Momentum Magazine - Winter 2024

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Society of Health and Physical Educators

Winter 2024

The Future of National Standards in Health and Physical Education


2024 National Convention Preview

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Winter 2024



In the Zone Issue 11 / Winter 2024

Physical Activity, Life Skills, and More PE Funds

#2 TOP CHAMPION SCHOOL For 2022-2023, Highlands Middle School was one of three schools to receive the health. moves. minds.® FUNdraiser Top Champion School award.

JULI NEACE Health and Physical Education Teacher, Highlands Middle School (Fort Thomas, KY)


was excited when SHAPE America provided the health. moves. minds.® FUNdraiser opportunity because it provided another avenue to not only raise funds for health and physical education but also connect with the students and community through the provided lessons. (I had participated in Jump Rope For Heart for seven years.) Our second year implementing the health. moves. minds. FUNdraiser (2022-2023) was a huge success! I learned from the previous year that it not only brings students together but also empowers them to take ownership of their actions. The students focus on the good stuff — the life lessons — and learn about kindness and gratitude. Combining that with the fact that we are raising funds for our school and creating

Total Amount Raised:

Gopher Gift Card Received:

Best Year Yet Incentive VISA Gift Card:




Items Purchased With Gopher Gift Card: 9 Square in the Air; Scooters; Equipment for Outside; Golf Equipment

unforgettable moments along the way makes the journey with health. moves. minds. priceless. I absolutely love the health. moves. minds. FUNdraiser because it aligns with the goals of the physical education program and deepens relationships within the school and community. By focusing on building character and teaching students to be kind and grateful, we realize that we can accomplish more when we work together. I adore the moments we have together to do this. Students understand the importance of our focus and can use the knowledge to advocate for health. Students are able to explain to teachers why it is crucial to take brain breaks, how physical activity impacts the brain, and how it benefits them in the classroom — it’s amazing.

Fundraiser Planning and Benefits

Students at Highlands Middle School selected 9 Square in the Air equipment as one of the items to purchase with the funds raised through health. moves. minds.

The Future of National Standards in Health and Physical Education

2024 National Convention Preview

How the new HPE standards will help students … and schools

#SHAPECleveland includes the launch of new national standards … and much more!




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The health. moves. minds.® FUNdraiser brings together the lessons, activities, and community-building ideas that help students live their best life. You can share your success with your health. moves. minds. FUNdraiser — and shine a light on how it is bringing positive change to your school — by contributing to In the Zone! If interested, email

It is important for our school to have our health. moves. minds. FUNdraiser on the school calendar so everyone knows when it is. We had our fundraiser for two weeks during March Madness. The last day included a walk to school event with “chalk the walk,” which created positive vibes as students walked to school. Families were encouraged to “chalk” on driveways, so as students walked to school they could see the messages. This gave them a fun way to experience physical activity in their celebration. Teachers added to the enthusiasm by meeting students along the way or greeting them with a high five as they arrived at school. It was a great way to celebrate a successful event. The health. moves. minds. FUNdraiser impacts our school in so many ways. It provides us with additional funding for our health and physical education program, promotes the well-being of our students and staff, and offers an opportunity to teach the students the importance of kindness, gratitude, mindfulness, and essential life skills such as teamwork, advocacy, and goal setting. (continued on page 4)

Learn more and register at


health. moves. minds.® newsletter



New Year, New Standards: We Begin Again



Celebrating Our District Award Winners

2024: The Year of the Standards


2024 Board of Directors Candidates



A New Definition of Success







Focus on Health & PE


Sharing Our Love for HPE at 2024 SPEAK Out! Day

Winter 2024 • Momentum





Sarah Benes P R E S I D E N T- E L E C T

Cara Grant PA S T P R E S I D E N T

Kymm Ballard CEO

Stephanie Morris D I R E C TO R S

Joe Deutsch Tari Garner Andy Milne Will Potter Victor Ramsey Robin Richardson Luciana Zuest


Larissa Brickach DESIGNER

Kathleen Dyson DEADLINES Winter – December 1 Spring – April 1 Fall – August 1 CONTACT US SHAPE America PO Box 225 Annapolis Junction, MD 20701 800-213-7193 Momentum (ISSN: 2329-1516) is published three times a year by the Society of Health and Physical Educators (SHAPE America), PO Box 225, Annapolis Junction, Maryland 20701. Copyright © 2024. All rights reserved. This magazine may not be reproduced in whole or in part without written permission of the publisher. Opinions expressed in signed articles are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect official policy of SHAPE America. SHAPE America offers advertising opportunities in this publication. For more information on the advantages of advertising as well as rates please email SHAPE America does not verify or substantiate the claims of advertisers. As a matter of law, it is the responsibility of an advertiser, not the publisher, to substantiate its claims.


Momentum • Winter 2024


or the last several years, dedicated members of two national task forces have been working together, The Fu ture o along with SHAPE America staff, to revise both Nation f in Hea al Stand the National Physical Education Standards and ards lth an d Physic the National Health Education Standards. al Edu cation And we’re just about at the finish line. In this issue’s cover story, “The Future of National Standards in Health and Physical Education,” co-authors Michelle Carter and Audra Walters provide a preview of the most notable shifts in both sets of national standards — showing how the new standards will provide a crucial framework for ensuring consistency and quality in health and physical education programs while addressing the holistic development of students across the nation. That article also includes a National Standards Launch Timeline, with information about upcoming professional development opportunities and resources relating to the new standards. The first item in that timeline? March 12-16: the launch of both sets of standards at #SHAPECleveland! You’ll find more details about standards-related program sessions, Coffee Talks, and ticketed workshops in our “2024 National Convention Preview” feature. As Stephanie Morris shares in her “From the CEO” column, the excitement for the revised physical education standards was “palpable” at a recent MOSHAPE state convention. One attendee, a teacher at a rural Title I school, shared this feedback: Society of Healt h and

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“ I can see it! I can see exactly how I will use these and how they will help my students see that they’re not failing in any way, but that they’re individually able to make progress and achieve their goals.” Our hope is that after learning more about the revised National Physical Education Standards and National Health Education Standards, you’ll also feel optimistic about the possibilities for your own instruction and the well-being of your students. Thanks for all you do!

Larissa Brickach Managing Editor


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New Year, New Standards: We Begin Again Sarah Benes, President @sarahbenes12


t is hard to believe that this is already my last column for Momentum magazine! I have been so grateful to be in this leadership role over the past few months and feel extremely blessed that I have the honor and privilege of being this organization’s president, especially as SHAPE America rolls out the revised National Physical Education Standards and National Health Education Standards this year. As I thought about the content for this column, I realized that there is both a sense of completion and an opportunity for integration of the threads from my first two columns. So, in my final column, I close the circle. The President’s Message in the spring issue of Momentum will be a new beginning with our incoming SHAPE America president, Cara Grant. VISION The first thread to come full circle is “vision.” My first column was about sharing my vision for health and physical education (HPE) and encouraging all of us to consider how we can be “answers” to the challenges, how we can come together in community to create and work toward a shared vision for HPE, and how — together — we can realize our potential.

Membership Gives You More

One way that our vision for health and physical education is communicated is through our standards. National standards shape the landscape in both preK-12 settings and in higher education by articulating our vision for student outcomes in health and physical education. Standards reflect our values, priorities, and our potential. In March 2024 at #SHAPECleveland, SHAPE America will launch new standards that are the result of a rigorous process led by our amazing task force members. I’m grateful for their leadership and stewardship of our vision. Their work — the new standards — will help us realize our potential. BEGINNING AGAIN The second thread is “beginning again.” My second column came out right around the start of the new school year, a time to begin again. Now, this column is out early in 2024, another set of beginnings. In about another month, new standards will be released which is yet another opportunity to begin again. One of the most exciting elements of new standards, at least to me, is the chance to pause and reflect on my practice — to spend time with the new standards, to consider where my

curriculum and instruction is aligned with the new standards (and where I have room for growth), and to then begin again! Refreshed, revitalized, and energized by a new vision for my teaching and beginning again. The SHAPE America National Convention & Expo in Cleveland weaves both threads of vision and new beginnings. Our community will gather to learn with and from each other; to hear and be inspired by our peers’ wisdom, experience, and passion for health and physical education; to be in community with each other as we engage in a convention which reflects our vision. It is also a time to begin again, to take what we learn and reflect on how to apply it into our practice, to try new things or revise well-loved activities, or to do more research on a new idea. It is a time for new connections, new friends, and new experiences — many new beginnings. I’m ending this column with deep gratitude for the opportunity to serve as SHAPE America president. I’m not done quite yet and am excited for what is to come. I can’t wait to gather, learn, celebrate, connect, refresh, refill, and have fun soaking in the excitement of shared vision, new standards, our community, and new beginnings in Cleveland!

