SHARP Women Central Alberta | December 2021

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Zoom! Zoom! Zoom! Combating Videoconferencing Fatigue

Mary Paulette McDonogh: Elevating the Lives of Animals and People

My Father and I

Blueberry Cream Pie

Have You Defined Your Target Audience?

Notice & Terms of use Sharp Women Magazine is an E-zine created by Sharp Women. The magazine is free for end users, and contains articles, features, advertorials, advertisements and interactive activities. It is published monthly. The Editor reserves the right to proof and edit content, without changing the intent. The Editor reserves the right to challenge statements and assertions of fact where citations or proof of fact is not offered. Sharp Women Magazine reserves the right to reject material that promotes, in the view of the publishers, unsafe or unhealthy practices, hate speech or other inflammatory content. Online comments are subject to review and deletion if deemed inappropriate. The material and content on this site are for information purposes only. Sharp Women Magazine assumes no liability or responsibility for any inaccurate or incomplete information, nor for any action taken as a result. Content has been contributed by individuals, events and/or organizations, and, as such, may not have been verified by the publishers. The opinions expressed in articles, features, ads and editorials are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions and views of the publishers. Any reproduction of the content and material in Sharp Women Magazine, without the express written permission of the publishers is strictly prohibited, though sharing links to the magazine and/or its articles on social media, with credit, is permitted.


SHARP WOMEN team Ranchelle Van Bryce Co-Founder

Rachel Braun Assistant Editor

Danielle Klooster Co-Founder

Kelsey Evans Administrative Assistant

Ruby Cole-Ellis Editor-in-Chief Central Alberta

Luci Morales Executive Assistant

Sissy Bustamante Lead Designer

Carla Howatt Editor-in-Chief Heartland

Rachelle Scrase Director of Photography


Emma Lyle Social Media Column

Fiona Beland-Quest Relationships Column

Tamara Dabels Leadership Column

Jenna Waltz Personal Growth Column

Tammy Bauer Finance Column

TracyAnn Schuur Health & Wellness Column

Jackie Kobsar Food Recipe Column SHARP WOMEN


letter from the editor

Here we are. December, the official start to the Holiday

Celebrate the fact that you made it through this second

season. For a lot of people, this is a time of immense

year post-pandemic. Celebrate and appreciate that you

pressure and stress. Exams, end of year reporting, 2022

crushed this year. Or maybe you just appreciate that

forecasting, holiday shopping, and family events start

you are able to get out of bed every morning. No matter

to take a toll on your ability to cope. Even as someone

what you are choosing to celebrate, remember that it

who thrives when there is a bit of pressure, I am really

was all you and that you are capable of doing whatever

feeling it this December.

you set your mind to!

I invite you to take a moment right now to just breathe.

So as you go into the final madness of the season

Everyone is struggling with something, but that

and begin your holiday plans, and dive headfirst into

doesn’t make you less-than or weak. You’ve got this,

holiday festivities, remember that everyone has a story

and before you know it it will be the New Year. But I am

and even the smallest of victories should be celebrated

here to remind you that with everything that you have

and appreciated. Need a little bit of inspiration? Read

going on, you might be forgetting to take stock of what

the stories of our Young Entrepreneur Feature and

you’ve already done.

SHARP Women Feature, Mary Paulette MacDonough and Tanya Rogalzyck.

I’m notorious for refusing to acknowledge my accomplishments. Nothing I do is ever able to reach

Someone out there is watching -and admiring- you,

the expectations I set for myself. A lot of the time I say,

including me.

“I just got lucky” or claim that the task is not as difficult as it may seem. I’m not the only one who does this, and

Happy Holidays beautiful!

I’m sure many of you do the same. These simple things we tell ourselves serve as enough proof that we forget

With love,

to pat ourselves on the back. Can I propose something radical? It’s not something you may feel comfortable doing, but it’s important you do it nonetheless. I want you to make a list of all of the things you have done this year and celebrate and appreciate them!

Ruby Cole-Ellis

Editor-in-Chief Instagram: @rubycoleellis Photo by Amy Cheng Photography



This Christmas, Nourish the Writer in Your Life A subscription box specially curated to inspire and nourish the writer in you (or your loved one!)






