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劉立祥, 設計作品集。

li-hsiang liu’s portfolio. 2008 - 11

劉立祥, 設計作品集。

li-hsiang liu’s portfolio. 2008 - 11

想說一個故事,關於劉立祥。童年行遍半個台灣,形容得誇張點是居無定所。像外來種一 樣飛快地適應了一個又一個新的環境。考大學時和大多數考生一樣,迷惘卻期待著未來, 因緣際會下進入設計系就讀,才發現終於選對了地方。設計是門很深的學問,對設計的了 解越多,反而更覺得自己懂得越少。設計蘊含思想、機能、美學、情感等等,設計永遠充 滿著挑戰,他樂在其中。轉眼間大學即將畢業,未來是更多的寶藏。 設計或許不能拯救世界,但至少拯救了劉立祥。 「開始,是沒有終點。」

Feeling like telling a story. It’s about Li-Hsiang Liu. He had lived half of Taiwan in his childhood. He moved too much like invasive species adapt quickly. Before going to college, he was lost, like other students. Then he when to Ntust ICD, which he thought he finally chose the right place. Design is recondite. The more you know the less you think you know. Design is contented with thought, function, esthetics, emotion and so on. He liked the challenges through designing. Time flies. In the future lies more treasure. Design may not save the world, but it saved Li-Hsiang Liu. “To start is to accept there is no end. ”


Self Intro. 劉立祥 / Li-Hsiang, Liu 1990/04/14 +886935606514

求學過程 屏師附小、中和國小、五華國小、慈大附小 慈大附中國中部、慈大附中高中部 台灣科大工商業設計系 大學經歷 台科工商業設計系 男排 台科工商業設計系 男籃 台科創設系學會 總務 第十二屆新一代設計展 媒體組 專業技能 2D Software/

3D Software/

Adobe Photoshop

Autodesk Autocad

Adobe Illustrator

Autodesk Alias

Adobe Flash

CINEMA 4D Pro Engineer Keyshot2 3dsMAX Vray

Self intro


07 17 23 31 37 43 47

key to be easy aroma morning all you can hang cross the line audio blue daruma easy press

51 63

right design studio product identity design strategy - philips

74 75 76 77

projector rapid presentation sketch exploded view motorcycle design

80 80

nokia 6730 classic porsche 918 spyder


81 85 87 89

ferrari 458 italia philips iron ferrari f2008 trek bike classic


91 93 95 96

posters book design cardboard lamp interaction design


Key to be easy a new kind of key + keyhole

開門 轉動門把後才是溫暖的家。 Behind the door is your sweet home. Apr. 2011

Product design


Key to be easy a new type of key + keyhole


Key to be Easy. 以通用設計為主軸,讓任何人都能 輕易的使用。 利用延長力矩來達到省力的訴求。 鑰匙的側邊有不同顏色夜光貼紙, 讓使用者最直接的區分不同鑰匙且 能在黑暗處辨別。鑰匙與鑰匙孔的 顏色相同,這樣一來便不會忘記正 確對應的鑰匙。 Beginning with the universal design, so that everyone can use it easily. Extending the torque of the key to make it easier to roll. Using different colors to make separations, and the key & keyhole are the same color. Thus, they won’t forget the correct key for this keyhole. Adding fluorescent sticker on the key to make it easy to find in the dark.

Design subject universal design Product keys and keyhole Material plastic, metal, fluorescent sticker

Product design


Key to be easy a new type of key + keyhole





Observation. 在開門時,常受燈光不足、角度、高度等關係影 響,難以將鑰匙準確的插入鑰匙孔。在亮度不足 的環境摸黑尋找鑰匙,讓人難以辨認眾多不同的 鑰匙,在翻找鑰匙時也經常會忘記哪支才是與此 門對應的鑰匙。當一切就緒終於順利將鑰匙插進 鑰匙孔,需要費力的轉動鑰匙才能轉開門鎖。 這是一般人常見的情形,對老年人來說更放大了 問題。 To open the door, we usually affect by the light, the angle and the height. That makes it difficult to match the key and the keyhole. Also, hard to find the key & keyhole when there is dark. Then, we may forget which key is for this keyhole. Finally, we insert the key, but it is laborious to roll. These are common problems for most of people, especially for the old.


