Photo BootCamp Magazine 17 Phone Camera

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BRENT MAIL presents...




IN THIS ISSUE Phone Camera 04 Members' Images 08 Featured Artist - 30 Members' Images 37 Acknowledgements 55 Calling All BootCamp Recruits 56

Photographer: B RU C E P AT T ERSO N Country: U SA F/

1.8 1/ 60 SEC ISO32 | .99 MM A Sunset. Processed with the iPhone's native tools.

DRILL INSTRUCTOR'S MEMO Welcome to issue 17 of Photo BootCamp Magazine! The best camera to use is the one you have with you. Now a days that means we almost always have a camera with us, our mobile phones, iPad, or tablets. Just because it?s a mobile device doesn?t mean we shouldn?t treat it just like we treat our regular cameras. Today?s phone technology allows us to access all sorts of apps, better internal lenses and functions which help us create images that are sometimes indistinguishable from our DSLRs and Mirrorless cameras.

Brent Mail

This month?s BootCamp Challenge is all about going mobile. We will show you how you can make better mobile device images. There will be tutorials on how to better use the tools available to you in order to create images you can be proud of. Then you can cruise through BootCamp member images as they show you that you can be just as creative and technical with your mobile device as you can with your camera.



"I t is thephotographer, not the camera, that is theinstrument." - Ansel Adams


THE CONVENIENCE OF MOBILE It's attached to us, on us, in our bag and within reach almost 24 hours a day. Yes, it's a phone, yes, it's a device where we can have information at our fingertips but it has also become a very reliable and usable camera. Technology enables us to record our lives so much easier than ever. There is a convenience to using your mobile device instead of your camera, no worrying about batteries being charged, which lenses to bring, what other gear you might need. Just toss your phone in your pocket and go. LESS LIMITING The phone (or tablet) can be much less limiting as far as where you can go with it. Places that do not allow cameras such as concerts and some tourist sites, are fine with phones. Mobile devices are sometimes easier to manipulate, place on the floor, hold up high and adjust where and how you're holding it in order to get the shot you want. Larger cameras are sometimes difficult to get into a tight spot to capture what you see. LEARN TO USE THE TOOL YOU HAVE It's very easy to just point and shoot with our phones and sometimes that's ok. W ith technology though, we have a whole toolbox of tools at our disposal that will help us create better mobile images. There are a myriad of phone editing apps, filters and if you use Adobe Lightroom there is a mobile version of that available that allows you to shoot RAW, edit and share all from your device. It is worth your time to learn how these tools work. Try them out, figure out which ones work best for what and how you shoot. Having a mobile work flow is a good idea as many of us seem to take more and more mobile images, edit and share from our phones.


THE RULES STILL APPLY Just because it's "only a phone camera" doesn't mean the rules of photography go out the window. You still want to take your time to frame your subject, compose the image properly, keep an eye out for distracting elements and pay attention to make sure you're creating the best image you can in camera. It's easy to just grab the phone and click without using it as you would your 'real' camera. If you do that, your images won't be as good as they could be. EXPERIMENT AND HAVE FUN One of the easiest and most fun ways to learn how things work is to play. Try different settings on your phone camera. See what happens to an image when you change those settings within your phone camera or within any apps you've downloaded. Keep experimenting until you find the settings and apps that are more in tune with your 'regular' camera shooting. Or, go crazy. Create art that you'd never be able to create with your regular camera. Some of the apps out there recreate artistic methods such as painting and drawing looks. You may find something you really love that can be done with a tap on an app instead of hours in Photoshop. In the end, have fun with it. Mobile devices can be a great tool for capturing moments far beyond what we had for lunch to post on social media. Get creative, experiment and take your mobile device out just as you would your regular camera. It is quite capable.


Photographer: D EO N




| F/ 2.4 1/ 705SEC ISO50 | 33MM

Thought I'd share this photo with you. It was taken in 2015 in Port Elizabeth (South Africa) with my iPhone 5. It became one of my favourite mobile photos after applying a painterly effect to it with an App called "Prisma", using my current iPhone 6s.

