Sales Guide Romantic Germany

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Rhineland-Palatinate T O U R I S T

Sales Guide - Romantic Germany Experience enchanting moments in the region around Rhine and Moselle



Content This is Romantic Germany


Example group trips


Incoming Service 6 Event Highlights 7-8 Walking holidays 10-13 Cycling holidays 14-17 Wine holidays 18-21 IchZeit 22 Partner offers 23-28 Tourist Highlights 29 The Saarland 30-31 Map 32 Conditions 33

Leiselfeld, Romantic Rhine

Rhineland-Palatinate – the charming region in

are all hallmarks of the Rhineland-Palatinate. It

western Germany offering romantic river sce-

is a region full of historical highlights, while at

nery, historical castles, cozy towns, a long-

the same time remaining a modern and active

seeded viticultural heritage and a modern

region. Museums, concerts, theatres and a

wine architecture.

multifaceted menu of events await all visitors.

Every holiday should be a pure pleasure. Rhineland-Palatinate, the most westerly area of Germany, on the border to Belgium, Luxembourg and France, welcomes guests with the utmost hospitality. Vineyards as far as the eye can see, almost 500 fairytale castles, palaces and ruins decorating the river landscapes around the Rhine and Moselle rivers, charming little towns with half-timbered houses, a wide range of cultural points of interest and a wonderful mild climate

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Schaumburg castle near Balduinstein, Lahn Valley The picturesque scenery of the UNESCO World

special experience for any friend of wine is to

Heritage site Upper Middle Rhine Valley has

visit the vineyards and learn about the traditions

been considered the epicentre of the romantic

and history of German wine from the one person

Rhine for over 200 years and is one of the

who really knows – the winemaker himself. The

most important transport routes in Europe.

traditional wine festivals are additional highlights

The valley is characterised by its uniquely

that anyone visiting the region in autumn should

high concentration of castles, making it both

not miss, as well as the region’s award-winning

mysterious and historically inimitable. A central

wine architecture venues.

feature of this area is the mythical Loreley Valley near St. Goarshausen, where the song of a

Outdoor deluxe

beautiful girl is said to have lured seamen into

The natural beauty of Rhineland-Palatinate


provides the perfect natural playground for a number of outdoor activities like hiking and

A splendid bouquet

biking. Few other German regions offer such

Viticulture was brought to Rhineland-Palatinate

a variety of terrains combined with certified,

by the Romans over 2,000 years ago and

well-marked, high-quality walking trails and

has been thriving there ever since. The region

cycling routes, as well as accommodation

produces around 70 percent of all German

designed to suit the active holidaymaker’s

wine and is a real paradise for wine lovers

needs. The region’s most famous hiking trail is

and connoisseurs with the six wine regions

the Rheinsteig, well-known from documentaries

of Moselle, Rhine, Ahr, Nahe, Palatinate and

featured by various television channels like the



British BBC. Cyclists have the choice between

German “Great Wine capital”, Mainz. The

several scenic routes following the Rhine,

Palatinate region boasts the biggest wine

Moselle or Nahe rivers. Rhineland-Palatinate

festival and even the biggest wine barrel in

offers routes of different lengths and for all

the world, located in the city of Bad Dürkheim.

levels, providing groups and families countless

The outstanding winegrowing areas will not fail

options for a truly personalized dream vacation.




to delight with their award-winning wines. A

s group trip le p m a x E Leinsweiler, Palatinate

Mediterranean climate, wine and kiwis Ti p Pretty in pink The almond blossom season along the Wine Route in RhinelandPalatinate is a much-anticipated time of year, with the canopy of delicate pink buds signalling the end of winter. Among the highlights for visitors are the almond blossom festival, special seasonal walks, almond-based wellness treatments and mouthwatering almond delicacies.

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Route: From the Rheinhessen wine area

is not all this small town has to offer; Deidesheim

to the Alsace via the German Wine Route.

is part of the Cittaslow and lives by the core Cittaslow values. It also hosts wonderful events, like

Day 1: Get off to a delicious start in Ger-

their cozy Christmas market. Stay overnight in

many’s “Great Wine Capital” Mainz.

one of the local towns.

Rheinhessen is the largest of all wine areas in Germany and famous for its quality wines. It is

Day 2: Plenty to see and do on the German

no coincidence that Mainz earned the honour of

Wine Route

being one of the “Great Wine Capitals” of the

Begin the day by driving via Neustadt to Ham-

world. Spend the day in Mainz, beginning with

bach Castle, known as the “cradle of German

a guided wine tour in and around Mainz and the

democracy“ ever since the Hambach Festival

historical town, known for its Roman history and

of 1832. Next, stop by Sankt Martin for lunch

cosy streets. Later in the afternoon, continue on

in the winding streets of its village centre, fol-

to the Palatinate, the southernmost and most

lowed by a visit to Villa Ludwigshöhe in Eden-

varied of the wine regions. Travel south on the

koben, the summer residence of King Ludwig I

German Wine Route towards Bad Dürkheim,

of Bavaria. Continue to Venningen and visit the

passing an ocean of vines along the way. Places

Doktorenhof wine vinegar brewery. High-quality,

of interest include Limburg Abbey, the ruins of

international award-winning wines are available

Hardenburg Castle and the world‘s largest wine

at prestigious wine estates all along the route.

barrel. Continue onwards towards Deidesheim

Countless picture-book wine villages line the

and enjoy dinner at the Deidesheimer Hof,

German Wine Route, each creating a Mediter-

where Helmut Kohl, the former German chan-

ranean atmosphere due to their red, sandstone

cellor, often entertained official guests such as

gateways. One of them is sure to be the perfect

Margaret Thatcher and Mikhail Gorbachev. That

place to end the day.

Tip Day 3: A mediterranean feel and historical

inviting wine-making villages set in rolling hills.


Passing Klingenmünster (Landeck Castle), con-

Set off for Annweiler and the imposing Trifels

tinue on to Bad Bergzabern, a spa resort with ul-

Imperial Castle, whose striking fortifications date

tra-modern wellness facilities and several tempt-

back to the Hohenstaufen and Salian eras. King

ing options for lunch. In the afternoon choose

Richard the Lionheart was imprisoned here in

between cycling or walking through the area, vis-

1194. Follow the route onwards to Leinsweiler,

iting the German Wine Gate or venturing further

where the scenery evolves into a Mediterranean

into Alsace or the Vosges mountains in France.

dream, with warm, friendly light shining down on

End the trip with a local overnight stay.

Vintage vineyard architecture As the link between the vines, the countryside and local traditions, innovative vineyard architecture reflects the growers’ reverence for the countryside and for the characteristic wines they produce. This very modern appeal makes a visit to a winery in RhinelandPalatinate a pleasure for all the senses, not just for the palate.

Route: From the Rheinhessen wine area to the Alsace via the German Wine Route. Looking for wine, sekt, secco, brandy or wine vinegar? Kiwi fruit, lemons, figs or chestnuts? Then the lush, diverse Rheinhessen and the Palatinate region with its mediterranean climate and hospitable people is the place for you.

St. Martin, Palatinate

Example itinerary: • 3 overnight stay with breakfast • 1 guided tour of Mainz • 1 wine tasting with wine-themed walk • 1 guided tour of Bad Dürkheim • 1 tour of Hardenburg castle ruins OR Limburg abbey ruins • 1 visit/guided tour of Deidesheim Wine Museum • 1 evening meal at Deidesheimer Hof • 1 visit to Hambach Castle • 1 lunch in St. Martin • 1 visit to Villa Ludwigshöhe • 1 visit to the Doktorenhof wine vinegar brewery incl. tasting • 1 visit to Trifels Castle • 1 visit to Landeck Castle • 1 guided tour of Bad Bergzabern

Hambach castle, Palatinate

Itineraries and prices on request

tours, transfers, transportation, hospitality programmes, technical visits, FreizeitCARD | CARTE Loisirs for Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland and much more. Did you know that... 1. Rhineland-Palatinate has various award-winning wine architecture venues where one can participate in wine tastings in spectacular surroundings! 2. The Regional Garden Festival 2014 will take place for the fourth time in Rhineland-Palatinate in the city of Landau! 3. Rhineland-Palatinate is constantly developing Lahnwanderweg trail, Lahn Valley

new hiking trails, such as the long distance hiking trail Moselsteig. This will open in sum-

Incoming Service

mer 2013. The region’s first-class wines can

You are looking for an experienced and reliable

along the way. Another new, recommended

partner in Rhineland-Palatinate with extensive

walking route is the AhrSteig, completed in

knowledge of the region? The Rhineland-Palatinate

2012. It leads through the Ahr Valley, passing

tourist board offers a broad range of incoming

by steep slopes, vines and snug villages.

be enjoyed at one of the many local taverns

services, enabling you to make your planning as

4. Some of our offers for biking tours have been

convenient as possible. We have built up a solid

divided into two different price categories, pro-

network of local partners unique to this region and

viding you with the opportunity of an even better

are happy to include you in this network.

target group customisation!

Our service incorporates group travel, special interest tours, hotel reservations, wine tastings, river cruises, seminars, excursions, events, guided

FreizeitCARD | CARTE Loisirs - your pass-

Advantage 1: Tour operators get 17,50 % per

port to the “grand region”

booking and card plus VAT, if the FreizeitCARD

With over 200 participating attractions, the Freizeit-

| CARTE Loisirs is integrated in a package!

CARD | CARTE Loisirs provides a unique opportunity to explore the region while saving money. The

Advantage 2: The FreizeitCARD | CARTE Loi-

more you do, the more you save. With the CARD

sirs is available with three different validity pe-

you get free admission to many of the finest attrac-

riods: 24-hours, 3-days or 6-days. While the

tions in the most romantic part of Germany. Visit

24-hour card is valid for 24 consecutive hours

some of the regions many impressive castles and

immediately upon activation, the 3-day and

palaces or relax and unwind on a river cruise down

6-day cards may be used on any three or six

the Rhine and Moselle rivers. A travel guide comes

days within the entire season.

free with the card to help you plan your trip. The FreizeitCARD | CARTE Loisirs can be bought in

FreizeitCARD | CARTE Loisirs – the flexible

several tourist information centres and youth hos-

way to experience the Rhineland-Palatinate!

tels within the region, as well on the internet.

More information 6 / 7

Eve n t H ighlights Historical Crafts and Farmers’ Market •

Christmas Market • Trier


25 November - 22 December 2013,

Historical Wine Festival • Heimersheim

End of August/beginning of September, every

24 November - 22 December 2014

16 - 18 August 2013, 15 - 17 August 2014

two years, even years

The mighty cathedral and the market square,

The Middle Ages come to life once a year in

Every two years, street performers, bards,

with its lovingly restored houses, present an

the wine village of Heimersheim. During the

knights and market sellers bring the Middle

impressive backdrop for Trier Christmas mar-

Historical Wine Festival, craft stalls, street per-

Ages to life at the Historical Crafts and Farm-

ket, which features around 100 stalls selling

formers and musicians in colourful costumes

ers’ Market in Monreal. Although much smaller

Christmas ornaments, wooden toys and other

create a unique atmosphere, which culminates

than its Canadian near-namesake, the tiny Eifel

crafts. The aroma of Glühwein and roasted al-

in a historical parade through the festively dec-

settlement, with its picturesque timber-framed

monds fills the air and the youngest visitors look

orated streets.

houses set alongside a small river and over-

forward to meeting St. Nicholas and watching

looked by two castle ruins, is one of Germany‘s

the puppet show.

