National Physical Education Standards: Public Review and Comment #3

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National Physical Education Standards Public Review and Comment #3 August 8 – August 31, 2023 Draft Standards Draft Indicators Sample Progressions Presented by the SHAPE America National Physical Education Standards Task Force SHAPE America Sets the Standard®
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SHAPE America National Physical Education Standards: Public Review & Comment #3 3 Table of Contents Introduction ................................................................................................ 4 Draft Standards, Draft Indicators, Sample Progressions ...................... 6 Evolution of the Standards ..................................................................... 28

This third round of Public Review and Comment includes proposed Draft Standards, Draft Indicators, and Sample Progressions, which were developed by the SHAPE America National Physical Education Standards Task Force. The Draft Standards, along with their respective rationale statements and potential strands, have been revised based on the second round of Public Review and Comment earlier this year.

The current edition of National Standards & Grade-Level Outcomes for K-12 Physical Education defines physical literacy as “the ability to move with competence and confidence in a wide variety of physical activities in multiple environments that benefit the healthy development of the whole person” (SHAPE America, 2014, p. 4); and identifies physical literacy as a primary goal of physical education. Physical literacy, however, is commonly conceptualized as a fixed state to be achieved in the future by a student who has successfully matriculated from the physical education curriculum. As presented in the current standards, physical literacy does not fully capture the essence of the developmental journey students undergo throughout their time as physical education students.

For this reason, the revised National Physical Education Standards will use the term physical literacy journey rather than physical literacy. The revised standards focus on the well-being of the whole person and their physical literacy journey. These standards consider the psychomotor, cognitive, social, and affective learning domains essential to facilitating the physical literacy journey of preK-12 learners. The physical literacy journey involves the ongoing acquisition and application of knowledge, skills, and dispositions necessary for engagement in a lifetime of healthful and meaningful physical activity.

With the firm belief that the physical literacy journey is inclusive, it is for all individuals regardless of their ability, age, class, gender, or race Quality instruction and opportunities to become more skilled, knowledgeable, and confident movers is essential for fostering preK-12 learners’ physical literacy journey. The proposed Draft Standards have been designed so teachers can easily build relevant and developmentally appropriate learning experiences that engage all preK-12 learners in their own meaningful physical literacy journey.

With this belief as the basis of their work, the National Physical Education Task Force has included the addition of Draft Indicators for the third and final round of Public Review and Comment. The indicators are a revision of the grade-level outcomes found in the current National Standards. They will go across grade spans and are meant to be more inclusive

The Draft Indicators are organized in the following grade spans: preK-2, 3-5, 6-8, and 9-12. The change from grade-level outcomes to grade spans is based on current motor development research that shows development is age-related not age-dependent.

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Skill development is also dependent on practice opportunities, instruction and encouragement; therefore, it should not be expected that all students in one grade will be at the same stage of motor development.

The task force has also provided Sample Progressions for each Draft Standard. The grade-span indicators articulate the content areas while the progressions provide sequential tasks that address a range of skill abilities from preK through high school. The grade-span indicators and associated progressions provide a scope and sequence that leads to progress toward the standards and, ultimately, prepares the individual to continue their physical literacy journey through adulthood. Sample Progressions are provided so stakeholders can get a preview of what progressions could look like and can provide feedback. It’s important to note that not all grade-span indicators will have progressions; this is dependent on the nature of the indicator.

Your feedback during this final round of Public Review and Comment will inform the task force of any revisions or concepts to consider as they move to finalize the standards and learning indicators. The new National Physical Education Standards will be released in March 2024 at the SHAPE America National Convention & Expo (#SHAPECleveland).

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Draft Standards, Draft Indicators, Sample Progressions (Standard 1)

Standard 1 — Motor Skill Development

Develops a variety of motor skills.


Through learning experiences that are responsive to their stage of development, students develop motor skills and demonstrate movement concepts across a variety of environments. These experiences are appropriately challenging, socially engaging, personally relevant, and enjoyable. Students’ engagement in movement experiences and development of motor skills contribute to their competence, confidence, and physical literacy journey.

Please note: Strands are forthcoming; numeric coding subject to change.

