10 minute read
LAA Rally is GO!
Rally Chairman Eryl Smith updates on the final stages of planning for this year’s 75th Anniversary Rally and looks forward to welcoming exhibitors, members and visitors back to Sywell on 3rd, 4th and 5th September…
he good news is that once again we can
Tgather at Sywell for our Rally, renew friendships, enjoy all that is best in the world of powered sport and recreational flying, celebrate the Association’s 75th Anniversary and put some FUN back into our flying.
Sywell 2019 seems a long time ago and, after the disappointment of having to cancel last year’s event, I am delighted that we are able to go ahead with this year’s Rally, albeit with some changes to the established format to ensure that we can all enjoy a Covid-safe event. Planning for the Rally continues to present challenges and there is much still to do but with the support of our exhibitors, the many volunteers who assist in setting up and running the event and the close collaboration between the HQ and Sywell teams, but we will get there!
Whilst many large scale events have had to cancel, reschedule or radically change what they can offer, this year’s Rally aims to provide all the usual exhibits and facilities members have come to expect. In addition to a host of exhibitors with products, services and aircraft on display, we have enlarged the ever-popular homebuild and flea market areas, expanded provision for Speaker’s Corner, and will display some of the iconic aircraft that illustrate the 75 years of the Association. All this is supported by on site camping and car parking, and a range of catering and hotel accommodation on and off site. Above The Rally is GO! See you there.
Photo: Ed Hicks. Covid-safe Rally
The one major change that visitors to the rally exhibition site can expect is that at an early stage we moved away from our traditional large, enclosed marquees housing many of the exhibitors and LAA stands, in favour of a more dispersed chalet style arrangement of exhibitor stands. This ensures that we can encourage the maximum social distancing adjacent to stands and an open plan exhibition environment.
The Working Group continues to monitor and adapt the Rally plans in light of the latest government and local environmental health guidelines. Whilst acknowledging the continued uncertainties, the Government’s latest announcements that remove the mandatory requirement for social distancing and the wearing of facemasks significantly eases the constraints on the event. At the time of writing, we have no plans to enforce social distancing requirements, the wearing of face masks or the need for temperature checks or vaccine passports to attend the event. However, we ask that everyone be respectful of others’ needs and be responsible for their own actions. You will find the latest Covid safety announcements and guidelines for the Rally on the LAA Rally website pages, and these will be updated as necessary.
What to look out for at the Rally
As ever there will be a wide range of exhibitors present at the Rally. Many of the regular exhibitors have now
confirmed their bookings and we expect more in the final few weeks, now that we can be confident that the event can go ahead. Below are details of just a few of the confirmed exhibitors.
The Rally always provides an opportunity to pick up those essential pilot supplies, whether it be the latest charts, a new headset or topping up on oil. Regular exhibitors, Transair, Pooleys, AFE, SEHT and Flightstore will all be present. There will be plenty to see in terms of avionics with Garmin and Adams Aviation, and uAvionics all displaying the latest kit. For those in need of tools and supplies to build or maintain aircraft, LAS will have a full range of supplies, and don’t forget they are happy to receive orders in advance for collection at the Rally.
Out on the grass exhibition area there will be many of our regular aircraft exhibitors with Sling, CFS Aero, Dragon Foxbat, Bristel and TL Sting having reserved stands.
The Homebuilders marquee, coordinated by Dudley Pattison, always draws interest and this year promises to be no exception. As part of a themed Homebuilder’s Village area, exhibits booked include an Avro 504, Nieuport 17 and Menestral, together with the usual range of hands-on skills exhibitions which will enable visitors to find out more about the essential skills involved in building and maintaining permit aircraft. Once again Aircraft Coverings will be present providing the opportunity to experience some hands-on fabric covering and stitching Top Sywell’s own food outlets will be supplemented by the catering corner on the exhibition site.
Photo: Neil Wilson.
Above left Try your hand at fabric work with Aircraft Coverings. Photo:
Neil Wilson.
Above right Sprite Aviation’s first UK Safari (seen here in 2019) is now flying, see it at the Rally.
Photo: Neil Wilson.
and ask all those questions you might have about fabric coverings, their repair and upkeep.
After the success of the last Rally, when the Flea Market was situated in a separate tent, we have increased the size of the site creating even more room for those sales and wants! So, if you have been clearing out the hangar or workshop during lockdown and have old parts or tools that you no longer require, why not bring them along to sell. There is a £1 sign-in fee and 10% commission on sales. Equally, this is the place to browse for the chance of finding that replacement part you so desperately want to get hold of.
