Health is Your Wealth Magazine October 2015

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October 2015


Health is Your Wealth Magazine

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Editors Message

It‘s the end of summer now, Halloween is around the corner and we have already started to work on the December issue ! It is good to have a routine but sometimes can feel like your stuck in ground hog day! This can severally affect your motivation which is key to recovery and maintaining health. This issue starts to discuss this subject in some detail however we can't underestimate the importance of being self motivated and would strongly encourage family, friends and carers to help create an environment of motivation Dominic Editor

Readers Letters … Send letters to: Please note that some of these articles are written by patients who are still in recovery. These articles are unchanged and may contain spellings, punctuation and grammar mistakes. A copy of our medical disclaimer is on our website What a positive read ! Alex, Cornwall The article ―Tsunami of the soul‖ rand many bells with me, but most of all I

remember the feeling ―like there is nothing you can do, you just hand your loved one over to the medical staff and hope they know what they're doing!‖

Richard, East Midlands The ―Impulsive Decision Making‖ article is a very similar situation to the one we are in! Mary, Kent Thank you for your letters. We can‘t acknowledge all the letters but will aim to respond to each one!

Please note that errors and omissions are exempt from this publication. For terms and conditions please see

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Contents Editors message and Reader Letters Contents Contributors

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THERAPY Exercise -Body Maintenance


Speech Matters


RELATIONSHIPS Family Relationships


Children's Corner


A Parents Uncertainty


Living with Brain Injury


IMPROVING AWARENESS Statistics and Awareness

Golden Nuggets


Importance of Nutrition


Learn to pace yourself



Alzheimer‘s Society




Macmillian Cancer Support


Train Your Brain


Brain Training Applications


Fun Applications



MENTAL HEALTH The medication minefield How to keep motivated Positive Mental Attitude

Movie Review



Book Review






Key Contacts


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Contributors To this issue Thank you to the authors who had input to this magazine. Without your valuable content this issue would not have happened!

Speech Matters: Thomas Brain Training:

Mental Health: Becky Wickes Living With Brain Injury: Theresa Barron Family Relationships: Sharon Marks

Importance of Nutrition: Chris H

Children's Corner: Cora Marks Parents Uncertainty: Alan Morris Exercise: Body Maintenance:

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Such dramatic personality

Family Relationships

shifts are not unusual among those diagnosed

“Dealing with neurological conditions and behavioural issues”

with a traumatic brain injury or another brain disorders. “Damage to the frontal lobes, whether











strategies for keeping your loved one's

from traumatic brain injury, dementia, or some other neurologic condition, can cause behavior, personality, and mood

aggression or confusion in check.


Everything can change but one of the most difficult pieces to cope with is personality changes. Any blow to the head can result in a

decision making and impulse control in the brain. If they get damaged, personality changes are common.

traumatic brain injury—and the calm, caring person you know may become someone else.

Emotional and aggressive outbursts can be

It‘s a common story to hear. “Ever since the bump my partner gets agitated, flies into fits of rage, and is downright mean”





caregivers and may lead to depression, which can, in turn, cause distress in patients. To control these outbursts, doctors

traditionally prescribe drugs.

However, a report published in the March It's a unique experience to see your best friend, your partner, as a completely different person.

Health is Your Wealth Magazine

British Medical Journal suggests that medications





Page 5


The frontal lobes are the center of

brighten dark moods, and suppress delusions

person you're caring for. When patients

may in fact be less effective than simple

aren't getting enough sleep, aren't eating

strategies for responding to these behavioral

enough, or feel unsafe, their behavioral


symptoms may get worse. To avoid this, be sure your relative is getting adequate

“It's almost like there is no filter,

sleep and not only eating a balanced diet, but also eating often enough.

there is zero capacity for empathy, gratitude, and humility

As a patient's brain degenerates, he or she

whatever is thought just comes

becomes more vulnerable to stress and

blurting out�

medical illnesses. Although there maybe a

After reviewing two decades' worth of research, the scientists concluded that drugs may create more problems than they solve because













behavioral changes in an older or more vulnerable person.


constipation to worsened cognition. Rather than



encourages physicians to educate caregivers.

Don't try to correct or contradict what the patient feels or believes. Challenging those beliefs or statements, however false they may be, may only agitate him or her

In many cases, providing care that combines


mindfulness, love, and logic can defuse difficult situations and alleviate stress and feelings of depression for both you and the

Sometimes people lose the ability to process language following a brain injury or a stroke, or as degenerative diseases

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minor effect to a younger or healthier

like Alzheimer's and multiple sclerosis (MS)

Sometimes people with brain injuries

progress. If that's happening, speak slowly and

become accident-prone or are easily

use simple phrases. Repeat yourself often and

overwhelmed. To guard against that,


create a safe and simple environment free of unused items and background noise.


This will help a brain injured person concentrate on your conversation and

If you find yourself in the midst of a heated

prevent you from constantly repeating

disagreement, take a step back, acknowledge


the other person's feelings, and steer clear of unnecessary verbal battles.


“STICK TO A ROUTINE” Do what you can to make the person Behavioral symptoms are hard to predict. You

you're caring for feel productive and

never know how your loved one is going to act

engaged. Focus on simple activities that

or feel or how tired or agitated he or she is.

match their abilities and interests.

Sticking to a basic schedule can help your loved one feel safe and keep delusions at bay. A daily routine, waking up, going to bed, and eating the same meals at the same time each

Sharon Marks Proprietor

day, and bathing and dressing on a consistent schedule become part of their bodily memory, even if they don't remember it a habit is formed.