Grades PreK-2

1.2.1 Demonstrates catching in a non-dynamic or dynamic environment.

1.2.2 Demonstrates throwing in a non-dynamic environment.

1.2.3 Demonstrates striking with short-handled implement in a non-dynamic environment.

1.2.4 Demonstrates striking with a long-handled implement in a non-dynamic or dynamic environment.

1.2.5. Demonstrates bouncing a ball in a non-dynamic or dynamic environment.

1 2 6 Demonstrates kicking a ball in a non-dynamic environment.

1.2.7 Demonstrates rolling a ball in a non-dynamic or dynamic environment.

1.2.8 Demonstrates striking with hands in non-dynamic or dynamic environments.

SHAPE America National Physical Education
Public Review

1.2.14 Demonstrates jumping rope in a dynamic environment.

1.2.12 Demonstrates a variety of locomotor skills in a dynamic environment.

1.2.13 Demonstrates jumping and landing off of and over objects.

1.2.9 Demonstrates balancing on different body parts in a non-dynamic environment.

1.2.10 Demonstrates transferring weight on different body parts.

1.2.11 Demonstrates stationary body actions in non-dynamic environments.

Grades 3-5

1.5.16 Demonstrates catching/fielding in a dynamic environment.

1.5.8 Demonstrates sending and receiving an object in a non-dynamic and dynamic environment.

1.5.9 Demonstrates obtaining possession of game object within a dynamic environment.

1.5.11 Demonstrates striking a ball with a short-handled implement in a non-dynamic and dynamic environment.

1.5.14 Demonstrates striking with a long-handled implement in a non-dynamic and dynamic environment.

1.5.15 Demonstrates striking with a long-handled implement using a pendular swing.

1.5.10 Demonstrates kicking a ball using the instep in a non-dynamic and dynamic environment.

1.5.7 Demonstrates step-like (e.g., scissor kick) actions in a dynamic environment.

1.5.17 Demonstrates rolling a modified bowling ball in a non-dynamic environment.

1.5.12 Demonstrates volleying with hands in a dynamic environment.

1.5.13 Demonstrates serving a ball in a non-dynamic environment.

1.5.18 Demonstrates jumping rope in a non-dynamic and dynamic environment.

1.5.19 Demonstrates different forms of dance.

1.5.1 Demonstrates varied locomotor skills in a dynamic environment.

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Standards: Public Review & Comment #3

1.5.2 Demonstrates jumping and landing in a dynamic environment.

1.5.3 Demonstrates balancing on different body parts in a non-dynamic environment.

1.5.4 Demonstrates rolling actions in a dynamic environment.

1.5.5 Demonstrates transfer weight from feet to hands and feet to hands to feet in a dynamic environment.

1.5.6 Demonstrates combining jumping/landing, rolling, balancing and transfer of weight from feet to hands in a dynamic environment.

Grades 6-8

1.8.1 Demonstrates movement sequences within varied dance forms.

1.8.2 Demonstrates sending and receiving in combination with locomotor skills in a variety of modified invasion games

1.8.3 Demonstrates multiple techniques to create open space during a variety of invasion games.

1.8.4 Demonstrates dribbling with hands in a variety of practice tasks and small sided games.

1.8.5 Demonstrates foot dribbles with an implement in a variety of practice tasks and small sided games.

1.8.6 Demonstrates a shot on goal in a variety of practice tasks and small sided games.

1.8.7 Demonstrates a defensive ready position in a variety of practice tasks and modified sided games

1.8.8Demonstrates a proper underhand and overhand serve using the hand in a variety of practice tasks and modified games.

1.8.9 Demonstrates a proper underhand and overhand serve using a short or long-handled implement in a variety of practice tasks and modified sided games.

1.8.10 Demonstrates the correct form of a forehand and backhand stroke with a short-handled and long handled implement in a variety of practice tasks and modified sided games.

1.8.11 Demonstrates transfer of weight with correct timing using a low-to-high striking pattern with a short-handled and long handled implement on the forehand and backhand sides.

1.8.12 Demonstrates a volley with proper technique and control using a short-handled implement in a variety of practice tasks and modified net/wall games.

