomon’s Rocks) or Noua Lake. The cultural lanscape between the walls of the Citadel* or in the immediate vicinity is divided among the following: Cultural institutions Brasov County History Museum Art Museum Ethnography Museum, with the “Brasov Urban Civilization Museum” section Brasov County Council “Reduta” Cultural Centre “Tiberiu Brediceanu” Arts and Crafts Popular School “G. Barițiu” County Library
Historical buildings Council House Bastionul Țesatorilor (Weaver’s Bastion) Graft Bastion White Tower Black Tower Drapers’ Bastion
“Sica Alexandrescu” Dramatic Theatre Brasov Opera House Brasov City Hall Brasov Philharmonic “Arlechino” Childrens’ Theatre “Patria” Cinema “Transilvania” Multicultural Centre University of Brasov The Ministry of Interior
Brasov County Service for National Archives
Romanian Orthodox Church “Prima Scoala Romaneasca” Metropolitan Church of (First Romanian School) Museum from Transylvania Scheii Brasovului
Bastionul Fierarilor (Blacksmith’s Bastion) St. Nicholas Church St. Trinity Church
C.A. Evangelical Church in Romania
The Black Church St. Bartholomew Church St. Martin Church
Roman-Catholic Church
St. Peter and Paul Church
Mozaic Cult Ministry of National Defence
Ashkenazi New Synagogue Military Centre
*Citadel = the neighbourhood delineated by the old medieval fortifications. At present, it is named the Historical Centre.
The status of the heritage is identical to that of Barsa Land: all fortified churches are in the property of the C.A. Evangelical Church, and the Rasnov and Feldioara medieval citadels are administered by local authorities. To this entire analysis we also have to add the fact that the historical area is dominated by touristic business and their clients, while the cultural scene is firstly occupied by institutions managed by the public sector. The situation is generally accepted by the local community and the importance of the cultural heritage is seen by the majority of the inhabitants of Brasov in close relationship with the development of tourism and keeping identities and traditions.
Other cultural manifestations organized in Brasov are: The Contemporary Drama Festival, the Jazz and Blues Festival, Etnovember, the Musica Barcensis Festival, the Opera, Operetta, and Ballet Festival, the International Festival for Chamber Music, the “Vibrate!” International Festival for Chamber Music and Arts, the Season of Music Faculty in Brasov, the Student Festival for Chamber Music, the “Comedy Week” Theatre Festival, Dracula Film: Horror and Fantasy, “AnimEST BRASOV” Festival, the Days of German and French Films, AMURAL Visual Arts Festival, the “Bohemian Square” Urban Culture Festival, the Stand Up Fest Festival, the “Garofita Pietrei Craiului” International Festival, The “Romana” Dance Festival, and the International Book and Music Fair.
Brasov is in essence a multicultural city, supported by a historic heritage attested for centuries. There is even ‘live’ evidence of the historical cultural profile through the survival of ancient cultural and ethnic communities within the narrow local neighborhood occupied ever since the dawns of time (the Saxons Fortress and Brasuvechi; the old Romanians - Schei; the Szekler Hungarians - Blumana). They are also holders of the intangible heritage of the community previous to the communist era (traditions, legends and stories). Brasov is but a mere example of a city that abode for hundreds of years folk traditions and medieval or premodern brotherhoods. Thus, the Romanians in Schei have kept an old traditional outfit for at least three centuries, ancient games and unique rituals in the Roman oriental space.
The most important cultural magazines in Brasov are “ASTRA,” a national magazine for popularizing history, with a literature and arts supplement, the local history magazines “CUMIDAVA” and “Tara Barsei” (T.N. – Barsa Land), the “” magazine, the Aisberg Mural Magazine, issued by the Reduta Cultural Centre, and, an online literature magazine. The cultural TV shows on the local TV channels are rare, but the radio-TV local news, the written and online media promptly signal out the cultural events.
Contemporary art and the creative industry are a timid presence on the Brasov cultural stage. With regards to participation, the annual cultural agenda is dominated by “The Days of Brasov,” an event organized by the City Hall, and the Celebration of Juni, a traditional cultural manifestation.
Brasov is university centre, with a very strong tradition in technical studies and forestry. “Transilvania” University of Brasov is the largest institution of higher education in the Central Region, with 18 faculties: Mechanical Engineering, Technology and Industrial Management, Materials Science and Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Forestry, Wood Industry, Constructions, Food and Tourism, Product Design and Environment, Mathematics and Computer Science, Economics and Business Administration, Psychology, Physical Education and Mountaineering Sports, Music, Medicine, Letters, Law, Sociology and Communication. Today, the University has 20,000 students who attend 100 undergraduate study programs, 66 masters and doctoral degree in 17 fields. Over 60% of university students are from outside Brasov from the in nearby counties, especially from Buzau, Vrancea, Prahova, Dambovita, Braila.
Introduction – General considerations
The cultural profile of Brasov people The study of cultural consumption conducted this summer indicates the fact that with regards to public consumption of cultural products, the people of Brasov prefer participating in local holidays/events (16.1% at least once a month), followed by watching movies in the cinemas (11.6% at least once a month), participating in different kinds of festivals (9.5% at least once a month), entertainment shows (7.5% at least once a month) and visiting museums (6.7% at least once a month). One reason of dissatisfaction is represented by the fact that the cultural events are concentrated in the city centre and the lack of cultural offer in the neighbourhoods. Regarding the cultural consumption of shows, the inhabitants of Brasov participate more in theatre productions (8.5% on a monthly basis). It is important to note that the non-consumer segment (53.5%) is lower than the national level (63.2%). The general activities of spending free time are much more present in the life of Brasov people than those specific to cultural consumption. The profile of free time for the population of Brasov is composed of walks in the parks and green areas (54.8% weekly), visits to commercial centres for shopping (13.7% weekly) and sports for keeping fit (13.4% weekly). At home, the people of Brasov prefer watching TV programmes, listening to music or radio and watching movies (all these activities are performed on a daily basis).
Thus, presently, the European cultural interaction is predominantly accomplished through movies or series and through viewing European TV shows. The people of Brasov “know� Europe more through the stories of the close relatives who live in another European Union country and through the friendship relationships developed in other European countries, most predominantly in Germany, Italy and Spain. The profile of the person opened (very interested) to interaction with people and European cultural elements is that of the young person (18-34 years of age) with higher education degree. The young are the demographic category giving the biggest number of participants in different forms of public cultural consumption or activities for spending leisure time outside their home. The consumption study requested by the local authorities for the long-term cultural strategy shows that, at the city level, there is a segment of citizens (7.4%) not to be overlooked, which usually engages in creative activities daily. Thus, a creative potential of the population arises, and we can assume their preference with regards to their implication in the creative act, not just from the perspective of consuming it. With regards to the level of attractiveness, we note that the majority of Brasov people have a positive appreciation towards their city: a clean, safe, quiet city, without air pollution, while also a city in which you cannot get bored, thus a young city. The negative opinions especially target the wellbeing and economic development, expressed by the difficulty in finding a workplace and long-term residency, through rent or real-estate purchases.
“We are all people of the mountains” (The United Nations Programme for the Environment, 2002)
Brasov 2021 – European Capital of Culture concept
“For a city, just as for a country, the geographic position is that which for the ephemeral life of people is the elders’ vision, The Parcae Decision” (Nicolae Orghidan, Brasov, Geographic positioning, in “Tara Barsei” (T.N.– Barsa County magazine, Nov. – Dec. 1933)
The analysis of cultural consumption practices in the public space highlights the fact that the people of Brasov are very attached to the places for outdor relaxation and to the natural surroundings which protect their lives. This reality was the starting point for choosing the Brasov 2021 – European Capital of Culture concept, taking into consideration the participative dimension of the European cultural project. Brasov is a mountain city. The people of Brasov are people of the mountains. Their life is dominated, while also shielded, physically and intellectually by the protective nature of the mountain ridges surrounding the city. The most present mountain in the lives of the people of Brasov is Tampa. From the “Brasovia” fortified citadel, built by the Saxons in Brasov at the beginning of their history, until the 19th century, when the people of Brasov, together with the whole of Europe, discovered tourism in the mountains, from the ‘assault’ of symbols, which started with the ‘St. Leonard’s’ chapel and continued with the statue that marks the anniversary of the Hungarian Millennium, the writing of Stalin’s name and “Brasov” in the Hollywood style, the mountain of Tampa has been a political, social and cultural barometer of the community at its base.
A place of refuge, prayer and homage, the Tampa mountain has been, for more than a century, the “recreation park” of the people of Brasov and an attraction site for tourists. The Postavarul Peak is the other mountain close to the souls of Brasov people. Taller and farther away, Postavarul has meant the touristic discovery of the Mountain, going from cultural boundaries to the modern era. The first trekking paths on the mountain were marked by the people of Brasov over 100 years ago. In a Romantic era, the Postavarul Mountain became the symbol for discovery and thought. During the same period, Brasov rose as the pioneer of winter sports in the east of Europe, by setting up the first ski association on today’s territory of Romania (1905). After that, during the communist era, Postavarul, with its ski slopes patronized the development of “the pearl of Romanian mountain tourism,” Poiana Brasov, and recently was the host of one of the most important international winter sport event organized in Romania until now, namely EYOWF 2013. More so, Postavarul, named by the Saxons „Schuler”/ the Mountain of schoolchildren, is the mountain of the youth, the meadow at its foothills (Poiana Brasov) being, from the beginning of the 18th century, the place where the pupils would spend time “in songs and joy.”
Introduction – General considerations
Thus, the MOUNTAIN is the theme that inspires the Brasov 2021 – European Capital of Culture project. Associating the cultural behaviour of the people of Brasov with the geographical positioning of the city represents much more than a concept or an artistic vision; this long-term “partnership” between culture and nature is the confirmation of the traditional passion of the people of Brasov for the mountain, a welcomed and original link with the local development of the mountain sports, a cultural approach which is a national first, a confirmation for the local community that spending time outdoors does not exclude culture, an added valence for Brasov’s ambiance in order to become the green capital of Europe and, most importantly, Brasov’s contribution to the European contemporary cultural dimension and the invitation to (re)discover the European civilization of the mountains.
Yes, in 2021, Brasov is inviting Europe to celebrate THE MOUNTAIN! In 2021, the Europeans, regardless of the altitude they live at, will understand and enjoy the CIVILIZATION OF THE MOUNTAIN!
Artists of Europe will repeat an experience which has been lived for hundreds of years by the culture of Europe: the Mountain inspires! Citizens of Europe will (re)discover an experience which has been lived for hundreds of years by the peoples of Europe: Culture inspires! In 2021, Brasov will show Europe, starting from the green aspect of its cultural space to the white of the North and the blue of the South, that when the Mountain inspires, Culture respires!
The Brasov 2021 – European Capital of Culture concept:
The civilization of the mountain Civilization means community, space, cultural area, era. The mountain represents a part of Europe’s roots. The European mountains are renowned for their resources, the social discipline of their inhabitants, the high quality of the human communities and the important roads. There are places where, throughout history, freedom developed proudly and wild. The mountains developed the economy of the plains through their resources, were rich in people, being a resource for workers and soldiers and a refuge for people from areas without mountains; they offered and received values, goods, people and prestige.
Nowadays, the forest riches, deposits, the herds and tourism are economic drives for Europe. The European Mountains, regardless of the geographic coordinates, offer a special cultural model: the inhabitants know how to “negotiate” the resources, to live quietly, seen by others as virtue or avarice, as they understand it. The mountains and the rivers which flow to the seas and oceans represent unity in diversity. The diversity of cultures of the European Mountains represents a part of Europe’s charm, and the culture routes which cross them spread the values of a United Europe.
The Culture of Europe holds a rich symbolism of the MOUNTAIN. For all the European peoples, the mountain is tied to ideas of height and centre. The mountain is the meeting place between the sky and land, shelter of the gods and the end of man’s accession. Seen from above, it appears as a peak of a vertical line, as the centre of the world; seen from below, from the horizon, it appears as a vertical line, as a world axis, as well as a ladder, ascending. The mountain also expresses notions of stability, immutability, and sometimes even purity. The mountain is the shelter of the gods and its ascent appears to be a means of getting in touch with the Divine. The mountain also symbolizes the ascent to a spiritual nature, an elevation towards knowledge. A peak which rises to the skies is the opposition among the principles which make up the world, land and water, just like the man’s destiny (to walk from down upwards).
The CIVILIZATION OF THE MOUNTAIN concept is contained in the objectives reunited under the form of the Mountain Civilization Decalogue, a name inspired by the Mountain Decalogue, published by Luis Trenker, in the book Meine Berge. 1. “Honour those who created for you, the masters who conquered the first trail and the first grasps to the top, as well as those who have laid the last stone.” It respects the long-term cultural Strategy, including programmes/cultural axes which begin to grow in 2016, mature in 2021 and extend to the second phase of the strategy, 2021-2030. Organically connected to the city and having an adequate and viable infrastructure, the Civilization of the Mountain concept helps the city ascend to the next cultural levels. It pursues the consolidation of the capacities of the cultural and creative sectors, which impact the development of long-term relations between the cultural, economic, and social sectors of Brasov and the metropolitan area.
2. “See the mountain as a paradise in which God placed you as the new Adam; help it keep its originality and holiness.” The artistic vision is the Mountain. The artistic strategy will ensure diversity and quality of activities, highlighting the European cultural diversity and the constructive role of intercultural dialogues between generations. The vision and strategy are meant to attract the local, European, and international public interest. 3. “Be a good mate! If you are a leader, avoid being authoritative and stubborn, conceited or supercilious; prove you have understanding and patience” The quality and diversity of activities in which European artists are taking part is defining for the success of Brasov 2021. Implementing the concept implies cooperation with operators or cities from different countries, including, when necessary, cities which hold the title, as well as transnational partnerships.
Introduction – General considerations
4. “Defend the honour of your Association and not just that of the badge you wear, but also that of the big community who made the world of mountains accessible to you and which serves a bigger idea, not just your comfort. Be proud you are part of this community and that you can participate in its life.” Brasov 2021 belongs to the people of Brasov and the concept is based on the involvement of local artists and cultural organizations in order to develop and implement cultural programmes. The main challenge is the ability to combine the local cultural heritage and the traditional art forms with the new, innovative, and experimental cultural expressions. 5. “You do not have to belittle the beliefs, traditions or particularities of the mountain inhabitants. Remind yourself that you are just a passing guest through those grounds… just as through this world.” It highlights the common aspects of cultures, the heritage and history of Europe, as well as current European topics. It draws attention to the Carpathian region and offers a new European perspective from its marginal position. 6. “Respect the cabin just as you respect your own home.” It involves the local population and the civil society in preparing the candidacy and implementing the Brasov 2021 project. It develops volunteering.
7. “Do not be stingy with your wealth, nor with your knowledge. Let your decisions be determined by the capacity to resist of the weakest.” It increases wellbeing and cooperation among Europeans, promoting creative industries, creating new and sustainable economic opportunities for a wide range of citizens, especially the young. 8. “Let your alpine ideal be that of tasting with the same pleasure a beautiful Sunday on the peak of a hill just as, on another occasion, the hardest escarpment.” It opens the mind of the city inhabitants to other realities and cultural communities, challenging a change in the cultural behaviour and an extension of public categories. It aims at cultural education through participation of the local schools. 9. “It’s not necessary to be the perfect climber from the beginning. Don’t get the same experience as the one who, because of all the cliffs and walls, could not see the mountain anymore.” It offers the chance to marginalized and disadvantaged people, the people with disabilities, the elderly and the children to assist or participate in the cultural activities. 10. “Thoroughly prepare any trip, whether you go on it alone, or with friends or with guides. The intellectual preparation has to be just as complete as the mountain equipment.” It creates the best coordination and cooperation structure between local authorities and cultural management. It uses experience and competences adequate for the European cultural environment, especially in the artistic field and it prepares local managers to ensure sustainability of the inheritance of the 2021 moment.
The contribution to the long term strategy We grow through culture!
In the vision of the Strategy for Sustainable Development of Brasov City 2030, as of June 2015, Brasov = Cultural City appeared. The 2030 strategy is more than an ambitious program of urban regeneration. It started a process that aims at changing the current model of strategic development in social, economic and cultural dimensions. Then, in October 2015 “We grow through culture” became a long-term strategy to transform Brasov into a cultural city with contemporary European dimension, valuing an educated community to assume a unified manner of action in solving social, economic and cultural needs, with a diverse and inventive approach in achieving strategic objectives, having a normal growth, in phases. At the core of the cultural strategy lie the present needs and the future of Brasov’s citizens, from children to seniors. The cultural strategy aims to strengthen the cultural identity of the city in order to make its cultural activities more accessible to citizens and more attractive for tourists, businesses and investors. The strategy advocates for the allocation of responsibilities between the cultural community, civil society, cultural groups, associative groups and not least the authorities with administrative and political power. The first stage in the decision to develop a strategy for culture for a time horizon that reaches 2030 was the recognition of the fact that, today, Brasov has not a notable and coherent cultural emulation and a strategy on short or medium term would have faced the lack of general perspective setting. Also, the opportunity to participate in the European Capital of Culture 2021 competition resulted in defining a strategy for culture that meets the cultural trends in the European cultural environment. Beyond the sectorial approach, “We grow through culture” there is a strategy focused on three strategic objectives: “work together “, “learn together” “and “ live together”.
The extended definition for “We grow through culture” is “We invest in culture”, “Free culture “, “Mobilization for Culture, “ Smart solutions for culture”, “ and “Culture for the community”. The long-term cultural strategy “We grow through culture” was very clear split into two parts, separated by the year 2021: Phase I. 2015 - 2021: Ensuring primary needs for cultural development. This is the cultural city’s “roots “ extension period, as Brasov is investing in a new cultural infrastructure, develops restoration and conservation of the historical heritage programs and initiates projects according to the priority axes of the programming strategy, focuses on cultural education, finishing, if it obtains the title of European Capital of Culture, by the implementation of the European cultural project, Civilization of The Mountain. Phase II: 2022 - 2030: Strengthening the cultural city and European belonging status through continuity. It is the time when Brasov demonstrates that it remains a “forever young” cultural city by ensuring sustainability of the cultural dimension and development of the European cultural city quality.
