Appendix 12 members survey 2015

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Annex 12


MEMBERS SURVEY 2015 Welcome to the members’ survey 2015. We aim to conduct a full membership survey every second year, as part of our social accounts process. This is your chance to express your thoughts as a Shared Interest investor, and help to impact on our future decisions. We hope you find this survey thought provoking and enjoyable. We have included a glossary for your reference. If you are unable to answer a question or you would prefer not to, you may leave it blank. Please mark multiple choice answers clearly with an or number where appropriate. Please write clearly on the lines provided when answering ‘comment’ style questions. If you have any urgent comments or concerns, please contact the office by email at, telephone on 0191 2339102 or by post to Membership Survey, Shared Interest FREEPOST NT 1883, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 1BR If you are able to complete this survey online, this will help us to significantly reduce costs at the processing stage. To receive further instructions on how to do this, please send an email to with ‘ONLINE SURVEY REQUEST’ in the subject line. Please return your completed survey in the Freepost envelope provided. All responses must be received at the office no later than FRIDAY 28TH AUGUST 2015. The results of this survey will be published in the 2015 social accounts which are available online at

7. Is there anything that you would like to see more of in QR?


_________________________________________ _________________________________________

Our mission is to provide financial services and business support to make livelihoods and living standards better for people as they trade their way out of poverty. We work collaboratively and innovatively with those who share our commitment to fair and just trade. With a community of investors and the support of donors and volunteers, we seek to contribute to a world where justice is at the heart of fair trade finance.


We will conduct our business in a manner which reflects the principles of love, justice and stewardship. We will: • Work co-operatively with our members as we take and share risk • Value and engage our donors and supporters • Encourage the commitment, talents and energy of our staff in an environment of mutual respect • Work to recognised fair trade standards • Respect the diversity of different cultures • Place partnership at the heart of what we do

8. We are looking at ways we can decrease the amount of printed materials we send out to members. Would you prefer to receive a summary of the annual review with your January QR or receive the full printed document?

1. How do you receive your communication? Post Email 2. Do you understand the options that are available to you for receiving printed / email statements and documents? Please tick one box

Receive copy of the annual review in January Include a summary in January mailing 9. Are you interested to learn more about lending in a particular country? Please detail

Yes No

_________________________________________ _________________________________________

3. If you answered ‘No’, please detail what could be clearer.

10. Are you interested to learn more about lending to a particular Fairtrade product e.g. cocoa? Please detail

_________________________________________ _________________________________________




_________________________________________ The definitions here are our interpretation and written in the context of Shared Interest Society and Shared Interest Foundation. ambassadors

Board of Directors


Shared Interest Society members and some non-members donate their time and skills on a voluntary basis to help promote the work of the Society The directors are responsible for setting the strategy for Shared Interest and ensuring this is delivered within an appropriate risk framework The Shared Interest Council is made up of members, some of whom are elected and some are randomly selected. They represent the interest of investors, ensuring the Board sets a strategy that adheres to the mission and delivers this strategy to meet the expectations of you our members. (

ethical investment

Investing in organisations which operate with ethical credentials

fair trade

Businesses with formal registration under the Fairtrade label

financial return

Interest paid on investment

Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)

Regulator of the financial services industry in the UK


Our members are Shared Interest Society investors


Probability of financial loss or failure to meet stated objectives

social accounts

Our social accounts measure the social, environmental and economic impact of Shared Interest


4. Are you satisfied with the level of communication you receive from Shared Interest? You may tick more than one box

11. Have you ever read the social accounts? Please tick one box

I would like to receive less from Shared Interest I am happy with the frequency of statements and other documents I would like to receive more feedback about lending news I would like to receive more information about Shared Interest promotional activities in my region.

