9 minute read


NOTE: All calendar events must be received via website by the 9th of the month and adhere to our guidelines. Email Calendar@AwakeningCharlotte.com for guidelines. No phone calls or faxes, please. To submit online, visit AwakeningCharlotte.com.

SUNDAY, MARCH 1 Off The Mat – 11am-1pm. 2-hour workshop designed to take your yoga practice off the mat and into your day-to-day life. Clear space in your mind, body, and spirit while creating massive new levels of awareness. Early Bird (before Feb 22): $40; Day of: $50. 1912 Commonwealth Ave, Charlotte. 704- 266-1443. OkraCharlotte.com. TUESDAY, MARCH 3 Affirmations and Aromatherapy – 7-8:15pm. Join Amy J Williams, MA LPC, in this practical thought-changing workshop to learn specific ways to improve your own self-compassion and your life experience with the healing support of essential oils. Pre-register: $15; Day of: $20. 1912 Commonwealth Ave, Charlotte. 704-266-1443. OkraCharlotte.com. SATURDAY, MARCH 7 ChiRunning & Walking Workshop with Hal Smith – 9:30-11am. Learn how to use natural forces to run and walk more effortlessly and injury free. ChiRunning/Walking uses the principles of Tai Chi to cooperate with gravity. $40 or free with Gumbo purchase of running shoes. 1912 Commonwealth Ave, Charlotte. 704-266-1443. OkraCharlotte.com. The Healing Wonders of Edgar Cayce – 1:30- 3pm. Holistic concepts that uses our creativity to bring health to our bodies, including special diets and herbs, preparation and use of healing castor oil packs, daily meditation, prayer and more. Pre-registration required: $35 plus $5 booklet. 400 North Harbor Place Dr, Davidson. 704-896-3111. KentCookInstitute.com/calendar. SUNDAY, MARCH 8 The Mysteries of Mediumship with PE Calvert - Part 1 – 10:30am-1:30pm. Gain the tools, perfect your practice and elevate your intuitive skills to reach your higher vibration for mediumship. If staying for afternoon event, there will be a 1-hour break for lunch. Investment: $100. 400 North Harbor Place Dr, Davidson. 704-896-3111. KentCookInstitute.com/calendar. The Golden Quest Mystery School’s Second Sundays at The Bag Lady – 10:30am-noon. Rev. Rebecca leads us on a journey of our own Soul’s golden quest of archetypes, heroes and challenges that comprise our journey back “home”. Suggested Energy Exchange: $25. The Bag Lady: Intuitive Gifts, 1516 E 4th St, Charlotte. 704-338-9778. GoldenQuestMysterySchool.org. The Mysteries of Mediumship with PE Calvert - Part 2 – 2:30-4:30pm. This workshop deepens your understanding of your mediumship and helps you advance to a higher set of skills. Pre-requisite Level 1. $100. 400 North Harbor Place Dr, Davidson. 704-896-3111. KentCookInstitute.com/calendar.



Trusting the Flow, Soulful Breathwork with Andrea White – 7-9pm. Soulful Breathwork connects our bodies, minds and hearts to the natural, unworried rhythms of the Universe. Wear comfortable clothes, bring a yoga mat, pillow and blanket. Eat a light meal beforehand. Early Bird: $25; Day of: $30. 1912 Commonwealth Ave, Charlotte. 704- 266-1443. OkraCharlotte.com.


Zen Within Academy Energy Healing Circle – 7:30-8:30pm. 2 nd Wednesday of the month. We gather online to explore a brand new healing activation topic. The direct transmissions from Katie’s guides will help you align and harmonize with the energetic shifts present each month. Sliding Scale Cost: $22, $27 or $33. 828-246-3335. ZenWithinAcademy.com.

SATURDAY, MARCH 14 Jikiden 2-Day Workshop with Lorraine Meyer – 9:30am-5pm. Learn reiki as originally taught and practiced in Japan. Practiced by Dr. Chujiro Hayashi in Japan, and passed down to Chiyoko Yamaguchi, founder of the Jikiden Reiki Institute. Investment: $350. Pre-registration required: Call or text 305- 333-7571. 400 North Harbor Place Dr, Davidson. 704-896-3111. KentCookInstitute.com/calendar. Vision Boarding Workshop – 10am-2pm. A vision board is a powerful process for providing clarity to

READ MORE ONLINE natural pet Kibble Quandary A Fresh Look at Pet Food

Please call ahead to confirm dates and times.