Feedback: L AU RI N OVA K Country: U SA Great motion in this shot. I like the Prisma processing to make it like a painting.

Photographer: B A RB A RA W A RD Country: U SA IPHONE

| F/ 2.8 1/ 800 SEC ISO20 | 139 MM

This image is a definite example of 'the best camera is the one you have with you. I was walking along the Alabama State Pier in Gulf Shores one evening when this heron perched on the railing. Not having my "real" camera, the only alternative was my iPhone. So, I quickly got it out, unlocked, and took the photo as quickly as I could. I thought about adding it to last month's W ild challenge, but decided that the noise and focus issues would prevent me from doing so. Since this is a phone camera assignment, I decided to go for it. So, here it is. I've purposefully taken some of the clarity out of the water since I felt it was distracting from the bird.

Feedback: K A REN P A D IL L A Country: U SA That is a beautiful bird. Your composition is perfect. Love that you took some clarity out of the water giving the photo a shallower depth of field. Love the light shining on his neck and chest. Everything is wonderful.

Photographer: D ERRY L

F RIESEN Country: T H A IL A N D F/

2.4 1/ 200 SEC ISO50 | 4.3MM

"Stranded" - Classic truck and cowboy, Harley, stranded in a field near Carstairs, Alberta, Canada. Coming home from church I spotted this cowboy with his truck hood (bonnet) up and gazing into the distance. As we zipped by at highway speed, I commented to my spotter, Karen, "What an amazing shot! Man, I wish I had my camera!" to which she responded "You have a camera! Turn around and ask him if you can take his picture!" I did, met a new friend and learned a thing or two about classic trucks. Harley beamed, "This is a "64 Mercury M100 , 223 six , standard 3 on the tree. But she just broke!" I just sent him his this copy last night and he responded, "Oh my gosh! This is wonderful! I made it my FB background! Thank you so much! That day was a special day! Glad to have met you Derryl!" Once again, my camera has help create the space and opportunity to make a new friend!

Feedback: A M B ER P A L L A S - B RU N T Country: U SA Wow, I can't believe this was photographed using your phone! W hat a well composed image and fabulous subject!

Photographer: P ET ER D W IGH T Country: A U ST RA L IA IPHONE 7+

| F/ 1.8 1/ 17SEC ISO50 | 4MM

I just took outside by placing a zygo cactus flower in my lilly pilly hedge.

Feedback: D EN ISE M C K AY Country: U SA This image is very pretty with the dark pink petals against the green leaves. Nicely composed and edited to bring out the beauty of this flower.

Photographer: R O H N S H EA RER Country: U SA F/

2.4 1/ 350 SEC ISO50 | 4MM

This photo is from the same day as the last submission of the actual falls.

Feedback: E REZ S H IL AT Country: I SRA EL Nice presentation of a powerful nature. Love the spray and motion freeze. Lovely image

Photographer: D EN IS

O 'B Y RN E Country: IRELAND F/

2 1/ 160 SEC ISO86

For all my posts I went for simplicity. Trying not to ask too much of the phone. This is what I called the Bucket Rose. Walking the Brother's estate!!!! and I found this stuck in a corner.

Feedback: G IN A S K IN N ER Country: USA Great capture with your phone, Denis! The rose feels fresh and Dewey, l adore the color... it brings to mind something written by Audrey Hepburn, "I believe in pink" :) Just like your rose... she was beautiful!

Photographer: J U L IE G EA LTA Country: U SA This image I shot with my iPhone X in Chobe in March. I had my good camera on me but I wanted to see how good my iPhone would do and I wasn't disappointed.

Feedback: R U SSEL L LYO O N Country: A U ST RA L IA Great wildlife shot, and the puffy clouds on blue sky always makes for an interesting image. I would have cropped out the giraffe on the LHS but that's just being picky. Well done.