1.8.13 Demonstrates correct underhand throwing technique in a variety of practice tasks and modified target games

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& Comment #3

1.8.14 Demonstrates the striking motion with an implement using correct technique.

1.8.15 Demonstrates striking a self-tossed/ pitched ball with an implement to open space in a variety of practice tasks and small-sided games.

1.8.16 Demonstrates a proper catch with or without an implement in a variety of practice tasks and small sided games.

1.8.17 Demonstrates a correct throw for accuracy, distance, and power in a variety of practice tasks and small sided games.

1.8.18 Demonstrates correct technique in self-selected outdoor activities.

1.8.19 Demonstrates correct technique in self-selected individual-performance activities.

Grades 9-12

1.12.1 Demonstrates activity-specific movement skills in a variety of lifetime recreational physical activities.

1.12.2 Demonstrates (activity-specific) movement skills in a variety of health-related fitness activities (e.g., Strength, Cardiovascular, Functional)

1.12.3 Demonstrates one or more forms of dance (e.g., Social, Cultural, Contemporary, Creative).

1.12.4 Demonstrates movement sequences based on the movement framework (body, space, effort, time, and relationships).

1.12.5 Demonstrates appropriate technique in flexibility training

1.12.6 Demonstrates appropriate technique in cardiovascular training

1.12.7 Demonstrates appropriate technique in muscular strength and endurance training.

1.12.8 Demonstrates appropriate technique in skill-related fitness training.

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Sample Progressions

Standard 1 — Motor Skill Development

Grade Span PreK–2

Indicator 1.2.9 Demonstrates balancing on different body parts in a non-dynamic environment.

Progression Maintains momentary stillness on different bases of support.

Forms wide, narrow, curled, and twisted body shapes.

Maintains stillness on different bases of support with different body shapes.

Standard 1 — Motor Skill Development

Balances on different bases of support, combining levels and shapes.

Grade Span


Indicator 1.5.12 Demonstrates volleying with hands in a dynamic environment.

Volleying with Hands - Overhead Set

Balances in an inverted position with stillness and supportive base.

Progression Demonstrates volleying with two hands overhead (i.e., set) to a wall from a distance of 5 feet).

Demonstrates volleying overhead with two hands (i.e., set) a tossed ball from 10-feet distance, high trajectory back to tosser.

Demonstrates volleying overhead with two hands (i.e., set) a tossed ball from 10-feet distance, high trajectory back and forth with a partner.

Volleying with Hands - Forearm Pass

Demonstrates overhead set within a modified volleyball game.

Progression Demonstrates a forearm pass with both forearms overhead (i.e., set) to a wall from a distance of 5 feet).

Demonstrates forearm pass (i.e., making a flat platform) a tossed ball from 10-feet distance, high trajectory back to tosser with proper grip, bending/extending knees to get under and lift the ball and extending arms below shoulders.

Demonstrates forearm pass (i.e., making a flat platform) a tossed ball from 10-feet distance, high trajectory back and forth to a partner bending/extending knees to get under and lift the ball and extending arms below shoulders.

Demonstrates forearm pass within a modified volleyball game.

America National Physical Education Standards: Public Review & Comment #3

Grade Span

Standard 1 Motor Skill Development


Indicator 1.5.12 Demonstrates volleying with hands in a dynamic environment.

Progression Maintains defensive-ready position with weight on balls of feet, arms extended, and eyes on midsection of the offensive player while stationary in a variety of practice tasks.

Maintains defensive-ready position with weight on balls of feet, arms extended, and eyes on midsection of the offensive player while sliding in all directions while on defense without crossing feet in a variety of practice tasks.

Maintains defensive-ready position while sliding in all directions while on defense without crossing feet during player-to-player in modified or small-sided invasion games.

Executes drop steps or quick turns in the direction of the pass during player-to-player in modified or small-sided invasion games.

Grade Span

Standard 1 — Motor Skill Development


Indicator 1.12.4 Demonstrates movement sequences based on the movement framework (body, space, effort, time, and relationships).

Progression Performs choreographed dances demonstrating a variety of movement elements (e.g., body, space, effort, time, and relationships).

Creates a movement sequence (e.g., solo, partner, small group) based on the movement framework.

Creates a movement sequence (e.g., solo, partner, small group) based on the movement framework using a prop or a theme (e.g., poem, sword, chair, steps).

