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New Year Begins with New Spaces
Welcome families and thank you for choosing Head Start!
It is our hope that you had a safe and happy summer and the children are ready to begin school! Hopefully, you have received all the information you need concerning your child’s center, classroom, orientations and health screenings. If not, please call the center and speak with a staff member who will be happy to assist you.
There have been many projects that began last year and have continued throughout the summer. I am happy to report that we have a new center in downtown Lorain at 1949 Broadway Ave., Central Plaza. We have three classrooms which provide room for a total of 60 children enabling us to extend our partnership with Lorain City Schools. The lead staff for each classroom will be an LCS teacher and LCCAA Head Start will provide the assistant teacher.
We were thrilled to welcome the public into this incredible, historic space during our June open house. My thanks to United Properties’ Jon Veard, Jon Veard Jr. and everyone who made our move and our event a great success.
Work continues on the relocation of our kitchen from Kennedy Plaza to 8th Street as well as the creation of a new Early Head Start Center in south Elyria. Please stay tuned for updates on these exciting projects.
As you know, the more things change, the more they stay the same. Our staff remain dedicated to your children and to providing them the very best learning environment. This program year is pivotal in that we are finally seeing normalcy back as we come out of the pandemic. While it may not look like pre-pandemic normalcy, we can be grateful that we have learned many things during this time, and continue to work toward greater things.
We look forward to a wonderful year filled with learning, activities, participation, and great outcomes!
Let’s have a great year!

Shauna Matelski, Ed.D. Head Start Director