Using. 01 02 03 04

Close to the door Find the key that has the same color as the keyhole Extend the torque of the key Done. Then, open the door.

Product design


Key to be easy a new type of key + keyhole

Details. 利用延長扭轉力矩來達到省力的訴求。具 可伸縮性,平時不需使用可收納進鑰匙握 柄內部。 利用顏色來區分鑰匙們,使用者不需經由 造型或材質等其他方式辨別。使用夜光貼 紙,幫助在燈光不足的狀況下翻找鑰匙。 夜光貼紙黏貼在溝槽內,降低頻繁使用的 摩擦耗損。 鑰匙孔貼有與鑰匙相同顏色的夜光貼紙, 讓使用者能不經思考就挑出正確對應的鑰 匙。造型如勺子一般中間凹陷,幫助摸索 鑰匙孔時隨意的滑也能找到插入孔。


Extending the torque of the key to make it easy to roll. It’s extendable so you can shorten it. Use different colors to make recognition of the keys. Adding fluorescent sticker on the key to make them visible in the dark. The sticker was put in the gap, trying to lower the friction. The keyhole is the same color as the key. The user matches them by instinct. The keyhole is a concave shape. This shape helps user finding the hole smoothly.

Product design


Key to be easy a new type of key + keyhole

Components. 因為置有伸縮機構,鑰 匙握柄處分為3層。 所有元件為:4片塑料 板 + 金屬鑰匙頭 + 夜光 貼紙 Each key was made by 3 layers. And it is combined with 4 components + metal part + fluorescent sticker.

Initial concept. Idea sketch.


Model. Keyhole/ metal, fluorescent sticker Keys/ plastic, metal, fluorescent sticker

Product design



Aroma morning an essential oil diffuser

美好的早晨 應該在香氣薰陶下清醒。 To get up spontaneously among fragrance is a wonderful morning. Jan. 2011

Product design


Aroma morning an essential oil diffuser

Aroma Morning. 睜開雙眼,是晨起的第一步,也是人們對於這天 早晨的初體驗。能不能有個愉快的早晨,美好的 開始,這短短的幾秒鐘有極大的影響力。Aroma morning這個外觀優雅,具有定時功能的精油機, 在早晨預設好的時間散發提神精油,讓使用者在 淡淡的芬芳下醒來,希望藉此營造自然醒的感覺。 與其被鬧鐘吵醒,一個愉快的早晨莫過於能夠自 然醒了! To open your eyes is the beginning of getting up. These few seconds affect a lot on whether you have a delight morning or not. Aroma morning is an elegant essential oil diffuser with autotimer. On the time that was set, it diffuse the oil to wake people up softly. Hope to make people feel like waking up naturally. A delight morning is to wake up naturally.

Design subject design for the delight morning Product essential oil diffuser Material plastic, acrylic, diffuser, light


Product design


Aroma morning an essential oil diffuser

Features. 以海芋的優美潔淨的意象為外型特 色,搭配微微黃光若隱若現,希望 營造出乾淨舒服的感覺,為早晨注 入清新氣象。 Take calla lily as the figure, elegant and clear. Also with soft yellow light gleams slightly. Begins your fresh morning.



Using. 觸控式定時方式,以指尖觸 控沿著圓周便可設定時間, 和時鐘相同的位置分配讓人 可以很直覺的調到預想的時 段,簡易又省時。 Use touch panel to set the time, by fingering the circle. The arrangement is the same as the clock, making user set the time by instinct. It’s easy and quick.

01 02


Touch and roll to set the time Lights up and down slightly

Initial concept. Idea sketch.