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Education Standards: Public Review & Comment #3

Draft Standards, Draft Indicators, Sample Progressions (Standard 2)

Standard 2 — Knowledge to Move

Applies knowledge and strategies related to movement.


Through learning experiences, students acquire movement-related knowledge. Students use this knowledge to analyze environments, situations, and factors to apply appropriate movement concepts, strategies, tactics, principles, and health-related (fitness) concepts to enable/cultivate health and well-being. Knowledge acquired through movement helps maximize potential and further develops individuals’ physical literacy journey.

Please note: Strands are forthcoming; numeric coding subject to change.

Grades PreK-2

2.2.1 Recognizes where to move to avoid objects and others in personal and general space.

2.2.2 Identifies physical activities that contribute to health-related fitness.

2.2.3 Recognizes body responses to movement and physical activities.

2.2.4 Identifies benefits of personal health practices.

2.2.5 Recognizes physiological changes in their body during physical activities.

2.2.6 Recognizes that regular physical activity is good for their health.

Grades 3-5

2.5.1 Applies movement concepts and strategy to avoid objects within dynamic environments.

2.5.2 Defines and provides examples of movement activities for developing the health-related fitness components.

2.5.3 Defines and explains how to implement principles of exercise.

2.5.4 Explains the benefits of personal health practices

2.5.5 Defines and provides examples of movement activities for developing the skill-related fitness components.

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2.5.6 Identifies the need for warm-up & cool-down relative to various physical activities.

2.5.7 Establishes goals related to enhancing fitness development.

2.5.8 Recognizes and articulates how physical activity influences physiological changes in their body

2.5.9 Explains the benefits of physical activity.

Grades 6-8

2.8.1 Demonstrates knowledge of offensive tactics to create space with movement.

2.8.2 Demonstrates knowledge of reducing open space with movement and denial.

2.8.3 Creates space through variation

2.8.4 Reduces offensive options for opponent using tactics and shots.

2.8.5 Selects and applies the appropriate shot and technique.

2.8.6 Demonstrates offensive strategies in striking and field games.

2.8.7 Demonstrates defensive strategies in striking/ fielding games.

2.8.8 Applies movement concepts to different types of dances, gymnastics, rhythms, and individual performance activities.

2.8.9 Identifies and compares the components of health- and skill-related fitness.

2.8.10 Implements the principles of exercise for different types of physical activity

2.8.11 Applies knowledge of aerobic, strength and endurance, and flexibility training exercises.

2.8.12 Applies knowledge of personal health practices in order to self-select meaningful physical activities

2.8.13 Applies dynamic and static stretching to exercise in warm-up, cool down, flexibility, endurance, and physical activities.

Grades 9-12

2.12.1 Analyzes how health and fitness will impact quality of life after high school.

2.12.2 Applies the terminology associated with exercise and participation in a variety of lifetime recreational physical activities.

2.12.3 Analyzes the health benefits of a physical activity that is self-selected and meaningful.

2.12.4 Sets a goal and creates a practice plan to improve performance for a self-selected skill.

2.12.5 Identifies and discusses the historical and cultural roles of games, sports, and dance in a society.

2.12.6 Applies movement concepts and principles (e.g., force, motion, rotation) to analyze and improve performance of self and/or others in a

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selected skill (e.g., overhand throw, back squat, archery).

2.12.7 Discusses the benefits of a physically active lifestyle as it relates to young adulthood.

2.12.8 Identifies and discusses the historical and cultural roles of games, sports, and dance in a society.

2.12.9 Analyzes and applies technology as tools to support a healthy, active lifestyle.

2.12.10 Compares similarities and differences in various forms of dance.

2.12.11 Utilizes safety practices when exercising in a variety of weather conditions.

2.12.12 Evaluates risks and safety factors that might affect physical activity preferences throughout the life cycle.

2.12.13 Applies heart rate concepts to ensure safety and maximize health-related fitness outcomes.

2.12.14 Evaluates perceived exertion during physical activity and adjusts effort.

2.12.15 Evaluates the validity of advertising for products and programs pertaining to fitness and a healthy, active lifestyle.

2.12.16 Analyzes factors on regular participation in physical activity in college or career settings (e.g., life choices, economics, motivation, and accessibility).

