tell me about your grandparents

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Me about



thank you for picking up my zine. i’ve realised that we may not know our elderlies as well as we could. their past was such a different time, tbh i can’t imagine how they lived through it. similar to how future children will look at us now i guess. idk. i wonder how they’ll look at our technology, at millennial culture, at our lives in general. i guess the elderlies must have thought the same same.

did u know elderlies that live alone (due to personal choice or a lack of one) could be suffering bc of a lack of social interaction. this may cause mental health issues (depression, suicidal thoughts), and worsen their physical health. (yes the elderly have mental health issues, they’re human too) furthermore just by feeling lonely, it raises the risk of death by 34% over a span of 4 years and the amount of elderly living alone is steadily increasing (20% in 2010, 31.3% in 2014)

i never knew my grandparents. my grandmother passed away before i was born, and my grandfather passed away when i was too young to know what was going on. if anything, the only memory i have of my grandfather is that i was afraid of him. not exactly the most heartwarming memory to have. at least i can live vicariously through other peoples’ memories of their grandparents. it’s something lol.

‘ah girl, why you taking my clothes’ ‘bc fashion’

what kind of grandparent will you be start i live for it tech savvy? i’m a regular at sim lim square

fashion trends? i’ve only just managed to work my phone

today’s songs or yesteryears’?

constant learning? there’s always something new to learn age is just a number

i have spotify

i’ve left school already you’re the one that reminisces a lot about the past

yesteryears’ tbh i think you’re already a grandparent

i have my own style what do you think of vinyl? i already have a collection today’s your grandkids might like your stories?

were your grandparents young once?



don’t lie

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