If you want to surround yourself with knowledgeable, enthusiastic educators who understand the critical role that health and physical education can — and should — have in students’ lives, join SHAPE America today.

Winter 2024 • Momentum


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2024: The Year of the Standards Stephanie Morris, CEO @SHAPEAmericaCEO


n November, I was thrilled to attend the MOSHAPE state convention, and when it came time to choose which Coffee Talk discussion to attend, the decision was easy: the one facilitated by Brad Brummel, co-chair of the task force responsible for developing the 2024 SHAPE America National Physical Education Standards. Brad walked attendees through the revised standards, learning indicators, and learning progressions being proposed. The excitement and enthusiasm for all of it was palpable. Teachers and PETE faculty alike made comments about how much further these standards will take us in terms of helping students develop skills and motivating them to live a healthy and active life. In the words of one attendee who teaches in a rural Title I school, “I can see it! I can see exactly how I will use these and how they will help my students see that they’re not failing in any way, but that they’re individually able to make progress and achieve their goals.” I also heard a lot of enthusiasm about the fact that for the first time ever in our professional community’s history, we have the opportunity to launch and lift up national standards both for physical education and for health education. I left the MOSHAPE convention feeling energized about the path we’re on to launch revised standards at #SHAPECleveland. I then read an article in the Saint Albans Messenger (a newspaper based in Franklin County, VT) about Vermont educators and administrators being ready to welcome the new SHAPE America National Standards with open arms.

Ian Burfoot-Rochford, health and physical education content specialist at the Vermont Agency of Education, noted in the article: “Physical educators are not fitness instructors … they are there to teach to the whole child. They support students’ social and emotional development as well as their knowledge of physical education.” Burfoot-Rochford also went on to say this: “I’m just so happy to see [this change] at the national level, because I think the seeds of this kind of thought process were already happening in Vermont … to see it nationally recognized is a mooring for those kinds of conversations in inclusivity.”

... the new standards reflect educators’ commitment to real solutions for children’s well-being. —Randi Weingarten, President, American Federation of Teachers

To this, I simply say “YES! Yes, we completely agree!!!” Further, this kind of thought process has not only been happening in Vermont, but in schools and districts across the nation. We’re ready for physical education and health education to more intentionally foster inclusivity — and to promote a love of being active and healthy for EVERY child.

AFT ENDORSEMENT In the course of the same week, we received an unsolicited and ringing endorsement from the American Federation of Teachers (AFT), our nation’s second largest teachers union, representing 1.72 million teachers across the country. Randi Weingarten, AFT president, stated: “ The AFT applauds SHAPE America for understanding that educators today need a culture of collaboration, proper teaching and learning conditions, and real voice and agency. Inclusive task forces worked deliberately and thoughtfully to develop the updated National Health Education Standards and National Physical Education Standards through admirably open and iterative engagement. As a result, the new standards reflect educators’ commitment to real solutions for children’s well-being.” I am so grateful for the dedication of the two national task forces that took on the work to revise these standards with an intentional commitment to putting teachers and students first. The amount of time these individuals have put in over the past three years is extraordinary. And, I am joyful about the end result that will be shared with our community at #SHAPECleveland and over the course of the next year. We are poised to have a tremendous impact on every student and their experience in physical education and health education. It’s an amazing time to be a part of SHAPE America, and if you’re not already engaged in our association or this effort, I urge you to find your way to join us today. 2024 is the year of the standards, and I can’t wait!

Winter 2024 • Momentum


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SHAPE America Health and Physical Education Resources


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2024 Board of Directors Candidates


he SHAPE America Board of Directors — the organization’s governing body — is composed of 11 professional members, including the president, past president and president-elect. Directors serve at-large and represent the whole membership. If you are a SHAPE America member, you are encouraged to take an active role in the profession by learning about the 2024 candidates and casting your vote.

Director Candidates* Andro Barnett Professor Shepherd University Shepherdstown, WV

President-Elect Candidates

Joe Deutsch

Mario Reyna

Professor North Dakota State University Fargo, ND

Coordinator for Health & Physical Education (retired) McAllen Independent School District McAllen, TX

Joe is a professor of Physical Education Teacher and Coaching Education at North Dakota State University in Fargo. In his 25 years of education, he has taught at all four levels (elementary, middle school, high school, and higher education), including coaching various sports from youth through high school. Joe is a “Lifetime Member” of SHAPE America and has served at every level. He has served NDSHAPE his entire career, including two different terms as president. Joe has also served in various capacities on the SHAPE America Central District Leadership Council, including as president. He served at the national level in several capacities and is currently on the SHAPE America Board of Directors. Joe enjoys working with future professionals in developing their potential, networking with colleagues, and collaborating to provide opportunities that impact our future teachers and communities.

Before retirement, Mario was an elementary physical education teacher in Texas’ McAllen ISD for 22 years. He also served as the McAllen ISD health and physical education coordinator for 20 years. Mario has been a very active member of TAHPERD and served as president in 2010. He currently serves as the SHAPE America Southern District Director and has previous experience on the SHAPE America Board of Directors, was a great advocate for health. moves. minds.®, social and emotional learning, and EDI. He also serves on the SHAPE America Finance Committee and as co-chair of the SHAPE America State Affiliate Advisory Council. His SHAPE America honors include being inducted into the SHAPE America Hall of Fame, receiving the Channing Mann Outstanding Physical Education Administrator of The Year Award, and receiving the Southern District Ethnic Minority Award.

Learn more about the candidates!

Dan DeJager

Physical Education and Health Teacher Meraki High School Fair Oaks, CA

Reg Hageman Physical Education Teacher Capital High School Helena, MT

Tonya Moore Los Angeles County Office of Education Downey, CA

Christopher Simenz Associate Director, Master’s and Doctor of Public Health Programs Associate Professor, Institute for Health & Equity Medical College of Wisconsin Milwaukee, WI

Joe Velardi CT Coordinator for Health & Physical Education Connecticut Association of Schools Cheshire, CT

For more information on national and district candidates — and to view *SHAPE America members will select three of candidate videos — visit

the six candidates during the election process.

2024 Election Timeline

n February 13: Voting opens. Eligible members will receive email instructions on how to cast their ballot n March 14: Voting ends (3 p.m. ET) n March 15: New board members announced at the Annual All-Member Meeting, held at #SHAPECleveland

Winter 2024 • Momentum



Sharing Our Love for HPE at 2024 SPEAK Out! Day By Carly Wright @CWrightHPE


e can’t wait to share our love for health and physical education with members of Congress this Valentine’s Day, February 14, as SHAPE America advocates take to Capitol Hill for 2024 SPEAK Out! Day. SPEAK Out! Day, SHAPE America’s annual advocacy event, is a vital piece of our organization’s overall advocacy strategy each year. Advocates have the opportunity to meet with their members of Congress to discuss the importance of health and physical education. This event is where new relationships are built with future champions of our cause … where support for increased HPE funding is secured … and where passion for participating in the legislative process blossoms. Currently, Congress has a deadline of February 2 to finalize spending decisions for federal education for FY 2024, which will impact the 2024-2025 school year. We’ll be meeting with Congress at the

perfect time, as they’ll just be taking up discussions on FY 2025 spending in mid-February. Congress allocated $1.3 billion in funding for the Every Student Succeeds Act Title IV, Part A for FY 2023, which impacted the current school year appropriations. This was an increase of $100 million over the previous year. This means that more money for a wellrounded education, safe and healthy students programs, and technology will be distributed to states, districts and schools for next school year. #MORETITLEIV FUNDING When SHAPE America’s advocates head to Capitol Hill in February, we’ll be advocating to protect and increase funding for ESSA Title IV, Part A, a federal education funding stream where health education and physical education are specific priorities. As COVID-19 education funding begins to expire this

year, it’s critical that we work to maintain this important, sustainable programmatic funding that is allocated to states and school districts year over year. If you’re not able to join us in Washington, DC for SPEAK Out! Day this year, please join us by advocating on social media. Share your stories about how your health and PE program impacts your students and be sure to tag your members of Congress. You can also reach out to your members of Congress directly by using the action alerts on our Legislative Action Center. The more people that contribute to our advocacy efforts around SPEAK Out! Day, the more we can ensure our voices are heard!

