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Head Start Works to Respect All Traditions
Celebrating holidays in schools is familiar to many parents. They may have their own fond memories of decorations, crafts, songs and classroom parties that they want their own children to experience.
At LCCAA Head Start, we must remember our school families can be very diverse, with different beliefs and traditions. Even families who do celebrate the same holidays can do so in very different ways. This poses a challenge to our teachers who work to ensure that all children are respected and represented.
To keep from alienating families or children, teachers must think of holidays as a time to learn and share, rather than participate. Teachers can have children share stories and photos, and families can participate in recipe exchanges. Dramatic play centers can be stocked with food boxes and spice tins that are used by families. Different types of music can be played during class. In these ways, children can share with their teachers and friends the things that are meaningful to their families.
Teachers can also create unique celebrations during traditional holiday seasons. For instance, the Head Start classrooms will all be celebrating Winterfest before the children leave for winter break. Some may have a pajama or other type of dress-up day, others may put on a mini concert or create crafts.
While these celebrations will vary in content, they will all have one thing in common: all children will have meaningful roles that leave them feeling both represented and respected.