Appendix 8
Shared Interest Data Audit (E/HCRA/18) General Information
* 1. Organisation Name
* 2. Your Name
* 3. Job Title
* 4. Organisation Type - Please select one only Company limited by guarantee
Limited Company
First Level Association
Second Level Association
First Level Cooperative
Self Help Group
Second Level Cooperative
Society Owned by Members
Sole Proprietor
Other (please specify)
* 5. Percentage ownership breakdown - Please ensure that this totals 100% Cooperative groups First Level Cooperatives Individual producers / farmers Individual shareholders LLC/Sole Proprietorship Members Not-for-profit Organisation Private entities Second Level Cooperatives Other
Shared Interest Data Audit (E/HCRA/18) People
* 6. In what month is your organisations financial year end. This will be considered as your reporting period for the remainder of the survey.
* 7. In what currency do you report your annual accounts. This will be considered as the reporting currency for the remainder of the survey.
* 8. Number of males employed by your organisation as of the end of the reporting period. This is the sum of all paid full-time and part-time male employees.
* 9. Number of females employed by your organisation as of the end of the reporting period. This is the sum of all paid full-time and part-time female employees.
* 10. Value of gross wages (including bonuses, excluding benefits) paid to all full-time and part-time employees of your organisation during the reporting period in reporting currency.
* 11. Number of temporary male employees paid by your organisation as of the end of the reporting period.
* 12. Number of temporary female employees paid by your organisation as of the end of the reporting period.
* 13. Value of gross wages (including bonuses, excluding benefits) paid to all temporary employees of your organisation during the reporting period in reporting currency.
* 14. Number of enterprises that sold goods or services to the organisation during the reporting period.
* 15. Number of male individual artisans and external individual suppliers who sold goods or services to the organisation during the reporting period.
* 16. Number of female individual artisans and external individual suppliers who sold goods or services to the organisation during the reporting period.
* 17. Total annual payments made by the organisation to individuals who sold to the organisation during the reporting period in reporting currency.
* 18. Number of female members of the organisation's board of directors or other governing body as of the end of the reporting period.
* 19. Number of male members of the organisation's board of directors or other governing body as of the end of the reporting period.
Shared Interest Data Audit (E/HCRA/18) Product and certifications
* 20. As a percentage of total sales in the reporting period please indicate the products sold. Ensure that the total is 100%. Almonds Arabica Coffee Asparagus Bananas Beverages Blueberries Brazil nuts Casava chips Cashew Chillies Chocolate Citrus Fruit Clothing Cocoa Cocoa powder Corn Cosmetics Dates Dried Fruit Dried herbs Dried vegetables Grapes Handcrafts
Hazelnuts Honey Jams Macadamia Mangoes Olive oil Palm Hearts Pine Nuts Pineapple Quinoa Raisins Robusta Coffee Shea nuts Sisal Soy Spices Sugar Tea Textiles Vanilla Walnuts Wheat Wines Other Other Food Other Fruit
* 21. Details of certification (select all that apply) Bio Suisse
Bird Friendly
C.A.F.E. Practices
USDA Organic
Fair Trade USA
Rainforest Alliance
Fairtrade International
Fair Trade Federation
Other (please specify)
* 22. Harvest season - Select all months that apply. If you do not produce any agricultural products please skip to question 28. Harvest Season January February March April May June July August September October November December
* 23. Export season - Select all months that apply. Export Season January February March April May June July August September October November December
* 24. Total productive hectares.
* 25. Hectares per certification. Bio Suisse Bird Friendly C.A.F.E. Practices COFTA ECOCERT Eco-LOGICA Fair Trade USA Fairtrade International Fair Trade Federation GIPC GLOBALG.A.P. GOTS HACCP IMO KEFAT Kosher Naturland USDA Organic Rainforest Alliance SPP UGAFAT UNBS UTZ WFTO Other
* 26. Total production volume - Reporting period in Metric Tonnes
* 27. Production per certification - Reporting period in Metric Tonnes Bio Suisse Bird Friendly C.A.F.E. Practices COFTA ECOCERT Eco-LOGICA Fair Trade USA Fairtrade International Fair Trade Federation GIPC GLOBALG.A.P. GOTS HACCP IMO KEFAT Kosher Naturland USDA Organic Rainforest Alliance SPP UGAFAT UNBS UTZ WFTO Other
Shared Interest Data Audit (E/HCRA/18)
Sales and Market Performance
* 28. Total sales in reporting period and reporting currency.
* 29. What percentage of your total sales were achieved locally?
* 30. What percentage of your total sales were achieved through exports?
* 31. What percentage of your export sales were Fair Trade contracts only?
* 32. What percentage of your export sales were Fair Trade and Organic only?
* 33. What percentage of your export sales were Organic only?
* 34. What percentage of your exports were not Fair Trade and not Organic?
Shared Interest Data Audit (E/HCRA/18) Social Policies
* 35. What percentage of your net profit during the reporting period was spent on community development projects.
* 36. What percentage of your Fair Trade premium was spent on community development projects during the reporting period.
* 37. Do you run any other projects funded through support organisations for example NGOs? Yes / No Yes/No
* 38. Working conditions - Do you provide any of the following. Yes / No Health insurance paid salary insurance social security paid holiday