Ahr Valley

Ahrweiler Christmas Market • Ahrweiler

prettiest villages.

First, second and fourth weekend in Advent 2013 Visitors are enchanted by the Christmas market


in Ahrweiler‘s old quarter, which is often com-

Hunsrück marathon • Emmelshausen,

pared to a scene from a fairytale. The town‘s

Kastellaun, Simmern

pretty timber-framed houses are beautifully il-

24 - 25 August 2013 (always at the end of

luminated, the stalls offer delicious Christmas


fare and gifts, and the mulled wine is made

The 11th RWE Hunsrück marathon on the Schin-

with grapes from local vineyards. There is a

derhannes Cycle Route from Emmelshausen to

midnight Christmas market on the third Advent

Simmern via Kastellaun.

For information on other enchanting Christmas markets in Rhineland-Palatinate, visit


MOSELLE-SAAR EIFEL Historical Castle Festival • Manderscheid

Moselle Wine Festival • Traben-Trarbach 12 - 15 July 2013 During the Moselle

24 - 25 August 2013, 23 - 24 August 2014

Wine Festival, local

The Historical Castle Festival in Mandersc-

vineyards showcase

heid is held against the impressive backdrop

their finest wines in a

of two castle ruins. Every August visitors can

delightful wine village

travel back in time to the colourful Middle Ages,

on the Trarbach side

where knights on horseback test their skills with

of the Moselle. Live

lance and bow in a tournament, while street

music and a spectac-

performers and storytellers entertain their audiences with songs and fairy­tales. There is also a lively medieval crafts market.

ular fireworks display are among the featured events, along with an exciting funfair that is enjoyed by all ages. Middle Moselle Wine Festival • Bernkastel-Kues 29 August - 02 September 2013, 28 August - 01 September 2014 The attractions at the largest wine festival in the Moselle region include a spectacular firework display, a vintners’ parade, a large fairground and lots of exciting wine stalls in the streets and squares of the old quarter.

NAHELAND Wine and Walking Festival • Bad Sobernheim 21 September 2013, 20 September 2014 The Wine and Walking Festival (Weinwanderwegsfest) in the Naheland wine region is traditionally held on the third Saturday of September. Along the festival route, you can sample the fine local wines. Growers will tell you all about their wines and the Nahe area. A walk through the vineyards offers panoramic views across the Nahe Valley. Romantic Christmas Market • Bad Münster am Stein-Ebernburg First, second and third weekend in Advent 2013 As darkness falls, a veritable sea of lights greets visitors to the Christmas market in the spa gardens of Bad Münster am Stein-Ebernburg. Ancient trees, lovingly decorated stalls and the pretty, half-timbered Kurhaus are resplendent in the glow of thousands of lights.

Eve n t H ighlights Rhine in Flames • Koblenz

Lahn Valley

All dates can be found on

Flower parade • Bad Ems (annual event)

25 August 2013 (held annually)

Every year, Rhine in Flames captivates hun-

Every year around 800 helpers decorate the 35

dreds of thousands of visitors who gather along

floats in this parade using one million dahlias.

the banks of the Rhine to enjoy the celebra-

Brass bands and other entertainment accom-

tions. It is an unforgettable experience when

pany the procession as it winds its way through

the towns, villages, castles and palaces of the

the streets.

UNESCO World Heritage Middle Rhine Valley


are bathed in the magical glow of red Bengal

Wetzlar Festival • Wetzlar


May - August 2013 (held annually)


Mainz Midsummer’s Eve Fair • Mainz

Wurstmarkt - the World‘s largest Wine

21 - 24 June 2013, end of June 2014

Festival • Bad Dürkheim

A four-day festival in Mainz city centre with cul-

06 - 10 and 13 - 16 September 2013

ture, culinary delights and celebrations in hon-

(2nd and 3rd weekend in September 2014)

our of the city’s most famous son, Johannes

The Wurstmarkt in Bad Dürkheim is the world‘s


biggest wine festival. It owes its atmosphere both to the exciting funfair rides and the unique Palatinate welcome. Excellent wines, including local Sekt (sparkling white wine), flow freely at the festival. German Grape Harvest Festival • Neustadt an der Weinstrasse 2 October - 14 October 2013 The German Grape Harvest Festival (Deutsches Weinlesefest) in Neustadt an der Weinstrasse lasts for nearly two weeks. Highlights include the Palatinate and German wine queens and Germany‘s largest vintners procession. The German Wine and Sekt Fair allows visitors to compare products from all German wine regions.

ROMANTIC RHINE Middle Rhine Music Festival 17 May - 24 August 2013, May/June till end of August 2014 Every year, the prettiest towns and villages along the Middle Rhine set the sense for some unforgettable musical performances. Visitors can look forward to fantastic concerts featuring highly acclaimed artists and up-and-coming talents.

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WESTERWALD International ceramics market • Höhr-Grenzhausen 1- 2 June 2013, 7 - 8 June 2014 The market attracts around 150 exhibitors from all over Europe who display everyday and ornamental ceramics, genuine salt-glazed stoneware, unusual clay pipes, ceramic jewellery and countless other ceramic creations.

Open-air performances on three stages with a varied programme featuring opera, concerts, plays, children’s theatre, comedy and musicals.

Near Kobern-Gondorf, Moselle

Where hiking and cycling is a true joy Cycling fun for everyone

Read more about our walking packages at

Rhineland-Palatinate is an excellent cycling re-

gion with a wide variety of well-marked routes. Leisurely bike paths stretch out for miles along

Where walking leads to good wine, good

the riverbanks and along old railway tracks. The

food and good company

bike paths following the courses of rivers such

Whether it’s a pleasant, leisurely tour on climb-

as the Rhine or Moselle offer not only beautiful

free trails or physically demanding scrambles up

panoramas but are also almost all climb-free.

narrow, winding paths, Rhineland-Palatinate has all the right ingredients for a great walking holi-

Steeper climbs await in the more mountainous

day. On ten outstanding and richly varied long-

areas of the Eifel and Palatinate regions and

distance trails, you can see castles, fortresses

in the rolling hills of Rheinhessen, pro­mising a

and palaces, make new friends in traditional tav-

challenge for even the fittest cyclists. Those

erns, sample famous wines and enjoy mouthwa-

looking for a more leisurely ride might consid-

tering cuisine. Along the way, of course, there is

er doing these routes on a pedelec or electric

a whole world of countryside and unspoilt nature

bike. An extensive network of bike hire centres

where you can relax and switch off. For a good

and charging stations can be found in these

night’s rest after a full day’s

regions. Whilst the electric drive system of the

walking, choose from a wide

e-bike allows you to ride without any pedalling

selection of walker-friendly ho-

at all, the pedelec has a motor to provide extra

tels, which are easily reached

power – so some pedalling is still required! As

on foot, by bus, by train or hotel

you pedal along through forests, meadows and


delightful little towns, look out for the castles and historical houses. Dotted along the vari-

Read more about our cycling

ous routes are cyclist-friendly accommodation

holidays at www.romantic-

providers whose quality and affordable prices

help you to get the most out of your tour.

Flughafen Köln/Bonn









3 Ahr




Hiking at its best The idyllic region of Rhineland-Palatinate is a hiker’s dream come true. We have put together a collection of hiking packages including trips along the famous Rheinsteig and Saar-Hunsrück-Steig trails, through the Eifel, Westerwald and Palatinate regions, and along the Lahn River.


1 Rheinsteig trail & RheinBurgenWeg trail Pass by rugged cliffs in the central Rhine Valley, as well as UNESCO World Heritage sites and winding vineyards in the Rheingau region. Offer: One of the most scenic parts of the trail leads from Koblenz to Rüdesheim and can be walked in six stages with seven overnight stays. Prices per person in a double room start from: € 455.00




Wittlich Ürzig







MoselleHermeskeil Saar Birkenfeld Kell am




Weisskirchen Mettlach-Orscholz




Flughafen Frankfurt-Hahn





Bad Münster am Stein-Ebernburg Alzey




Flughafen Zweibrücken



Bad Kreuznach


Flughafen Frankfurt

St. Goarshausen



St. Wendel

Saarland Ottweiler Saarlouis



Zell Traben-Trarbach



Romantic Braubach Rhine


Boppard Treis-Karden Emmelshausen Kastellaun



Bad Ems

1 Moselle

Cochem Bad Bertrich



Ahr Valley Koblenz



Bad Marienberg


Bad Neuenahr

Weinfelder Maar, Eifel

Lahn Valley








Bad Dürkheim



Neustadt a.d.W.


Edesheim Germersheim Landau


2 Premium hiking trails in the Palatinate region Discover the three premium hiking trails leading through the Palatinate Forest, along the German Wine Route and around the Donnersberg Mountain, all of which pass by picturesque villages, spectacular rock formations, romantic castle ruins and vineyards. Offer: Different packages, from six overnight stays and four stages to eight overnight stays and seven stages, offer the perfect hiking experience for every taste. Prices per person in a double room start from: € 299.00 3 AhrSteige trails As you travel through the wild, romantic Ahr Valley, why not call in at one of the many vineyards or wine taverns? The red wine town of Ahrweiler with its romantic old town is also well worth a visit. Offer: The tour includes six stages through the varied landscape of the Ahr Valley on the red and blue AhrSteig trails and 7 nights’ accommodation. Prices per person in a double room start from: € 441.00 4 Saar-Hunsrück-Steig trail Experience a wonderful blend of nature and culture on the trail voted “Germany’s most beautiful” in 2009. Offer: The tour includes eight overnight stays and seven stages leading, for example, from Idar-Oberstein, Germany’s gemstone capital, to the old Roman town of Trier. Prices per person in a double room start from: € 480.00 5 Eifelsteig trail Under the slogan „Just you, the water and the rocks“, this tour takes you on a journey to the treasures of the Eifel region: volcanic craters, maars, tranquil valleys, rock formations, rivers and lakes. Offer: The tour includes six overnight stays and the option to choose between three beautiful routes, each with five stages. Prices per person in a double room start from: € 360.00 6 Lahn hiking trail Follow the Lahn River and enjoy dreamlike panoramas, small towns crowned by castles, wine tastings in the surrounding region and the thrill of hiking through the Rupertsklamm gorge. Offer: This hiking trail leads from Diez to Lahnsteig, where the Lahn and Rhine rivers converge, and includes five overnight stays and four stages. Prices per person in a double room start from: € 335.00 7 Westerwald-Steig trail Discover the “barefoot trail”, the Kneipp herb garden, the Westerwald lake region and the 300-metre railway viaduct. Offer: This tour down one of the “Top Trails of Germany” involves seven overnight stays and six stages. Prices per person in a double room start from: € 420.00 8 Soonwaldsteig Viewing towers such as those at Teufelsfels and the ruins of Koppenstein Castle give breathtaking panoramic views over the ridges of the Soonwald forest and a glimpse of the Upper Middle Rhine Valley, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Offer: Six stages through fairytale forests and scenic beauty. Prices per person in a double room start from: € 455.00

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Please note: Available all year upon request and subject to availability. Individual modules may vary according to the season.The tour operator’s terms and conditions apply. Prices valid for 2013. Prices for 2014 may vary.