The main objectives of the cultural strategy were designed through five action tracks, from which priority programming axes are developed. The implementation responsibility belongs to both the local authority and the civil society in a joint sustained effort, a medium and long-term partnership assumed for and to the benefit of culture. The axes of action were designed to determine the active participation of citizens in shaping and assuming the belonging not only to a geographical space, but also to a cultural and creative dynamic and diverse space that not only resides, but lives - fully, creatively, in harmony with the natural and cultural heritage.
They were grouped in the acronym B.R.A.S.O.V. B - Bridging: creating bridges between past and future, between generations, between the public and private sector, between the national and European / International Dimensions; R - Revealing: protecting, valuing and enhancement of history and heritage as sources for the development of local cultural and creative potential; A - Activating: activating the participation of all citizens and actors of change; S - Sharing: the sharing of values and creativity between community members and the transmission of knowledge across generations through intelligent solutions / digitization; O - Occupying: cultural “occupation” of the city and of the metropolitan area and opening up opportunities to create jobs in the cultural sector; culture creators&professionals will be trained in cultural training programs and involved in all forms of vocational education. At the same time Occupying has taken into consideration the need to ensure free access to culture for those at social exclusion risk. V - Valuing / Voices: valorization and appreciation of the voices of the past and present, of residents and artists and, encouragement of creative initiatives at all levels of cultural action.
Bridging: bonds & bridges:
It seeks potentiation of the cohesive and transboundary dimension of culture and at the same time achievement of a new model of cultural governance by setting another paradigm of relations with all stakeholders and other socioeconomic sectors. Thus, this axis includes projects that are relevant for the achievement of long lasting links between cultural and creative sectors and educational sectors in order to support the essential directions such as cultural and artistic education for children and young people as for adults through non- formal education projects and life-long learning, which would allow attracting new audiences to cultural consumption. There are bridges that allow exiting cultural “enclaves” and strengthen cultural ties between the city center and its districts, between Brasov and the metropolitan area.
Revealing: roots & resources The axis aims are the restoration, protection and conservation of movable and immovable cultural heritage, consolidation of the cultural identity and cultural tourism development. It is an approach with a strong participative dimension by supporting cultural projects which present historical or forgotten aspects, traditions, including cultural experiments, niche creativity, multi- and cross-disciplinary approaches. In this direction will be supported primarily the projects that aim at European and trans-boundary dimension of Brasov’s cultural heritage. Projects expressing contemporary approaches of artists and creators that are at the start point of their career will be supported. Enabling cultural and creative potential can be achieved by setting up a system of scholarships, grants and artistic residencies. Projects aiming at preparing and/or supporting entrepreneurship in the sectors of cultural and creative industries will find support. Natural heritage is a competitive advantage by facilitating cultural diversity and complex manifestations that combine sports, movement and culture. This way, the Revealing axis will encourage the development of cultural trails made through hiking, mountain biking etc. Combining culture with sports manifestations will increase the attractiveness of the city and the metropolitan area, while participating to the promotion of a healthy lifestyle. Activating: Actors & actions Supports the enabling of the community’s culture and exploration of the local artistic experiments, of the new forms and ways of interaction with the public. Involves funding of research laboratories and creative workshops, which activate and enhance creativity and the artistic spirit and contribute to cultural education and increasing the participation in cultural life. This axis also contains vocational research projects, conferences, seminars, workshops and training/retraining projects planning.
The contribution to the long term strategy
Sharing: Shares & Solutions It aims at the communication and synergies between communities, transferring knowledge and building links through current technology and up to date with its development. Shares & solutions Projects will cover the need to use new information and communication technologies and dissemination of content and results in digital formats, accessible to all audiences. Smart solutions for the use of resources, reduction of costs and protection of the environment and experiments/unconventional events that allow recycling certain waste by artistic processing are encouraged. Occupying: organic cultural development The cultural projects designed for the place/ places ”where nothing happens” in order to turn them into places full of social energy will find support. This way, the axis brings its contribution to the quality of living improvement and to the development of residents’ appetite for culture. In support of this programming axis, the local authorities aim at the development of the cultural infrastructure of Brasov, both through rehabilitation of the historical monuments and modernization of the existing infrastructure and by construction of new multifunctional cultural centers, including an out-ofuse former industrial areas. The cultural expansion to the outskirts of the city and the metropolitan area will involve events to beautify neighborhoods, to develop empathies of urban belonging for Brasov’s children and youth by potentiating artistic and aesthetic sense. Competitions that lead to the discovery of talents, cultural alternatives for personal reinvention and combating violence and delinquency among children and adolescents are encouraged.
Valuing: Voices It aims to provide a platform of expression mainly for residents and minorities. Voices proposes understanding of cultural diversity and dialogue, not only as a goal to achieve but as an ongoing process that must be integrated into the daily activities of organizations and institutions. This strategic axis will support the recovery of the area memory and the sense of belonging to the community and, especially, will allow residents of Brasov to understand the city they have chosen to live in, to define and to assume membership to the culture and history of Brasov. Both anthropological, ethnological, artistic research projects and projects meant to bring to the audience, through a variety of platforms and ways of communication, traditions and heritage stories will be supported. Another direction of equal importance is to support the creators and contemporary artists‘ expression in public, to experiment, to innovate and search for new forms of artistic expression. Given the monopoly currently held in the cultural life by the city’s public cultural institutions, the following strategic objectives have been established for them: • Awareness of the needs, preferences, expectations and consumption practices specific to some segments of the population and designing the cultural offer in terms of these indicators of consumption; • Identification of the most appropriate and effective ways of broadcasting cultural goods and services and boosting communication between creators and consumer audiences; • Promotion of artistic creativity; • Implementation of programs and projects with direct impact on Brasov and Brasov Metropolitan Area.
Bridging Revealing Activating Sharing Occupying Valuing
The city plans to strengthen the capacity of cultural and creative sectors, including the development of long-term bonds between these sectors and economic and social sectors in the city. According to the 2030 cultural strategy Brasov, noticing the modest level of local cultural and creative sectors, the master action plan for the development of long-term links between economic and social sectors and cultural and creative sectors is concentrated on the area of human resources training, from cultural education up to supporting young people to set up businesses in the creative industry and cultural educational services. The strategy set the cultural transversal priorities of Brasov. The motto “We grow through culture” is put into practice by caring for each cultural axis to contain action paths for young people.1 Young people are the predominant category of digital content creators not only from the users’ perspective. They are the key for the development of the cultural and creative sectors as of this moment. Boosting the talent and creative abilities of young people through coherent programmatic approaches is also likely to support their entrepreneurship and/or their entrance on the labor market in the cultural and creative industries. One of the most important partners in this action is the “Transilvania“ University of Brasov, the higher education institution that already develops at a European level research and development programs in the creative industries. A concrete long-term project is the introduction of new specializations at MA level for cultural management and creative industries. This way, culture becomes a solution to an important social and economic problem: the human resources crisis. Based on the general perception about the low number of professional development opportunities and the relative aging that qualifies Brasov as “launching city”, “students’/temporary city” but not as a city in ’Youngsters’ do not refer strictly to the demographic category as defined traditionally (“young adults” = between 14 and 25 years old and ”young middle-aged adults”= aged 26 and 35), but a category extended to children under 14 years
which you settle, due to the 2030 cultural strategy, the young became a subject not only as an engine of cultural consumption but also as a key resource for sustainable development of the municipality. As regards the younger generation, the children, a concrete example of building perspective of the creative capacity is a partnership with the Brasov County School Inspectorate for the introduction of aesthetic education optional courses in the secondary schools. Also, it can be noted that the support for private investment in the cultural sector during stage 2015 2021, according to the Activating axis, aims to reduce the cultural sector’s dependence on the public subsidies during 2022-2030. An important link between the cultural field and the city›s economy is the cultural tourism. Growth through culture will increase visibility at national and international level, fostering the establishment of appropriate structures to feed and stimulate the local tourism progress with all the well-known social and economic advantages. In this regard, the first programmed action is matching the touristic services offer with cultural offers through integrated service packages. Other important steps for strengthening the capacity of cultural/creative sectors are increasing autonomy of public cultural institutions and hence, their ability to finance themselves, and translating the concept of social responsibility in cultural responsibility for large local companies to support local cultural initiatives.
The contribution to the long term strategy
Plans for supporting cultural activities after the period the title is owned The sustainability of Brasov 2021’s heritage is ensured programmatically by the second phase of the long-term cultural strategy “We grow through culture“. Surely, concrete plans to support the cultural Brasov will be determined by the feedback of professionals who will monitor the year 2021. It is very important that the legacy of 2021 go beyond an increased number of tourists, an improved image and new infrastructure. The legacy will be conducted at four levels: budget, built infrastructure, cultural programmes and people.
Europa Corona “hands over to” Brasov local cultural institutions with efficient management capable of ensuring the long-term European cultural policy for the city. Also, the structure which ensured the project Brasov 2021 coordination will remain active through the mission to refocus the priorities ensuring the sustainability after 2021. Cultural education in schools will begin to show results by a new category of well-trained beneficiaries and launching young professionals, who will have the interest to stay in Brasov. Private sector development of cultural services is provided by the interest of those who have realized in the previous period that they may have financial benefits from culture. Another sure thing for the period 2022 - 2030: a strong heritage requires appropriate financing arrangements and the accomplishment of the strategic objective ”cultural city “set for 2030 is conditioned by a serious budget for culture. The main measure aims at keeping local budget allocations for the cultural sector to a minimum of 6.5 percent after Brasov 2021. The plan for the period 2022 - 2030 relies heavily on networks and partnerships established in the Civilization of The Mountain that can help co-finance large international projects (exhibitions, conferences, cultural camps).
Local cultural institutions will be able to strengthen their self-financing capacity by raising additional revenues from developing activities (ex. Souvenirs) and participating in European funding programs, based on their international experience. The emergence of the concept of cultural responsibility will attract the economic environment in support of local cultural life. This favorable context could allow a local culture tax – at the advance payment of local taxes, people/businesses can opt to redirect a tax reduction to a fund for local culture. Sustainability is an intrinsic element of cultural infrastructure. The responsibility of its management at least to the level of 2021 will be particularly challenging. The sustainability of the cultural agenda is also an important commitment, with the involvement of operational budgets, management and cultural programs at European level. The cultural Agenda will focus on key events inherited after “Europa Corona“ because by the European level these will remain essential for the city’s cultural diversification, supporting creative industries and attracting visitors. Creating new cultural and tourist attractions and professional enhancement of the existing one (Ex.: cultural itineraries, events, monuments, new infrastructure) in the period 2016-2021, will develop organizations with sustainable financial commitments. In this context, since 2021, the cultural capital management structure will draw up action plans with these direct beneficiaries (municipalities, the Evangelical Church, the Orthodox Church, NGOs, private companies, freelancers) to ensure continuity. Another measure to ensure the sustainability of the heritage is “increasing” the sense of prestige by the city and region application to other internationally prestigious cultural titles. Surely that the first stage of cultural strategy and the 2021 moment will not solve totally the problem of cultural education, but certainly a great advantage of the post 2021 period is increasing exigency of Brasov’s public, an attitude that will influence the quality cultural events, representing an ongoing challenge for cultural operators.
The inclusion of the European Capital of Culture 2021 endeavor into the long term cultural strategy The most important added value in this application for the long-term cultural strategy is the concept. The Civilization of the Mountain is already a legacy for the local culture. By means of the 2021 concept, Brasov was placed in an authentic cultural “environment” and received an artistic vision for the whole “We grow through culture” strategy. This result was caused by the strategy of the Brasov 2021 Association members to work with different teams, although the remaining time for the completion of the documents was very short. The tactics included for the long-term cultural strategy an coordinator out of Brasov, a team composed of specialists who worked exactly on the national cultural strategy and for the application, there was a local team, composed of specialists from the Brasov Metropolitan Agency and the only specialist who created and implemented a long-term cultural strategy in Brasov and Barsa Land (Râsnov), the author of several concepts of international cultural events. There was a constructive communication between the two teams and both approaches have started from the local cultural reality presented by the study of cultural consumption. Therefore, the European cultural project ”Europa Corona„ - Brasov candidate city for the European Capital of Culture 2021 has been incorporated into the long-term cultural strategy of the city, both by the objectives and the mode of action. In fact, ”Europa Corona” is nothing more than a ”coronation” of the first phase of the strategy (2016-2021). This ”Oak phase” initially concentrated, according to the ”concepts” launched by the teams working on the strategy, only on valuing the multicultural roots and the need for a modern cultural infrastructure, received, by means of the bid concept, a European and accurately creative dimension as well as a meaning for the community of Brasov: The Civilization of The Mountain. We believe that Brasov 2021 was integrated into the strategy also due to the concern for its future: the strategic phase (2022 - 2030) became the phase of the European project continuation based on the actions set after 2021. Then, both the bid and the cultural strategy consider that the young are an essential component of the societal texture and in (re)defining the identity of Brasov.
The measures undertaken in the 2015-2030 strategy for culture will be observed in 2021 by overlapping the axes of The Civilization of The Mountain with the longterm strategy action axes: Bridging: bonds & bridges = Passes & Trails & Altitudes & Guides & Camping Revealing: roots & resources = Altitudes & Water springs & Camping Activating: actors & actions = Trails & Altitudes & Guides & Camping Sharing: shares & solutions = Trails & Camping Occupying: organic cultural development = Altitudes & Water springs & Guides & Camping Valuing: Voices = Passes & Trails & Altitudes & Water springs &Guides &Camping Certainly, the European Capital of Culture 2021 bid does not cover all the cultural strategy objectives for Brasov 2030, but due to this candidacy, we can already spot that recent political and administrative decisions have accelerated the change in vision regarding the cultural and creative sector. The European Capital of Culture is not a scope by itself, as it is a determining factor in the cultural strategy, the bid causing a radical ”deviation” from the present direction. Brasov 2021 is a catalyst for a major change in the overall cultural development of the city to make a lasting impact at cultural, social and economic level. Brasov 2021 and the 2030 Strategy challenge the culture of closed institutions and support a major change in behavior and cultural consumption in the case of the people of Brasov. The insert on culture and the cultural strategy represent a commitment, a statement of voluntary support and involvement without the pressure of winning the competition, but challenged, we must admit it, by ”Europa Corona”. We can sustain that Brasov 2021 pulled the community out of passivity with regards to the importance of culture in the sustainable development of the city, as it was the first major act of empowerment for culture demonstrated by the authorities. The European Capital of Culture 2021 intends to operate as a bridge between the city, the metropolitan area and Europe, the international dimension strengthening the vision of the cultural strategy to raise the community of Brasov through culture.
