SHAPE America is proud to share the following summary of accomplishments that we have achieved this past year on behalf of the health and physical education (HPE) community.
It has been a joyful year of service for all of us, certainly with unexpected ups and downs, but nonetheless, one in which we saw great opportunities for our HPE community.
Throughout all of it, the SHAPE America team kept our focus on serving and celebrating health and physical education teachers. We worked hard to help them be their best selves so they, in turn, could ensure their students had positive, inclusive, life-changing experiences in health and physical education. And of course, we never let up when it came to advocating for and with our health and physical education community to ensure that strong support is in place for these programs in our schools.
Strategic Direction
The SHAPE America Board of Directors began work on the revision of SHAPE America’s strategic direction in August 2022. The board reviewed data from membership surveys, social media and marketing trends, publication sales, and top-line financial data from recent years. The board also engaged in thoughtful discussion with senior staff to consider the most pressing needs of the field today and how our national health and PE organization can best meet these needs.
As a result of this work, a revised strategic direction was established and approved by the board to guide the work of SHAPE America for next three years (through the 2026 national convention). The strategic direction prioritizes advancing equity, diversity and inclusion throughout SHAPE America’s work; serving as a strong advocacy force; building and nurturing a robust and diverse community for health and PE professionals; advancing the knowledge and practice of health and PE teachers; and promoting sustainable business practices to ensure future growth.
The strategic direction will be shared with SHAPE America’s Program Councils, district leaders, EDI Committee, Emerging Leaders Innovation Team (ELIT), task forces, and other volunteer leaders so all efforts may be aligned with the priorities outlined in this document.
National Standards
It is SHAPE America’s distinct honor and privilege to maintain (through ownership of the copyright) and champion the National Standards for K-12 Physical Education and the National Health Education Standards. These national standards serve as the foundation for welldesigned physical education and health education programs across the country.
Members of the HPE community gathered at #SHAPEseattle to share their voice as part of the ongoing revision process for both sets of national standards.
The National PE Standards were last published in 2013, and the National Health Education Standards were last published in 2007. SHAPE America currently has two task forces that are hard at work to revise each set of standards. It is worth noting that this is the first time in our history that both sets of national standards are being revised at the same time and with the opportunity for both task forces to communicate and connect as the work progresses.
The National Physical Education Standards Task Force includes representation from preK-12 practitioners, PETE faculty, state departments of education, school district level curriculum supervisors, and experts well versed in social and emotional learning; equity, diversity and inclusion; motor development; and physical literacy.
Director of Educational Content and Programs Michelle Carter staffs this task force, and the group has been hard at work for two years now, gathering research and best practices from education experts throughout the world and collecting feedback from the HPE community
Based on the feedback from the first round of Public Review and Comment (conducted in 2022), the task force developed proposed Student Attributes and Draft Standards, which were made available for the HPE community’s review during a second round of Public Review and Comment (February 20 – April 3, 2023).
The National Health Education Standards Task Force has been hard at work since fall 2021 This diverse task force includes health education teachers, health education teacher education (HETE) professionals, state departments of education, school district level curriculum supervisors, and representatives from important national health education organizations.
The task force is staffed by Senior Manager of Healthy Schools Audra Walters. The first round of Public Review and Comment (for the Draft Standards, Rationale and Performance Indicators) was available for the HPE community’s review and feedback from March 21 – May 2, 2023.
We anticipate both sets of standards will be launched at the 2024 SHAPE America National Convention & Expo in Cleveland, followed by the rollout of a robust collection of resources to support implementation and adoption of the standards.
SHAPE America has had many opportunities this past year to represent the health and physical education professional community. The following provides a snapshot of some of the events in which we were invited to participate:
• The White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition & Health (SHAPE America also advised the Office of Domestic Policy on the planning of this event) and a follow-up event for select partners hosted at the White House;
• The Roundtable on Obesity Solutions, convened by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine;
• National Educator Shortage Summit;
• Save Sex Ed Webinar, in partnership with Advocates for Youth and the National PTA;
• Special Olympics World Games and the Special Olympics Unified Champion; Schools Year 15 Workshop.