New Title IV-A Coalition School District Survey Results SHAPE America is a founding member of the Title IV-A Coalition, an alliance composed of dozens of national organizations working together to advocate for full funding and the successful implementation of ESSA Title IV-A. The coalition recently conducted an informal survey of state and district leaders to collect data on the use of Title IV-A funds during the 2022-23 school year. Responses were received from nearly 700 individuals representing 47 states. Of note in the survey responses is that only 11% of school districts indicated that they used their well-rounded education funds from within Title IV-A to implement or expand physical education and/or health education. This provides health and physical educators an opportunity to advocate within their own schools and school districts for more of these funds to be used to support HPE content areas. Check out SHAPE America’s ESSA Brainstorming Worksheet for a step-by-step guide to help you make your successful ask for funding. Be sure to share and amplify any funding successes that you have achieved on social media and tag your legislators! They want to see how these funds are being used and why they are so important. Please also share them with us at SHAPE America at so we can highlight you! 10

Momentum • Winter 2024


A New Definition of Success Health and physical educator Joe Velardi reflects on the soon-to-be-released 2024 National Physical Education Standards


he goal of physical education is to develop intrinsic motivation in people to live healthy and active lives. National standards are the roadmap to that goal. Given the broad influence of SHAPE America’s National Physical Education Standards, they must be inclusive of ALL students, and they need to reflect our best understanding of how young people learn. Past national standards held specific indicators of how well students must perform motor skills with “competency” and “proficiency.” Developing fundamental locomotor movement is an essential part of physical education, however stating curricular objectives that all students at a grade level will perform a motor skill with an exact level of competency sets up many kids to fail. If physical education teaches to sports skills, many kids will have difficulty achieving standards because of lack of practice time, poor coordination, developmental variances, non-competitive personalities, lack of community opportunity, and disinterest in working on sports they have no intention of pursuing. Those who achieve a competent level of athleticism do so outside of PE class. The great realization for our profession advancing forward is that it doesn’t matter what physical activity kids choose or how well they currently perform — as long as they are choosing to be physically active. Half our students are non-competitive introverts! Everyone we teach is on a continuum of learning, from highly skilled athletes to uncoordinated novices, and it is not a failure if someone cannot attain a target performance. What is most important is that they find a pathway to activity for themselves. Allowing students the autonomy

of choice is the most important motivational factor in getting kids active, no matter where they fall on the continuum of athletic performance. Choice of how to be active needs to be embedded in all PE programs — and a national standard stating so is imperative to set that direction. If every person is on their own physical journey, then no level of performance is a standard. We need to alter our definition of success (which can no longer be measured by physical achievement) because that past definition excluded too many kids and has damaged our profession. Our new definition of success in physical education must be this: “My students are self-motivated to pursue their own path to a healthy and active lifestyle.” To that end, physical educators should consider the following questions: • Are my students intrinsically motivated to move no matter what their skill level or chosen activity? • Do my students understand and believe in the physiological benefits of activity to the point that they are willing to change their lifestyle? • Do my students enjoy moving in their own chosen way and seek opportunities to be active? • Do my students treat others with acceptance and respect? “Physical” education does not mean we only teach sports/motor skills. Physical education standards that lead to physical literacy should include the cognitive underpinnings for the benefits of exercise, the affective feelings kids experience, a variety of lifetime, non-competitive activities, and healthy social interactions.

Joe Velardi is the Connecticut Coordinator for Health and Physical Education and an assistant director at The Connecticut Association of Schools–Connecticut Interscholastic Athletic Conference (CASCIAC). A graduate of Southern Connecticut State University (B.S. in physical education, M.S. in physical education, diploma in supervision and administration), Joe taught for 14 years in the New Haven Public Schools. He became the director of Health, PE and Athletics in Regional School District 15, a position he held for 24 years. Joe has served as president of the Connecticut Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (CTAHPERD) and has received state Physical Education Teacher of the Year and Athletic Director of the Year awards, as well as CTAHPERD’s Professional Honor Award. Joe currently serves on SHAPE America’s Physical Education Council.

Understanding why it is important to be active, how to improve, and learning through self-discovery builds motivation for an active lifestyle. Physical educators have long understood the benefits of a healthy and active living. The unique role physical education plays can have far reaching benefits to society, as long as we work in the right direction. Everyone is on their own personal expedition toward healthy and active living. The 2024 SHAPE America National Physical Education Standards will pave a better road. Winter 2024 • Momentum


Human Kinetics (page12)

Explore the complexities of Black student experiences Audiences: K-12 health education teachers, staff, and district-level health coordinators. Supplemental resource for both undergraduate- and graduatelevel health education teacher education (HETE) courses.

The concept of intersectionality considers the interconnected nature or overlap of multiple categorizations such as race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, socioeconomic class, and physical ability. For Black students already experiencing inequalities, being “Black and . . .” (female, queer, or another marginalized identity) can lead to encounters that further devalue their identities or leave them feeling unseen. Through 10 case studies, Intersectionality in Health Education amplifies the crucial issues that negatively affect Black students, provides teaching strategies that affirm the worth of “Black and . . .” students, and addresses intentional or unconscious biases that harm Black youths. Intersectionality in Health Education SHAPE America Cara D. Grant, EdD, and Troy E. Boddy, DOL ©2025 • 144 pages Paperback: ISBN 978-1-7182-2174-1 • $49.00 | Ebook: $37.00

Cara D. Grant, EdD, is the preK-12 health and physical education supervisor in a large Maryland school district. She is also a lecturer in the department of kinesiology and is the MCERT (master of education with certification) professional development schools coordinator with the College of Education. She also serves on SHAPE America’s board of directors and is the SHAPE America president-elect.


Troy E. Boddy, DOL, is the retired director of equity initiatives for Montgomery County Public Schools in Rockville, Maryland. In this role, he and his team were responsible for supporting the development practices, policies, and procedures that create access, opportunities to learn, and equitable academic and social-emotional outcomes for underserved students.

Read excerpts, view the table of contents, request a review copy, and more at

The Future of National Standards in Health and Physical Education How the new HPE standards will help students … and schools

By Michelle Carter and Audra Walters


t’s been over 10 years since the last set of national physical education standards and national health education standards have been updated. Since then, the educational landscape has dramatically evolved. Students, teachers, and administrators have been through unprecedented changes that not even the most wellequipped, adaptable, or experienced person could have anticipated. For educators, one thing seems certain — students are not the same. In the last decade, students have witnessed rapid increases in technology, specifically social media, as well as shifts toward remote and hybrid learning and increases in mental health challenges (Youth Risk

Behavior Survey Data Summary & Trends Report: 2011–2021). Many students have also had their preK-12 learning experience impacted by one of the deadliest pandemics in history. While much has changed for students, what has not changed is the importance of educational standards to clearly delineate the knowledge and skills to be attained during their preK-12 years. Teachers and students still have the same learning goals. As is the case with educational standards across the preK-12 curriculum, periodic reviews and updates are necessary to ensure that the standards are current and help students graduate with the skills and knowledge they need in our ever-changing world.

The timing of the COVID-19 pandemic and its resulting impact coincided with the review and updating of the National Physical Education Standards and the National Health Education Standards. In 2021, SHAPE America launched two task forces to revise both sets of standards to respond to the evolving educational needs of students. Here we provide a preview of the most notable shifts in the 2024 SHAPE America National Physical Education Standards and 2024 SHAPE America National Health Education Standards that will provide that guiding framework for physical education and health education in the coming years. Winter 2024 • Momentum



NATIONAL PHYSICAL EDUCATION STANDARDS If you talk to any member of the National Physical Education Standards Task Force, they will share that a great deal of thought, reflection, and time has gone into revising SHAPE America’s National Physical Education Standards. Task force members intentionally spent time developing a strong philosophical foundation for the standards; reviewing current research; investigating physical education standards from other countries; consulting with experts in equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI); and collecting feedback from the field. This collective process resulted in these most notable changes: 1) the expansion of the term physical literacy to physical literacy journey; 2) the shift from grade-level outcomes to gradespan learning indicators, which include learning progressions; 3) the change from five to four standards; and 4) a more student-centered approach to the standards. The first notable change is the use of the term physical literacy journey.

