The S.H.A.C.K.
“Sacred Heart Academy Club Kernals”
Shanley High School Community Excellence Faith Learning
Mary’s Crowning on May Day

Shanley Players tap away on 42nd Street
By Lauren eLLiottThe Shanley Musical of 42nd Street was a show filled with laughs, smiles, and lots of tap dancing.
42nd Street revolves around the story of senior Rachel Seefeldt’s character Peggy Sawyer, a talented young performer with stars in her eyes who gets her big break on Broadway.
She arrives in New York City from her hometown of Allentown, Pennsylvania, with just her tap shoes and big dreams.
Peggy’s talent catches the eye of legendary Broadway director Julian Marsh, portrayed by senior Scott Nester, who gives her a spot in the chorus of Pretty Lady, his newest show alongside juvenile star Billy Lawlor, played
by sophomore Ryder Ulmer, and other chorus girls Ann Reily, (senior Josie Paul and sophomore Lauren Elliott), Phyllis Dale (sophomore Addison Ressler and Sophie Hansen, a sophomore from Park Christian), and Lorraine Flemming (senior Hannah Jennings and 7th grader Lillie Knodel).
The show within a show, Pretty Lady stars the classic Broadway diva Dorothy Brock, brought to life by Park Christian sophomore Jadyn Frey, who takes an instant dislike to the new girl in the cast. When Dorothy is injured during the show’s previews, Pretty Lady looks like it will have to close, until Peggy steps in and fulfills her role immaculately.
The show also featured hilari-
ous performances by junior Emily Gietzen and freshman Harrison Shewey, who played the writers of Pretty Lady , Maggy Jones and Bert Barry. 42nd Street was enjoyed by almost all who saw it, and the cast raved about the fun adventure for the cast members, all of whom learned how to tap dance in three short months with no prior experience at all. Many audience members were blown away by the tap-dancing numbers never imagining that each performer was tapping for the first few times ever in front of a live audience.
The show was loved by many who attended, and the Shanley Players hoped that all who came to meet those dancing feet had a good time.

Prom at the Avalon garners rave reviews with new location
By Mara nieLsenFor Shanley Prom this year, the Prom Committee proposed a new idea for the location of the dance. Instead of having Grand March and the dance at Shanley, the junior class decided to have the dance at The Avalon. Overall, the attendees gave it rave reviews considering it a big success with an awesome DJ, food, and a fun environment.
The transition to a different space was aimed to create a more formal feeling prom compared to one in the school gyms, and the big chandeliers and elegant decorations at the Avalon achieved this goal and made prom unforgettable.
The dance was one of the most well-attended proms at Shanley in years, and almost everyone stayed until the end.
Grand March went well too, with some minor hiccups, but knowing this was the first prom to ever be hosted by the Avalon, there were going to be some learning curves.
After prom was also a big hit at the NDSU Memorial Union with the students having access to all the fun activities, like bowling, and tables of food were one of the main attractions.
At the end of the night, the generous parent volunteers ended with door prizes for the attendees. These prizes included gift cards of various values, a TV, and much more!
Prom this year was a great success. Thanks to this year’s prom committee, and good luck to next year’s juniors on planning prom!


Sweet symphonies surround the space for Shanley’s Spring Concert

Art Day a Vibrant Sucess

Art day was a huge success this year with more booths than ever before.
There was henna, shrinky dinks, oragami, bookmark making, and much more! There were many amazing art submissions, some winning awards in different categories.
Andrew Kankelfritz (Senior) won first place in 3-dimensional art for “The Dude Shoe.”
Charlotte Feaks got first place in 2-dimensional art for “Agony.”
As is a new tradition, Grandparents Day has correlated with Art Day allowing for students to spend time with their grandpar-
Teacher Feature: Mrs. Herzog

