2 minute read
letter from publisher
A Fearless Future
It isn’t even the middle of December as I write this letter. We have family coming into town in a few days, and we still need to clean the house. Will our guests have fun? Will they enjoy the activities (which I intended to plan before they arrived)? Will I plan activities before they get here? Do we have food they like? Will I have time to get them gifts? OK, I’m unprepared for the holidays and a bit stressed out.
In “Welcoming the Unknown,” page 26, Marlaina Donato writes of how the new year can be filled with hope but also daunting because we have no idea what the future holds. Right now, I find myself looking forward to the first day of 2023, as by then the holidays will be behind me and my current fears will be vague memories. At this moment, how the holidays will go is my unknown. And I suppose that’s how it goes—life is constantly bringing us moments of unknowns. We can choose the self-sabotaging habit of dreading the unknown that obstructs our view and keeps us wishing instead of living, or we can set a place at the table for delight.
My goal for the next few days is to set a place at the table for delight (and to tidy the house, and perhaps plan a couple of gifts I’d like to pick up) and truly enjoy, even relish, quality time with family.
Wishing you inspiration and possibility—the sky’s the limit!—in 2023,