SHAPE America’s definition of physical literacy was, and remains, “the ability to move with competence and confidence in a wide variety of physical activities in multiple environments that benefit the healthy development of the whole person.” Physical literacy, however, is too often conceptualized in modern PE-related contexts as something that is objectively achievable at a fixed point, with a rigid and narrow path needed to successfully do so. Using the term physical literacy journey implies a more holistic approach that considers the individual student and their developmental journey throughout their physical education experience and beyond. Simply put, the use of the term physical literacy journey clarifies that the development of physical literacy is a lifelong endeavor that is constantly evolving as an individual develops and matures — not an end goal. The 2014 edition of SHAPE America’s National Standards for K-12 Physical Education included the addition of grade-level outcomes. These outcomes were well received and gave teachers

more support in developing the local curriculum to guide students toward meeting the standards. However, the individual student and their actual stage of development was not considered, making the outcomes too narrow and not inclusive in many instances. This perspective led to another notable change within the newly revised National Physical Education Standards — the shift from grade-level outcomes to grade-span learning indicators. This change is based on the principle that motor skill development is not dependent on age, but on a student’s opportunity to practice a skill and on the amount of instruction and encouragement they receive. Therefore, it would not be realistic to expect all students within a third-grade class, for example, to be at the same skill level or stage of motor development at the end of the school year. The grade-span learning indicators are also written in a way that is broader than the grade-level outcomes were, to encompass multiple grade levels and stages of development. To provide support to teachers as they use the new (continued on page 16)

NATIONAL PHYSICAL EDUCATION STANDARDS TASK FORCE MEMBERS Brad Brummel, M. Ed., (Co-Chair), Coordinator of Physical Education, Health & Engagement Activities, Springfield Public Schools Sally Jones, Ph.D., (Co-Chair), Physical Education / Adapted Physical Education Consultant, NC Amanda Amtmanis, M. Ed., Physical Education Teacher, Middletown Public Schools Langston Clark, Ph.D., Associate Professor, University of Texas at San Antonio


Momentum • Winter 2024

Fran Cleland, P.E.D., Professor, Westchester University, Retired

Cory Dixon, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Rowan University

Kelly Cornett, MS, Health Scientist, Centers for Disease Control & Prevention

Jonathan Jones, MS, Physical Education Resource Teacher, Prince George’s County Public Schools

Dan DeJager, MS, NBCT, Physical Education Teacher, San Juan Unified School District

Paulo Ribeiro, Ph.D., Physical Education Teacher, Parkway School District

Suzanna Dillon, Ph.D., CAPE, Associate Professor, Texas Woman's University

Clancy Seymour, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Canisius University

National Physical Education Standards Task Force MEMBER PROFILES

Dan DeJager, MS, NBCT Physical Education Teacher, San Juan Unified School District (California) I am excited about these revised standards because I think they meet the needs of today’s physical education teachers and students. As physical educators we only have a limited amount of time to make a positive impact on our students. We need to make the most of it. Every school in America is unique. These standards are flexible enough to allow teachers to adjust their curriculum to meet the needs of their students while providing guidance for teachers in how they can help students learn the skills, knowledge, and reflection that will support them in being physically active for life.

Brad Brummel, M. Ed. Coordinator of Physical Education, Health, and Engagement Activities, Springfield Public Schools (Missouri) I’m excited about the new structure and organization of the revised National Physical Education Standards. The grade spans support student development and teacher planning — and provide consistency with the National Health Education Standards. I’m very proud of the work the task force has put into revising the standards.

Clancy Seymour, Ph.D. Associate Professor, Canisius University (New York) I’m most excited about the fact that the new SHAPE America National Physical Education Standards support practitioners in cultivating each child’s physical literacy journey with meaning and relevance. The new standards provide a more holistic view of physical education and encourage physical educators to explore learning experiences in movement, through movement, and about movement proposed by scholars historically.

Amanda Amtmanis, M. Ed. Physical Education Teacher, Middletown Public Schools (Connecticut) A change in the new standards that I would like to highlight is the incorporation of skill progressions that will allow for a more differentiated and individualized approach that recognizes that everyBODY is different. What I am most excited about is the robustness of Standards 3 and 4. The task force worked really hard to write indicators and progressions for these standards that are observable and measurable, which should help teachers create learning opportunities that develop important interpersonal and intrapersonal skills that students need in order to fully enjoy all of the benefits of engaging in physical activity and understand themselves as movers. If students are able to do that, they can take ownership of their development as movers and have the tools they need to continue to seek out, engage in, and enjoy physical activities throughout their lifetime. Winter 2024 • Momentum


THE FUTURE OF NATIONAL STANDARDS IN HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION (continued) grade-span learning indicators, sample learning progressions were also added. These sample learning progressions provide examples of qualitative descriptors to guide teachers in unpacking the grade-span learning indicators. The sample learning progressions should not be viewed as the only way teachers can break down grade-span learning indicators, but rather as one of many ways to do so. The progressions are designed to be measurable, observable, and helpful to teachers as they develop assessments and learning experiences for their students. Another notable change is the change from five to four standards. The revised National Physical Education Standards are written and organized by the learning domains: psychomotor, cognitive, affective, and the newly recognized social domain. Health-related fitness, which had its own standard previously, is now embedded within the standards throughout the grade-span learning indicators. The last notable change, and arguably the most important change, is the more student-centered approach of the standards. This especially comes through in Standard 4 where students are given opportunities to reflect on their physical education experiences. When students are given choice and autonomy to explore a variety of physical activities, physical education becomes more meaningful. SHAPE America’s National Physical Education Standards are designed to be accessible to all students, regardless of their ability, age, class, gender, or race. They are written based on the idea that everyone can acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to be confident movers in physical activities that are enjoyable, meaningful, and/or relevant to the individual, thus supporting their physical literacy journey.

NATIONAL HEALTH EDUCATION STANDARDS The world has changed since the second edition of the National Health Education Standards was released in 2007. The mental health of students, and teachers, has become an increasing concern, and the rise of social media and new technology has impacted youth in countless ways. Throughout the process to update and revise the standards, SHAPE America’s National Health Education

NATIONAL HEALTH EDUCATION STANDARDS TASK FORCE MEMBERS Nadine Marchessault, MEd, NBCT, (Co-Chair), Health Education Specialist, Hawai'i State Department of Education

Jamie Hurley, Ph.D., Health and Physical Education Principal Consultant, Colorado Department of Education

Sarah Toth, Ph.D., MEd, MCHES®, (Co-Chair), Associate Professor of Health Science, Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical University

Michelle Westerling Ireland, MA, MCHES®, Health Education Teacher, Hanover Public Schools, Massachusetts

Holly Alperin, EdM, MCHES®, Program Coordinator & Clinical Assistant Professor, Health and Physical Education, University of New Hampshire

Kaulana Molina, MS, NBCT, Health Education Practitioner, Hawai'i

Angela Beale-Tawfeeq, Ph.D., MPH, Associate Professor, Rowan University, New Jersey

Tilsa Rodriguez-Gonzalez, Supervisor of Health and Physical Education, City School District of New Rochelle, New York

Laurie Bechhofer, MPH, FASHA, HIV/ STD Education Consultant, Michigan Department of Education Mary Connolly, Senior Faculty and Program Chair, Skills Based Health/ Social Emotional Learning Program, Cambridge College, Massachusetts Nana Donkor, MSEd, Health Education Instructional Supervisor, Prince George’s County Public Schools, Maryland Angela Glymph, Ph.D., Chief Executive Officer, Peer Health Exchange


Momentum • Winter 2024

Standards Task Force worked to ensure the next iteration of the National Health Education Standards would support the health and well-being of the students of today through their individual, interpersonal, community, societal, and environmental contexts, as well as provide a framework that is useful and relevant to stakeholders across the nation. A variety of health behavior theories, guiding principles, current research, and task force member expertise — as well as (continued on page 18)

Kandice Porter, Ph.D., MCHES®, Professor of Health Promotion, Kennesaw State University, Georgia

Andrew Snyder, MAT, Education Programs Professional for Health, Physical Education, Nevada Department of Education Erin N. Sweeney, Ph.D., MEd, MCHES®, Assistant Professor, Health and Physical Education Program, University of Nebraska at Kearney Leigh Szucs, Ph.D., CHES, Health Scientist, Division of Adolescent and School Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

National Health Education Standards Task Force MEMBER PROFILES Kaulana Molina, MS, NBCT Health Education Practitioner (Hawai’i) There are a number of things that excite me about the revised National Health Education Standards, but one that comes to mind is the updated language. It encompasses some of the concerns and issues to consider when teaching health education. I believe the new standards include a holistic approach looking at factors and influences on health, as well as calling attention to understanding the relationships and interrelationships this may have on the outcome of health and wellness.

Tilsa Rodriguez-Gonzalez Supervisor of Health and Physical Education, City School District of New Rochelle (New York) Among my core beliefs is a lifelong commitment to wellness, which involves not only knowing how our bodies move and respond but also how we generally interact with our environment and people. The new National Health Education Standards will help educators assist students in engaging with the elements of their environment and relevant community members. I am most excited about the way the standards are laid out. The standards invoke critical thinking, making learning relevant to their lives. While the standards promote skills that will lead to habits, they ultimately support the learning necessary for our future leaders and consumers to manage the ever-evolving global demands students will face post-graduation.