Q. Out of all schools, why Shanley?
A. Everybody says it’s about the class, but it’s more than class sizes it’s more about community. I don’t feel like I’m alone as a parent, I don’t feel alone as a teacher, I feel like I’ve got a community supporting me and that’s what I love most about it.
Q. Describe your relationship with students
A. Since I’m not a teacher, I’m not a librarian, I love the fact that I get to be a mom. I get to bring my mom out and I’d like to think I’m a pretty good one, but I get to give advice from a different level or a different perspective on a more personal level. I love that I can come at it from a parent’s perspective.
Q. Favorite teacher growing up and why?
A. I have two favorite teachers. My fifth-grade teacher, Mr. Morgan. I was a terrible student and didn’t like doing homework. He always called me out and held me accountable. My second one was my Senior year English teacher. He was for no nonsense and held you accountable for your actions. When addressing him, you would stand up and address him with respect. I loved how he held himself to that regard but also held us to that regard. He didn’t call me Candy, he called me, Mrs. Benson.
Q. What is a fun fact about yourself?
A. I’m in the Fargo-Moorhead Hall of Fame for bowling. I have been a coach for five years. All of my family members are bowling geeks. If you want to know anything about the game, we have the answer.
Q. What do you want people to know about you?
A. I graduated from Fargo South. Shanley was by far our biggest rival and so I grew up not really loving Shanley. I was surprised by how easily I was able to overcome that once I got to know the community.
Q. If you weren’t working at Shanley where would you work?
A. I would work at a school elsewhere, but I’m not sure I would be as happy.
Q. What is your favorite candy?
A. My favorite candy is chocolate and as I like to say everybody’s favorite candy is me. I do also love butterscotches.
Q. Where is your dream vacation spot?
A. I didn’t get a honeymoon. I got married young and had no money. I keep telling my husband every year the honeymoon is getting bigger. My dream vacation is one hundred percent, the Mediterranean Islands. Enjoying the beautiful blue water and the beaches, exploring the different cultures and enjoying the unique experience.
ents and walk around with them to enjoy the art along with some refreshments.
There was a lot of positive feedback about Art Day, some saying it was the best one yet!
Thanks to the art club for all their hard work in making Art Day possible!

Question of the Month:

What are you looking forward to for the summer?

Ms. Rademacher Teacher

Spending time with my dog
Paige Renschler Senior Summer weather & the lake

Miller Pschology Teacher
Studying medical cases

Gavin Kruk Senior

Mr. Pochamra Band Director

Liam Miller Freshman Baseball

Looking forward to relaxing and working on projects around my house

Ms.Tibor Science Teacher

Joey Mclaughlin Freshman The lake

Favorite Shanley Teacher
Mrs. Sornsin
Favorite School Lunch
A la carte cookies
Words of Wisdom to Underclassmen
Just keep goin'
Favorite Shanley Memory
Junior Retreat
Words of Wisdom to Underclassmen
Be kind, involve yourself, and have fun
High School in 3
Sleepy, exhausted, tired
Words of Wisdom to Underclassmen
Do what you love, don’t let anyone tell you how to live your life
Favorite Shanley Teacher
Mrs. Miller
Leah Meyer
Favorite Shanley
Junior Retreat
Celebrity Crush
The Franco Brothers
Ian DevIne
I will always remember...
The football team
Favorite Shanley Teacher
Mrs. Novoa
MesIku hakIM
Favorite Shanley Memory
Homecoming Week
Most embarrasing moment
Hitting a parked car in the Shanley parking lot
nIck kuehL
I could not live without... Lifting
Favorite Shanley Memory
Winning the State Football Championship
I will always remember...
Eighth grade science and Spanish
High School in 3
Not that deep
Favorite School Lunch
Italian Dunkers
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
On the west coast just living
Favorite Shanley Teacher
Mrs. Miller
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Traveling with a stable job
Most embarrasing moment
When I broke Mr. Foerster's chair in 6th grade
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Probably at a job

NathaN Schmitt
Words of Wisdom to Underclassmen
Do the homework. The tests are important, but the homework will make or break a grade.
First Crush
One of life’s finest mysteries
Words of Wisdom to Underclassmen
It will go by fast
Favorite Shanley
Feed My Starving Children
Words of Wisdom to Underclassmen
Do everything once and make having fun a priority. School is not your whole life.
Favorite School Lunch
Beef & Bean Burrito
High School in 3
Life isn’t serious so have fun!
Favorite Shanley Teachers
Mrs. Miller and Mrs. Effertz
Favorite Shanley Teacher
Mrs. Sornsin
High School in 3
C’est la vie
leia Geraci
I could not live without...
My friends
Favorite Shanley Teacher
Mrs. Sornsin
Brock Wild
Celebrity Crush
Jennifer Aniston
Favorite Shanley Teacher
Mrs. Miller
claire Vetter
I will always remember...
Junior Retreat
Favorite Shanley
State Volleyball 2021
I could not live without...
Practically, food and water. Hyperbolically, my music
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Dreading my approaching thirties
Favorite School Lunch
Taco in a Bag
Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Hopefully having a job
I could not live without...
Peace of mind
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
On a beach homeless, probably either really broke or really rich
High School in 3
Fun, long, tiring
Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Anywhere