Yes No 12. Is there anything that you would like to read more about in social accounts? _________________________________________ _________________________________________ 13. Please rate the service you receive from the membership team: Please tick one box

5. How often do you read our quarterly newsletter, QR?

I rarely contact the membership team Very satisfied Quite satisfied Quite dissatisfied Please provide us with more detail:

Every Issue Most Issues Rarely Never 6. What do you like most about the content of QR? Please rate 1-3 in order of preference, where 1 = most preferred

_________________________________________ _________________________________________ Very dissatisfied Please provide us with more detail:

Lending news Our promotional activity in the UK Industry news – ethical investment, fair trade and co-operatives

_________________________________________ _________________________________________


14. Do you have access to the internet? Please tick one box

20. Do you find the content of our website useful? Please tick one box

Yes No

Very useful Fairly useful Indifferent Not useful

15. Do you use Social Media? You may tick more than one box

21. What else would you like to see on our website? Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Pinterest YouTube Other____________________________________

_________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________


16 What is your preferred form of communication? You may tick more than one box Email Telephone Letter All of the above

22. Which resources best provide you with a sense of our social impact? You may tick more than one box QR – lending stories Shared Interest social accounts Our website Our online media such as Facebook and Twitter Our impact films Meetings (including AGM or a regional event) Industry communications external to Shared Interest i.e. Fairtrade or ethical investment news

17. Are you registered for the Secure Area of our website? Please tick one box Yes No 18. If yes, which of the following would you like to manage online? You may tick more than one box

23. Please indicate your level of involvement with AGM attendance and voting: You may tick more than one box

Choose to receive information electronically, rather than by post Transfers and withdrawals Requesting forms Updating personal information

I attend AGMs where possible If I cannot attend an AGM it is usually due to distance / time / cost I submit postal votes where I cannot attend an AGM I have never been involved with an AGM or postal vote I have only recently joined Shared Interest and have not yet had chance to participate in the AGM or voting process

19. How often do you use our website? Please tick one box Regularly Occasionally Never

24. Do you understand the role of Council? Please tick one box Yes No Comment: _________________________________________ _________________________________________


25. Do you understand the role of the Board? Please tick one box Yes No Comment:

31. Which of the following phrase(s) best describes how you view your investment in Shared Interest?

_________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________

As part of your charitable giving Specifically as ethical investment Support for fair trade Support for a cooperative business

26. Please indicate your involvement in our democratic / governance structure: You may tick more than one box

32. How do you perceive the risk element of your Shared Interest investment? You may tick more than one box

I have not considered becoming a member of Council I have served on the Council I have applied for a place on Council I have served on the Shared Interest Board of Directors

Low risk given Shared Interest’s success to date Low risk given Shared Interest’s good ‘on the ground’ relationship with producers and fair trade businesses Medium risk – there is a possibility of risk with any investment High risk – because of the nature of lending to countries in the developing world High risk as Shared Interest is not regulated by the FCA.

27. If you were approached through random selection would you accept a place on Council? Please tick one box Yes No Maybe, if I knew more about what the role entailed

33. Would you like us to take more risks with some of our lending, if it meant positively impacting more smallholder producers in disadvantaged circumstances or regions? Please tick one box

28. Do you think Shared Interest should involve members more deeply in decision-making? Which of the following statements is closest to your own views? Please tick one box

Yes I would be prepared for Shared Interest to take much more risk I would be prepared for Shared Interest to take a little more risk Same risk as now I would like Shared Interest to take less risk

I think members should have the opportunity to be more involved in major policy decisions I am content with the current situation where the Board of Directors make the major decisions with oversight from the Council on behalf of the members

34. Hypothetically speaking, if we had to use members’ funds to write off customer debts, how much of your investment would you be prepared to lose? Please tick one box

29. Are there any specific changes you think we should make to encourage member participation? _________________________________________ _________________________________________

None at all Up to 10% 10%-25% 25%-50% 50% – 75% 75% - 100%

_________________________________________ 30. We would be interested to hear if you are a member of any other community benefit or cooperative societies: _________________________________________ _________________________________________




35. If this occurred, would you be prepared to reinvest into your account to return share capital to its original level? Please tick one box

39. How would you categorise yourself in regard to environmental issues? Please tick one box

Yes No Partially

Deeply interested Somewhat interested Not very interested

36 A large proportion of our payments are made to producers in other currencies. Due to exchange rate fluctuations and bank charges this is becoming increasingly costly. If we decided to create an investment opportunity in another currency would you be interested? Please tick one box

