XR Agora / 中原大學建築系 / 畢業設計 / CYCU Department of Architecture / Graduation Project

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How to Face The World Dominated by Symbols Keywords: 符號化 / XR 延展實境 / 觀光 / 新竹中正台夜市

目錄 / Content

議題 / Issue


基地 - 新竹中正台夜市 / Site-Hsinchu Zhongzhengtai Night Market


策略 / Strategy


空間配置 / Configuration


XR- 擬仿 / XR-Simulacra


XR- 迷幻 / XR-Psychedelic


真實 / Real


機能性的 / Functional


去符號 / De-symbolized


基本圖面 / Plans and Sections



議題 / Issue

符號建構了社會,所有事物都被賦予各種意義,進入符號化的過程, 符號反映社會背後的種種意識形態。人們往往盲目使用符號,見到事 物皆以符號理解,殊不知已被符號所控制,這也意味著人對事物的判 斷受社會中的意識形態影響,人個體對符號的消費,其實是社會認為 該個體所屬群體應該做的行為。因此在未來,人的價值會逐漸被符號 所控制。 本設計企圖找出一種方式應對被符號統治的世界,思考空間如何讓人 暫時抽離社會,進而反思社會透過符號對我們造成的影響。人們能在 此意識到人被符號控制的情形,發現人皆以符號理解事物,並體驗符 號逐漸被剝除的過程,最後進入完全去符號的空間。 Symbols construct society, all things are given various meanings and enter the process of symbolization. Symbols reflect the various ideologies behind the society. People often use symbols blindly. People see things and understand them with symbols. They do not know that they have been controlled by symbols. This means that people’s judgments on things are affected by the ideology in society. Therefore, in the future, human value will gradually be controlled by symbols. This design attempts to find a way to deal with the world ruled by symbols, to think about how space allows people to temporarily withdraw from society, and to reflect on the influence of society control us by symbols. Here, people can realize that people are controlled by symbols, find that everyone understands things with symbols, experience the process of symbols being gradually removed, and finally enter the de-symbolized space. 3

人類發展出許多在空間貼附符號的方式,科技的進步將使符號 以最純粹的或圖像化的方式表現出來,XR 將是人類對符號的 使用發展到最極致的狀態。 Human has developed many ways of attaching symbols in space. The advancement of technology will enable symbols to be expressed in the purest or pictorial way. XR will be the most extreme state of human use of symbols.

觀光是符號蒐集的過程,也是人建立價值觀的儀式。 Tourism is a process of symbol collection, it's also a ritual for people to construct values

短暫離開日常生活 Short-term leave daily life

符號蒐集的過程 The process of collecting symbols

重新建構價值觀或定義人生 Reconstruct values or define life


基地 - 新竹中正台夜市 / Site-Hsinchu Zhongzhengtai Night Market 新竹市中心觀光儀式熱點 / Tourism Ritual Hot Spots in Hsinchu City Center

清代 Qing Dynasty

日治 Japanese Occupation

民國 Republic of China

近年 Recent Years

基地內歷史 / History of Site

基地經歷多次機能的更動,長期為公共空間,服務人民進行觀光儀式。基地成為符號蒐集的場所,同時自身也經歷符號化的過程。 The site has undergone many functional changes, and has been in a public space for a long time, serving the people for tourism rituals. The site becomes a place for symbol collection, and it also undergoes a process of symbolization. 5

策略 / Strategy

數據中心設立與 XR 潛力點 / The establishment of data center and XR potential points

公會堂處理手法 / Handling of the assembly hall

郵局機能調整 / Adjust the function of the post office 閒置 Idle

郵務、儲匯 Postal Service, Remittance

儲匯 Remittance

郵務 Postal Service

延續基地長期特性,為未來 XR 觀光奠定基礎。 Continuing the long-term characteristics of the site, laying the foundation for future XR sightseeing.

保留最重要元素,並擴散其精神至基地範圍。 Keep the most important elements and spread its spirit to the site.


將閒置中的銀行置入相似機能,延續其精神。 Put idle bank into similar function and continue the spirit.

空間配置 / Configuration

綜合 XR 特性及該地的機能需求,區分出五種類型的空間。 Based on the XR characteristics and the functional requirements of the site, five types of spaces are distinguished.

