How to solve the Problem of Indebtedness Debt has become a way of life for most Americans with the overall household debt increasing by 11% in the past decade. People who are in debt do not necessarily spend more than their means. The rapid increase in medical and housing costs has dwarfed income growth. Families are challenged to make ends meet that is why they have to turn to credit cards and loans. If you have high credit card balances, high interest rates and find out that you have very little money left at the end of the month, United Debt Services may be your best option. The average American household have credit card balance total of $16,748 and owes $134,643 including mortgages. Debt has grown because cost of living gone up by 30% while income has only grown by 28% in last 13 years, medical costs increased by 57% and, food and beverage prices increased by 36%. With this, many households use credit cards to cover necessities when the income is not enough. To solve the problem of indebtedness, try to increase income and cut down on expenses. Find freelance work or part-time jobs for extra income. Combat rising interest rates by paying off the balance entirely. Look for alternative credit products to minimize interest costs. Consider debt consolidation and debt settlement. For more info please go to