Shanley December SHACK

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The S.H.A.C.K.

“Sacred Heart Academy Club Kernals”

Shanley High School Community Excellence

Faith Learning Service

December 2024

o coMe dIvIne MessIah

Shanley Chorale’s Candlelight Christmas Concert shines with awe in preparation of Christ’s coming

Those in attendance at Shanley’s Candlelight Christmas Concert were left starstruck with the harmonious choruses of the Chorale and the beautifully lit Sts. Anne and Joachim church backdrop.

The December 6th concert was the perfect to put anyone in the holiday mood during the Advent season leading up to Christmas.

The choir has spent the past few months preparing to give all their audience a wonderful performance to showcase their impressive vocals and challenging work.

Freshman Lillie Knutson provided some insight into preparation for the concert, her first, and the nerves passing through the choir.

“Leading up to the concert was a little bit stressful and nerve wracking since we were all a bit scatter brained,” said Lillie.

Even though there was stress and anxiety running through the singers they still managed to deliver us a beautiful performance for future years to compare.

Lilly Deutsch, another freshman member of the choir, was most proud of the grand finale.

“Concluding the concert, Silent Night was so beautiful,” said Lilly. “With the candles glowing and the seniors at the end, it was a magical ending to have the moonlight streaming through the stained glass behind them and the last chord lingering in the air.”

The way choir director Mrs. Johnson was able to work the church’s beauty into the night’s festivities was a key piece of the puzzle to make the concert the best it could have been.

The choir will have more concerts throughout the year, and they are moments one definitely does not want to miss.

Page 2: shanley Band’s Busy Fall

Page 3: QuesTIon oF The MonTh

Page 4: hoMecoMIng

Page 5: BonFIre, chalkFesT and deacon day PhoTos

Page 6-7: senIor sPoTlIghT

Page 8: Fall Play

Page 9: Teacher sPoTlIghT and sPorTs

Page 10-11: sPorTs

Page 12: senIor sPoTlIghT

Seniors Erika Wanner, Addison Ressler, and Mara Nielsen provide the final touches on Silent Night in front of Sts. Anne and Joachim’s balcony stained glass window.

Band on the Run

Shanley band showcases an active fall of performances

It would be an understatement to say the band was busy this year.

During the fall of the 2024 school year, they played at several pep band events. The band played at most home football games, including a joint performance with the Oak Grove pep band at the Oak Grove Homecoming game. In addition to this, the band made two appearances at home volleyball games, creating an electric atmosphere as the volleyball team shifted gears into the postseason.

To celebrate the work done in the fall, the band performed the annual Fall Showcase Performance on October 14th.

The concert consisted of 10 pep-band favorites, including 2024 debut songs “Make

Me Smile,” “Louie Louie,”

“Shout it Out Loud,” and “Old Town Road.” To make the concert even more exciting, the band performed while doing various formations throughout the concert. These formations were the Shanley shield, a smiley face (for the song “Make Me Smile”), and an “SHS” formation.

Following the pep band season, the group transitioned into concert band music in preparation for the 2024 Bandstravaganza Concert, which was held on Monday, November 18th.

For the performance, the band played three composed works. The concert was kicked off with the song, “Crown of Castile.” This song was a fast-paced and strong Spanish style march.

Next, the band played “Blessed Hymn.” The song “Blessed Hymn” was derived from the iconic church song, “Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing,” a smooth, slow, and emotional hymn.

Lastly, the band played the strong and enthusiastic, “Best of the West.” The final song consisted of music from four classic western movies: I’m on My Way, The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, Blazing Saddles , and The Magnificent Seven . The “Best of the West” song concluded the concert with an energetic sendoff.

Currently, the band is playing Christmas music and prepping for the EDC solo festival. Going forward, the band will compete at the Raging Red Band Competition at NDSU in 2025.

Director Mr. Pochmara leads the band through one of their songs during the 2024 Bandstravaganza Concert held in the Shanley gymnasium.
Senior Hugo Hoffman strikes a pose with his instrument during his last Shanley Bandstravagana Concert of his high school career.
Sophia Bolin, Isaac Beauchamp, Sarah Sim, and Sunisha Tangpong represent the front row of the band during one of their fall concerts.