Photographer: L AU RI N OVA K Country: U SA M OTOROLA G5+ | F/ 1.7 1/ 30 SEC ISO160 | 4.28 MM I use my phone camera a lot but mostly just messing around. I have a Motorola G5+ and I'm not overly thrilled with the quality of image especially when the light is anything but sunny and perfect. I went up to Milwaukee, W isconsin last week with a friend who was visiting. I took my Canon 6D etc. I never took it out of my bag. I just wasn't feeling like shooting. Instead I played with some reflections and what caught my eye with my phone camera. This was one of the few that I really liked. I held the camera on the floor to get the reflection of the window and the stair railing. Edited using Google Photos presets

Feedback: S A RA O 'B RIEN Country: U SA Fabulous shot Lauri! I tend to forget about the really low angles. I will remember them now after seeing this shot. I do not think it would have worked as well in color. Very well done.


Photographer: S A RA O 'B RIEN Country: U SA F/

2 1/ 6113SEC ISO50 | 3.54MM

This is a compilation of 7 shots from my Moto G7 play. (new phone) I am still looking for the details as I am not sure how they work once you stitch them together. We had a pop up shower just before I left work, and I felt the need to pull off the freeway to take the shots. I was really happy with the detail in the clouds. I'll update the info when I find it. Edited in Affinity.

Feedback: R O M Y V IL L A N U EVA Country: P H IL IPPIN ES Love the clouds. Great composition and details Sara. I may want to erase the power lines but that's just the nitpicking me. The photo is beautiful as it is. Great capture Sara.

Photographer: S H EREE

EB A N K S Country: C AY M A N I SL A N D S IPHONE 8

1/ 12000 SEC ISO125 |

3.99 MM W hile visiting my mom at the local hospital, I noticed that there was a walking path around the hospital, so on my way out, I wanted to have a look around. I never found the proper walking path, but did find this pond with these lovely water lilies. A lovely, quiet place---but very hot! I did set the ISO---shot with the Lr app. on Pro. I edited it with the Lr app, in Lr and then in Ps---then back to Lr as the color saved from Ps was wrong when I uploaded the image!

Feedback: D AV E K O H Country: S IN GA PO RE Beautifully shot, nice color, good contrast and sharp. Great shot. I love it. Well done.

Photographer: A M B ER P A L L A S - B RU N T Country: U SA This image was taken during this past week up in Crested Butte, CO. Everything is blooming there this time of year and I am a flower kinda girl. I wish the focus was better but I love how it turned out.

Feedback: D AV E K O H Country: S IN GA PO RE Nice shot Amber. Love the out of focus petals which add to the beauty of this flower. I would like to have a dress made with this design or a scarf like what Sheree mentioned. Great shot.

Photographer: D AV E K O H Country: S IN GA PO RE SAMSUNG S10+ | F/ 1.5 1/ 40 SEC ISO640 | 4.32MM Was bringing some overseas friends along to our Garden By The Bay to introduce them to the beauty of the cityscape and Marina Bay Sands yesterday and suddenly remembered that this month's challenge is with Phone Camera. It was close to the golden hour and manage to capture this shot.

Feedback: P ET ER D W IGH T Country: A U ST RA L IA Hi Dave, nice cityscape scene, good colours & well presented, great shot.

Photographer: D EN ISE M C K AY Country: U SA This is a closeup of a basket that was sitting on my daughter's dining room table, I liked the textures and lines, so I took this shot then converted to black and white in the Lightroom mobile app. I did some additional editing adding a filter (profile) that I liked. I also do not like trying to edit on my phone! The touch screen is sensitive and hard to control the sliders. But for the sake of this challenge, I'll keep trying! I don't think sharing the settings will help anyone because I didn't do anything to try and expose the shot in a particular way. My phone camera made those decisions! I just did the editing and choose the composition.

Feedback: L AU RI N OVA K Country: U SA Oh I'm so with you on trying to do things on my phone, especially photography and editing. This image has great lines, shapes and textures. It's not easy to tell what it is which I also like as it stops me to make me think about what it could be.

Photographer: G IN A

S K IN N ER Country: U SA F/

2.2 1/ 232SEC ISO50

My girl, Gidget! Adopted her a year ago and continue to be surprised, every day actually, by the many different aspects of her personality. While trying to find something interesting to submit for this months challenge, I took this shot in the garden as she followed me around. Honestly... when I looked at this image I realized that she's captured my heart! :) Taken with an old Samsung phone.