RheinBurgenWeg trail, Romantic Rhine Tour includes • All rooms with shower/bathroom and WC in hotels, rural hotels, guesthouses or boarding-houses • Collection/transfer to the starting points (if necessary and if public transfer is not available) • Luggage transport when you change hotel, visitors’ tax, hiking map, detailed tour description • Hiking certificate • Transport costs for public transport extra • Hike without a guide TOUR CHARACTERISTICS • 200 km, Rolandseck - Bingen • 13 stages between 9 km and 20 km • Quality route (Qualitätsweg) according to Wanderbares Deutschland

RheinBurgenWeg trail


The RheinBurgenWeg trail on the left-hand bank of the Rhine takes hikers 200 km from Bingen to the Rolandsbogen in Remagen. It links up numerous castles in the world heritage site. In the Middle Rhine Valley between Rüdesheim am Rhein and Koblenz, your hike takes you through a landscape now designated a UNESCO world heritage site featuring a unique array of castles. The hiking route passes through ancient forests and the cultural landscape along the hills on the banks of the Rhine, frequently interrupted by a detour to beautiful wine towns. Choice of routes: A: Rolandsbogen to Koblenz B: Koblenz to Bingen The length of the stages varies between 9 km and 22 km. Partial sections or several sections can also be booked. If sections are booked together, a

Arrival: Take the car or train to the first hotel of each tour, please note that parking at hotels is sometimes free, however occasionally there may be a charge. If you arrive by train, take a taxi from the station to the hotel. Alternatively: Arrive at the last hotel of the tour by car and then take the train or Rhine boat to the starting point. Hike begins after an overnight stay at the place of arrival. Departure: Last overnight stay at the end point of the hiking tour. Rail travellers: Journey home from the station at the end of the tour. Car drivers: Return journey to the car at the starting point. Return journey to the car also possible by Rhine boat!

rest day is arranged between each section. If there are only one or two participants, one-off transport fee of E 40.00, subject to change! Arrival: Daily from March to November. Tour operator: Klein´s Wanderreisen Also shorter or longer hiking tours in individual cases.

Prices 8 days / 7 nights: from E 455.00

vailable at Package a ur ount for to 15 % disc operators

Prices per person in a double room. (Additional nights are possible.)

Tour includes • All rooms with shower/bathroom and WC in hotels, rural hotels, guesthouses or boarding-houses • Collection/transfer to the starting points (if necessary and if public transfer is not available) • Luggage transport when you change hotel, visitors’ tax, hiking map, detailed tour description • Hiking certificate, badge • Transport costs for public transport extra • Hike without a guide

Near Obermoschel, Palatinate

Premium hiking trails in the Palatinate region 2 Three award-winning hiking routes, which can be discovered in individual stages and as tours

TOUR CHARACTERISTICS Pfälzer Höhenweg trail • 112 km, Winnweiler - Wolfstein • 7 stages between 12 km and 22 km

lasting several days, add to the attractive hiking offers in Palatinate: the Pfälzer Höhenweg

Pfälzer Weinsteig trail • 153 km, Neuleiningen Schweigen-Rechtenbach • 10 stages between 10 km and 20 km

small idyllic hamlets, past spectacular rock formations, to romantic castle ruins and countless

Pfälzer Waldpfad trail • 142 km, Kaiserslautern Schweigen-Rechtenbach • 9 stages between 10 km and 23 km

trail, the Pfälzer Waldpfad trail and the Pfälzer Weinsteig trail. They offer a total of over 400 km of pure hiking heaven around Donnersberg, in the heart of the Palatinate Forest Nature Reserve and along the German Wine Route. They lead along mostly narrow forest paths through vineyards. Choice of routes: A: 9 days tour Pfälzer Höhenweg trail (7 stages) 1. Section Wolfstein - Winnweiler, approx. 115 km B: 7 days tour Pfälzer Weinsteig trail (4 stages) 1. Section Neuleinigen - Burrweiler, approx. 85 km C: 7 days tour Pfälzer Weinsteig trail (5 stages)

All the routes have been planned according to the quality route criteria set by Wanderbares Deutschland.

2. Section Burrweiler - Schweigen, approx. 85 km D: 6 days tour Pfälzer Waldpfad trail (4 stages)

vailable at Package a ur ount for to 15 % disc operators

1. Section Kaiserslautern - Merzalben, approx. 75 km E: 6 days tour Pfälzer Waldpfad trail (4 stages)

Arrival: Take the car or train to the first hotel of each tour, parking at hotels is sometimes free, sometimes there is a charge! If you arrive by train, take a taxi from the station to the hotel. Hike begins after an overnight stay at the place of arrival. Departure: Last overnight stay at the end point of the hiking tour. Rail travellers: Journey home from the station at the end of the tour. Car drivers: Return journey to the car at the starting point.

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2. Section Merzalben - Schweigen, approx. 65 km Small transport surcharge applies for lone travellers or groups of two about E 40.00. Subject to change without notice. Arrival: Every Sunday from March to November. Tour operator: Klein´s Wanderreisen Also shorter or longer hiking tours in individual cases.

Prices A: 9 days tour from E 456.00 B: 7 days tour from E 396.00 C: 7 days tour from E 396.00 D: 6 days tour from E 299.00 E: 6 days tour from E 299.00 Prices per person in a double room. (Additional nights are possible.)

Tour includes • All rooms with shower/bathroom and WC in hotels, rural hotels, guesthouses or boarding-houses • Collection/transfer to the starting points (if necessary and and if public transfer is not available) • Luggage transport when you change hotel, visitors’ tax, hiking map, detailed tour description • Hiking certificate, badge • transport costs for public transport extra • Hike without a guide TOUR CHARACTERISTICS • Blue AhrSteig trail 4 stages and 85,4 km • Red AhrSteig trail 2 stages and 29,8 km • 4 connecting paths between 17 km and 20 km All the routes have been planned according to the quality route criteria set by Wanderbares Deutschland.

Arrival: Take the car to Sinzig, public car park for free. If you arrive by train, take a taxi from the station to the hotel (approx. E 10.00). Departure: Last overnight stay at the end point of the hiking tour. Take the train or the bus to return to Sinzig.

Near Dümpelhardt Sierscheid, Ahr Valley

AhrSteige trails


The high-calibre hiking trails in the north of Rhineland-Palatinate, known as the Red and the Blue AhrSteig, cross the Ahr Valley - also known as Germany`s `Red Wine Dorado` - and the neighbouring Eifel region. Discover picturesque villages, rural meadow paths, some rock trails, breathtaking mountain plateaus, and working vineyards on beautiful hikes along the AhrSteig trails. The AhrSteig trails are characterised by impressive panoramic views of the romantic Ahr Valley, far into the Eifel region, and beyond the plains of the Rhine River all the way to Cologne and its magnificent cathedral. The AhrSteig trails measures around 110 kilometres in total. Choice of routes: A: Sections Red AhrSteig 1. Section Sinzig - Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler, approx. 21 km 2. Section Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler - Walporzheim, approx. 13 km B: Connecting paths 3. Section Walporzheim - Altenahr, approx. 15-18 km (different possibilities) C: Sections Blue AhrSteig 4. Section Altenahr - Insul 5. Section Insul - Aremberg 6. Section Aremberg - Blankenheim Small transport surcharge applies for lone travellers or groups of two about E 40.00. Subject to change without notice. Arrival: Daily from April to November. Tour operator: Klein´s Wanderreisen

Prices 8 days tour from E 441.00

vailable at Package a ur ount for to 15 % disc operators

Prices per person in a double room. (Additional nights are possible.)

Cycling near Hilgenroth, Westerwald

Flughafen Köln/Bonn






Bad Neuenahr




Ahr Valley








Flughafen Frankfurt-Hahn





St. Wendel









Bad Dürkheim


Neustadt a.d.W.


Flughafen Zweibrücken




Germersheim Landau

Admire the many castles and palaces that line this route through romantic river valleys and quaint villages with a wealth of ancient, timber-framed buildings. Offer: This is a two-base tour that includes six days of cycling along the Rhine, Moselle, Lahn, Saar and Kyll rivers and seven overnight stays in historical Trier and Koblenz, near the Deutsches Eck (German corner) where the Rhine and Moselle rivers converge. 6 stages and 7 overnight stays per person in a double room cost from: € 498.00

2 A romantic tour between Speyer, Mainz and Koblenz Admire the scenery along the Rhine and the UNESCO World Heritage site “Upper Middle Rhine Valley”, while also experiencing the great cities of Koblenz, Mainz and Speyer. Offer: Enjoy the Mediterranean climate of the region during the seven days of this tour. The relaxing paths along the Rhine enable you to save your energy savouring the scenery. 5 stages and 6 overnight stays per person in a double room cost from: € 498.00

3 Around Neustadt an der Weinstrasse - A tour of the German Wine Route Cycle through Germany’s second biggest wine-growing region. Over a few unforgettable days you’ll explore delightful towns with a unique atmosphere, see the picturesque vineyards, experience the warm local hospitality and sample delicious local wines. Offer: Spend 4 nights at a selected hotel or vineyard and use it as a base to explore the unique region between the Rhine and the Palatinate Forest. 5 stages and 6 overnight stays per person in a double room cost from: € 270.00

4 Relaxing tours along the Moselle & Saar rivers Discover Roman cultural treasures and picture perfect wine-growing villages along the banks of the twisting river between Trier and Koblenz. Offer: Roll along without a care in the world down the Moselle and Saar rivers in the region that produces the Riesling Renaissance wine. 6 stages and 7 overnight stays per person in a double room cost from: € 535.00

5 Rhine & German Wine Route – Round-trip from the Rhine to the Palatinate Forest A mild climate and lush orchards and vineyards as far as the eye can see are what make this route through the Rhine Valley and the gently rolling hills surrounding Neustadt so special. Offer: Cycling along the German Wine Route and the Rhine, one of the most spectacular rivers in Europe, is a truly exceptional experience. 6 stages and 7 overnight stays per person in a double room cost from: € 585.00

6 Kyll – Moselle – Saar: Tour through the Eifel to the Moselle Gaze at the maars and volcanic craters of the Eifel, visit the UNESCO World Heritage sites in Trier and enjoy the fantastic view from the Moselle and Saar bows. Offer: This tour has four stages and winds through the most diverse and beautiful sceneries within the Eifel and Moselle regions. Medieval towns, Roman artifacts, caves from the Stone Age and excellent wines are waiting to be discovered. 4 stages and 5 overnight stays per person in a double room cost from:

14 / 15



1 5-Rivers Tour of the Rhine, Moselle, Lahn, Kyll and Saar

€ 460.00


Bad Münster am Stein-Ebernburg Alzey


Saarland Ottweiler Saarlouis


Bad Kreuznach



A variety of cycle route packages leading through beautiful scenery are available in Rhineland-Palatinate, from the picturesque Rhine and Moselle rivers and vine-covered landscapes to the glorious hills of the Eifel and Hunsrück regions and the Westerwald Forest.