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Children’s Corner “The effect on children can be anything from mild to severe, however there is an impact and one which

the same thing and not being sure what to do. I would also like to use this as an opportunity to help others my detailing by story and giving advice and tips on everything. I am going to write a little of the story in every article so it‘s easier to remember the details. Here it goes.

should not be ignored” My name is Cora. I am 14 years old and a couple of months ago my dad came out of hospital after his motorbike accident and has asked me to write an article

Sunday morning, except you could hear the police sirens before anything else‖

about what it's been like for me over the past few years, what's happened, how it's

It seemed like a normal Sunday

affected my life and anything else.

morning, everybody sleeping in and

Hopefully in writing this article I and

my dad would head out on his bike

others in the same situation will find

at about six. But that morning I was

some form of comfort knowing that

up already and looked out the

there are other people putting up with

window to watch him go. My sister

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―It seemed like a normal

and I would usually (when dad


I'll never forget what

returned from his morning thrill) go

happened next, mum's shoulders

horse riding and dad would take us and

sank lower than anything I'd seen

it would be sort of like a father

before, her face contorting in pain

daughters thing that we used to do.

and shock and her eyes welled up. She asked me to take the dog out to the field while she talked to the man

and well, we all woke up and had

and to take my sister with me. So

breakfast and got into our riding gear.

we did and the dog took her time. I

But when It got to 10 o'clock (which

knew that something had happened

was when we would set off for riding)

as soon as the police man showed up

dad still wasn't back. 11 o'clock. 12

and when my friend Charlie came

o'clock. Still no dad. We just assumed

out of his house to say hello (he's

he was stuck in traffic.

like a little brother to me) I panicked and thought the worst had happened

You could hear the police sirens before

and retold everything that I had

anything else. I remember hearing the

heard the policeman say. I guess it's

screeching sirens from the bike before

just human nature. And for that one

the police man knocked the door. He

fleeting moment I selfishly thought I

was huge and was one of the nicest

wouldn't have a dad anymore.

men I have ever met. My mum

Never have I felt so guilty about a

answered it and the man asked her

thought in my entire life.

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So anyway everything seemed all good

a silver platter with caviar and Charlie tried to convince me that it

champagne. For those people that

would be okay and he's probably just

can snap their fingers and have that

broke his arm or somebody stole his

brought to them, you will find it

bike or something like that and so I

more difficult to deal with bad luck

kept positive and thought that it would

as you have never had it.

all be fine and we would be calling

really want something you will

Julie (The horse riding instructor) later

never ever give up until you get it !

to apologize about missing the riding

Personally my satisfaction in life is

lesson and asking to reschedule it for


later in the afternoon and we would be

somebody wrong about doing

going out for tea and shopping for

something and being able to turn

Halloween costumes and washing the

around and say



If you


"I told you, you're wrong "

“Life isn't served to you on a silver platter with caviar and champagne”

That's what I am proudest of my dad for. He looked death in the eye and said ―no‖. Was offered to be pushed around In a chair everywhere and

But unfortunately as I and many people

told ―them there was no chance‖.

should learn, life isn't served to you on Health is Your Wealth Magazine

Page 10


car and walking the dog.

I wish everybody could be like him. In the next article I'm going to talk about the hospital experience, when we got there, what had happened and the process of recovery.

handmade — design 16 Victoria Square Ashbourne, Derbyshire 01355 348605

Just to let you know, as I am writing this article at 8:30 pm I am lying down on the sofa typing this up and my dad Relationships

is sat across the room with the laptop while simultaneously singing to the dog- it seems like nothing has changed.

Cora, age 15 Health is Your Wealth Magazine

Page 11

―Run, because you are not ready,‘‘ the

“A Parents Uncertainty”

voice wheedles. ―Who, could ever be ready?‘‘ I reply. ―Run, because you can.‘‘ ―Run? I cannot.‘‘ I say, I try to say with more defiance than I feel. ―Here I stand, I cannot, be anywhere else.‘‘ ―But you wanted to run before, to leave them all behind, they are better off without you, you said.‘‘

my face? Could I face myself? So do the right thing, even if you do it through shame, through fear. ―I wanted…………………. I wish it I am losing him.

could be different.‘‘ ―Wish? Wishing won‘t help!‖ the voice

―Run, hide.‘‘ The voice in my head whispers.

continues, ―you know that. You

―Run, because you are frightened,‘‘ the voice

always knew that.‘‘

offers justification.

―It is easy to wish‘‘ I say, me, not him,

―Who, can blame you?‘‘ the voice offers

traditional expected. It is harder to face,

explanations, solutions, a way out?

the actuality of death, the tubes, the wires the flickering screens, the bouncing lines

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Could I ever face them if I did not show

counting down to death, or leading back to

be bright funny clever even naughty. I


feared the illness surgery or some other

―I am, a man, I must, do something.‘‘

treatment would take something away.

―You didn‘t before!‘‘ The voice mocks. ―I must do something, say something, protect

The paragraph above represents the

my child,‘‘ I continue.

feelings I felt over the long; long nights

―But I, have failed.‘‘

when monitors beeped alarms sounded

―You have failed before.‘‘

every time the pressure within Kyle‘s

―I can‘t fail now.‘‘ All I, can do, is hold his

brain rocketed.

hand and wait. Kyle‘s illness was Encephalitis, something

The vigil, the watching over the dead or dying

had made his brain swell. To this day the

once woman‘s work.

original cause remains unknown. A side effect was that his swelling brain shut off

There‘s only me now, to stay, to care, to look

the normal flow of CSF (cerebro spinal

after him

fluid) a clear fluid often described as the

“I’m just a man”

brains shock absorber. So the fluid was unable to drain back into the spinal

I was a single parent just me and my two boys

column causing a Hydro cephalous water

I thought all my troubles were behind me. I

on the brain.

will never forget the feeling of desolation as my son was wheeled into the CAT scanner. I

Kyle was put on steroids which reduce

was frightened not just that my son my golden

inflammation. The hope was that steroids

child could die but that the essential Kyle

and time would sort out the problem.

would not survive the illness. I wanted him to

Sadly he needed an operation, a shunt

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Just us…………even the voice is gone.

access device was implanted, this drained the excess fluid into his abdomen, with the fluid draining his brain started to return to normal. Kyle made a full though quite slow recovery. He had lost the ability to walk see and have any hand to eye co-ordination. It took a full year to get back to full time education, quite devastating when you can‘t play foot ball with your friends. He learnt magic to improve his co-ordination. We went water skiing to improve his balance, well that was Kyle‘s

Alan Morris (Proud Dad)

I started writing his story when he was struggling to finish his PhD. It‘s only a doctorate you learned to walk when you were

Is this magazine in your doctors waiting room yet?

twelve, I would say.

He‘s come so far showing real courage and determination.

I‘m so proud of him and grateful to all my family and the staff of Southampton General


and click on subscriptions.


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perhaps politely ask

“Living With a Brain Injury�

"Do you mind answering a personal question?" The majority of people are quite happy to

You can't just go through life avoiding 'weird' situations






'awkward'. It is easier to pretend that peoples difficulties don't exist, that way you don't have to deal with them!