2.12.17 Identifies snacks and food choices that help and hinder performance, recovery, and enjoyment during physical activity.

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Grade Span

Sample Progressions

Standard 2 — Knowledge to Move


Indicator Identifies physical activities that contribute to fitness.

Progression There are no sample progressions for this indicator.

Grade Span

Standard 2 — Knowledge to Move


Indicator Defines and provides examples of movement activities for developing the health-related fitness components.

Progression Defines flexibility, cardiovascular endurance, muscular endurance, and strength.

Grade Span

Provides examples of exercise designed to develop flexibility, cardiovascular endurance, muscular endurance, and strength.

Defines the FITT principle. Provides examples of how to use the FITT principle to enhance fitness level.

Standard 2 — Knowledge to Move


Indicator Identifies and compares the components of health- and skill-related fitness

Progression Identifies the components of skill-related fitness. Identifies the components of health-related fitness.

Distinguishes between healthrelated and skill-related fitness. Compares and contrasts healthrelated fitness components.

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Grade Span

Standard 2 — Knowledge to Move


Indicator Analyzes how health and fitness will impact quality of life after high school.

Progression Identifies healthy and unhealthy behaviors that should be prioritized when transitioning to life after high school.

Describes the components of skill-related fitness as related to maintaining an active and healthy lifestyle after high school.

Describes the components of health-related fitness as related to maintaining an active and healthy lifestyle after high school.

Develops a personal health and fitness plan for life after high school.

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Standards: Public Review & Comment #3

Draft Standards, Draft Indicators, Sample Progressions (Standard 3)


3 — Personal and Social Skills

Develops personal and social skills related to movement.


Through movement, students develop the personal and social responsibility necessary to manage emotions, express themselves, exhibit empathy and respect for others, and foster and maintain relationships. In addition, students develop skills for communication, leadership, and cultural awareness to resolve conflict in a variety of physical activity settings. Students make responsible decisions with consideration for self and others in physical activity settings.

Numeric coding subject to change.

Strand Grades PreK-2

3.2.1 Identifies emotions related to engagement in physical activity.

Personal Responsibility

3.2.2 Identifies personal interests related to physical activity.

3.2.3 Demonstrates techniques (e.g., breathing, counting) to assist with managing emotions and behaviors in a physical activity.

3.2.4 Recognizes the feelings of others during a variety of physical activity.

3.2.5 Recognizes the benefits of cooperation with a partner or small group in a physical activity setting.

Social Awareness

Responsible Decision-Making

3.2.6 Demonstrates ability to encourage others.

3.2.7 Uses communication skills to share space and equipment.

3.2.8 Responds appropriately to directions and feedback from the teacher.

3.2.9 Demonstrates respectful behaviors that contribute to positive social interactions in movement.

3.2.9 Describes why following rules are important for safety and fairness.

3.2.10 Makes safe choices with physical education equipment.

3.2.11 Discusses problems and solutions with teacher support in a physical activity setting.

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3.2.12 Makes fair choices as directed by teacher.

Strand Grades 3-5

3.5.1 Recognizes that emotions impact behavior during physical activity.

3.5.2 Expresses emotions in a constructive way during physical activity.

Personal Responsibility

3.5.3 Expresses how personal interests influence participation in physical activity.

3.5.4 Recognizes personally effective techniques that assist with managing one's emotions and behaviors in a physical activity setting.

3.5.5 Recognizes positive and negative stress

3.5.6 Describes the perspective of others during a variety of activities.

3.5.7 Recognizes the role of respectful interactions with others when participating in physical activity.

Social Awareness

Responsible Decision-Making

3.5.8 Describes desired behaviors that promote teamwork and cooperation.

3.5.9 Uses communication skills to negotiate roles and responsibilities in a physical activity setting.

3.5.10 Implements feedback from teacher when prompted.

3.5.11 Demonstrates respectful behaviors that contribute to positive social interaction in movement.

3.5.11 Describes why following game rules are important in a physical activity setting.

3.5.12 Demonstrates safe behaviors independently with limited reminders.

3.5.13 Solves problems independently, with partners, and in small groups.

3.5.14 Makes choices that are fair according to activity etiquette.

Strand Grades 6-8

3.8.1 Relates how emotions can impact one's physical activity experiences.

3.8.2 Relates how one's expressed emotions impact others during physical activity.

Personal Responsibility

3.8.3 Recognizes personal strengths related to physical activity.

3.8.4 Utilizes techniques to manage one's emotions and behaviors in a physical activity setting.

3.8.5 Demonstrates stress management strategies.

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Standards: Public Review & Comment #3