Misqa Nakasato
Words of Wisdom to Underclassmen
No matter how horrible you may feel right now, it’ll eventually get better. It just takes time.
Favorite Shanley
Junior Retreat
Words of Wisdom to Underclassmen
Stay on top of homework
I will always remember...
Shanley Football Games
I could not live without...
Favorite Shanley Teacher
Ms. Ellingson
Lucas GietzeN
Favorite Shanley
Junior Retreat & March for Life
I could not live without...
HaNNa WaMbacH
Words of Wisdom to Underclassmen
Participate in all the school events you can
High School in 3
Words Exciting, fun, stressful
I could not live without...
Favorite Shanley
Mr. Hegland
MaLacHi Moore
Words of Wisdom to Underclassmen
We all make mistakes, it’s what makes us human
I could not live without...
Jesus and Halo
Favorite Shanley
Acting as both of the father figures in Lightning Thief
Favorite Shanley
Mr. Hegland
Favorite School Lunch
Cheese Quesadillas
Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Hopefully in the workforce after having to endure 8 more years of school
Favorite Shanley
Mr. Hegland
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Drag racing
Favorite Shanley
Junior Retreat
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Living somewhere warm
Favorite School Lunch
Taco in a Bag
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Wherever God needs me to be, whether that be with a loving family, or somewhere else.

Words of Wisdom to Underclassmen
Prioritize extra time towards your more difficult classes
Favorite Shanley
Junior Retreat
Owen FrOSlie
Favorite Shanley Teacher
Mrs. Mac
High School in 3
Long, exhausting, helpful
Brynn mcneally
Words of Wisdom to Underclassmen
Use Quizlet
Favorite Shanley
Rome Pilgramage
Words of Wisdom to Underclassmen
Cherish these memories, time flies.
Favorite School
Chili and Cinnamon
Favorite Shanley Teacher
Mrs. Miller
I will always remember...
Deacon Day as a Senior
Sam OvSak
High School in 3
What just happened
Favorite Shanley Teacher
Mrs. Backlund
Words of Wisdom to Underclassmen
Attend every Shanley sports game. I will always remember...
When the mechanic fell through the library ceiling.
High School in 3
Awesome, stressful, bittersweet
Favorite Shanley
Senior homecoming football game
I will always remember...
Tennis with Jack Wolf and Jack Stumpf
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
A couple years out of college with a good job living in Minneapolis
I can’t live without...
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Residency or working for an advertising agency
Favorite Shanley
Winning the Hockey and Football state championships
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Favorite Shanley Teachers
AC & Mr. Hegland
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Living in the mountains or by the ocean

Charlie Bernhardt
Words of Wisdom to Underclassmen
Don’t miss chances to talk to classmates that you aren’t friends with yet.
Favorite Shanley
Junior Prom
I will always remember...
Mr. Donarski
Favorite Shanley Teacher
Mr. Hegland
Favorite School
Chili and Cinnamon Rolls
Favorite Shanley Teacher
Mrs. Miller
allison ries
High School in 3
Different, fun, stressful
Favorite Shanley
The State football game my junior year
nathan andrews
Words of Wisdom to Underclassmen
Put Forth Effort
Favorite Shanley/ Sacred Heart Teachers
Mr. Rustad & Mr. Burns
Words of Wisdom to Underclassmen
Participate in events you wouldn’t normally go to
Favorite Shanley Teacher
Ms. Ellingson
Favorite School
Taco in a Bag
Favorite Shanley
State Soccer Championship Senior Year
Maggie shorMa
Favorite School
Chicken Patty
High School in 3
Life-changing, quick, stressful
High School in 3 Words
Focus, enjoyed, chaos
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Still living in the Midwest but as a very successful businessman and entrepreneur
Favorite School
Cheese Quesadillas
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Having a good job and being financially stable
I could not live without...
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Either a professional athlete or Business manager
Favorite Shanley Memory
Volleyball sophomore year
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Married and living in North Carolina

