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Winter Crisis Helps Keep You Warm
Winter heating assistance for residents who are without heat or threatened with disconnection remains available in Lorain County through March 31.
Winter Crisis applicants must be living at or below 175% of the federal poverty line or have a COVID-19 diagnosis. Crisis appointments can be scheduled at app. capappointments.com for the following reasons:
Heat has been disconnected;
A disconnection notice has been received;
You need to establish new service;
You need to pay to transfer service;
Bulk fuel users have less than a 10-day supply of wood, coal, pellets, propane or oil;
A member of the household has had COVID-19.
Due to COVID-19, all appointments will be conducted by telephone. LCCAA’s satellite offices remain closed.
Those with a pending disconnection notice must provide an account number during appointment scheduling to place a hold on the disconnection. Missing or rescheduling the appointment may result in disconnection.
If you have questions about an existing application, you can also call 440-245-1870 Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. to speak with a representative. The lobby reception window at 936 Broadway Ave. in Lorain is open for one visitor at a time. Masks are required. No documents are accepted at the window. A weather-tight, secure document drop box is stationed at the agency’s rear lobby entrance.
Contact your family service worker or home visitor if you need help applying for this program. See our website for other programs currently available.