Product design



All you can hang a new kind of hangers

請給我 一支什麼都能晾的衣架。 Please give me a hanger that hangs everything. Nov. 2010

Product design


All you can hang a new kind of hangers

All you can Hang. 特殊的造型與結構,可以晾掛絕大 部分的衣物。讓衣架使用起來更便 利且更多用途。採用易於生產的塑 膠材質。 除了一般衣服外,還可以晾不同的 衣物,如牛仔褲、襪子、背心、毛 巾.....等,且不用用到夾子或其他輔 助晾衣用具。免除晾衣服時雜亂的 各類用具,只要有All you can hang 一種就夠了。 This is a special constructed hanger. It can hang almost everything. It’s much more convenient than usual hangers. Take plastic as the material because it is easy to produce. Besides hanging coat and shirt, it can also hang socks, waistcoat, towel...... and so on. The user doesn’t need clips or other assistant things. With All you can hang, the user doesn’t need to bring a lot of things when hanging clothes.

Design subject universal design Product hanger Material plastic


Product design


All you can hang a new kind of hangers




市面上的晾衣用具種類繁多,晾 襪子有特殊衣架、晾背心時需要 用夾子夾住...等。 晾衣服的器具 + 衣服是非常可觀 的數量,也十分混亂。一般衣架 彼此之間容易勾來勾去,在使用 與收納上同樣令人困擾。

一般衣架為條狀物構成,排在 一起時容易糾結在一起。因此 將衣架改為片狀的形體,以此 解決衣架混亂的困擾。擺放與 晾掛皆易於排列,好掌握。

There are many kinds of things to hang cloth. Like special hanger foe socks and clips to help hanging waistcoat. The equipment + cloth are very huge and all in a mess. And usual hangers wind other hangers that cause problems, too.

Usual hangers are often all in a mess. Hence, this new hanger is like a piece. They can be a pile of hangers and will not hook others. Easy to arrange.

Product design


All you can hang a new kind of hangers

Features. 上下兩面式的晾衣設計,除了一般衣服外, 還可以晾牛仔褲、襪子、背心、毛巾....等, 不需要夾子等輔助用具,讓晾衣服變得單純 簡單,只需準備一種衣架。 衣架彼此之間可以互相懸掛,提高晾衣空間 內單位面積的使用率。 By hanging ups and downs, it can hang coat, shirt, socks, waistcoat, towel…and so on. Hanging almost everything without other equipment. Making hanging clothes a simple thing to do. To save more space, the hanger also hangs other hangers hook by hook.


Initial concept. Idea sketch.

Product design



Cross the line. couple necklaces 桌上的線 如同心裡的界,漸漸抹去。 The line faded away both on the desk and in our mind. Jul. 2011

Collaboration 陳韋翰 劉立祥│概念發展 3D Modeling/Rendering

Product design


Cross the line couple necklaces

Cross The line. 憶起兒時,我們用立可白在 木桌上畫下楚河漢界,規定 對方不準超界。但隨著時間 經過,桌上的線如同心裡的 界,漸漸抹去,成為彼此的 交心好友。 Wish I could turn the clock back, and we used to set a line by whiteout to avoid crossing. As time goes by, however, we became bosom friends and the line faded away both on the desk and in our mind.

Design subject franz award Product necklace Material ceramic, wood, metal, string


Product design


Cross the line couple necklaces

Concept. 2011法藍瓷設計大賽參賽作品,主題為「界」。

設計為對鍊,分享給知己。將中間白線拿起,象徵著 跨越你我之間的界線,陶瓷設計為心型,比喻我把心 給了你,讓我們成為交心好友吧!

2011 Franz Award. The theme is “horizon”. These are couple necklaces. Symbolizing there is no gap between us, I would take up the white line. The heart-shaped ceramic is to show that I give you my heart. We are bosom friends!

Details. 將舊陶瓷製品碎片磨成心型,單面花紋,象徵了對於 記憶的傳承。成對墜飾,瓷與木頭搭配營造樸質感。 Grinding past ceramics into heart-shaped necklaces with pattern symbolizes the memories being passed down. Mixing ceramic and wood to make sense.


