Application of Air-Deck Technique in Surface Blasting

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Application of Air-deck in surface blasting

Application of Air-Deck Technique in Surface Blasting Author: Partha Das Sharma, B.Tech(Hons.) in Mining Engineering; E.mail:; Blog/Website: *** 1. Introduction – One of the basic mine operations for quarries is blasting. Primarily, the blasting helps breaking the earth materials into fragments before fed into aggregate plants. The explosives used in rock blasting can be commonly, classified, into two types; primer and blasting agent. Primer, a high explosive, is placed at the bottom of blast holes along with its ignition system. A calculated amount of the blasting agent is then filled into the hole. The commonly used blasting agent in the mining industry is ammoniumnitrate pill and fuel oil mixture (ANFO). Each blast hole is loaded with these explosives. Stemming such as rock cutting, the small rock chips from drilling, is filled into the holes. Normally in rock blasting, a number of blast holes are drilled and placed systematically. An example of blast hole pattern is shown.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Author: Partha Das Sharma, B.Tech(Hons.) in Mining Engineering; E.mail: ; Blog/Website:


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