However as the great

Winston Churchill said:

talk about their condition and are not embarrassed at all. In fact because it is a topic they tend to know quite well they can speak with some level of confidence and may even crack a joke about it! They are living life day in day out so are able to

"Sometimes your best friends are the

in the world to talk about is yourself!

even though you are slightly cracked" Occasionally it is evident that a person has a medical condition because you can see it in the form of a wheelchair, walking stick, the persons posture etc. In this instance you can prepare





appropriately. However when things are not so obvious and it is not until you are speaking with someone that you realise the listener has a condition that you were not aware of but you are not exactly sure which one therefore rather than try and guess or get out of the scenario

Health is Your Wealth Magazine

Ashbourne TAXIS door to door taxi service. Specialist in providing transfers to and from the doctors office /hospitals / airports. Coordinating with airport special assistance and hospital porters so that both your destination and pickup is stress free. When making a booking please specify that you would like special services included and we will be only happy to help and make sure you get to your destination with ease. Page 15


ones who know you are a good egg,

speak easily and fluently, the easiest thing

Statistics and Awareness People with Parkinson's don't have enough of

people will recover within months, and

a chemical called dopamine because some

often within hours or days, of stopping

nerve cells in their brain have died. Without

the drug that caused the dopamine block.







movements become slower so it takes longer

There is no conclusive evidence that

to do things.

Parkinson's is a hereditary condition that can be passed on within families, apart from in exceptionally rare cases.

Approximately 127,000 people in the UK.







Parkinson's continue, the quality of life Most people who get Parkinson's are aged 50

for people with the condition also

or over but younger people can get it too.


A small number (around 7%) of people

Your local Parkinson's UK team can tell

diagnosed with parkinsonism have developed

you about support and services available

their symptoms following treatment with

local to you. Or you can call our helpline

particular medication. The symptoms of drug-

0808 800 0303

induced parkinsonism tend to be static. Only in rare cases do they change in the manner that the symptoms of Parkinson's do. Most

Health is Your Wealth Magazine

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Improving Awareness

One person in every 500 has Parkinson's.

walkers. We need thousands of people to walk with us for a world without dementia – because arm in arm, step by step and pound by pound, we will get there. There are an estimated 850,000 people living with dementia in the UK,

Walk For A World Without Dementia

making it one of the biggest health challenges facing us today.

Alzheimer‘s Society is calling on the public to sign up to their biggest fundraising event of the year, Memory Walk, taking place this

Wales and Northern Ireland throughout September and October and are ideal for people of all ages and abilities, from

It‘s a day for everyone to come together, celebrate loved ones affected by dementia, and raise money to fund research and services for people living with the condition. Alzheimer‘s Society‘s cutting-edge health and social

grandparents to grandchildren. Walkers can choose between a short stroll or a longer walk, up to 10km,with fun activities and entertainment at every location.

research influences practice and transforms There‘s still plenty of time to sign up and


take part, so join Alzheimer‘s Society as This year, Memory Walk aims to raise £3.2 million and bring together over 45,000

Health is Your Wealth Magazine

we fight dementia this autumn. To find a walk near you and start

Page 17

Improving Awareness


The walks take place across England,

fundraising visit

 £650 could pay for a comprehensive brain scan to help improve diagnosis of





different types of dementia

Memory Walk could fund the following….

 £1,000 could fund a PhD researcher

 £25 could pay for genetic tests in four

for 7 days to continue vital research into understanding the causes of dementia, how it can be treated and to find a cure

 225,000 people will develop dementia this year, that‘s one every three minutes

people in a clinical trial. This can let us look for specific genes within their DNA

850,000 people in the UK have a form of dementia. In less than ten years a million

 £50 will help for a PhD researcher to

people will be living with dementia. This

continue research into the causes of dementia,

will soar to two million people by 2051

how it can be treated and, ultimately, to find a cure

 £100 would allow a person with dementia to enjoy ten Singing for the Brain sessions to boost their confidence

 £250 could pay for antibodies that are vital for analysing proteins in brain tissue to measure changes

Health is Your Wealth Magazine

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Improving Awareness

Alzheimer‘s Society research shows that

Dementia costs the UK economy over £26 Billion per year. This is the equivalent of more than £30,000 per person with dementia.

Alzheimer‘s Society champions the rights of people living with dementia and the millions of people who care for them.

Alzheimer‘s Society works in England, Wales and Northern Ireland

live well with dementia today and funds research to find a cure for tomorrow.We rely on voluntary donations to continue our vital work. You can donate now by calling 0845 306 0898 or visiting Alzheimer‘s Society provides a National Dementia Helpline, the number is 0300 222 11 22 or visit

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Improving Awareness

Alzheimer‘s Society supports people to

Our Counseling service provides 1:1 support for anyone affected by ABI. For some, the impact of brain injury can be life-changing and this valuable service HEADWAY HURSTWOOD PARK

helps survivors and carers adjust and

Headway Hurstwood Park is a registered

come to terms with what has happened to

charity based in Newick, East Sussex. We


work in partnership with other organizations

different locations in East Sussex.

This service is available at

and professionals to provide person-centered

Improving Awareness

services for people affected by an acquired brain injury (ABI), including stroke.

Reassurance Initial contact is via our Advice and Support team





practical advice and signposting to those living with a brain injury and their families

Caring for someone with a brain injury

and carers.

can be challenging, especially if the person has behavioral changes.


Monthly evening support groups are held in

Carers services offer tailored support,

Eastbourne, Hailsham and Brighton which

advice and an opportunities for carers to

provide an opportunity for clients and carers

invest in their own wellbeing through our

to share experiences, learn more about brain

―pampering‖ sessions.

injury and receive mutual support.

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Rehabilitation, Reablement and

activities include photography, basic food skills and work skills.

Respite Our Newick centre offers rehabilitation and reablement to support people in their recovery, and respite to enable individuals to maintain their skills and support their carers. This can be funded by the Local Authority (Adult Social Care) for those who meet the criteria. People can also pay for services privately, by direct payments or through

There are sessions for social interaction, rebuilding relationships and improving communication important




following brain injury.



rehabilitation These include

current affairs groups, board games and quizzes.

Improving Awareness

compensation packages.

We have an experienced team of neurontherapists



Therapy and Speech and Language Therapy) who




programmes, and our fully fitted gym helps improve clients‘ physical function. We also offer Yoga, Pilates and Tai Chi.

Specific sessions such as relaxation, Hero‘s Journey (a validated programme

Our purpose-built annex has facilities for woodwork, pottery, IT and art, and our beautiful grounds enable us to offer gardening - all of which allow practical tasks to be used

for people with ABI) and managing anxiety enable individuals to develop strategies to help them cope with everyday activities.

in rehabilitation and reablement. Other

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Our experienced and enthusiastic staff are

For more information please visit our

assisted by a band of regular volunteers


enabling us to provide additional support where needed.

