Why the best strategy is actually to eat more.
and how it's critical to include sleep in your weight management plans.
if you want to keep your New Year's resolutions.
EDITOR'S NOTE Are you beginning your New Year’s resolutions to lose weight with that nagging feeling this will be yet another year it just doesn’t work? Even if you're taking diet pills that work, they won't magically melt away the pounds. Fortunately for you, losing weight has more to do with setting rather surprising New Year’s Resolutions that are easy to stick with instead. This year, it's time to drop the traditional weight loss resolutions and adopt some goals you can feel good about. Banish that nagging feeling forever. Undergo an incredible transformation inside and out, without the resistance of past attempts. Take control once and for all by incorporating these quirky, but effective strategies for a healthier, leaner and happier you! Cheers!
Julie Darby & Elizabeth Rogers Editors-in-Chief
p. 14
Introducing ShareFit Kitchen Recipe: Rooty Tooty Fresh 'n Fruity Smoothie Recipe: ShareFit Tuna Salad Recipe: ShareFit Creamy Corn Chowder
p. 4
p. 18
6 Ways To Choose Happiness
Sleep More
p. 6
p. 19
Nutrition By PageNumber
Laugh More
p. 8
p. 20
The Importance of Putting Yourself First
p. 10
Eat More (to weigh less)
Resolve To Forget
resolve to...
So many people are in a constant state of happiness pursuit. The specific conditions that will finally make them happy are always in the future somewhere, waiting to be completed. Unfortunately for these poor souls, happiness continues to elude them, no matter how many things they obtain, or what happens in their lives. Why is this you might ask? Put simply, it is because happiness is the prelude to success and not the other way around. Happiness in your current state of being, no matter what that might be in the moment, is the key to making your life everything you want it to be.
THE BENEFITS OF TURNING YOUR MOOD FROM DESPAIR TO DELIGHT ARE ENDLESS, BUT IN TERMS OF WEIGHT LOSS, YOU'LL FIND THAT IT IS EASIER TO DO JUST ABOUT ANYTHING WHEN YOU'RE POSITIVE. You'll feel physically better, less mentally drained, and more motivated than ever before. As a side-effect, you'll have the willpower to choose better for yourself when it comes to your diet, activity level, and the amount of sleep you get. These changes automatically help your body achieve the healthiest weight for you.
For many reading this right now, you're probably thinking this is easy to say, but not so easy to do. The power to be happy is completely up to you. Nothing you obtain or achieve in your lifetime will allow you to have it. Only you can allow yourself this precious gift. How can you do this? All you have to do to be happy right now is CHOOSE it. Once you've done that, the rest of the steps come without much effort at all. Read on to discover 6 actionable steps to allowing yourself to RESOLVE TO BE HAPPY.
Gratitude is MASSIVE when it comes to being a happy person. It all goes back to that mindset of "I'll be happy when...," or, "I'll be happy if." If you think like that, then happiness is always in the future and remember, you're choosing to be happy in the present. Think about what you have and how much it really means to you. Sometimes imagining what it would be like without something will show you just how much you are grateful it's yours. The feeling of gratitude warms the heart and immediately gets you to a happier state.
When you catch yourself thinking negatively, recognize it and tell yourself there is a better way. This will prevent any negative thoughts from festering into negative feelings that could cause you to be unhappy if left unchecked.
When others let you down, and more
importantly, when you let yourself down, don't
hold onto the hate and sentence anyone to endless punishment. Learn how to let things go and find a solution to move forward. It might take some time, but as long as you are ready and willing to forgive, you will be able to eventually. This is a tremendous help for those cheat days that get out of hand. Forgive yourself for the overindulgence and save yourself from wallowing in regret. Forgiveness allows you to move forward, make better choices, and make every day a new beginning.
