Walks & info
Saturday May 1st 2010 a Walk
No. 1
BallyhoUra MaraThoN challeNGe Gr ref: G8o 230 GPS: 8 DeG 22’ .12” 52 DeG 21”32.2’ Demanding hillwalking marathon, commence a loop trail from kilfinane and traverse one of coilltes’s oldest plantation, descend to Ballyorgan and to Glenosheen village and over quitrent Mountain to join the deep path by the rock bedded rivers of aar and ogeen. return over seefin moor and castleoliver folly to base where refreshments and showers await Date: 1st May 2010 Start Time: 8.30am Duration: 6.hrs + registration: 07.30am kilfinane outdoor education centre ----------------------------------------------------------------a Walk
No. 2
BallyhoUra half MaraThoN Gr ref: G80 187 GPS: 8DeG 28’13.6’W 52DeG 19’9.8”W Depart Ballyorgan Village via holiday homes to Glenosheen, travel up the Goats path to coolfree Mountain and then to Quitrent following the main marathon route. We traverse Glenanaar joining the long Mountain to Seefin, before descending to Glenosheen and back to start. Date: 1st May 2010 Start time: 10.30am Duration: 3 hrs + registration: 9.30am Ballyhoura forest homes ----------------------------------------------------------------B Walk
No. 3
exit picturesque village of Ballyorgan via an ancient mass path which leads to a well developed trail along the meandering banks of the Molanna river with its unique variety of footbridges and boardwalks, watch for red squirrel, grey herons and blooming bluebells. enter Darragh Beech wood forest through Boreen Deard and loop aback a luscious canopy of evergreens which is Garryarthur christmas Tree Plantation. Date: 1st May 2010 Start time: 10.30am Duration: 3 hrs + registration: 9.30am Ballyhoura forest homes ----------------------------------------------------------------c Walk
No. 4
aNiMal SaNcTUary DoG Walk Gr.ref. 695 248 GPS: 8 deg. 26’56.1”W 52 deg. 22’26.3N This is an opportunity to walk your dog or indeed come and walk one of our canine friends (or let them walk you!) at the animal sanctuary outside kilfinane. The walk will take in the field of dreams and forest walks, refreshements will be served afterwards at the sanctuary. Date: 1st May 2010 Start Time: 1pm Duration: 1 hour registartion: field of dreams Sanctuary, Moorstown, kilfinane -----------------------------------------------------------------
c Walk
No. 5
De-STreSS Walk Gr ref: 653 -143 GPS: 8 deg 31” 2.2”W 52 Deg 16’ 45.6N Make the most of every step! learn techniques to de-stress, clear your mind and promote health and energy while walking. ideal to prepare for an exam or interview, balance your life, or just get the best from your regular stroll.
international Walking festival May 1st - 3rd 2010
Date: 2nd May 2010 Start Time: 2pm Duration: 2.5hrs registration: kilmallock church -----------------------------------------------------------------
Date: 1st May 2010 Start Time: 2pm Duration: 3 hours registration: Glenanaar forest €20.00pp -----------------------------------------------------------------
c Walk
Sunday May 2nd 2010 a Walk
No. 6
Gr ref: r846 289 GPS: 8 deg 13”42.6”W 52deg .24 43.0”N The 7 peaks challenge Bus to high Street, anglesboro, taking in paradise hill, Templehill passing assaroola Glen, lyracappal, carrignabionna, Slievecushnabinnia, Galty Mor, Galty Beag, cush, croch Maol passing clonbeg, back the avenue to lisverrane.