If you are not in East Sussex please note that Headway is a UK-wide

Outreach Support Our Care & Rehabilitation staff provide 1:1 support in the individual‘s own home and

charity that supports people affected by





information or support, or to find

re-learn day-to-day skills which have been

your nearest Headway group or

lost following injury and improve quality of

branch, visit

life. Individual goals may include managing finances, coping with busy environments such as supermarkets or managing public transport. or contact the free phone helpline on 0808 800 2244

Information and Advice We are affiliated to the national charity, Headway UK, and are able to provide leaflets and




E-mail: Headway East Sussex is affiliated to


subjects. We offer bespoke presentations/ education sessions to relevant organisations to raise awareness and understanding of brain injury.

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Improving Awareness

local environment to promote independence,

Improving Awareness

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were a better option than carrying on the

Mental Health

way I had been feeling. Slowly though, the nausea and shaking faded, and my moods began to level themselves out - I was able to leave the house again, able to

“The Medication Minefield” A mental health diagnosis, like many physical ones, can require medication for any length of time. This can be a scary idea, or one that might bring feelings of shame - especially if you fear the stigma that can sometimes be

I started taking psychiatric medication seven years ago following a breakdown during my first year of university, and was absolutely terrified by the prospect of being ‗chemically controlled‘. I remember leaving the pharmacy and hurrying home, clutching the paper bag furtively. I lined up the plastic strips in front of me and stared at them for a long time, leaving them on the side for a few days, before taking the first tablet. The next week or so was unpleasant. I won‘t lie and say there were no side effects, but they

my own reflection. Over time I have come to terms with my medication, and now it is simply part of my daily routine - I get up in the morning, I shower, I get dressed, I take my pills. I have been through several types of medication, some working better than others. It is a long process, there are no miracles overnight - a lot of treatment is trial and error. Now it seems at age 26, I have found my balance, my chemical baseline. My side effects are minimal, and my bipolar episodes are (for the most part)




personality disorder now manageable. There are some important factors to keep in mind if you are prescribed psychiatric medication (or any medication for that matter).

Health is Your Wealth Magazine






Page 24

Mental Health

associated with mental health.

hold conversations, no longer afraid of





daunting at first, it is vital to realise that not

communication - staying in regular

every person will suffer with each side effect.

contact with your doctor to update them

It is more likely that you will have a couple of

on medication progress or any side

mild effects for a week or two that will then

effects you are struggling with, reaching

subside, or that you will not have any side

out to those around you to help you, or

effects at all.

using organisations such as T Samaritans,

Most side effects are manageable, and your

MIND or SANE in times of crisis.

doctor may be able to prescribe something to

Contact detail can be found on the

help with the more intense and intrusive

following page.


Medication, those tiny multi-coloured

You may feel that a medication is not working

pills, can seem as though they bring a

for you, however please bear in mind that a

weight to your mind - but when the

lot of medications can take up to four weeks

correct balance is found, an even bigger

to settle in properly, sometimes even longer.

weight will be lifted.

Therefore it is vital to not stop taking a medication suddenly, or to stop taking one not under medical supervision. Doing so increases the risk of relapse greatly, and can bring with it very dangerous withdrawal symptoms. There is no shame in taking mood stabilisers, antipsychotics,






psychiatric medication - they are simply there to balanced out that which is imbalanced. Throughout the entire process one of the most

Health is Your Wealth Magazine

Rebecca Wicks, Twitter @thebibli0phile Page 25


Mental Health

formidable side effects leaflet may seem

informed choices. The Infoline gives

Mental Health help and support services If you are experiencing mental health problems or need urgent support, there are lots of places you can go to for help.


information on types of mental distress, where to get help, drug treatments, alternative therapies and advocacy. Mind also has a network of nearly 200 local Mind associations providing local services.

Saneline Telephone: 0845 767 8000 (6pm-11pm) Website: support/helpline



Saneline is a national mental health

emotional support for people experiencing

helpline providing information and support

feelings of distress or despair, including those

to people with mental health problems and

that could lead to suicide. You can phone,

those who support them.


email, write a letter or in most cases talk to someone face to face.

Mind Infoline Telephone: 0300 123 3393 (9am-5pm Monday to Friday) Email: Web site: advice_lines Mind provides confidential mental health information services. With support and understanding, Mind enables people to make

Health is Your Wealth Magazine

ChildLine Telephone: 0800 1111 Email: Pages/Email.aspx Website: ChildLine is a private and confidential service for children and young people up to the age of nineteen. You can contact a ChildLine





anything - no problem is too big or too small.

Page 26

Mental Health

Telephone: 116 123 (24 hours a day, free to call) Email: Website:

“How to KEEP Motivated?” Other people can provide an environment or a catalyst of motivation however ultimately only you can motivate yourself.

Identifying and Prioritising The easiest way of setting priorities is to set an objective that is meaningful and important to you. We have the following: properly can dramatically increase your

2). Fun

motivation and create a sense of purpose.

3). Result in an increase of finances

The main thing to be careful of is to

If it falls into one of these categories we

make them “Realistic”. Remember if

spend time in this area. There are lots of

your goal is achieved you can always

conflicting priorities and sometimes you need

make them more challenging. However

to spend time on that don't fit into your

by making the too difficult this will only


lead to disappointment an frustration.

Think of them as a guideline

rather than a mantra. The trick is to keep

Again keep them simple and take your

them simple and make sense to you.

time! Lots of small goals that are reached are better than one large goal

Goal setting

which is hard or maybe impossible to

Goals are east to set and east to get wrong!

attain. In the next issue we discuss

We use SMART goals, which if done

monitoring progress !

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Mental Health

1). Aids recovery

The first thing you need to do is get some

Do you have PMA ?

positive juices flowing. Once you‘ve

(Positive Mental Attitude)

started to feel good inside, it‘s much easier to change your perspective on the day and therefore the week.

If a bad day‘s got you down, try one of these ways to turn it around:

1. Listen to a favourite song and sing along. Listening to music you like can

right track. Minor things can trigger bad days, literally anything, even waking up on the wrong side of the bed.

2. Take a shower. I‘m not sure what it is about taking a shower, but it seems to work. Taking a quick shower, especially one that alternates cold and hot water, can

One negative comment can ruin your day and can happen quite frequently, however you have to remember not to let one measly comment tarnish an otherwise great day.

help increase circulation and rid negative energy. Try to start with a warm shower and then slowly turn the temperature of the water as cold as you can stand for 20 seconds. Then bring the temperature back

This is the good news: You can turn around a bad day just as quickly as it started.