Finding a silver lining is when you seek out the positive in seemingly negative things. In every single situation, no matter how terrible, there is something to learn. Even if all you can do is learn from it, this is enough to develop your silver lining. Try not to dwell on things with disappointment, self-pity, or anger. Instead, take notice, find that silver lining and allow yourself to learn, heal, or forgive. This empowers you to transcend the victimhood mentality and enter a state of responsibility for your own happiness. SMILE MORE
Set yourself up for success by providing yourself the tools you need to stay positive and move forward in every situation. Eating well, sleeping enough, and including supplements into your day that are formulated to boost your mood lead to a happier and more successful you.
Studies show that if you smile more, you'll actually BE happier. Smiling at yourself in the mirror works great, even if it seems a bit silly.
Smiling at family, coworkers, your pets, or even as you look up to the sky can significantly boost your mood in a matter of a moment. When your smile is returned, expect to
get an added happiness bonus. Research shows the smile returned is the most powerful of all, which is why the mirror method isn't really silly at all. ;-)
FENFAST 375 - Intechra Health's Top Rated Product TRIMTHIN X700 - Boosts Low Energy Levels PHENBLUE - Advanced Formula Fat Blocker 5
James Bryce said that the worth of a book should be measured by what the reader takes away from it. In the world of nutrition and weight loss, many books deliver little but false promises, confounding readers with fad diets and unsustainable habits. Luckily, in the midst of a sea of snake oil, there are a few five star options.
Whether you’re trying to slim down after a diabetes diagnosis or getting fit after kids, there’s a book to help you eat right for life. The following picks are full of scientifically accurate, safe and effective measures for lifelong nutrition and weight management.
THE END OF OVEREATING Author: Dr. David A. Kessler Best for: Those prone to eating a little too much a little too often
Written by former FDA commissioner Dr. David A. Kessler, The End of Overeating examines the relationship between cravings and obesity. Unlike other weight loss books that glaze over the sticky topic of behavioral health, The End of Overeating examines the relationship under a microscope, investigating why we crave certain foods. The role of brain chemistry is often under-appreciated and unacknowledged in the fight against obesity. Kessler provides a compelling look into how behavioral conditioning causes us to crave fat, sugar, and salt, and offers solutions to rewire your brain, recondition your habits, and rehabilitate your relationship with food.
SALT SUGAR FAT Author: Michael Moss Best for: Those constantly craving french fries Akin to Kessler’s The End of Overeating, Salt Sugar Fat studies the relationship between flavor and cravingsand how the food industry has scientifically nailed down the exact ratios to make us crave just one more potato chip. Pulitzer prize winning journalist Michael Moss details the rise of the food industry and the changing habits of the American populous. If you’ve ever wondered why we eat the way we do, Salt Sugar Fat may be the book for you. More investigative journalism than diet book, Salt Sugar Fat is useful in its ability to make you rethink what you’re buying and why.
Author: Marion Nestle Best for: The politically inclined In a scathing expose of the food industry, Marion Nestle details how “big food” has created a population that hungers for more, even when our plates already runneth over. While Nestle verges on fanatical, her detailed history of the food industry’s powerful influence over government, the food pyramid, and America’s shopping habits is an interesting one. Nestle shows how food really is political, and motivates the reader to examine how their choices may not be entirely their own.
Author: Brian Wansink Best for: The constant snacker
Author: Carol Ann Rinzler Best for: The reader who wants the facts and nothing but the facts
Like Kessler, Wansink examines an underappreciated component of nutrition: behavior. While Kessler examines cravings and behavioral conditioning, Wansink examines another, equally nefarious form of behavioral conditioning: mindless eating. Mindless eating occurs habitually, causing the overconsumption of Calories that ultimately predicts weight gain and obesity. Mindless eating occurs in many different ways and for many different reasons, all of which are discussed by Wansink in this compelling look into why we eat, and how we can do so more mindfully.