Laurie Bechhofer, MPH, FASHA HIV/STI Education Consultant, Michigan Department of Education I am excited about numerous changes to the National Health Education Standards that will better prepare the next generation of learners with essential knowledge and skills to support health and well-being. Here are some of the shifts I would specifically like to highlight: an increased focus on mental health along with physical health; higher-order thinking and deeper skills are introduced at earlier ages; decision-making and goal-setting standards focusing on helping students to use the process; and an increased focus not only on the individual but also those surrounding them (e.g., “self and others”).

Winter 2024 • Momentum


THE FUTURE OF NATIONAL STANDARDS IN HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION (continued) multiple methods for collecting internal and external stakeholder feedback — influenced the development of the 2024 SHAPE America National Health Education Standards. These new standards provide an exciting shift from focusing on health behaviors to focusing on overall health and well-being that capitalizes on the strengths and resources within a student, their family, school, and community. By focusing not only on risk factors, but on protective factors that support health and wellness, this comprehensive view of well-being acknowledges the interconnectedness of physical, mental, and emotional health while also recognizing that these elements are essential components of a student’s overall development. These standards support the idea that factors affecting health behaviors and outcomes are complex and can impact individuals and communities differently based on individual, cultural, and historical differences.

At the core of the revised standards is an emphasis on the importance of preparing students with the skills and functional health information they need to take meaningful steps to support their health and well-being and to understand health as it relates to the world around them. By continuing to stress skill development, students will be able to support their own health and well-being throughout their lifetime. This asset-based approach to schoolbased health education also encourages collaboration and community involvement by identifying and leveraging the strengths within and around the school, which can enrich health education programs and provide students with a broader understanding of health issues and realworld applications. SHAPE America’s National Health Education Standards empower students to become active participants in their own health and well-being. By highlighting their strengths and potential, students develop a sense of agency and responsibility for their health, which can lead to increased

engagement in health-related activities and the development of lifelong healthy habits.

CONCLUSION Despite the changes over the last decade, we have collectively been reminded of the importance of taking care of our social, mental, physical, and emotional wellbeing. School-based health education and physical education are both poised to have a truly pivotal role in shaping the wellrounded education every student deserves. SHAPE America’s National Physical Education Standards and National Health Education Standards provide crucial frameworks for ensuring consistency and quality in these programs and addressing the holistic development of students across the nation. Michelle Carter is SHAPE America’s director of educational content and programs. She can be reached at Audra Walters is the senior manager, healthy schools at SHAPE America. She can be reached at

2024 National Standards Launch Timeline March 12-16: Launch of the 2024 SHAPE America National Physical Education Standards and 2024 SHAPE America National Health Education Standards at #SHAPECleveland. Convention attendees get first access to sessions and workshops based on the new standards — as well as exclusive national standards resources such as the new Pocket Planner print resource. Late Spring: SHAPE America offers free webinars and an in-depth paid webinar series for both the National PE Standards and National HE Standards. July: SHAPE America debuts new half-day and full-day workshops for school districts, based on the National PE Standards and National HE Standards. July 29-30: The 2024 SHAPE America Summer Institute in Minneapolis — Teaching HPE in a Changing World — offers sessions and workshops based on the new National PE Standards and National HE Standards. August & September: SHAPE America’s publishing partner Human Kinetics releases the new National Physical Education Standards and National Health Education Standards books.


Momentum • Winter 2024

2024 National Convention Preview

National Convention & Expo • March 12–16

#SHAPECleveland includes the launch of new national standards … and much more!


or so many health and physical education professionals, the SHAPE America National Convention & Expo is the “can’t miss” event they look forward to all year long. It’s where they share challenges and ideas with peers, learn from the “best of the best” in the profession, and reignite their passion for health and physical education. This year’s national convention takes place March 12-16 at the Huntington Convention Center of Cleveland, close to great restaurants, professional sports venues, and other downtown attractions. The event includes more than 300 sessions on physical education, adapted physical education, advocacy, coaching and sport, health education, physical activity, PETE/HETE, research — and presentations from SHAPE America’s District and National Teachers of the Year! Not only will #SHAPECleveland be the largest health and physical education event of the year, it’s also where we’ll be releasing both the 2024 SHAPE America National Physical Education Standards and the 2024 SHAPE America National Health Education Standards! Convention attendees will find sessions and workshops based on the new standards — and get exclusive access to additional national standards resources.

DYNAMIC KEYNOTE SPEAKERS This year’s convention will include two general sessions — the Opening General Session on Tuesday, March 12 at 4 p.m. and the Closing General Session on Friday, March 15 at 4 p.m. During Tuesday’s general session, keynote speaker Jess Sims will share her passion for education, being of service to others, and connecting to communities that are often overlooked and under resourced. She’ll also talk about the importance of the mind-body connection — and her plans to equip caregivers and children with the tools needed to build healthy and active lifestyles.


Sims is an educator, nationally recognized fitness professional and Peloton instructor, sports reporter, and Good Morning America contributor. Tuesday's Keynote Speaker: Jess Sims

The Opening General Session is sponsored by the United States Marine Corps. Friday’s Closing General Session will include the Chuck and Cathie Corbin Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Keynote Address, made possible thanks to the Corbin Endowment Fund. During this general session, we’ll also recognize the 2024 SHAPE America District Teachers of the Year and announce the 2024 SHAPE America National Teachers of the Year. Don’t miss this opportunity to meet and celebrate these award-winning teachers! The Closing General Session is sponsored by SPARK, Wellness Training Specialists and Gopher. The Closing General Session Physical Activity Break is sponsored by the United States Marine Corps. Many thanks to the SHAPE America Teacher of the Year Partner Network — SPARK, Wellness Training Specialists, Gopher and GoodheartWillcox Publisher.

Winter 2024 • Momentum





LIVELY EXHIBIT HALL In the convention exhibit hall, you’ll find everything you could possibly need for your classroom, including the latest fitness equipment, products and resources. You’ll even have plenty of opportunities to “play” and take part in equipment demonstrations. The exhibit hall is also where you’ll find the SHAPE America Resource Center — your one-stop hub for the latest SHAPE America logo gear and member resources. Be sure to stop by!

NETWORKING AND SOCIAL EVENTS When the educational sessions are done for the day, it’s time for fun! The Opening Celebration on Tuesday evening is open to all. You’ll love this opportunity to continue the conversations, enjoy some refreshments, and make new friends! This year, #SHAPECleveland will be the place to be for health and physical educators. Look through the program today and register if you haven’t already. We can’t wait to see you there! Popular

Coffee Talks

Join us in the exhibit hall Wednesday through Friday at 9:30 a.m. for these informal, small-group conversations on key topics and timely issues in health and physical education. Come share a beverage with your fellow educators to learn from their successes, brainstorm ideas, and share your own “wins.” View Topics

HIGHER EDUCATION PROFESSIONAL PREPARATION SUMMIT Tuesday, March 12 | 8 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. The Higher Education Professional Preparation Summit (HEPPS) brings together faculty from PETE/HETE programs across the country to hear from leaders in the field, share their own expertise, and network with colleagues. This event includes specially curated sessions on hot topics and key trends relevant to the higher education community, including: • Collegial Discussions About Programming and Teaching in HETE/PETE Programs • Let’s Talk About Mental Health: Helping Teacher Candidates Get Ready to Face Mental Health Challenges of Youth

• Promoting Physical Literacy and Addressing SHAPE America Initial Teacher Standards With Unique Activities • Tips and Tricks From Journal Editors in Kinesiology

• Strategies for Integrating Active • Sustainable Development Schools Learning Experiences and the Future of Physical Into PETE Programs Education Teacher Education (PETE) Programs • Re-Examine PETE Clinical Courses Using Fuller’s Model • AI in PETE and HETE of Teacher’s Concern Programs: Avoid & Immoral or Adopt & Integrate? • PETE Partnerships: Building Unique and Relevant • Employing Inclusive Strategies Clinical Experiences When Teaching About Motor Behavior in PETE • Ungrading in PETE: Challenges, Tensions, and Wins


Momentum • Winter 2024

SCHEDULE-AT-A-GLANCE Note: All times listed are in Eastern Daylight Time TUESDAY, MARCH 12 8:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m.

Educational Sessions

9:15 a.m. – 10:15 a.m.

Educational Sessions

10:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.

Educational Sessions

11:45 a.m. – 12:45 p.m.