Advocacy (led by Vice President for Advocacy & Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Carly Wright) continues to be a critical focus for SHAPE America as we welcomed new members of Congress this year and continued to build new relationships with those in key federal offices
Thanks to the leadership and efforts of Carly and her team, SHAPE America hosted an inperson SPEAK Out! Day this year in mid-February SHAPE America’s advocacy consultant and lobbyist Karen Johnson assisted in the successful implementation of this program, which was last held in person in 2020. More than 135 members registered, representing 33 states.
Participants attended meetings with their members of Congress to share how health and physical education have been faring in their states and why the impact of COVID-19 has meant that health and physical education have never been more important for students. Together, we advocated for full funding for Title II and Title IV of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) and were grateful for the positive responses we received from many on Capitol Hill. Yet again, it was an incredibly empowering week for the health and physical education community.
Additionally, we have continued to increase our brand visibility with our Google Ad Grant. We used approximately $30,000 in Google Ad credits in 2022; the highest performing ads focused on our books (Critical Race Studies in Physical Education and our newest coaching release, Reach Every Athlete) as well as advocacy.
On social media, our brand also continued to flourish:
• We surpassed 30,000 followers on Twitter, 19,000 on Facebook and 6,000 on Instagram.
• We had our best fundraising year ever on social media, with record amounts for health moves. minds.® Facebook fundraisers, total number of donations, and total amount donated.
• After launching a TikTok at #SHAPENOLA, we have now surpassed 1,000 followers
• On YouTube, views have increased by 38%
In July, SHAPE America hosted its second Back to School Summit
Offered at no charge to all SHAPE America members, this event addressed topics that were timely and relevant (such as self-care and avoiding teacher burnout) while also allowing our national Teachers of the Year a moment to shine, with presentations on standardsbased best practices.
And once again, this summit allowed us an opportunity to talk meaningfully about how to best engage administrators and advocate for their support of HPE in schools, SEL in health and physical education, and trauma-informed practice.
SHAPE America is excited to continue in our partnership with Kaiser Permanente (KP) Thriving Schools through their National Healthy Schools Collaborative. This partnership began at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic and has now led to the development of a Healthy Schools Ten-Year Roadmap, which SHAPE America proudly contributed to and endorsed. This year, SHAPE America will work to activate the federal, state, and local level priorities within the roadmap through an awarded Roadmap Implementation Grant by hosting virtual convenings with key stakeholders and by conducting direct advocacy with the federal government.
CDC Cooperative Agreement
SHAPE America was proud to win a highly competitive grant in the form of a new Cooperative Agreement with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to build and launch the “National Initiative to Advance Health Equity in K-12 Schools.” This funding began June 1, 2022, and is renewable for up to five years to support school administrator capacity-building to advance health equity and promote healthy schools.
Led by CDC Project Director Kaitlyn Gaddis-Thompson, this project will engage school administrators as champions to advance healthy schools through equitable and inclusive programs, policies, and practices that support the implementation of the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) model, to build the skills and capacity of district wellness committees through shared learning experiences and resources, and to share successes for innovative and equitable policies, programs, and practices. SHAPE America will also work with administrators in building support for standards-based health education and physical education.
SHAPE America will build on the Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Roundtable Series that was hosted in 2020 by providing focused support for administrators through training and facilitated communities of practice that will be grounded in health equity. The project will also support the development of resources that advance health equity and promote healthy schools, including the re-launching of Exchange, SHAPE America’s online community, which will offer peer networking, resource sharing, mentor matches, and communities of practice. A key partner on this project, Health Resources in Action, will provide valuable expertise in the areas of healthy equity, facilitation, and training.
Leadership Summit
The SHAPE America team was very excited to host the second annual SHAPE America Leadership Summit in February 2023 This year’s event, which had 56 participants from 25 states in attendance, was planned by and for state and district leaders, council chairs, and leaders from the SHAPE America EDI Committee and Emerging Leaders Innovation Team.
