Appendix 6 producer online survey

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Annex 6

Shared Interest Survey 2015 1. General information

1. General Information Name Company City/Town Country Email Address

Shared Interest Survey 2015 2. General information continued...

1. How many groups of farmers / artisans are members of your organisation?

2. How many individuals make up those groups?


3. Of those individuals, how many are women?

4. How many people do you currently employ?

5. Of those employees, how many are women?

6. What is your local currency?

7. In local currency please state your revenue earned at your last financial year end.

8. If applicable, how many hectares of land are cultivated by your organisation and its members?

9. If applicable, in the last 12 months how many kg did you export?

10. Of this how much was exported as fair trade?

11. In local currency, on average how much was paid per kg?

12. How many fair trade buyers did you deal with in the last 12 months?

Shared Interest Survey 2015


3. Involvement in fair trade

1. On a scale of 1 to 5 with 1 being agree and 5 being disagree please rate the following statements 1. Agree




5. Disagree

I have seen an increase in sales through being involved in fair trade My business would be sustainable if I was not involved in fair trade The farmers / artisans have seen an improvement in their quality of life as a result of being part of a fair trade organisation

Shared Interest Survey 2015 4. Internal challenges


1. On a scale of 1 to 5 with 1 being agree and 5 being disagree please rate the following statements 1. Agree




5. Disagree

Our cooperative has open and transparent board meetings with an open opportunity for engagement Our cooperative operates a clear hierarchical structure We need to be clearer about how the premium is spent We need to improve our management so that we can better manage our cooperative finances

Shared Interest Survey 2015 5. External challenges

1. On a scale of 1 to 5 with 1 being highly challenged and 5 being not challenged please rate how much your organisation is challenged in the following areas 1. Highly challenged




5. Not challenged

Market prices Finding buyers Accessing finance Climate change Pests and disease


Shared Interest Survey 2015 6. Working with Shared Interest

MISSION Our mission is to provide financial services and business support to make livelihoods and living standards better for people as they trade their way out of poverty. We work collaboratively and innovatively with those who share our commitment to fair and just trade. With a community of investors and the support of donors and volunteers, we seek to contribute to a world where justice is at the heart of fair trade finance.

VALUES We will conduct our business in a manner which reflects the principles of love, justice and stewardship. We will: ·

Work co-operatively with our members as we take and share risk


Value and engage our donors and supporters

· Encourage the commitment, talents and energy of our staff in an environment of mutual respect ·

Work to recognised fair trade standards


Respect the diversity of different cultures


Place partnership at the heart of what we do


1. On a scale of 1 to 5 with 1 being agree and 5 being disagree please rate the following statements 1. Agree




5. Disagree

Working with Shared Interest has had a direct impact on the growth / sustainability of our business Shared Interest directly impacts the livelihoods of our members If I needed to borrow more funds Shared Interest would be our first option

2. What is the main benefit of working with Shared Interest?

3. How could we improve the service we offer to you?

4. Do you feel that we have achieved the intended impact against our stated mission? How?

5. Do you feel that we have lived up to our stated values? How?


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