2 minute read
How to Adjust to a New School Year
From the moment your child steps into his or her Head Start classroom, the day is carefully planned to maximize learning. A healthy meal and a class meeting are two ways teachers prepare students for the day ahead. Being on time and present for both of these important daily components is key to a successful day in school.
Regular attendance is also critically important in our quest to build lifelong learners. Preschool is a time for building the social, emotional, cognitive and language skills needed for school readiness. Many of these skills build on one another, so absent children may miss the foundational skills needed for the next skill. Additionally, following a predicable daily routine helps to build confident and eager learners.
Here are some tips to help your child become a lifelong learner and get him or her to school each day on time!
Set a consistent bedtime routine.
Wake up at the same time each morning.
Use picture schedules to show routines and encourage selfhelp skills.
Lay your child’s clothes out the night before.
Set a positive and calming tone each morning. If it’s chaotic, then children feed off that energy.
Leave early enough in the morning to get to school on time.