Awareness Photography - SHAMIRS BIO - Imagography

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SHAMIRS June 2012

Information Manuel Giacometti Italian ArtPhotographer

Shamirs Manuel Giacometti portraits by Manuela Nicolini

EQUIPMENT AND TECHNIQUE ARE JUST THE BEGINNING... ...hatever the subject, is the heart of the photographer who creates loveliness (Shamirs) C r e a t e a p i c t u r e i n y o u r m i n d , p e r m e a t e i t w i t h emotion, poured from the heart and

technology, which grant us to o v e r c o m e o u r l i m i t a t i o n s , producing spectacular images leaving

transforming and illuminating our life. WIZARD: ... a person unusually skilled in a specific field.

place it in reality: this is "the way of imagographer". The technique, technology, equipment, location, subject, mind, heart, vision, b e a u t y, e v e r y t h i n g i s p a r t o f a

us intuitively carry out from the "heart". I like to photograph everything: somebody consider it as a limitation, but I like to think I went beyond the mutual

Graphie in French language: γραφή (graphe), meaning "drawing, writing," together meaning "drawing with light"

spell: the imagographie.

limits , facing each shot following the i n s t i n c t , t h e e m o t i o n s , t h e heart, producing images that excite me (and I hope , other people too). T h e t e c h n i c a l a n d d e e p

I M A G O g r a p h i e , a t e r m c o i n e d by Manuel Giacometti to identify the " w a y f o r t h e re d i s c o v e r y o f t h e power inside ourselves", which was surrounded in our hearts, allowing us to convey the moment we imagine and that we see, permeated by the emotions we want to forward in that exact moment. The i n fl u e n c e of our background and our emotions are very important for the results we’ll be able to obtain. Furthermore our work is s u p p o r t e d b y t h e p h o t o g r a p h i c technique and the use of modern

knowledge of our equipments are essential, but they are only the beginning of a journey ... create beautiful images following our own heart is a journey that leads us to know ourselves better and let us be in touch with some more. IMAGO = magician, whom who imagine. IMAGINE means: MAGICIAN IN ME AGE RE I believe in the power of imagination of


Bird nest - Beijing 2008 The fantastic Bird Nest Stadium is reflected in the lake at night during the Paralympic Games 2008



Dott. M. Mussato interview Manuel at December 2009, prior to first exposition SOULAnima artproject

are always a reality projection , it’s simply perfect as we perceive it. How do you acquire your photographer style? Which was conditioning you more: digital

When did you start to see the technical evolution or a meditation about our life and the possibility to world trough a camera lens? When I was 12 I’ve brought the reflex

chose what to save from oblivion with

of my uncle, a Yashica FX3 with 50 mm f/ a picture? I continuously develop and improve 2 lens and it was in this moment that I’ve been caught from the world seen trough a

my photographer style every time I use

lens! It was love at first sight, even if I had my camera even if I’m not working : it’s a other interests in my heart I was sure to constant improvement similar to the become a designer or a photographer!

personal walk of everyone.

Te c h n i c a l e v o l u t i o n h a s n o t What is the meaning to take a conditioning me at all, it joints two worlds picture in your opinion? It means to I know very well and I like so much ( art, o rd e r t h e v i s u a l e l e m e n t s i n a

photography, computer data processing)

geometry of perspective plans, or it’s giving me the opportunity to show the more important to express passion? In world of imagination. other words, it prevail the formal style or the reality content ?

Which are the most important

Well, between formal style and reality works you experienced ? It was for me very important to content I suggest to place the EMOTION : it doesn’t have naked forms and contents cooperate with some sport news paper when I was in Florence ( I also wrote for them), then I’ve cooperated many years

Discover him world The photographer who meditates, he immersed himself in his imagination, he discovers a world and he transfers it into reality, producing excitin g images that come from the depths of his heart .

Gold Butterfly on Yellow FIAT 500


ago with a photographer Mr. Giuseppe projects , the first one around the world, Spena ( he established Photodivas, a the second one around Italy. Furthermore photographer office in Milan qualified on there will be very soon the publication of fashion


g l a m o u r some volumes each one of them will

ADVENTURE It has also a big collect a project. importance my activity with the

Follow me on my web page

Association Sportiva-Mente Liberi a no and you will find a lot profit group who is taking care of of surprises. Paralympics sport emotions knowledge ( with whom

Artistic or reportage picture can in

I’ve taken part as a photographer to your opinion go better the world or it Paralympic games of Turin 2006 and has the limit to record photographer B e i j i n g 2 0 0 8 , t w o u n f o r g e t t a b l e passions and the events he has been experiences under the human profile.

interested in? Art generally has a very important

Which are the results you prefer?

rule on people life, it improves himself

I l o v e i m a g e s w i t h h a r m o n i c and the concept he has of his life, so the compounds, hard colours and strong photography must to improve the world. contrast: I mean images who can show tridimensionality , volume and forms together with EMOTIONS of course!