14 16 17
1 18
Monday May 3rd 2010
No. 9
DolMeN looP Gr ref: 846 289 GPS: 8 deg 13” 42.6” W 52 deg 24’ 43.0”N Departing lisverane Village to carroll’s Boreen joining a section of the Ballyhoura Way prior to ascending a sandy track to Monour Mountain and then on to the summit of Slieve na Muc. Taking in the Megalithic Tomb, Shrough Dolmen this promises views of the Golden Vale, The Galtees and the Ballyhoura 2nd May 2010 10.30am
DoNeraile heriTaGe Walk Gr.ref. 600 072 GPS: 8deg.35’8.oW 52deg.12’55.4N explore the history of Doneraile Park through a guided tour. learn of the Georgian Doneraile court home to St ledger family until 1969. follow the trail along the portico gate lodge, the hunting bridge, 300 old trees, and a herd of irish deer and enjoy views of the park Date: Start time: Duration: registration:
2nd May 2010 2.30pm 2.5hrs Doneraile Park entrance gates. No. 11
c Walk cUSh earThWorkS archaeoloGy Walk Gr.ref. 701 265 GPS: 8deg.26’22.2”W 52deg.23;22.7”N a walk overlooking the fertile plains of east limerick where you can learn about an iron age agricultural community dating from about 1,000Bc to 400aD Date: Start Time: Duration: registration:
2nd May 2010 3pm 2.5 hours Ballinvreena community hall ----------------------------------------------------------------c Walk
No. 16
Date: 3rd May 2010. Start time: 11am Duration: 5hrs + registration: 10am ardpatrick -----------------------------------------------------------------
Some routes May Be changed or altered
No. 10
a Walk
BallyhoUra Way Walk Gr ref: 643 211 GPS: 8 deg 31’ 28.8”W 52 deg 20’ 28.3N Starting from the lacca, taking in Seefin, castlephilip, traversing the Blackditch, carron(highest of the Ballyhoura range) to top of Mountrussell (taking in the megalithic tomb) and return via Blackrock to start.
c Walk
loUGh GUr archaeoloGy Walk Gr.ref 633 397 GPS: 8 deg. 32’ 27.1W 52 def.30’30.oN Visit grange stone circle and continue to discover all about the earls of Desmond, the plantation of Munster and the vaults, the graves of Teampall Nua. learn of burial practices and local customs at the Megalithic Tomb before finally hearing of the legend Geroid larla and the siege of lough Gur castle in 1641 at the lake front.
Duration: 3hrs + registration: 10am lisvernane Village -----------------------------------------------------------------
No. 15
Date: 2nd May 2010 Start Time: 10.30am Duration: 3.5hrs Start point: riordans Pub, holy cross.
No. 8
Date: 2nd May 2010 Start Time: 11.15am Duration: 3hrs + registration: 10.45am lisvernane -----------------------------------------------------------------
Date: Start Time:
No. 7
The lake walk commencer’s from cush car park, taking in the highest Galtee lake with a circuit of the lake, followed by hand railing Slievecushnabinnia and return to lisvernane village via lyre Boreen
B Walk
ireland’s highest inland Mountain Galty Mor via lough curra, taking in Slievecushnabinnia, Galty Mor, descends by the famine wall and the rock of aglish, and return to lisverrane via lyre Boreen. Date: 2nd May 2010 Start Time: 10.45am Duration: 5 hours registration: 9.45am lisvernane ----------------------------------------------------------------B Walk
Date: 2nd May 2010 Start Time: 9.15am (Bus) Duration: 7 hrs registration: 8.30am lisvernane ----------------------------------------------------------------a Walk Moderate
Gr.ref 606 283 GPS: 8deg.34’ 45.1”W 52deg.24’ 20.5”N explore the medieval walled town of kilmallock, learn of ecclesiastical origins starting in the 6th century, a monastery having been founded here by St, Malach, visit the ruins of kilmallock abbey, a 13th century Dominican building, the Blossom Gate from the 16th century and the surrounding town walls.