In time for Christmas! SHARP WOMEN



08 10

RELATIONSHIPS By Fiona Beland-Quest






By TracyAnn Schuur





By Ruby Cole-Ellis

44 58




By Ranchelle Van Bryce





By Jenna Waltz




LEADERSHIP By Tamara Dabels

FINANCE By Tammy Bauer


FOOD RECIPE By Jackie Kobsar



from the ceo

By Ranchelle Van Bryce

“I believe that self love is THE MOST important step in loving others” As a mindset coach, one of the

I love the significance of words.

hottest topics that I work with is

Words actually have a vibration to

about the meaning we give the

them. We give meaning to words

action of putting oneself first. Most

and tones, and values to words.

of us grew up with the idea that if

Selfish: adjective.

we took care of ourselves first, if our

For example:

own interests were just as important

Meaning: devoted to or caring only

(dare I say, even more important)

for oneself; concerned primarily

than the people that we loved, we

with one’s own interests, benefits,

were, in fact, selfish.

welfare, etc., regardless of others. Characterized by or manifesting concern or care only for oneself: selfish motives. To make matters even worse, let’s take a look at the definition of

unselfish. Adjective. Meaning: not selfish;



altruistic. What


selfless? Also an

adjective. Meaning: having little or


no concern for oneself, especially

ourselves. I believe that ease and

Till then, here are the questions that

with regard to fame, position,

flow are our natural states and that

I ask myself on a daily basis:

money, etc.; unselfish.

if we are feeling anything less than that, then we are out of balance. I

How do I want to feel today? What

But, the one definition that blew me

believe that self love is THE MOST

are my top 3 Priorities that move

away was this one: self-love. Noun.

important step in loving others. I

me towards my goal? What did I

Meaning: the instinct by which

believe that if I cannot make myself

procrastinate on doing yesterday?

one’s actions are directed to the

a priority then I cannot make others

Where did I not make myself a

promotion of one’s own welfare or

a priority without resentment and

priority? Whose well being did I put

well-being, especially an excessive

anger creeping into my world. I

ahead of mine?

regard for one’s own advantage.

believe that if I take care of myself

conceit; vanity.

then I will have the energy to take

These questions led me to moving

care of others, because I believe that

into a space where my needs

I mean, SERIOUSLY, no wonder

managing energy (not time) is the

became as important as others

we avoid putting our own needs,

key to success.

- where I could ask myself, what

our own love, our own selves as a priority!

would love of self lead me to? ▼ I believe it’s time that we rethink what self love is, that we actually

But, what if we could let that


meaning go? What if we gave it a







different meaning? What if self-love meant that we were just as much a

Imagine a day where you decided

priority in our lives as others? What

that you were going to be a priority.

if self love meant we put our health

At first you probably thought that all

and wellness first? What if it meant

you would do was ‘netflix and chill’.

that we took care of ourselves first?

What if you consistently had days, moments, where your needs were

In the world of personal development,

as important? Would you always

we challenge our clients whose ‘cup

Netflix and chill? I doubt it. In fact,

is empty’. We remind them that you

you might even be confusing self

can’t pour over into others if your

care with self love... they might feel

cup isn’t full first. I believe that most

like one in the same, but are they?

of us intrinsically know that it is of the utmost importance that we take

I would love to share with you the

care of ourselves as well as taking

things that I have done to move

care of others.

into a space where self love is my priority. Email me:

I believe that we can make decisions

in the awareness of what we need

and let’s spend some together.

in order to be our best version of SHARP WOMEN



By Fiona Beland-Quest


Hardly a Remembrance Day goes by without

After sharing what was happening with a colleague,

thinking of my father. You see, it was always an

she shared with me her father’s journey with mental

important day for my family. Both my grandfathers

health. That’s when I reached out to Edmonton

served for England. My maternal grandfather

Mental Health and a lovely nurse Abigail became

served as a doctor in Egypt. My grandmother taught

my only connection to my Dad.

illiterate people in exchange for eggs for her family. September 11, 2001, triggered something for my In fact, my father spent the war in India where

father that I later learned was based on what he

his father operated a prisoner of war camp. The

seen when he was a 16-year-old boy in India while

common message of scarcity and the need to save

India and Pakistan were in the middle of partition.

is something experienced by many.