Product design



Audio blue a speaker for bath

沐浴 沉浸在泡沫與音樂中。 Immerse yourself in bubbles and music. Jun. 2010

Product design


Audio blue a speaker for bath

Audio Blue. 這是一款浴室專用的喇叭,採用防 水喇叭,且造形也強調防水的感覺, 給使用者視覺上的信任感。讓人可 以很放心的擺在浴室裡。 簡約略帶點變化的外型,適合和浴 室裡的盥洗用具擺在一起,希望讓 人感覺它也是沐浴不可或缺的一部 份,很自然的把這當作生活中的小 樂趣,以藍燈光和音樂本身來讓沐 浴這件事更為安定與舒適。 This is a speaker designed for bath. It’s waterproof and the figure also makes people feel that it certainly does. So the user puts it in the bathroom satisfyingly. Audio blue suits for other toiletries with its simple shape and white color. Hoping people think it is part of their bathroom. And take it as the spice of life. The soft blue light and music make taking a bath calm and comfortable.

Design subject speaker design Product speaker Material plastic, usb disk, light, metal, waterproof speaker,


Product design


Audio blue a speaker for bath

Turn/ on - off Volume/ low - high

Scenario. 它藏身在浴室的瓶瓶罐罐之間,沖澡或泡 澡時能播放音樂,紓壓放鬆。 以旋轉的方式,開關與調整音量,播放音 樂時,氣氛燈亮起。外殼可拆開,內含 mp3 player,密封防水。

16 cm

It is put between cruses. Playing music while you are taking a bath makes you relaxed. Rolling to turn on/off and adjust volume. The atmosphere light lights up when playing. Inside is the mp3 player and the outside shell is waterproof as well.

9 cm Top view


Front view

Side view

Details. 圓筒狀造形增加喇叭本體的共 鳴空間。將外蓋抽起可取出隨 身碟,隨身碟除了儲存音樂外 也提供電力。 The cylinder shape increases resonance of the speaker. Inside the shell is the mp3 player, which provides music and electricity.

Product design



Daruma an eco-friendly light

不倒翁小夜燈 為地球盡一分心力。 A daruma night light makes our world better. Apr. 2010

Product design


Daruma an eco-friendly little light


Initial concept. Idea sketch.

睡前輕推 daruma 使其搖晃,搖晃的過程中將 動能轉換成電能。在夜晚需要燈光時,如半 夜起床上廁所,即可使用。 Pushing daruma tightly before sleeping to make it shake to transform kinetic energy to electricity. When the time you need light at night it will be available.


Daruma. 這是一款不用耗電的小燈, 用途為床頭照明小燈或小夜 燈。運用不倒翁的概念和物 理原理,在搖晃時將動能轉 換成電能。 利用機構與重心置於底部且 上端重心偏一邊來讓不倒翁 更容易搖晃。雞蛋形的外觀, 表面的葉子外型配合環保綠 色的意象。 This is a small light with no electricity consumption. It can be put on a desk or near bed. The concept is the daruma that transforms kinetic energy to electricity when shaking. The shape looks like an egg. With leaf-liked curve on the surface that connects the thought of green.

Design subject green design Product night light Material matel, plastic, light, energy transform

Turn /OFF

Turn /ON

Product design



Easy press Cross the line. a shape to press Nov. 2010

Collaboration 李洋昇 林奕岑 劉立祥│概念發展 3D Modeling/Rendering


Product design


Easy press a shape to press

Easy Press. 透過便利壓頭設計,能更輕鬆 的擠壓出乳液,並且將按壓乳 液的兩手動作合併成簡單的單 手操作,在無法兩手操作的情 況下也能輕鬆的壓取乳液。 藉由便利壓頭增加力臂長度, 對於力量不足者使用上也更為 容易方便。 Throughout using Easy press, the user extrudes the lotion easily. Also it makes extruding the lotion or shower gel an one-handed operation. Need not to use two hands. Extending the torque of the press to make every user presses it effortlessly.