Social Awareness

Responsible Decision-Making

3.8.6 Understands and accepts others’ differences during a variety of physical activities

3.8.7 Evaluates the role of respectful interactions with others when participating in physical activity.

3.8.8 Demonstrates consideration for others and contributes positively to the group or team.

3.8.9 Uses communication skills to negotiate strategies and tactics in a physical activity setting.

3.8.10 Implements and provides constructive feedback to others when prompted and supported by the teacher.

3.8.11 Explains the value of a specific physical activity in culture.

3.8.12 Recognizes opportunities and barriers for physical activity in a variety of contexts.

3.8.13 Articulates how respectful behaviors may vary among populations and how those behaviors contribute to positive social interaction in movement.

3.8.13 Demonstrates the ability to follow game rules in a variety of physical activity situations.

3.8.14 Recognizes and implements safe and appropriate behaviors during physical activity and with exercise equipment.

3.8.15 Solves problems independently with teammates and opponents.

3.8.16 Applies and respects the importance of etiquette.

Strand Grades 9-12

Personal Responsibility

3.12.1 Anticipates one’s emotions before engagement in specific physical activities.

3.12.2 Assesses personal strengths and interests and how they influence engagement in physical activity.

3.12.3 Identifies and manages emotions and behavior constructively in a physical activity setting.

3.12.4 Identifies and practices stress management strategies.

3.12.5 Demonstrates awareness of other people's emotions and perspectives in a physical activity setting.

3.12.6 Exhibits proper etiquette, respect for others, and teamwork while engaging in physical activity.

3.12.7 Encourages and supports others through their interactions in a physical activity setting.

Social Awareness

3.12.8 Uses communication skills that promote team and group cooperation.

3.12.9 Implements and provides feedback to improve performance without prompting from teacher.

3.12.10 Analyzes the value of a specific physical activity in a variety of cultures.

3.12.11 Evaluates opportunities and barriers for physical activity in a variety of contexts.

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& Comment

Responsible Decision-Making

3.12.12 Evaluates and demonstrates appropriate respectful behaviors that contribute to positive social interaction in movement.

3.12.12 Assumes a leadership role (e.g., task or group leader, referee, coach) in a physical activity setting.

3.12.13 Applies best practices for participating safely in physical activity (e.g., injury prevention, spacing, hydration, use of equipment, implementation of rules, sun protection).

3.12.14 Solves problems and thinks critically in physical activity settings, both as an individual and in groups.

3.12.15 Acknowledges the difference between foul play and fair play in a competition setting. (e.g., intentional fouls, performance-enhancing substances, gambling, current events in sport) This includes understanding of intentional fouls that are strategic, accidental, or malicious.

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Grade Span

Sample Progressions

Standard 3 — Personal and Social Skills


Indicator 3.2.1 Identifies emotions related to engagement in physical activity.

Progression Identifies a variety of emotions related to engagement in physical activity.

Describes one’s emotions (e.g., happy, sad, calm, excited, mad/angry) that take place during physical activity.

Recognizes emotions and how they are linked to behavior in physical activity.

Grade Span

Standard 3 — Personal and Social Skills


Indicator 3.5.1 Recognizes that emotions impact behavior during physical activity.

Progression Recognizes intensity levels of one’s emotions.

Recognizes how thoughts are linked with emotions and emotions are linked to behavior.

Describes ways emotions impact one’s behavior(s). Regulates intensity levels of emotions for the purpose of productive participation in physical activity.

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& Comment

Grade Span

Standard 3 — Personal and Social Skills


Indicator 3.8.14 Recognizes and implements safe and appropriate behaviors during physical activity and with exercise equipment.

Progression Recognizes the importance of using physical activity and exercise equipment appropriately and safely, with the teacher's guidance.