SHAPE America district directors and state leaders from across the country networked and shared innovative ideas during the 2023 Leadership Summit.
The event preceded SPEAK Out! Day, and we anticipate that this will continue to be a tradition in that respect. The event featured trainers who addressed best practices in building a strong culture of partnership within the board, as well as updates regarding the national standards, the Teacher of the Year program, and health. moves. minds.®
We were pleased to welcome back Sharon Newport, a widely regarded trainer and facilitator She hosted a panel featuring representatives from other education associations who discussed their affiliate state network structure. This preceded a larger conversation among state leaders regarding the establishment of a State Affiliate Advisory Council and how we might work together to update the state affiliate agreement and build a stronger, more collaborative state affiliate community. Next steps coming out of this discussion include working with SHAPE America district directors and members from all five districts to identify who will serve on the State Affiliate Advisory Council.
In addition to hosting the second annual Leadership Summit, SHAPE America made dedicated efforts to connect state affiliate leaders with each other and with SHAPE America and to provide them with resources and support. Examples of that include:
1) Published quarterly state affiliate newsletters that allow states to share information with each other, and which provide resources and information from SHAPE America;
2) Continued the Leadership Conversations Continued (LCC) virtual meeting series, which covered a variety of topics for state and district leaders such as best practices in board governance, advocacy success stories, partnership opportunities with other national organizations (such as Classroom Champions, Special Olympics), and the new state Teacher of the Year program;
3) Reached out to welcome each new state affiliate executive director and gave them a “SHAPE America Welcome Kit,” which included a directory and helpful information.
SHAPE America National Convention & Expo
SHAPE America was thrilled to host a successful 2023 National Convention & Expo in Seattle (planning for which was led by Director of Professional Learning Events & Programs Chasity Burns). SHAPE America has not hosted a national convention in our Western District since 2015, and we could feel the energy as we converged on the Seattle Convention Center!
We were proud to deliver a quality, high-energy, inclusive program. I am most proud that health education was well represented (25% of all proposals received were focused on health education). Additionally, more than 25% of all proposals across presentation submissions categories were focused on social and emotional learning (SEL) or equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI), demonstrating that both are key focuses for SHAPE America as an organization.
The convention’s keynote speaker lineup included:
• Sandy Zimmerman, American Ninja Warrior competitor, former physical education teacher, and Spokane-based philanthropist
• Justine Ang Fonte, M.Ed, MPH, health education consultant, speaker and author, who presented the inaugural Chuck and Cathie Corbin Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
Keynote Address
Once again, SHAPE America announced this year’s National Teachers of the Year at the Closing General Session. Also continued this year was the opportunity for attendees to volunteer in exchange for discounted convention registration
Thanks to our official equipment provider Gopher, presenters and participants had ready-to-use equipment for the many activity sessions held during the national convention.
SHAPE America recognizes and extends our deepest gratitude to Gopher for continuing to serve as our exclusive equipment provider for the national convention! We are thrilled that the stress of needing to obtain local equipment has now been alleviated for us and for any state affiliate organization we might partner with.
Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
Our efforts to advance equity, diversity, and inclusion must continue to stay strong. We can’t achieve our membership goals if members of marginalized communities don’t see a place for themselves within the SHAPE America organization and volunteer leadership community
Our first important step forward in achieving progress was to collect data to understand the demographic makeup of our field and our paid membership, which included:
• Gathering data through the PE standards survey, which included both members and nonmembers;
• Researching demographic data on those that complete degrees in health and physical education;
• Using demographic data from the myOptions/SHAPE America research study, which collects data from high school HPE teachers (includes members and non-members)
Moving forward, SHAPE America will also collect membership demographic data through the renewal or application process. With all of this in place, we will next need to consider realistic benchmarks for goals to diversify paid membership and the field as a whole, which will not be easy. We’ve made tangible progress in many respects when we consider the makeup of the SHAPE America Board of Directors, SHAPE America Program Councils, the SHAPE America Editorial Board, our current slate of published authors, and our standards revision task forces
That said, it must be acknowledged that when it comes to the larger HPE community, much more work needs to be done. This is a complex and challenging area for many, but one in which we will continue to push forward with the assistance of our Board of Directors and our EDI Committee.