Question of the Month:

If you were a saint, what would you be the saint of, Disney Channel or Nickelodeon?



Friday Night Lights for Homecoming 2024

This summer, the Shanley Student Council Executive Board got together in order to plan out a fun week for the student body. This year’s theme being “Friday Night Lights”, based on movies, Hollywood, and most importantly school spirit.

“This year was different, in the sense that there was a different atmosphere between the students,” said senior Erika Wanner. “Everyone came together in order to have a fun and exciting week.”

The week started on Monday, September 16th, with the coronation of the school’s homecoming king and queen along with the dress up theme being USA, based on the movie Miracle. The royal court consisted of seniors Jackson Askew, Gabe Danduran, David Hollcraft, Max Sornsin, and Tyler Wiese on the boys side, as well as Lucia Ferguson, Hailey Ding-

Sawyer Julik, Ellery Kautzman, and Nora Roney for the girls.

In the end, Hollcraft and Julik were crowned king and queen for the week. Throughout the week there were little court challenges and a couple was “eliminated” each day. The game during coronation was the Shanley rendition of The $100,000 Pyramid. Unfortunately, Wiese and Roney were eliminated first.

Tuesday was a normal uniform day as the school had the annual Eucharistic procession. However, the student council spiced up the day by having Anything But A Backpack day, with students bringing creative alternatives for their backpacks. The school then ended the day with a competitive game of Nativity-style Bingo. The court challenge that day was a meme challenge that the teachers voted on, causing Askew and Kautzman to be eliminated.

Wednesday consisted of a Deacon Spirit Day as the high school went out to do service opportunities throughout the community for Deacon Day. But, before they left, the second annual Chalkfest competition commenced, but unfortunately, the rain was not on the school’s side as it interrupted the competition. However, that did not stop the teams as they kept going.

For Deacon Day, the seniors went back to their elementary schools to spend the day with the little Deacons, while the juniors and freshmen went to plant trees near the VA Hospital in north Fargo. The sophomores went to the different churches around the area to help with landscaping and other projects around the buildings.

The court challenge before leaving for the service projects was Name That Tune with the king and queen being eliminated after the two rounds.

Thursday was a back-to-back competition between the seniors and the juniors and a dress up day being Character Day. Students dressed up as characters from their favorite movies, some notable ones being Alvin and the Chipmunks, Strawberry Shortcake and friends, and many more.

They then transitioned into the afternoon with a Powderpuff game between the senior and junior girls. Unfortunately, the seniors lost that game, but had a chance to come back during the Powerbuff volleyball game right after. The senior boys dominated the court, beating the juniors.

During halftime, the court challenge was a three-legged race between the last two couples, eliminating Sornsin and Dingmann.

Friday was a day of class colors. The first part of the day was very mellow as the classes were shorter. Then between 6th and 7th

period began the preprep silence, leading up to the pep rally. The pep rally consisted of fun games like Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Cup between the teachers, Finish the Lyrics between the grades, and a Dodgeball team between the last couple. Ferguson dominated Danduran’s team, winning the court challenges.

The dance on Saturday ended the week. New rules were put in place for the dress code, but everyone showed up looking elegant and graceful.

“This year’s Homecoming was marked by record setting energy, and Deacon pride from all grades,” said student body president Max Sornsin. “Homecoming 2024 is one that will be remembered forever.”

Shanley Deacons danced the night away, ending the 2024 Homecoming week on a high.

The Shanley cheerleaders and senior class lead the student section in a cheer during the Homecoming Football game against Bismarck High School.
The 2024 Homecoming Court in the Marian Garden represented by Gabe Danduran, Max Sornsin, Tyler Wiese, Jackson Askew, Ellery Kautzman, Nora Roney, Lucia Ferguson, Hailey Dingmann in the back and King David Hollcraft with Queen Sawyer Julik in the front.
liz BaSSett

Seniors take a “Daily” in Mrs. Sornsin’s Driveway as part of Senior Prank

Deacon Day Tradition Lives On

Queen Sawyer Julik and King David Hollcraft declare Homecoming Week officially open at Coronation

Dance Party erupts at Homecoming Bonfire

MrS. SornSin
Seniors Carson Friese and Gabe Danduran help out the Nativity students during Deacon Day where the seniors visit their old stomping grounds where they went to elementary school.
Sophomores Maggie Schwind, Mary Wolf, Elle Johnson and Gianna Noah work on their square at Chalk Fest titled “Up to Heaven” using the theme from the Pixar movie Up.
Sophomores Ethan Erickson and Max Geffre complete gardening work at St. Mary’s Cathedral during Deacon Day.

