MINING AND INDUSTRIAL DUST, AIR POLLUTION AND RELATED OCCUPATIONAL DISEASES NUISANCE TO BE CHECKED FOR IMPROVEMENT OF GENERAL SAFETY AND HEALTH STANDARD Partha Das Sharma, B.Tech(Hons.) in Mining Engineering; E.mail:; Website: *** It is the responsibility of man to live in harmony with nature and all its living creatures while tapping the earth’s vast mineral resources so as to maintain and improve our essential needs. This may incur an end cost. Polluting our environment however also carries a huge burden of responsibility on all of us in order to maintain the future of our entire eco system and the natural beauty of the earth.
In the bulk handling industry such as coal, iron ore, quarry aggregates etc., the control of dust is of prime importance and should be regarded as part of the process. It should not be considered as something that is reluctantly added to the process at minimal costs and neglected thereafter.
INTRODUCTION Mine air pollution is the presence of high concentration of contaminations, dust, smokes etc., in the general body of air man breaths. Dust is defined as particulate matter as "any airborne finely divided solid or liquid material with a diameter smaller than 100 micrometers." Dust and smoke are the two major components of particulate matter. These materials come from various sources, including, but not limited to, various industrial processes, paved and unpaved roadways, construction and demolition sites, parking lots, storage piles, handling and transfer of materials, and open areas. Dust when inhaled can increase breathing problems, damage lung tissue, and aggravate existing health problems. In addition to health concerns, dust generated from various activities can reduce visibility,