Health is Your Wealth Magazine

up again. Alternate this cycle for 3−5 minutes.

Page 28

Mental Health

alter your mood and set you back on the

3. Watch a funny YouTube video. In theory,

6. Write down what‘s bothering you and

watching funny YouTube video can actually

then write something you are grateful for.

boost productivity.

Journaling is a great way to release stress and anxiety since it helps you get things

4. Pet an animal.

off your chest in a safe way. Write in a journal exactly what‘s bothering you and

Petting an animal can dramatically improve

how you‘re feeling about it. Then write a

your mood. It can have such positive effects

few things that you are grateful for. This

that behavioural therapists use animals to help

will help bring you into a positive frame

with healing and are now taking dogs into

of mind.

retirement homes and hospitals.

5. Practice deep breathing. Deep breathing has

you may not feel like it, getting up and

a naturally therapeutic, stress-reducing quality

moving your body will help stimulate

that can help you expel the stress hormones

blood flow and release the ―feel good‖

that a bad day can bring about. Take a few

hormone. Even

moments to close your eyes. Practice inhaling

routine that you can do before you leave

deeply through your nose for a three-second

the house can do the trick.

a short


count, pausing for three seconds, and then exhaling for another three seconds. Aboriginal

For different ideas on living life with a

people have used a similar technique for

positive mental attitude send us your

generations whilst playing the didgeridoo

input new list to:

instrument to obtain a higher relaxation mental state.

Health is Your Wealth Magazine

Page 29

Mental Health

8. Do some light exercises. Even though

Exercise, “Maintenance for your body !”

“Rehabilitation: Points to consider

path to recovery.

during the rehabilitation process” Take a Grade II sprained ankle as an In our series of articles on rehabilitation we

example: the treatment and rehabilitation

take a look at some of the most commonly

plan may be the same for two patients, but

asked questions we get at TG Physiotherapy

the recovery time will be different if:

Care when patients first come through our

assessment of injuries.

One patient has a higher natural fitness level than another;

 Rehabilitation Time

One patient has a history of ankle sprains and the other does not;

“When will I get better? How long is

this going to take to heal?”

One patient is required to be on their feet all day at work, while the other can control how much they move

The honest answer to this common question is



throughout the day;






dependent upon the individual. Every patient


rest‘ their


One patient follows the rehabilitation

who walks through the doors of our clinic is

exercises daily whilst the other

unique. And no two people with the same

regularly forgets to perform them.

diagnosis will have an identical or parallel

Health is Your Wealth Magazine

Page 30


doors and the factors that influence our

All things patients do have in common, however, is that they want to get better quickly and experience as little pain or discomfort as possible in the process.

control in their lives. But the greatest control you have is over your own reactions. And to achieve that, you need to acknowledge that

In a fast moving world where everything is

there will be times in your life

instantly accessible at our fingertips, the

when you have to move to a

thought of a long, slow rehabilitation process

different pace."

can be incredibly frustrating – not to mention painful.

There is no quick fix in rehabilitation, just regular treatment, effective injury

However it is crucial that patients do not rush

area back to normality before they are ready. One regular piece of advice that we give patients at TG Physiotherapy Care is that attempting to do too much too soon can set you back days, weeks or even months on the road to recovery.

One of our recent patients summed up how they came to terms with the limitations of the rehabilitation process:

"Everyone wants to have some level of Health is Your Wealth Magazine





encourage the healing process. Although physiotherapists




understanding of the normal biological healing processes and time frames, experience has taught us that we should only offer estimations rather than exact dates.

Sports Rehabilitation

On almost a weekly basis we are asked, ―When can I run/play football/hit the

Page 31


their bodies and attempt to force the injured


gym again?‖ Advising patients on returning to sport differs from making recommendations on returning to work or continuing with daily life. Because sports and exercise may put much

“So what does a physiotherapist take into consideration when assessing a patient’s injury?”

more demand on the body, we will typically be more cautious in our recommendations.

Why? Because we consider our job to not only be about treating an injury, but also about helping clients keep further injuries at bay to reach their peak performance. As most sporty

Initial inflammation processes

Knowing what is happening from the first few minutes, hours and days after an injury, through to the following weeks, months and even years is essential;

individuals will know, rushing back from an


injury and exercising too soon can easily

Injury classification

aggravate a problem and lead to, at best, a niggle that affects performance for weeks or months, or, at worst a complete repeat of the injury.

The different classifications of bone, ligament, tendon, muscle and nerve injuries helps us to estimate rehabilitation timeframes




mechanism, type and severity of the injury;

Research on post-injury 'return to play' This helps to answer questions on when a

Health is Your Wealth Magazine

Page 32

patient can return to daily activities, work, and sport (usually in that order). This is a massive topic and there are thousands of different injuries and guidelines which are always being updated in light of new clinical

Suffered an injury? Book an appointment with TG Physiotherapy Care today. TG Physiotherapy Care has venues in Nottingham

research studies; You can contact us on: Tel: 07866-464-385 (Within the UK)

Clinical Experience

The more a physiotherapist or medical professional treats a particular type of injury,

Tel: +44 (0) 7866-464-385(Outside the UK) Email:







the better they get at knowing the time it pattern


Even with all of this information to hand, there are still many other variables that can affect healing and recovery times, both physical and psychological.

Having an understanding of everything from medications to emotional stresses, co-existing medical conditions to past experiences can all play a role in rehabilitation.

Health is Your Wealth Magazine

Page 33

Speech Matters: “Foreign Accent Syndrome� "Now I sound like Yoda from star wars!"

broken up, shaky, like an elderly persons or a smokers voice; almost robotic in tone and sometimes

After a motorbike accident Jason was in a comma for four weeks. As he could breath on his own he was ventilated until he could do so successfully on his own. Therefore a tracheotomy (a tube inserted into his neck

to help him until he could manage on his own. Two months went by but eventually Jason could breath independently and the feeding tube was removed so he could now

a result of the tachometry being inserted for such a long period and with time it would go back to normal.

Then when it didn't come

back to normal it was identified that there was more trauma to the area of brain which controls speech and that this sound was permanent. Jason takes a pragmatic view of life

vocalise. However after not speaking for

"this is the way things are now"

two months his family were eager to hear

he says,

his voice and have the frustration of not

"it could be worse; I could have

being able to communicate removed; one

no speech at all"

less barrier which would make things a little easier.