Feedback: A M B ER P A L L A S - B RU N T Country: U SA At first I thought it looked like a floating head but after really looking at the image I can see just a smidgen of the body and the wagging tail. I love a wonderfully done artistic image! It has some comedy to it as well. Well done!

Photographer: L A IM A R ATA JC Z A K Country: A U ST RA L IA

Feedback: C H RIST IA N P IRO N Country: B ELGIU M

Taken on my iPhone XS at Point Sampson in WA at sunrise. I took it especially for this challenge and apart from straightening the horizon and cropping a bit off the sky I haven't done anything else. It was such a beautiful morning!

Laima, great picture with a symmetrical view with a leading line towards the horizon. I like very much the coloured sky and the lighting of the path. Great composition. Well done.

Photographer: N IC K E L L IS Country: A U ST RA L IA All I can say is: "Brent, you're now off my Christmas card list. Depriving a man from the use of his trusty 5D for a month!" "Have you no shame!" "Gees, mumble mumble". Since it's selfie month I'll submit this - no idea of the settings and the rotten thing moved from the 'RAW " setting. Taken on some sort of Samsung phone thingy and played with in Affinity Photo; mainly cropped. I tried to bring the shadows out but there was no detail!

Feedback: S H EREE E B A N K S Country: C AY M A N I SL A N D S Ha-ha, Nick. I love this shot! This is very creative....I love the dark shadow with the textured background. Something really worked here!----so stop grumbling and take some more "selfies"!!! Well done!

Photographer: PETER BRODY Country: USA F/

1.8 1/ 9 SEC ISO100 | 3.99 MM

This is my favorite iPhone photo. I took this picture in Red Square at night in Moscow, Russia. It is St. Basil's Cathedral.

Feedback: B REN D A P OT T S Country: USA Wow, the colors and shapes are incredible against the black sky!

Photographer: R O M Y V IL L A N U EVA Country: PHILIPPINES F/

1.8 1/ 100 SEC ISO160 | 3.52MM

Like some people here I too am not a fan of smartphone photography mainly due to focusing problems. Not because smartphone cameras are incapable of autofocus but entirely because I struggle with focusing my smartphone camera due to my hand tremors. It would be silly to use tripods for smartphones. This is the best that I can come up with smartphone photography.

Feedback: S IG R A N N EM Country: C A N A D A Nice job Romy - great colours and I love the texture of the flower petals. Well done!

Photographer: T ESSA B L EW C H A M P Country: UNITED KINGDOM F/

1.7 1/ 40 SEC ISO160 | 4.2MM

Having watched the tutorial, I was hoping to be able to use my phone to capture motion, but then I found that this facility isn't available on Android phones. Instead, I resorted to taking a shot of some scented stocks I had in a vase at home. I used the phone camera with selective focus on auto setting, rather that shoot through the Lightroom app this time, then edited in the app. I cropped the top down to remove a distracting bit of the background, increased the contrast and added a very slight vignette. I was pleased with the sharpness of the main flower and the blurring of the rest, but I think it's probably a bit too close to the edges. I find it hard to frame close ups on the phone accurately - something to practice!

Feedback: P ET ER D W IGH T Country: A U ST RA L IA Nice one Tessa ,beautiful colours & the focus is on the main flower, perhaps a little vignette would frame it for you ,good job.

Photographer: V A L ERIE W Country: U SA IPHONE 6


| F/ 22 1/ 2800 SEC ISO32

This is a fountain that I really enjoy seeing. It is especially pretty in the winter as they allow it to freeze over. The photo has been cropped in pretty tight to eliminate a lot of road distractions and shadows have been increased. I was trying to figure out the slow motion effect but never got that down.

Feedback: G IN A S K IN N ER Country: U SA This is absolutely stunning, I have to know where this is! Such an amazing work of art... your description of the fountain in winter as it freezes into an ice sculpture must be incredible. I imagine that from winter to winter the ice may form differently and take on a unique appearance year after year... wow!