Words of Wisdom to Underclassmen
Be nice to everyone
Favorite Shanley
Memory Rome
lucy haldiS
Favorite Shanley Teacher
Mrs. Sornsin
Celebrity Crush
Ryan Reynolds
landon Walter
Words of Wisdom to Underclassman
Just have fun and be involved
Favorite Shanley
Junior retreat
Favorite School Lunch
Pepperoni Pizza
Favorite Shanley/ Sacred Heart Teacher
Mr. Berg
Zach Skarperud
Words of Wisdom to Underclassman
Time flies and don’t take anything for granted
Favorite Shanley
Mr. Hegland
Words of Wisdom to Underclassman
4 years go by fast, live in the moment don’t worry about the future
Favorite School
Taco in a Bag
Favorite School
Favorite Shanley
Football games or Homecoming Week
allie emineth
Favorite Shanley
Mr. Hegland & Mrs. Miller
Favorite Shanley
Senior Homecoming or Junior Retreat
Favorite School Lunch
Italian dunkers
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Have a family and a happy life
I will always remember...
The boys and the memories
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Working and having fun golfing
I could not live without...
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Playing in the PGA
High School in 3
Stressful, exciting, fast
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
With a job and maybe a family

Seniors’ Comeback Secures Student Victory
Student/Staff Basketball Game brings laugher and friendly competition

Softball Building Wins and Confidence
By Emily GiEtzEnShanley’s softball team officially started their season with their first game on April 5th against Hankinson, winning 7-5.
“The girls have been bringing their energy to each and every game that we have had,” said assistant Coach Gretchen Rademacher. “This makes practice and games high energy and competitive— which has led to our increased success, in addition to the girls working hard to hone their skills.”
Unfortunately, the weather this spring has made the season a little difficult, but nothing the team couldn’t work around, going through a lot of indoor and outdoor transitions.
“Our games are constantly being rescheduled and we have to cram multiple games into one week,” said junior Hailey Dingmann. “But, being on this team
means a lot to me. I have been playing since 8th grade, and it has helped me become a leader and a better player all around.”
On the other hand, the team has made some big achievements throughout their season. They beat Central, 10-7, at their game on April 23rd; and, they beat Horace, 11-5, at their game on May 1st. This is something the team hasn’t done in previous years.
“Winning and losing aside, getting to see these girls become more confident has for sure been my favorite part of this season,” said Rademacher. “Watching these girls become more confident in their voice, expertise, and ability is truly beautiful.”
The Shanley girl’s softball team’s regular season goes through May 17th, with EDC starting May 21st.

Deacons Baseball Sits
Atop the EDC

The Shanley baseball team has had a really great start to this season, with an overall 14-4 record, and they are 9-0 in conference play. They also have secured the number 1 seed for EDC.
“It’s fun being on this team with everyone,” said junior Landon Hale. “It’s a lot of the same people from last year, so we all have this very special bond.”
“It’s really just one big family,” said junior Quinn Miller. “We’ve all been playing together for a pretty long time and that really helps with the team chemistry.”
They started their season
strong with a win against Red River, beating them 7-2. They then went on to play Bismarck Legacy, winning 7-6.
“It’s a mental game for sure,” said Miller. “The better your mentality, the better you’ll perform.”
The Deacons took a trip to South Dakota early in the season to test their preparedness against new opponents, splitting the weekend 2-2.
“There have been some tough moments this season,” said Hale. “It was against Sioux Falls when there was a good number of us gone for other commitments.”
The tough trials gave the Deacons good things to work on set-
ting Shanley up for a hot streak throughout the rest of the season, especially picking up a key win against rival Fargo Davies.
The team has continued its strong run this season, winning their last six games. Their regular season goes through May 14th, with EDC starting May 21st.
If the Deacons are able to qualify for state, they will be traveling out to Dickinson to take on North Dakota’s best. The solid group of seniors, Tommy Simon, Landon Meier, Boden Meier, Carson Johnson, Gavin Kruk, Sam Ovsak, Jordan Leininger, and Adam Leininger, are looking to go out on top as state champions.