For the reader who isn’t interested in detailed histories of the food industry, behavioral science, or niche diets, Nutrition for Dummies comes to the rescue, delivering the essential lessons for lifelong weight management. Dummies delves into the big topics: Calories, macro and micronutrients, and reallife hacks for shopping, cooking, and eating well in the real world.
Even though you might be a self-sacrificing person, consistently putting someone or something else at the top of your list, you can't give it your best if your own needs aren't being met. If you are caught up in nonstop nurturing of loved ones, or find yourself lost in the flurried rush of daily tasks, it's time to take a moment...breathe...and remember that you MUST come first.
The answer is simple. If you don't put yourself first, everyone will eventually suffer for it. Let's talk a bit about why putting yourself first is actually one of the most selfless things you can do.
You will sleep better, be less prone to eat unhealthy foods, and you won't fall victim to fatigue, which means you'll be more likely to have an active lifestyle. Making better choices will improve every area of your life.
Putting yourself at the top of your list will contribute to a healthier weight, but even more importantly, it will support a healthier mind and body.
The inevitable resentment of putting others before yourself day in and day out can eat away at your mind. By treating yourself with the love and respect you deserve, you'll feel much better, mentally and physically. You will be able to put your best foot forward and radiate a more positive energy.
You can never be 100% for anyone if you neglect your own needs. When you prioritize yourself, you will undoubtedly have more to give others than you can possibly give now, which is why putting yourself first is really not selfish at all.
3S the
of putting yourself
1. SIMPLIFY Take a closer look at your daily routine and find ways to become more efficient. Are you making daily trips to the store for things you need? Make a weekly list and shop once instead. Do you have a disorganized, cluttered living environment that makes you do everything at a snail's pace? Get organized and eliminate the unnecessary clutter. Removing inefficient uses of your time will exponentially increase your "me time".
2. SCHEDULE Once you have all the clutter and disorder gone. Make a list of your daily to-dos and schedule specific times to tackle them. This will prevent you from running around, completely overwhelmed with everything that needs doing. Knowing what needs to be done and when will lift a burden off your shoulders and give you peace of mind. When creating this schedule, the #1 priority should be your personal needs, followed by a daily dose of that "me time" we just mentioned.
3. SATISFY Follow through on daily self-care duties and feel the satisfaction that comes with self-respect. Enjoy your "me time" to the fullest, without a single spec of guilt. Remember that being kind to yourself is what will ultimately dictate how well you can do everything else.
resolve to
to weigh less ) BY ELIZABETH ROGERS
Are you venturing from one deprivation diet to the next, knowing full well there is no way you can keep it up for long enough to reach your weight loss goals, let alone maintain it? Even the best weight loss pills for appetite suppression won't be able to keep hunger at bay if you're not eating enough to provide your body with the nutrients it needs. When many people make the decision to lose weight, they automatically assume it means eating less. This can be true, but in most cases, it's really about eating MORE.
The amount of calories you consume is what really matters in terms of weight. It takes a calorie deficit of 3,500 to lose a single pound of fat. However, when you eat calorically dense foods, it's next to impossible to feel full enough, so you eat more calories to obtain satiety. This makes it extremely difficult to reach a substantial enough calorie deficit for weight loss. Eating foods with a high volume to calorie ratio is what makes the biggest difference. You'll never feel hungry, have loads of energy, and unwanted fat stores will burn away at an astonishing rate. Not only will you feel full after eating these kind of foods, but you'll be getting more of the nutrients, such as vitamins and minerals your body needs to thrive. Choosing nutrient dense, calorically low foods are a surefire way to banish fatigue, crush cravings, and kick hunger to the curb forever.
This way of dieting is about satisfying hunger instead of depriving yourself, while helping to establish healthy eating techniques that can be followed for life. Make it into a game to see just how much food you can enjoy within a calorie goal. One of the easiest ways to do this is to limit the use of calorically high additions to fruits, veggies, and lean meats in the form of oils, sauces, dips, and spreads. Instead, use alternative flavor enhancing techniques such as herbs and spices and use cooking spray to keep food from sticking.