The contribution to the long term strategy
The long-term cultural, social and economic impact on the city According to the consumption study made in the summer of 2015, for the population of Brasov, the most important impact of the European event in 2021 will be the rise in the number of tourists, focusing on the fact that the cultural events will add to the status of mountain touristic city or a city for winter sports and cultural tourism. Without minimizing the importance of tourism in the foreseen impact for the “European Capital of Culture 2021,” we consider that the effects of the most important European cultural project are superior to the level of development for the touristic sector, involving major long-term transformations in the cultural, economic, and social life of the people of Brasov. The impact of “Europa Corona 2021” will be multiplied by all the measures proposed for the preparation stage (2016-2020). 1. Cultural impact 1.1 Impact of a European dimension - Brasov, European cultural city - The Civilization of The Mountain shall impose itself as a local, national and European cultural brand; - the “European Capital of Culture” brand shall gain a new dimension due to the concept and the Brasov 2021 programme; - development of long-term relationships between local artists and the European and international cultural environment; - the constant growth in the number of cultural projects in European and international partnerships; - local cultural operators shall gain improved capacity to access EU financing; - collaboration and belonging to European cultural networks; - the European dimension of the city and the metropolitan area understood through the diversity of cultural activities and the contemporary cultural connection with as many cities / institutions / artists from the European area as possible. - promotion of Brasov cultural values at a European level; - promotion of historical and natural heritage of Brasov and Barsa Land at a European level; - cultural and economic promotion of Romania in the European Union; - an extended coverage in the European mass-media and diminishing negative prejudice about Romania; - multiplying connections between locals and other citizens of Europe; - an important growth in the number of people in Brasov who understand the status of a European citizen and the value system of the European Union. 1.2 Impact on the citizens of Brasov and the metropolitan area - better knowledge of European cultural values; - better knowledge of European cultural diversity and the common cultural traits of Europe - a change in the cultural behaviour and consumption habits, in the sense of including culture among priorities when it comes to community and individual cultural consumption; - growth and significant extension of the local level of audience of culture / growth in the number of cultural consumers2; - a growth of the active participation in cultural life; - an elevated level of trust and appreciation of the community for their own cultural lives; - improving the presence of cultural topics in the local mass-media; - new or added opportunities for the participation of citizens in cultural activities; - use of public and public art spaces to bring culture closer to the people in the city; - stimulating dynamism and quality of the local cultural offer; - new cultural activities which will turn into periodic cultural actions; 2
A minimum of 50% of the population of Brasov and the metropolitan area
1.3 Impact on local culture - consolidating public policies in the field of culture; - increasing the capacity of the local administration to develop and implement local public policies in the field of culture; - modern cultural infrastructure; - appearance of European-wide events and cultural manifestations; - increase of the budget allocated to culture, at the level of a European cultural city the size of Brasov; - steady increase of the number of cultural actions; - steady increase of the number of cultural operators from the private area; - steady increase of the level of cultural actions performed by cultural institutions; - steady increase of the number of local artists; - steady increase of the number of youth and children involved in artistic events; - establishing new public events, including cultural and art festivals, in urban spaces; - increase of urban spaces’ quality in the old working-class neighbourhoods; - enriching the local cultural heritage with modern architectural works; - digitalization of the historical heritage and multicultural traditions; - reducing the autarchic cultural life; - developing cultural activities of the ethnic minorities and disadvantaged communities; - new cultural valences for the natural environment and use of culture in protecting the environment; - emergence of new local media outlets – especially by exploiting new technologies – which would generate public opinion and debates on cultural topics; - developing competencies, abilities and connectivity between cultural industries and creative tourism; - developing local volunteering. 2. Economic impact - finalization of major investments in cultural infrastructure; - consolidation of local economy due to major investments in cultural infrastructure and conserving historical heritage; - a strong image impact: Brasov and Barsa Land shall become a major cultural destination for cultural tourism;3 - developing cultural products with important economic value; - increasing businesses in the touristic sector; - increasing participation of Romanian and foreign tourists in cultural events and increasing the number of touristic visits4; - increase of the duration of the touristic stay5; - attracting new visitors from specific touristic segments (e.g. students, senior citizens); - collaboration and belonging to European cultural tourism networks (e.g. European Cultural Itineraries); - establishing a long-term vision for the local tourism and a better coordination of marketing activities from the local cultural operators; - developing creative industries, reflected in the number of newly established companies in the period between 2016-2020 and the significant growth of the economic structure of the city; - exploiting the status of cultural city in the IT field; - the appearance of cultural enterprises on a small scale and associations directly supported to grow due to the Civilization of The Mountain concept; - steady increase of revenue from taxes to the local budget. By increasing the touristic attractiveness at local, regional and national level, and based on the experience existing at regional level (Sibiu 2007) where 1.000.00 participants, for 2021 Brasov estimates a number of 2 million participants. 4 We anticipate a growth by 30-40% of staying over night and over 2 million touristic visits. 5 In 2021 versus 2015, an increase by 50 %, from 1.9 nights/tourist, to 2.85 nights/tourist; post 2021, we expect that the duration of a trip fall under 2.5 nights. 3
The contribution to the long term strategy
3. Social impact: - increase of income/inhabitant, generated by Brasov’s economy; - creating new work places; - increasing the quality of life; - stopping the phenomenon of the young population’s migration from the city; - attracting the young with professional skills and competencies in the cultural field and that of creative industries; - increase of the city and the metropolitan area population; - satisfying the need for prestige; - the pride of being from Brasov, a feeling multiplied specifically to all cities of the metropolitan area (the pride of being from Rasnov, Prejmer, Sacele, etc.); - development of the feeling of belonging to the local community; - positive impact on the quality of life in the neighbourhoods; - increase of interaction and improvement of social cohesion; - implementing a cultural education system for children and the youth, cherished as a success model at national level; - increasing knowledge, competencies and skills of the youth and pupils in the cultural field; - active involvement of young people as creators and/or participants; - improvement of social inclusion for cultural groups established as impact objectives (senior citizens, Roma people, disabled people); - increasing the integration of the Roma community and solving aspects of social exclusion which affect this community. 4. Urban impact: - urban regeneration through restoration and renovation of historical buildings, redevelopment of public spaces and construction of new cultural spaces; - urban reconversion by exploiting some unused areas/spaces for cultural activities; - a better urban planning, by balancing the development of Brasov, from a cultural perspective, between the historical centre and the residential neighbourhoods; - culturally conserving and exploiting the natural objectives; - superior level landscaping by involving contemporary art
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The plans to monitor and evaluate the impact of the title on the city and to disseminate the evaluation results The monitoring and evaluation process is one of the essential conditions for the success of the project, being an instrument at the coordinating team’s disposal in order to ensure efficiency and effectiveness in its implementation. This process will be coordinated by the Brasov Association 2021 - European Capital of Culture in partnership with “Transilvania” University of Brasov, being involved both the resources available at the university (students, MA students, doctoral students, teachers) and the external resources available locally NGOs, volunteers, etc. At the end of Brasov 2021 project, taking into account the value of impacting targets, the idea of ordering an independent evaluation conducted by a cultural management consulting company is also taken into consideration. The plan for monitoring and evaluating the impact of the European Capital of Culture 2021 title has been prepared together with the development of the culture strategy for the city and with the development application file. This approach favored on the one hand, the validation of existing relations among the general, specific and operational objectives and, on the other hand, a pre-test of the methodology techniques or tools proposed for collecting, analyzing and interpreting data. When elaborating the monitoring plan and the impact assessment, the following general principles were taken into account: - efficient use of the guideline recommendations set by the European Commission; - ensuring access to statistical data at local / regional / national level; - completing indicators and data sources available with quality/quantity measurements that have the greatest potential to accurately assess the specificity and particularity of the impact of European Capital of Culture in 2021 title on Brasov; - extension of the monitoring and evaluation activities across the metropolitan area for a better understanding of the effects that the title of European Capital of Culture has at regional level; - dissemination of evaluation results on extensive areas and in diverse environments; At the same time, this process takes into account the way success is defined in the community. The project’s success will be found in increased numbers in all consumption segments and the number of
recovered spaces created or built to become cultural sites, in the level of visitation of the traditional institutions and in creating positive automatism in searching for contemporary art events. It will also be found in the progressive way in the town’s appearance, in the number of cultural reference points in public spaces, in the number of events, in the number of Romanian and foreign tourists attending these events, and not least, in the way the people of Brasov will assume the city of Brasov and its affiliation to the European cultural space. The monitoring plan includes 3 phases. During these phases four intermediate points (milestones) are established as follows: 1. the end of 2016 - shortly after obtaining the title, a moment of analysis of the activity carried out during the preparation of the application file and the management organization and establishment of a reference point in evaluating the assumed indicators; 2. the beginning of 2019 – it is the moment when the indicators analysis highlights the probability that the 2021 goals are met and the corrective measures that have to be applied (if necessary); 3. mid 2020 – it is the time when, according to the degree of fulfillment of objectives for the 2016-2020 phase, the established cultural program 2021 and the marketing strategy can be adjusted. 4. The beginning of 2022 – when the entire approach will be assessed. A. THE 2016-2020 PHASE In this phase the necessary premises for the optimal use of the actions envisaged to be implemented during 2021 will be pursued. The following will be under careful observation: • The development of the sense of “belonging” to the community and to the local cultural and historical identity - through related indicators: the participation and public access to culture, the cultural dynamics, the belonging to local, national and European cultural values, the level of the volunteering activity; • The degree of implementation and quality of cultural events - through related indicators: the public satisfaction degree, the management assessment and the proposed artistic activities, the European dimension;
The contribution to the long term strategy
The level of Achievement of the cultural infrastructure development objectives - through related indicators: the in situ evaluation, meetings the assume deadlines; • The level of Achievement of necessary partnerships for the optimal conditions progress of artistic activities expected to be carried out during 2021 - through related indicators: the European dimension, the compliance degree of the proposed program, the national and local dimension; • The Marketing and Communication Plan - media channels monitoring will be performed and evaluation will be achieved through related indicators: the degree of perception on the cultural identity and on the city, the impact at national and European level; • The Financial management - through related indicators: the degree of revenue and expenditure realization, the delay degree of estimated revenue collection; • The impact on the long-term strategy of the city by monitoring indicators of progress and assessment of impact on the educational activity, evolution of the local cultural management, cultural mobility and the involvement of cultural associations in the cultural activity of the city - through related indicators: the creation of new jobs in the cultural and creative sector, the number of educational and cultural activities in schools, the progress of the management plan of the public cultural institutions, the number of cultural events/year; The monitoring process will be continuous and will generate, when appropriate, biannual or annual monitoring reports. For some of the related indicators an online platform evaluation through direct feedback will be created and administered by the Department of Marketing and Communication of the Association. To measure growth through culture - especially the appreciation and citizen involvement in the project Brasov 2021 and the compliance with the European dimension - and to allow taking improvement measures in due time, we mention that carrying out surveys will be done at least once in 2016 (to create a basis for comparisons) and twice in the period 2017-2020. B. THE 2021 PHASE Monitoring and evaluation activities proposed for the prior period will be further developed, apart from the Achievement of the cultural infrastructure development objectives and the Achievement of partnerships.
The monitoring model of “top down“ will be achieved through institutional network involved in achieving the approach of European Capital of Culture 2021. The action plan defined for 2021 by the Arts Council and the Association will be observed. Thus, each institution involved will record the cultural events organized within the project Brasov 2021 based on a methodology provided by specialists from Transylvania University. This methodology will follow several relevant indicators such as the type of event, the level of institutional and community involvement in the realization of the event, number of participants, the estimated impact, the European dimension, follow up possibilities, etc. C. THE POST 2021 PHASE In this phase, the Transylvania University together with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Brasov and the Department of Statistics will evaluate the economic impact - through related indicators: occupancy of accommodation, the added value created by cultural institutions, the number of cultural and creative enterprises newly created, the value of foreign investments, the labor force migration and the amount of direct and indirect income. At this stage of the impact assessment will be pursued also through a dual approach, bottom-up and top-down, the organized cultural events in the city of Brasov and in Barsa Land. The observed indicators will be similar to those followed in the 2021 phase. Also, in this phase the sense of “belonging“ to the community and to cultural - historical local identity will be monitored and evaluated as the main indicator of the impact of the approach Brasov 2021 and the impact on The long-term strategy of the city will also be assessed. The measurement methodology will be similar to that used in the first phase to ensure the validity of the data. The Brasov 2021 Association will generate a report assessing the impact of the European Capital of Culture 2021 title and will ensure the sustainability of monitoring and evaluating process for the Long-term Cultural Strategy of Brasov. The dissemination of results will be based on specialized communication plans, defined separately for each of the three periods (pre 2021, 2021 and post 2021). The communication plan will also include a continuous monitoring component of all communication channels, formal and informal, to provide a more complete picture of the impact of the Brasov 2021 approach among target groups.
The European dimension
The European dimension is firstly ensured by the concept of the project and the artistic vision for The Civilization of the Mountain.
On the European quadrant, the mountains face regions, societies and civilizations which are not identical through neither origins, nor culture or at an economic level. Every city/region/country/citizen feels, in different degrees, the attraction force coming from the Mountain. Brasov proposes discovering the diversity of cultural Europe from between the mountains, using the mountain passes, going along the old cultural pathways and making new ones and challenging its artistic and historic altitudes. Brasov will transform during 2021 into a Camp to which you go back every time you want to freshen up your forces for the climb of everyday life. Situated in a superb natural setting, under the mountain, at the edgeof the Wild Carpathian, with traditions and a history that carries you from the mysteries of East to the principles of the West, with springs that refresh every artist’s sensibility, Brasov can be one of the guides for Europe at the beginning of the 3rd millennium. In order to promote European cultural diversity, intercultural dialogue and a better understanding among European citizens, but also to highlight common aspects of cultures, heritage and European history, as well as European integration and current European topics, one of the dimensions of the 2021 cultural programme is defined as Between the Mountains European dimension. Cultural pathways represent the flux that brings together artists from Europe in Brasov and the metropolitan area in order to form a European cultural citizenship. The cultural flux is divided between exploiting the heritage and artistic experimentation. Cultural routes represent the programme through which Brasov becomes a pillar for European cultural tourism. Marking the European cultural routes which pass through Brasov will be done through projects for promoting local heritage, and the tools used will be firstly taken from the field of digital technology.
Cultural altitudes is the cultural axis which, using the natural setting and the advantages of time spent outdoors will promote the advantages of the culture – nature partnership concluded by Europe in 2021 by choosing Brasov as the European Capital of Culture.
The mountain is open to all those who cherish it. The Civilization of the Mountain is a cultural concept open to any European artist/cultural operator. Access to the Brasov 2021 artistic programme is done based on rules established before launching the selection of the artistic programme.
Also, in order to ensure visibility in accordance with the importance of a European capital of culture, promotion projects are going to be launched and many European networks will be accessed. A promotion line is the list of cities with which Brasov has a twining relationship or with which it has collaboration partnerships. For Brasov 2021, this list, named “Mountain Brotherhood,” is open to every European city, regardless of their cultural profiles. Specifically, Brasov’s relationships with these cities will be at the basis of common cultural projects among artists and/or cultural operators for Brasov 2021. Mountain Brotherhood: Linz (Austria), Gent (Belgium), Holstebro (Denmark), Tampere (Finland), Tours (France), Trikala (Greece), Leeds (Great Britain), Győr (Hungary), Minsk (Belorussia), Rishon Le Zion (Israel), Musashino (Japan).
Another list that Brasov wishes to access in order to extend the cultural partnerships is offered by the membership in European and international associations/networks: Les Rencontres European Cultural Association, European Culture Cities Alliance – AVEC, Energy – Cities, the French Alliance, and British Council. An immediate result of activities to draw up the candidature is also the decision of the local authorities to conclude transnational cultural partnerships. According to the selection strategy, based on these partnerships, more European projects will be developed as of 2016. To this end, steps have been made in order to conclude a partnership with the European Institute for Cultural Itineraries, a European public service and specialized agency of the European Council which, starting from 2009, has been a partner for many cultural events in Barsa Land. The European Cultural Itineraries is a cultural network in which Brasov wants to be a member in as many cultural routes, of course, depending on the local cultural heritage.
Europe’s destiny is most often easy to decipher at its border instead of the centre of its big cultural cities. Brasov and its metropolitan area are a mixture of ethnicities, cultures, and religions, a European model of diversity of cultural expressions and an area just as close to the Eastern edge of Europe in many aspects, as it is cleanly and sincerely attached to the destiny of other parts of the continent. This interesting cultural profile, novel to the majority of European citizens, the European Capital of Culture brand and the Civilization of the Mountain, a close and attractive concept for the local, national, European, and international public, materialized in a diverse and quality cultural programme, represents the promotion vector for “Europa Corona” 2021.
The strategy to attract a large European and international public is divided into online promotion campaigns, participating in as many international tourism fairs as possible, promotion done by artists/cultural operators and international partners from the Brasov 2021 programme in the mass-media of the country they come from, organizing promotion events in European university centres, using international networks/agencies were the members of Brasov 2021 Association are represented, promotion campaigns on international sport events organized in Barsa Land (World Cup for Ski Jumping stage, International Ski Federation Cup, Carpat Cup, World Nordic Sports Championships etc.) and using “cultural guides” throughout Europe.
The European dimension
We expect that an important impact of image at a European level will be made by the organization of international conferences in Brasov on the topic of Civilization of the Mountain, of the culture – nature partnership. We mention that the international promotion strategy will be started right after the moment of receiving the title of European Capital of Culture 2021, using for 2016 the budget predicted by the local authorities for touristic promotion. Also, within the flagship projects axis during 20172021, projects which aim to attract a larger European public explicitly for the Brasov 2021 artistic programme, apart from the touristic objectives, will be financed. Brasov is in a twinning relation with the city of Linz, European Capital of Culture 2009. The profile of the Austrian city is also characterized by the existence of green spaces with a dense network of social and leisure time facilities and an extended educational offer. Even if it is not a mountainous city, Linz, having the experience of holding the European title, will represent a constant partner in the cultural actions between 2016-2021. Brasov 2021 Association intends to initialize the development of links in the cultural education area and a common cultural agenda for the “green” infrastructure of both capitals. Another former capital which has expressed support for the candidacy of Brasov is Kosice. The 2013 European Capital of Culture has been a European project that created in Kosice a favorable environment for creativity and for the development of new cultural projects. After 2013, Kosice has a new cultural vision and a European perspective. Supporting Brasov’s candidature is the premise for joint cultural projects, particularly with an “environmental interface”. Also, the Slovakian city is a good reference for Brasov for projects based on community participation, social inclusion and institutional decentralization of culture.
Also, right after receiving the title, Brasov will send collaboration invitations to all the cities which hold the title of European Capital of culture. This strategy is going to be constantly applied after the announcement of the winning candidate city. Brasov’s wish is that every month of the year 2021 it has in its cultural programme three events organized by representatives from the European Capitals of culture. The profile of the event, size, and duration are going to be established after presenting the list of proposals. In return, Brasov and Barsa Land will participate, during the period 2016-2020, with promotional events in the partner cultural capitals.
For the European Capital of Culture 2021 there are already collaboration agreements or partnership proposals between Brasov and the candidate cities of Larissa, Volos, Ioannina and Tripoli Arcadia from Greece. In case of passing the preliminary stage, Brasov wishes to send a list of proposals with cultural projects to all the preselected candidate-cities in Greece starting from the end of 2015.
Cultural and artistic content
Cultural and artistic content
Vision The Civilization of the Mountain
Brasov 2021 concept is designed while keeping in mind the cultural geopolitics of Europe and the status of a city found at the eastern limit of the political borders of the European Union, with focus on those strategies and programmes of the Union to which Brasov can bring the biggest effective contribution. The Civilization of the Mountain is a concept that abides by the particularities of the infrastructure of contemporary Brasov. The landscape has a direct influence over the configuration of the city and the development of the settlements’ network in Barsa Land, the transportation network and, last but not least, the local and metropolitan cultural infrastructure, at present and in the future. Apart from the classical cultural infrastructure, Civilization of the Mountain is a concept which binds the nature culture covering all seasons of the city. The climate of Brasov, influenced by the mountainous landscape, is perfect for outdoor activities throughout the year. The most important valence of the Brasov 2021 – European Capital of Culture concept is raising the quality of life for the people of Brasov through culture. For the local community, “Europa Corona” is a way to learn that through culture we don’t understand just theatre, festivals, music, painting or artistic experiments. The Civilization of the Mountain means much more than just that. It is a legacy hard to be obtained, a lifestyle which, when constant, without external interventions and when it belongs to the community’s habits, gives quality to life. For us, the idea of competition for the European Capital of Culture is not about winning something but about establishing cultural coordinates based on which the city shall evolve.
The Civilization of the Mountain, the concept of Brasov 2021 – European Capital of Culture project, is formed of two areas, each being divided into three cultural axes.
The European Dimension AMONG THE MOUNTAINS The international strategy aims to highlight the richness and diversity of European cultures and common characteristics, as well as to promote mutual knowledge between European citizens. Among the mountains will concentrate on creating a permanent hub/activity centre for European intercultural dialogue, through the following cultural axes:
1.1. Cultural crossings = Europe crosses through Brasov The Mountain means freedom! The Europe of “mountains” needs to identify and use its “crossings”. The “European Capital of Culture” concept is a crossing that unites citizens, worlds and cultures. Cultural crossings is a vibrant international programme that brings European artists together in Brasov and the metropolitan area. It focuses on connexions and cooperation, exchange of practices, so that Brasov 2021 can become a platform from West to East for the old and new cultures of Europe. It acts as a forum for artistic experimentation. Brasov 2021 will be an open and welcoming space for all forms of artistic expression. It encompasses events which involve as many independent people active in culture as European cultural institutions. It has the purpose of making the European culture diversity more visible to the community of Brasov, as well as giving a cultural valence to the status of European citizen. Through Cultural crossings, the Civilization of the Mountain goes beyond the historical centre and gets among the blocks of the working-class neighbourhoods. It “breaks” the concrete mountain with cultural crossings: events dedicated to the urban “periphery”, international programmes for cultural education and European cultural “caravans”.