Reportage, landscapes, nude, sport, died nature, advertising, fashion, marriage etc. what will you like to do in

Which are your professional your future? expectations for your future?

Till now I’ve experienced a lot of

At the moment I’m concentrated on matters , all different one from each other, SOULanima project and on SPORT but the most subject I’m interested in is E M O T I O N S D O E S N ’ T H AV E A N Y travelling reportage as they are always full BORDER LINES, two travelling Exhibition of the emotions necessary to know

Francesca Porcellato Gold Medal

Adventurous He travels and he discovers the world through his eyes, he fills the heart with the soul of what he looks at, he conveys it through his images. Objective: To excite.





Fuoco Aria Terra Acqua

F.A.T.A. (Fire Air Earth Water) the four elements that come together to create the world's balance

“...the best technical quality (optic & sensor) is a creative limit as well....” The last question: What camera can you suggest to a

deeply the place you are visiting. For the photographer is very

important to be able to give oneself up to place surroundings, photographer amateur or to a generic professional photographer?

to reach the sensations they can convey and to be their spiritual heir. I believe that a reportage must have a soul. On art there is the research of the absolute

I think that the most important thing is the camera

...emotion is a final result...

beauty, is it existing on photography?

performance: sensor APS-C, autofocus precision, operative speed, easy to use and ergonomic for photographer, ergonomics, image quality, operative speed, strength, large optical view, Full-

As I told you before, it depends on photographer

Frame sensor ( or a APS-C with a strong control of

mind, BUT WE MUST REMEMBER that photography must

high iso). The camera marks I can suggest you are a lot,

and can do a lot for humanity, the secret is to transfer emotions I prefer a Canon, but it’s just my sensation, you should have to and POSITIVE –BEAUTY feelings.

chose your camera evaluating the sensation it is able to transfer you when you take it in your hand.






a new world my first experience in that world, an experience for life.

the dream two worlds come together to form a single: One World, One Dream!

multitudinus big nature, the great outdoors the great traditions: all permeates our consciousness.

new adventure London: the multitude that is touched by the dream of world unity


BIOGRAPHY & EXHIBITIONS Last three years: two Biennal Contemporary Art, four International Festival, many exhibitions...

BIOGRAPHY Manuel Giacometti is born at Firenze 37 years ago, he started to take pictures, as a “calling” coming from art, at 12 years with the Reflex machine of his uncle. Thanks to his passion for art , the design and photography, he had the opportunity to make several photos re p o r t a g e a n d s o m e p ro j e c t s f o r advertising campaign. He loves projects, as the one of the Association Sportiva-Mente Liberi, a no profit group who is taking care of Paralympics sport emotions knowledge ( They supplied with documents Turin 2006, Beijing 2008 and Vancouver 2010 Paralympics games. He makes a professional use of digital camera trying always to keep a natural approach to the subject. He’s also prepared to work using a lot of programs , his preferred are Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop for “pictures use”. “I’m loves experimenting with new equipment and new techniques”. Some works and many graphic projects are signed by SHA MIRS My important artproject: SOULAnima artproject

Presentation Work for 20 years as the creator of images and movement and, along with the evolving technology, I began to serve me well as the camera, Photoshop and other programs that I know well. I think the image as well as sound, words and dance, are important forms of communication, different ways of transmitting messages of Life. C re a t i n g a f e e l i n g o f h a v i n g something that can continue to live and