Photographer: B A RB A RA G IL B ERT Country: U SA SAMSUNG S9+ F/ 2.5 1/ 60 SEC ISO250 | 4MM

This picture I took when leaving Assateague National Seashore and my granddaughter and I decided to take a hike on a trail I spotted. Of course it had these neat trees that made a canopy of the trail and yes you guessed it no camera, other than my phone. Only adjustment was a small crop and a preset with the phone app to bring out the green colors.

Feedback: L EIL A G O N Z A L EZ

S U L L IVA N Country: U SA The trees look almost like feathers and the composition of diagonals really leads the eye. A fairy land!




Photographer: K A REN P A D IL L A Country: USA SAMSUNG GALAXY S9 | F/ 2.4 1/ 60 SEC ISO320 This photo was taken on the 15th after we had a big storm dump lots of rain on us. I happened to look outside and saw a portion of the sky looked like it was almost on fire. I grabbed my phone, moved boxes away from the window, opened the window and snap a couple of photos. I was in a hurry to get the photo and forgot to switch it to Pro so the camera took it on Auto. By the time I got a couple of photos, the clouds were past. W inds were about 40 miles per hour. I'll add it to my Album "Out the Back W indow". Don't like my ISO that high but it turned out okay. I now have it set so Pro (RAW ) is the only selection. This has not had much tweaking. It's almost exactly how it looks. I brought the whites down a little because the area was a little too bright. I couldn't take it down anymore. Used Lightroom Mobile. I did take the original and put it in Lightroom Classic but since it was a Jpg, it didn't work to my satisfaction. I don't use Photoshop but I'm going to learn it and I'll use this for a test photo. There is some yellow fringe which may be from the sun because it was really bright behind the clouds but LR mobile doesn't have a way to deal with that.

GETTING TO KNOW OUR FEA TURED A RTIST: Brent : How did you get started in photography? W hat was your inspiration? Karen: At the age of 8, my father gave me his old Kodak (I talking old) and promised me he would pay for all my film and prints. I loved taking photos with that old camera. Through high school and nursing school I continued to photograph family, friends and scenery from our family vacations. In the early 1980's I was asked to photograph a horse show, and I did that for a number of years. In the late eighties I gave up photography and didn't photograph anything for almost 10 years after my daughter borrowed my camera and dropped it. Photography had changed drastically in those interim years, and learning digital was not that easy. I bought a point and shoot but was soon itching for a better camera. I got a Canon T2i, but I wasn't happy with the Canon. Two years later. I bought my Sony a7Rii. It fit perfectly in my hands and my love of photography came back.



Brent : If you could travel anywhere in the world specifically to take pictures, where would you go? W hy? Karen: What inspires me and motivates me is having two distant cousins, one that was a photographer and one that was an artist and a photographer. I admired them from the first time I saw their work, long before I found out that I shared DNA with them. Ansel Adams and Georgia O'Keefe, I really don't want to let them down. Now, that my photos are starting to sell, I'm very inspired to keep doing this for as long as I can. But I have to admit that I'm kind of a lazy photographer. I don't always feel inspired to photograph something. Sometimes I just want to have the experience of seeing and living something rather than just having a photograph to remember. You could spend a day with your family, and if you are busy taking photos of them enjoying the day, a few months later you might have forgotten that day because you were so busy taking photos. I decided a year ago that I didn't want to be that photographer. I want to be engaged and in tune with the experience than always having the narrow scope of the viewfinder. My photos are important to me and that's why I reintroduced myself to the concept of not photographing every little thing but to be more decisive with my photo choices. It's like going back to film photograph. Make that space on the memory card hold something more than the 10 duplicates of the same photo.