Design subject universal design Product assistant equipment Material plastic


Observation. 一般壓頭需要雙手操作, 當只能使用一隻手的情況 發生時,如受傷或另一隻 手正在做另一件事,單手 操作就變得困難許多。 Usual press needed to be operated with two hands. However, the user only has one hand available. For example, the other hand is hurt or is busy. To extrude the lotion or shower gel is a hard thing at this situation.

Using 以大拇指按壓便利壓頭,掌心向上 盛接乳液,單手即可完整操作壓取 乳液過程。 Thumbing the edge of the Easy press and hold the lotion or shower gel. It’s a one-handed operation.

Product design



設計工作室實務練習。 Practical design studio practice. May. 2011

Collaboration 王志皓 洪子惠 肖又歌 李思琦 簡瑭妮 張雲帆 劉立祥│Logo設計 草模製作 設計細節 3D Modeling/Rendering

Professional design practice


Right design studio

Right Design studio. 右行設計成立於2011年4月,致力 於推廣台灣新銳設計師的新價值, 共同創造更加舒適的生活環境,希 望能藉由展現出許多各式各樣充滿 情感的設計,來帶出每位設計師想 帶給大家最深刻的感動。 旗下設計師包括王志皓、洪子惠、 劉立祥、張雲帆、簡瑭妮、肖又歌 、李思琦等人,多次參與產品設計 之經驗,以更加洗鍊的態度,持續 的為大家服務。

About. right,有正確的、好的的意思。 而向右的箭頭 → ,則給人下一步、next的感覺,代表著迎向未來的憧憬。 RIGHT design studio 為音意雙關。既是好的設計,也是右行設計。


Works. 2009-11


CIS. 01 02

image namecard, notebook



Professional design practice


Right design studio


About YOPO. Y oung P ower E nergy F resh /歐美家電,代工經驗 /自創系列,品牌家電 /鎖定都市,消費新貴 /年輕鮮活,品牌形象



YOPO 品牌希望推出一系列小

01 系列小家電產品,先由設計公司提出 咖啡機與烤麵包機外型設計,再依設 計成效決定後續發展。

家電產品,產品需符合 YOPO 的形象,即「年輕、活力、力 量、鮮活」,且目標為年輕上 班族群。期望新產品能為年輕 的都市消費新貴所接受。開創 品牌的契機。

02 產品設計須符合YOPO目標消費族尋的 生活型態與價值觀,外觀設計必須新 穎搶眼。

Professional design practice


Right design studio

User analysis. 目標族群 25-35歲 都市年輕消費新貴,著重於歐美 生活型態 01 上班族 02 剛好夠用的薪水 03 重視休閒活動,調適壓力 04 培養多種興趣 使用者個性分析 01 勇於嘗試新事物 02 講求生活品味 03 追求特色 04 物質生活中更加感性化 代表色系 以生活型態結合未來流行趨勢歸 納出使用者代表色系

Marketing research. 有品牌或系列特色,一眼就認出 的識別,才能從激烈的市場競爭 中脫穎而出。

價格分析 咖啡機 鎖定的消費市場售價 2000-3000元 烤麵包機 鎖定的消費市場售價 1000-2000元




由競品的元素分析圖,找出造形關鍵 字。並以前面的使用者分析及YOPO的 訴求,歸納出目標族群的購買型態。 坐落在流行、創意、俐落區塊。

shape. 流線、圓潤特質 新穎獨創的個性 產品意象 color. 同款多彩 繽紛色系 texture. 異材質的結合 新材質的運用 環保材質

Design strategy. series feature. 重複的系列特徵 整體系列配色,繽紛多彩 distinction. 擺脫小家電笨重感的既定印象 造型流線、輕盈 與市場有區別性的造型 story. 從目標族群的生活情境去發想 上班快遲到、工作壓力大、把 握休閒時光...等 details. 細膩的細節展現 圓角, 分模線

Professional design practice


Right design studio

Design proposal. Rhythm your tedious and frozen life!