EXHIBITIONS & CONCOURSES 2011 September: SOULAnima ArtBrescia International Biennial of contemporary art – Brescia September: AthensArt – Rostov (Russia) 2010 July 23/24: SPORT EMOTIONS (UN)LIMITED – Tuttavia October 9/17: LE EMOZIONI DELLO Montegiardino (RSM) SPORT… NON HANNO June 11/19: SPORT EMOTIONS BARRIERE p.e. Castelleone (CR) (UN)LIMITED p.e. Cortenuova (BG) September 1/15: ATHENS ART June 5/20: SPORT EMOTIONS INTERNATIONAL – Athens – (UN)LIMITED & IL POTERE DI GREECE CREARECalvisano (BS) April 10/30: INTERNAZIONALE May 27 – June 5: SPORT EMOTIONS ITALIA ARTE 2010 – Torino (UN)LIMITED p.e. – Sognando le Olimpiadi – Castel Goffredo (MN) 2009 April 30 – May 22: SOUL ANIMA ARTPROJECT - Biennale di December: SOULAnima artproject – Soncino a Marco – Soncino (CR) p.e. – Palazzolo s/Oglio (BS) January 8/February 6: SPORT July: ARTPARTY by Antiquitè – Milano EMOTIONS (UN)LIMITED p.e. September: ARTE NEL TERRITORIO Palazzolo s/Oglio (BS) BRESCIANO – final collective January 15/February 26: “INCIPIT” exhibition – 2nd award – Museo Territorio Bresciano Palazzo del Piccolo Miglio – Brescia Martinengo BRESCIA (BS) April/June: ARTE NEL TERRITORIO BRESCIANO Museo del Piccolo Miglio – Brescia Webdesign since 1996 March: MAIL ART FESTIVAL Photoreportage since 1990 MALAYSIA – MALAYSIA GraphicDesign since 1997

develop in those who also notes, as a

looking at the work of another artist, I try

creature who speaks for itself and its

to enter her world.

creator, sometimes loudly, sometimes

Currently, the technology has greatly

quietly, almost not wanting to disturb

extended the horizons of any visual artist,

anyone, but always with the enthusiasm

even if many users has led to a fall style

and love of life that test a newly

that at the time of the dark room would

blossomed flower.

not have been possible.

When I compose a picture I always

Is critical to the sense of each artist

think the visual and emotional feelings

working with the media today while

that this arouses in the observer, and I try

maintaining the stylistic rigor that has

to immerse themselves in them, as well as

allowed the results of yesterday.



“I’ve understood that I can give a new light to that place “ playing and dancing on the ruins”, lighting on the same time the dark and desolated part of myself that is still present inside me.” Manuela Nicolini: partner project


SHAMIRS WORLD important national and international collaborations clients & collaborations Digital Art Italiy Photodivas >>> CIP Lombardia ICE MASTER Climbing Worldcup Daone >>> SPEED ROCK Climbing Daone >>> UDACE Camp. Ita MTB Lions International Club Foto Ariston 2 FotoVideoManuel TIPOPENNATI srl >>>

comune Montichiari >>> comune Remedello >>> comune Visano >>> ADS Vallecamonica Onlus Paolo Conte Ltd Beschi

O.T. Trio jazz



Charles de Gaulle



HouseDream My Media

Tuttomoto >>>


VitaLions 108lb1 >>>

DAMA rivestimenti >>> RTL 102.5 >>>


Arte della carrozza by


PSD Revolution >>>

QUARTIERE 3 >>> SHANTI - musician

Yearbook FIC 2008 Italian

MINADEK spa >>>

Rowing (cover)

OMR spa >>>

Open Sport – Toscana

SAPES spa >>>

Firenze Viola SuperSport


la Gazzetta di Mantova

Bollicine Cover Band Vasco Rossi >>>


World Cup Tour Wheelchair Fencing >>>

La Voce di Mantova >>>

Villa dei Colli Lonato onlus >>>

La Gazzetta dello Sport

Sportiva-Mente Liberi no profit >>>


Les Images Visual Factory

La Repubblica >>>

Handiamo onlus

Il Giorno >>>


Il Giornale >>>

Doratex spa (Giò Ferrari, Kidman, Blue

Bresciaoggi >>>

Concept) >>>

Tuttosport >>>

Ceba onlus >>>

La Nazione >>>

Museo Archeologico di Remedello

L’Espresso >>>

Antares srl

Corriere dei Giovani

Odeon srl

Impianti sportivi >>>

Volley A1 series Gabeca Montichiari

L’Adige >>>

Volley C1 series Remedello

TuttoMTB >>>

IMAGOgraphie A New Art Project by Shamirs Manuel Giacometti

"way for the rediscovery of the power within us"

Computer Arts >>>

series: Nature Color series

Technics & Technologis • • • •

very important essential to discover awareness of it



• technology (and technology) following the emotion create the imagined • absolute

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