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Making Connections in the COVID Environment
We have all come to realize the importance of social distancing, but we cannot forget the importance of parent and staff connections. The usual daily chats at the beginning and the end of the day have changed for all, but connecting with each other can still occur.
Paperwork: Share with staff any forms, notes, or updates that are in the child’s folders.
Reminders: Inform staff of the need for early release, absences, and appointments.
ClassTag: Communicate with teachers, family service workers, and home visitors as often as you wish. Request information, resources, and share your child’s learning achievements.
Prepare your child for the day: Encouragement and simple reminders help with transitions.
Create a ritual: A special hug, handshake, greeting, or saying can help celebrate the day.
Park: For any immediate questions or concerns, please pull up to a designated parking spot and ask to speak to your child’s Family Service Worker or a supervisor. Teachers will be busy supervising students to and from the classroom.
Celebrate: share your successes! Let us acknowledge you and your family’s achievements in the Head Start Newsletter.
We are all in this together!

Curbside pickup gives teachers like Delilah Jones at Hopkins- Locke great opportunities to chat one-on-one with parents. Making connections is still possible in the COVID-19 environment. For longer talks, parents can park.