Kar en's f avor it e in spir at ion al qu ot e:

"Therearetwo peoplein every

photograph: thephotographer and theviewer" - Ansel Adams

F E A T URE D A RT IS T Brent : Tell us about the featured image: W hat was the inspiration behind it? W hat was your process to get it? How did you do the post processing? Karen: The featured image is taken from the back window in my house. As I was in my office, I happened to look out the window and saw this magnificent color above our tree line. I grabbed my Samsung Galaxy S9 phone because my Sony was packed for a trip. When I looked out the back window, I couldn't believe what I saw. It was frightening and awesome. We had just had a major storm go through our area but I have never seen a scene like this one. I have a personal album I call "Thru The Back Window". I thought this would be a great photo for that album. I cranked open the window and start shooting. The reflection in the pond and on the scrub trees just out the window added to the almost surreal moment I was seeing. I got about 5 or 6 photos before it moved out of area. It was moving fast about 30 mph. We rarely get sunsets here because of the tree line and because we have been having so many storms that last through the sunset. In post-processing, I used Lightroom Mobile which is my choice for phone photos. I shot this in RAW (PRO on Samsung) so that with just a little tweaking the colors I saw in the clouds just popped. To see it in person was surreal. I'm an old woman and not much surprises me, but this sunset was something I'd never seen in my life.




Brent : If you could travel anywhere in the world specifically to take pictures, where would you go? W hy? Karen: I have been to Africa twice this year. I would definitely go back over and over, if I could. I felt at home there. I would also go back to Iceland. The Northern Lights keep calling me. I did photograph them, but I was in Iceland for only 4 days and 2 of those days were taken up by a hurricane and rain. I want to see the rest of it. Since 2015, I have been to Australia and New Zealand during cyclone season, Iceland where we had a hurricane, Arizona for typhoon season, Africa where I thought I'd freeze to death and I'm from Minnesota. Can't believe I missed the polar vortex. I've been in 27 foot seas and being home I have been surrounded by tornadoes numerous times. I do take a lot of storm photos. Brent : W hat is the most challenging photo you?ve ever taken and how did you overcome those challenges? Karen: Probably the most challenging photographs were all of my storm chasing photographs in the Arizona desert, but which resulted in one of the most spectacular sunsets I've ever seen. I loved it so much, I had a 48x20 canvas made of it. Standing out in the desert taking photos in the dark of a major storm with scorpions, snakes and tarantulas, all my nightmare creatures is terrifying and exhilarating. We had to stop every 10 minutes and shine the special lights to check for these creatures. Shooting in manual when you can't see what you are doing and hoping that you get the shot when the lightning finally comes is frustrating and wonderful when you get the shot. When the thunder comes and you and 13 others have to quickly pack up your stuff, and get out of there because the storm is too close, and a tarantula has taken up position in front of the van door - now that is a challenge. I would do that again in a heartbeat.


K A R EN PA D IL L A U SA Brent : W hat advice would you give to someone just starting on their photography adventure? Karen: Don't give up. Keep shooting. Take your time and don't worry about what anyone else is doing. When buying a camera go to a shop to try them out. You don't want to spend a lot of money on a camera that is uncomfortable. It's like wearing shoes that don't fit. Don't succumb to the lens envy or equipment envy. I shot with my kit lens for 4 years before buying another lens. Brent : How do you educate yourself to improve your photography skills? Karen: I follow several photographers' work and programs. Each has a different style of teaching and brings something new to the table. I have attended photography workshops in addition to my travel writing in order to submit the best photos for the stories. Continuing education in photography is needed to keep up your skills. Our school districts have classes and I will go back to basics sometimes just to get grounded again and learn something new. It can boost your confidence when you get an email saying your photo has placed ahead of 497,988 other photos even if that's still just in the top 10% of the photos judged. Thanks to Mitch for his adorable face for that boost to my confidence. Never quit learning. Read, learn, practice, and just do it.


Photographer: B A RRY W


Country: C A N A D A F/

1.8 21/ 1008 SEC ISO50

I went back to the teepee site and thought about doing another pano. Here's the result. The image was adjusted using the iPhone 7 inbuilt software, sized and cropped in Photoshop CS6.

Feedback: C H RIST IA N P IRO N Country: B L EGIU M Barry, very nice pano with great colours. Good composition with the sun at the left and the road as leading line and at the right side a "new" view with foreground and the sky. Well done.

Photographer: B REN D A P OT T S Country: U SA Just under the wire. I can never remember the name of this plant, but it's in full bloom on our deck. I wanted to test how my iPhone SE handled a macro shot, this is the result. I slightly bumped the vibrancy and contrast in LR.