1.3. Cultural altitudes = the Mountain in the European culture 1.2. Cultural routes = Brasov, a part of Europe The Civilization of the Mountain starts with Europe far over 1,000m and ends with Europe under zero meters altitude. It is a programme focused on cultural tourism, concentrated in cultural itineraries developed in Barsa Land and Brasov. Also, it implies connecting Brasov to the European Cultural Itineraries which has important reference points in the local cultural area. It is an action which has the ambition to make Barsa Land, especially, and Romania, generally, more visible in Europe. Starting from the common European cultural heritage, the programme offers a new European perspective from its position of a country at the edge of Europe. Europe is a confused notion for many European citizens. It is a double world, or even triple, made up of people and territories shaped differently by history. The Civilization of the Mountain aims to “climb” the stereotypes of Europe, which are not left just like purely cultural products, stemming from some knowledge, more or less true, from an emotional state more or less alive, from a conscience more or less clear, but which have an affectionate load and are externalized through spontaneous reactions, more or less inspired. The programme is also going to have a digital component by presenting the cultural itineraries in the virtual environment. By using the digital technology, users will be transformed into creators. Apart from the efficient promotion of the Brasov 2021 project by engaging the multimedia means, the programme also promotes remote cultural dialogue.
The Civilization of the Mountain is beyond words… A nice scenery is not propaganda. On the mountain there is no red carpet, no room for fancy games and it cannot be climbed but only to a certain point, quite close to the foothills, in evening shoes. Cultural altitudes mixes the entire public into the cultural event, irrespective of age, social status or origin. The activities will be generally performed in the “green” infrastructure of Brasov and the metropolitan area. The programme will follow a summary of events which need to be accessible to young people from European countries, giving cultural value to the advantages of spending time outdoors. The cultural agenda of Brasov 2021 will be connected to the Sports Agenda of Brasov 2021. Sport events, some at international level, will benefit from the richness and quality of the artistic programme of the capital of culture, offering in return sports visibility and access to a public largely made up of the young. Cooperation and co-creation in the sustainable cultural development of mountain cities and approaching environmental problems are the valences which will characterize the projects of this programme. It is an interesting perspective of the Mountain’s role in the contemporary history of Europe, taking into account the fact that the mountains, seeing as they strongly impregnate a geographic area, contribute a lot to its unity.
Cultural and artistic content
The local dimension UNDER THE MOUNTAIN It was inspired by the local toponym “Sub Tampa” (Under Tampa), the name of one of the first promenades in Brasov, a social and cultural “green” space, known, used and cherished by all the people of Brasov. It is a name understood by the community and it refers to the life that takes place in the city under the mountain. It defines the set of programmes used by the European Capital of Culture in 2021 for the active involvement of the citizens, for harmonizing the cultural city – citizens’ relationship and integrating the European cultural project in the long-term cultural and social development of the city. Under the Mountain will be concentrated on artistic programmes performed in a balanced cultural geography between the working-class neighbourhoods and the historical centre, developing creative industries, aesthetic education projects, defining the status of a Brasov citizen, urban and social “insertion” of new cultural spaces, educating the cultural consumption habits and reducing the category of non-visitors/consumers.
2.1 Cultural springs The Civilization of the Mountain doesn’t mean competition or rivalry. The mountains are “the water castles of the world”. The history and traditions are the springs/roots of Brasov culture. The Cultural Springs programme highlights the multicultural local dimension. It is divided between projects which give a classical value to the historic heritage and projects which focus on innovative approaches to traditions. A major part of the programme are the local minorities with their autarchic cultural life. In a community marked by contradictions between the “old Brasov people”, “less new Brasov people” and “very new Brasov people”, between the cohabiting ethnical groups, the Mountain reconciles. The Civilization of the Mountain educates and removes the “contradiction areas”, which affect the community coherence, including the cultural one.
2.3. Cultural Camp
2.2 Cultural guides The Civilization of the Mountain does not use clichés, but is based on rules! It is a cultural education programme, focused on many segments of the local community. Firstly, the actions of this axis shall focus on the cultural education of pupils, young people and disadvantaged social groups. One cannot climb the Mountain without being prepared. The respect towards the “mountain” (=culture) is a manifestation of civilization. Another source of inspiration for this axis is the woman’s perspective in the cultural life. Following the wide participation of the community, the social inclusion and cultural expansion, the Cultural Guides programme also contains events accessible to the large part of the population, without compromises when it comes to the artistic quality. The Civilization of the Mountain means quality of life. It is a way of life. The aim of Brasov 2021 project is not only the peak of the mountain but also the way in which we learn to climb the mountain, how we take pleasure together from the landscapes we come upon, how we help those who are not used to the difficulties of climbing up…
The mountain does not move! It is a programme which focuses on the transformation of the urban space in terms of a cultural city, according to the long-term sustainable development strategy. Between 2016-2020, Brasov will transform into a construction site where a cultural “camp” will be built and secured. The rehabilitated structures and buildings and the new cultural infrastructure will represent the starting “camp” for phase two of the city’s cultural life (2021-2030), ensuring sustainability for the cultural programmes and the consolidation of cultural routes opened by Brasov 2021. In 2021, the “large cultural camp” will host smaller, temporary camps. In order to create the proper environment for individual creative development, more creation camps will be organized, on various artistic domains. In some cases, the camps will bring together more cultural domains on a special topic derived from the artistic concept of the European capital of culture 2021. The axis is composed of projects that will combine art and technology in the public space, in the process of urban regeneration through culture of the city. It also includes projects for landscaping in nonconventional spaces. Another side of the creative flux is supporting some projects which will make the transition for some companies from the industrial area into the creative economy. The Cultural Camp should have trained “guides”, in order to approach the next stage of growing through culture. For a professional management of the public institutions, but also in an effort to decentralize the culture from the institutional centres, the Camp will organize symposiums and international conferences and training and professional development courses.
Cultural and artistic content
The selection of the 2021 cultural programme is divided into three major categories of cultural events and activities: I. Flagship projects Until 2021, starting with 2016, there will be projects which will reach maturity within the artistic programme of 2021. These shall constantly receive public financing based on a development plan. The most important chapters of the category, and at the same time the selection criteria, are cultural education, the European dimension and the community involvement. In this line of financing, grants shall be given starting with 2016 to support independent artists and cultural organizations in Brasov and the metropolitan area.
II. European partnerships This is the exclusively international category of the cultural programme. There are projects of various sizes, limited by the maximum value of financing. The projects are divided, based on the nature of their financing, into projects carried out on European projects (Creative Europe, Erasmus +, Horizon 2020, COSME, Mechanism for European interconnection, Easter Partnership), in this case Brasov 2021 Association, acting as partner, partially/completely ensuring co-financing, and European projects with 100% financing of Brasov 2021. Secondly, the selection criteria are related to the European dimension (number of partners, different countries, subject), promoting intercultural dialogue, the local cultural impact, and compliance with the Civilization of the Mountain concept.
III. Projects for 2021 For this category, there are financing lines identified by the programme axes, divided into cultural domains (contemporary art, heritage, literature, theatre, music and dance etc.) and urban cultural areas (neighbourhoods, historical centre, “green” infrastructure), with their own objective to stabilize the offer and the destination of the 2021 cultural programme. Access to financing is done only within the public procurement system. By studying the recommendations for other European capitals of culture (see Mons 2015), for this line of financing there shall be a section open for smaller “last minute” projects.
The strategy of constituting the 2021 cultural programme shall systematically contest the culture of closed institutions and shall ask them for a mediumterm and long-term programme of activities with a European perspective and an elevated impact on the community, through local public authorities, main finances managers. A selection criterion is highlighting not only the bright parts of local/European common history, but also of the controversial aspects. In this field, we mention the fact that there is already an international expertise through the ASTRA (2013-2015), Summer School of the International Festival for Historical Films in Rasnov and the living history concept of the International Festival for Historical Reenactment in Rasnov. Another general criterion is the balanced distribution of the programme throughout the year and avoiding a concentration in the touristic seasons (summer vacation and ski season). Firstly, the Brasov 2021 cultural programme needs to encompass the events and activities which are authentic, innovative and capable to produce long-term results for the local, national and European culture. For the selection and coordination of the 2021 artistic programme and the cultural projects developed by the Brasov 2021 Association, starting with 2016, immediately after receiving the title, based on a management plan, an artistic manager shall be elected. The role of “head of culture” for the programme before 2021 and in 2021, shall be occupied by an Artistic Council, made up of European cultural personalities with expertise in cultural management. The “Europa Corona” Artistic Council has the duty to control/ supervise the authenticity of the cultural agenda, the compliance to the Civilization of the Mountain concept and the level of the activities and events. We mention that the selection of the cultural programme will be characterized by decisional transparency, public communication and choosing the judging/selection formulas, verified until now as models of good practice at the European level, abiding by the Romanian legislation in this field.
The means used in order to combine the local cultural heritage and the traditional forms of art with the new, innovative, and experimental cultural expressions are: cultural infrastructure and the artistic programme content. A big part of the cultural infrastructure used for the Brasov 2021 programme is made up of historical monuments in Brasov and Barsa Land. In this context, the challenge of a European programme for a cultural area quite poor when it comes to modern artistic events is choosing innovative projects and the adequate artistic experiments for the halls of a fortified church, the Rasnov Citadel garden or the White Tower. Starting from the administrative decision to transform some buildings from the industrial heritage into spaces for contemporary creation and to build a multicultural centre, the Brasov 2021 cultural programme included in its axes the necessity to organize creation camps, exhibitions, shows, etc. from the contemporary artistic avant-garde in order to prepare the environment necessary for the sustainability of these innovative cultural spaces in the regional cultural landscape. At the same time, part of the modern exhibition spaces will be periodically occupied by events specific to traditional art or art inspired by the historical heritage.
Exploring the urban space and creating reference points (artistic, visual) in different public spaces by displaying some works of art or installations or street art interventions will represent an important heritage of the Brasov 2021 programme, which will stabilize the dominant position of the ethnical and religious historical heritage.
According to the description of the programme axes, Brasov 2021 will benefit from a rich artistic offer, which will stem from creation workshops, community art projects and urban revitalization, contemporary dance shows and while going through many other types of modern, classical, or traditional art events, will end up with pop music concerts, international folk festivals, historical reenactment camps and handicraft fairs. Examples of points in the Brasov 2021 programme which support the above-mentioned approach are creation camps in Poiana Brasov on the topic of interpreting symbols of Saxon, Hungarian and Romanian folk art in Barsa Land, which will reunite artists from all EU member countries; the virtual workshop for traditional crafts, building up the online database for traditional European crafts, the contemporary stained glass art workshop, and concerts with nonconventional musical instruments in places of worship.
Cultural and artistic content
How the local artists and cultural organizations from Brasov will be involved in the development and implementation of the cultural programme. The local artists have been the most active from Brasov in the campaign to promote the candidacy of Brasov for the title of European Capital of Culture. Also, many of them participated in public debates and sent proposals for the Brasov 2021 artistic programme. A major role in the structure of the local dimension of Brasov 2021 cultural programme was played by the support actions and the projects proposed by Reduta Cultural Centre, Brasov Philharmonic, Brasov Opera, “Sica Alexandrescu” Theatre, Brasov branches of the Fine Arts Union and Writers Union in Romania, the Faculty of Music at “Transilvania” University of Brasov, “Tiberiu Brediceanu” Arts and Crafts School, and local NGOs in the arts field. The Under the Mountain local dimension of the Civilization of the Mountain concept directly involves local artists and cultural organizations from Brasov, into the Brasov 2021 cultural programme. The Cultural Springs axis highlight the multicultural local dimension and will encompass projects with innovative approaches to local traditions, and within the Cultural Camp many creation camps are going to be organized, on different artistic domains, to which the local artists are going to be invited, together with their colleagues in and outside the country. Also, independent artists and organizations from Brasov and Barsa Land will have access to the Cultural Pathways axis, creating a forum for the artistic experimentation being a criterion for selecting projects, to which both European guests and local artists would contribute.
Actually, the better part of Brasov 2021 artistic programme will be co-designed with the local artistic environment. Public institutions from the artistic domain, independent local artists and cultural operators will become partners of the Brasov 2021 project by accessing major categories of events and cultural activities.
A clear-cut example is given by the grants in the category of flagship projects given starting with 2016 for supporting the independent artists and cultural organizations in Brasov and the metropolitan area. Through the category of financing dedicated to European projects, the local cultural organizations are encouraged to access European financing programmes for culture, Brasov 2021 Association ensure cofinancing, a condition which is hard to accomplish by the majority of local cultural organizations. With regards to the “Projects of 2021” category, the lines of financing respect the programme axes and offer, as presented above, important opportunities to the artists from all walks of local artistic life (contemporary art, theatre, music, dancing etc.).
The Brasov 2021 cultural programme will contain, firstly, authentic, innovative events and activities, capable of producing long-term results for the local, national, and European culture. The Projects of 2021 category for which going to be provided with financing lines identified through the programme axes, divided into cultural domains (contemporary art, heritage, literature, theatre, music and dance, etc.) and urban cultural areas (neighbourhoods, historical centre, “green” infrastructure) implies the involvement of Brasov cultural institutions which propose cultural projects and activities (Reduta Cultural Centre, Sica Alexandrescu Theatre, Brasov Opera, Brasov Philharmonic, Fine Artists Union, Writers Union in Romania), educational institutions (Transilvania University in Brasov, Tiberiu Brediceanu Arts and Crafts School), local NGOs in the field of arts (Culture and Heritage Foundation – Forum Arte, Brasov French Alliance, Brasov Traditional and Contemporary Arts Creators Association, Brasov Community Foundation, Kunstadt Brasov Association, Kamerata Kronstadt Association, Architects Order of Romania–Brasov branch, Libris Cultural Association, Urban Art Depot, Bohemian Association, Museion Cultural Association, Kronospan Foundation, Juni Society, Catharsis Association, Association for Promotion and Development of Tourism in Brasov County etc.).
The 2021 cultural programme includes categories of events and cultural activities in which local artists from Brasov and the Metropolitan Area will participate, whose cultural projects are according to the main selection criteria of the programme: cultural education, European dimension, and community involvement. From among the local artists who are known at the European level, with whom Brasov 2021 Association wants to collaborate, we mention: Mariana Nicolesco – soprano, Ilarion Ionescu Galați – conductor, Florin Ionescu Galați – violin, Gina Dumitru – violin, Anton Niculescu – violoncello, the organizer of “Marile Serate Muzicale” (Great Musical Nights), International Chamber Music Festival, Stephen Schlandt – organist at the Black Church and coordinator of the Musica Barcensis Festival, Horia Mihail – pianist, Luminița Gliga – painter.
ConĹŁinutul cultural artistic
The ability to generate results
The project ”Brasov 2021” is based on the strong commitment of the public bodies from Brasov Metropolitan Area (18 localities) and on the support of the Centre Regional Development Agency. The strong implication is primarily political, as it is operational and financial. The local representatives of the main political parties signed an agreement of unconditional support for the Brasov 2021 - European Capital of Culture Project, which proves commitment and determination to collaborate in the development and implementation of this European project.
The municipality of Brasov, and the community it represents, is the direct beneficiary of granting the title of European Capital of Culture. In order to submit the application, the City Hall of Brasov, the main public pillar in the application process, was responsible for drafting the cultural strategy of the city, dissemination the importance of the project in the public space, the awareness of the factors supporting the candidature, intensification of international relations to support the candidature of Brasov at European level, the study of cultural consumption realization.
Political support The project ”Brasov 2021” enjoys the vote of all the 27 members of Brasov City Council, representatives of the main political parties in Romania, representing the local government. The debate in the Local Council of Brasov related to the Long-term cultural strategy of the municipality of Brasov, as a candidate city for the title of European Capital of Culture 2021 and the final unanimous approval vote also represents a firm and assumed commitment of the political factor whereby representatives of the main political parties in the Local Assembly prioritize public administration actions and programs needed to achieve the Brasov 2021 desideratum.
Beside Brasov municipality, the County Council of Brasov is a direct beneficiary of granting the title of European Capital of Culture. Ever since the launching of the application, the project Brasov 2021 was announced as a project of the local community and of the municipalities that are part of Brasov Metropolitan Area. The County Council of Brasov by the 33 county councilors, pledged that in any formula of representation of the citizens and whatever the political orientation of those who will lead the county of Brasov will be, to give total priority to the public project Brasov 2021, acting in complete transparency, fairness and efficiency with regard to the public resources.
Administrative commitment In order to prepare specific actions for the bid submission, the Association ”Brasov 2021 European Capital of Culture” was established, which brought together the main local and county administrative structures. This association, since its establishment, has been actively supported by the cultural, academic and socio-cultural environment in the county, representing a shared commitment taken by the expanded project implementation Brasov 2021. The founding members of ”Brasov 2021 - European Capital of Culture” are: the City Hall of Brasov, the County Council Brasov and the Metropolitan Agency for Sustainable Development.
The fact that the application is incumbent to the local authority is confirmed by the result of the poll conducted in 2015: 38.5% of respondents said that the City Hall of Brasov is primarily responsible for the successful development of the project Brasov 2021 European Capital of Culture. Instead, the community has very low expectations from the government institutions (the Ministry of Culture - 9.2% or the Romanian Government - 2%), considering together with the municipality that those who can and should be involved in supporting the candidature must be the citizens themselves (14.9%).
Conţinutul cultural artistic
Brasov Metropolitan Agency for Sustainable Development is an association of 18 municipalities in the county and is one of the most important intercommunity development associations in Romania. The mayors of those 18 municipalities have signed a joint declaration of unconditional support of the community project „Brasov 2021 European Capital of Culture”, pledging to develop the cultural infrastructure, based on the enhancement and protection of cultural and natural heritage and continuing with the training of the human resource in the field of culture.