No. 12
laBBaMoloGGa ToWNlaND Walk Gr.ref. 766 169 GPS: 8deg.20’ 35.0”W 52deg. 18’ 13.9”N family orientated scenic walk exploring the community around
B Walk
No. 17
Blackrock Walk Gr ref: 643 211 GPS: 8 deg 31’ 28.8”W 52 deg 20’ 28.3N Depart ardpatrick Village up Toor Boreen to Greenwood, ascend via ‘the pinch’ to beneath the Blackrock, descending through forest path. Date: 3rd May 2010. Start time: 11am Duration: 4 hours registration: 10am ardpatrick ----------------------------------------------------------------Geochache Walk No. 18 Gr ref: 655 186 GPS: 8 deg 30’ 21.6W 52 deg 19 7.5N Meet at Ballyhoura Bike Trail car Park and test your GPS and navigation skills. Date: 3rd May 2010 Start Time: 10.30am Duration: 4 hrs registration: 10am ----------------------------------------------------------------UNiVerSal acceSS Walk No.19 Gr ref: 600 072 GPS: 8 deg 35’ 8.0”W 52 deg 12’ 53.4”N This walk is designed to afford people with impaired mobility an opportunity to experience the outdoors. enjoy the delights of nature within Doneraile Wildlife Park comprising of 166 hectares of 18th century landscaped park including Doneraile court the former residence of the St. ledger family. Date: 3rd May 2010. Start Time: 12pm registraion: Doneraile forest Park ----------------------------------------------------------------c Walk Tory hill No. 20 across from Tory hill is the townsland Grange hill, There are 2 fairy forts, an old church and burial vault, a site of a medieval horizontal mill and a holy well to pray to along your way. Date: Start Time: Duration: registration:
3rd May 2010 10.30am 1 hr yellowtown Pub
labbamologga through the local field names, history, heritage and lovely scenery. Date: 2nd May 2010 Start Time: 2pm Duration: 2.5hrs registration: T.o. car park ----------------------------------------------------------------c Walk
No. 13
kilBeheNy heriTaGe Walk Gr ref 878 189 GPS: 8deg.10’ 44.3”W 52deg.19’ 18.1”N family orientated archaeology and heritage walk exploring Galty castle Wood near kilbeheny. Date: 2nd May 2010 Start Time: 2pm Duration: 2 hours Start Point: Galty castle Wood ----------------------------------------------------------------c Walk
No. 14
kilMallock WalleD ToWN Walk
Walk leader cal Mccarthy, christopher Somerville and Ballyhoura fáilte's Jim flynn at Glenenaar car park prior to setting off on The canon Sheehan loop walk recently.
iDesign - Tel: 064 6622776
takes place from the 16th–18th october 2009. ramble through the mountains and forests and feast your eyes on the autumn colours of Ballyhoura country. Telephone the festival office on 063 91300 for further information.
DaTe for The Diary The BallyhoUra aUTUMN raMBliNG WeekeND
rail: rail services form Dublin and cork arrive in the stations of charleville and limerick Junction.
Tel: 063 91300 www.ballyhouracountry.com Traversing a landscape rich in geology, archaeology and wildlife, Ballyhoura country is a walker's paradise offering spectacular walking in the ancient and unspoilt landscapes of North cork and east limerick.
hoW To SelecT yoUr Walk
festival accommodation
JoiN WiTh The BallyhoUra BearS The Ballyhoura Bears walking club walk each Sunday throughout the year. New Members are always welcome. for further information on the activities of the Ballyhoura Bears Walking club log on to www.ballyhourabears.com
a a Walks are only for very experienced hill climbers. B B Walks are for experienced walkers. c c and Special interest Walks are ideal for all the family. eQUiPMeNT
kilfiNaNe oUTDoor eDUcaTioN ceNTre
for Grade a & B Walks, Boots, rucksack, Waterproofs, Pack lunch, hot drink, Track-Suit (no Jeans), Warm hat &Gloves and a change of clothing after walk is recommended. for c & Special interest Walks the main requirement is for people to have warm clothing and comfortable footwear.
for a wide range of outdoor education courses including Mountain Skills, rock climbing and kayak Skills. Tel: 063 91161 email: info@kilfinaneoec.com Web: www.kilfinaneoec.com
GUiDeD WalkS & aSSociaTeD learNiNG TUiTioN available 365 Days a year. contact: Mike Moroney Tel:0879267948 - e-mail:aherlowwalks@gmail.com Prior booking essential
PleaSe Make SUre yoU check iN aT The eND of each Walk
festival accommodation flemingstown house
Desmond lodge
kilmallock, co. limerick +353 (0)63 98093 www.flemingstown.com Special offers on Website
lough Gur, Bruff, co. limerick +353 (0)61 382963 www.desmondlodge.ie 1 nights Bed & Breakfast €30 pps.
Deebert house hotel
Glenroe cottage
for all your walking lunch packs, refreshments and newsagent needs call to Sheehy'S ceNTra kilfinane.