Hermeskeil Birkenfeld

Flughafen Frankfurt

St. Goarshausen

Emmelshausen Kastellaun

1 Moselle-Saar

Kell am See






Romantic Braubach Boppard Rhine

Ürzig Zell Traben-Trarbach


Daufenbach Mülheim

Great cycling


Bad Bertrich Kyll

Montabaur Bad Ems







6 Bitburg


Bad Marienberg





Lahn Valley



Eifel Nordrhein-Westfalen

Please note: Available all year upon request and subject to availability. Individual modules may vary according to the season. The tour operator’s terms and conditions apply. Prices valid for 2013. Prices for 2014 may vary.


“Deutsches Eck”, Koblenz, Romantic Rhine Tour includes • Overnight stay in selected hotels with 3-star rating or 3-star level • Breakfast buffet or large continental breakfast • For half-board options: 3-course dinner • Transfer of luggage from hotel to hotel • Optimum route planning + GPS-tracking • Detailed tour documents, route descriptions, tourist attractions, restaurant recommendations • Boat trip along the Rhine when staying in Koblenz

5-Rivers Tour of the Rhine, Moselle, Lahn, Kyll and Saar 1 Nature meets history on this scenic tour along the Rhine and Moselle rivers and their tributaries the Lahn, the Kyll and the Saar. These idyllic river valleys have enchanted visitors for thousands of years, including the Romans who founded the present towns of Trier and Koblenz more than 2,000 years ago. Each of the five river valleys on the cycle tour has a character of its own. The Lahn and the Kyll are tranquil backwaters, while the Middle Rhine Valley and the Moselle are more impressive, with steep

Route characteristics • A level route in the river valleys. • Bicycle path network throughout with appropriate sign posting on surfaced paths.

valley sides largely planted with vines, formidable castles and pretty wine villages. One of the highlights of the tour is a visit to the lovely medieval village of Saarburg with a waterfall and water mills in the heart of its old quarter. Individual single tour: 8 days/7 nights - approx. 285 km: Koblenz - Middle Rhine Valley - Koblenz - Lahn Valley -

Parking in Koblenz Free car park at the hotel or public car park/ multi-storey car park in the town centre, approx. E 10.00 per day.

Koblenz - Moselle River - Koblenz - Trier - Saarburg - Trier -Bitburg - Trier

Train services Koblenz train station is served by InterCity trains, taxis to the hotel cost approx. E 10.00. Trier train station is served by InterCity trains, taxis to the station cost between E 10.00 and E 20.00. The Trier and Koblenz shuttle service costs E 70.00 per person, incl. bikes, reservation required.

Valley - Koblenz

Further services e.g. rental bikes, single rooms or half-board can be booked as additional extras.

Tour operator:

5 days/4 nights - approx. 130 km: Koblenz - Middle Rhine Valley - Koblenz - Trier Saarburg - Trier 4 days/3 nights - approx. 95 km - Koblenz: Koblenz - Middle Rhine Valley - Koblenz - Lahn 4 days/3 nights - approx. 95 km - Trier: Trier - Saarburg - Trier - Moselle Valley - Trier Dates: Individual single tour - Arrival: daily from April - October

Prices 8 days/7 nights: from E 498.00 5 days/4 nights: from E 320.00 4 days/3 nights (Trier): from E 198.00 4 days/3 nights (Koblenz): from E 220.00 Prices per person in a double room. (Additional nights in Koblenz or Trier are possible.)

Tour includes • Overnight stay in selected hotels with 3-star rating or 3-star level • Breakfast buffet or large continental breakfast • For half-board options: 3-course dinner • Transfer of luggage from hotel to hotel • Optimum route planning + GPS-tracking • Detailed tour documents, route descriptions, tourist attractions, restaurant recommendations • Boat trip along the Rhine (Rüdesheim St. Goar)

Near Loreley, Romantic Rhine

A romantic tour between Speyer, Mainz and Koblenz 2 The Middle Rhine region is traditionally popular with biking fans. An efficiently developed and level bicycle path network runs downstream and includes the many tributaries such as the Neckar, Main, Nahe, Lahn and Mosel. Along the route, the vast Rhine plains between the Palatinate Forest and Odenwald turn into the narrow and impressive Middle Rhine Valley between Rüdesheim and Koblenz. This idyllic land-

Route characteristics • A level route in the river valleys. • Bicycle path network throughout with appropriate sign posting on surfaced paths.

scape, with its mild, Mediterranean climate, has been an attractive destination for over

Parking in Speyer Free parking at hotel or public parking near hotel.

Individual single tour:

Train services Mannheim train station (InterCityExpress services), regional services to Speyer, taxi fare to the hotel approx. € 10.00; Koblenz train station (InterCity services), taxi fare to the station approx. € 10.00.


Return transfers between Koblenz & Speyer. Trains between Koblenz & Speyer depart every 30 mins., journey time approx. 2 to 2.5 hours, € 35.00 to € 45.00 per person incl. bike. Return transfer on our shuttle bus incl. bike, please pay on the day, reservations required, KoblenzSpeyer € 90.00 per person

Tour operator:

Further services e.g. rental bikes, single rooms or half-board can be booked as additional extras.

16 / 17

2,000 years. Few other regions boast such a wealth and variety of cultural treasures, and along our bike route it’s one highlight after another. The cathedral in the romantic medieval city of Speyer is followed by St. Peter’s Cathedral in Worms and St. Martin’s in Mainz.

7 days/6 nights - approx. 245 km: Speyer - Worms - Oppenheim - Maint - Rüdesheim - Koblenz

Individual single tour - Arrival: daily from April - October

Prices 7 days/8 nights: from E 498.00 Prices per person in a double room. (Additional nights in Speyer, Mainz and Koblenz possible.)

Tour includes • Overnight stay in selected hotels with 3-star rating or 3-star level • Breakfast buffet or large continental breakfast • For half-board options: 3-course dinner • Transfer of luggage from hotel to hotel • Optimum route planning + GPS-tracking • Detailed tour documents, route descriptions, tourist attractions, restaurant recommendations. Route characteristics • Level route in the Rhine Valley. • A gently hilly terrain in the vineyards, which can be easily handled by less experienced cyclists. • The selected routes are outside of built-up areas and away from traffic.

Hambach castle, Palatinate

Around Neustadt an der Weinstrasse A tour of the German Wine Route 3 Neustadt an der Weinstrasse - Speyer - Bad Dürkheim - Landau Each one-day excursion begins near the unofficial capital of German wine, Neustadt an der Weinstrasse, close to where the German wine queen is crowned. The countryside that you explore along the way has been shaped by human settlement for more than 2,000 years. The first destination is medieval Speyer with its UNESCO World Heritage cathedral, Jewish baths and Historical Museum of the Palatinate. Next is Bad Dürkheim, where you can marvel at the world’s largest wine barrel or, if you visit in September, attend the world’s largest wine festival. Other eye-catching stops along the route include the pretty little town of Freinsheim and the old French citadel, Landau. Individual single tour:

Parking in Neustadt Public, unsupervised parking spaces, free of charge or E 3.00 - 7.00 depending on selected hotel. Train stations Mannheim or Neustadt train station (InterCityExpress services), regional services to Neustadt an der Weinstrasse , taxi fare to the hotel approx. €15.00

– 7 days/6 nights - approx. 250 km: Neustadt/Weinstraße - Bad Dürkheim - Bad Bergzabern Speyer - Grünstadt - Landau - surrounding – 5 days/4 nights - approx. 150 km: Neustadt/Weinstraße - Bad Dürkheim - Speyer - Landau surrounding Dates: Individual single tour - Arrival: daily from April - October Tour operator:

Further services e.g. rental bikes, single rooms or half-board can be booked as additional extras.

Prices 7 days/6 nights: from E 398.00 5 days/4nights: from E 270.00 Prices per person in a double room. (Additional nights in Neustadt/Weinstraße possible.) Neustadt, Palatinate

Near Altenahr, Ahr Valley

Wine, culture and culinary pleasures What can be sweeter than a bouquet caressing

nean climate presents the perfect conditions not

Leading grape varieties of

the glass as its being poured? The best bouquet

just for wine grapes, but also for almond, fig and


in Germany is a product of premium grapes cul-

lemon trees. Rheinhessen, „the land of a thou-

tivated in the Rhine and Moselle regions, where

sand gentle hills“, has vineyards as far as the eye

Moselle-Saar: Riesling, Elbling

about 70% of German wines are produced. The

can see, with more than 26,000 hectares under

Middle Rhine Valley: Riesling,

flavours and the spirit of good taste are also

vine. Last but not least is the Romantic Rhine,

Müller-Thurgau, Pinot noir

reflected in the countless delicious specialties

the region of rieslings, where dramatic castles

served according to traditional recipes as well as

follow one after another high above the river.

Nahe: Pinot gris, Pinot blanc,

modern kitchen art. Try the wine and the com-

Wineries are the best places to enjoy the light,

Pinot noir, Riesling, Müller-Thurgau

plementary food directly from the vintners table

fruity and delicate wines grown in the excellent

Palatinate: Riesling, Müller-Thurgau,

and enchant your senses with tastes that have

Rhineland-Palatinate soil.