In 2008, after having a fall and breaking a hip my father spent many weeks in hospital. I was looking

Prior to 9/11, my dad was an awesome grandfather

after his home and his cats and as I thought I’d do a

and support to me and my husband. He loved

little cleaning and maybe painting of his apartment.

spending time with our son and could often be found sharing A & W fried chicken with him. For

My dad was always a quick healer and was released

many years my Dad had a small circle of friends

much earlier than I anticipated. However, with the

around him and a devoted partner.

support of a couple friends we quickly reassembled his home; I felt like I was participating in a reality decorating show! But when he came home, he flew into a rage. Never could I have ever predicted the outcome of my help. I had no idea that my actions would trigger my father so bad that it would mean I didn’t see him for the last two years of his life. My connection to him became about having conversations with his worker from Edmonton Mental Health.

As I look back, I realize the changes in him were slow. He became more argumentative and unreasonable. His friends began to fade away and he drove away Blaine, his partner. I even remember him challenging me angrily in a grocery store “Why will you not discuss anything other the than the

The man I had grown up with and loved had changed and our relationship became abusive. My father began writing letters to the newspapers and calling his local MLA. He would call and leave messages ranting about how my husband and I had abused him. These calls and letters would quickly be followed up with a message where he would

weather and cats?” Then there was the Christmas

be crying and saying he had made a mistake. The

morning he chose not to spend with us because my

irrational abuse became so bad, I had to block my

husband was late picking him up.

father’s calls to the house.



In September 2010, my father passed away. I was

Two days later, a friend of mine reached out to see

not prepared for what I found. We had purchased

how I was doing. I told him about my father’s death

his apartment when it was turned into a condo so

and his apartment. He reminded me that he had a

he wouldn’t be evicted, so I knew what shape it had

dump truck and was willing to help.

been in. However, when I entered to go through his things, there was only a small pathway in each

I don’t recall how many days I was there working

room. The rest of the apartment was full of his

through the mess, but I do know that I took a daily


trip to Goodwill. After everything that could be recycled or donated was gone, my friend backed his

I didn’t know where his bed was, there were

dump truck up to that second-floor balcony and we

extension cords strung across the rooms holding

took two loads of garbage to the dump!

laundry. Laundry he had obviously been doing by hand. There was cat litter in the toilet. There were

I was working on auto-pilot. How had my Dad’s

green garbage bags of the Edmonton Journal, bags

British love of collecting become what was called

of plastic rollers from deodorant bottles. I found

hoarding? I did some research and found out it is

stashes of cash in the most interesting places

now referred to as chronic disorganization. I truly

such as the freezer. In addition to grieving, I felt so

believe that when I cleaned up his apartment while

helpless... where would I begin?

he was in the hospital triggered something deep within him. I know now that my father’s hoarding of possession was very complicated, and he could have benefited from more mental health help. Unfortunately, only five per cent of people who hoard or who are chronically disorganized receive help. Knowing what I know now, I would do things differently. I would have proceeded with more caution and not tried to surprise him with a clean apartment. If he would have agreed, I would have supported him in obtaining more counseling and treatment. I would

Because we now owned his apartment, I had no choice but to deal with it. My dad had a friend who lived downstairs in his apartment building, and she offered to help me get through the massive project.

also have known that sometimes an overwhelmed, disorganized home is not just about not having the right box or organizational system. Sometimes the issues are underlying and it takes compassion, empathy and professionals to help.▼

The first day we spent five hours each working on the apartment, and I didn’t even get the fridge cleaned out. After his friend left, I just sat down and cried. I’m not sure if I was crying for my dad, our relationship, or the sheer frustration of the job I had in front of me.