Words of Wisdom to Underclassman

Don’t be afraid to be yourself and always be kind!

Favorite Shanley


Rome Pilgrimage 2024

Sawyer Julik

I will always remember...

My junior year study hall

Favorite Shanley Teacher

Mrs. Miller

adrian Fillipi

Words of Wisdom to Underclassman

Apply yourself in class

Favorite Shanley


Junior Retreat

I will always remember...

State Hockey Championship

Favorite Shanley Teacher

Mrs. Backlund

High School in 3 Words

Growth, Exciting, Joyful

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Married and starting a family doing my dream job!

High School in 3 Words

Fun, real, special

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

As a successful business owner

annabelle Maher

Words of Wisdom to Underclassman

Be kind to others and ask for help when you need it.

Favorite Shanley Teacher

Mrs. Johnson

I could not live without

My family and best friends

Favorite Shanley


Senior Retreat

hailey dingMann

Words of Wisdom to Underclassman

To try new activities and go to as many events as you can because you will make the best memories there!

High School in 3 Words

Fast, fun, memorable

Favorite Shanley Memory

Rome Pilgrimage or Senior Hoco

Favorite Shanley Teacher

Mrs. Backlund

Favorite School Lunch Chili and Cinnamon Rolls

Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Making music and playing it around the country.

I could not live without...

Weekends or Summer

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

I hope that I have traveled a lot and have a successful job. I might also be married and starting a family.

Cadee sCHanzenbaCH

Words of Wisdom to Underclassman

Live your years to the fullest because they are gone before you know it.

Favorite Shanley


Mrs. Miller

Favorite Shanley


Playing the tortilla game in 2022 at state soccer

I will always remember...

Freedoms, guns, troops…

Carson Fetzer

Words of Wisdom to Underclassman

Study for everything.

Favorite Shanley


Junior Retreat

I will always remember...

The Amendment


High School in 3 Words

Fun, Exciting, and Hard

Haley Wilson

Words of Wisdom to Underclassman

Don’t be afraid to go to activities or join clubs!

Sports aren’t everything!

Favorite Shanley


Rome or Junior Retreat

One School Rule to Change

Starting later than 8 am

Favorite Shanley Teacher

Mrs. Backlund

I could not live without...

My dog

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Settling in my job and starting to build a family

Favorite Shanley Teacher

Mrs. Backlund

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Working for a business

Words of Wisdom to Underclassman

Don’t wait to do things until the last minute

Favorite Shanley


State Football

Joey Jaeger

Favorite School


Beef and Bean Burrito

Favorite Shanley


Mr. Finch

Favorite School


Chili and Cinnamon Rolls

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Happily married with a few kids, doing a job I love

I could not live without...

Social Media

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

In the workforce

Nuns and Aliens

Shanley Players Delight with Catholic Humor and Perplexing Questions on Faith and Life

The Shanley High School players performed their rendition of Nuns and Aliens by Dale Ahlquist, and safe to say it was well received.

The play is based on the supposed alien spaceship that crashed in Roswell, New Mexico in 1947, only this version has the spaceship crashing into a Catholic convent.

The story follows how the abbess of the convent, Mother Mary Francis, played by senior Emily Gietzen, must deal with the repercussions of the new visitors, as different members of the Air Force are also actively trying to get involved. Sophomore Harrison Shewey portrayed slightly ornery General Senderhauf, who tries to get to the bottom of the extraterrestrial situation on behalf of the United States Government.

The show not only has some laugh moments, but it also is a show that makes you think.

It is a reflection on how your faith can shake at times, but God will help you through all hardships.