Pinot gris, Pinot blanc, Pinot noir,

been developed through generations in each

Read more about our wine holidays at

and every vineyard. The wine traditions go back

Ahr: Pinot noir, Portugieser, Pinot Noir Précoce

Rheinhessen: Sylvaner, Riesling, Pinot gris, Pinot blanc, Pinot noir

Dornfelder, Portugieser, Bukettsorten (Kerner, Scheurebe, Gewürztraminer)

to Roman times and secure the quality that can only be achieved through experience. Wine festivals, wine fairs and, of course, the wine tasting

Nordrhein-westfalen Bonn

itself, are all events not to be missed. Nordrhein-westfalen


Rhineland-Palatinate, impossible not to love,




Moselle Saar






Naheland Nahe


Edenkoben Flughafen Zweibrücken



Flörsheim-Dalsheim Zellertal Worms Frankenthal






Traben-Trarbach Bernkastel-Kues

part of Rhineland-Palatinate. A near mediterra18 / 19

Romantic Rhine

Flughafen Frankfurt-Hahn






sandwiched between the Hunsrück and Eifel

Palatinate, meanwhile, occupies the sunniest

Koblenz Mosel


Lahn Valley


Ahr Valley Ediger-Eller

the Moselle, whose sunny vine-clad slopes are

precious stones compete for your attention. The

Bad NeuenahrAhrweiler Ahr

cal rivers: the Ahr region up in the far north of

hills, and the Nahe, where splendid wines and




Three wine areas derive their names from lo-


Bad Dürkheim

Neustadt a. d. Weinstrasse Edesheim




PACKAGE includes • 2 overnight stays in a deluxe double room with buffet breakfast • Sekt sparkling wine on arrival • Vintner’s spread followed by wine tasting and cellar tour • 4-course gourmet dinner • ‘Vino-relax’ full-body massage • Unlimited use of the spa area with swimming pool and sauna

Not to be missed • Moselle Wine Museum & wine shop, Bernkastel-Kues • Moselle Music Festival • Eltz Castle • Imperial castle, Cochem • UNESCO World Heritage sites in Trier • Roman Roads scenic route, Straßen der Römer • ‘Underworld’ of Traben-Trarbach • Buddha-Museum at Traben-Trarbach

Kröv, Moselle

Jugendstilhotel Bellevue: An art nouveau gem in the Moselle Valley Around 1900, Traben-Trarbach was the second-largest wine-trading town in Europe. German film actor Heinz Rühmann is among those who have stayed at the ‘best hotel on the Moselle’. Prominent wine centre The picturesque twin towns of Traben and Trarbach on the left and right banks of the Moselle are nestled in an amphitheatre of hills clad with vines and woodland. The town’s superb art nouveau architecture is evidence of its heyday as Europe’s second-biggest wine-trading centre in the early 20th century. Once the haunt of celebrity guests When Jugendstilhotel Bellevue was built in 1903 it was known as the Hotel Clauss-Feist and it soon became the top hotel in the Moselle region. Early 20th century celebrities such as Baron von Thyssen and Heinz Rühmann were regular guests and now you too can stay in style on the banks of the Moselle. Rooms feature art nouveau furniture, the hotel has an elegant spa and its excellent Clauss-Feist restaurant serves fine cuisine. Enjoying wines in the places where they are made Learn everything about typical Moselle wine on the Traben-Trarbach Riesling Route. Or try a glass or two for yourself from the extensive wine list. Here you’ll find the best Moselle wines alongside selected varieties from the old and new worlds of wine. WineLand special Treat yourself to a vintner’s spread, wine tasting and cellar tour. Enjoy a ‘vino-relax’ full-body massage with warm grapeseed oil at the spa and a sumptuous four-course gourmet meal in the multi-award-winning Clauss-Feist restaurant. Tour operator: Mosellandtouristik GmbH

Prices Prices from E 299.00 Price per person for two nights in a double room.

PACKAGE includes • 2 overnight stays in a spacious double room and extensive breakfast buffet at the four-star superior Favorite Parkhotel in Mainz • Welcome drink • 1 five-glass wine tasting followed by a ‘vintner’s platter’ at the Weinbergshütte on the hotel’s Laubenheimer Höhe estate (including shuttle service) • 3-course meal of regional specialities with accompanying wines at the hotel’s Woitraub restaurant • Unlimited use of the Palm Beach pool and sauna area with a fitness zone and jacuzzi on the sun terrace offering panoramic views

Nierstein, Rheinhessen

Enjoy wine at the vineyard in Rheinhessen Set amid the idyllic municipal park in Mainz with views of the Rhine and the old quarter, the family-run four-star superior Favorite Parkhotel offers modern rooms, excellent food and a wide range of wellness facilities. A modern wine region with a sense of tradition A new generation of innovative winegrowers in Rheinhessen, Germany’s largest wine region, is producing dynamic, clearly structured and elegant wines. These fine wines, served together with traditional regional specialities, create a culinary experience to remember – Rheinhessen is a must for connoisseurs! Mainz – a wine and culture capital in Rhineland-Palatinate History, culture and winemaking are found at every turn in Mainz, one of Germany’s ‘Great Wine Capitals’.

Not to be missed • Walking the Trullo Trail • Worms Nibelung Festival • Culture and wine ambassadors • Speyer imperial cathedral • State Museum, Mainz • Chagall windows, Mainz • Cathedral and citadel, Mainz

Visit the thousand-year-old cathedral, the Gutenberg Museum and St. Stephen’s Church with stained glass windows designed by Marc Chagall, and afterwards treat yourself to a delicious meal in one of the many restaurants. Wine at the Laubenheimer Höhe estate Enjoy fine Rheinhessen wines and regional dishes in glorious surroundings. Visit Laubenheimer Höhe, the hotel’s own wine estate surrounded by vineyards just outside the city, and you’ll be rewarded with spectacular views of the ‘Rhine Terrace’.

Dates: all year round (bookable on request & subject to availability except during trade fairs & New Year’s Eve), arrival on any day

WineLand special The Weinbergshütte is located at the highest point in Mainz amid the vineyards of Rheinhessen. Here you’ll enjoy a wine-tasting with specially selected wines: the top 50 wines from Mainz and top 100 wines from Rheinhessen have been chosen for the wine list by panels of experts. You can expect a wine tasting experience of the highest quality. The restaurant menu is just as ambitious as the wine list, featuring rustic dishes from the Rheinhessen region. Tour operator: Rheinhessen-Touristik GmbH

Prices Prices from E 190.00 Price per person for two nights in a double room.

20 / 21

PACKAGE includes • 3 overnight stays in a deluxe double room with lavish breakfast at a World Heritage host’s hotel recommended by us • 2 gourmet meals with matching wines from the World Heritage Valley • World Heritage atlas • Rucksack packed with a selection of treats and a bottle of wine • Free use of bicycle • Riverboat cruise along the Loreley Valley

Near Kaub, Romantic Rhine

Middle Rhine Valley: Wine and World Heritage Is there a more famous valley than the Rhine? There is a reason why famous writers have enthused about its beauty over the centuries. Stories of hidden treasure and lovely Loreley The Rhine Valley is breathtakingly beautiful,

Not to be missed • Middle Rhine Music Festival • Arp Museum, Remagen • Loreley Visitors’ Centre • Ehrenbreitstein Fortress, Koblenz • Marksburg Castle, Braubach • Rheinfels Castle, St Goar • Villa Musica, Neuwied • Limes and Upper Middle Rhine Valley world heritage sites • RheinVokal concerts

shrouded in myth and legend, and rich in cultural history. No wonder UNESCO designated it a site of world heritage. Castles, stately homes, famous wine villages and prestigious vineyards line the valleys’ steep slate sides. Highly qualified hosts The ‘World Heritage hosts’ are experts in their home region and official ambassadors for the Upper Middle Rhine Valley. Information about castles, legends, places of interest and attractions is a given standard alongside the extensive range of highquality regional products used in their hotels and restaurants. Wine experience in the World Heritage Valley The Rhine Valley is famous for Riesling wine and for its Rhineland cheer. Pay a visit to wonderful wine festivals, or discover

This package is available at the following hotels Hotel Weinbergschlösschen, Oberheimbach Hotel Weinhaus Weiler, Oberwesel Weinhotel Landsknecht, St Goar Landgasthof Eiserner Ritter, Boppard Landgasthof Blücher, Dörscheid Landgasthof zum Weissen Schwanen, Braubach

the best vineyards by boat, such as the Bopparder Hamm, a giant loop in the Rhine whose banks are completely under vines. WineLand special Get to know the wines of the region over gourmet dinners on two evenings and enjoy a specially prepared rucksack picnic on a walk or cycling tour (bikes included). The highlight is a riverboat cruise through the Loreley Valley. Tour operator: Romantischer Rhein Tourismus GmbH

Prices Prices from E 315.00 Price per person for two nights in a double room.

Near Rotenfels, Naheland

Treat yourself to some time out IchZeit: Close your eyes, take a deep breath and

– such as progressive muscle relaxation, auto-

leave your worries behind – you’re a world away

genic training, tai chi and yoga – and excellent

from the hectic stress of everyday life. Take some

food and fine wines, guests are able to redis-

time out and pamper yourself. IchZeit packages

cover a more relaxed pace of life, feel a greater

are all about getting away from it all and finding a

sense of well-being and adopt a healthier life-

way to restore your inner harmony.

style in the long term.

Regeneration, wellness and relaxation have a long

The IchZeit philosophy is based on three pillars

tradition in Rhineland-Palatinate – even the Ro-

– slowing down, wellness and medical wellness

mans put their trust in the healing powers of na-

– that work in synergy and complement one an-

ture. Rhineland-Palatinate has so much to offer:

other. All the hotels and establishments comply

numerous spa resorts and thermal baths, volcanic

with the highest standards of quality in regards to

landscapes bearing precious health-promoting

facilities, service, amenities and location.

minerals, and romantic scenery of rivers, woodland and vineyards. The tranquil, unspoilt countryside

Read more about our health and wellness holidays

and countless cycling and walking trails are ideal


for leisurely exercise in the great outdoors. Quality criteria:

Thirty-one hotels across the region have teamed

1. At least three-star.

up under the IchZeit brand to ensure that a break

2. Rural, unspoilt location.

in Rhineland-Palatinate is an unforgettable expe-

3. Peaceful ambience to promote ­well-being.

rience of the highest quality. Their packages and

4. Informal, non-smoking restaurants.

services cater for the individual needs of each

5. Seasonal and regional cuisine.

and every guest with an emphasis on health

6. At least one quality management system.

and well-being. The holistic approach of exer-

7. At least one relaxation treatment on the list

cise, nutrition and relaxation programmes aims

approved by the Federal Association of German

to achieve or restore natural balance. Through


therapeutic massages and relaxation techniques

22 / 23


The wellness hotel in the Hunsrück hills – quality and ambiance The four-star BurgStadt hotel lies on the outskirts of Kastellaun, an old castle town in the Hunsrück hills. Set in idyllic surroundings, overlooking a lovingly restored townscape and offering a host of recreational and shopping opportunities, it is the ideal destination for a relaxing holiday. The privately-run hotel is suitable for a wide range of breaks, including holidays, mini-trips and seminars in the BurgStadt business centre. The hotel has 59 rooms with international satellite TV, free Internet, minibar, safe and many other facilities. The 24 Comfort single rooms also have 2.1 m/7ft Frolexus beds, French balconies, 26“ LCD screens and air conditioning. In our restaurant, BurgStadt Esszimmer, our chef serves up freshly prepared regional specialities and delicious creations from his home city of Munich. Guests can enjoy Augustiner beer on draught, especially good when sampled on the beautiful garden terrace, and delicacies such as Münchener Schnitzel and homemade Obazder, a Bavarian cheese dish. Or if you‘re looking for peace and relaxation and travelling by caravan or camper van, look no further than the BurgStadt CampingPark above the hotel with its quiet, well-maintained surroundings.