Feature Senior Athletes
Michael Noack Claire Vetter
By PEacE HakimQ. What has been your favorite sports memory/moment?
A. My favorite sports moment was the feeling I had after winning state in Soccer.
Q. What has been the best advice you have ever gotten from a coach?
A. To keep my head up
Q. What values have you learned from being part of a team?
A. Accountability, communication and trust are three values being part of a team has taught me.
Q. How has playing sports helped you grow as a person?
A. It’s taught me how to overcome adversities and remain disciplined when things get hard.
Q. What is your favorite thing about practices?
A. Being with my friends and working towards a common goal.
Q. Do you have any hobbies or interests outside of sports?
A. Yes, I love shoes and lifting weights.
Q. Which sport is your favorite to play and why?
A. Soccer is my favorite sport to play because there is so much creativity to the game and my relationship with my teammates made practice and games even more enjoyable.
Q. What are your plans after high school?
A. I’m attending the University of Minnesota Twin Cities.
Q. What advice would you give to younger athletes?
A. I would recommend finding joy in the little things and to keep a positive mindset throughout the ups and downs.
Q. What’s your go to hype song?
A. Let’s Go by Key Glock
By PEacE HakimQ. What has been your favorite sports memory/moment?
A. Winning the first 2 rounds of State Volleyball in 2023 and State Track 2022!
Q. What has been the best advice you have ever gotten from a coach?
A. “Focus on one thing at a time and the rest will come” - Alexis Bachmeier
Q. What values have you learned from being part of a team?
A. I’ve learned selflessness, hard work for the betterment of others, and how to uplift others even if it’s not going well for me.
Q. How has playing sports helped you grow as a person?
A. I can cheer on others for their successes even if it is at the cost of my success.
Q. What is your favorite thing about practices?
A. Getting better and playing the sports I love with my teammates who I love
Q. Do you have any hobbies or interests outside of sports?
A. I enjoy working out, hanging out with friends and family, playing Just Dance.
Q. Which sport is your favorite to play and why?
A. Volleyball because I love the teamwork aspect and the intensity of each play because each one is different, and my teammates are my best friends.
Q. What are your plans after high school?
A. University of Nebraska Lincoln for nursing
Q. What advice would you give to younger athletes?
A. Keep working your hardest even if things aren’t going your way, someday all the hard work will pay off
Q. What’s your go to hype song?
A. Get Low by lil’ Jon and Wobble by V.I.C.

Tennis Turning Aces Track gears up for State Meet
By yasmin zrEikGirls Tennis has been off to a phenomenal start this year winning their first two matches against Grand Forks Red River and Grand Forks Central.
Even after suffering a loss against Valley City, the Deacons came back strong sweeping Fargo South winning 8 matches and losing 1.
“The season’s been great this year and we bring the energy to matches and practices every day,” said freshman Taylor Sandin.
The squad has been motivated every day to put in the energy and really work hard.
The Deacons headed off to Wahpeton on May 3rd returning victorious winning 9 matches and losing 0.
The following week, the team welcomed Fargo Davies but not coming out with great results. The Deacons have played wonderfully this season, but it is also a sad moment to let go of seniors Madeline Abbot, Annabelle Maher, Peach Leiviska, and Lucy Haldis.
There will be a new set of leaders next year leading the younger girls to do the same but not before Shanley takes on the EDC Tournament in Fargo followed by the State Tournament in Grand Forks.
Soccer looks towards State
By laurEn ElliottThis year, the Shanley girls soccer team was the first Shanley team to play on the new turf.
With this came pressure to win their home games. Their first home game ended in a win against Grand Forks Central, 1-0.
The Deacons have kept that hot streak going at Sid Cichy Stadium only dropping one of their first five home games.
The girls have also proven themselves on the road unbeatable in EDC play resulting in four wins and two ties. One of their strongest matches came in a dominating 6-0 victory over the Fargo South Bruins.
There are two seniors in varsity soccer this year, captain forward Mia Metzger and Allie Emineth on defense. The Deacons also have strong leadership from their junior captains Cadee Schanzenbach, a solid part of Shanley’s defensive line, and midfielder Nora Roney. Shanley is looking to lock up the number two seed in the EDC to earn a berth at the State Tournament to be held in Minot.