Educational Sessions

12:45 p.m. – 1:15 p.m.

Lunch Break

1:15 p.m. – 2:15 p.m.

Educational Sessions

2:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.

Educational Sessions

4:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.

Opening General Session

SHAPE America Contact Hours and CECH for CHES/MCHES are available.

WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13 6:45 a.m. – 7:45 a.m.

Morning Wellness Session

8:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m.

Educational Sessions

9:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m.

Exclusive Exhibit Hall Hours (Exhibit Hall Grand Opening!)

9:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.

Coffee Talks (in Exhibit Hall)

10:45 a.m. – 11:45 a.m.

Educational Sessions

12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.

Educational Sessions (Exhibit Hall Closed)

1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.

Exclusive Exhibit Hall Hours

2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Educational Sessions

3:15 p.m. – 4:15 p.m.

Educational Sessions

4:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.

Educational Sessions

THURSDAY, MARCH 14 6:45 a.m. – 7:45 a.m.

Morning Wellness Session

8:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m.

Educational Sessions

9:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m.

Exclusive Exhibit Hall Hours

9:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.

Coffee Talks (in Exhibit Hall)

10:45 a.m. – 11:45 a.m.

Educational Sessions

12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.

Educational Sessions (Exhibit Hall Closed)

1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.

Exclusive Exhibit Hall Hours

2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Educational Sessions

3:15 p.m. – 4:15 p.m.

Educational Sessions

4:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.

Educational Sessions

7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.

health. moves. minds.® Social (by invitation only)

FRIDAY, MARCH 15 6:45 a.m. – 7:45 a.m.

Morning Wellness Session

8:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m.

Educational Sessions

9:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m.

Exclusive Exhibit Hall Hours

9:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.

Coffee Talks (in Exhibit Hall)

10:45 a.m. – 11:45 a.m.

Educational Sessions

12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.

Educational Sessions

1:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.

Lunch Break

1:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.

Educational Sessions

2:45 p.m. – 3:45 p.m.

Educational Sessions

4:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.

Closing General Session/ Live Announcement: 2024 National Teachers of the Year

SATURDAY, MARCH 16 8:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m.

Educational Sessions

9:15 a.m. – 10:15 a.m.

Educational Sessions

10:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.

Educational Sessions

8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Ticketed National Standards Workshops*

*Must be added to convention registration prior to February 26.


The National Standards at Convention

The big news at #SHAPECleveland will definitely be the launch of the new 2024 SHAPE America National Physical Education Standards and 2024 SHAPE America National Health Education Standards — and convention attendees will have access to sessions and resources based on the new standards!

TICKETED WORKSHOPS All workshop tickets ($75 member/non-member) must be added through the convention registration portal by February 26 — tickets will not be sold at the convention. Space is limited, so buy your ticket early. We do expect these workshops to sell out.

Implementing the New SHAPE America National Physical Education Standards Saturday, March 16 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. Join us for this four-hour, interactive workshop and leave equipped with a comprehensive understanding of the new 2024 SHAPE America National Physical Education Standards for grades preK-12. During the workshop, our expert instructors will: • Delve into the newly introduced grade-span indicators, previously known as grade-level outcomes; • Share ways to effectively integrate the new progressions into your teaching methods; • Explore practical approaches to enhance curriculum development. Attending this workshop will give you a solid foundation for crafting your curriculum around these impactful new physical education standards. Don’t miss this opportunity to take your instruction to the next level!

• Discuss education strategies designed to create a more dynamic and immersive learning experience for your students, ensuring they truly grasp the key concepts and skills. You will leave with a solid foundation for crafting a curriculum aligned with these impactful new standards, enabling you to take your health education instruction to the next level.

PROGRAM SESSIONS Many of these sessions will be offered more than once during convention week. Please check the final program for detailed session descriptions as well as the date, time and room of each session. • Introducing the New National Physical Education Standards! • Understanding the New National Physical Education Standards • New Standards Remix: Incorporating the New Health Education Standards Into Physical Education • Amplifying Student Voice in PE/Health: Empowered Learning Toolbox • Health Ed for All: Advancing Equity & Inclusion Through the New National Health Education Standards

Implementing the New SHAPE America National Health Education Standards

• National Health Education Standards: Putting It Into Practice!

Saturday, March 16 8 a.m. to 12 p.m.

• National Health Education Standards: What’s New?

Elevate your health education instruction with this fourhour, comprehensive workshop for preK-12 educators. Join us as we guide you through understanding and implementing the new 2024 SHAPE America National Health Education Standards to create a truly impactful learning environment for your students.


During the workshop, our expert instructors will:

Join members of SHAPE America’s National Physical Education Standards Task Force and your fellow educators to discuss the revision process and new 2024 SHAPE America National Physical Education Standards.

• Delve into the new themes outlined in the revised standards and share practical strategies to help you seamlessly integrate the standards into your teaching; • Unpack the standards and explore the performance indicators that are the foundation for an effective curriculum, empowering you to build engaging, standards-aligned lessons; • Share practical approaches you can use to adapt to your students’ specific educational needs and enhance your curriculum development;

The New National Physical Education Standards Wednesday, March 13 and Friday, March 15 9:30-10:30 a.m. Exhibit Hall: Physical Education Coffee Talk Area

Meet the National Health Education Standards Task Force! Wednesday, March 13 and Thursday, March 14 9:30-10:30 a.m. Exhibit Hall: Health Education Coffee Talk Area

Join members of the National Health Education Standards Task Force and your fellow educators to discuss the new 2024 SHAPE America National Health Education Standards! Winter 2024 • Momentum





2024 Registration Rates


On Site

Jan. 12 – Feb. 25

Feb. 26 – Mar. 15

SHAPE America Select/Premier/Life/Host State/ Collegial Professional



SHAPE America Retired/Emeritus



SHAPE America Student/Collegial Student



SHAPE America Basic Professional Includes a complimentary one-year Basic Professional membership in SHAPE America.



Non-Member Professional Includes a complimentary one-year Basic Professional membership in SHAPE America.



SHAPE America Institutional



Non-Member Student Includes a complimentary one-year Student membership in SHAPE America.



FULL CONVENTION Discounted Rates



Standard Rates

Add-On Ticketed Event While you’re at #SHAPECleveland, why not take some time to explore one of the city’s must-see attractions? We’ve arranged for discounted admission to the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, so buy your ticket now and add it to your convention week schedule!


Goodhear Experts in Today’s Hea Photo credit: Erik Drost, courtesy of Destination Cleveland.

Tickets must be added through the convention registration process prior to March 1.

ROCK & ROLL HALL OF FAME Located on the waterfront in downtown Cleveland, the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame showcases the world’s largest collection of rock ‘n’ roll artifacts displayed throughout more than 50 exhibits. You’ll learn about the radio DJs and recording artists who invented the genre and see memorabilia from legends like The Beatles and David Bowie, to contemporary artists like Lady Gaga and The Black Keys. The Garage transforms the museum’s second floor into a hands-on area where you can play, mix, and record your own music with the available drums, guitars, and keyboards. Ticket price includes tax. Transportation is not included, but the museum is just a short walk from the #SHAPECleveland venue and nearby hotels. Discounted Ticket Rate: $30 Tickets valid for one-time admission between March 12-17.



Momentum • Winter 2024

Hours of Operation: Open daily 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. (and Thursday evenings until 9 p.m.)



List of Convention Exhibitors


9 Square in the Air American Parkour** Ask, Listen, Learn: Kids and Alcohol Don't Mix Athlos Movement & Character Program Beecher's Foundation BE REAL USA** Breathe For Change Candor Health Education** Castle Sports CATCH Global Foundation Center for Sport Childhelp** Chris Klug Foundation Clix Therapy CORE PE, LLC** Dance Awareness: No Child Exploited Dance for Schools** Dink Buddy, LLC** Disc It** DotBall360 Dove Self-Esteem Project Edge Disc Golf Effective Leadership Academy** eFit Software** Erika’s Lighthouse EVERFI from Blackbaud Everlast Climbing Exercise Connection Ezyroller LLC** FDA Center for Tobacco Products Fit and Fun Playscapes FlingGolf**

FloormarX The glowmedia project Goodheart-Willcox Publisher Gopher Sport HealthSmart Heart Zones USA Hip Hop Public Health Human Kinetics ICAN Foundation The Daily Mile Innovative Enterprise (US)** Interactive Health Technologies (IHT) Learnin’ The Ropes Lü Interactive Marky Sparky Toys Move United Netball America Inc. New York Road Runners NHSSCA** Omnikin Inc OPEN - US Games Outdoors Tomorrow Foundation PaddleSmash** PHIT America PLT4M Polar Electro, Inc. Precor Premier Spike** QuaverEd Rollerblade Skate In School Ropeworks School Health Physical Education School Specialty Flaghouse

Wednesday, March 13: Thursday, March 14: Friday, March 15:

9 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 1–4:30 p.m. 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 1–4:30 p.m. 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.