讓你的生活律動起來! 以Rhythm做為產品名稱,律動活躍的 線條和繽紛的色彩,帶出 YOPO 的主 要訴求,年輕、鮮活、力量、活力。


rhythm your tedious and frozen life /coeemaker /toaster

Professional design practice


Right design studio

Form model. 用泡棉與塑膠PP板進行草模製作。




Scenario. 生活情境圖。

Promotion. 產品形象廣告與海報。

Professional design practice



Product Identity Design strategy.

產品品牌識別設計策略。 解析品牌,且推出符合品牌識別的新產品。 Analysis the brand, and design new product for the brand that matches product identity. Jun. 2011

Collaboration 劉文秀 劉立祥│品牌探討 策略分析 概念發想 3D Modeling/Rendering

Professional design practice


Philips. 皇家飛利浦電子公司是一家專注於健康舒適 與優質生活領域的多元化公司,致力於及時 推出創新來改善人們的生活品質。 作為醫療 保健、優質生活和照明領域的全球領導者, 本著對客戶的深入瞭解以及 “sense and simplicity”的品牌承諾,飛利浦將技術和設 計融入以人為本的解決方案中。 簡而言之,是一技術與創新兼具,針對人性 需求為設計出發點,並以宏觀的視野在經營 的企業。

Company philosophy.

Development process.

所有的飛利浦產品或服務精神都必須符合: 01 為您設計 (Designed around you) 02 輕鬆體驗 (Easy to experience) 03 先進科技 (Advanced)

飛利浦設計中心是集團內獨立的事業單位, 以設計研究從事創新產品設計。設計中心長 期派專人至世界各主要都是研究觀察消費族 群的生活─方式,找出他們生活中可以用科 技技術來解決的問題需求。

透過“sense and simplicity”的品牌理念,使 人們從創新中受益。致力於提供先進、可輕 鬆體驗的產品與解決方案,以滿足全球消費 者需求。 Brand Master Vision 以合理與簡單為承諾,推出有意義的創新來 滿足人們需求,以提高生活的品質。 Product Master Vision 貼近人性,外型符合人體工學,操作上輕鬆 簡單,並善用先進科技提高產品功能。


開發產品遵循以下過程: Persona → Scenario → Ideation → Prototype → Experience Lab → Implementation

Product time line.

Men's shaving. Product identity. 圓形刀片,有機曲線中帶有俐 落線條,維持簡潔風格,並利 用稜線及藍色冷光LED燈,讓 簡潔中流露科技感。

Form. 圓形刀片 流線型握把 裝飾線呼應輪廓 側邊開關 / 中間power指示燈 條紋止滑墊 / 側邊凸點 Color. 無彩色: 黑白灰(冷灰、暖灰類似調和) 鮮色調: 藍 強調色: 紅、橘

Texture. 金屬 電鍍 塑膠 矽膠

Style analysis.

Professional design practice


Marketing research. 01 競品分析 02 產品六角圖分析




STP 市場區隔 年齡/職業 動機/生活型態 品牌忠誠度 目標行銷 目標族群 目標族群 潛在個性

25歲以上上班族、退休族群 功能性/注重生活品味 高 行銷策略 壯年族群為主 較高,收入較穩定 需安全感、注重質感享受

市場定位 成熟、穩重,對物品品牌、機能敏感度高的男性


產品線完整,低階-高階 定位清楚,避免互搶市場


父親節促銷活動是一年中 的行銷重點


主打高階市場,高階機種 市占率67%


以行銷活動拉攏年輕族群 ,深值品牌形象策略


S 歷史悠久,具品牌信賴度 財力雄厚 品質良好 創新技術 全球市占率最高

O 新市場擴展 積極推銷自己 綠色環保 善用特別節日促銷 形象溫和,吸引客層廣泛

W 企業行銷策略 產品跨足領域廣,形象區分不清 企業過度龐大,某些產品線龐大無用

T 競爭對手的目標族群形象強烈 使用者刻板印象(ex. 不適合粗硬鬍鬚) 原物料上漲

Professional design practice


New product Design specification.

