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New Embrace Beneficiary, Kaiduan Papar Primary School

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TAH will be adopting Kaiduan Papar Primary School as its latest Embrace beneficiary. This current adoption is in addition to our current Embrace beneficiary, Kitobu Inanam Primary School which we adopted since 2021.

The adoption of Kaiduan Papar Primary School will start next year. The partnership will extend over 5 years where the resort will focus on providing its pupils with a more conducive studying environment by equipping the school with sufficient supplies and equipment for lessons.

Social Scan of Kaiduan Papar Primary School

• Primary school established in 1957 with most of the school buildings upgraded in 2021.

• Location: 1 hour from the resort by road. Road leading to school is mostly unpaved and can be challenging for a sedan/ small car with inexperienced driver to access. Inaccessible by tour buses.

• School has 127 pupils ages 6-12 years old.

• Each year has one classroom with an average of 15-20 pupils per classroom.

• Pupils come from nearby Kadazandusun villages. They have to walk to school (up to 2 hours each way!) and leave as early as 5am to make it in time for school. The only way to the school is to cross a hanging bridge.

• Has a school village hostel that currently accommodates 40 pupils (20 girls and 20 boys in separate dormitories).

In Sept 2020, there was a very bad flood that affected the school. Flood water reached almost 5 feet high! Many equipment and books were completely destroyed. Luckily it happened during school holidays so it did not affect the children. However, it took the staff of the school weeks to completely clean the school. In 2021, the government replaced damaged school buildings from the flood. However, the school continues to face several problems. Including availability of safe drinking water.

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