Regionally, Brasov’s candidacy is supported by the Centre Regional Development Agency, which will be actively involved in the promotion, information, training and supporting the implementation of projects undertaken by this application, particularly of the infrastructure. Regarding the central authorities, the Romanian President expressed his appreciation and confidence in the ability of Brasov to submit a high quality application for the title of Cultural Capital of Europe.
Cultural infrastructure Brasov city has a concentrated cultural infrastructure in the historical centre. Right in the City Hall Square there are three county museums (The County History Museum with the City Hall House section, the Ethnography Museum with the Urban Civilization Museum section and “Muresenilor House” Museum) and three of the four big local libraries (“Humanitas” Library – 100 sqm., “Carturesti” Library – 300 sqm. and “Okian” Library – 400 sqm.) We would also like to mention that in Brasov there are no nationally ranked museums and the greatest number of local mobile heritage belongs to the County History Museum (in 2014, 158,517 museum goods/ 10 collections). At present, in the City Hall House there is a permanent exhibition about the local history, concentrated on the archaeological heritage, on a surface of 600 sq. m. Until the end of 2016, this exhibition is going to be replaced by the permanent exhibition named Historical Identity of Brasov, which associates important historical themes of the history of Brasov with historical notions known at a European level (e.g. The Last Frontier of the Roman Empire, The Little Saxon Country, The Gate of Transylvania, 1848, Stalin City). All the exhibits come from the museum’s collections. In the basement of City Hall House, after rehabilitation, there is going to be a temporary exhibition hall, with a surface of 100 sq. m.
“Muresenilor House” Museum hosts a permanent exhibition (400 sq. m.) dedicated to the memory of many members from the Muresanu family, who had merits in the cultural and political life of Brasov. The museum’s heritage is formed of over 35,000 cultural goods. At present, the institution is promoted as National Hymn Museum, thus giving value to the origin of “Desteapta-te, Romane” musical composition, the work of Andrei Muresanu from Brasov. The memorial house also has a space for temporary exhibitions (250 sq. m.). In the courtyard of a stone house, in 2007, the “Transilvania” art gallery was opened (50 sq. m.). The Urban Civilization Museum from the City Hall Square presents fragments from the life of Old Brasov, from the spice shop and the goods cellar, to the patrician salon and the child’s room (a surface of 780 sq. m.). In the museum attic there is a space for temporary exhibitions (121 sq. m.). Right next to this is the Black Church, the biggest church-hall in Romania (a length of approx. 90 meters, the height of the tower at the cross of 65 meters, a surface of 2,500 sq. m.). The place of worship has the biggest mechanical pipe organ in Romania, of Buchholz brand. In the back of the church there is
City of
Conţinutul cultural artistic
a permanent exhibition about the history of the Black Church and the life of reformer Johannes Honterus. The Black Church has the biggest collection of oriental rugs (the 15th-16th century) in Europe, except for Turkey. In the courtyard of the church there is “J. Honterus” Theoretical High School, which has an auditorium of 250 seats. Next to the school, in the Evangelical Parsonage, there is the museum collection of silverware of the Saxons from the Citadel. From the City Hall Square, in a radius distribution, there are many historical streets. On Apollonia Hirscher street, in the building which houses the oldest show room of the city, is the most active cultural operator in Brasov: Reduta Cultural Centre. After the latest modernization (2004), “Reduta” has a show room with a number of 370 places, destined especially for theatre, music and dance events. Near the cultural centre, the “Arlechino” Theatre for Children (117 seats) carries out its activity. On G. Baritiu Street, in Blacksmiths’ Bastion, there is the county service of Brasov for the Romanian National Archives. Here, there is one of the most important collections of historical documents in Romania (e.g. the first document written in Romanian – a letter from 1521) and the area of the Balcans. On Beethoven’s Street, there is Katherine’s Gate, one of the monuments which is representative of the Renaissance style in Transylvanian architecture. Inside the fortified structure, the Architects Order in Romania – branches of Brasov, Covasna, and Harghita - set up a space for temporary exhibitions (60 sq.m.). In the same area, the historical building of “Metropolitan Andrei Saguna” National College there is an auditorium seating 200. On Muresenilor street, at the end near City Hall Square, at no. 1, there is “Europa” gallery of the Fine Artists Union – Brasov branch (40 sq. m.) and at the top floor, the Okian library gallery (60 sq. m.); then, we have “St. O. Iosif” Library, the biggest local library (500 sq. m.) and at the other end, the Rectorship Building and the Multicultural Centre of “Transilvania” University opened a modern exhibition space (150 sq. m.) in 2015. Other spaces which are culturally exploited are Kron Art Gallery (20 lm Simeze) on Postavarului Street, Bistro de l’Arte (20 lm Simeze) in George Enescu Square, The Ashkenazi New Synagogue on Poarta Schei Street, with an exhibition about the local Jewish community and “Sf. Petru si Pavel” Roman-Catholic Church, the host of some classical music concerts.
The most important towers and medieval bastions were given cultural destination. The White Tower (50 sq. m.) is periodically occupied by exhibitions of local artists. The County History Museum arranged an exhibition about the defenders of the Brasov citadel (70 sq. m.) in Graft Bastion and a permanent exhibition about the local medieval fortifications (120 sq. m.) in Weaver’s Bastion (700 sq. m.). Along Tampa’s walking routes, in Draper`s Bastion (90 sq. m.) there is a digital gallery dedicated to the history of Brasov. The other towers have been left uninhabited or were destined for commercial actions until recently. In the second circle, very close to the historical centre, there is the headquarters of “G. Baritiu” County Library and G. Baiulescu House in Livada Postei; the Art Museum, the Ethnography Museum and “Sica Alexandrescu” Theatre on Eroilor Boulevard; “Tiberiu Brediceanu” Art and Crafts School on Lunga street; “St. Baciu” Memorial House and the “First Romanian School” Museum in Schei. Apart from its main mission as public library, during the last years, Brasov County Library became an important cultural operator for the city, also having the advantage of spaces fit for organizing cultural events: the festivities room at the headquarters building (160 sq. m.) and the attic of Baiulescu House (80 sq. m.). The Art Museum’s space (213 sq. m.) is divided between the permanent exhibition for the “National Gallery” (representative works for modern fine arts in the Romanian area) and a room for temporary exhibitions. The museum heritage encompasses over 4,300 cultural goods (easel painting, graphics, sculpture, decorative art, icons, tapestry, oriental rugs, etc.). The Ethnography Museum (447 sq. m.) is dedicated to regional ethnology from the south-east of Transylvania. The permanent exhibition is dedicated to the textile heritage. The heritage is made up of 21,256 objects and it is structured on the following collections: textile and folk ware, wood, metal, ceramics, glass, painted eggs, toys, vintage photographs and documents; the museum holds a photo archive (15,000 black and white negatives, 2,600 color slideshow pictures) and audio-video archive (1,000 cassettes). The Museum also holds two sections located outside the municipal city (Rupea and Sacele). “Sica Alexandrescu” Theatre was born in 1946 under the name of “Theatre of the People.” The building, inaugurated in 1959, has two rooms which were modernized in 2014: the big room with
608 seats and the small room (Studio ’82), with a capacity which varies between 40-60 seats. It is, through its excellency, a repertoire theatre, which hold around 6-8 season premieres. “Tiberiu Brediceanu” Arts and Crafts School organizes drama classes with acting classes and puppet theatre; visual arts with classes in photographic and cinematographic arts; fine arts with classes on painting, graphics, sculpture, ceramics, decorative art, folk art, iconography, fashion design; music with classes on classical canto – pop music, folk canto, piano, guitar, violin, flute-clarinet, blockflote saxophone, contrabass, dulcimer, panpipe-trumpet, percussion (drums), accordion-electric organ, folk instruments (penny trumpet, pipe, kobsa, bagpipe, horn, ocarina), instrumental ensemble, choir ensemble, jazz improvisation; choreography with classical dance classes – ballet performers, modern dance and folk dance; and classes for organizing culture activities such as theatre plays for children, opera or folk music concert and school celebrations. The Arts and Crafts School presently has over 800 pupils and has a festive room (50 sq. m.) “St. Baciu” Memorial House (200 sq. m.) was inaugurated in 2006, following a donation from the descendants of the local poet, who died in exile. It is now a section of “Muresenilor House” Museum. The “First Romanian School” Museum is within the building of “Sf Nicolae” Church in Schei neighbourhood. The museum complex also has the Ex Libris Museum (some hundreds of unique Ex Libris pieces, dating back to the 15th – 16th centuries), the Junii Brasoveni Museum, Tudor Ciortea Music Museum and Stefan Mironescu Museum. The total surface of the complex is 918 sq. m. The museum library holds one of the most important collections of old books (medieval Romanian, Greek and Slavic prints) in Romania. Within the third circle, quite close to the historical centre, at the border with the block neighbourhoods, there are Transivalnia University Auditorium (Iuliu Maniu street), “Patria” Hall (Lucian Blaga street), Brasov Opera House (Bisericii Romane street) and Laborazone Maker Space (N.D. Cocea street). Transilvania University Auditorium has a room with a capacity of 500 seats. “Transilvania” is the only university in Romania which has its own concert season. “Patria” Hall in Brasov is divided into the big hall (458 seats) and the small hall (72 seats). The modern building was inaugurated in 2013. Here, the concert season of the Brasov Philharmonics is held.
Brasov Opera, established in 1953 under the name of Musical Theatre, offers a diverse concert season, including a season dedicated to children. The concert hall has a capacity of 455 seats. Laborazone Maker Space (140 sq. m.) appeared fairly recently and is a space for creation and production, addressing the young generation of artists. In the last circle, between the blocks or at the edge of the city, the only cultural spaces are the private university “Spiru Haret” Brasov auditorium (500 sq. m.) in Tractorul neighbourhood, the “Go Multiplex” Cinema (243 seats) in Bartolomeu neighbourhood and Cinema one in Coresi Shopping Resort (Tractorul neighbourhood), made up of eight modern rooms, of which four have capabilities and equipment for 3D projections (a total of 1470 seats).
With the capacity to hold cultural events, we can also note Sports Hall (the area of Civic Centre – Brasov Train Station), with a capacity of 1,700 seats, and the Olympic Ice Rink, with a capacity of 2,000 seats (in the area of Tractorul Park). The open urban spaces, using until now for organizing cultural events, are situated in the historical centre: City Hall Square (10,000 sq. m.), Unirii Square (2,500 sq. m.) and G. Enescu Square (2,000 sq. m.). In the category of nonconventional spaces with cultural destination, we firstly place the area of Pietrele lui Solomon in Schei neighbourhood, a historical place which identifies itself with the Juni traditions of Brasov. A much larger category is the “green” infrastructure made up of the city’s parks. The green spaces, maintained by the City Hall, are chosen most frequently for events dedicated to children. The efforts made by Brasov city to create and maintain the parks and other green spaces were rewarded by the Ministry of Environment in 2011 with the title of “Green Capital of Romania.” The disadvantage of open spaces is the dependency on the climate.
Conţinutul cultural artistic
The European Capital of Culture and development of the cultural infrastructure of the city For culture events which are reduced in capacity, this offer of spaces is reasonable. With a few exceptions, the exhibition spaces and the spectacle rooms belong to the local and county authorities. In the context of their quality as member of Brasov 2021 Association and in the common interest taken through the firm commitment, all this public infrastructure shall be made available to the Brasov 2021 programme. Events organized in nonconventional spaces will not need special arrangements, but yet will offer a special natural and/or historical environment. Important problems appear when we talk about the geographical distribution of the cultural spaces and their capacity to organize cultural events conditioned by the existence of big exhibition spaces. Firstly, we notice that outside the historical centre there are no museums, art galleries, cultural centres and show rooms. In ASTRA (the old Steagu Rosu neighbourhood), the largest and most populated neighbourhood in the city, there is no type of cultural space. At city level, the most deficient chapter in terms of cultural infrastructure is the one dealing with art galleries. The exhibition spaces that are adequate for the display of fine arts can be found in two museums and five private galleries. The largest area doesn’t exceed 250 square meters and 85 linear meters of painting support and belongs to a history museum. With one exception, no private gallery exceeds 60 square meters. Then, if we exclude the sports infrastructure, the largest auditorium in Brasov has 608 seats. Brasov has an auditorium with over 500 seats, five rooms of 400-500 seats (including the Black Church), three halls of 200-400 seats, four rooms of 100-200 seats and two halls with a seat capacity of below 100. Thus, the primary necessity of a local cultural infrastructure is covering the space crisis for contemporary art and the area for cultural shows.
One decision could be building several medium-sized buildings. Yet, considering the small list of available land on public domain, the local authorities agreed to build a big multicultural centre within the Civic Centre - Astra neighborhood, rehabilitating and converting an industrial hall to cultural activities, on the former industrial area Rulmentul, redeveloping the IAR historic warehouse as exhibition space (Aeronautics Museum) and building a performance hall in Bartolomeu area1. These investments are due to “democratize” the cultural infrastructure of Brasov, being strategically placed in areas that have been non-cultural until now. Also, in the 2016-2021 stage, municipality projects for modernization and/or redevelopment of cultural spaces that are not used/abandoned will continue, allowing their reintroduction in the cultural circuit (“Astra” and “Popular” cinemas and Brasov Stronghold). The rehabilitation of the old communist-era cinema “Patria,” now headquarters for the local Philharmonics, is a good example to this end. Another solution for diversifying the places where cultural events shall take place is extending the “green” cultural infrastructure to Poiana Brasov, Noua neighbourhood, Racadau quarry and Saua Tampa. The present cultural profile of the people of Brasov and the Brasov 2021 concept are the arguments which encourage this initiative for the bid. 1
For the cultural infrastructure projects' planning please reffer to page 71 - Management
Accessibility Regional, national and international transport
Located at the heart of Romania, Brasov city has an advantageous geographical location and enjoys good road and rail connections to the rest of the country’s regions, serving as a road and rail hub. The main checkpoints with Bulgaria, Hungary, Ukraine and Moldavia are at almost equal distances from Brasov city, a favorable aspect in what the access of visitors who use road transport is concerned. In Brasov, there are three major rail lines (200, 300 and 400) that meet and provide a direct link to major European centers such as Vienna, Budapest, Munich, Sofia, Thessaloniki. The International Bus Station Brasov-Bartolomeu accounts for over 40 international trips daily. Brasov’s weaknesses would be given by the fact that the city is not connected to the national highways network as well as the fact that it doesn’t have an airport. However, Brasov is within 100 km from the A3 connection and within 130 km from the A1 connection. The highway network is accessible from the city on European roads. Regarding air transport, there is the possibility of accessing the international airports of Sibiu and Bucharest, both located within a 150 km radius.
The local airport, Brasov-Ghimbav, is under construction, its completion by 2021 being a target undertaken by local authorities. As backup, for external accessibility improvement, the negotiation of a partnership with C.F.R. for introducing an express train “Europa Corona” on the Bucharest – Brasov route is envisaged. However, in terms of internal mobility, Brasov is one of the most developed cities in Romania, owing to all the properly sized roads, efficient systematization of movement and the existence of a local operator for public transport, which controls a network covering the whole city and it is designed to extend over the entire metropolitan area. 24 European capitals and 21 cities with more than 1 million inhabitants connected by air flights from airports within a 150 km radius from Brasov 73 trains serving the city of Brasov, out of which 18 international trains 423,535 visitors to Brasov in 2014 using access routes currently available 52,272,632 passengers transported in 2014 by the local transport operator 30 km of cycle paths 18 mountain trails
Conţinutul cultural artistic
Hospitality In Brasov metropolitan area there are 6,183 rooms in 325 accommodation units, ranging from two to five stars. The accommodation infrastructure covers all standards and requirements specific to visitors: hotels, motels, hostels, villas, cabins, urban and rural guest houses. Thirty (30) hotels, with 2 to 4 stars, having 1,970 rooms, presented warranties for the maximum price/ room available in 2021 and also stipulated the fact that there is “no minimum stay period.” The accommodation facilities are concentrated in Poiana Brasov, in Brasov city and the national touristic resorts Predeal and Rasnov.
We would also like to mention that Brasov, together with its surrounding touristic area, holds 7.4% of all accommodation units at the national level, but this percentage rises to 30.5% at the level of Centre Region.
The potential of Brasov city is not limited just to its accommodation facilities for the visitors. From the activities that are circumscribed to the NATURE – SPORT – CULTURE triangle, those found within the first two axes are very well developed and define the specifics and attractiveness of the area. The touristic resorts which hold international interest, namely Poiana Brasov, Rasnov and Predeal are destinations for winter sports. Moreover, the whole area benefited from investments in the sports infrastructure performed for the organization of EYOWF 2013, which has the capacity of being converted for mixed cultural-sportive functions (the bases of the slopes, which can be the location for outdoors cultural events, or the Olympic Ice Rink). But Brasov is not sought after just for winter sports. The mountain ranges and the distinct natural environment (over 50% of the administrative surface of the city is covered in forests and 9.1% of these are protected areas) offer the environment necessary for various outdoor recreational and relaxation activities. Spaces located in nature, already cherished both by locals and by visitors, as well as Pietrele lui Solomon or Poiana Brasov can be used in order to host specific events, in perfect harmony of culture with nature – the mountain.
The facilities offered by the natural environment are completed by the continuously developing specific infrastructure, with representatives examples for this being the Centres for Recreation in Poiana Brasov and Predeal, both offering multiple possibilities of spending free time and involving visitors in culturally specific activities.
A multi-ethnic and cosmopolitan city, with over a century touristic tradition, Brasov has the “exercise� of hospitality for a large flow of tourists, a fact confirmed by the number of visitors which places the city on first place at a regional level and third place on national level. The communication capacity and relating to visitors are a key point to this end. A Eurostat report done in 2013 shows that at national level, 74% of citizens know at least The human potential comes in to complete the one foreign language. Brasov advantages which nature and infrastructure offer to is situated over this average, benefitting from the advantage the city. The management capacity of local institutions of a multi-ethnic structure of the to manage big events is demonstrated by the successful population, of which over 20% organization of the European Youth Olympic Winter do not have Romanian as their mother tongue. Festival in 2013 and the World Cup stages of Ski Jumping
(Rasnov). The feeling of belonging to the community and involvement of the citizens are confirmed by over 400 volunteers who directly contributed to the proper conduct of sport events, as well as by the financial support of the sponsors from local companies.