機能再進化策略 重點式開拓新市場,目標針對鬍鬚生長 快速的族群,其特色為需要隨時保持儀 態整潔,擁有一把具備能外出使用方便 性的刮鬍刀。 同時結合創新科技,智慧無線傳輸電力 系統、生醫的抗菌性鍍膜、螢光蛋白的 使用,以提供高功能效用,發展永續性 設計,提升消費者對品牌的信賴度。

5W2H Who Where What When Why How How much

鬍鬚生長快速族群,且長時間與人接觸需要保持儀態整潔者 浴室、私密空間 Shaver新型態,居家外出兩用電鬍刀 需要刮鬍時 令使用者能快速方便地隨時保持儀態整潔,提供方便的外出選擇 刀頭分離式設計,拆卸組裝方便,利用抗菌鍍膜保持在一定的乾淨程度 10000至15000元

目標族群定義 -


鬍鬚生長快速之男士 希望隨時保持儀態整潔者 早出晚歸之商務人士,長時間面對人群 公共空間、家居使用


Idea sketch.

Professional design practice


New product Proposal. 適合攜帶出門的飛利浦電鬍刀,一把 全新設計結合功能質感及易攜性的電 鬍刀。 由於刮鬍刀刀頭經過嚴謹的實驗與大 小設計,最舒適的服貼臉部與下巴, 因此在不動到電鬍刀刀頭的情況下進 行設計,將握柄縮短,但仍保持握持 舒適度。 外型方面將握柄縮短,減小體積,並 利用裝飾線、材質、顏色達到視覺的 輕盈,遵從飛利浦PI,優雅流線。 This is a brand-new portable shaver that combines function and elegance. Because of the exact design on the head of the shaver, which comfortabely fits the chin, we kept the head and designed other parts. Shrinking the hold, still maintains it comfortable. Making it look light by using decorative lines, materials and colors. The elegant figure confirms with Philips’ product identity.


Details. 短柄的設計,主要施力的手指為食指與中指,符合人體工學,並有助使用者減輕手腕疲 勞。讓鬍鬚生長快速的族群,在必須多次使用電鬍刀的情況下不造成負擔。 特別設計的攜帶盒,上蓋為高反光透明材質,可當作鏡子使用,方便刮鬍。在側邊做出 下巴弧線,凸顯飛利浦電鬍刀的語意。攜帶盒為梯形,中間較瘦,有幫助握持的作用。 Short holding design. Confirming with ergonomics, prevent user from fatigue. And help targeted user use the shave easily. The box was specially designed that has reflective top and can be used as mirror. It is thinner in the middle to make it easy to hold.

Technology. 無線電力傳輸的技術/ 就算放在包包裡也可達到隨時 充電的功能。 抗菌鍍膜的衛生考量/ 在外使用完後刀頭仍可保持衛 生,設定約為一個禮拜用清洗 機清洗即可。

technology/ Charging while put in bag.

15 cm

Wireless power transmission

Antimicrobial coating/ Stay clean after use. Should be washed once a week.

7 cm

Professional design practice


Projector. 臨摹清水吉治的投影機作品。 Imitate the projector sketching from Shimizu Yoshiharu.



Rapid presentation sketch. 快速表現技法,在短時間快速 呈現出立體的造型。 Rapid presentation sketch is to draw quickly and show the shape of products.


Exploded view. 爆炸圖與材質表現練習。 Practicing drawing exploded view and different materials.



Motorcycle design. 機車設計練習,以自然界生物 或結構為造型靈感來源。 Motorcycle design practice. The shape was inspired by nature.







Sketches. 01

Paradise fish











Computer-aided design May. 2010 Illustrator




Computer-aided design Jun. 2010 Photoshop

Rendering skill





Computer-aided design Jan. 2011 Pro/ENGINEER Keyshot

Rendering skill



Ferrari 458 Italia. The Ferrari 458 Italia, launched at the IAA Frankfurt Motor Show2009, is an 8-cylinder two-seat berlinetta with a mid-rear mounted engine, and represents a genuine break with the past in terms of Maranello’s previous high-performance sport cars. The body was designed by Pininfarina, as with all recent Ferrari models. The car’s exterior styling and features were designed for aerodynamic efficiency, producing a downforce of 140 kg at 124 miles per hour (200 km/h). In particular, the front grille features deformable winglets that lower at high speeds, in order to offer reduced drag. The car's interior was designed using input from former Ferrari Formula 1 driver Michael Schumacher, including a new steering wheel design which incorporates many features and controls as opposed to their being on the dashboard, similar to racing car designs.


