Formerly loved as the Canadian Directory to Foundations & Corporations 1 800 263 1178
Photo credits (from left to right): Crossroads International, Toronto Region Immigrant Employment Council (TRIEC), CIVIX, Fondation Hôpital Pierre-Boucher. Icons from the Noun Project: Dart Board designed by Ana Lourenço, Check List designed by Luboš Volkov, Coins designed by Anton Håkanson.
Connect with funders who share your cause Hassle-free fundraising database • No installation necessary, access it from anywhere • User-friendly navigation
Time is money, don’t waste yours • One-stop shop for all your research needs • Up-to-date information verified by research professionals
Improve your fundraising productivity • Collaborate with your fundraising team • Track your funder relationships
Diversify your funding Target better prospects with access to thousands of funding opportunities
✓ Canadian foundations ✓ Regional, national and international corporations ✓ Government granting programs ✓ Grant-making charities
Used by thousands of professional fundraisers and the most used fee-based resource by Association of Professional Researchers for Advancement (APRA) members Grant Connect is phenomenal! It is really easy to use and comprehensive service. Ian Michael Smith, Fund Development Specialist, Canadian Cancer Society