Feedback: R O M Y V IL L A N U EVA Country: P H IL IPPIN ES Great macro shot Brenda. I like the focus on the base of the stamen. Well done.

Photographer: CINDI KISIEL-SMITH Country: USA This is challenge is very timely - I just finally downloaded my phone photos into Lightroom yesterday. Here's a shot of the sunrise at an eco resort in Fiji from last November. "Kenny" was the canine resort ambassador. I believe in the photo he is gazing out looking for my drone to attack, as he had every morning. Taken with my LGV20.

Feedback: D EN ISE M C K AY Country: USA You can really feel the peaceful mood of this photo. Well composed. I think the cropped version is an improvement. Great job!

Photographer: D EN IS O 'B Y RN E Country: I REL A N D Each month I have to take a trip to Howth a small fishing village north of the city centre and today was the day. Brought my new camera - PHONE - and shot away. I have been surprised at the results. I am posting just one as otherwise I would be breaking all the rules. W ill post the others in the Passion Folder for your attention and viewing. As I have posted flowers up to now this one is of a section of the port with the fishing processing plant in the distance.

Feedback: P ET ER D W IGH T Country: A U ST RA L IA A beautiful scene Denis, lovely colours & good sharpness, I love being around water & boats, I don't know why but I am drawn to it, I think that's why I love the Greek islands so much, great capture.

Photographer: DENYSE HURLEY Country: USA IPHONE X | F/ 2.4 1/ 1800 SEC ISO16 | 6 MM Added to the texture in LR. Like the black background. Feet have lots of stories.

Feedback: E REZ S H IL AT Country: I SRA EL WOW Denyse, this is a wonderful piece of art. Love the B&W and the interesting angle.

Photographer: D IA N A Z IL A H Y Country: USA Taken during a recent trip to Buenos Aires - the inside of the incredibly opulent opera house. More gold than I've ever seen!!

Feedback: L EIL A G O N Z A L EZ

S U L L IVA N Country: USA The perspective here is much like visitors might see? a great way to compose your shot. Good highlights, too. Well done.

Photographer: E D W A RD R O RER Country: USA IPHONE X

| F/ 2.4 1/ 335SEC | 6 MM

Everyone loves a parade. Normally, I would have taken a DSLR to the July 4 parade but, with Brent's challenge in mind, I left it at home. This image was shot in Edgartown, Mass. The parade features lots of military and I particularly got a kick out of the older gentleman on the left side covering his ear at the sound of the cannon.

Feedback: L AU RI N OVA K Country: U SA Wonderful representation of America on the 4th of July. Love the color and vibrancy of it.

Photographer: E U GEN E B RA N N A N Country: U SA IPHONE 8+

| F/ 2.8 1/ 60 SEC ISO320 | 6.6 MM

Comes from the world of fun, food and team building? Yes that's right, team building....the photo was taken at an arcade where my management team went to do "team building" for an HR assignment. Colorful spirals on an arcade game.

Feedback: B REN T M A IL Country: A U ST RA L IA Great image Eugene! colours - and the shapes the middle. You inspired thanks for showing me your images in Africa.

Love all those lead my eye into this challenge how you edited

Photographer: J U A N A CO STA Country: U SA IPHONE XS M AX | F/ 2.4 1/ 75SEC ISO16 | 6 MM

Feedback: V A L ERIE W


Country: U SA One of my favorite subjects and you have captured him very well. Love how he is looking at you!

Photographer: K AT H Y P OT T ER Country: U SA

Feedback: D EN ISE M C K AY Country: USA

I took this last summer with my iphone x. I am still playing with some of the iphone apps because I really do want to learn to use the camera on my phone. I downloaded Snapseed, the best news is that I now know how to smooth my face and look younger . I hope to get some fun shots over the 4th of July celebrations!

Great job capturing the silhouettes of the people and the beautiful colors of the sky. This is a good example of using what you have at just the right moment. Nice job!

Photographer: K IM M U L L ER Country: A U ST RA L IA F/

2.2 1/ 1100 SEC ISO25

This photo was taken with my iPhone 6s Plus, when we were touring around Cape Town this year.

