Make Your Moving Easier with this Checklist! People have always been on the move. Even before civilization began, people had always been moving from place to place, from one home to the next. Now that the people are civil and educated, still nothing much has changed. People still tend to move a lot. And because moving can be a stressful process, this infographic research will focus on giving information about moving as well as how it can be less stressful. People move around a lot. In fact, in 2014, about 35.7 million had moved. But it would also seem like that people are moving less and less. Back in 1948, about one in every five people move but now the rate has fallen to one in every nine people, from a mover percent of 20.2 in 1948 down to 11.5 percent in 2014. But it should also be noted that the population has grown considerably over the years. Job transfers or new jobs are the biggest reason why people move around today. The rate from which young adults move is also at a decline. Between 2012 and 2013 males have been more inclined to move than females for job related reasons. May through September is the time where people tend to move the most because the days are warm and long. For more info, please go to