真實 Real

XR- 物的擬仿 XR-Simulacra of Things

XR- 空間的迷幻 XR-Psychedelic Space

去符號 De-symbolized


XR- 擬仿 / XR-Simulacra

公會堂 XR 體驗區 / Assembly Hall XR Experience Zone

無 XR 場景 Scene without XR

XR 使用者想象 XR user's imagination projection

本區空間提供 XR 使用者對空間進行想像的基底,可透過 XR 設備投影出對空間的想像,如同建模一般,使用者亦可切換圖層,看見他人對同一 空間之想像。 The space in this area provides the basis for XR users to imagine the space. The imagination of the space can be projected through the XR equipment. Like modeling, users can also switch layers to see others' imaginations of the same space. 8


夜市 XR 體驗區 / Night Market XR Experience Zone

無 XR 場景 Scene without XR

XR 使用者想象 XR user's imagination projection



俱樂部 XR 體驗區 / Club XR Experience Zone

無 XR 場景 Scene without XR

XR 使用者想象 XR user's imagination projection



司令台 XR 體驗區 / Ceremonial Stand XR Experience Zone

無 XR 場景 Scene without XR

XR 使用者想象 XR user's imagination projection



XR- 迷幻 / XR-Psychedelic

地下室 XR 展覽空間 / Basement XR Exhibition Space

無 XR 場景 Scene without XR

有 XR 場景 Scene with XR

本區為 XR 技術的實驗場,XR 技術與展覽的結合將在本區進行多樣的嘗試。 This area is a experimental field for XR technology, and the combination of XR technology and exhibitions will be tried in this area.


半戶外 XR 展覽空間 / Semi-outdoor XR Exhibition Space

無 XR 場景 Scene without XR

有 XR 場景 Scene with XR

地下室展區與半戶外展區以帶狀玻璃門連結,提供彈性的策展規劃。 The basement exhibition area and the semi-outdoor exhibition area are connected by ribbon glass doors, providing flexible curatorial planning. 17

真實 / Real 入口處的白牆設計中斷步行時的視覺經驗。 本區充斥各種符號的擬仿及眞實材質的呈 現,如武德殿破風、俱樂部活動、人工草 皮等。以兩道拱圈造型的牆為界,一側充 滿著材質與符號,另一側則為去材質的 XR 體驗區。 完整保留公會堂之附屬建物作為辦公室, 與公會堂之保存手法作為對比。 文創區增加其空間穿透性,吸收鄰街招牌 之符號,本身也將自動充滿符號的創造。 The white wall design at the entrance interrupts the visual experience of walking. This area is full of various symbols and the real materials, such as roof of temple, club activities, artificial turf, etc. With two arches shaped walls as the boundary, one side is full of materials and symbols, and the other side is the XR experience area for removing materials. The additional buildings of the Assembly Hall are kept intact as offices, which are contrasted with the preservation methods of the Assembly Hall. The cultural and creative area increases its spatial penetration, absorbs the symbols of the signs on the adjacent street, and itself will automatically be filled with the creation of symbols. 18

鄰路入口 Entrance

入口視角 Perspective of Entrance

辦公室 Office

文創空間 Cultural and Creative Area


酒吧及娛樂設備 Bar and Entertainment Equipments

機能性的 / Functional 本區提供商業與運動、表演等機能,在看 台上透過 VR 運動區的霧面玻璃,可以看見 真實運動與 VR 運動的對比。 This area provides commercial, sports, and performance functions. In the stands, you can see the contrast between real sports and VR sports through the matte glass in the VR sports zone.


多功能運動區 Multifunctional Sports Area

VR 運動區 VR Sports Area

看台商店區 Grandstand Shopping Area

商店 Shopping Area


去符號 / De-symbolized 脫下 XR 設備,爬到高處俯瞰充滿符號的世 界,再逐漸剝除符號,進入去符號的空間, 最後再回到充斥符號的商店區。 Take off the XR device, climb to a high place to overlook the world full of symbols, then gradually strip off the symbols, enter the space where the symbols are removed, and finally return to the shop area full of symbols.



基本圖面 / Plans and Sections

B1 Floor Plan 24

1st Floor Plan 25

2nd Floor Plan 26

3rd Floor Plan 27

4th Floor Plan 28


B' A'

A A' Section

B B' Section 29

XR Agora Designer / 蔡尚成 Advisor / 徐昌志 中原大學建築系 / Chung Yuen Christian University Department of Architecture / 2020 - 2021

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