and engaging with The Law of Attraction to create what you want for your life. Join Lillie Marshall of New Possibilities Coaching for fun, creativity and connection. $60, includes supplies, lunch and snacks. Register: LillieMarshall.com. THURSDAY, MARCH 19 Brave Heart of Medicine – 8am-5pm. Come and be part of a wellness-resilience retreat specifically for healthcare professionals. $175. Elemental Healing Charlotte, 5200 Park Rd, Ste 200C, Charlotte. 908-407-1000. ElementalHealingCharlotte.com/ event-calendar/#event=37361248. FRIDAY, MARCH 20 Twist Kids Yoga & Mindfulness Teacher Training Foundations – Mar 20-22. 8am-6pm. Learn the foundations for teaching yoga to children ages 4-12. Early Bird (by Feb 20): $399; After Feb 20: $435. Cancellation Policy: Full refund 2 weeks prior to training. No refunds after that date. 1912 Commonwealth Ave, Charlotte. 704-266-1443. OkraCharlotte.com. Tuning Fork Training with SomaEnergetics – Mar 20-22. 7-9pm Mar 20, 10am-5pm Mar 21, 1-5pm Mar 22. Reconnect with your inner energy potential using the ancient Solfeggio frequencies to balance and impart harmony in your life. Course: $349; Energy Tuner Kit: $199. Save $50 if register by Mar 6. 7300 Mallard Creek Rd, Charlotte. 704- 599-1180. HeartLightCharlotte.org. SATURDAY, MARCH 21 Sacred Cacao Ceremony and Shamanic Breathwork – 5:30-8pm. Join Brooke in celebrating the Spring Equinox. We will focus on releasing what doesn’t serve Self and calling in what does. A powerful Shamanic Breathwork practice will follow. Bring your own mug and mat (available for rent). Early Bird (by Mar 18): $40; After: $50. 1912 Commonwealth Ave, Charlotte. 704-266-1443. OkraCharlotte.com. SUNDAY, MARCH 22 Special Guests Bob Sima and Shannon Plummer – 10am. Bob Sima, a musician, mystic, and teacher, will share his breathwork and message at the Carolina Center for Spiritual Awakening. Free. Carolina Center for Spiritual Awakening, 12125 Statesville Rd, Huntersville. 980-292-1062. AwakeningCarolina.org. The Bob Sima and Shannon Plummer Concert – 1pm. Don’t miss this incredible concert. “Bob is to music what Wayne Dyer and Eckhart Tolle are to books and Rumi is to poetry.” By Mar 15: $25 (and includes lunch). Carolina Center for Spiritual Awakening, 12125 Statesville Rd, Huntersville. 980-292-1062. AwakeningCarolina.org. Didgeridoo Meditation – 7:30-9:30pm. Join Dr. Matt Lyon for an evening of healing, deep rest, re-alignment and joy. Invigorate and energize your

year while releasing any unfinished business from your past. Led through a guided meditation by Dr. Matt as he plays the ancient instrument of tribal healing. $35. 1912 Commonwealth Ave, Charlotte. 704-266-1443. OkraCharlotte.com. MONDAY, MARCH 23 5 lb Challenge – Noon. Have you ever wondered what releasing 5 pounds of fat, inflammation, and toxins would feel like? You would have less pain, more energy, increased mobility, more confidence, balanced hormones, and sleep better. Join this 5-day interactive FaceBook group to learn timeless strategies to release 5 pounds in 5 days. Free. Register at https://www.facebook.com/groups/5lbfreedom. HealingPlatform.com. FRIDAY, MARCH 27 Soup & Cinema – 6-8:30pm. A monthly gathering focused on diversity and inclusion through film – Welcoming all! Donation. Eastside Local Eatery, 3102 Eastway Dr, Charlotte. 980-585-2957. AwakeningCarolina.org. SHiFT Charlotte Pre-Conference Drumming Workshop – 7-9pm. Participants engage in rhythmic games and interventions using drums, handheld percussion, voices, and movement to synergize the mind, body, and spirit. $30, Discounted if bought with Saturday SHiFT Charlotte Ticket . Oasis Shriners, 604 Doug Mayes Place, Charlotte. SHiFTCharlotte.com. SATURDAY, MARCH 28


SHiFT Charlotte 2020 In our 11th year, SHiFT Charlotte provides a full day of informative and inspirational seminars, over 100 vendors featuring holistic and metaphysical products and services, 25 psychics, intuitives, healers and practitioners, and free experiential play areas.