Public involvement
PUBLIC involvement
The involvement of the local people and the civil society in preparing the application and implementing the Brasov 2021 cultural project 2015 7 public consultation more than 200 volunteers involved in the preparation of the application; 10,000 students, along with their parents and grandparents, involved in the campaign “We grow through culture" 120.000 promotional materials distributed in the city districts The population of Brasov and Barsa Land maintain caution and a certain inertia when faced with major impact initiatives on the community. The explanation resides exclusively in the moderation of this community who act only after having internalized the idea and therefore is valued at a level sufficiently high to trigger the social body. Thus, the community apparently inert has a powerful, enthusiastic and perseverent come-back to fulfill the purpose. Relating only to recent times, the European Youth Olympic Festival (EYOF), organized in 2013, testifies to this reaction, when the combined efforts of public institutions and volunteers resulted in one of the most successful editions of this competition. The idea of Brasov candidacy for the title of European Capital of Culture 2021 was born in 2012 at the initiative of a counselor who debated this opportunity in local legislature. Political consensus and the support of political actors once obtained, the idea was launched in public debate. The EYOF 2013 organization resulted in a concentrated community effort in this direction and only after the completion of the sporting event, the project Braşov - European Capital of Culture in 2021 caught the attention of public authorities and civil society. Thus, in 2014, the preliminary sociological studies were completed with the support of Transylvania University, the first campaign to inform the general public was launched and the first working groups to define the application and establishment of investments in the cultural infrastructure in anticipation of 2021 were established.
In early 2015, the realistic foundament of the candidacy continued with the organization of several public consultations specialized in various fields: media, bloggers, politicians, minorities, public cultural institutions, businesses, NGOs with cultural and public activities. The meetings have highlighted the residents’ expectations as well as the specific requirements of different categories of stakeholders. Also, firm commitments were obtained in support of the project Braşov 2021. The launch was made in june 2015 only after the local authority had had the relevant evidence on the ability of public support, to assume this action by the local population and only after obtaining the unanimous agreement of the political decision makers both at the city and at the Council County level, and with the support of the metropolitan area. The sociological research in the summer of 2015 found the state of crisis of the local culture as well as the cultural consumption limits. The consumer study and the practices of cultural consumption for Brasov and the metropolitan area of Brasov, carried out by the National Institute for Research and Training Culture (August 2015), was the basis for formulating the Long-term culture strategy for Braşov (2016-2030) and for the Braşov 2021 application file (October 2015). In parallel, the working groups and public debates have launched proposals and cultural initiatives to be gradually put in place, as of 2016. To inform and motivate the public, information campaigns were conducted, with the help of volunteers, in the municipality - in each district - and in the localities of the metropolitan area. An official website and a Facebook page were dedicated to the candidacy. The cyberspace has enabled the artists, the people involved in the cultural phenomenon, the politicians and the general public to show their support and involvement in obtaining the title for 2021.
Public involvement
“Choose the right concept for Brasov 2021 European Capital of Culture” campaign was carried out between May-September 2015, both through the Facebook social network, on the website and through the survey conducted under the consumers and cultural practices study. During the campaign on Facebook it was found that the voters’ preferences were directed to the multiculturalism of the city (26.8%). The results were partly confirmed in the sociological study. The survey responses showed the orientation of the people of Brasov towards a new cultural geography, towards regeneration through culture and a new definition of the cultural identity. The fight “Tradition” versus “Contemporaneity”, an idea incorporated in multiple ways in the concepts proposals issued and voted for by the citizens of Brasov, is closely linked to the respect for history and traditions and it also shows the desire for affirmation of a contemporary culture consonant with the European cultural environment that many of the people of Brasov (especially the young people) are aware. The public launch of the Long-term cultural strategy imposed an information campaign and mobilized the entire community. The most important action of the campaign “We grow through culture” was symbolically held at the beginning of 2015/2016 school year, in all the schools from Brasov and the metropolitan area. Its core was to promote the candidacy of Brasov 2021 among the segment of population which matters the most in an authentic cultural environment connected to the European values. One action was also the involvement of the people of Brasov artistic inclined / endowed. The most important action was the photography contest „Brasov Metropolitan Cooltur - A virtual tour of Barsa Land”. Professional and amateur photographers from the metropolitan area of Brasov became, thus, an active part of the application process. After launching the candidacy for European Capital of Culture, Brasov has hosted several cultural events organized by NGOs and/or people in the cultural space of Brasov. What united the events and the people was more than a text of support displayed on various forms of promotion, it was a dream in whose fulfillment there is already much force, enthusiasm and perseverance: CORONA EUROPA - BRASOV, EUROPEAN CAPITAL OF CULTURE 2021!
Asked how they will support the project Braşov 2021, most of the inhabitants of the municipality (35.9%) said they would like to volunteer, and nearly two-thirds responded that they would be actively and directly involved in the organization of cultural capital. The meaningful participation of the citizens is one of the strategic goals for the bid of Brasov. Associated to the European cultural project through schools, universities, youth or seniors clubs, the civil society organizations or other community organization or simply coming along to the project as individuals, the people of Braşov are a purpose as they are a tool for the success of the European Capital of Culture in 2021.
The Civilization of The Mountain will be achieved not only through the work of those directly involved - public authorities and institutions, cultural NGOs, artists - but also by involving the citizens. They will contribute to the quality of the events either directly, through their involvement in volunteering activities, and indirectly, through social networks and platforms dedicated to the events where they can intervene with proposals and assessments on the way. The interactive character of certain actions in public spaces will ensure the participation of the people of Brasov directly to the accomplishment of cultural phenomenon. The community nature of the Brasov 2021 project will stand out in and integrating local traditional festivals calendar in the capital’s cultural program.
New and sustainable opportunities for extended categories of citizens, especially the young, volunteers and marginalized and disadvantaged people, including minorities The Civilization of the Mountain concept includes the Cultural Guides cultural axis into the Under the Mountain local dimension, a programme for cultural education concentrated on actions dedicated to pupils, the young and to disadvantaged social groups. Thus, until 2021, starting with 2016, there are going to be pilot projects which will reach maturity during the artistic programme in 2021. These will constantly receive public financing based on a development plan. The results of the Study of consumption and cultural consumption practices made during July-August 2015 highlight the wish of the young (18-34 years old) for diversity and cultural reconstruction. In this context, the “Europa Corona” title represents an extraordinary chance for the youngs to benefit from new and durable cultural opportunities, including having a business/ workplace due to the European project. In fact, the young prove to be the most representative sample of citizens for the title of 2021. Within the Brasov 2021 project, programmes destined to stimulate creativity and participating behaviour will be encouraged, guaranteeing the free expression of opinions, skills and talents. As of 2016, in the line of financing the pilot projects, there are going to be grants for supporting the young independent artists from Brasov and the metropolitan area. In the area of cultural education, Brasov 2021 Association will conclude a partnership with “Transilvania” University of Brasov, through which the competencies of the Faculties of Letters, Music, Sociology-Communication and Wood Engineering will be exploited. An example of good practice, sought for by the Brasov 2021 project, is the Master’s Degree programme of the Faculty of Letters, titled Cultural Innovation. A programme developed since the beginning of the 2000s, is centred on the forming role of creative writing courses. Another cultural area where the young will be involved is the digitalization of heritage. Teams of volunteers will participate both in the recording of
cultural “memory,” as well as in carrying out friendly and interactive interfaces for digital projects developed before and during the European Capital of Culture 2021. This approach was influenced by the existence of numerous classes with a science-informatics profile in the high schools in Brasov. Taking into consideration the crises in management resources from creative and cultural industries, the Brasov 2021 project will organize, starting from 2016, courses specific to the aforementioned domains for the development of entrepreneurship skills. The top graduates will participate in a special course, organized annually, starting with 2016, with lectors invited from the European capitals of culture with outstanding results in the field. Brasov 2021 supports training/professional retraining forms in order to encourage specialization in cultural and creative sectors. Thus, under the shield of Brasov 2021, professional courses and annual job fairs will be organized for the unemployed. Benefiting of these actions is, of course, not limited to the young.
Volunteering is the purest expression of assuming an event by the community. Volunteers are the backbone of the Brasov 2021 project. Brasov has experience in collaborating with volunteers for big international events due to organizing EYOWF 2013. Understanding the important role of volunteers, within the management team of Brasov 2021 there is a department dedicated to collaborating with volunteers. It is essential that the volunteers understand their tasks. The organizers need to inspire the volunteers by sharing the vision of the project with them, to see if they are interested in participating. To this end, during the period 2016-2020, special events for recruiting and analysis are going to be organized and methods of imposing standards are going to be identified. Through the investment policy in the cultural infrastructure, the Brasov 2021 artistic programme will have the opportunity to go into the neighbourhoods of the city, in order to get really close to many marginalized and disadvantaged social categories. During the period 2016-2021, there are going to be pilot projects for cultural education for these categories generally placed in the area of non-participation to cultural events.
Public involvement
The training/professional retraining classes in cultural and creative sectors are a solution to finding the right answer to one of the most important problems for adults in this area: workplaces. Cultural institutions are going to give special attention to people with low income, children coming from vulnerable families and Roma communities. To this end, there is continuity in collaborating with different local NGOs for developing cultural-educational projects. For the integration of Roma people there are going to be cultural education projects at school level in the areas where Roma people are a majority (Garcini neighbourhood – Sacele city), projects for exploiting their artistic potential and including some Roma citizens in the category of volunteers for the cultural events.
A target public for Brasov 2021 is made up of elderly people (senior citizens). Correlating the statistical data regarding the medium number of retired persons and the average monthly pension that they benefit with their interest for cultural events indicates the necessity for economic measures to support the cultural consumption of the elderly in the form of grants, subscriptions to public cultural institutions a.s.o., measures which are defined within the strategy for culture in 2015-2030. Within the Cultural Springs axis, direct participation of the elderly in developing and implementing cultural projects is envisaged. Brasov 2021 project also has a strong component for recording community experiences from the communist period. The testimonies of those who got through the stages of life in the communist period are historical and cultural “springs.” From the Stalin city to the riot in 1987, Brasov 2021 will encourage the people of the communist era Brasov to tell their life story.
In the case of other minorities, we cannot discuss marginalization or cultural disadvantage. The Saxon minority in Brasov, through the Evangelical Church, holds property over many important historical buildings in the centre of the city, which are cultural destinations and are introduced in the local and national circuit. Also, both the Saxons and the Hungarians, historical ethnicities of Brasov, regularly organize cultural events. In this social and cultural segment, the main problem is the autarchic cultural character. The Civilization of the Mountain concept includes a programme in the Under the Mountain local dimension, which especially deals with the multiculturalism of Brasov and the cultural “conciliation”. In the Cultural springs programme, local minorities will have the opportunity to participate in cultural projects destined to research, preservation, and exploitation of their traditions and mobile historical heritage. The duty of the Brasov 2021 project is to harmonize these projects into a uniform cultural offer that brings out both the cultural diversity as well as the areas of cultural interference and satisfies the need of prestige of all Brasov people, regardless of their ethnicity.
Another transversal priority for the cultural programme axes of Brasov 2021 will be to support the access to culture for disabled people. On the one hand, it is about ensuring physical accessibility to newly established cultural spaces (there being a legislative obligation in this case) or in nonconventional spaces which will host the cultural events, while on the other hand, we refer to accessibility of content. Even in the present days, people with disabilities (and their companions, if such is the case) benefit from subsidized access (completely or partially) both at the permanent as well as the temporary exhibitions, in most of the cultural institutions in Brasov. Since each cultural action dedicated to the general public is different from the others, we will make appeal to specialists to ensure improved accessibility for people with various types and degrees of disability.
General strategy to extend the public categories, especially with regards to the educational environment and participation of the schools The concept "We grow through culture" implies the cultural education of the public, regardless of age or area of residence, for classical forms and for the latest forms of contemporary art as well. Education will be achieved primarily through quality cultural events. The marketing plan will promote the understanding regarding the importance of the culture in the community’s life and will restrict the non-consumers’ perception about the existence of a privilege of the intellectual elite. The 2016-2020 phase will be decisive in forming the public’s habit for participating to the cultural life of the city. An effective ally will be the children who will bring the parents and grandparents to their cultural events. In that place, at the same time, there will be actions to promote the cultural agenda for children's companions. In addition, the extensive and effective promotion of the cultural offer and the organization of events in the city districts and the metropolitan area will help expand audiences. A projection of the cultural consumption in 2021 imposes placing pupils in the target groups of the strategy to extend the public categories. Pupils are the future trainers and citizens who will decide the city’s future. Also, in the campaign to support the candidacy of Brasov to get the title of European Capital of Culture 2021, one of the most important marketing actions took place at the beginning of the school year (14th of September). 10,000 pupils from primary schools in Brasov and the metropolitan area received school notebooks, and on the following was written on their cover: “We grow through Culture!” “Dear all, the Culture of Brasov is not a heritage from grandparents and parents, it is loaned from you, the children of Brasov!” “Pupil … Class … In 2021, when my city is going to be the European Capital of Culture, I will be … years old.”
Preparing the pupils of Brasov for “Europa Corona” includes a special strategy focused on cultural education. The basis of this strategy is a partnership made with the Brasov 2021 Association and the Brasov County School Inspectorate. Developing the cultural education will be materialized starting from the second semester of the 2015/2016 school year, through flagship projects of artistic education in primary and secondary schools.
The classes will help pupils gain skills, knowledge and artistic understanding; critical appreciation (aesthetic judgement); the capacity for individual cultural expression/ development; communication skills and knowledge about the local and European cultural heritage. Teaching arts will involve using the newest technologies to inform and communicate, meetings with local artists and visits to cradles of culture. The most talented pupils will have the possibility to participate, free of charge, at extracurricular artistic workshops organized by Brasov 2021 Association, at “Tiberiu Brediceanu” School of Arts and Crafts. The cultural education classes will be extended to the 2016/2017 school year to History, Literature and Architecture as well. In these fields, the Brasov 2021 Association already benefits from a professional cultural offer: the museum pedagogy programmes of all local museums, the activity of the excellency centre for children at the Brasov County Library and the “Architecture Hour” class, organized by the members of the local branch of the Romanian Order of Architects. The development plan provides a generalization of the cultural education classes in Brasov and the metropolitan area until the start of the 2018/2019 school year. For high school education, there is a cultural education project provided, made up of seminars and workshops on different subjects, starting with the second semester of the 2015/2016 school year and, after a series of school contests, participation in international artistic camps dedicated to teenagers. Because Brasov has three of the most important national colleges with a science profile (informatics classes), the development of creative laboratories is envisioned, having as a topic Civilization of The Mountain. Also, activities of mountain and ecological clubs/ associations will be encouraged, with a culturaleducational purpose. Another way of attracting pupils and youngsters to participating in the artistic programme of the Brasov 2021 project is to give out free stuff and cultural souvenirs. Starting with December 2015, a way of linking schools and high schools from Brasov and the metropolitan area will be school contests organized periodically on different topics inspired by the concept of “Civilization of The Mountain”. A means of stimulating professors and students participating in these contests and at the same time a marketing action will be awarding them, action carried out by the personalities involved in the Brasov 2021 programme.
Finance The annual budget allocated to culture by the city of Brasov was the following: Year
City’s annual budget for culture (in euro)*
Share (%)
City’s total annual budget
€ 143,122,053.33
€ 145,850,888.89
€ 137,458,991.11
€ 167,710,237.78
€ 169,682,131.11
* Exchange rates used to convert amounts of lei: 1 euro = 4.5 lei.
The budget for culture included amounts needed to cover operating expenses of the institutions under the authority of the municipality and to support cultural projects implemented locally. By 2015, the budget allocated for culture had an average share of 2% of the total annual budget for the city. The annual budget for culture in the city of Brasov increased year by year, justified both by a higher involvement of the authorities and by dynamising the community’s cultural life. Regarding the city budget, its significant growth during 2014-2015 is justified by a 73.14 million euro financing which Brasov metropolitan area, as an economic growth pole¸received through the Regional Operational Programme, Axis 1, and the economic growth of the recent years. In the structure of the general budget of the municipality, cultural infrastructure costs are not included in the Culture section, but are recorded separately, in the investments chapter. The evolution of these expenses is shown below: Year
Infrastructure annual budget - CULTURE
City’s total annual budget
Share (%)
€ 1,011,179.56
€ 143,122,053.33
€ 1,172,122.22
€ 145,850,888.89
€ 1,566,183.78
€ 137,458,991.11
€ 328,276.89
€ 167,710,237.78
€ 488,222.22
€ 169,682,131.11
The implemented projects targeted the rehabilitation of the Patria cinema, the restoration of the Unirii Square in the old city center, the building rehabilitation for Sica Alexandrescu Theatre and the Opera Brasov. Between 2015-2022, Brasov will direct 35,97% of its culture budget in order to finance the project Brasov - European Capital of Culture, as follows: Year
Forecasted city’s annual budget for culture (in EURO)
The amount of the annual budget for culture expected to be used for financing the project European Capital of Culture (in EURO)
Share (%)
€ 3,944,906.67
€ 75,218.67
€ 5,704,888.89
€ 222,222.22
€ 5,704,000.00
€ 555,555.56
€ 5,712,888.89
€ 666,666.67
€ 6,202,222.22
€ 888,888.89
€ 8,666,666.67
€ 2,222,222,22
€ 29,000,000.00
€ 20,000,000.00
€ 9,444,444.44
€ 777,777.78
The budgetary allocation for this initiative will be made progressively, in relation to the activities listed in the action plan; funding intensity will grow progressively as approaching the moment of 2021.
Culture is an important strategic direction in the city’s development, this being demonstrated by the amounts that the municipality approved to be allocated to support, develop and diversify the cultural activities in the context of the candidature. From the data presented above, one cand see that the culture budget is increasing year by year (budgets that does not include the Brasov- European Capital of Culture project). In this context, the budget allocation for culture after 2021 would join the trend of the previous period, with an annual growth which is not spectacular, but safe. Thus, from a share of only 2.28% in 2015, the municipality intends to increase the budgetary allocations for culture to 7% by 2021. Year
City’s annual budget for culture (euro)
City’s total annual budget (euro)
Share (%)
€ 29,000,000.00
€ 125,627,777.78
€ 9,444,444.44
€ 128,140,444.44
€ 9,111,111.11
€ 130,696,444.44
€ 9,222,222.22
€ 133,333,333.33
€ 9,444,444.44
€ 136,000,000.00
As the awarding of the title implies follow-up, dissemination and evaluation activities, in 2022, the share of the city's cultural budget from the total budget is higher this year than in the following years.