The moments of progress we experience are often anecdotal, such as meeting new members of a SHAPE America District Leadership Council and hearing from them that a major reason they want to serve is because of SHAPE America’s demonstrated commitment to EDI. But though we hope to achieve more than anecdotal evidence in the future, we celebrate each and every one of these wins because they fuel us and keep us moving in the right direction.
Publications and Resources
On the publications front (led by Vice President, Marketing, Membership and Publications Tom Lawson), we publish four journals that reach over 100,000 readers on five continents. Combined, we publish 25 issues annually and manage over 1,200 manuscript submissions. Article submissions and full text article downloads continue to be very healthy, and all four journals have a sufficient backlog. In total, 208 articles were published in 2022. Here are a few particular highlights:
• RQES, which has an impact factor of 2.1, had nearly 900 article submissions, published 83 articles, and saw online downloads of more than 250,000 articles, which put it in the top 5% of all journals with Taylor & Francis
• The American Journal of Health Education (AJHE) published 35 peer-reviewed articles in 2022, including a special issue titled “Health Literacy and Health Education” in the January/February issue. Full-text article downloads increased for a sixth straight year, reaching nearly 90,000.
• JOPERD published a special feature issue in May/June 2022 titled “A Decade of Promise: Comprehensive School Physical Activity Programs for Physical Educators and Physical Activity Professionals,” which provides a series of practical resources on key learnings and applications from comprehensive school physical activity program (CSPAP) scholarship since the last JOPERD special issue in 2012. This journal’s online reach grew for the ninth straight year, seeing 203,000 article downloads.
• Strategies, which published 30 articles last year and is circulated to more than 3,100 institutions globally, was highlighted by a two-part mini-feature in the November/December 2022 issue on USTA and Tennis Canada Learning to Play Tennis Initiatives.
SHAPE America is proud to have new books in various stages of production Additionally, over the past year, SHAPE America was proud to publish the following:
• Infusing Self-Advocacy into Physical Education and Health Education
• Qualitative Research and Evaluation in Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy
We also share relevant content through Momentum magazine, our biweekly email newsletter, Et Cetera, and the SHAPE America Blog (all led by Managing Editor Larissa Brickach). Through these digital channels we are able to reach a broader audience, which includes health and physical educators, parents, students, school administrators, potential advertisers/sponsors, and other advocates. Here are a few highlights:
Momentum Magazine:
• The Fall 2022 issue of Momentum featured a cover story highlighting the benefits of university PE clubs. (“Join the Club: Nationwide, HPE Clubs Create Camaraderie and Kick Off Careers.”)
• The Winter 2023 issue included a feature article written by members Laurie Morley and Carri Kreider of Eastern Washington University (“TAKE ROOT: Nurturing Future Health and Physical Educators and Local K-12 Students Through a Sustainable, Collaborative After-School Program”).
• We also continued to publish In the Zone which features school success stories and teacher tips for implementing the health. moves. minds.® Fundraiser
Et Cetera:
• This popular email newsletter is delivered biweekly to the inboxes of approximately 45,000 subscribers, helping us engage with SHAPE America members and potential members while providing a platform for advertising revenue. Through this newsletter, we share products, information, and resources that help the HPE community.
SHAPE America Blog:
• The SHAPE America Blog helps to fulfill our mission by sharing insights, ideas, research and resources directly from the HPE community. Since launching at the beginning of FY20, the blog has averaged more than 100,000 page views per year
• In spring 2022, we celebrated the 50th anniversary of Title IX with the “My Title IX Story” Blog Series, which featured personal stories written by SHAPE America members.