Track has been going very well for the Shanley Track Team this season. There have been a few state qualifiers and new improvements for everyone on the team, starting the season on February 26th.
“Our team started off pretty strong in March with our indoor season and we’ve carried that same energy over into our outdoor season,” said senior Paige Renschler.
The team started their outdoor season on April 5th at Sheyenne High School. There, the team had juniors Holden Deutsch and Erika Wanner qualify for state in discus; and junior Odura Isaac qualified in the 100 meter hurdles. Senior Seely Stockmoe then qualified for State in shot put with 39’-5”.
“This is the most throwers that have been qualified in forever and I love how amazing everyone is doing!” said Stockmoe. “Knowing we have amazing coaches and team-
mates who want me to perform my best is such a blessing.”
“We are pleased with the results we’ve been having so far,” said Coach Chris Foerster. “In the first outdoor meets of the year, we had many state qualifiers and we’ve continued to build on that all season.
Renschler even beat her own school record for the 200 meter dash with a time of 25.18 seconds.
“Being part of this team is super fun, everyone is always very energetic and ready to help each other improve,” said Renschler. “The constant support and positive encouragement from my teammates and coaches has definitely been a big contribution to my success.”
“Every team develops an identity,” said Foerster. “This team has an incredible love for track and an energy that is contagious. We start every practice and meet smiling, happy, and ready to go to work to get better.”
New coach, former Shanley grad leading Boys Golf
By yasmin zrEikShanley welcomes new coach Lucas Johnson to lead Boys Golf this year, who is a Shanley High School graduate of 2017. He played for the NDSU Golf Team until he graduated in 2021.
Boys Golf started their season with their first game at Village Green golf course on Monday April 15, placing third overall. Senior Zach Skarperud carded the individual top score on the team with a 76 and 8th grader Ryker Grinaker shot an impressive 79.
The team went off to Madison South Dakota Country Club on April 18th and took 7th place with the lowest score being an 89.
“We have the motivation and a great team, and even if we don’t get the outcome we expected, we still keep trying,” says freshman Tommy Baumgartner.
This shows the drive of the
Shanley Golf team and the type of mindset to push through no matter what.
South Dakota welcomed Shanley again on April 19 and they placed 4th overall, Zack Skarperud with the prime score of a 74. The following week, the boys went off to play Kings Walk in Grand Forks with a slightly smaller team due to the juniors being gone for their retreat.
Right back at it the following week on April 30th, the boys went off to Detroit Lakes Country Club. Adrian Fillipi with an individual best score of an 80.
Staying close to home, the Deacons played Rose Creek Golf Course, placing fourth as a team led by Skarperud’s 77.
Shanley will look to the EDC meet at Kings Walk in Grand Forks to qualify as a team for the state meet.

Eli BarrEtt-lEarn
Words of Wisdom to Underclassman
Don’t be afraid to try new things
Favorite Shanley
Profe & Mrs. Miller
High School in 3
What just happened
Favorite Shanley
Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief
Favorite School Lunch
Beef and Bean Burrito
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Exploring the world
Gus BarrEtt-lEarn
Words of Wisdom to Underclassman
Pace yourself
Favorite Shanley
Mrs. Miller's AP classes
I could not live without...
Favorite Shanley Teacher
Mrs. Miller
scott nEstEr
Words of Wisdom to Underclassman
Stop having social anxiety! Nobody cares if you trip, trust me.
Favorite Shanley
Junior and Senior Retreats
I could not live without...
Favorite Shanley Teacher
Mrs. Sornsin one billion percent!
JosEph WElch
Words of Wisdom to Underclassman
Try your best. It’s easy.
I will always remember... AP Pysch
Favorite Shanley
Junior Retreat
Favorite School
Favorite School Lunch
Grilled Cheese and Tomato Soup
Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Far Away
Celebrity Crush
Olivia Rodrigo
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Somewhere completely different probably doing something I’d never expect
Favorite Shanley Teacher
Mr. Rustad
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Not here