Fiona Beland-Quest is the owner

of The Art of Declutter, Because your home is your living space, not your storage space. She is also a wife and mother to one human, a dog and three cats.



personal growth sponsored

Life is like a crop we plant, fertilize, spray and harvest that crop with the hopes of getting a bumper yield! What should make our lives and our health any different? We have one shot at this life so why not make the most of it! Every year you work to do better than last year in the yield, so do the same with your life! Take the steps to improve yourself, fertilize your mind and weed that junk out, you can do this – just like growing that crop though, it all takes time and a whole lot of effort! Using essential oils is seriously one of the best ways to keep our wellness in check. Think of it like the pesticides or

By Jenna Waltz

fertilizers you use on your crops. We use those to better the crop, so use oils to better yourself! Rescue treatments are a real thing in the agriculture world, and modern medicine is the rescue treatment in the human world! It’s darn hard and expensive to save something when it’s getting taken down at every angle, so be proactive with oils. Think of this oily recipe as the “vaccine” you give your calves or the pesticide you used to kill those cleavers. I just roll on our feet, shoulders, necks and spines all day, every day!


Wellness Booster 10 drops Thieves 8 drops Lemon 5 drops Oregano 5 drops Purification 5 drops Peppermint Mix all the drops into a 10 mL roller bottle, top with the carrier oil of your choice and roll on the neck, spine, feet, shoulders... I make one roller and use it on the whole family but if you are new to this don’t be scared to reduce the drops back by 2-3 in the beginning. ▼

Jenna Waltz is a rural mom who loves a good adventure, a good challenge and seeing everyone succeed! She has a huge passion for agriculture, essential oils and all things self-empowering in the wellness industry!

Check out Jenna’s website



health & wellness

Ways to Simplify Your Transition to Natural Personal Care Products By TracyAnn Schuur

“The change” For so many years when we heard that, it referred to menopause! Well, there’s a new CHANGE in town! This change affects not only women, but men and children, grandparents, and even brand new babies! Even more shocking, it affects us in every country around the world. It’s part of a new movement that stems from an old desire, and an even older way of life! I am talking about plant medicine, plant products, global environmental care, and the ethical and sustainable use of nature’s beauty and bounty! It is a real and doable choice, albeit a transition of sorts. The CHANGE. Moving to a greener and cleaner self-care solution does not have to be complicated.

Some History I was a project manager in Alberta’s oil and gas industry. I experienced an epic health crash which was later diagnosed as three separate conditions. Not content to live on ten plus! prescriptions daily, I sought


to find some more natural solutions.


This is significant and realistically makes the


case for topical applications of products meant to

worked so tremendously that

encourage better wellness management. This can

I felt compelled to re-educate

include a variety of items meant to help you achieve

myself so that I would be qualified

wellness goals, even when no illness or issue is present.

to help guide others in making these types of changes. As you can imagine, being ill meant that I met a lot of other ill people. I knew I would never be able to offer any type of cure, including for myself, but finding better management and helping others to regain quality of life became my mission.

There are several things to consider when moving into a “Natural Self Care” framework. Knowledge is power! The following ten suggestions will help you replace standard store-bought self-care products, with natural, ethical, sustainable equivalents!

Once I understood the science behind the plant medicine, I studied that much harder to find a way to work natural plant goodness, noninvasively into daily routines so that people had an easier time transitioning and remembering to “use” these natural wonders. I became a Registered Aromatherapist, Registered Herbalist,




Chemist, Regulatory and Licensing Advisor for Natural Product Development for both FDA and

1. Research the qualifications of the product

Health Canada licensing, and an Educator at an


international institution, Essence of Thyme College

a. Ask about their education and credentials

of Holistic Studies.

b. Ask for the CNF (cosmetic product license

number) as provided by Health Canada in he

Cosmetics and Self-Care Products

licensing process. If the product is a natural

healthvproduct and not a cosmetic, it

CANNOT be sold without an associated

approved NPN (Natural Product Number

NPN 10100112).

Did you know that in various research, it is estimated up to 60% of what we apply topically to our derma (skin), makes it into our bloodstream? Through topical application we avoid first pass metabolism by the liver in which we lose a multitude of what we ingest, causing a higher dosage requirement of oral medications than that of “equivalent” transdermal applications.

c.The following list of essential oils are phototoxic, meaning if you use them topically and then have uv rays either from the sun or from a tanning bed on your skin, you have the potential to have a significant burn to your skin. SHARP WOMEN


Essential Oil

3. Keep in mind, you’ve been loading your body toxins since the first time you washed your hair or

Angelica root

used deodorant. It does take some time to detoxify


and for the body to adjust to this new natural state.