There were other theological conundrums presented in the show like does Naboth, the leader of the alien visitors played by freshman Alex Mihalic Mackee, have a soul and therefore also can receive the sacraments like Anointing of the Sick? Can traditional religious doctrines expand to include the idea of life beyond Earth? If aliens exist, are they part of God’s creation?

All these questions were posed by the writer Ahlquist for the crew to ponder on the stage and for the audience to play along in the perplexing natures of the concepts.

“The camaraderie was amazing with this cast,” said Gietzen of the show. “We only had a month and a half to pull it off and because of our connection we were able to pull off a super amazing show. I’m excit-

ed for the rest of the year and the fun we will have during our next show.”

This was a fun opportunity for many people to have stand-

out roles and gave every character a moment to shine.

There are many newcomers who have joined the Shanley players family this year. There

were six new cast members this year in Nuns and Aliens , so safe to say the future of Shanley theatre is in good hands.

Emily Gietzen, Joey Decock, and Addison Ressler discuss offering dying alien Alex Mihalic Mackee Anointing of the Sick with fellow aliens Warrick Brummer and Sophia Sim looking on.
Eighth grader Ellie Finch lectures her fellow nuns on the physics of the world and how it all plays into the existence of extraterrestrial life after a spaceship crashes into the nun’s convent near Roswell, New Mexico.
PhotoS by lacey ReStad

New Teacher Feature: Mrs. McGurran

Q. What made you want to become a teacher?

A. Studying theology in college, I would often come home from class or studying at the library and want to tell somebody about all the amazing things I just learned. Theology fascinated me and I wanted to share that excitement with others. I wanted to become a teacher so that I could help others encounter how amazing our Catholic faith is.

Q. What’s your favorite aspect of teaching?

A. I have really enjoyed getting to know my students this year. I also enjoy when students ask deep questions that make me think about our faith in a way I haven’t before.

Q. What has been your hardest obstacle that you have had to overcome while teaching?

A. That’s a tough one…I would probably say staying up to date on grading when the students have assignments they need back quickly.

Q. What advice would you give a new teacher?

A. Before school every morning, pray that you’ll be a good teacher and be present to your students that day. Be creative. Ask lots of questions!

Q. Who was your favorite teacher growing up?

A. I have so many it’s hard to choose! My first-grade teacher, Mrs. V, was awesome. She had the best laugh, made class fun, and gave us at least three Jolly Ranchers a day (my dad blames her for all my childhood cavities). My college professor, Shawn Colberg, was also a favorite. His office door was always open. He was the one who helped me have the courage to study theology with the hope of working for the Church.

Q. What is a fun fact about yourself?

A. I eat my cereal without milk and my salad without dressing.

Q. Is there anything else you want people to know about you?

A. I’m very grateful to be at Shanley!

Shanley Boys Tennis Continues to Grow with Strong Participation

The Shanley High School boys tennis program experienced a season of growth and development in 2024, highlighted by impressive participation and competitive play. With 41 players across the varsity and JV rosters, the Deacons demonstrated the program’s increasing popularity and commitment to building a deep pool of talent.

Led by sophomore Mark Wanner, Shanley posted a 4-5 record in the conference, showing prom-

ise against tough competition.

The team’s victories came against South, Wahpeton, Valley City, and West Fargo, with each win marked by strong singles and doubles performances.

As the Deacons look ahead, the depth of the program and the experience gained by young players like Wanner provide a solid foundation for future success. With continued dedication, Shanley boys tennis is primed to make even greater strides next season.

Shanley Boys Soccer Overcomes Challenges, New Roster to End 2024 Season on a High Note

The Shanley High School boys soccer program navigated a challenging rebuilding year in 2024 after winning the state championship last season. Led by returning senior captain Jackson Askew and junior captain Henry Liebl, the team worked to find its footing under new head coach Jake Fritz. Following their dominant

Braun makes a pass against West Fargo Sheyenne in an EDC Conference match. run in 2023, the Deacons faced the challenge of replacing key contributors from the championship roster.

