1 minute read

New LAA Chairman appointed LAA Engineering vacancy –Airworthiness Engineer

Eryl Smith has become the Chairman of the LAA, succeeding Tim Hardy, who after three years in the role has stepped aside to further his other interests in airspace advocacy, and as the UK Sling Aircraft dealer. Tim will continue to serve as an LAA Director.

Eryl is a long-time member and supporter of the Association, and an active member of the LAA Andover Strut for more than 15 years and Strut Treasurer, as well as a member of the LAA Board since 2018. Eryl has previously served as Association Secretary and a member of the Marketing Sub Committee. Most recently he led the team organising the very successful 2021 LAA Rally.

Eryl said: “I have been fortunate to combine a professional career in civil aviation airport management with a passion for recreational flying, initially gaining a CCF flying scholarship, which I undertook at Perth before gaining my PPL in 1996. I currently have shares in an Aeronca Champ and a Cessna 177.

The LAA is faced with many exciting opportunities and challenges as it continues to grow and evolve. I’m looking forward to drawing upon my wide professional experience whilst ensuring the LAA remains true to and connected with its grassroots membership.”

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