• In fall 2022, we posted our first-ever “sponsored content” blog post. Sponsored content posts from SHAPE America advertisers or sponsors offer valuable content to readers while providing us with a new source of revenue.
Program Council Contributions
SHAPE America’s Program Councils and volunteer leadership groups found various ways to contribute to the content and resource pipeline this past year.
• SHAPE America’s Health Education Council, chaired by Holly Alperin, contributed on numerous fronts to help raise visibility and provide resources for Health Literacy Month (October). This council recently reviewed applications for three new task forces: Advancing Appropriate Practices in SchoolBased Health Education; Instructional Time Requirements in PreK-12 Health Education; and Inclusive Practices in Health Education.
• SHAPE America’s Physical Activity Council, chaired by Lisa Paulson, continued to help develop monthly activity calendars (in partnership with the other councils).
• The SHAPE America Physical Education Council, chaired by Nilo Ramos, worked together to revise the guidance document “Guidelines for Facilities, Equipment, Instructional Materials and Technology in K-12 Physical Education.”
• The SHAPE America Professional Preparation Council, chaired by Erin Centeio, hosts two task forces (on PETE/HETE recruitment and on social justice in PETE/HETE programs), in addition to hosting the Higher Education Professional Preparation Summit (HEPPS) and monthly convenings of the Undergraduate Student Leadership Network. This council hosted a #CareerWhy video series featuring PETE/HETE faculty and published two guidance documents: Social Justice in PETE/HETE and Best Practices in PETE/HETE
• SHAPE America’s Research Council, chaired by Paul Wright, launched a new Research Fellow Spotlight series as well as the new Research in Motion email newsletter, published three times a year. The council also worked with the Motor Behavior Special Interest Group (SIG) to host a virtual event (Motor Behavior Applications in Teaching: AIM for Success), continued to publish UnLock Research articles, and oversaw the planning of the research program for SHAPE America’s national convention.
SHAPE America Content Channels
In addition to our traditional publications, SHAPE America offered content for the HPE community across a variety of channels and in different formats last year. Thanks to Chasity Burns, Director of Professional Learning Events and Programs, and Jenifer Medina, Professional Learning Events, Programs and Social Impact Coordinator, SHAPE America offered a robust PD opportunity through our By You, For You Webinar Series, which featured a diverse array of topics and presenters.
Unplugged, which is both a vidcast and a podcast hosted by the SHAPE America CEO, unveiled its fourth season last year, featuring many health and physical education leaders from throughout the community including: members of the National Health Education Standards Task Force and Health Education Council; authors of SHAPE America’s book Infusing Self-Advocacy into Physical Education and Health Education, Ruth Childs, Lauren Lieberman, and Mary Connolly; leaders from SHAPE America’s National Physical Education Standards Task Force; health. moves. minds. Team Champions Jeff Ladd, Krista Winn, and Leah Wheeling; new state affiliate executive directors Nancy Cummings (FL) and Klint Van Cleemput (WA); GOPHER colleagues Matt Ginsky and Jonathan Faloon; and Past SHAPE America Presidents Irene Cucina, Steve Cone, and Dolly Lambdin.
Sean Nevills continued to serve as the host of the SHAPE America Podcast, which has opened numerous other content streams for us including our EDI Podcast
SHAPE America additionally had the opportunity to partner with a number of youth sports national organizations:
• We secured new content creation partnerships with USA Lacrosse to develop a standards-based curriculum for elementary and secondary grades
• We formed a new partnership with GENYOUth which involves development of a pilot project for middle school entitled Root4Her focused on helping girls get moving through fun, social, non-competitive physical activities.
• We secured a contract with Jr. NBA to collaborate on a school-based Jr. NBA Leagues program, which will come to fruition in FY23.