Start by including the lowest calorie by volume foods. We love this list of the 40 best low calorie foods over at Bodybuilding.com, which includes foods like watercress at a tiny 4 calories per cup! Finally, limit the consumption of healthy foods that contain high calories. Some of these include seeds, nuts and nut butters, avocado, whole milk, dried fruit, tahini, and carbohydrate rich foods such as bread, potatoes, rice and pasta.
E A T MORE TO WEIGH LESS EX A MPLES: The following meal changes give you an idea of how to make food choices that give you more of what your body needs; volume and vital nutrients, while reducing the extra calories.
Instead of a tablespoon of oil ( 120 calories ) have a cup of chicken broth ( 10 calories ) Instead of 4 ounces of beef ( 284 calories ) have 4 ounces of ground turkey AND a cup of broccoli ( 190 calories ) Instead of a glazed donut ( 260 calories ) have a 4 egg white omelette, a string cheese, and a black coffee ( 150 calories ) Instead of a small fry ( 230 calories ) have 2 cups of baked kale chips ( 110 calories )
KITCHEN We love to share our quick, easy and healthy recipes from the ShareFit kitchen. In this volume you will find recipes for our Rooty Tooty Fresh n ’ Fruity Smoothie, our Tuna Salad and our crazy simple, but super delicious Creamy Corn Chowder.
Easily add any meal from a ShareFit Kitchen recipe to your ShareFit.com Food Log by searching for it by name.
All of these recipes are designed to make two ( 2 ) servings. If you are cooking for only one person, then we recommend dividing the meals in half and enjoying them the next day too. 14
Rooty Tooty Fresh ‘n Fruity Smoothie Smoothies are one of the easiest, fastest and most nutritious meals to start your day with. We love smoothies as a breakfast choice in our family and kids and parents alike get to choose what goes in. We’ve come up with some pretty crazy but delicious ones. If you want to avoid dairy you can simply substitute with a milk alternative, such as almond milk, coconut milk or soy milk. Good Morning!
Makes 2 servings 318 calories per serving
1 banana, peeled 8 strawberries, fresh or frozen (thawed) 2 Granny Smith apples (skin on), cored, cut in half 1 mango, pitted and peeled 2 kiwis, peeled 2 cups skim milk Add all of the ingredients to a blender and blend until smooth. Add this meal to your ShareFit Food Log – search “Rooty Tooty Fresh n Fruity Smoothie, ShareFit”
Issue 27 | 234
SHAREFIT TUNA SALAD Makes 2 servings 200 calories per serving
1 can flaked white tuna (packed in water), drained 1 tbsp fat-free mayonnaise dressing 1 tbsp green relish 1 naval orange, peeled and diced 2 tbsp fat-free salad dressing (your choice as long as it is fat-free) 6 cups mixed salad greens Drain tuna from the can and flake into a bowl. Add the mayonnaise and relish and mix well. In a bowl, toss the salad with the salad dressing. To serve, divide the salad between each person and add ½ of the tuna salad on top. Garnish with diced orange.
Issue 27 | 234
Add this meal to your ShareFit Food Log – search “Tuna Salad, ShareFit”
Eating a meal high in lean protein and fiber is one of the best ways to get your tummy feeling full and staying full, without adding calorie-loaded carbs. This salad can be prepared quickly in the morning and taken to the office for lunch. With only 200 calories per serving, but lots of protein and fiber, you will have the energy to tackle your afternoon.
This is one of the best soups to make because it is soothing and simple. Using skim milk instead of cream keeps the calories nice and low. If you want to add some lean protein to the meal you can top the soup with some diced ham at the end. We hope you enjoy.