As an example, when trying a natural deodorant

Expressed grapefruit

for the first time, you may experience a very short

Expressed lemon

window of extra sweat. This is the ducts clearing

Expressed lime

out toxins.

Expressed Orange, bitter

Mandarin Leaf


4. Be honest and clear about your condition and what you are seeking with the manufacturer. If you’re going through menopause, telling the

d. Ask if they have used a preservative or preservative

manufacturer this can lead to shampoos, shaving

system. If they have not, they have not protected the

products, deodorants and lotions to help deter

product against microorganisms such as bacteria,

hot flashes, to help thicken thinning hair, to help

yeast and moulds. This is a safety issue as these

mitigate emotional duress..

spores are microscopic in size yet can make you very ill. Not every product requires a preservative,

5. Natural does not always mean safe. Natural also

but an estimated 98% do. If there is alcohol in the

interacts with synthetic and pharmaceuticals.

product base, it must make up an absolute minimum of 25% of the product volume to act as a preservative.

6. Use as directed. Anything in the realm of natural

This is the case for things like hand sanitizers and

cosmetics or natural health products needs to be

some* (not all) room and body sprays.

respected in the same ways that synthetically produced items are because they can cause just as

2. I recommend committing to a 30-day trial of

serious side effects if not used correctly.

a new natural product unless there is a negative reaction to it. In this instance, it is best to contact

7. NEVER ingest essential oils. There are many

the manufacturer to determine why. It could be as

popular companies out there that recommend this

simple as not agreeing with another product you’re

practice, but it is NOT SAFE. In fact, it is against

using, and it could be more complicated.

Health Canada and FDA regulations.

8. Check the label. In Canada, all labels require:

a. Proper raw material names in INCI

terminology or in both official languages

b. Net weight

c. Lot and/or batch number

d. Expiry date

e. Manufacturer contact information and


address f. Directions for use

If your product is not labelled in this fashion, it should be a red flag for you. There are very few exceptions to this, like for very small packages, but this information is then required to be on an insert or permanently affixed to the product.

9. If a product indicates that it is meant to treat a condition, to heal an injury or to cure a problem, it MUST be registered as a natural health product and not a cosmetic. Several companies skirt this and license wrongly to avoid the lengthy and complicated NHP licensing process. This process is important and is in fact set up to protect consumers.

10. Try one new product at a time with a minimum of two weeks between the start of each new product. This way, if there is a reaction you will have a starting point and not have to abolish all new natural products. It is a good way to account for any positive or negative changes you are experiencing as well. A final tip that is of importance, especially if you have a chronic condition, keep a list of product ingredients to share with any health professional you regularly see. All caregivers need to have the same information to keep you safe and optimize effective care as a team. ▼

TracyAnn Schuur welcomes conversation on topics she is very passionate about! Follow her on Facebook and Instagram. If you’re looking to get into manufacturing cosmetics or natural health products, visit



great resources sponsored

Designing an By Ruby Cole-Ellis


One of the biggest questions we hear is “what is

furniture, color schemes, and tablescapes. On the

the difference between an event planner and an

other hand, experience design (also known as

event designer?” Event planning entails various

UX or XD) is not a checklist, a recipe, or a series

aspects of an event. Event design can mean many

of maneuvers, it is a way of thinking. It considers

things. So what is the difference?

how products, services, and solutions play a role in delivering value over time. It considers all stages of

Event planning sounds glamorous, doesn’t it?

the customer journey as opportunities to provide

Attending fun, themed events ranging from

value and further engage customers.

weddings to corporate events. The first thing to know about event planners is that they are not just party planners. These people are goal oriented, extremely organized, and a lot of their work is done behind the scenes in pre-production. Event planners love logistics. The event planner keeps track of the budget and assists you with anything that pertains to your event. Event planners are your main advocate in anything logistics, from vendor referrals and contract negotiations to the overall execution. During your process of planning

Experience design provides a way for the

an event, your event planner will be there every

business and the designer to invite design to the

step of the way and will know all the steps to

table earlier. It focuses on the desired outcomes

make it all happen.

and targets of an event or campaign, and then reverse engineers the details of the experience

Event design encompasses the more creative side

that will get attendees there.

of event management. Like their name suggests, event designers thrive on design. Both professions

Experience design doesn’t replace brand strategy

all have a host of things in common, but the two

or marketing, but pushes beyond the traditional

most important points are that event designers

approach of defining brands, products or services.

have the very unique ability to completely

As the world is trying to adjust to the new normal

transform a space and design an experience.

after COVID-19, every brand is trying to get noticed.