Higher Education
SHAPE America found numerous ways to reach and engage the health and physical education higher education community this past year. In addition to the publication of SHAPE America’s six journals, we undertook a variety of outreach efforts and activities, including:
• SHAPE America officially began serving as a CAEP SPA and provided support and assistance to PETE and HETE programs undergoing SPA reviews. In particular, we hosted six workshops for the higher education community about SPA recognition, three being for those interested in serving as SPA program reviewers and three for individuals interested in writing program reports. We are also currently identifying topic areas related to the SPA program review process so we may provide additional resources and trainings next year.
• Members of the higher education professional community have been instrumental in the work to revise the standards, especially through participation in virtual town halls, focus groups, surveys, and convention sessions.
• SHAPE America representatives have had the pleasure of meeting and speaking to students at PETE/HETE programs across the country.
• SHAPE America’s Professional Preparation Council hosted another highly successful Higher Education Professional Preparation Summit (HEPPS) on the Tuesday during the national convention in Seattle. It was well attended, met with positive reviews, and addressed timely and relevant topics within the PETE/HETE professional community.
• Functioning under the SHAPE America Program Councils, special interest groups (SIGs) have identified various ways to contribute and engage members:
o The newly launched Motor Behavior SIG co-hosted two virtual events in partnership with the Research Council
o The Curriculum & Instruction SIG co-hosted a virtual event in November with the Research Council.
o The Employee Wellness SIG (relaunched by Physical Activity Council) has begun making plans for the year ahead.
o The NBCT SIG continues to conduct outreach and host events to support NBCT candidates.
o The HPE State & District Admin SIG has been hosting regular meetings to receive and discuss the revision of the standards.
• SHAPE America also continues to engage with AAQEP regarding future potential alternative accreditation models that might be considered.
State Teacher of the Year Partner Program
We are extremely proud of the new State Teacher of the Year Partner Program, which came about thanks to the hard work and efforts of Beth Bennett and Michelle Carter, and due to the generous support from the SHAPE America Teacher of the Year Partner Network (Gopher, SPARK, Wellness Training Specialists and Goodheart-Willcox Publisher). This program provides state affiliates with tools, resources and financial support for their state Teacher of the Year awards program. It is available to every SHAPE America state affiliate, and in this first inaugural year of the program, we welcomed 13 states that chose to participate in the full version of the program. We are very proud to be working with them and to support them as they look to grow their state Teacher of the Year program and to support and celebrate their current state Teachers of the Year
health. moves. minds.®
SHAPE America’s flagship fundraising program, health. moves. minds., (led by Vice President of Strategic Partnerships, Social Impact and Education
Beth Bennett and Stephanie Jumps, Senior Manager of Community Initiatives and Social Impact) has been a major focus this past year.
The health. moves. minds. program continues to raise needed funds for schools while spreading the message of kindness through this year’s theme Amplify Kindness. We were proud to offer a new set of 12 mini-lessons for all grade levels along these lines
Staff also led impressive efforts to help identify and overcome barriers to participation for schools, including creating a more “out-of-the-box” fundraising option, reframed messaging, and identifying ways to increase bandwidth for recruitment efforts
The team’s accomplishments this past year also included the following:
• Developed a more streamlined, easy-to-access process for educators who were solely interested in receiving and using the health. moves. minds. education resources
• Continued to offer 1:1 planning calls with registered Team Champions to provide direct coaching toward a successful fundraiser.
• Continued to offer a series of twice monthly Team Champion Huddles, led by successful Team Champions and the Senior Manager Huddles allowed prospective and registered Team Champions a forum to ask questions, exchange ideas and learn best practices.
• Held “What is health. moves. minds. Wednesdays” from August through February to give educators an opportunity to learn more about participating in a health. moves. minds. Fundraiser. This spurred interest and recruitment.
• Developed a state conference toolkit for state conference leaders to effectively promote health. moves. minds. to their attendees. We created a presentation for state members to use at their state conference if SHAPE America staff were not present. We continued to encourage use of the interest form and associated QR code to generate leads to recruit, in addition to monthly social media graphics and messaging points
• Developed a standardized presentation that the Senior Manager and other SHAPE America staff could use when asked to present at state conferences or virtual meetings
• Identified areas on the health. moves. minds. fundraising website that could potentially be used in the future for additional advertising or partnership recognition, as an initial step to diversifying revenue streams to support the program.