The operating budget for 2021
Incomes to cover operating expenses: The general operational budget of the project, calculated for the period 20162022, is € 37,261,111.11. It is calculated for all stages: preparation (2016 - 2020), the year in which the title is granted (2021) and subsequent activities for evaluation and follow-up (2022). This operational budget includes program expenses, marketing expenses, promotion and visibility of the project, salary expenses, administrative and other general expenses. The sources of income are covered to the extent of 89.86% from the public sector and 10.14% from the private sector, according to the table below:
Public sector Private sector
The pro rata of incomes to cover operational expenses, by sectors
Total income for covering operational expenses (in euro)
From the public sector (in euro)
From the public sector (%)
From the private sector (in euro)
From the private sector (%)
€ 37.261.111,11
€ 33,483,333.33
€ 3,777,777.78
For the year in which the title is granted, the total operational budget will be of € 23,088,888.89 and the revenue to cover operating expenses is split by source as follows: Income category
Total amount (euro) - 2021
Share of the income category
€ 20,000,000.00
Metropolitan area
€ 444,444.44
€ 666,666.67
Foundations and sponsors
€ 1,444,444.44
€ 533,333.33
Total 2021
€ 23.088.888,89
For the year in which the title is granted, the main budgetary effort will be assumed by the municipality and the surrounding region (a total of 88.54%), as the direct representatives of citizens. Beside them, the community, through the local businesses and the non-governmental environment will directly support the initiative. Their contribution is quantified also in the form of financial contribution (6.26% of total budget), but especially by involving volunteers. An important role will be played also by the European funds which will be attracted for the development of cultural projects with high added value, which will facilitate networking between local cultural operators and those from other Member States.
3% 4% 0%
Revenues from the public sector:
Total income from the public sector for covering operational expenses
In euro
Share of the income category
€ 5,777,777.78
€ 25,333,333.33
Region (metropolitan area)
€ 1,016,666.67
EU (excepting the Melina Mercouri Prize)
€ 1,355,555.56
Government Municipality Region (metropolitan area) EU (excepting the Melina Mercouri Prize)
The pro rata of public incomes to cover the total operational budget
75.66% of the total operating budget will be covered by the local public budget, indicative allocations amounting € 25,333,333.33 already being approved. From the governmental level, Brasov relies on a € 5,777,777.78 support, justified by the benefits that this approach will generate including at national level. Given the impact of the project, both in the city and in the surrounding communities, 3.04% of the total budget will come from the localities of the metropolitan area. In the forecasting of the EU funds from the operating budget, financing that can be accessed through funding programs dedicated to culture has been taken into account. The previous financial exercise (2007-2013) showed that both local authorities and other cultural actors were capable to successfully implement grant founded projects. Assuming the city's cultural strategy firstly meant resizing budgets allocated to this field and imposed simultaneously the need for multiannual financial planning for the operationalization of the proposed measures. The decisional forum – the City Council - approved the budget for culture for the period 2016-2022 and contribution of the municipality to the operational budget of Brasov- European Capital of Culture project, amounting to € 25,333,333.33. The representatives of communities in the metropolitan area have signed a joint declaration supporting the project which includes also the financial component. In its turn, the Agency for Regional Development- Center, although it does have the role of a regional public authority, will fulfill an important advisory role in accesing European funds. Regarding the financial involvement of the government, for reasons related to the equal treatment of all candidate cities, there are no explicit support commitments. However, due to the obvious benefits that obtaining the title will generate, including at national level, it is clear that the Romanian government will financially support actions proposed by the winning city..
The fundraising strategy to receive financial support from EU programs / funds to cover operating expenses Accessing European funds was a priority for all the interested stakeholders, fact demonstrated by the high degree of absorption from the EU pre-accession phase. This aspect is a solid argument with regard to the area's capacity to attract in the perspective of 2021 grant resources for implementing projects, including cultural ones. In this regard, a number of programs and funding lines managed both centrally and through national agencies are considered, the responsibility of obtaining them falling on both Brasov Association 2021 and local cultural operators. The programs covered are: Financing programme
Types of projects
Creative Europe
For projects involving training for people working in the creative field (writers, artists, actors, art designers); developing audiences and increasing visibility at European level; supporting actions for cultural initiatives in the field of architecture, music, literature, cultural heritage and film.
Management For cultural education and youth projects that will focus on exchange of experience at European level, visits and training in the artistic and cultural field. Projects aiming at networking and dissemination of best practices in the cultural and cultural education field will also be targeted.
Erasmus Programme + Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs Programme
Stimulating entrepreneurship in the cultural services and creative industries is aimed.
Horizon 2020
For complex research-innovation projects aiming at transforming Brasov and the surrounding area in a metropolis of knowledge.
POCU - Human Capital Operational Programme
For projects aiming at human resources’ development as a premise for sustainable development, focusing on the cultural field and creative industries.
POCA - Administrative Capacity Operational Programme
For projects aiming at defining and implementing public policies in the cultural area , cultural strategies and developing the management capacity of specialized institutions. All EU funding programs will be monitored and opportunities that can support the implementation of the city's cultural strategy will be identified and accesed.
Other programmes
In addition, national funds such as grants offered by the National Cultural Fund Administration (AFCN) or the Department for Policies regarding Relations with Romanians Abroad are other opportunities to be exploited in the preparation of the year 2021. The authority responsible for preparing and submitting the application for the European Capital of Culture is Brasov City. In the coordination of the activities planned for the period 2016-2021, the municipality will collaborate with Brasov Association 2021 - European Capital of Culture, whose founding member it is.
The incomes’ reception and allocation agenda, detailed on the sources of income from public and private sector Source of income for operating expenses
2017 -
2018 -
2019 -
€ 66,666.67
€ 400,000.00
€ 533,333.33 € 666,666.67
€ 444,444.44 € 444,444.44
€ 666,666.67
€ 2,444,444.44
€ 222,222.22
€ 555,555.56 € 666,666.67
€ 888,888.89
€ 2,222,222.22 € 20,000,000.00
Region (Metropolitan Area)
€ 146,666.67
€ 370,000.00
€ 444,444.44
€ 333.333.33
€ 1,444,444.44
€ 1,444,444.44
Brasov Association 2021 - European Capital of Culture will coordinate the activity plan and the total operational budget, amounting € 37,261,111.11 will be managed with the support of Brasov Municipality. The sources of income projected for the period 2016-2022 are: Amount projected for the period 2016-2022
Share in the local budget
€ 25,333,333.33
Metropolitan area
€ 1,016,666.67
€ 5,777,777.78
Foundations and sponsors
€ 3,777,777.78
€ 1,355,555.56
€ 37,261,111.11
Income category Municipality
Revenues for the private sector: The contribution of private sponsors is 10.14% of the total operating budget, split by years and amounts as follows: Income category
Total value (lei)
2016 2017 2018
Foundations and sponsors
€ 333,333.33
€ 1,444,444.44
€ 1,444,444.44 € 555,555.56
Share in total income 10,14%
The strategy for information, motivation and attracting private sponsors is based on the following components: • Ensuring visibility of the project in the private sector by creating an adequate information campaign to motivate businessmen to engage either through direct funding or by providing sponsorship by redirecting 3 ‰ of the turnover to cultural activities and projects; • Developing partnerships and public-private cultural consortia, thus ensuring the involvement and motivation of the private sector in financing / co-financing cultural initiatives; • Starting a crowdfunding project on the topic Brasov - European Capital of Culture 2021, which may involve both locals and other persons interested in supporting the project (at a national or international level). To conduct the fundraising campaign, specialized online platforms will be used and social media and websites will promote this initiative in the virtual environment; • Conducting the 2% campaign by redirecting 2% of the income tax of the citizens to the Brasov Association 2021 - European Capital of Culture in order to support the operational budget; • Establish "The Cultural Fund" where citizens are encouraged to donate both throughout the year and especially on the advance payment of local taxes when bonuses are granted; in this way, the difference may be used to support culture. During the preparation of the candidature, the private sector was consulted on the specific needs and proposals for interventions aimed at increasing the overall satisfaction of human resources. All this will be reflected in an increased involvement and a high degree of proactivity of the staff, both in the organizational environment and in the community. In this way the business environment will be open to culture in general and to supporting the candidacy in particular.
€ 3,726,111
€ 186,306
Total of operational expenses
Others (%)
Peromotion and marketing (%)
€ 6,054,931
Others (euro)
Promotion and marketing (euro)
Salaries, operational costs, and adminis-trative expenses (%)
Programme expenses (%)
€ 27,293,764
Salaries, operational costs, and administrative expenses (euro)
Programme expenses (euro)
Operational expenses:
€ 37,261,111
The total budget for operational expenditure is € 37,261,111, and most of it will be allocated to support the Activity schedule. Thus, all initiatives and cultural projects that will be organized during the period 20162022 and will be included in the program of activities under the European Capital of Culture agenda will be funded from this budget. The budget for promotion and marketing activities takes into account that the effectiveness of these activities depends largely on the success of the whole project. The amount of € 6.054.931 is meant to ensure visibility of the program so that both the community and business and the non-governmental environments take part to the development and/or implementation of projects and cultural initiatives.
The promotion will target not only the local community but it will also extend to national and European level. Activities will be implemented progressively, and their intensity will greatly increase in the preparation phase, with particular emphasis in 2020 when promoting the cultural programme at international level will aim to ensure a greater number of visitors to participate in the activities planned for 2021. The marketing activities aim not only the cultural program, but they also act to ensure transparency of the decisions regarding the coordination activities, dissemination of interim and post-event evaluation reports, communication between the community and the entity responsible for managing the application, both during the year 2021 and thereafter. The salaries, operational expenses and administrative expenses budget is to ensure the optimal functioning of the team that will manage the project. The organizational structure comprises a Coordination Board and an operational team consisting of a project manager (or CEO), artistic manager, financial manager, purchasing manager, three program axes managers, a logistics manager, a marketing manager, a security manager and a volunteering manager. Within the operational team, having the role of supervision-consultation of the artistic program, there is an artistic council consisting of five members. The category targeting "Other expenses" has the lowest rate, of 0.5% and is projected in particular for the 2020-2021 period when unexpected expenses are most likely to occur, that must be managed properly.
Capital expenses budget: Covering the capital costs in 2021 To cover the capital expenditures of € 51,112,322.58, the following income from the public sector is projected: Public sector income for covering capital expenses
€ 15,351,120.97
€ 35,266,088.71
€ 54,197,000.00
Region EU
Financial arrangements for the authorities responsible with public finances Brasov is one of the seven Growth Poles that have benefited from predetermined financial allocations in the previous funding cycle; the same mechanism is planned for 2014-2020. In order to access funding in 2007-2013, an Integrated Development Plan was elaborated and assumed by all the authorities in Brasov Metropolitan Area. This plan is being updated and will be shaped in an Integrated Urban Development Strategy to be submitted for approval of the decisionmaking forums of all the 18 municipalities of the Metropolitan Area during 2016. Basically, this document defines the directions and development priorities of the metropolitan area, while identifying the necessary financial resources to support investments included in the list of priority projects. As the documentation for these investments will be completed (see schedule below), the local councils will proceed to approve the budgets involved and, in the case of projects with grants, to approve their own contribution to eligible and ineligible costs. It’s worth noting that some of the cultural infrastructure priority projects which will be presented in a subsequent section have a high degree of maturity; meaning that local authorities have settled the legal issues related to the ownership of the emplacements and ordered or even came into possession of technical and economic documents. This confirms the full involvement of the municipality in the preparation of infrastructure projects proposed, but also their financial support. As indicated, the Integrated Urban Development Strategy will provide the basis for attracting funding through the Regional Operational Programme and other Sectoral Programmes active in the cycle 2014-2020. These programs have been approved by national authorities that contribute to their financing with the European Union. Given that at least the Regional Operational Programme will contain a predefined financial allocation for the Brasov Growth Pole, one can appreciate that targeted investment projects will receive financial support including from the Romanian Government.
The fundraising strategy to benefit from financial support from EU programs / funds to cover capital expenses According to the previously presented aspects, the Integrated Urban Development Strategy will set the direction and priorities for the metropolitan area development, providing the foundation for attracting grants through programs available in the cycle 2014-2020. The list of priority projects related to the Strategy will include also the investments in cultural infrastructure assumed in this application. Investment projects, including those that will cover cultural infrastructure, will be financed prioritarily by the Regional Operational Programme 2014 -2020 through the following priority axes: • Priority Axis 4: Support sustainable urban development; • Priority Axis 5: Improving the urban environment and conservation, protection and sustainable use of cultural heritage; It is important to specify that Brasov, as a Growth Pole, will receive its own ROP financial allocation, having the liberty to determine their priority projects for funding. According to the study Methodology Framework for effective implementation of sustainable urban development activities published in July 2015 by the World Bank, the amount proposed to be attributed to Brasov through the Regional Operational Programme, (Axis 4) will be of 63,248,724 euros, which covers also the projects identified through the present candidature. The previous experience gained by Brasov as a Growth Pole is a guarantee that it has the operational capacity to successfully and timely implement all projects undertaken. For the period 2016-2020, Brasov has assumed the responsibility for the implementation of the following projects considered as priorities for the development of the cultural infrastructure.
Name of the project/investment
Implementation period
Value (Euro)
From which Local funds
Guvernment funds
Rehabilitation of the City Hall Square
Developing an area for cultural and recreational activities- Bartolomeu
Rehabilitation and reintroduction of the Popular cinema in the cultural circuit
Rehabilitation and reintroduction of the Astra cinema in the cultural circuit
Arranging a natural amphitheatreRăcădău Quarry
Aeronautics Museum – space modernization, exhibits and equipments
Brasov Anti Communist Fight Museum 1987 – space modernization, exhibits and equipments
Rehabilitation of the City Hall House building (County Museum of History)
Developing areas for outdoor cultural activities - Solomon's Stones, Tampa, Poiana Mica, Noua Lake
Rehabilitation of buildings listed as historical monuments
Construction of a cultural center Civic Center Brasov
Rehabilitation and reintroduction in the cultural circuit of the Fortress
Rehabilitation and conversion to cultural activities of Rulmentul industrial buildings
Organizational structure The Brasov, European Capital of Culture 2021 project has an autonomous management structure The"EUROPA CORONA" 2021 project is managed by the Brasov 2021 – European Capital of Culture Association, a nongovernmental organization, founded in 2015 by the Brasov City Hall, Brasov County Council and the Metropolitan Agency of Brasov. The Brasov 2021 – European Capital of Culture Association has a mixed organizational structure, made up of a Coordination Board and an operational team, made up of a Project Manager/General Director, Artistic Manager, Financial Manager, Procurement Manager, Three Programme Axis Managers, Logistics Manager, Marketing Manager, Security Manager, and Volunteer Manager. Within the operational team, there is an artistic council with a role of supervising-counselling for the artistic programme, made up of five members.
The Coordination Board of the Brasov 2021 – European Capital of Culture Association is made up of five members, representatives of the Brasov City Hall, Brasov County Council and the Metropolitan Agency of Brasov. The council designates the project team, develops the strategies for Brasov 2021, takes the final decisions regarding the projects and cultural activities, acts as a global financial control, takes financial decisions, raises funds and sponsorships, monitors the project progres and solves problems and/or project litigation
The President of the Brasov 2021 – European Capital of Culture Association is Ms. Durbaca Alexandrina Adina. The members of the Board are: Vestea Mihail – Vice President, David Dragos Florin – Secretary, Doiciu Mariana Cecilia and Valer Rus – members. The Coordination Board does not have the power to take decisions specific to the artistic management.
The executive-consulting managing team of the Brasov 2021 project is about to be formed after the candidacy pre-selection stage and must be formed of minimum 10 dedicated people, who have experience in organizing events, and different skills and competences. Project Manager for Brasov, European Capital of Culture 2021 / General Director It is a person with leadership experience, with expertise in the area of projects with EU financing, the representative of Brasov 2021 Association in relationship with the representatives of local, national and European public institutions involved in the project.
His main responsibilities are going to be focused on: planning, ensuring the budget, obtaining financing from the private area, coordinating the public relations team and monitoring the press, coordinating the team of the Brasov 2021 European cultural project. The Project Manager is named for the period 20162022 and shall perform his activity within a firm management contract.
Artistic Manager / Artistic Director The Artistic Manager plays a key role in the success of the project. He ensures the quality of the cultural act, understanding the strategic objectives and the aesthetic requirements. He cooperates with the Artistic Council and the Logistics Manager. Taking into account the limited human resources, requests are going to be made, including in the media, to extend the selection to European level, as such a formula would definitely raise the level and diversity of the artistic management plans of the candidates. The election of the Artistic Manager is going to be made immediately after the announcement of the preselection results, taking into account the management plan, the experience in the cultural management and the expertise in cultural projects of international level. The Artistic Manager is named for the period 20162022 and shall perform his activity within a firm management contract. Financial Manager Economist with experience in the field of programmes with European financing. Procurement Manager Lawyer with experience procurement field.
Financing Axes/Programme Axes Managers Cultural managers who understand the concept of a European capital of culture and the concept of Brasov 2021. We could say that together with the project manager and the artistic council, they are the curators of the Brasov 2021 project. Marketing & Communication Manager This person manages the implementation of the PR strategy – promotion and dissemination. He covers an area in which he closely collaborates with the project manager and the managers of the programme axes. Logistics Manager This person ensures the planning of the space and facilities necessary for the performance of the cultural programme, being in close collaboration with the artistic manager, the artistic council and the managers of programme axes. He coordinates the teams responsible with transportation – sets and people, accommodation, meals. Security Manager A person with experience in risk assessment and ensuring first aid measures; is responsible with health and security issues during the cultural programme.