Amidst the adversity of a difficult season, the highlight of the year came late when the Deacons secured an emotional 2-1 victory over North, a win spoiled the Spartan’s chances of qualifying for the state tournament.

Coach Fritz was proud of the team’s resilience in not letting their season record dictate their effort late in the season with the win against North. Fritz hopes the Deacons can use that win as a springboard to next fall as Shanley looks to build a strong foundation for the future and look at getting back to the state tournament.

Girls Swimming Finishes Season Strong at State

The Deacon girls swimming team had a successful 2024 season capped off by a fourth-place finish at the state meet at the Hulburt Aquatic Center in West Fargo. The team came together well throughout the season, showing depth and teamwork in both individual and relay events. At the state meet, Shanley swimmers

from Oak Grove and Park Christian claimed first-place finishes in the 500 freestyle, 200 freestyle, and 100 freestyle. 8th grader Nashatawn Tangpong was part of the winning 200 medley relay team, further demonstrating the program’s mix of youth and talent.

Tangpong was also a state qualifier in the 100 butterfly and the 100 backstroke. Joining Tang-

pong on the state team was senior Kendall Jones, junior Sunisha Tangpong, and freshman Alexis Appletoft.

The collaboration between the three schools created a strong, supportive environment that pushed the swimmers to perform their best. The fourth-place finish at state reflected the team’s hard work and steady improvement throughout the year.

The Deacon girls swimming and diving team celebrate their 4th place team finish at the State Swimming and Diving Meet in West Fargo.

Shanley Volleyball Shines Under New Leadership

Deacons cap off strong season winning EDC Regular Season Championship and placing third at the State Tournament

Katelyn Ommen readies for a spike during the EDC State Qualifying match held at West Fargo Sheyenne.

Shanley volleyball has a new head coach this year and welcomes some new assistant coaches as well to get back at it following a state championship bid last year.

“I couldn’t be more excited to come back as head coach of this program and to be a part of the Deacon family and culture,” new head coach Taylor Preston said in the InFORUM. The former Shanley assistant coach on last year’s state-runner up team has been leading the Deacons to victory this season, and the girls clearly bring the energy to every game.

Many girls have bumped up immensely due to their hard work over the summer at Shanley volleyball camps showing extreme drive to earn their spots on the team.

Freshman libero Brooklyn Bogenreif was one of those girls putting in the hard work to jump into a pivotal role leading the team in digs this season.

The Deacons cruised through the regular season finishing the year as the EDC regular season champions with a 20-2 conference record.

Senior Sela Roshau provided some great insight into their season and how they have stayed so

Shanley Football Embraces Change

Co-op with Oak Grove highlights a season of

growth and resilience

This year was different for the Shaley Football team as they decided to co-op with Oak Grove Lutheran School, expanding the program. They started out early this year starting to train in the offseason right after the state championship game.

Once fall and the new school year rolled around, they got together with the entire team and started to practice hard for their first game against Mandan with the added challenge for head coach Troy Mattern to incorporate the new additions to the team from Oak Grove.

“The co-op went really well,” said Senior Tyler Wiese. “The Oak Grove students fit into the program really well. They already felt like family.”

While it was challenging to fill positions, as they lost many seniors the previous year, they were able to overcome that challenge, utilizing the strengths of the players.

It was then time to head out west against Mandan. The game started out great as senior Justin Ajeo caught a pass from fellow senior Carson Busek, making the game 6-0.

Unfortunately, in the end Shanley accepted defeat, the

Quarterback Jax Mattern searches for a receiver during the homecoming football game while Gavin Veum finds someone to block.

ending score being 41-28. That did not stop the Deacons as they arrived back to the turf the next Monday, getting ready for their game against Fargo South. The hard work paid off as the Deacons got their first win against the Bruins with a very high scoring affair of 66-45.

However, their season did not go the way they wanted, ending the regular season 3-6. By beating Fargo North, they fortunately secured a spot in the playoffs with their first game being a rematch against the Bismarck High De-

mons. Heading west again to the Bismarck Community Bowl, the Deacons fell short making it their last game for the season.

“No matter the outcome, I’m just glad I could do it alongside my brothers,” said senior captain Max Sornsin. “In the end, this season will not be defined by the record in the books, but rather the camaraderie forged in the last four months.”