However the medical staff

didn't prepare Jason's family for hearing him speak for the first time. It sounded

Health is Your Wealth Magazine

Of course he is right, things can always be different. After all the glass is half full not half empty.

Page 34


to help his breathing and eating) was used

illegible. At first the doctors said it was

November!‖ Remember to check your

“Golden Nuggets, Strategies to Increase Independence”

smoke alarms

Keep your toothbrush by the sink so you don't forget to brush your teeth and put an elastic band around the bottom so you know which one is yours!

Buy tin cans that open with a pull ring rather than a tin opener


jackets with hoods and put your

hood on your head making it easier to get your coat over your arms.

rice and cheesy pasta bowls which are quick and simple to cook when you are hungry at your "tired time"

Leave some medicine in the car and then if you forget it or get tuck in traffic you have some spare with you.

Cook meals and store them in the freezer so all you have to so is heat them up in the microwave!

Tie the reef knot in your shoe laces three times and the knot won‘t slip before you tie the bow!

Boil eggs and keep them in the fridge for a quick tasty snack that is also nutritional

Check the batteries are working in your smoke





bonfire the

night. 5th


Health is Your Wealth Magazine

Page 35

Managing Your Condition

Buy some microwave food such as packet

“Golden Nuggets, Strategies to Increase Independence”

• Electric toothbrushes are a great choice if you are a lazy brusher and think that the electric toothbrush might encourage you to spend more time on your teeth. However, you can do just as good of a job with a manual toothbrush—it's all in the

“How best to brush your teeth”

technique. •





toothbrushes with "natural" bristles made

I was then reminded of a time when I came

from animal hair as these can harbor

out of hospital and was not independent in


the bathroom. I had to learn this simple but essential personal care skill all over again.

Replace your toothbrush regularly. The

Use a good toothbrush. Choose a toothbrush

bristles will wear out over time, losing

with soft nylon bristles. This must effectively

their flexibility and effectiveness. You

remove plaque and debris from your teeth,

should get a new one every 3 to 4 months,

without irritating the gums or eroding tooth

or as soon as the bristles start to splay out

enamel like hard bristled brushes can do

and lose their shape. Visual inspection of

when used with sideways action. The

the toothbrush is more important than the

toothbrush should also fit comfortably in

actual timeline. You can also buy

your hand, and have a head small enough to

toothbrushes nowadays whose handles

easily reach all of your teeth, especially the

will change color when its time to get a

ones at the back. If you have difficulty fitting

new one.

the toothbrush into your mouth, it is probably

• Research has found that thousands of

too big.

microbes call toothbrush bristles and

Health is Your Wealth Magazine

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Managing Your Condition

At first I was asking ―Why are writing this?‖.

handles "home," and can cause infections.[4]

when used with up/down natural motion.

• Always rinse your brush after using it, and

You should always floss before brushing

store it upright and uncovered so that it can

your teeth so that any food or bacteria that

dry before your next use.

comes loose during flossing doesn't remain in your mouth. • Remember to floss gently. Don't "snap"

remove plaque, it also helps strengthen tooth

the floss between the teeth as this can

enamel. However, it's important to note that

irritate sensitive gums. Ease it down

fluoride toothpaste is not to be swallowed, as

gently, following the curve of each tooth.

ingesting too much can have serious health

• If you find dental floss awkward to use

consequences. It should not be used for

or you have braces, look for dental picks

children under the age of 3.

instead. These are small wooden or plastic sticks which you can insert between teeth,

• You can get toothpastes to target a wide

achieving the same results as flossing if


spaces are large enough.






including cavities, tartar, sensitive teeth and gums, gingivitis and stained teeth. Opt for the

Use a small amount of toothpaste.

one that suits your best or ask your dentist or

Squeeze only a pea-sized amount of

hygienist for advice.

toothpaste onto your toothbrush.

Use dental floss. Flossing your teeth is just as

• If brushing is painful, try brushing more

important as brushing, as it removes built up

gently with accurate up/down motion only

plaque, bacteria and food particles that get

or switch to a toothpaste formulated for

trapped between the teeth and which soft

sensitive teeth.

floppy toothbrush bristles can't reach even

Health is Your Wealth Magazine

Page 37

Managing Your Condition

Use a fluoride toothpaste. It not only helps

Set your bristles at the gum line at a 45-

Don‘t forget to brush your molars. Position

degree angle. Gently brush with a short,

the toothbrush so that it's perpendicular to

vertical or circular motion. Don't brush across

your lips, or so that the bristles are resting on

your teeth.

top of your bottom molars. Work the toothbrush in an in-and-out motion, and move

Spend at least three minutes brushing.

from the back of your mouth to the front.

Brushing just a few teeth at a time, work your

Repeat on the other side of your mouth. When

way around your mouth in a cycle (start

the bottom teeth are clean, flip the toothbrush

outside lower left round to outside lower right

over and work on the top molars. To access

then outside upper right to upper left, change

outside top molars always swing the lower



jaw to the side you are working on. This will

right ,inside lower right, finally inside lower

increase the space available to move your

left). so that you get every tooth, spending

brush up and down by several times so that no

about 12 to 15 seconds in each spot. If it

sideways motion occurs.





helps, you can divide your mouth into quadrants: top left, top right, bottom left, and

Brush the inner surfaces of your teeth. Tip the

bottom right. If you spend 30 seconds on each

toothbrush so that the head of the toothbrush

quadrant, you'll get a full two minutes of

is pointing towards your gum line, and brush

brushing time in. •If you get bored, try

each tooth. Dentists report that the most

brushing your teeth while watching television

commonly skipped area is the inside of the

or hum a song to yourself while you brush.

lower front teeth, so be sure not to forget those! Check that your mouth is opening wide

Brushing your teeth for the duration of an

enough by holding teeth apart with 2 or 3

entire song will ensure that you brush

fingers of your other hand. This will allow


correct vertical angle to reach edge of gum.

Health is Your Wealth Magazine

Page 38

Gently brush your tongue. After you've






cleaned your teeth, use the bristles of your

toothbrush under running water for a few

toothbrush to gently clean your tongue.

seconds to remove any bacteria from the

(Don't press too hard, or you'll damage the

brush. If you don't rinse the toothbrush

tissue.) This helps keep bad breath away and

properly, you can actually introduce old

gets rid of bacteria on your tongue.

bacteria into your mouth the next time you use it. Rinsing also removes any

Next rinse out your mouth. If you choose to

leftover toothpaste. Place your toothbrush

rinse after brushing, take a sip of water from

somewhere where it will easily dry out,

a disposable cup, or cup your hands under the

otherwise bacteria can grow.

it out.