Volunteer Manager Closely collaborates with all the other managers who need people, delegating tasks to volunteers. The main responsibilities are training and coordinating the volunteers and managing the database with work lists, including contact information of all volunteers. Artistic Council It is formed by five European cultural personalities with expertise in cultural management. The 2021 Association shall identify the examples of good practice from the list of European capitals of culture and shall send invitations. The council members need to be from five different European countries; every year, it is mandatory for one to be from Romania. The membership of the council shall change annually, with a time limit set at the half of the year, until June 2020. The last council shall be active in the period June 2020 – January 2022. The council works in close relationship with the programme manager and the artistic manager. Its role also involves proposals to resolve practical and aesthetic problems. Also, the council ensures the dialogue with all the important partners, issues regulations regarding the level of authenticity, while having the mission to be strict, honest, and capable of finding solutions in due time. Even if there is definite separation between the management of the European Capital of Culture and Brasov City Council and Brasov County Council, cooperation, the mandatory condition for the success of the European cultural project, is ensured by the commitment of both institutions with regards to creating the Association. With regards to choosing the management team, including the artistic management team, the presence of the representatives from the local authorities in the Coordination Board ensures a degree of control when choosing the right team.
However, we highlight the fact that the European Capital of Culture Brasov 2021 programme is managed independently only by a management team, without being influenced by any political criteria.
Plans for unforeseen situations In the candidature preparation phase, the work team started from the premise that, just as important as the cultural concept itself is the process through which it materializes. In other words, together with quality and consistency of cultural approach, the methodology and management tools used are essential for the success of the proposed approach. In implementing the actions included in the candidature, risks management occupies an essential role, as without an efficient prevention and management plan of their effects, unforeseen situations can radically influence the development and success of these actions. In this context, the team underwent a risk analysis on two coordinates, during the initial preparation stage of the candidature. A first coordinate involved a thorough study of the candidatures submitted by other cities in the previous selection sessions, of the jury’s reports and the evaluation reports for after the events, aiming to identify errors, deficiencies and frequent, common and recurrent threats. These were taken into consideration in the process of preparing the candidature, aiming at minimizing possibilities of these occurring in Brasov which, in this way, proposed to learn from other’s mistakes. Another component of the risk assessment aimed at identifying internal and
external threats, specific to the candidature submitted by Brasov city, namely: • The possibility of not finishing the cultural infrastructure projects in time, with an impact on the capacity to host the proposed cultural events; • Overrunning the budgets proposed for operational and capital spending; • Difficulties in attracting financial contributions identified as being necessary for implementing the concept, others than the local budget; • Mismanagement of proposed actions; • Failure to comply with the political commitments to support the candidacy; • A reduced impact of the marketing and promotional strategy used; • A reduced degree of involvement from citizens and cultural operators; • A lack of interest from target groups as regards the concept and proposed cultural programme; • Difficulties in generating the desired European dimension of the events. Identifying the mentioned risks allowed us to adapt the content of the candidature so that the possibility of occurrence is minimal.
The main strengths and weaknesses The candidature of Brasov counts on the following strong points: The novelty of the concept, which offers an original approach to the culture-nature relationship, of the polarizing role of the mountain in the life of the local community but also of the European community as a whole; a concept which steps out of the classical patterns has more chances of attract the public’s interest and to generate a far-reaching impact. The involvement of the civilians, whose needs and interest were identified in the development stage of the candidacy and influenced its content, and the local cultural operators who had an important consulting role in this stage; the chosen concept also involves offering a double role to the members of the community – that of an actor and spectator.
The past and the multiculturalism, Brasov being one of the oldest cities from Transylvania, with a rich material and immaterial heritage, characterized by the interference between the cultures of the ethnicities who have been living here together along the time and which offers a true European vocation. Brasov is a city close to nature both through its geographical setting as well as through the preference of its inhabitants to spend their free time outdoors. The selected cultural concept thus benefits from all chances to attract the community’s interest and the natural setting offers the necessary conditions to develop cultural activities in a nonconventional and attractive environment. Hospitality. Brasov is one of the best known and most accessed touristic destinations in Romania. It has an appropriately sized accommodation infrastructure, correlated to recreational and relaxation facilities and the human capital prepared to deal with the anticipated increase in the number of visitors.
Operational capability to manage largescale initiatives and events, acquired in the implementation process of the priority projects proposed through the Integrated Development Plan of Brasov Growth Pole, but also in organizing the European Youth Olympic Festival. Integrating the candidature into Cultural and Development Strategies of Brasov, which offer a coherent implementation framework for the actions proposed in the candidature, guarantees support from authorities and creates the certainty of subsequent sustainability. The Growth Pole designation of Brasov, in which quality the city benefits from non-refundable financial allocations through the Regional Operational Programme, which allows it to implement the cultural infrastructure priority projects. Support of the Metropolitan Area, which facilitates the implementation of a complex and quality cultural programme in multiple venues in Barsa Land, with logistic and financial support from the adjacent cities of Brasov and extends the foreseen impact and benefits over all communities in this area. Aware that there cannot be a perfect candidature but perfectible, Brasov identified and assumed its weak points and is ready to manage them. Brasov does not have many cultural personalities known at the European level, which may affect, to some extent, the efficiency of the promotional efforts as well as the visibility and prestige of the proposed steps. The force of the community stands less on individual personalities and firstly in mobilizing and involving all its members, a factor on which the candidacy of Brasov is counting on in order to ensure the success of its proposed initiative.
The current cultural agenda is inconsistent and insufficiently structured, yet Brasov’s candidacy to the title of Capital of Culture and, in a broader sense, the interventions proposed through the Cultural Strategy of the city are destined to address this deficiency. The community members prefer outdoor activities to those with a cultural characteristic, according to the survey conducted. The selected concept harmoniously combines culture with nature, having the ability to attract and involve the members of the community to cultural activities without giving up activities in the nature. The low cooperation between cultural operators and the fact that each ethnicity has their own cultural life (multicultural versus intercultural). Brasov candidacy proposes an approach based on dialogue, cooperation, integration, and mutual knowledge, which started to generate effects even from the stage of defining the concept from the perspective of inter-institutional collaboration; at the end of 2021, Brasov will be closer to the desired goal of becoming an interethnic community instead of a multiethnic one. High pressure on the local authorities from a financial and operational point of view. It is clear that the overlap of the preparation stage of 2021 with the on-going priority projects, included in the development strategy of Brasov may create financial and management difficulties. However, including investments in the cultural infrastructure in the list of priority projects as well as creating an autonomous managing structure of the proposed cultural programme are likely to reduce these pressures.
Overcoming the weaknesses Brasov built its candidacy starting with exploiting its own strengths and identifying the optimal solutions for managing the existing deficiencies as well as the potential threats that can affect the implementation of the proposed concept. If the candidacy of Brasov is selected, risk management will represent an essential component of the previously described continuous monitoring process. The factors which can lead to risk situations occurrence will be permanently monitored, a fact which, together with implementing an efficient management process based on milestones and deadlines, will allow the successful progress of the proposed initiative. Responsibilities in this process will be given to the Brasov 2021 Association personnel,
which will ensure the monitoring of management and coordination risk factors, while the members of the Artistic Council will manage risks which can threaten the cultural component of the programme. The activities which will deal with prevention and management of risks will overlap on the calendar and the defining phases of the monitoring programme. However, taking into account the impact which the unforeseen situations may have over the development and success of the proposed activities, risk management will also involve distinct assessments, materialized in reports which will include, if necessary, preventive/corrective measures, drawn up biannually between 2016-2020, quarterly in 2020 and monthly in 2021.
Marketing and communication The central elements of the marketing and communication strategy are the city of Brasov and its capacity of European Capital of Culture 2021. It must be mentioned that in the structure of Brasov 2021 Association there is going to be a marketing manager and a marketing department. Also, during the whole period of 2021, in Brasov there is going to be a Press Centre for accredited journalists. Expected results: Increase of the cultural consumption habits of the community; A creative community, open to dialogue, eager to develop through culture, with European values and beliefs. Specific objectives: Amplifying the international profile of the city through culture. Operational Objectives: Promoting the city and “Europa Corona” 2021 cultural programme; Improving the European perspective of the citizens; Improving Romania’s image in Europe; Transforming attitudes and perceptions toward culture in the city of Brasov and the Metropolitan Area by assuming the centrality of culture and the intercultural dialogue; Attracting new public categories through creating a diverse cultural offer with a strong participative dimension; Increasing the feeling of belonging of the people from Brasov to the European space and culture through strategic positioning of the city on the cultural map of Europe.
Key principles: 1. Segmentation of the target public. The perception of the general public towards cultural activities of the city was identified by means of a cultural consumption study which represents the starting point in identifying tactics that need to be followed in order to stimulate participation in cultural life and change of mentalities. 2. Transparency of given information and proactive communication. In order to increase the citizens’ trust in the cultural development of the city, communication shall be carried out in a transparent and proactive way. 3. Bidirectional approach, openness to dialogue. The communication activities will function in a bidirectional way, based on an exchange of information, commentaries and critical observations. 4. Creativity and community involvement. The communication activities will have a participatory dimension and the citizens will have the possibility to contribute in a creative way to the credibility of the campaigns generated at the community’s level. 5. European addressability. The European dimension of the communication strategy will take shape, in the first place, starting from the artistic and creative content of the cultural programmes, as well as from the means of expression used.
Target audience General segmentation 1. Segmentation based on geographic criteria: citizens of the city and the metropolitan area of Brasov, Romanian citizens, European citizens. 2. Social segmentation: children, the young, seniors, ethnic minorities, tourists. 3. Specialized segmentation: 3.1. Professional segmentation: specialists in cultural connected fields, representatives of cultural and creative industries. 3.2. Institutional segmentation: local and central public authorities, public institutions, cultural operators, Mass-media. The main purpose, in case of the general segments, is an increased acknowledgement in terms of the importance of assuming a cultural strategy at the community’s level and of the participation in events in order to produce a positive long-term impact on the society. The specialized segments are on the side of the decision makers or projects’ initiators, generating communication content. Their purpose is to actively participate in the communication strategy in order to create a diverse and dynamic cultural space.
At the submission of the candidature, there were three proposals of slogans:
EUROPA CORONA. Brasov, the crown of European culture 2021 The Civilization of the Mountain invites you to Brasov! Brasov 2021 – The enchanted Mountain of Europe! The strategy for promoting Brasov 2021 will have three directions for action: cooperation with the local mass-media in order to inform the citizens regarding the events of Brasov 2021 programme; disseminating information at a national level in order to explain the concept of European Capital of Culture to the Romanian citizens and the international activity of promoting Brasov as a touristic and cultural destination. Marketing actions – international level Events for promoting the destination: participating in international tourism fairs, including organizing tourism seminars about “Europa Corona” 2021. - The international promotion campaigns will be ordered on many actions and areas: - The German audience, in general, and the Saxon who left Transylvania, especially; - The Romanian diaspora in Spain and Italy; - Promotion and communication campaigns in European university centres; - European Capitals of Culture The strategy is based on efficient marketing actions carried out abroad through collaboration with European and international cultural partners, networks or cultural institutes, artists and cultural operators, parts of the Brasov 2021 programme, creating a network of “ambassadors” / “cultural guides,” national and international celebrities, voluntary involvement of Romanian students from European university centres and of the people of Brasov and the inhabitants of Barsa Land. The communication strategy will present Brasov 2021 not only as a cultural project of the local community, but also a project of Romania and of the European Union. Brasov 2021 must be a cultural project that all Romanians should be proud of, not only the people of Brasov. This will be the main message for the Romanian diaspora. In this regard, partnerships with associations of Romanian citizens living in European states will be concluded. The organizers will endeavour to facilitate Europe’s young people’s participation in cultural events by initiating campaigns for low cost transport tickets in partnership with the main airline and railway companies at national level and with the road carriers, locally.
For the international press, between 2016 2021, promotion visits in Brasov and Barsa Land will be organized. Both for internal and international promotion, there will be a cultural portal in all the languages of the European states. Even if you do not reach Brasov in 2021 it is important to us that every European citizen should have online access to information about the European Capital of Culture 2021. Furthermore, in many places in Brasov and Barsa Land, web cams will be mounted for live image capture and a part of the artistic program will be posted in a special section of the portal. The radio station EUROPA CORONA – the project developed by the marketing department of the Brasov 2021 Association involves the setting up of a radio station, as of 2019, dedicated to the most important news of the European Capitals of Culture, with broadcasts in Romanian and English. Besides the permanent technical staff employed and the manager of the station, the project team will be composed of students from the Faculty of Journalism from various European universities, correspondents and then, in 2021, residents of Brasov over the entire duration of Brasov being a cultural capital. The station can become a joint project with the European Capitals of Culture between 2019 - 2021 and after 2021. Given that Romania will be the host of the European Capital of Culture after 5 years, the Brasov 2012 Association intends to propose to the Ministry of Tourism / the National Tourism Authority a partnership for international promotion of the destination named “Romania” for 2021 focused on “Europa Corona 2021“. At international level and especially at local level, it is estimated that some of the marketing activities (30%) will be carried out in partnership with the National Association of Travel Agencies in Romania (A.N.A.T.). In this regard, there is already a letter of support from A.N.A.T. Centre Region. The strength of this campaign is high, considering the fact that in the city there are more than 100 travel agencies (the vast majority being members of A.N.A.T.).
Marketing activities – national level Partnerships are planned with the written press and the national audio-visual sector. As of 2020, cultural caravans will be organized across the country, including specific actions to promote participation in major cultural events. A special Brasov 2021 IT tool will be created for communications with newsletter subscribers via email. Between 2016 - 2020, the messages will be in Romanian and in several foreign languages or in all European countries languages should the Volunteering Department identify collaborators. The people of Brasov = Brasov 2021 communicators The marketing plan is based on the consumers’ survey conducted in the summer of 2015, which contains elements of the people’s perception about their city and, also, the community’s perception on the Brasov 2021 - European Capital of Culture candidature. In the local community, in the 2015 – 2020 phase, the marketing activities must determine the appearance of cultural “needs” of the inhabitants of Brasov and Barsa Land, to obtain a high level of expectation for the Braşov 2021 program. Thus, part of the marketing campaign for 2021 will continue the campaign “We grow through culture” started in September 2015. In the local campaign for Brasov 2021, the main purpose is not as much to increase the number of visitors at any cost but the education of the cultural consumption habits. Thus, the overall message of the cultural project must “circumvent” the current cultural education of the consumers by an understanding, friendly and challenging attitude, especially for nonguests, the segment composed in an overwhelming percentage by adult audience, estimated for the city and the metropolitan area at more than 250,000 people. The message will focus on local pride to host one of the most important European Union projects and the trust with which the European institution invested Brasov and Barsa Land by granting it the title (“Europa Corona”). It will also highlight each inhabitant’s belonging to an overall effort, the contribution of Braşov in 2021 to Europe’s cultural development and longterm benefits of the European title for all the citizens of Brasov and for all the inhabitants of Barsa Land (“ The Civilization of the Mountain”). Communication strategies will be used to encourage volunteering and attracting NGO partners.
Besides the standard tools of promotion (media, internet, print), used in most cases and in the national and international actions, the local promotion also includes campaigns of promotional materials and offers of tickets, outdoor and indoor advertising (offices, tourist establishments, shopping malls, public interest objectives), the organization of cultural events addressed to larger social groups in which people are encouraged to come together with family or friends, as a form of stimulating community cohesion. In this context, the promotion will focus on places where the people of Brasov are used to recreate (green areas / ski slopes). To attract major local businesses, the Brasov 2021 Association will organize promotion activities upon internal corporate events. It is intended also to install Brasov 2021 info-kiosks for the promotional materials and the Brasov 2021 artistic program at the entrance of corporate headquarters. Braşov 2021 info-kiosks are foreseen for the administrative institutions which have an intense program with the general public (the City Hall, the Tax Office, the Labour Office). The European Capital of Culture belongs to the European Union The Brasov 2021 marketing plan involves a chapter to promote the Brasov 2021 - European Capital of Culture brand value (target: promoting visual identity). According to the communication strategy, the marketing team of the Brasov 2021 Association will be required to remind / mention / control on all promotional materials / programs / spots that the title European Capital of Culture is a program of the European Union. The European Union will have high visibility throughout the year 2021 on the publications, online and during the events, both locally and internationally. The communication policy will emphasize on the fact that the project Braşov 2021 - Europa Corona, including the Civilization of the Mountain concept is inspired by the principles and values of the European Union.
Brasov ?
Why Brasov ? Brasov is neither the most beautiful city in Romania, nor the oldest, the most travelled, the greenest or the coolest, but Brasov is a beautiful, historical, touristic city, a city that cares for nature and people, and has many cool things and places. The cultural Brasov has not yet entered in the contemporary Europe, but has a strategy to get there and is aware of the length and hardships of this road. Yet, it chose, in its own way, after many calculations and expectations, to grow through culture. And it is more than a mere strategy for sustainable development, it is a promise made to the youngest people of Brasov, those from whom Brasov was borrowed. When making a promise, the citizens of Brasov are people of honor and keep the given word. In 2009, in Istanbul, the International Olympic Committee awarded Brasov and its surrounding the trust to host, in 2013, the European Youth Olympic Festival. After four years, Brasov has the largest ice rink in Romania, the largest complex of ski jumping in Southeast Europe (Râşnov), the ski area increased by 54%, the accommodation capacity increased by 74% in Brasov and by 137% throughout the metropolitan area. The 2013 Olympic Brasov represented the largest and most complex activity of volunteering in Romania. Brasov knows that it does not have the necessary merits to be a European Capital of Culture, yet it knows that there is no more beautiful distinction a city can get. This title is for the citizens of Brasov more than a celebration of the European culture. Brasov needs a major change in its life and calls on Europe, today, to build together the European Capital of Culture in 2021. Brasov, the only mountain city in Romania that candidates for the title of European Capital of Culture, proposes to Europe 2021 a cultural concept dear to all Europeans: the Civilization of the Mountain. Europe would be poorer without the people who love the Mountain. In 2021, in a cultural city of the European Union, for the first time in the world history, millions of people will “breathe" culture inspired by the patronizing presence that accompanied humanity since the beginning of the first civilizations: the MOUNTAIN. „Man and mountain are alike, withholding but the mere fact that by its mountains, the earth strives to reach the sky, whereas by people, the sky touches the earth" (addaptation - W. Shakespeare)
The civilization of the mountain