View the interactive exhibit hall floor plan! SCORE SPORTS** Shield Mfg Inc Skillastics Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania Song for Charlie** SPARK Spark*ED Spectrum 8 Sports** Springfield College Strider Education Foundation TeamBuildr The Children’s Health Market The Ohio Assn for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance Toledo Physical Education Supply, Inc. U.S. Soccer Foundation US Skateboard Education Association (USSEA) USA Baseball USA Pickleball United States Marine Corps United States Tennis Association University of Arkansas Online Wellness Wally Co.** WIN WIN Athletics** YOU.FO** *As of January 26, 2024 **Indicates a first-time exhibitor Bold = Sponsor

2024 National Convention T-Shirt Get your official convention longsleeve T-shirt for just $30! Purchase during the registration process and pick up at the convention.

Connect with us on






HPE Marketplace Guide The HPE Marketplace Guide is your source for health and physical education accessories, apparel, curriculum, equipment, resources, supplies and technology, as well as coaching equipment and supplies, physical activity programming, undergraduate and graduate programs, and more! Bookmark the HPE Marketplace Guide and check back for updates, as new suppliers are added frequently.

 Visit the HPE Marketplace Guide Today!

Winter 2024 • Momentum


Thank You to Our SHAPE America Partners (reflects members as of December 11, 2023)

SHAPE America Partners provide annual financial contributions that support a variety of SHAPE America initiatives, programs and special projects that promote effective health and physical education. In return, these organizations benefit from valuable insights, engagement opportunities, and exclusive perks such as year-round exposure of their brands and services and boosted additional savings on exhibit space and advertising.


Learn More and Activate a Partnership today! Momentum • Winter 2024

In the Zone Issue 11 / Winter 2024

Physical Activity, Life Skills, and More PE Funds JULI NEACE Health and Physical Education Teacher, Highlands Middle School (Fort Thomas, KY)


was excited when SHAPE America offered the health. moves. minds.® FUNdraiser opportunity because it provided another avenue to not only raise funds for health and physical education but also connect with the students and community through the provided lessons. (I had participated in Jump Rope For Heart for seven years.) Our second year implementing the health. moves. minds. FUNdraiser (2022-2023) was a huge success! I learned from the previous year that it not only brings students together but also empowers them to take ownership of their actions. The students focus on the good stuff — the life lessons — and learn about kindness and gratitude. Combining that with the fact that we are raising funds for our school and creating

#2 TOP CHAMPION SCHOOL For 2022-2023, Highlands Middle School was one of three schools to receive the health. moves. minds.® FUNdraiser Top Champion School award. Total Amount Raised:

Gopher Gift Card Received:

Best Year Yet Incentive VISA Gift Card:




Items Purchased With Gopher Gift Card: 9 Square in the Air; Scooters; Equipment for Outside; Golf Equipment

unforgettable moments along the way makes the journey with health. moves. minds. priceless. I absolutely love the health. moves. minds. FUNdraiser because it aligns with the goals of the physical education program and deepens relationships within the school and community. By focusing on building character and teaching students to be kind and grateful, we realize that we can accomplish more when we work together. I adore the moments we have together to do this. Students understand the importance of our focus and can use the knowledge to advocate for health. Students are able to explain to teachers why it is crucial to take brain breaks, how physical activity impacts the brain, and how it benefits them in the classroom — it’s amazing.

Fundraiser Planning and Benefits

Students at Highlands Middle School selected 9 Square in the Air equipment as one of the items to purchase with the funds raised through health. moves. minds.

The health. moves. minds.® FUNdraiser brings together the lessons, activities, and community-building ideas that help students live their best life. You can share your success with your health. moves. minds. FUNdraiser — and shine a light on how it is bringing positive change to your school — by contributing to In the Zone! If interested, email

It is important for our school to have our health. moves. minds. FUNdraiser on the school calendar so everyone knows when it is. We had our fundraiser for two weeks during March Madness. The last day included a walk to school event with “chalk the walk,” which created positive vibes as students walked to school. Families were encouraged to “chalk” on driveways, so as students walked to school they could see the messages. This gave them a fun way to experience physical activity in their celebration. Teachers added to the enthusiasm by meeting students along the way or greeting them with a high five as they arrived at school. It was a great way to celebrate a successful event. The health. moves. minds. FUNdraiser impacts our school in so many ways. It provides us with additional funding for our health and physical education program, promotes the well-being of our students and staff, and offers an opportunity to teach the students the importance of kindness, gratitude, mindfulness, and essential life skills such as teamwork, advocacy, and goal setting. (continued on page 4)

Learn more and register at


fundraising blueprint Simle Middle School Raises $3,000 with health. moves. minds.® Event. Here’s How! Leah Wheeling | Physical Education Teacher Simle Middle School, Bismarck, ND


e select the month of March and the March Madness theme to extra emphasize and promote the importance and need for quality physical education. During this unit is when the fundraising opportunities and a few extra events take place. We engage with our community and families almost weekly throughout the year, so by the time we get to the fundraising, we have already built a quality trusting relationship.

Fundraising Details & Kickoff The health. moves. minds./March Madness Unit usually lasts approximately two weeks and coincides with our high school state tournament season. Other factors include our two-day spring break, potential Easter schedule, and when afterschool gym space is most available for additional evening tournaments. Our kickoff is usually a quick 20-minute assembly in the gym. I explain the various events, fundraising incentives, and we conclude with a little jumping jack challenge. Take a look at my PowerPoint slides!

Fundraising Ideas Each year we’ve continued to add different incentives based on what our students want! That part is important.

• Selling PE

T-Shirts: We have When the school reaches the fundraising goal, created shirts PE teacher Leah Wheeling lets the student with the highest donation total cut off her ponytail each year that (minimum 10 inches plus 1 inch per $1,000 promote physical raised). This year’s total was 13 inches! education. Students respond to this instant gratification. I preorder 200 shirts, and students that bring in $10 get a new shirt they can wear instead of their regular grey PE shirt.

• Penny Wars: We tried penny wars one year, and that was

successful. In the future, we will be trying to push more for online fundraising.

Supporting the Fundraiser Through PE

• Duct Tape the Teacher to the Wall: The “duct tape a teacher

During this two-week period of promoting quality physical education, we take time to review all the activities we have done throughout the year. We do this through many small-sided stations. Examples: Catch 5 with the football, Frisbee toss, basketball shooting station etc. This review unit usually encompasses three to five classes, and the students love getting to repeat all their favorite activities.

• Visually Display Funds Raised: I keep a thermometer of

to the wall” was a huge hit, and we will continue that event. It was a $1 a piece of tape. We raised approximately $175 in about 30 minutes. the funds we have raised each day so students can stay motivated and see their progress.

• After-School Events: After-school tournaments will round out our week. These tournaments are free for students. Ultimate Football, NitroBall, and 3v3 basketball. We’ll be offering all events for free but will be offering PE shirts for sale!

The Event Wrap Up Approximately a week after, we host an assembly to complete any remaining incentives, celebrate a successful event, watch a highlight video with pictures from the event, and create/sign thank you cards for all our sponsors and teachers that made the event successful. Here’s an example of our one-page thank you letter!

A ”duct tape the teacher to the wall” incentive keeps the momentum going during the school’s health. moves. minds. FUNdraiser.


This article excerpt is printed with permission from Gopher. The full article can be viewed on the GOPHER PE Blog.

Learn more and register at

he health. moves. minds.® FUNdraiser provides flexibility in how you fundraise. You can choose to receive all the giveback funds back to your school or share a portion of those giveback funds with a 501(c)(3) charity your school has a passion for! In this issue, we’re shining a spotlight on educators Brandy Lynch in Missouri and Sasha Taylor in Ohio. Both share the fundraising options they chose and much more!

Brandy Lynch, Ph.D. University of Central Missouri Warrensburg, MO Total Raised: $2,060.72

Bell Creek Intermediate Bellbrook, OH Total Raised: $9,000


state spotlights T

Sasha Taylor

In the past, I led Jump Rope For Heart for 20 years. I was attracted to the health. moves. minds. FUNdraiser because of the kindness component and because it served more needs for my school. It allowed me to continue to support a charity that is important to our community, gave me more funds for my PE program, and provided resources for me to teach skills like cooperation, getting along, positive student attitudes, and how to really be kind. The health. moves. minds. FUNdraiser really shifted everything in my PE program to the good, doing wonders for my school. We fundraise for three weeks and then have a celebration event that is an obstacle course. Parents are invited, and we have tables advocating and sharing the work the students are doing. When the students tell their parents they don’t want to leave this celebration, it is a good problem to have.