Remember to brush at least twice a day. Most dentists recommend that you brush at least twice a day -- once in the morning and once before bed. If you can fit in a third time somewhere in the middle, even better! Try brushing at a 45째 angle as this helps remove plaque and food/drink particles on your teeth better than if you did it normally. You should also try to avoid snacking between meals as much as possible, as this results in more food debris and bacteria building up in the mouth.

Health is Your Wealth Magazine

Page 39

Managing Your Condition

faucet. Swish it around your mouth, and spit

“Base your meals

“Importance of Nutrition”

on starchy foods”

Eating a healthy, balanced diet is an

Starchy foods should

important part of maintaining good health,

make up around one

and can help you feel your best. It doesn't

third of the foods you eat. Foods include

have to be difficult or time consuming!

potatoes, cereals, pasta, rice and bread. Choose wholegrain varieties when you

“The following is a key guideline to a

Eat the right amount of calories for how active you are. This way you balance the

help you feel full resulting in a reduction of






energy you consume with the energy you use. If you eat or drink too much, you‘ll put on

“Eat lots of fruit and vegetables”

weight. If you eat and drink too little, you‘ll lose weight. It is recommended that men have around 2,500 calories a day and women should have around 2,000 calories a day

It‘s recommended that we eat at least five portions of different types of fruit and vegetables a day. It‘s easier than it sounds. Why not chop a banana over

Eat a wide range of foods to ensure that you‘re getting a balanced diet and that your body is receiving all the nutrients it needs.

Health is Your Wealth Magazine

your breakfast cereal, or swap your usual mid-morning snack for a piece of fresh fruit?

Page 40

Managing Your Condition

healthy diet”

can: they contain more fibre, and can

“Eat more fish”

Saturated fat is found in many foods, such as hard cheese, cakes, biscuits,

Fish is a good source of protein and contains

sausages, cream, butter, lard and pies. Try

many vitamins and minerals. Aim to eat at

to cut down on your saturated fat intake,

least two portions of fish a week, including at

and choose foods that contain unsaturated

least one portion of oily fish. Oily fish

fats instead, such as vegetable oils, oily

contains omega-3 fats, which may help to

fish and avocados.

prevent heart disease. Oily fish include Try to use a small amount of vegetable

sardines and pilchards. Non-oily fish include

oil or reduced-fat spread instead of butter.

haddock, plaice, coley, cod, tinned tuna, skate

When you're having meat, choose lean

and hake.

cuts and cut off any visible fat.

“Cut down on saturated fat and sugar”

Most people eat and drink too much sugar. Sugary foods and drinks, including alcoholic drinks, are often high in energy

We need some fat in our diet. But it‘s important to pay attention to the quantity and type of fat we‘re eating. There are two main

and if eaten too often, can contribute to weight gain. They can also cause tooth decay, especially if eaten between meals.

types of fat: saturated and unsaturated. Too much saturated fat can increase the amount of cholesterol in the blood, which increases your risk of developing heart disease.

Try and reduce your intake of sugary fizzy drinks, alcoholic drinks, sugary breakfast cereals, cakes, biscuits and pastries, which contain added sugars: this is the kind of sugar we should be cutting

Health is Your Wealth Magazine

Page 41

Managing Your Condition

salmon, mackerel, trout, herring, fresh tuna,

down on, rather than sugars that are found in things such as fruit and milk.

are high in added sugars and calories, that are also bad for teeth. Even unsweetened fruit juice is sugary, so try to limit how

“Eat less salt”

Even if you don‘t add salt to your food, you may still be eating too much. About threequarters of the salt we eat is already in the food we buy, such as breakfast cereals, soups,


When the weather is warm, or when we get active, we may need more fluids.

“Don’t skip breakfast”

raise your blood pressure. People with high blood pressure are more likely to develop heart disease or have a stroke.

Some people skip breakfast because they think it will help them lose weight. In fact, research shows that eating breakfast

“Don't get thirsty”

We need to drink about 1.6 to 2 litres of fluid every day to stop us getting dehydrated. This is in addition to the fluid we get from the food we eat. All non-alcoholic drinks count, but water and lower-fat milk are healthier

can help people control their weight. A healthy breakfast is an important part of a balanced diet, and provides some of the vitamins and minerals we need for good health. A wholegrain, lower-sugar cereal with fruit sliced over the top is a tasty and nutritious breakfast.


Try to avoid sugary soft and fizzy drinks that

Health is Your Wealth Magazine

Page 42

Managing Your Condition

breads and sauces. Eating too much salt can

much you drink to no more than one

Managing Your Condition

For further information visit: To purchase from our on-line shop go to: Health is Your Wealth Magazine

Page 43

trauma to the brain this is a vital piece of

“Learn To Pace Yourself”

information that can result in a dramatic impact on your motivation and progress. Canadian brain scientists say they have the

“Battling Fatigue”

first good evidence that poor sleep quality might prevent the brain from being able to

experiences are a little different. Times of the

clear itself of toxins, by causing enlarged

day vary. Different types of activities seem to

spaces in the brain. They also suspect that



having poor quality sleep over many years

experience mild symptoms whilst others have

could have implications in brain diseases

a complete shutdown and physically need to

linked to brain toxin build-up, such as

go and lie down. The bottom line is not

Alzheimer's disease. While much of the

enough sleep! Resulting in your brain maybe

research into stroke and dementia has

paying the price! One thing that most

focused on improving the health of blood

neurological therapists will confirm is that

vessels through healthy diet and exercise

most patients don't listen, follow instructions

this research holds the promise of

and fully understand all the benefits of the

providing a new treatment area for people

information they are given.

This must be

living with the effects of stroke, and



possibly for dementia prevention.







community because there is not much they can

For more information see:

do about it. One of the better tactics that can

be employed is to speak with the family and underline the importance of resting and explain that when you sleep your body repairs itself. Therefore if you are in recovery from

Health is Your Wealth Magazine

Page 44

Managing Your Condition

From the people we have spoken to all the

Brain Training “Each issue will include a exercise to strengthen your brain!” The rules of brain training: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Try and do a minimum and maximum of thirty minutes each day. Try and commit to doing for ten weeks. This duration requires that you set time to one side to complete this. It has to be challenging to work. If it‘s to easy there are no benefits. To keep motivated set yourself rewards. If you complete an exercise give yourself a reward, something to look forward to! As well as doing exercises on your own work with others to increase your social

Improve Cognition

Word Search Exercise For The Brain Time Motivation Quit Progress Determination Healer Habit Success Goal Focus

Health is Your Wealth Magazine

Page 45

Brain Training Applications “A selection of applications that are fun but will also improve cognition� This is actually a fairly complex maze. There is only one entrance and one exit but multiple dead ends and more than one solution! Perhaps

time yourself to see how long it takes you, take a note of the time and try it again a few week later. You may have a quicker time!