Space design for an event or celebration is more

Today’s marketing space is very saturated. Having

than decorating, it accounts for everything in

a great product is not enough. Being local is not

a room including floorplans, décor, lighting,

enough. Consumers are choosing more wisely

The Maby Studio can help you create an experience your staff, customers and loved ones will never forget. Book your Complimentary Event Design Consultation today! ▼

where they spend their money, and not necessarily based on if a service or product solves a problem, but on how that brand makes them feel. Experience design taps into all the human senses and how attendees feel during an event.. It explores material textures, scents, flavours, sounds, music and even choice of attire if needed to create the right ambiance. That event can be an in-person gathering, a virtual meeting, or when your customer opens the packaging of your product.

Ruby Cole-Ellis is the Owner, Founder and Principal Designer of The Maby Studio. She has almost a decade of design and management experience in Guatemala, El Salvador, and Canada.

Founded in 2017, The Maby Studio is Central Alberta’s first and only Event Design Studio. Since opening its doors in Sylvan Lake, they have helped tailor the experience of hundreds of weddings, photoshoot styling, product launches, grand-openings, conferences and corporate events.

Ruby holds a Bachelors in Architecture, a Master in History and a Master in Architecture & Design from the Francisco Marroquin University in Guatemala. She also possesses a Postgraduate Degree in Management from the University of Calgary and the IEDP ™ Designation (International Event Decorating Professional) by the QC Event School in New York. She is proud to have earned her UX (User Experience) Creative Professional “Mickey Ears” from the Disney Institute™.

professional development

Combating Video-conferencing Fatigue By Carla Howatt

Have you noticed a higher level of fatigue lately? Don’t worry, you aren’t imagining things and you aren’t alone. It’s a scientific fact that technology is contributing to our lower levels of energy. In particular, teleconferencing, or Zoom, as most people know it, was recently the subject of a peer-reviewed article published in Technology, Mind and Behavior.

realize you don’t spend the whole time staring into

The results of the study conducted by Professor Jeremy Bailenson, the founding director of the Stanford Virtual Human Interaction Lab, not only confirmed that “Zooming” causes fatigue, but it isolated the reasons why.

On top of the constant eye contact, many times the

As they say, knowing is the first step to finding a solution, and zoom fatigue is no different. Once we understand what elements of Zoom are making us tired, we can take steps to help preserve our energy.

the speakers’ eyes. You may take some notes, glance around the room, or look at the clock. But when you are on a virtual meeting, you are considered rude or not paying attention if you aren’t looking at the screen constantly.

size of people’s faces and consequently their eyes, are much larger than in person. If someone is speaking and they are sitting down the table from you, their eyes appear much smaller than if you are staring at a 20” monitor. Why does this matter? Because our brains interpret this as being an intense situation and causes a hyper-aroused state.

Looking at Yourself

Eye Contact Imagine if you will that someone follows you are to We are not only subjected to a lot more eye contact, but it is very close-up as well. If you think about your behaviour in a person-to-person meeting, you


meetings and they are holding up a mirror to your face. Whenever you talk to someone, you see yourself as well. Considering that studies have shown that as

humans, we often have a negative reaction to our own

There is Help!

reflection, it’s no wonder that we react in a stressed and tiring manner.

Lack of Exercise Of course, we don’t need to have a study done to realize that all our virtual meetings have ensured we are less active than normal. When we had to get up out of our chairs and walk to a boardroom, or drive across town to meet someone, we were naturally more active. Maybe we should call it the Teleconferencing Twenty?

Body Language Have you noticed it is sometimes harder to know what someone means when you don’t have the full range of body language clues to rely on? When we are sitting across from someone, we automatically and easily interpret their body language. Drumming fingers on the table or squirming in their seat are two examples.

