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Shari Rothstein
Shari Lynn Rothstein In March 2007, Shari Lynn Rothstein opened SLK Creative, a niche marketing, public relations, and brand/imaging firm, focusing on the special event and hospitality events industry. Here, she lends her expertise to companies and individuals that are looking to be publicly recognized, to grow, to create or change their image or grow the company’s brand. Shari brings 22 years of experience to the table, having previously held editorial positions at numerous publications in New York, being the editor of BIZABSH FLORIDA and written freelance for multiple magazines and websites nationally. She offers a breadth of versatility, covering everything from food, travel, events, women’s and men’s fashion to home fashion and decor, gifts, accessories, stationery, and jewelry. She has also been involved in the entertainment and music industries. Shari has worked both sides – as media as well as a publicist, and understands what it takes to keep everyone engaged. She strive