40 Please signify your response to the following statement – “Shared Interest should seek to use its lending to support customers who are wishing to improve management of environmental issues or generate alternative sources of income to replace those that may be lost due to environmental challenges.” Please tick one box

Yes, I would like to invest more funds Yes, I would move a sum from my exisitng account No, not at this time Unsure

Strongly agree Agree Neither agree or disagree Disagree Strongly disagree

37. Would you be interested in investing in a fixed term, fixed interest rate Bond, should one be offered? Please tick one box

41. Which of the following would you like to consider: Please tick all that apply

Yes, I would like to invest more funds Yes, I would move a sum from my exisitng account No, not at this time Unsure

Investing specifically designed to manage or adapt to environmental issues Learning more (through QR/website) about the sort of environmental issues faced by Shared Interest customers Seeking to reduce your own environmental footprint Other (please specify) _________________________________________ _________________________________________

38. With reference to our Mission and Values (located at the front of this survey); overall, how satisfied are you that we are utilising your investment to achieve the mission and values? Please tick one box Very satisfied Satisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Dissatisfied Don’t know Please provide us with more detail:



42. Are you aware of the activities of our sister charity Shared Interest Foundation? Please tick one box

_________________________________________ _________________________________________ Very dissatisfied Please provide us with more detail:

Yes No

_________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________


43. Have you donated money to Shared Interest Foundation recently? Please tick one box

Third Way Other____________________________________ Other online publications _________________________________________ _________________________________________

No In the last 1-2 years Last 2-3 years Longer Would consider in the future

48. What other membership or networking organisations are you involved with? _________________________________________ _________________________________________

44. Would Shared Interest Foundation be the type of charity you may consider donating to in the future?

49. What interests and hobbies do you have? _________________________________________ _________________________________________

Yes No

50. Have you attended an AGM?

45. If yes would any future donation be? In addition to my investment Instead of investing further

Yes No If yes how many ________


51. Have you attended a members event? Yes No

46. Please indicate your level of activity in the promotion of Shared Interest: Please tick one box

52. If offered, would you watch a live stream of the AGM via a computer? Yes No

I am registered as a Shared Interest ambassador/ volunteer I consider myself to be an active member I would be more active if I could commit more time I am not interested in becoming further involved at this stage

53. Where would you like to see future regional events? _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________

47. Which of these publications do you read: You may tick more than one box

54. What topics would you like to be discussed at future regional events?

Amnesty International The Ecologist The Economist New Internationalist Social Enterprise Magazine Practical Action New Statesman The Guardian The Times The Observer The Financial Times Big Issue Magazine The Friend

_________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________

55. What do you think we should be doing to encourage new members: _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________


56. What would encourage you to increase your investment? You may tick more than one box

60. Which of the following best describes your employment status? You may tick more than one box Full-time paid employment Part-time paid employment Self-employed Looking after family / home Volunteer Unemployed Student Retired Would rather not say

Financial return on investment More news and feedback from Shared Interest More democratic involvement with Shared Interest Would prefer not to comment on investing more at this stage Other (please specify) _________________________________________

57. Shared Interest currently offers 0.5% interest to help retain members in the Society. Which of the following best describes your view of this policy? Please tick one box

61. What is your current household income? Please tick one box Under £10,000 £10,000 - £19,999 £20,000 - £29,999 £30,000 - £39,999 £40,000 - £49,999 £50,000 - £74,999 £75,000 - £99,999 £100,000 - £150,000 Over £150,000 Would rather not say

Strongly agree Agree Indifferent Disagree Strongly disagree Comment: _________________________________________

62. Which of the following best describes your faith? Please tick one box

58. How much do you have invested in Shared Interest? £100-£999.99 £1000 - £4999.99 £5000 - £9999.99 £10,000 - £14999.99 £15000 + Would rather not say

No religion Christian (of all denominations) Buddhist Hindu Jewish Muslim Sikh Other____________________________________ Would rather not say

DEMOGRAPHICS 59. What age group are you in? Please tick one box

63. Gender: Male Female Would rather not say

16-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 75-84 85+ Would rather not say

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey, your opinions are very important to us.


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