Distance to the cycle paths 0,1 km Schinderhannes-Radweg 0,1 km Hunsrück-Mosel-Radweg 25 km Rhein-Radweg

Rooms: 1 Holiday apartment Hotel facilities:

Distance to the trails 0,2 km Traumschleife BurgStadt-Pfad 9 km Masdascher Burgherrenweg 8 km Traumschleife Baybachklamm

BurgStadt-Hotel F5 Südstraße 34 56288 Kastellaun/Hunsrück Tel.: +49 (0)6762/4080-0 Fax: +49 (0)6762/4080-100 e-mail:

Hotel schloss Engers ««««

Price: € 60.00 (per person in a double room with full board) Group rates (20 people or more) from € 50.00

Culture and fine food at Schloss Engers on the Rhine The chateau on the banks of the Rhine was originally built as a hunting lodge by Johann Philipp von Walderdorff, the Archbishop-Elector of Trier. The best artists of the Rococo period created an architectural jewel with magnificent state rooms in a beautiful setting. Today the castle hosts concerts and cultural events and is home to a hotel and restaurant, conference centre, museum and much more. The hotel consists of three buildings with a total of 50 rooms (4 single and 46 double): Schloss Engers (17 rooms), Gästehaus Schloss Engers (18 rooms) and the 4-star Residenz Schloss Engers (15 rooms) with a small sauna facility which is open to all guests. All three buildings are situated just a few minutes‘ walk apart. The extensive breakfast buffet is served in the historic vault restaurant in the castle, and in fine weather you can also eat outside on the Rhine Terrace. With a dedicated and experienced team, sophisticated dining, live music and creative decorations, any celebration is an unforgettable experience. The Rhine Terrace is the perfect place for a champagne reception or coffee and cakes, while the magnificent Garden Room makes an exquisite wedding venue. The historic restaurant can also be booked for private functions. Schloss Engers offers five conference rooms for between 2 and 80 guests. The hotel complex allows meetings and social events to be combined so that guests do not have to travel far in the evenings. Our evening programme ranges from dinner in the restaurant and wine tastings in the castle‘s historic vault restaurant to exclusive set menu evenings with theatre. And if you‘re looking for active or sporty team activities, we are well-connected with local providers.

Price: from € 50.00 Rooms:

Hotel facilities:

Schloss Engers Betriebs-GmbH D6 Alte Schlossstrasse 2 56566 Neuwied/Romantic Rhine Tel.: +49 (0)2622/9264-295 e-mail:

(per person in double room including breakfast)

weinhotel des Riesling zum grünen kranz «««S

In the heart of Rüdesheim‘s old quarter Zum Grünen Kranz, a hotel in the Rheingau specialising in active holidays, is the perfect destination for lovers of the great outdoors. As well as hiring out its own bicycles, the hotel manages a family-owned premium vineyard and a wine shop, which can organise various tours and wine-related activities for guests. A hotel for walkers and a certified stopping point on the Rheinsteig trail, the hotel provides superb catering, from a healthy-start breakfast buffet, and packed lunches to nutrition-packed gourmet dishes and fine wines in its restaurant and wine garden. With years of experience in the field of leisure, particularly cycling and walking tours, the hotel team provides guests with plenty of support and advice. Fine dining The Kranz kitchen serves fresh, regional and seasonal dishes, prepared according to traditional recipes and made from locally-sourced produce. The à la carte menu boasts a wide range of regional specialities, which are perfectly complemented by a selection of local riesling and pinot noir wines from the Upper Middle Rhine Valley, a UNESCO World Heritage site. Distance to the cycle paths 0,1 km Radwanderweg Hessen 0,5 km Europäischer Fernradweg - Mainz - Koblenz 1,2 km Nahetalradweg - Bad Kreuznach - Idar-Oberstein


Hotel facilities:

Distance to the trails 0,1 km Rheinsteig 4 km RheinBurgenWeg

Weinhotel des Riesling F7 Zum grünen Kranz Oberstraße 42-44 65385 Rüdesheim/Rheingau Tel.: +49 (0) 6722/48336 Fax: +49 (0) 6722/48195 e-mail:


Price: from € 37.90 (per person in a double room with full board) Group rates (20 people or more) from € 32,90

The ancient winegrowing town of Bingen am Rhein lies in the midst of vineyards and forests at the edge of the UNESCO World Heritage Site of the Upper Middle Rhine Valley, the jewel of the romantic Rhine. It is also uniquely situated at the meeting point of the four winegrowing areas of Rheinhessen, Nahe, Mittelrhein and Rheingau. This was the home of Hildegard of Bingen, one of the most influential women of the Middle Ages. Bingen celebrates the traditional Winzerfest between 30 August and 9 September. This 11-day celebration is the longest wine festival on the Rhine. On the last weekend in June, the three-day international jazz festival makes Bingen a magnet for jazz and swing fans. Bingen is the start or end point for the Rhine Castles Trail, the Soonwaldsteig Trail and the Nahe Cycle Route, and the Rhine Cycle Route also passes through the town. This makes Bingen a popular destination for hikers and cyclists. Guided tour: 2000 Years of History at the Confluence of the Rhine and the Nahe E 65.00 for groups of up to 30 people; foreign-language tours E 10.00 extra Guided tour: In the Footsteps of Hildegard of Bingen E 65 for groups of up to 30 people Wine tastings from E 10.00 per person for groups of 10 or more Vineyard tour by tractor including wine tasting and buffet E 45 per person for groups of 10 or more Vineyard walk with wine tasting and buffet E 37.00 per person Accommodation in 2-star plus hotel Group price E 40.00 per person in double room

Tourist Information F6 Rheinkai 21 55411 Bingen/Romantic Rhine Tel.: +49 (0)6721/184-205 and -206 e-mail:

24 / 25

Prices and packages on request

bad Ems

Bad Ems - the Emperor‘s Spa The imperial spa town of Bad Ems has one of the richest spa traditions in Europe. It is situated in one of Germany‘s most attractive holiday regions. In the 19th century the cosmopolitan spa welcomed emperors, tsars, kings, artists and scholars. The list of eminent guests included Kaiser Wilhelm I, Tsar Alexander II, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Richard Wagner, Jacques Offenbach, Victor Hugo and Goethe. Today, Bad Ems continues to delight visitors with its many sights such as the baroque Badeschloss (now the Grandhotel), Germany‘s oldest casino and the Roman Limes, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The town attracts visitors from many countries, who come to enjoy the outstanding health and wellness facilities and outdoor activities. Specialist spa clinics and Europe‘s leading Ayurveda clinic provide a wide range of treatments. Since 2012 Bad Ems has also been home to one of the most modern and attractive thermal spas in Germany. For those who like to be active on holiday there are plenty of sports activities, including watersports, walking, cycling, mountain biking and golf. Bad Ems is also famous for Germany‘s biggest flower parade, held in late August, which attracts tens of thousands of visitors every year. Highlights: Cruises on the River Lahn; raft trip with buffet, music and dancing; trip on the Kaiserbahn (excursion road train); trip on the Kurwaldbahn (one of the steepest funicular railways in the world); themed city tours in various languages; guided walks on the Lahnwanderweg; guided cycle tours on the Lahntalradweg; wine tastings with winegrowers; visit to flower parade with accompanying programme; complete packages including accommodation, e.g. with visit to thermal spa and wellness treatments. Distance to the trails 0,1 km Lahnwanderweg 0,1 km Jakobsweg 11 km Rheinsteig

Distance to the cycle paths 0,1 km Lahntalradweg 10 km Rhein-Radweg Stadt- und Touristikmarketing Bad Ems e.V. Bahnhofplatz 1 56130 Bad Ems/Lahn Valley Tel.: +49 (0)2603/9415-0 Fax: +49 (0)2603/9415-60 e-mail:

Prices and packages on request


Wein- und Ferienregion Bernkastel-Kues

Ferienland Bernkastel-Kues - Get more at the Moselle The holiday region Bernkastel-Kues has plenty to offer in its four regions: the charming Moselle villages, the town Bernkastel-Kues, a county and the scenic Moselle-Hunsrück. Whether you are interested in culture, fine food and wine, cycling or pure relaxation - let us tell you more about the holiday region where you get more: The remarkable half-timbered houses attract visitors from all over the world to the old town. The historic market square, the famous “Pointed House“, Karlovy Square and the picturesque narrow lanes contribute to BernkastelKues‘ unique flair. One of the best ways to learn about the town‘s history is by taking a guided tour. No visit to the Moselle would be complete without savouring the excellent wines. The exquisite Riesling wines made German wine world-famous. One of the highlights of any trip to the Moselle is a visit of one of the wine and street festivals, which reflect the convivial way of life of the local population, the “Moselaner”. The holiday region is ideal for cyclists: whether you are a leisure cyclist or more ambitious, the possibilities are endless. The network of cycle paths alongside Moselle is extensive and mostly flat. The Moselle-Maare cycle path takes you through the volcanic landscape of the Eifel into the Moselle Valley. If you prefer a more challenging route take a tour of Hunsrück by mountain bike. Wine Lover‘s Tour in the Holiday Region of Bernkastel-Kues Services: · 2 nights‘ accommodation with breakfast · 2 evening meals as part of half-board · 1 scenic train ride to Fierskapelle · 1 guided walk through the vineyards · 1 wine tasting with expert guidance · 1 “vintner‘s snack” in the vineyards · 1 guided tour of the medieval old town of Bernkastel · 1 boat tour starting / ending in Bernkastel-Kues Wein- und Ferienregion Bernkastel-Kues GmbH Gestade 6 54470 Bernkastel-Kues/Moselle Tel.: +49 (0)6531/50019-0 Fax: +49 (0)6531/50019-19 e-mail:


Prices per person: starting from € 169.00 Booking: depending on availability, between Easter and end of October Minimum number of participants: 10 persons Registration: at least two weeks prior to departure


Holiday region of Cochem/Moselle For active holidays - Anything but ordinary! With its imposing castles, beautiful vineyards and picturesque villages, the area around Cochem an der Mosel has a fairytale quality. It‘s a paradise for holidaymakers who like walking, good wine, and a wealth of culture. The epitome of the romantic Moselle is Cochem, a small town with barely 5000 inhabitants, which is first recorded in 886 as ‚Villa cuchema‘. If you stroll through the historic old town and climb the steep path to the Reichsburg, you‘ll be rewarded with panoramic views of the Moselle Valley. You can then go on an unforgettable journey through time with a guided tour of the castle (March to November) followed by a medieval banquet in the historic cellar. Enchanting views can also be enjoyed from the Apollorundweg trail in Valwig (approx. 2 1/2 hours), which takes its name from the many Apollo butterflies. Another jewel is the attractive Beilstein, used as a location for many German films (such as Der Schinderhannes starring Curt Jürgens). Known as the ‚Sleeping Beauty‘ of the Moselle, with its market square, the Klosterkirche and Metternich Castle, it makes the perfect fairytale ending to a holiday.

Distance from walking routes: 0,1 km Moselsteig 0,1 km Mosel-Höhenweg 0,1 km Mosel.Erlebnis.Route

Distance from cycle routes: 0,05 km Mosel-Radweg

More information about holidays in the Cochem/Moselle region is available from the tourist information office. Visit us on Facebook!

