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Grand Indonesia
Grand Indonesia Shopping Town is the home of highend brands and West Mall offers varied affordable fashion brands and restaurants. Visit the Alun-Alun flagship store, which represents Indonesia’s heritage and culture, to shop for Indonesian souvenirs.

Jl M.H. Thamrin No.1, Jakarta Pusat 10230
Phone: (021) 23580001
Plaza Indonesia
Plaza Indonesia is located just around the Bundaran HI or the roundabout fountain. Plaza Indonesia is heaven for upscale and prestigious-brand shoppers.
Jl M.H. Thamrin Kav. 28-30, Jakarta Pusat 10350

Phone: (021) 2992 0000
Thamrin City
Thamrin City is a perfect place to shop for affordable batik and woven fabric, Muslim wear and casual fashion for retail or grocer quantity.
Jl. K.H. Mas Mansyur, Jakarta Pusat 10230

Phone: (021) 31990988
Mall Ambassador
This mall provides you a complete range of electronics, gadgets and casual fashion with great value .
Jl. Prof. Doktor Satrio, Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan 12940