Although, no matter how the season went, the team played their very hardest, gave their all, and played as a family.

well motivated this year leading up to EDC.

“Loosing a state championship really gave us fire for this year,” said Roshau. “It is always important to be there for your teammates and keep their heads up high.”

Even though the girls didn’t win EDC last season, they have used that energy and channeled it into their wonderful season.

“As a senior leader this is my last year and last few weeks playing volleyball, I have a different look on the sport and what we as a team can accomplish,” said Roshau.

The Deacons took care of business in their state qualifier match against Grand Forks Red River to earn a place at the State Tournament at the Fargodome.

After rolling through the Bismarck Demons in four sets, the Deacons weren’t able to overcome a two set deficit in the state semifinal round against West Fargo Sheyenne to make it back to the state championship game.

Even though their third place finish at state wasn’t the goal, the seniors this year set a great example for the upcoming seniors next year and the underclassmen who will one day be leading girls volleyball in the future.

Shanley Girls Golf Shows Promise in 2024 Season

Ava Cooper, Lauren Graveline, and Anika Astrup representing Shanley at the State Meet held in Mandan. exceptional play earned her a fifthplace finish, capping off an impressive individual season.

The Shanley High School girls golf team delivered a solid season in 2024, led by standout performances from junior Lauren Graveline and freshman Anika Astrup with both golfers earning All-EDC honors.

The Deacons started the year strong with their best finish of

the season, taking second place at the season-opening meet in Valley City. Throughout the year, the Deacons consistently performed well, averaging a fourth-place finish across their competitions.

At the state tournament in Mandan, the Deacons were represented by Graveline, Anika Astrup, and senior Ava Cooper. Graveline’s

With Graveline returning for her senior season, Astrup building on a stellar freshman campaign, and Cooper gaining valuable state tournament experience, the Shanley girls golf team is poised for even greater success next year.

Renee claSen

Senior Athlete Feature: Nora Roney

Q. What has been your favorite sports memory/moment?

A. My favorite sports moment is staying at the hotel for state soccer 2024 and trying the cookies the sophomores made in their room

Q. What is the best advice you have ever gotten from a coach?

A. The best advice I’ve ever gotten from a coach is to focus on what you can control and not what you cannot.

Q. What values have you learned from being part of a team?

A. The values I have learned from being part of a team are trust, perseverance, respect, communication, and adaptability.

Q. How has playing sports helped you grow as a person?

A. Playing sports has helped me grow as a person by teaching me the importance of working through adversity and trusting those around me. It has also taught me the importance of hard work and confidence.

Q. What is your favorite thing about practice?

A. My favorite thing about practice is catching up with my friends during warm-ups.

Q. Do you have any hobbies or interests outside of sports?

A. Outside of sports, I like to read, walk my dog, spend time at the lake, and watch movies.

Q. Which sport is your favorite to play and why?

A. Basketball is my favorite sport to play because it just is. I

don’t really have any other reason.

Q. What are your plans after high school?

A. After high school, I plan to study nursing and play basketball at Concordia.

Q. What advice would you give to younger athletes?

A. Some advice I would give to younger athletes is not to be afraid of failure. Everyone fails at times, so use it to help motivate you to be better.

Q. And now the most difficult question, if you were an animal, what animal would you be and why?

A. If I were an animal, I would be a dog because they are playful and energetic, but they still get to sleep all day if they choose to.

Senior Athlete Feature: Max Sornsin

Q. What has been your favorite sports memory/moment?

A. Winning State Football 2022

Q. What has been the best advice you have ever gotten from a coach?

A. Effort takes zero talent

Q. What values have you learned from being part of a team?

A. Being able to lift up my teammates when they need it or be lifted up when I need it.

Q. How has playing sports helped you grow as a person?

A. Sports has helped me balance the highs and lows of life. Accepting the highs and learning from the lows.

Q. What is your favorite thing about practices?

A. Team Meal

Q. Do you have any hobbies or interests outside of sports?

A. Cooking

Q. Which sport is you favorite to play and why?

A. Football. It is a complete team sport. No matter how good one person is, a good team is what matters.

Q. What are your plans after high school?

A. Major in History, Minor in psych while becoming an officer in the United States Air Force.

Q. What advice would you give to younger athletes?

A. Don’t wait for a spot to open, take the spot for yourself.

Q. And now the most difficult question, if you were an animal, what animal would you be, and why?

A. I’d be a monkey, so I can chill in the trees.

Coach Foerster wins 2024 Girls’ State Cross Country Coach of the Year

The 2024 Shanley-Oak GrovePark Christian cross country season brought levels of success that have not been achieved in the program for a very long time.