So, what can we do? Give up on work or chatting with relatives until this pandemic is finally over? Are we destined to loneliness and low productivity as we hole up in our homes? Luckily, now that we know why it is exhausting, we can take steps to combat it. When on a call, alter the size of the zoom screen so people appear smaller. At the same time, make sure you are as far away from the monitor as possible. A wireless keyboard or one with a long cord can help. Use the “hide self” button on zoom so you aren’t staring at yourself constantly. You can access that by right-clicking on your picture.

Haven’t noticed? Then have you noticed the need to give a thumbs up, or an exaggerated head nod or shake? That is because it is harder to read someone when they aren’t sitting in front of you and we instinctively know it. Because it isn’t as easy to read someone, we use more of our thinking power


what others mean and compensating to support what we mean. All of this requires extra thought and energy that contributes to Zoom fatigue. SHARP WOMEN


If you can, set up an external camera that is farther away from your screen so you can move around and still be seen in the Zoom window. If you are chairing the meeting, it is a good idea to call for a five-minute stretch break every so often. In addition to five-minute stretch breaks, take some breaks where you turn off the video and listen in on the meeting while you push away from your monitor. It gives your mind a break from constantly trying to interpret every gesture. Implementing these four ideas will go a long way to

Interested in participating in Stanford’s ongoing research?

helping you combat the fatigue we are all feeling. ▼


Carla Howatt is the editor of Sharp Women Heartland magazine, the owner of a company called By the Book, which guides and nourishes amateur and professional writers. She is the author of five books and likes to spend her time writing for herself and others.





Leveraging Automation in your

By Tammy Bauer

Automation is a buzzword that has been floating around recently, but all it means is to do something with minimal human intervention. Bookkeeping







automation. Most transactions are repetitive so it’s easy to set up the automation to do the work and then reap the benefits.

A Brief History of Bookkeeping Thinking of keeping books in the past might bring up thoughts of Bob Cratchit carefully recording transactions in a big ledger.

That is how

bookkeeping was done for a long time. I’ve heard some businesses still do it this way. Up until the 90s when personal computers became common, paper ledgers were used almost exclusively, except by big banks and companies who had the funds for computers.


Paper ledgers are great because it’s easy to see what is happening in the books. What you write is what is recorded, nothing more and nothing less. On the downside it can be hard to find an error in paper ledgers, the data is not very robust, and every report needs to be calculated and then recalculated by hand if there are any changes. In the 90s, Excel entered the market for everyday people and became a game changer when personal computers became common. Bookkeeping was done the same way as on paper, but it is faster to enter the transactions electronically, and reports could automatically be calculated. Another bonus to Excel is that the ledgers could be backed up (on a floppy disc if necessary) so the work wouldn’t be lost in case of fire or an errant glass of water. In the late 90s, desktop bookkeeping software such as Simply Accounting and Quickbooks became more common. This made it easy to record information quickly like with Excel, plus the software records extra details for easy reports, like inventory information, timing details, etc. The trouble with software is it’s a black box where the transaction is entered, and it spits out the result. It can be confusing and a big learning curve to figure out the result of a few keystrokes. Now that cloud-based solutions of desktop software programs are available, information can be imported directly from the bank and rules can be set up to automate most transactions. When you look back at how things were done 40 years ago with paper ledgers, this is a huge time savings!

The downside is that cloud-based software is a black box in the same way desktop software is, and with the extra automation, things can get quite messy.

What to Automate Connecting bank information to the bookkeeping software is one of the easiest and best ways to get into automation. It takes minutes and makes data entry obsolete. Setting up rules to automatically handle the transactions that come in will save even more time. Receipt capture software like Dext or Hubdoc offer electronic receipt and bill storage. Either take a picture of the receipt with your phone, drag and drop from your computer to the software, or email it to a unique address. This last one is particularly useful since email rules can be leveraged to add even more automation to the process. For example, I have my email set up to filter my Apple receipts and to send them to my Dext account. I do that with many vendors, and it saves me hours every month.