Demonstrates the use of physical activity and exercise equipment appropriately and safely, with the teacher’s guidance.

Implements use of physical activity and exercise equipment appropriately and safely while identifying safety concerns associated with the activity, without the teacher’s guidance.

Grade Span

Standard 3 — Personal and Social Skills


Indicator 3.12.5 Demonstrates awareness of other people's emotions and perspectives in a physical activity setting.

Progression Acknowledges others’ feelings or emotions. Listens to and seeks to understand other perspectives.

Demonstrates positive tone and body language during disagreements.

Demonstrates strategies for collaborating with teammates and opponents to move group efforts forward.

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Draft Standards, Draft Indicators, Sample Progressions (Standard 4)


4 — Motivated Through Movement

Identifies personal benefit and responds to intrinsic motivations related to movement.


Through learning experiences in physical education, students develop an understanding of how movement is personally meaningful and relevant to them, and subsequently choose to participate in physical activities that are personally motivating (e.g., activities that offer social interaction, exploration, choice, self-expression, appropriate levels of challenge, and added health benefits).

Numeric coding subject to change.

Strand Grades PreK-2

Self-Expression and Enjoyment

Social Interaction

4.2.1 Identifies physical activities that can meet the need for self-expression and enjoyment.

4.2.2 Identifies physical activities that can meet the need for social interaction.

Development of SelfAwareness

Health Benefits

4.2.3 Lists ways that movement positively affects personal health.

Development of SelfEfficacy


Control of Goals

Individual improvement

Appropriate Levels of Challenge

4.2.4 Identifies preferred physical activities based on personal interests.

4.2.5 Can set observable short-term goals.

4.2.6 Recognizes movement strengths and the need for practice for individual improvement.

4.2.7 Recognizes individual challenges through movement.

SHAPE America National Physical
Education Standards: Public Review & Comment #3

Engagement in Physical Activity

Reflection 4.2.8 Reflects on movement experiences.*

Exploration 4.2.9 Participates in a variety of developmentally appropriate physical activities in physical education class.

Strand Grades 3-5

Self-Expression and Enjoyment

Explains how preferred physical activities meet the need for personal self-expression and enjoyment.

Social Interaction Explains how preferred physical activities meet the need for social interaction.

Development of SelfAwareness

Health Benefits Describes how movement positively affects personal health.

Choice Explains the rationale for one’s choices related to physical activity based on personal interests.

Control of Goals Can set observable long-term goals.

Development of SelfEfficacy

Individual improvement Identifies movement strengths and opportunities for practice for individual improvement.

Appropriate Levels of Challenge

Recognizes group challenges through movement.

Reflection Reflects on movement experiences.*

Engagement in Physical Activity

Exploration Participates in a variety of developmentally appropriate physical activities in physical education class.

Strand Grades 6-8

Self-Expression and Enjoyment

Describes how self-expression and enjoyment impacts individual engagement in physical activity.

Development of SelfAwareness

Social Interaction Describes how social interaction impacts individual engagement in physical activity.

Health Benefits Participates in a variety of physical activities that can positively affect personal health.

Choice Describes how choice and personal interests impact individual engagement in physical activity.

SHAPE America National Physical Education Standards: Public Review & Comment #3


Development of SelfEfficacy

Control of Goals Sets goals to participate in physical activities based on examining individual ability.

Individual improvement

Appropriate Levels of Challenge

Determines strengths in movement skills or activities and demonstrates practice for individual improvement for a specific movement skill or activity.

Examines individual and group challenges through movement.

Reflection Reflects on movement experiences.*

Engagement in Physical Activity


Participates in a variety of developmentally appropriate physical activities in physical education class.

Strand Grades 9-12

Self-Expression and Enjoyment

Selects and participates in physical activities (e.g., dance, yoga, aerobics) that meet the need for selfexpression and enjoyment.

Social Interaction Selects and participates in physical activities that meet the need for social interaction.

Development of SelfAwareness

Health Benefits Identifies and participates in physical activity that positively affects health.

Choice Chooses and participates in physical activity based on personal interests.

Control of Goals Sets and develops movement goals related to personal interests.