Most of our equipment at University of Central Missouri had not been replaced since 2007. We wanted to look at participating in a fundraiser that could help us fund replacing the old equipment. When we found that the health. moves. minds. FUNdraiser could also provide standards-based education resources for our content area and support our state and national sssociations, it was an easy decision. Last year we got started — we made it fun and competitive. It was easy to implement, and the support was phenomenal. Beyond the funds back to our university (over $1,000) to get new equipment, the FUNdraiser helped our students learn how to use the health. moves. minds. lessons in their future classrooms. They are now better prepared to set themselves apart from other health and physical education teachers when looking for their first position after graduation. The skills they learned taught them how to market themselves in interviews with administration. Our students are prepared to share how they already have experience and access to education resources that will impact the mental and physical health of the young people they’ll be teaching … and how they can supplement the physical education program budget using their experience with the health. moves. minds. FUNdraiser.

I like that the FUNdraiser is easy and has a message for the kids. It’s not only a service project giving back to the school and charity (if you choose that option), but students also learn the daily skills to infuse kindness in their own lives, building a kindness culture that is an added benefit for our school.


Thanks to our national partner, Gopher, students can earn these exciting rewards when they raise funds online or offline!



Rainbow SoftTail

Limited Edition T-shirt



Rainbow SkyBlazer Foam Disc

Rainbow SofTek Soccer Ball

Rewards are cumulative. Color shown not guaranteed. T-shirts are pre-shrunk. If any item becomes unavailable, SHAPE America reserves the right to offer an alternative item of equal value. These rewards meet the requirements, where applicable, of the Consumer Products Safety Improvement Act and other product safety regulations.

Learn more and register at


Physical Activity, Life Skills, and More PE Funds (continued from page 1) Last year we involved the students by asking The incentives gave students more physical them what they would like to get for new activity time and freed up time for staff equipment through the fundraiser. Our students (because the student had more PE time), while chose to work together to acquire 9 Square providing fun activities to watch or complete as in the Air, scooters, equipment for outside, a group or individually. It was important to have and golf equipment. It was not only the funds various ways for the students to accomplish their the students were able to raise but also the goals in the fundraiser. Some of the incentives building of relationships along the way that were: the 5th Period Challenge, a staff member made it such a successful journey. shaved his beard, pie in the face, photo shoot We also asked the students what fundraiser of leaders (really had fun with social media), incentives they would like to see and to help and step-up challenges for classroom teachers plan how they would reach the goal. We allowed (seeing them outside with their students for the students to use their phones at times to a quick physical activity break was cool). We share messages about what we were doing with also incorporated wristbands along with the this event: to raise donations and impact health incentives from health. moves. minds. at our school. Our goal was to teach them how Going into year three, so many in our school to plan and advocate for the cause they were community will already be familiar with this The “pie in the face” incentive was a supporting. They learned and shared meaningful fundraiser and hopefully look forward to it. In student favorite during Highlands Middle messages such as “Do you know what happens the future we are going to explore the option of School’s health. moves. minds. FUNdraiser. to your brain when you are physically active?” “paying it forward” to support a 501(c) charity. Having students gain and share that knowledge was huge. At the end of the day what we are trying to do is to motivate This year we provided a document detailing all the fundraiser the students to come together, cheer each other on, and work activities we were doing, as well as the incentives. This was distributed together to accomplish something — to learn how to advocate and put on the announcements. Having a plan worked great. Everyone about the importance of health and fitness and the utilization of knew what to expect — so they knew what they needed to do. resources to maintain and healthy lifestyle.

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Celebrating Our District Award Winners Congratulations to our District Teachers of the Year! They’ll be honored at the 2024 SHAPE America National Convention & Expo in Convention, where we’ll also announce the 2024 National Teachers of the Year.  ADAPTED PHYSICAL EDUCATION


CENTRAL: Justin Lund

CENTRAL: Caitlin Schoville

Poplar Bridge Elementary School Bloomington, MN EASTERN: Jeff Watkins

Longview School Germantown, MD SOUTHERN: Cadi Doyle

Waples Mill Elementary School Oakton, VA


Middletown High School Middletown, DE SOUTHERN: Kara Young

duPont Manual High School Louisville, KY


Sumner Elementary School Austin, MN EASTERN: Dan Stover

est Broad Street Elementary School W Souderton, PA MIDWEST:

Cindie Cortinas-Vogt

Washington Elementary School Elgin, IL SOUTHERN: James Grassano

Corporate Landing Elementary School Virginia Beach, VA

Pleasant Valley Junior High School LeClaire, IA MIDWEST: Ryan McKinney

Spooner Middle School Spooner, WI SOUTHERN: Jason Hamil

Cario Middle School Mt. Pleasant, SC WESTERN: Austin Olson

Pacific Trails Middle School San Diego, CA


Center Point-Urbana High School Center Point, IA EASTERN: Alex Clark

Paul Laurence Dunbar High School Washington, DC SOUTHERN: Casey Page

Shelby County High School Shelbyville, KY Many thanks to the SHAPE America Teacher of the Year Partner Network — SPARK, Wellness Training Specialists, Gopher and Goodheart- Willcox Publisher.

District Award Winners Central, Eastern, Midwest, Southern, and Western District award winners will be announced at a later date. Visit your district website for details. Winter 2024 • Momentum



Focus on

Health & PE

New Guidance Document

New! Kindness & Mindfulness Resources Use these new kindness resources in your classes during Random Acts of Kindness Week (February 14-20) or anytime: n Kindness Activity

Calendars (available for Elementary & Secondary in English and Spanish) n Sample Kindness

Lessons n

Let the Kindness Roll Game Card

n Pay It Forward Kindness Cards n Random Acts of Kindness FUNdraiser Template

Appropriate Use of Technology in Physical Education SHAPE America believes that technology can be an effective tool for supplementing instruction in physical education when used appropriately. This guidance document provides guidelines for using technology to help students achieve SHAPE America’s National Physical Education Standards. Read Now

Call for Proposals opens in mid-February!


Momentum • Winter 2024

View Kindness Resources On the Global Day of Unplugging (sundown to sundown on March 1-2), encourage your students to join you in spending some time away from technology. Our Unplugging Challenge Toolkit and other resources will help you prepare.

Stay Current With SHAPE America The SHAPE America YouTube channel includes exclusive HPE content, including these popular playlists: Unplugged: SHAPE America CEO Stephanie Morris interviews health and physical educators who are shaping the profession. View Now SHAPE America’s EDI Podcast explores a variety of topics relating to equity, diversity, and inclusion in health and physical education. Each episode features insightful interviews and discussion with invited guests. Watch or Listen Now The SHAPE America Blog shares insights, ideas and resources for the health and physical education community. Read Now Research in Motion includes the latest news, events and announcements from the SHAPE America Research Council. The newsletter is published three times a year (fall, winter and spring). Read Now

Call for Submissions Are you a physical educator or coach who has had success with a new teaching technique or strategy in the gymnasium or on the athletic field? We invite you to share your ideas in SHAPE America’s peer-reviewed journal Strategies! View the Guidelines for Authors.

CAEP Accreditation Resources SHAPE America offers training and support to help educator preparation providers complete the PETE/HETE accreditation process. Learn More

SHAPE AMERICA JOURNALS: Something for Everyone Membership to SHAPE America includes a subscription to the periodical of your choice:

• American Journal of Health Education (AJHE): Covers today’s health education and health promotion issues head on with timely, substantive, and thought-provoking articles.

• Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance (JOPERD): Appeals to practitioners and academics alike and provides a variety of information on health, physical education, recreation, and dance issues.

• Strategies: This popular bimonthly journal delivers practical ideas, how-to information, and tips for sport and physical educators.

• Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport (RQES): RQES publishes research in the art and science of human movement that contributes to the knowledge and development of theory.

Each digital issue includes one article that is open to all — no subscription required! View Journals Winter 2024 • Momentum


Courtesy of Stephen Leonardi / unsplash

Mark Your Calendar The SHAPE America National Convention & Expo is coming to these locations.


Cleveland, OH March 12–16


Baltimore, MD April 1–5

Make plans to attend the nation’s leading convention for health and physical education professionals!


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