Rendering skill





Computer-aided design Nov. 2010 Pro/ENGINEER Keyshot

Rendering skill





Computer-aided design Jun. 2009 CINEMA 4D

Rendering skill





Computer-aided design Apr. 2009 CINEMA 4D

Rendering skill


Helvetica. 以瑞士Helvetica 字型進行海報創作,盡情的放手去做,練習 裁切與排列字母。 Using the font from Switzerland called Helvetica to design posters. Just let the words go and have fun.

They aren't Missing.

兩旁的字,是人們想要卻時常找不到的事,而它 們缺漏的地方在中間組成了missing。希望表達很 多東西其實並沒有消失,只是沒被發現。 The words stand aside are things that people want but can’t find them. However, the parts they miss construct the word missing in the middle. To convey that they aren’t missing.


Everything Is double.

小寫字母d 被分成一模一樣的兩半,構成了 double。強調著不管什麼東西都是成雙的。 但,地球只有一個。 The letter d is separated into two same pieces. And constructs the word double. To emphasize that everything is double, but earth.

Graphic design



Infective happiness. 書名:快樂,是會傳染的。 尺寸:130mm x 180mm 這是一本內容輕鬆愉快的小品圖文書,希望能傳遞正面積極與幽默 有趣的想法給讀者。包裝用密封袋隔絕,當打開它就要有被傳染的 心理準備。它同時也像藥一般舒緩你的症狀。 內頁每一頁都是一個小主題,編排一正一反,希望讀者不要被旁邊 頁影響,也不要照順序翻。 name: Infective happiness size: 130mm x 180mm This is a humourous and relaxing book, hoping to convey some special and positive ideas to readers. Poly bag is used to isolate the book, so it will be infective when opened. Each page is a topic and the next page is opposite to make readers turn over at random.

Graphic design


Seed Lamp.

基本設計課的作品。用卡紙以八面體為基本結構。基本構 成為兩個中空的金字塔形,之後再加上48片小紙板。小紙 板彼此交疊,讓燈光透出不同的層次。外形像種子,當燈 光透出,光影明暗交疊出柔和的氛圍。象徵著種子裡的生 命力與希望。 This is a lamp made by cardboard, using octahedron as basic shape. It consists of 2 hollow pyramids, and 48 pieces of curved cardboard. Though it has 8 faces merely, it varies with changed shades when it turns on. It appears to be a seed in shape. And sunshine comes out through layer upon layer. As if it symbolizes vitality and hope.


Native. 以吹泡泡為出發點,希望重拾童年天真爛漫 的情懷。拿起一支泡泡柄,輕吹即置身叢林 裡、山谷間,蟲鳴鳥叫,潺潺溪流。就像小 時候,赤腳在草地上盡情奔跑。 為空間互動課程所做的作品。聲音即泡泡, 吹出聲音,不同罐子裡裝著不同的聲音,藉 由感官的轉換連結記憶與時空。用 Arduino 語言連結硬體與軟體,包括燈光與聲音。 We blow bubbles as if we are still children. Our naive







surrounded by birds’ sing, rivers and animals. Just like running barefooted on the grass. It is a tangible interaction design. The sounds are bubbles. We can blow out sounds from different bottles. Connect memories and times by the change of senses. Use Arduino to mix hardware and software, including lights and sounds. Collaboration 管哲楓、欉致賢、張安琪 劉立祥│隱喻(metaphor)、概念發展、裝置製作

Graphic design


感謝每一分,每一秒。 開始,是沒有終點。 待續,

Thanks to everymoment. To start is to accept there is no end. To be continued,

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