Improve Cognition

Health is Your Wealth Magazine

Page 46

“mybraintraining - the Online-Fitness-Center for your brain!” "Conclusion: In mybraintraining, In November 2014 tests were completed in Germany using a cutting edge piece of technology to assist therapists and their

all therapists having an up-to-date computer




browser will have a trainings

patients with improving cognition.

platform that is professionally Test Conclusion: Andreas

competent with an attractive user

Pfeiffer at






germany, clinics of the heinrich-heineuniversity-duesseldorf and chariman of the

interface; all that without having to install any software on their machine. The option to introduce

comittee for technological tools and media of

patients to the training at their

the german association of occupational

home with no effort enhances the

therapists (dve)

range of therapeutic treatments. mybraintraining

From my point of view, this

Professional on behalf of the special interest

program is an asset and value-


added for occupational therapy.”






Rehabilitation" (Occupational Therapy And Rehabilitation), the official organ of the German




For further information please visit:

Therapists (DVE), says:

Health is Your Wealth Magazine

Page 47

Improve Cognition



with 80+ years of combined research

Brain Training Applications

experience. Working with experienced designers, our scientists transform these tasks into challenges that target core cognitive skills. With foundations in the study of neuroplasticity, Lumosity games are used in research, and have been incorporated into studies done by top


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Used by over 70 million people worldwide, Lumosity creates a Personalized Training Program that challenges your brain. Your program






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“SCIENCE BEHIND LUMOSITY” Lumosity ―games‖ are based on common cognitive and neuropsychological tasks, or new tasks designed by our in-house scientists

Health is Your Wealth Magazine

Cost? Free however this application contains in app purchases which to be paid for.

Review of application and rating We give this a ★★★★ rating. It‘s very good and simple to use plus allows you to compare yourself to others and your own progress

Page 48

Improve Cognition

Train your Memory, Attention, and more.

“NeuroNation Brain Training”

A published study by Freie University Berlin demonstrated the effectiveness of NeuroNation's brain training. All brain games were developed in cooperation with renowned neuroscientists and are based on state of the art scientific research. According to scientific studies, what is true for our muscles is also true for our brains: Use it or lose it. Your brain performance in your hands. Train your brain with scientifically developed exercises






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Page 49

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Block Puzzle is incredibly intuitive and fun for all ages and skill levels. Once you‘ve tried, you‘ll be hooked!

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Review of application and rating Key Features: ★ 6000 FREE puzzles!

Health is Your Wealth Magazine

We give this a ★★★★★ rating. It‘s very good, simple to use and fun.

Page 50

Improve Cognition

Block Puzzle is the tangram-inspired puzzle

• Drag and drop similar cows to evolve

“Cow Evoloution”

them into new and more profitable creatures • Alternatively, fiercely tap the cows to make coins pop when cows poop

HIGHLIGHTS • Four different stages and many forms of cows: monster cows, alpaca cows, alien cows and more

when mutations start taking place. Combine

• A mind-blowing story yet untold

cows to evolve them and discover the most

• The unexpected mix of alpaca-like

curious, exotic and bizarre forms of cows. As

evolution, 2048 and incremental clicker

evolution continues, zoom out from your farm


and explore the continent, the world and

• Five possible endings: find your destiny


• Mutations like you have never seen






transformations only made possible because of

• No cows were harmed in the making of this game, only developers

your crazy aspirations of getting richer and promoting genetic mutations.

Forget everything you know about cows. Cow Evolution tells you first hand the


story about how cows will take over the

It‘s easy cheesy!

world and beyond, a story no one dared to

• As your cows poop coins, buy new ones to

mention… yet!

earn even more money

Health is Your Wealth Magazine

Page 51

Improve Cognition

Find out what happens to an ordinary cattle

Book Review James Cracknell—Touching Distance Double Olympic gold-medal winner, James Cracknell. His story before and after his life changing accident.

Touching Distance is an extraordinary, honest and powerful account as James and his wife Bev confront for the first time the lasting

In October 2011 James Cracknell, two-time

effects that the accident has had on their lives.

Olympic gold-medal rower and one of the

It is the story of a marriage, of a family and of

greatest endurance athletes the world has ever

one man's fight back to be the best husband

known, suffered a seizure at home as his

and father he can be.

young son looked on in horror. A man who

We give this book a ★★★★ rating

had known no limits, a man who had practically achieved the impossible, was now struggling to master life's simple challenges. A year earlier, as James undertook yet another endurance challenge in Arizona, he was knocked off his bike by the wing mirror of a petrol tanker. It had smashed into the back of his head at high speed, causing severe frontal lobe damage. The doctors weren‘t sure if he would recover and, if he did, whether he would ever be the same again.

Health is Your Wealth Magazine

Page 52

Movie Review The Notebook At a modern-day nursing home, an elderly

between the two ends in a break up and the next

man named Duke begins to read a romantic

morning, Allie's mother, Ann announces that

story from his notebook to a fellow patient.

the family is returning home to Charleston.

The story he tells begins in the 1940's, in

Allie attempts to contact Noah, but is unable to

Seabrook Island, South Carolina. Local

find him. She asks Fin to tell Noah that she

country boy Noah Calhoun is smitten with

loves him before driving home. When Noah

seventeen-year-old heiress Allie Hamilton

gets Allie's message he rushes over to the

after seeing her at a carnival, and they share

family's house only to find it empty. Noah and

an idyllic summer love affair. Noah takes

Allie have no choice but to move on with their

Allie to an abandoned house, explaining that

lives. Noah writes to Allie every day for a year,

he intends to buy it for them. Later that

but never receives a response. In the present, it

evening, she asks him to make love to her, but

is revealed that the elderly woman is Allie, who

they are interrupted by Noah's friend Fin with

is suffering from

the news that Allie's parents have the police

dementia. This is a

out looking for her. When Allie and Noah


return to her parents' mansion, they ban her

about a love affair

from seeing Noah. In a heated argument,


Allie's mother calls Noah "trash, trash, trash"


and Noah overhears. Upset, he walks out and

i m p a c t

Allie chases after him. The ensuing argument


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how can a

Page 53

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.