• Created a paid position to hire staff to assist in professional school recruitment efforts.
The funds being raised by this program are critical to many schools in building their health and physical education program, but health. moves. minds. has also impacted thousands of students who are receiving important lessons about kindness, empathy and empowerment. During the 2022-2023 school year, 1,607,840 students and counting were impacted by the health. moves. minds. curriculum! Additionally, more than 425 teachers requested access to the free program lessons and activities for their school and 95 educators registered as Team Champions to host a health. moves minds. Fundraiser.
Perhaps most important, though, is the opportunity we have had through health. moves. minds. to help children gain skills to manage the increased feelings of anxiety, loneliness and depression we know they are experiencing We are additionally proud to be able to offer schools this opportunity to raise more funds for their health and physical education programs.
Finance and Operations
SHAPE America experienced many wins and employed strong, sustainable business practices to build organizational capacity this past year thanks to a team led by Chief Financial Officer and Senior Vice President for Business & Finance Adam Pomerantz Following an unpredictable but still successful fiscal year 2021, SHAPE America remained focused on providing critical resources and support to teachers
Further, SHAPE America celebrated the beginning of a very special engagement with the U.S. Department of Defense this past year as we entered into an agreement to enroll 350 new members teachers at U.S. Department of Defense schools per year for the next five years. We are so excited for the opportunity to bring resources and standards-based professional development to more health and physical education professionals around the world as a result of this contract
Thanks to the strong support of our members and our partners, and the prudent financial stewardship of SHAPE America’s staff, SHAPE America advanced our mission, served teachers, and came through the year in strong fiscal health.
SHAPE America’s total operating expenses for fiscal year 2022 were $3.9M, (compared to $3.4M in 2021)
The top four categories of expenses were:
Administration $1.3M ($974K, in 2021)
Convention ................................................. $962K ($423K in 2021)
Membership Programs & Services $456K ($511K in 2021)
Public Education Programs ................... $317K ($189K in 2021)
Total Operating Revenue for fiscal year 2022 was $4.5M as compared to $3.4M in 2021.
The top four categories of recurring operating revenue for fiscal year 2022 were:
Convention ................................................. $1.1M ($547K in 2021)
Periodicals $855K ($999K in 2021)
Memberships ............................................. $309K ($325K in 2021)
Public Education Programs ................... $240K ($155K in 2021)
In addition to the above recurring categories, SHAPE America recognized one-time COVID relief fund revenue of $1.4M in fiscal year 2022.
SHAPE America experienced an unfortunate and unexpected membership services outage at the beginning of 2023 due to a cyber incident that affected some of SHAPE America’s systems. With the assistance of our information technology partners, SHAPE America made a plan to restore and upgrade necessary systems. As a result of the outage, all memberships will be extended by the duration of the outage, plus an additional month. Additionally, and on a positive note, with the launch of the upgraded system, SHAPE America will collect demographic data that will allow us to better establish benchmarks related to our commitment to advancing equity, diversity, and inclusion.
Finally, it is worth noting that SHAPE America’s CEO has served as the president of the Center for Education Associations (CEA) this past year, an association that provides governance for properties on Association Drive in Reston, VA, where SHAPE America continues to own a building. Serving in this role allowed SHAPE America to demonstrate leadership and achieve important goals for CEA colleagues, including overall property maintenance, passing a budget, and ensuring consistent, collaborative communication between colleagues.
Though serving as CEA president has been an important role to fill this year, SHAPE America remains involved in continuing progress on a purchase agreement for the sale of its building on Association Drive. We have great confidence in this new agreement and in our partnership with a new purchaser and look forward to being able to come to closure in late spring 2025.
Thank you to all for your contributions to our health and physical education community We are so excited for the future at SHAPE America!