2 0 1 4 - MASTERS, L a ndsca pe Ar chitectu r e 2 0 1 1 - BACHEL ORS, Ar chi te ctu r e - Cu m Lau de
Studen t Director
d e si gnB ri d ge Stu de nt O r ga n i zati o n Ran a student design-build organization in collaboration with 5 student leaders, approx 30 volunteer members and 3 active projects Oversaw strategic planning efforts and the creation of a new website.
Projec t Man ager 2010-2011
Ke nne dy - Churc hi ll Rai nw a te r D e m onst rati on P roje c t
T eam Member
H IV Alli anc e C ou rt y ard
Collaborated with three other student managers to oversee project design, budget, schedule and client communications
Participate in charettes, design development and construction of a courtyard redesign for 5-12 hours per week
Fel l ow/C o-Direc tor
C ASL ( C e nt e r f or t he Ad va n c e m e n t of Su st ai nable L i vi ng)
Director of student sustainaibility group renovating a 1920’s bungalow to meet PassiveHouse Standards. Oversee 9-person student leadership team to manage the 20 person volunteer organization and a $40,000 fund-raising campaign.
Program Director
4 0 8 .896.2371 sh an no n .a r m s@gmail.c o m 1 5 3 7 Ch a r nelto n St. Eu gen e, OR
C am p Wast ahi Su m m e r Ca m p
• Worked with a team of 20 staff members to plan and execute one-week of activities for 50-80 campers
Summer I n tern
O L IN Stu di o Develop presentation and construction documents for a major corporate campus. Conduct site analysis and product research
Summer P rac ticum 2011
Report C oauth or 2011
O ffice I n tern 2006-2007
Row e ll-Brok aw Arc hi t e c t s Develop presentation drawings for client meetings. Created diagrams for the document “Making Homes that Work”
Su st ai nable C i t i e s Ini t i ati v e Compiled twelve studio projects exploring a “City Hall for the Future” of Gresham, OR
Roge r Kohle r Arc hi te c t s Generated hand-drafted permit drawings and created promotional materials SHANNON ARMS • Olmsted Scholars Program •
Te aching Fel l ow
Analyzing Land Systems
Assist Professor Roxi Thoren in class of 35 interdisciplinary students. Including weekly office hours and skills sessions to assist students in learning basic approach and methods to performing site analysis
Te aching Fel l ow
History of Landscape Architecture I & II
2014- Curren t
Assist Professor Kenny Helphand in organizing and teaching class of 75+ students. Included assisting students in project development and grading responsibilities.
Re se arch As sis tan t
Cou rse De vel oper
Work with faculty in the departments of Architecture and Landscape Architecture to develop four distinct courses addressing the technical aspects of construction at the CASL House and student’s professional development
Fe atured
“Making Homes that Work: A Resource Guide for Families Living with Autism Spectrum Disorder”
Diagrams featured in document created by Rowell-Brokaw Architects intended to suggest architectural modifications to residences that support individuals on the Autism Spectrum.
Top 25 2012
P u blishe d 2012
Professor Roxi Thoren
Compiled case studies pertaining to Green Neighborhoods for use in class lectures
Gerald D. Hines ULI Competition Team proposal “SPUR” - places in Top 25 for its “kit of parts” approach to sustainable development along Buffalo Bayou in Houston, TX.
Land Art Generator Initiative
Team proposal “Fresh Kills Flock,” included in the book “Regenerative Infrastructures.”
Winne r
University Art Installation Competition
Team proposal, “Web of Collaboration” selected for construction and installation in the Architecture and Allied Arts Building courtyard in conjunction with graduation 2012
$10, 000 Gran t 2014
$10, 000 Gran t
Support construction of ADA Bathroom and green interior finishes at CASL House
Coauthor of a $10,000 grant application to increase organization visibility and brand.
S tr ate gic Pl an n in g
Camp Wastahi & designBridge & CASL
P u blication Des ign 2013-2014
Develop “Donor Package” and “Leadership Training Manual.” SHANNON ARMS • Olmsted Scholars Program •