The Pathway to School Reentry for Health and Physical Education

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The Pathway to School Reentry HPE teachers share readiness, concerns and needs in national survey By Diana Snyder


n June, SHAPE America released its 2020-2021 School Reentry Considerations for K-12 Physical Education, Health Education, and Physical Activity. The document — which was created in collaboration with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) — reflected weeks of in-depth discussion and communication with state and district leaders from around the nation, as well as the results of professional focus groups and SHAPE America’s Teacher Reentry Survey, which was conducted in May. The reentry survey gathered data from thousands of K-12 teachers across all 50 states (and the District of Columbia) and across all grade levels in elementary, middle school and high school. It explored three critical elements facing health and physical educator during this turbulent time: • Back to School Readiness • Teacher Supports and Struggles • Professional Development Needs KEY FINDINGS The SHAPE America survey reflects the state of mind for health and physical education teachers as they faced school reentry in the 2020-2021 school year. Amid the ongoing pandemic, health and physical educators are thinking about the effects of distance learning on effective instructional practices. They are naturally concerned about their personal health and have specific concerns about the health and safety of students when using equipment. For many health and physical education teachers this is also a stressful time as budget cuts and the potential for job loss are significant concerns.

Not surprisingly, health and physical educators were feeling unprepared at the end of the 2019-2020 school year, with 82% of teachers reporting they had been given no information about what to expect in the fall. Momentum • Fall 2020

When asked to speculate about the most likely setting for teaching and learning in their school, 67% of teachers indicated that they were anticipating a hybrid model — one that would include a combination of distance and in-person learning. And, at the time of the survey, 70% of teachers indicated they were very or extremely likely to return. Recognizing that health and physical education offers essential benefits for students, especially in these times of isolation, a significant number of HPE teachers expressed hope that administrators would offer technology and modest equipment support and supplies so health and physical education could take place effectively no matter what model of learning the school opted to use in the fall.

80% of teachers indicated they are looking to SHAPE America to lead the way on best practices and guidance for HPE in schools over the next 12 months.



K-12 Teacher Survey Health and Physical Education Reentry Considerations


When asked to express their greatest work-related concern in light of the ongoing pandemic, HPE teachers said they are thinking about the effects of distance learning on effective instructional practices. They are naturally concerned about their personal health but also voiced specific concerns about the health and safety of students when using equipment. They are eager to create “no touch” activities for groups and are looking for low-cost equipment solutions for at-home activities. They are also hoping for smaller class sizes in the fall.

PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT NEEDS The survey revealed that this is a stressful time for HPE teachers, with budget cuts and the potential for job loss being significant concerns for many. Even as they struggle with uncertainty, HPE teachers are eager to deliver positive experiences for their students. When asked to indicate their need for professional development, over 60% indicated that “best practices for teaching HPE with social distancing” and “effective low- or notouch activities” were “extremely important.” 80% of teachers indicated they are looking to SHAPE America to lead the way on best practices and guidance for HPE in schools over the next 12 months.

Keeping Students students staff SAFE teach PE come online

program class sizes sharing equipment

will look

safely used

sick physical activity fall keep teachers setting back to school Keeping jobs kids learning Everyone Safe support COVID CLASSES school teaching health safety many social INSTRUCTION WORK distancing students

PE health Safety TIME



physical education EFFECTIVE

SHAPE AMERICA HAS YOUR BACK Teachers have shared their need for reliable content and trusted solutions, and SHAPE America has been working hard to deliver. Here are some of the reentry resources for health and physical education that may be helpful to you during this time:

The COVID-19 Project: New Resources for Health and Physical Educators


n August, SHAPE America began a one-year project —funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) — to help health and physical educators navigate new models of learning during COVID-19, including in-person instruction with physical distancing, distance learning, and hybrid learning. Project Director Sean Nevills will lead efforts to create resources and professional development around the topics of culturally responsive teaching in health and PE, teacher self-care, and trauma-informed practice. Professional development will include:

L eadership workshop on culturally responsive teaching in HPE

W ebinar series on culturally responsive teaching in HPE

Webinar series on teacher self-care

W ebinar series on trauma-informed practices in HPE

New HPE instructional resources will include:

V ideos of HPE activities and lessons with a focus on providing equitable resources

V ideos of trauma-informed HPE activities and lessons

I nstructional resources with a focus on SEL

• Teaching Strategies Workbook, At-Home Student Survey Template, and more school reentry resources;

T rauma-informed resources for HPE instruction

• Curated collection of teacher-tested virtual resources for HPE;

C ulturally responsive resources for HPE instruction

• Free webinars on best practices for Delivering Online and Hybrid Learning, Strategies for Becoming a TraumaInformed Health Education Classroom and more;

All resources will be available through SHAPE America at no cost.

• SEL-based lessons and activities in the health. moves. minds. Virtual and Distance Learning Resource Guide.


As a nonprofit association, we are grateful for your membership, which allows us to develop programs and resources that support health and physical educators. Now, more than ever, we will continue to serve as the leading authority and national voice in advocating for school health and physical education.

Fall 2020 • Momentum


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