CREAMY CORN CHOWDER * Almonds (10-15 nuts) * Fat-free yogurt cup * String Cheese * ¼ cup hummus with vegetables for dipping * Hard-boiled egg * Beef jerky, small bag (3.25oz, 92g) Issue 27 | 234
Makes 2 servings 329 calories per serving –
1 small onion, chopped 1 medium red potato, diced 2 cups skim milk 1 bay leaf ¼ tsp ground nutmeg 1 cup corn frozen whole kernel corn 1 ½ tsp cornstarch 1 tsp cold water 2 tbsp natural low-fat yogurt Salt and pepper Garnish (optional): 4 ounces (113g) lean ham, diced 2 tbsp cilantro, chopped
Add this meal to your ShareFit Food Log – search “Creamy Corn Chowder, ShareFit”
Place the onion and potato in a large saucepan and pour in the milk. Add the bay leaf, nutmeg, and half of the corn. Bring to a boil, cover, and simmer gently for 15 minutes, until the potato is softened. Stir the soup occasionally and keep the heat low so that the milk does not burn on the bottom of the pan. Discard the bay leaf and leave the liquid to cool for 10 minutes. Transfer to a blender and process briefly, or rub liquid through a strainer. Pour the smooth liquid into a saucepan. Blend the cornstarch with the cold water to make a paste and stir it into the soup. Bring the soup back to a boil, stirring until it thickens, and add the remaining corn. Heat through for 3-4 minutes until hot, stirring often. Remove from heat and season with salt and pepper. Stir in yogurt. Ladle the soup into two bowls and serve garnished with diced ham and chopped cilantro, if you wish. 17
Sleep More
The term "beauty sleep" doesn't just refer to banishing those dark circles from under your eyes. Oh yes, there's certainly a lot more to it than that. Getting adequate amounts of sleep beautifies you in many more ways.
Research has found a plethora of health benefits ultimately culminating into a more beautiful you, both on the inside and out. Read on to discover how more sleep can transform you from a moody and exhausted stress eater into a cheerful, energetic new you with a willpower tougher than steel. Getting enough sleep helps you...
Naturally Burn Fat More Efficiently Lack of sleep significantly inhibits your body's ability to use insulin, which means your fat cells cannot properly use the fuel it gets from food, resulting in fat storage. This can have a domino effect on your health, starting with your energy levels and eventually leading to life threatening illness. Getting enough sleep reverses this troubling problem so that your insulin sensitivity returns to normal and your fat cells can utilize the fuel it receives quickly and easily.
Enjoy Eating Healthier & Being Active
Sleep deprivation causes increased hunger, which makes eating healthy portion sizes extremely difficult. It also increases the rate at which you will become hungry again, as there is more of the hunger hormone (ghrelin) produced by your body when in a sleep deficit. Having enough sleep keeps hunger levels under control and gives you the energy needed to conquer even the most active of days without a single ounce of fatigue.
Eliminate Stubborn Cravings Leptin and ghrelin are the hormones that control your cravings for food. When you get plenty of sleep, these hormones work together in harmony. In turn, cravings are greatly diminished, making unhealthy food less appealing automatically. When you don't get enough sleep, these hormones are unable to regulate properly, which causes surges in ghrelin levels. These spikes are what is behind that uncontrollable urge to snack on junk food. Stop the spikes by getting enough sleep, and you'll find your cravings diminish within days. 18
Get More From Every Workout
Even if you hit the gym hard every day, without the proper amount of sleep, it won't have the same benefits. You see, all that hard work you put in during workouts is to gain muscle. The more muscle you gain, the more fat your body is capable of burning. With a healthy amount of muscle, your body becomes a highly efficient fat burner, but without sleep, your body cannot build muscle very well at all. Your body needs to produce growth hormone to build new muscle tissue. It gets this from sleep. Getting the full amount of sleep your body requires will ensure its ability to transform into a lean, mean fat burning machine.