Development of SelfEfficacy

Individual improvement

Appropriate Levels of Challenge

Demonstrates practice for individual improvement for a self-selected skill or activity inside or outside the school setting.

Chooses and successfully participates in self-selected physical activity at a level that is appropriately challenging.

Reflection Reflects on movement experiences.*

Engagement in Physical Activity


Participates in a variety of developmentally appropriate physical activities in physical education class.

*For these indicators, the progressions will distinguish ways in which students can reflect on movement experiences that are developmentally appropriate for each grade span.

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Grade Span

Sample Progressions


4 — Motivated Through Movement


Indicator 4.2.5 Sets observable short-term goals.

Progression Identifies what a goal is. Identifies what a short-term goal is. Articulates something realistic they want to achieve during the class period.

Sets and accomplishes a shortterm goal during the physical education class period.

Revises a goal they have accomplished to set a new goal.

Grade Span

Standard 4 — Motivated Through Movement


Indicator 4.5.5 Sets observable long-term goals.

Progression Identifies what a long-term goal is. Explains the difference between a short-term and longterm goal.

Articulates something realistic they want to achieve over several class periods or unit.

Sets and accomplishes a longterm goal over several physical education class periods or a unit.

Revises a goal they have accomplished to set a new goal.

SHAPE America National Physical Education Standards: Public Review & Comment #3

Grade Span

Standard 4 — Motivated Through Movement


Indicator 4.8.5 Sets goals to participate in physical activities based on examining individual ability.

Progression Identifies what a SMART goal is. Identifies strengths and areas of improvement with teacher guidance, in a teacher-selected activity/skill/unit.

Creates a SMART goal related to the teacher-selected activity/unit/skill.

Engages in activities that target the personal SMART goal related to the teacherselected activity/ unit/skill.

Monitors progress toward personal SMART goal and adjusts as necessary.

Grade Span

Standard 4 — Motivated Through Movement


Indicator 4.12.5 Sets and develops movement goals related to personal interests.

Progression Identifies strengths and areas of improvement in a personally chosen activity.

Creates a SMART goal related to the personally chosen activity.

Plans and engages in activities that target a personal SMART goal.

Monitors progress toward a personal SMART goal and adjusts as necessary.

America National Physical Education Standards: Public Review & Comment #3

Evolution of the Standards

Demonstrates competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities.

Achieves and maintains a health-enhancing level of physical fitness.

Demonstrates competency in a variety of motor skills and movement patterns.

Demonstrates the knowledge and skills to achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical activity and fitness.

Motor Competency

Engages in meaningful movement experiences to develop movement competency.


Analyzes factors and applies strategies that affect well-being.

Motor Skill Development

Develops a variety of motor skills.

Knowledge to Move

Applies knowledge and strategies related to movement.

Motor Skill Development

Develops a variety of motor skills.

Knowledge to Move

Applies knowledge and strategies related to movement.

Participates regularly in physical activity.

Demonstrates understanding of movement concepts, principles, strategies, and tactics as they apply to the learning and performance of physical activities.

Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others in physical activity settings.

Values physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self- expression and/or social interaction.

See above.

Applies knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies, and tactics related to movement and performance.

Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others.

Recognizes the value of physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, selfexpression and/or social interaction.


Analyzes factors and applies strategies that affect well-being.

Knowledge to Move

Applies knowledge and strategies related to movement.

Knowledge to Move

Applies knowledge and strategies related to movement.

Social Responsibility and Emotional Well-Being

Exhibits positive personal, social, and emotional skills to enhance well-being.

Meaningful Movement Experiences

Reflects on movement experiences to determine meaningfulness.

Personal and Social Skills

Develops personal and social skills related to movement.

Personal and Social Skills

Develops personal and social skills related to movement.

Motivated Through Movement

Identifies personal benefit of movement and responds to motivations.

Motivated Through Movement

Identifies personal benefit and responds to intrinsic motivations related to movement.

SHAPE America National Physical Education Standards: Public Review & Comment #3 28
2004 NASPE Standards 2013 SHAPE America National Standards April 2022 SHAPE America Draft Standards Public Review & Comment #1 February 2023 SHAPE America Draft Standards Public Review & Comment #2 August 2023 SHAPE America Draft Standards Public Review & Comment #3

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