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Winter Crisis Begins Nov. 2
Winter heating assistance for residents who need help paying for heat or who have had their heat turned off will be available beginning Nov. 2 through March 31, 2020. To be eligible for help, residents must live at or below 175% of the federal poverty level.
Residents who have received a disconnection notice are especially urged to call the HEAP hotline at 440-538-6999 or go online to app. capappointments.com to make an appointment. Residents trying to restore, reconnect and or transfer services also qualify for the program.
Due to COVID-19 restrictions, all appointments will be contactless. Required documents can be submitted in three different ways. There is a secure dropbox at 936 Broadway Ave., Lorain with instructions. Documents can also be faxed to 440-201-6483 or emailed to heapdocs@lccaa.net.
Additional details on the program will be released in mid-October. The appointments can be made beginning Oct. 19.