Ease Stress Cortisol, also referred to as the stress hormone, increases when you don't get enough sleep. Rising cortisol levels lead to increased blood sugar, which can cause irritability, difficulty focusing, mood swings, and a feeling of constant fatigue, all of which can increase cortisol levels further, exacerbating the problem even more. A vicious cycle ensues, as stress can keep you up at night. To stop the madness, create your own relaxing bedtime routine and prioritize sleep tonight.
& Laugh More
It's been said that laughter is the best medicine, but did you know a daily dose of funny can actually help you reach a healthy weight? Aside from the fact that laughing burns calories, it has many other benefits that indirectly affect your weight. Here are a few ways laughing regularly impacts your weight loss results. Laughter Reduces Stress - So you feel better,
making you more likely to tackle your daily workout and pass on the donut filled box in the break room.
Laughter Diminishes Pain - Less pain means
more laps on the treadmill and reps on the weight machine.
Laughter Increases Immunity - Not getting sick
as easily allows for more opportunity to be active so you can achieve and maintain a higher fitness level. Need a little help in the laughter department? We suggest... Listening to comedy radio shows Watching funny movies or stand up comedy Searching the internet for jokes related to your interests or line of work Checking out social media and other websites for funny memes and stories Browsing YouTube for hilarious channels and comedians to subscribe to Making a point of surrounding yourself with people who laugh often 19
FORGET BLAME Falling off the wagon is easy to do. Blaming ourselves for failing is even easier, and it gets us nowhere. Instead of allowing yourself to fall into a familiar pattern of self-recrimination, forget to blame yourself and just let it go. Skip past the blame game and go straight to starting again. Failed attempts are OK, as long as you take immediate action and start again. When you give yourself permission to falter, you are much more likely to GET BACK UP and succeed.
FORGET DOING IT ALONE Often, we make secret resolutions, ones that are meant to only exist inside our own minds, so that if we don’t achieve our goals no one else knows it. We justify it as a way to prevent feeling judged, but it’s actually a way to predetermine our failure.
It’s January 5th and you’ve already broken your New Year’s resolution, right? It’s common, even expected, and… it’s frustrating. One of the hardest parts of sticking to your New Year’s resolutions is figuring out what to do once you’ve broken one. Our natural inclination is often to just forget it. We perceive ourselves as having failed, so the combined disappointment and lost confidence in our own will power leads us to give up. But there is a better way to forget, when it comes to our resolutions. This time, instead of forgetting our broken resolutions completely, let’s commit to these far more productive things to forget. We, at ShareFit, are on your side and wish you the greatest success. Happy New Year!
The support of others can be a critical component of success. Having your own cheering squad and accountability partners makes reaching tough goals much easier. It’s critical that your support system be positive and fully invested in your success. If you don’t have anyone in your life who can play that role, there are many online support systems that will. ShareFit.com members are a superb support system for those striving to reach health goals. Another excellent website for goal-setting support is StickK.com. Created by behavioral economists at Yale University, the free goal setting platform allows you to set a goal, create a contract with yourself to meet it, assign a “referee” to help you stay accountable, and add friends for support. If you choose, you can optionally assign financial penalties for not reaching your goals, making the stakes even higher.
FORGET THE PAST We all have histories that are riddled with unmet goals. It’s normal, and is no indicator of your potential for future success. Dwelling on those failures, however, is a surefire way to lose your drive and motivation. For 2017, resolve to forget the past and focus on looking forward. No matter what has happened previously, you must decide that it is unimportant and instead, do the things that will get you through any stumbles you encounter moving forward. Make a list now of small actions you can take in the event that you start to flounder. Refer to it anytime you are wobbling. Having a go-to list on hand will help you to feel more secure in times of shaky resolve. Ideas for immediate actions you can take are: Call your support partner for a pep talk. Take a short walk to clear your head of disheartening self-talk and focus outward. Treat yourself to a small indulgence (have a great cup of tea, see a movie you’ve heard good things about, book a massage) and then immediately get back on the straight and narrow towards your goal.