March 28 · 9am-5pm. $39 Oasis Shriners 604 Doug Mayes Place, Charlotte SHiFTCharlotte.com

Holistic Doctor of Charlotte at SHiFT Charlotte – 9am-5pm. Visit our table for free allergy testing and more information on Dr. Cushing’s researched and developed non-invasive AllerCease technique for allergy elimination. Also learn more about Plasma Pen, an FDA approved non-surgical solution to lift, tighten and shrink excess skin. 604 Doug Mayes Place, Charlotte. HolisticDoc.com. Mind Control with June Hamilton - Parts 1 & 2 – 10:30am-noon. When you focus your attention and energies upon an object or task, your every action, voluntary and involuntary, will generate a force from within that can accomplish astonishing things. $25/class or NookSter Society. 400 North Harbor Place Dr, Davidson. 704-896-3111. KentCookInstitute.com/calendar.

SUNDAY, MARCH 29 Special Guest David Hiller – 11am-3:30pm. Experience the quick-change activator, Psych-K, create positive beliefs, and amazing realities that make your heart sing. Everyone receives a Psych-K installation at this workshop. By Mar 22: $25 (includes lunch). Carolina Center for Spiritual Awakening, 12125 Statesville Rd, Huntersville. 980-292-1062. AwakeningCarolina.org. Victories of the Light: Channeled Light Healing – 1:30-3pm. Explore the benefits of Angel Healing. Learn how Angels assist you to become free of self-destructive habits, bring inspiration, solve problems, provide protection and improve relationships. Limit 6 attendants. $40. 400 North Harbor Place Dr, Davidson. 704-896-3111. KentCookInstitute.com/calendar. MONDAY, MARCH 30 Demystifying Detox – 5-6pm. Detoxing your body can be dangerous if you don’t know what you’re doing. Dr. Amber Pederson will help you understand the symptoms of a toxic build-up, including bloating, headaches, and fatigue, and share how to get started with a detox. Free. Register: DrPederson. synduit.com/WDD0001. HealingPlatform.com. Spring Forward: Yoga and Sound Healing Event – 6:30-8pm. After a long, dark winter of hibernation and growth, join us for 75-minutes of accessible yoga flow, with an extended savasana and sound healing to honor the arrival of Spring. Advance: $30; At the door: $35. C3 Lab, 2525 Distribution Street, Charlotte. ZenWithinAcademy. com/events/2020/3/30/spring-forward-yoga-soundhealing-journey. TUESDAY, MARCH 31 Monthly YogAstrology – 7-9pm. An elegant tradition aligns areas of the body with monthly zodiac signs. This class will help in understanding how we are connected to a larger energy and how you can use this knowledge to align your body with the stars. $20. 1912 Commonwealth Ave, Charlotte. 704-266-1443. OkraCharlotte.com.

coming soon

SATURDAY, APRIL 4 A Morning of Meditation and Mindfulness at Roper PT – 8-11am. Morning of walking meditation, mindfulness, and pranayama-controlled breath. Meditating calls you to be present with your thoughts and eliminate the stream of jumbled thoughts that may be crowding your mind. $45. 301 E Tremont Ave. Ste B, Charlotte. 980-298-6706. RoperPT.com. FRIDAY, APRIL 17


Pranic Healing-Level 1 at Art of Living Retreat Center Relieve pain, de-stress, support and maintain overall wellness. Protocols provided for a variety of conditions including cancer, heart disease, hypertension, migraine and more. Yoga and meditation included at retreat center.

April 17-19 • May 29-31 Art Of Living Retreat Center 639 Whispering Hills Rd, Boone, NC 800-392-6870 April: Tinyurl.com/ ArtOfLivingRetreats May: Tinyurl.com/ PranicHealingLevel1

SATURDAY, MAY 2 Angel Pets Expo 2020 – 10am-4pm. Supporting pets by bringing together resources, services and products which support and honors pets and their pet parents. Pet and family friendly. In advance via Eventbrite: $7; At the door: $10. WNC AG Center, 761 Bolyston Hwy, Fletcher, NC. 828-687-1414. AngelPetsExpo.com. FRIDAY, MAY 8

FRIDAY, APRIL 3 markyourcalendar

Daring Greatly 3-Day Workshop Based on the research of Dr. Brené Brown Join Certified Daring Way Facilitator Lillie Marshall and develop shame resilience skills and a courage practice that transforms the way you live, love, parent and lead.

April 3-5 Charlotte, NC $425 Register: LillieMarshall.com (by March 3 and receive free copy of Daring Greatly)


Rising Strong 3-Day Workshop Based on the research of Dr. Brené Brown Join Certified Daring Way Facilitator Lillie Marshall and discover what it takes to get back up, and how owning our stories of struggle gives us the power to write a daring new ending.

May 8-10 Charlotte, NC $425 Register: LillieMarshall.com (by April 8 and receive free copy of Rising Strong)

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