Feedback: P AU L A F U RL A N I Country: A U ST RA L IA Kim - I love the vibrancy of this image of complementary colours (yellow/ blue). And the wispy clouds adds a little interest to the background. Nice one!

Photographer: C H RIST IN E R O C H ER Country: A U ST RA L IA I took this image back in 2017 on my Samsung 6 (which I still use) - was early morning, 7am; there was a glorious rainbow perfectly placed. This is a version using I think, the gothic style editing effect preset.

Feedback: S H EREE E B A N K S Country: C AY M A N I SL A N D S Wow, definitely looks like divine intervention! Cool shot.

Photographer: R O D N EY C H A RLTO N Country: AUSTRALIA SAMSUNG S7 | F/ 1.7 1/ 160 SEC ISO50 | 4.2MM I was drawn to the symmetry and lines of this path through Hyde Park in Sydney, while walking through the area last week.

Feedback: C A RO L A N N M A N D EL A Country: U SA Agreed, great symmetry very calming and this lovely image that takes me back to a time and place long ago; thank you. I agree with Paula re the lampposts and it almost seems as though the camera has also curved the path into a slight convex.

Photographer: K IM M U L L ER Country: A U ST RA L IA IPHONE

| F2/ 4 1/ 15SEC ISO64

I took this photo with my iPhone, a few years ago when I was in Paris. I tried many times to get a decent shot with my camera which I must admit was just a point and shoot at the time. I was thrilled with this shot in comparison with my shots from my camera.

Feedback: L A IM A R ATA JC Z A K Country: A U ST RA L IA A lovely photo, I like both the great colours and your composition. Well done.

Photographer: S IG R A N N EM Country: CANADA F/

2.2 1/ 120 SEC ISO40 | 4.15MM

I'm posting a peeling paint picture from a steel highway barrier in my neighbourhood. I was walking the dog and the colours caught my eye. Shot with my iPhone 5s. Edited in LR 6.

Feedback: K A REN P A D IL L A Country: USA Love this. Reminded me of one of my favorite things to say when I'm bored - "It's like watching paint peel". I see a Native American on a horse in the lower left corner. I do see the ancient map, also. Very interesting. Love the colors.

Photographer: S T EV E D A RN EL L Country: U SA IPHONE XS

| F/ 2.4 1/ 800 SEC ISO16 | 6 MM

W hile driving through my neighborhood I noticed this mushroom growing and thought it looked interesting. Fortunately I had my trusty iPhone with me to capture the image. Following Brent's introduction I had loaded and set up Lightroom Mobile a couple of days ago and used this app to capture the image.

Feedback: L AU RI N OVA K Country: U SA This is fantastic Steve. So crisp and clear. Looks like a golf ball on a tee. Nice find!

Photographer: S IG R A N N EM Country: CANADA IPHONE 5S

| F/ 2.2 1/ 180 SEC ISO32 |

4.15MM This is a shot of a cup lichen on the edge of my aging and ailing cottage dock.

Feedback: G IN A S K IN N ER Country: USA This is a great shot. I like the orientation of the image, it's sharp and well detailed, visually tactile. A rugged, crusty, weathered dock with a splash of dainty lichen blossoms and it looks amazing enlarged! :)

Ac k no w l edg ement s SPECIAL THANKS TO OUR TEAM

Creator.............................................Br en t M ail

Art Director....................Hazel River a

Writer & Editor in Chief...............Lau r i Novak

Assistant Editor........Liza M ar ie Pon o

Designer.............................St eph en Gon zales About t his publicat ion: Photo BootCamp Magazine was created to showcase the art, skills, and camaraderie of the recruits from the Academy. Each month, Brent leads members in a new drill, teaching them what they need to know to get out in the field and create images using their new skills. About Photo BootCamp Academy: Photo BootCamp Academy is a community of like-minded photography students who come together to learn in the fastest, most fun way - how to harness the magic of photography, improve their craft, gain confidence, and sometimes even win awards! Join BootCamp here: ht t ps:/ / join-bootcamp Copyright : Share Inspire Create Š 2019. All Right Reserved. Artists in this magazine are responsible for their own works and any rights appertaining.

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