Prices and packages on request

Ferienland Cochem E5 Endertplatz 1 56812 Cochem/Moselle Tel.: +49 (0)2671/600-40 e-mail:

Mosel-treffpunkt traben-trarbach

Nestled in a unique landscape of river and vineyards, the twin towns of Traben and Trarbach are situated on the left and right banks of the Middle Moselle with a unique three-mile riverside promenade. The forest and vineyards gather round the two halves of the town like a vine-covered amphitheatre. Associated with winegrowing and the wine trade since time immemorial, in the 19th and 20th centuries Traben-Trarbach was the world‘s most important wine-trading town after Bordeaux. Its importance is shown by the magnificent art nouveau buildings in the town. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, cosmopolitan wine merchants built a wealth of structures in the art nouveau and Belle Epoque style. The town is also home to historic landmarks such as the Bridge Gate, the ruins of Grevenburg Castle and the once mighty fortress of Mont Royal. And for visitors hungry for more history and culture, Trarbach is home to the Museum of the Middle Moselle, the Haus der Ikonen, the bicycle museum and the Buddha museum. Of course, no visit would be complete without the world-famous Moselle wines. There are wine tastings, wine festivals, vineyard tours, cellar tours all year round as well as the Moselle Wein-Nachts-Markt, a Christmas market with a distinctive wine flavour. Distance to the trails 0,1 km Mosel-Camino 0,1 km Mosel-Wandersteig 0,1 km Mosel-Höhenweg

Distance to the cycle paths 0,1 km Mosel-Radweg 0,1 km Mosel-Höhenweg

Prices available upon request Mosel-Treffpunkt Traben-Trarbach Am Bahnhof 5 56841 Traben-Trarbach/Moselle Tel.: +49 (0)6541/8398-0 Fax: +49 (0)6541/8398-39 e-mail:

26 / 27


Group rates on request

Bingen-RüdesheimeR bingen-rüdesheimer LORELEYCRUISES – Routes

We would like to invite you to enjoy a special experience on one of our 5 comfortable touring ships Trips to thehave Loreley which a capacity to accommodate over 3000 guests daily. We offer trips along the most scenic part of the Rhine valley called the middle Rhine, which goes from Bingen and Rüdesheim A cruise onpassing one of Assmannshausen, these five, well-appointed pleasure a special experience. boats can carry more Bacharach, Kaub, boats to the is famous Loreley Rock andThe ends at the picturthan 3,000esque passengers and offer tours along the loveliest stretch of the river Rhine: the Middle Rhine towns of goar and st. goarshausen.

Valley. Tours depart from Bingen and Rüdesheim and sail past Assmanshausen, Bacharach, Kaub and the The Bingen-Rüdesheimer and its fleet: Our fleet have the following names - „mFs germania“, famous Loreley rock to the small, scenic towns of St. Goar and St. Goarshausen. „mFs Vater Rhein“, „mFs ehrenfels“, „mFs Bingen“ and are well known on the Rhine river. since

The fleet the millennium we have a modern member of the fleet „mFs Rhenus“. We are very proud of The boats MFS MFS Vater Rhein, MFSthe Ehrenfels and MFStechnology Bingen are aand familiar sight on the Rhine. MFS this Germania, newly built ship, which boasts most modern extreme comfort! Rhenus is a new addition to the fleet: a modern boat equipped with the latest technology and luxuriously fitted out. Catering & Culinary at the Bingen-Rüdesheimer: Our on board restaurants cater for guests on The boats‘ on-board restaurants offer a range of snacks and meals during all trips, as well as a wide variety of drinks, all trips with a variety of offers from snacks to full meals and a fully equipped bar with every including regional wines. kind of drink available. Regional wines on offer.

Special offers Special offers: during the summer children (accompanied by their parents) can travel for 4,– eUR. During the summer, children accompanied by their parents can travel for E 5.00. Pensioners aged 60+ receive a Our pensioners can benefit from a special eUR-price offer on mondays and Fridays to discover the 30% discount every day. School children and students can obtain a 50 % discount upon presentation of valid school Loreley Valley. Pupils and students with a valid id receive a 50% reduction in price. Furthermore, or university ID. In addition, passengers celebrating their birthdays receive a free ticket, valid on all the boats. Coach newly weeds and guests celebrating their birthday, travel absolutely free of charge on all ships! For groups get a reduction of up to 30 % on standard fares, as well as attractively priced meal deals on board. River bus groups we offer up to 30% reduction on regular rates while our on board restaurants also have tours through the Upper Middle Rhine Valley, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, are offered three times a day and special menus on offer. Our LOReLeY CRUises to st. goar start in Rüdesheim from gate 8 at 9:15 am, last for two hours, one way. A round trip takes four hours. Boarding points are at Bingen/Rüdesheim or St. Goar/ 11:00 am and 02:00 pm and in Bingen from gate 4 at 11:00 am, 02:10 pm and 04:10 pm. St. Goarshausen. From April to October (summer timetable), the boats sail from Rüdesheim at 9.15am, 11am and The theme “moonshine, Wine and Wave gliders” describes our evening cruises; starting in Bingen 2pm, and from St. Goar at 11am, 2.10pm and 4.10pm. From November to March, trips are available upon request. between 7:35 pm and 10:45 pm and starting from Rüdesheim from 08:00 pm – 11:00 pm. We Fare depends on route. Special net prices for tour operators. would like to welcome you on board! Price start from 8,80 eUR (for tour operators booking in advance).

Price: Prices depending on itinerary. 14,00* € (12.00 £*)

Bingen-Rüdesheimer Bingen-Rüdesheimer F7 Fähr- und Schiffahrtsgesellschaft eG Fähr- und Schiffahrtgesellschaft eG Rheinkai 10Rheinkai 10 55411 Bingen Rhine 55411 Bingen/Romantic Tel.:(0)6721/14140 +49 6721 14140 Tel.: +49 Fax:(0)6721/17398 +49 6721 17398 Fax: +49 e-mail: e-mail:

KD German rhine Line

Special net rates for tour operators. Net price per ride

We offer up to 30% reduction for groups.

The largest and most modern fleet on the Rhine, Main and Moselle

KD german Rhine line KD (Köln-Düsseldorfer Deutsche rheinschiffahrt aG) is the market leader in river cruising on

the rhine and the most experienced river cruise company in the world, founded in 1826.

A fresh wind on board

KD’s fleet: Today, KD`s excursion fleet of 14 ships conquers the most beautiful destinations on the

KD‘s wide rhine, range moselle of excursion ideasKD onisthe Main and Moselle and main. the Rhine, only shipping company with a scheduled service along the „Cast off!“ entire KD‘s rhine latest between programme reads like a guidebook thefirst-class best thecomfort Rhine, and Mainareand Mosellefor have Cologne and mainz. The shipsof offer all suitable to offer, combining scenery, culture and high-quality events. KD‘s range of excursions is all the inspiration disabled passengers. Whether nostalgic or modern, the KD fleet meets every requirement. you need for a short break. KD’s tours and offers: KD is the only shipping company with several daily services along the whole

There‘s something for everyone, from families those who culture, activity andand festivals. The choice of the stretch of the rhine listed in theto UneSCO Worldlove Cultural heritage Sites offers more of routes and events is as varied as the landscapes and towns that the comfortable white ships ofCastle the fleet than 160 possibilities of boarding or disembarking daily. Take your choice from Loreley Tours, pass by. When it comes to leaving everyday life behind, KD have been the experts for over 187 years. Tours, KD’s nostalgia route on board the extraordinary paddle wheel ship Goethe or excursions into the “Siebengebirge” (Seven mountains) to discover the highlights of the oldest cultural landscape

Cruises and culturealongside the scheduled trips taking place from the beginning of april to the end of in europe. With KD you can cruise with a cultural experience. It is the only cruise operator sail several October,combine KD offersanumerous special trips: panorama cruises in Cologne, Düsseldorf andtoFrankfurt, times a dayentertaining up and down the whole UNESCO World Heritage Site of the Middle Rhine. Whether you want round trips, musical event trips with plenty of dancing and a colourful entertainment to see the Loreley Rock, explore to castles, try the firework KD nostalgia route with the Goethe, or take triprhine, to the programme, excursions the romantic displays or the Christmas markets alongathe Siebengebirge, the choice is and widechildren‘s and flexible. plus fairy-tale trips parties for the younger guests. For tour operators offers attractive deals, freeon seats for guides, special deals including CulinaryKD & specials at the KD:special in the restaurants KD ships your clients canpackage enjoy typical German a ship tour specialities and group and menu, usefultopromotional find out more, request of the will and be invited choose frommaterial. our greatTo variety. For groups KD offersaacopy number of KD tour operator‘s catalogue, which includes all offers and plenty of useful tips andaninformation. very popular special group packages combining a scheduled cruise with excellent menu on board. Specials: Tuesday and Thursday are Bicycle Days at KD, which means that 2 cyclists need to buy only

Visit us on one Facebook! ticket (single journeys only). Outstanding special in 2011 is the KD BUGa package. it includes the cruise to / from Koblenz and the entrance fee for the the Federal horticultural Show Koblenz 2011.

KD Köln-Düsseldorfer A4 KD German Rhine Deutsche Rheinschiffahrt AG Line Frankenwerft 35 Frankenwerft 35 50667 Köln50667 Köln Tel.:(0)221/2088-405 +49 221 / 2088 405 Tel.: +49 Fax:(0)221/2088 +49 221 403 / 2088 403 Fax: +49 e-mail: e-mail:

Price: Prices depending on itinerary.

Depending on itinerary, special

netforrates for tour operators Special rates tour operators.

birkenhof-distillery gmbh

New traditions in old barrels make for a smooth blend The Birkenhof distillery is a traditional grain distillery that has been run by the same family since 1848. In 1999, it was expanded to include a fruit still and now distils liqueurs from various German beers, herbs such as basil and sage, vegetables such as carrots and beetroot and even bread, as well as fruit. The classic schnapps varieties, pear, plum, kirsch and apple, are also distilled on site, as are several whiskies. Awards 2012: Numerous gold medals for individual products, “Prize of the Best” from the German Agricultural Society (DLG), and the highly coveted “State Honor Award” from the Rhineland-Palatinate Agricultural Chamber. Programme of activities The distillery offers a tour that gives visitors the chance to take a detailed look around the distillery, including a tour of the grain and fruit stills. On this tour, visitors learn the differences between the two types of still and get to see a variety of distilling equipment and techniques. They also have the opportunity to taste a range of liqueurs, fruit brandies and specialities from the Westerwald region. At gourmet evenings, guests are given a brief, however also informative tour as well as an aromatic excursion before being served with a range of delicacies, including the finest fruit and grain distillates together with delicious cheeses, handmade luxury chocolates, tasty ham and sumptuous terrines. Truly an evening of epicurean delights! As well as organised tours, the distillery is happy to arrange activities for individual groups, including the Distiller‘s Olympics, where groups have to complete a series of small tasks (aromatic and other sensory tests, measuring grain volumes, aspirating and measuring off, etc.). Small groups of 10 people are welcomed just as readily as groups of 80 persons or more.