· hill Walking is an adventure sport and not devoid of an element of risk. Those taking part in any of the walks do so at their own risk · Participants are advised to be properly prepared for the walks chosen, especially Grade a Walks. · The decision and authority of the Walk leader on all walks is final and is at all times to be accepted by the participants. · children under 16 must be accompanied by an adult on all walks. · Please make sure you check in at the end of each walk
Molly’S reSTaUraNT aND Take aWay high Street, kilfinane, co. limerick Traditional home-style cooking. Generous portions at reasonable prices. open 7 days. Booking advisable. Tel: 063 91919
leaVe No Trace
Ballyhoura festival Dry flo Special offer
c Walk Special family Price
Tel: 063 91300 for further information or visit www.ballyhouramtb.com or www.coillteoutdoors.ie
"Promoting and inspiring responsible outdoor recreation through education, research, and partnerships"
The Ballyhoura international Walking festival supports the leave No Trace Principles of outdoor ethics.
c Walk
road: kilfinane is accessible via the N8 and r517 from cork, via the N20 or r512 from limerick and from Mitchelstown via the r513 and then the r517. hoW To GeT here 00353 63 91300 info@ballyhoura.org www.ballyhouracountry.com
for further information on the Ballyhoura international Walking festival contact: exclusive Ballyhoura international Walking festival lowe alpine Dry flo T-Shirt aVailaBle for Sale DUriNG The feSTiVal
The Ballyhoura Mountain Bike Trail centre offers 96km of way marked world class mountain bike trails. Visitor facilities include map boards, picnic areas, car parking, showers, toilets and bike wash facilities.
call: email: log on:
Ballyhoura international Walking festival
The Ballyhoura international Walking festival offers guided walks across the north cork and east limerick area of ireland known as Ballyhoura.
Plan ahead and prepare Be considerate of others respect farm animals and wildlife Travel and camp on durable ground leave what you find Dispose of waste properly Minimise the effects of fire
1 Day Walk Pass
No. required
canon Sheehan atty chraan Black rock clare Glens Glenstall abbey keeper hill keale river liscarroll Donkey Sanctuary Streamhill/Ballinaboola
Why not come back and try out some of the following fáilte ireland approved loop walks around the Ballyhoura area.
Where are we? · · · · · · ·
Second Name:
€30 Sat Sun Mon
Maps available to download from www.discoverireland.ie/walking · · · · · · · · ·
May 1st - 3rd 2010
Please forward completed registration form with cheque payment to: Ballyhoura fáilte, Ballyhoura international Walking festival, Main Street, kilfinane, co. limerick. email: Tel: first Name: address: ToTal amount Payable Marathon Pass inc. hot Meal
3 Day Walk Pass inc. Marathon €50
3 Day Walk Pass
€ WalkiNG PaSS PriceS
BallyhoUra MoUNTaiN Bike TrailS PleaSe NoTe: for Safety reasons Pre registration for the Galtee a Walk on Sunday May 2nd and the Ballyhoura Mountain Marathon Saturday May 1st is essential Prior to Wed. 28th april. if you wish to pre register and purchase Ballyhoura Walking festival tickets please complete the section below and list all names and addresses of those attending. registration may also be completed on the Day of the Walk up to 1 hour prior to the listed Walk Start Time. all WalkerS MUST reGiSTer. WalkerS aTTeND aT Their oWN riSk.
fáilTe irelaND looP WalkS iN The BallyhoUra area
register kilmallock, co. limerick + 353 (0)63 31200 www.deeberthousehotel.com 2 nights Bed & Breakfast,
Tully, Glenroe, kilmallock, co. limerick + 353 (0)63 86029 www.glenroecottage.ie 3 nights Self catering for 6 people for €200
The old Bank
fitzgerald’s Guest house
Main Street, Bruff, co. limerick +353 (0)61 389969 +353 (0)86 2799859 www.theoldbank.ie Special offers on Website
kilmallock, co. limerick +353 (0)63 98139 www.fitzgeraldsguesthouse.com
Marengo Ballyhea, charleville, co. cork +353 (0)63 89658 +353 (0)87 2025311 www.marengo-accommodation.com 1 nights Bed & Breakfast €30 pps
Ballyhoura forest homes Ballyorgan, co. limerick + 353 (0)87 2863337 www.tridentholidayhomes.ie 3 nights Self catering for 6 people for € 250
Woodview B&B kilfinane, co. limerick + 353 (0)63 91106 www.ballyhouracountry.com 1 nights Bed & Breakfast €35 pps
for further information on festival accommodation and help with booking please contact the WalkiNG feSTiVal office on 063 91300 or email info@ballyhoura.org. log on to www.ballyhouracountry.com for a full list of tourism accommodation in the Ballyhoura area.
The leave No Trace trademark and accompanying design are trademarks of the leave No Trace center for outdoor ethics