How to Get Clients Online with Dallas McMillan
Hey there, it's Dallas here. Welcome to lead generation for coaches and consultants. I'm Dallas McMillan, I'm the author of High Ticket Sales Funnels for Coaches and Consultants. In the book I go through the three top performing high ticket sales funnels that you can use to generate leads for your coaching or consulting firm. The three funnels are, the client funnel, the webinar funnel and the launch funnel. All these funnels can dramatically grow your business. We're going into detail in the client funnel and just walk you through how this works as a lead generating funnel because, of course, if we're selling stuff online, that's a sales funnel. If we're generating leads, people are willing to talk to us to buy stuff from us, that's a lead generation funnel. They're kind of the same. Sales funnel produces sales online, a lead generation funnel produces leads online. Either way, we're taking people through a process where we don't know whether they're a good customer, all the way through to where we know they're ready to buy, we get on the phone with them and then we sell them nice valuable products and services. The client goes through their own process of getting to know, like and trust us, so they're willing to try and buy our most valuable products and services, generating revenue around our business and also building a relationship with the customer. In the client sales funnel, we start with something like a Facebook ad or an email or a blog post sidebar ad saying hey, click this thing and get this thing. We'll generally offer something like a free eBook or report or some other PDF, something that's quick and easy for them to download and get instant value. Very importantly, the offer of that eBook, the promise or the value proposition should be the same as what we're going to sell them at the end, because we want the people to be clicking on this who are going to say yes at the end of the funnel. You'll see in this funnel I'm offering lead generation for professionals, get more clients, at the end I say hey, I've got a solution to help you get more clients. That's what happens in that funnel. If I offered hey, get a great website and at the end said hey, get more clients, then there's a disconnect and people won't buy. They click on the ad and then they go to a landing page and it says the same thing as the ad in more detail. Here's how you can generate more leads or get more clients in your business. Here's some of the stuff you'll learn when you download this. Just put your name and email address in and we'll send you the report. When they enter their name and email, they go to a thank you page, so I say hey thank you for downloading the report. I've emailed it to your inbox, it should be there in a few minutes. Now here's some more stuff you need to know about generating leads in your business. Here's some more stuff you need to know about getting clients. Here's what's great about it, here's some essential things you have to have and here's how you can take the next step forward. If you'd like help with that, you can apply to work with me or to have a conversation with me to see whether you might be a good fit to work with me. If they are interested, they'll click on the link and then they go to an application form. I make people apply to speak to me so that I know I'm talking to the right people. If I can't help them, there's no point in us getting on the call. If they're not someone I want to talk to, I don't want to spend my time talking to them. I qualify them on an application form. If they're a good fit, then I'll jump on the call with them.
Client Funnel for High Ticket Sales & Lead Generation
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On the call, I go through where they are now, where they want to get to, what's standing in their way and how my solution might help them get there. If we agree it's a good match and they're interested in learning more, then I can tell them about my product, service, or programme and if we're all in agreement that it's a great idea we can enrol them on the spot or sell them the product or service. What's great about this funnel is it's easy to design and build, it's perfect for selling high ticket one to one services because it's selling one to one very funnel intensive. The downside though is you're only selling one to one and it can be very labour intensive because you're on the phone a lot. Also it's quite a quick funnel, so that means people don't get to know you as well before hand, so that limits how much you can sell stuff for. If you want to sell at a high ticket price, you need more interactions and more time. All this is covered in my book, High Ticket Sales Funnels for Coaches and Consultants. If you don't have a copy you should download it now. This is the Lead Generation Approach, you can also sell stuff with it. Great book and heaps of extra bonus video training if you download it, so grab your copy now. If you want help implementing this in your business, if you want to start making high ticket sales and generating leads for your high end coaching and consulting programmes, get in touch with me. You can book a call at‐ticket-‐sales. You can also just Google me. I am all over the web for high ticket sales and look forward to speaking to you and seeing how I can help you grow your consulting or coaching business. Video URL: See more High Ticket Sales Funnels
Client Funnel for High Ticket Sales & Lead Generation
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