Offer: Connoisseurs evening Birkenhof-Distillery GmbH C7 Auf dem Birkenhof 57647 Nistertal/Westerwald Tel.: +49 (0)2661/982040 Fax: +49 (0)2661/9820411 e-mail:

Mahlberg, Westerwald 28 / 29

€ 30.00 (afternoons also possible)

Offer: Distillery tour € 5.50


Festivals, wine tastings and modern wine architecture The exquisite wine traditions of Rhineland-Palatinate are well appreciated amongst wine lovers around the world. The traditional wine festivals in autumn are highlights not to be missed. Several wine tastings are offered by winemakers throughout the region, and visitors have the option to stay at the vineyard and work with the winemaker to learn more about wine production itself. The popular subject of wine architecture is well represented in the region with numerous award-winning venues, perfect for wine tastings in exceptional surroundings.

Eltz castle, Moselle-Saar

Highlights 1 UNESCO World Heritage treasures Rhineland-Palatinate is a treasure chest filled with historical places and UNESCO World Heritage Sites, including Speyer Cathedral, a number of Roman monuments, most of them situated in Trier, the romantic Upper Middle Rhine Valley, with its unique concentration of castles and palaces, and, last but not least, parts of the Roman, Upper Germanic-Rhaetian borderline, known as Limes. 2 Historical fairytale castles, palaces and fortresses Walls full of tales and an undeniably magical atmosphere work together to make a visit to one of the many castles and palaces of the region an exceptional experience. Some grand examples include the Trifels Castle, which was the former prison of King Richard the Lionheart, the Reichsburg Castle at Cochem and the Eltz Castle, which is hidden mysteriously in the forest. Also worth mentioning are the Manderscheider Castles and their dramatic past, the noble Ehrenbreitstein Fortress in Koblenz and the medieval Marksburg Castle; the only castle in the Middle Rhine that has never been destroyed. 3 Legendary Rhine & Moselle cruises The renowned route from Koblenz to Bingen is one of the most beautiful parts of the Rhine River. Once experienced, such a tour, with the riverboat passing steep cliffs, vineyards, romantic castles and cozy villages, will never be forgotten. A truly magical cruise is the winter cruise, which takes visitors from one traditional Christmas market to the next. There are various starting points for the river cruises, mostly departing on a daily basis in the summer season.

5 Action at the “Green Hell” Nürburgring The extension of the spectacular racetrack Nürburgring, with its well-known “Nordschleife”, turned the venue into a year-round family attraction with features suitable for all generations. Apart from the popular Formula 1, Oldtimer races and other events, the fascination of motorsports can also be experienced in the interactive amusement park “ring°werk“. One can also enjoy the latest movies in the „ring°kino”. Heart palpitation, action, highspeed entertainment and educational events – this is the new Nürburgring!

6 Dreamlike landscapes and almond tree blossoms Rhineland-Palatinate captivates with its beautiful nature. Full of constrasts, the region boasts both volcanic cones and crater lakes in the Eifel, which testify to once-conflagrant times, as well as a veritable Garden of Eden in the Palatinate, with almond trees of astounding beauty when they blossom during spring, as well as lemons and oleander, which all thrive due to the mild climate. Networks of long distance hiking trails and the so-called „Dream Routes” (nature-orientated circuit trips), as well as a number of well-marked biking trails make it possible to discover these manifold landscapes in an active way. 7 Traditional spas with regional grape seed specialities Rhineland-Palatinate looks back on centuries of health and spa traditions thanks to the Romans, who made use of the curative forces of the local nature. The various health resorts, the beneficial mineral and thermal springs and the luxurious spas offer the perfect surroundings for a break from everyday life. Applications like a peeling mask with grape seeds, a massage with grape seed oil or the “Eifelkräuterfango”, only available in the Ahr Valley, are just a few examples of the beauty secrets of the region. Package deals: Walk from the Moselle to the Saar loop Discover the Saar-Hunsrück-Steig! Hike alongside the vineyards of the Moselle to the symbol of the Saarland. The first stages of the Saar-Hunsrück-Steig are full of delights, with intertwined forest paths, bright orchards, romantic little valleys and seemingly endless rows of vines. You can stop at the many vineyards and a fully reconstructed Roman villa complete with Roman tavern. What‘s included: • 3 nights‘ accommodation with breakfast at different hotels • Walking map • Admission to Borg Roman Villa Archaeology Park Price per person in double room from

E 138.00

Saar-Alsace cycle tour from Trier to Strasbourg A cross-border cycle tour along the Saar loop and the French canals. This flat and family-friendly tour starts in the Roman city of Trier. The route follows excellent cycle paths along the banks of the Saar and Moselle, the Saar-Kohle canal and the Rhine-Marne canal to the UNESCO World Heritage Site city of Strasbourg. Highlights of the tour: Porta Nigra in Trier, Saarburg, the Saar loop, Villeroy & Boch in Mettlach, Völklingen Ironworks (World Heritage Site), baroque Saarbrücken and Saarlouis, the boat lift in Arzviller and the medieval old town of Strasbourg. What‘s included: • 6 nights‘ accommodation with breakfast at selected hotels • Cycling map Price per person in double room from

30 / 31

E 297.00

Tourismus Zentrale Saarland GmbH I3 Franz-Josef-Röder Straße 17 66119 Saarbrücken/Saarland Tel.: +49 (0)681/927200 Fax: +49 (0)681/9272040 e-mail:

UNESCO World Heritage Völklingen Ironworks

The Saarland Small on size, big on adventure

Ludwigskirche church, Saarbrücken

The Saarland, nestled between France, Luxembourg and Rhineland-Palatinate, may be small but it offers a wide range of activities and experiences. The region has many excursion destinations, including the UNESCO World Heritage Site of the Völklingen Ironworks and the Saar loop with Villeroy & Boch, a highquality network of walking and cycling routes, good food, warm hospitality and value for money. Culinary delights The cooking of the Saarland, with its French influences, is a very special experience. Few places can offer such culinary variety, from typical local dishes to superior gastronomy, from beer brewing to winegrowing. The Saarlanders love their food, and there are plenty of festivals all year round such as Lamb Week in Bliesgau and the watersports festival Saar-Spektakel. Outstanding cycling and walking The varied flora and fauna can be discovered on foot or by bike. For walkers there are over 60 premium trails such as the Saar-Hunsrück-Steig and the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve of Bliesgau. If you‘re cycling you can choose your level of activity, from gentle routes along the Saar, the Moselle and the Blies or across the border into France or Luxembourg, or for more of a challenge, the vineyards and the heights of the Hochwald. The Saarland has everything you could want for leisure cycling, multi-day trips and more challenging cycling. Urban life & shopping The best way to experience the special charm of the Saarland is on a stroll through one of its towns. There are plenty of inviting cafés and excellent shopping streets and malls. If you‘re looking for something special, the regional capital of Saarbrücken offers a range of shops and boutiques around St. Johanner Markt and in the new Europagalerie. The historic Mettlach, home to the headquarters of Villeroy & Boch complete with outlet centre and the outlet centres in Zweibrücken and Wadgassen, offering designer and top-quality goods at irresistible prices, are also worth a visit. Days out for families The Saarland has plenty for grown-ups and kids alike, from pure relaxation at the Saarland Therme spa to the sports craze of football golf and an unforgettable experience for the whole family at Bostalsee Leisure Park. And best of all, the FreizeitCARD | CARTE Loisirs gives you free admission to over 200 leisure and cultural attractions in the Saarland, Rhineland-Palatinate, Luxembourg, Lorraine, east Belgium and Wallonia! Hidden cultural gems There are plenty of cultural events and attractions too, from ancient and medieval monuments such as the Borg Roman Villa and the UNESCO World Heritage Site of the Völklingen Ironworks to geological attractions like GONDWANA - Das Praehistorium and numerous theatrical performances and festivals.

Lake Bostalsee

Gondwana – Das Praehistorium














Lahn Valley Nistertal


Ahr Valley

Maria Laach

D Braubach


St. Goarshausen Zell



Wittlich -








I Germersheim

J Schweigen-Rechtenbach



How to get there If you‘re flying from the UK, Ireland or Scandinavia, Frankfurt-Hahn airport is an ideal arrival point for exploring Rhineland-Palatinate. You could hire a car from the airport, or there are regular bus services to many towns. Alternatively, take the car ferry and drive your own car through northern Germany or Belgium. The A61 autobahn cuts through Rhineland-Palatinate, from Bad Neuenahr in the north to Speyer in the south. InterCityExpress, InterCity and EuroCity trains call at all the larger towns in the region and there is an extensive network of regional train services. Detailed travel information is available online at


Bremerhaven Hamburg








Koblenz Trier

Frankfurt Mainz



F Rhineland-Palatinate Paris

Locations of Rhineland-Palatinate partners Group trip (page 4/5)


32 / 33




Travel agency conditions for 2013/2014

Rheinland-Pfalz Tourismus GmbH (RPT) works with tour operators / providers and is only an agent for the offers and packages described in this brochure. If you are interested in one of these hotels or offers, please contact the market representative for Rheinland-Pfalz Tourismus GmbH: TourComm Germany GmbH & Co. KG (contact details below). This company will notify the provider of your enquiry and will be happy to put you in direct contact with the provider. Other details, such as fees, quotas and cancellation conditions, are agreed directly with the provider. Bookings are made directly with the provider. Prices for 2014 are subject to change.

On behalf of RPT TourComm Germany Contact person: Charlotte Jakobsen Tel.: +49 (0)6201/6020821

Signs and symbols Room facilities

Hotel facilities



Additionell Wellness Facilities



Handicapped accessible



Free car parking



Free coach parking


Fitness facilities

Internet access

All prices per person/night incl. breakfast and VAT. Prices are subject to availability and may Pool vary according to season and category.

Service Quality in Rhineland-Palatinate Accommodations with special focus on service quality following a nationwide standard.

Accommodations providing cycle-friendly facilities & services.

Accommodations providing hiker-friendly facilities & services.

Published by: Rheinland-Pfalz Tourismus GmbH, Löhrstrasse 103-105, 56068 Koblenz, Germany Produced by: shapefruit AG, Bad Neuenahr, Germany Photos: Unless indicated otherwise: Rheinland-Pfalz Tourismus GmbH, private suppliers and municipal authorities, Rhineland-Palatinate regional tourism offices, UNESCO Weltkulturerbe Völklinger Hütte/G. Kassner, Tourismus Zentrale Saarland All dates and prices are correct at the time of printing. We cannot take responsibility for any subsequent changes.


Rhineland-Palatinate T O U R I S T


Rheinland-Pfalz Tourismus GmbH LĂśhrstraĂ&#x;e 103-105 56068 Koblenz Germany Trade enquiries only: Representatives International Markets TourComm Germany GmbH & Co. KG Tel.: +49 (0)6201 60 208 21 Fax: +49 (0)6201 60 208 29

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