The boys’ team saw consistent performances throughout the year. The team was led by captains Stuart Nelson (Park Christian), John Biebighauser (Park Christian), and Quinn Carroll (Shanley).

At every single meet, the boys’ team had individuals place in the top 20. In the state coaches poll rankings, the team cycled in and out of the top 5 teams in the state and individually the team saw a runner ranked consistently in the top 10.

At the EDC Cross Country Championships, a record number of runners for the Shanley boys’ team placed in the top 20, earning All-Conference honors. These individuals were Quinn Carroll (4th

place), Ethan Erickson (6th), and James Chaffee (15th). As a team, the boys placed 3rd overall, barely missing the runner up spot to Davies.

At state, Ethan Erickson placed 15th earning All State honors and the team placed 7th overall. The season showed great improvements in the depth of the runners.

In the past three years, the average 5k time for the top 5 scorers went from 18:14 in 2022, to 17:21 in 2023, to 16:52 in 2024.

The girls’ team was led by captains Nora Roney (Shanley), Lily Elbert (Oak Grove), and Anika Freuh (Park Christian).

During the season, the team won the Breckenridge Cross Country meet at the Bois De Sioux golf course and the Ian Alves Invitational at the Leonard Country Club.

Throughout the season, the state coaches poll often ranked the team in the top 5 teams in the

The cross-country team celebrates Coach Foerster’s Coach of the Year award. state. At the EDC Cross Country Championship meet, 4 individuals placed in the top 20, earning all conference honors. This showcased the great depth and strength of the team.
The four individuals who placed in the top 20 were Lily Elbert (6th), Annika Aakre (8th), Mary Wolf (10th), and Mykenna Johnson (16th). This strong performance translated into a runner up finish as a team at EDC. Scoring 62 points, they narrowly missed the top spot to Sheyenne, who scored 56 points. At state, the girls placed 7th as a team. The success throughout the season did not go unnoticed as Coach Foerster won EDC Girls’ Coach of the year. Two weeks later, he was named Girls’ State Coach of the year.

Words of Wisdom to Underclassman

Go to everything and do everything. It goes fast.

Favorite Shanley Teacher

Mrs. Sornsin

Ella DyE

Favorite Shanley Memory

Junior Retreat

I will always remember...

The March for life bus ride

I could not live without...

My family

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Having a family and a good job

KaDEn BEnnington

Words of Wisdom to Underclassman

Time moves quickly, so have fun while you’re here.

Favorite Shanley Memory

Winning state soccer

Words of Wisdom to Underclassman

Work hard, ask questions, always do your best, and have fun! Don’t be afraid to make mistakes, that is how you learn and grow! Four years goes by fast so make as many memories as you can!

I will always remember...

The shortcuts for the amendments.

Favorite Shanley Teacher

Mr. Gagnon

EriKa WannEr

Favorite Shanley Memory

Senior Homecoming

I will always remember...

The friends I have made along the way

EllEry Kautzman

Words of Wisdom to Underclassman

Never give up and prioritize your life, so you are able to continue to do the things you love while also keeping school important to you.

Favorite Teacher

Mrs. Miller

I could not live without...

My Kindle

Favorite Shanley Memory

The senior retreat or the Rome pilgrimage.

Favorite School Lunch

Taco in a Bag

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

No idea, hopefully playing baseball still

Favorite Shanley Teacher

Mrs. Miller

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Graduated from college with a family

High School in 3 Words

Tough, entertaining, growth.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

I hope to be married and starting my career in criminal psychology.

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