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LCCAA Staff Highly Qualified
The knowledge of Head Start staff is crucial to supporting the health, learning and development of children as well as their families’ strengths, needs, and parenting skills. No professional can do this without building their awareness, skills, and competencies through professional development.
Head Start Performance Standards lay out the training and qualification requirements for all levels of staff. In many cases, LCCAA Head Start staff exceed these requirements.
For example, staff members are required to complete at least 15 hours of training per year. In 2021- 2022, the average number of hours completed by LCCAA staff was 29.
LCCAA Head Start’s key management staff exceed requirements to hold position-related degrees.
Home Visitors, Assistant Teachers and Early Head Start Teachers must at least have the national Child Development Associate (CDA) credential or be in the process of earning it.
Head Teachers must have at least an associate’s degree in child development or early childhood education. Among all the head teachers, at least 50% must hold a bachelor’s degree.
Family Service staff must have, within 18 months of hire, a credential or certification in social work, human services, family services, counseling or related field. Many have the Family Development Specialist (FDS) certification which renews annually.