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Refer a Friend to Head Start
During the height of the pandemic, Head Start programs nationwide reduced their enrollment to protect our families. As the country continues to recover, full enrollment becomes our goal again.
The best recruitment tool for our program is our existing and past families. If you know someone interested in a Head Start, send them our way!
Both Head Start and Early Head Start use 100% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL) for priority placement. In addition, the programs can serve 35% of families whose income is between 101 and 130%. Ten percent of families can exceed 130% of the FPL.
New in 2022, families receiving food stamps or the Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (SNAP) are automatically eligible. Families in the following situations are also automatically eligible:
Receiving TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
Receiving SSI (Supplemental Security Income)
Homeless, Foster Care or Kinship Care
According to our Community Needs Assessment, more than 4,200 children in Lorain County are being raised by their grandparents. If you know someone in that situation, Head Start might be able to help.
Applications are taken year round on our website at https://www. lccaaforms.net/.