Safety is always at the heart of what we do, and once again GASCo will be hosting a daily aircraft inspection competition. We also plan to repeat LAA Engineering’s master class sessions, hosted by continuing airworthiness engineer, Jerry Parr – look out for more details closer to the Rally. GASCo will be supported by representatives of CHIRP and the UK Airprox Board. In addition, CAA plans to have its usual presence as part of the booking-in tent providing information and answering questions on all aspects of UK general aviation activity – no doubt there will be plenty of spirited discussion and debate to be had!
Out on the airfield in the visiting aircraft park, the serried ranks of aircraft always provide much of interest and a great opportunity to get up and close, speak with owners, and admire the paint schemes and workmanship as you contemplate your next project or purchase, or simply get to
know more about recreational flying. Access ‘airside’ is free to members or £10 per day for non-members.
Rally awards and trophies
The Rally presents the opportunity to recognise the endeavours of builders, maintainers and owners of a broad range of aircraft categories from Vintage & Classic types, to plans and kit built, gyros and replicas plus a number of type categories. Registration for judging takes place at the booking-in tent, with presentation of awards made in conjunction with the Association’s AGM in October. Full details will be available via the Rally website shortly.
Speaker’s Corner provides the opportunity to hear and discuss a wide range of interesting speakers and product updates. This year we have moved the venue into Hangar 2 to enable sufficient space to cope with the most popular presentations and provide for social distancing should it be deemed necessary. A full list of speakers and presentations will be published ahead of the Rally.
LAA Stands
Last by no means least is the range of LAA and related Association stands at the Rally. Whether its merchandise or membership enquiries, a conversation with the Engineering team or the Pilot Coaching Scheme coaches, an enquiry with LAA’s insurance partner Air Courtage, or just a natter and a coffee on the Strut Network stand, there will be plenty for all. Elsewhere in the magazine you will have read of the appointment of John Ratcliffe as LAA’s new Engineering Director. John will be present at the Rally, soaking up the atmosphere, getting to know the Association and looking forward to meeting the membership, so do engage with him if you have the opportunity, but be gentle, it will only be week two!
Getting to the Rally
For many, flying into the Rally remains part of the experience. Whether you are a seasoned visitor by air or intending to fly-in for the first time, following the procedures and exercising good airmanship are the priorities. This year Sywell is unable to provide a FISO service and operations will be conducted under an Air Ground radio service. While there will be no apparent changes to the established procedures, it does mean that the radio operator will NOT issue instructions.
The eagle-eyed among members may have seen the publication of an AIC for the event. This is based upon a FISO operation and was generated in order to meet the AIC publication dates. Those elements no longer relevant will be covered in a Notam for the event. When finalised, ALL the relevant information will be published via the LAA Rally website and emailed to pilots as part of the confirmation of a slot booking.
Booking a slot
Arrangements for the slot booking website, which will be hosted by Sywell, are being finalised and will open in early August – the exact details will be emailed to members and published via the LAA website. Despite not being able to operate a FISO service, we do not expect to reduce the overall arrival capacity, though hourly slot capacity limits will apply. We will, however, have arrangements to re-assign slots on the day should cancellations become available. One important change this year is that we will require payment in advance of the landing fee with the slot booking, but the slot booking will allow access to the Rally via road should a member be unable to fly-in for whatever Above The Homebuilders tent is always packed with interest – here a now completed Isaacs Spitfire. Photo: Neil
reason but still wish to attend the Rally. Please bear with us, full details of the new arrangements will be made available via the Rally website prior to the slot booking website being opened.
Arrivals by road
Sywell Aerodrome is within reasonable striking distance of the A45 between Northampton and Wellingborough. It is well signposted as ‘Sywell Aerodrome’ and the postcode NN6 0BN will take you there on your satnav. There are also directions on the Sywell Aerodrome website at www.sywellaerodrome.co.uk
Free car parking is available and there is a dedicated disabled parking area.
There is a campsite on site with hot and cold water, showers and regularly serviced toilets. The site will be up and running from Thursday afternoon and will close early Monday morning.
There will be a single price of £35 per unit (a unit being a tent, caravan or motorhome) irrespective of length of stay, but a substantial saving can be made by pre-booking a site online for just £25 via the LAA Shop https://services. lightaircraftassociation.co.uk/catalog
Rally Opening Times
Friday: 9.30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday: 9.30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday: 9.30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Admission charges
Members of LAA, BMAA and BRA: £6 covers all three days and airside access (please ensure you bring your current membership card as there is no facility to check whether you are a member at the pay desk). Non-Members: £15 covers all three days, but not airside access. Non-member’s airside access: £10 per day. Visiting aircraft: Landing fee is £12.50 (singles) which also gets the pilot and those on board into the event for the duration of the time the aircraft is at Sywell. All the information you need to plan your visit to the Rally will be available on the LAA website at http://www. lightaircraftassociation.co.uk/2018/Rally/rally.html As I said at the beginning – we very much look forward to meeting you there. ■