Focus on TADS LAA Chief Inspector, Ken Craigie explains the change from SPARS to TADS…
here is still work to be done, but the Engineering department felt the LAA website-based Type Acceptance Data Sheets (TADS) system had matured sufficiently to enable a changeover from Permit renewal inspections in accordance with SPARS, to Permit renewal inspections in accordance with (iaw) TADS, and inspectors have been instructed that this change became effective for inspections from the beginning of February 2021. Incidentally, for those wondering, the name of SPARS came from the admittedly rather clumsy NoteS to PFA AircRaft InSpectors, effectively the Inspectors’ bible they refer to when inspecting your aircraft. So, for all Permit renewal inspections your LAA Inspector must now declare on the blue LAA/FWR-1 Permit Renewal Form for fixed-wing aircraft (see later for gyroplanes) that the inspection has been carried out iaw with the particular Number and Issue Number of the TADS that applies to the aircraft type in question. Unfortunately, Permit renewal applications not presented iaw TADS, or with incorrect or out of date TADS data, are likely to be rejected. So, your Inspector must have checked the TADS applicable to your particular aircraft type prior to carrying out the inspection.
Aircraft owners
One major advantage of the changeover discussed above is that all the assembled technical information becomes equally available to everybody, not least of course aircraft owners, who after all remain primarily responsible for the airworthiness condition of their aircraft, and for compliance with requirements. Naturally, just like the rest of us, some Inspectors may be less tech-savvy than others, so why not download and print off a copy of the relevant TADS for your aircraft and have it on hand when he arrives? It wouldn’t be a bad idea for your own preparedness either, so that you are aware of any inspection or maintenance requirements added since the previous inspection – new material is added to TADS as and when required.
Finding TADS
Go onto the LAA website homepage (www.laa.uk.com), select ‘Aircraft & Technical’ and then ‘Data Library’ – and the Aircraft, Gyroplane, Engine and Propeller TADS will appear at the top of the list. There will soon be an ‘Equipment’ TADS as well and we’ll let you know as soon as that work has been completed, although it remains work in progress for now. Apart from scrolling down the aircraft TADS list to locate a particular type, you can search by using the ‘letter’ shortcuts at the top of the page, or hold down Ctrl and press ‘F’, whereupon a search box will appear. 26 | LIGHT AVIATION | April 2021
Above The SPARS book has been used by Inspectors for many years but was unavailable to members. All TADS are available on the LAA website.
One thing to look out for when searching TADS is that you need to remember to search by manufacturer, not type. So, for example, ‘Bulldogs’ will be found under Scottish Aviation, ‘Glasairs’ will be listed under Stoddart Hamilton, and ‘Rebels’ will be under Murphy, so be careful not to rely on the Default TADS (see later) too readily, be sure to conduct a thorough search.