Pitfalls of Automation

Next, take a bookkeeping course. I know, no one wants to do that, but it’s hard to recognize when

Even though automation does a lot of the

something is wrong if you don’t know what

bookkeeping heavy lifting, there can be some

right looks like. If you really don’t want to take a

drawbacks. Some thought is needed to set up

bookkeeping course and your heart is set on doing

the bookkeeping system so that the information

your own bookkeeping, ask the pro who set up

comes through in the way it’s needed.

your account for a little direction and perhaps a monthly review engagement so you can be sure

One common issue I see is sales being connected

you’re doing the right things.

to expense accounts. When that happens, a sale is registered as a negative expense in the books. This

And finally, review your accounting reports

is not something that would ever happen with

regularly. This is the best way to find out what the

paper ledgers, but it is a consequence of the ‘black

black box is doing. If you are recording a sale and

box’ of software programs. It is also possible to set

your sales are not increasing, you know to look for

up the automation to categorize the transactions

a problem.

incorrectly. Automation is going to change the face of bookkeeping eventually, so don’t get left behind by doing the bookkeeping the old way. Embrace the change and it will pay dividends. ▼

To avoid the pitfalls of automation, there are a few steps you can take. First, get a professional to help set up your software and automation. Ideally you want a solution where you get your software set up tailored to your company and a user manual delivered so you know how to handle your transactions in the future.


Tammy lives in Sherwood Park with her partner and four dogs. They like to walk, bike, and float down the river during the summer. She started her business Because789 Bookkeeping in 2015 and has been helping small business owners destress their bookkeeping process ever since.











Whenever we gain nuggest of revelation we typically think, “Ooooh! I am going to start doing those things!” Usually, though, within a few days, we’ve forgotten what we heard, read or watched, and life goes on. This worksheet is a printable resource for you to use each month, to collect the treasure of insight and wisdom you fin each month in Sharp Women Magazine (or anywhere else!) and create action steps. Written goals are eight times more lokely to be achieved, so this is a great practice! You can make small (or big) changes by writing things down and holding yourself accountable.

Insights I have gained

New ways I will think

New things I will do

New results I will see




Simply Grateful By Rachel Braun


“Keeping it simple”. It’s easier said than done

inspired me. I knew I wanted that for myself, too”.

sometimes, isn’t it? For this month’s SHARP Women

After starting her family, Tanya and her husband, Len,

feature, Tanya Rogalczyk, simple is more than a

and two boys, Brae (13) and Jaxon (8), relocated to

process, it’s a value; a fundamental belief that shapes

Innisfail. Tanya shares, “There, I transferred to another

her behaviours and actions, both personally and

credit union. I knew I loved helping people reach their

professionally. As Tanya and I chatted over Zoom, I

goals, so I started to explore being a mortgage broker. I

was struck by all the complexities involved in ‘simple’,

have a strong passion for helping people achieve their

and the wisdom and experience required to get Tanya

dreams. It’s a huge part of my motherhood and it is a

to where she is today.

big part of my business. My boys are my biggest WHY, my biggest drivers. In order to encourage them to be

Tanya’s WHY

their best selves, I need to be my best self, too”.

Tanya was born in Ontario. Her family relocated to Calgary when she entered grade 12. “It wasn’t very fun going from a super small town to the big city of Calgary. For me, it was almost like walking into 90210”, Tanya laughs. “It was a crazy year but with lots of growth. I wouldn’t have been forced to grow and change if I hadn’t had that experience or met my husband Len” At 18 years old, Tanya started working in banking. As Tanya recalls, “I worked my way through First Calgary Credit Union. Within a few years, I was a Service Manager. I also had a mentor there. She really inspired me to be a woman of change. Her example as a leader and as a woman who knew what she wanted really

One of Tanya’s favourite ways to spend time with her family is golfing. Tanya shares, “When the oldest was really little, two years old, we didn’t have a babysitter, so we just bought him golfing with us on date nights. Now, he loves golf so much he’s started playing in tournaments and is doing quite well. My youngest is getting into it now, so we are encouraging him, too. It’s so important to my husband and I to provide opportunities to our boys to keep improving themselves. We try to model that by always challenging ourselves to improve, too. In the end, we don’t know everything, so all we can do is try to always be better”



bought their first house, they must put 20% down on their second, but it’s not true so long as you live in the property. It’s exciting to share this news to someone who thought their next move was years away”. But simple isn’t always what potential clients have in mind. For those whose real estate aspirations fall beyond their financial situations, Tanya has developed a practice of reflecting upon and embodying her values. “It’s about integrity to me,” Tanya shares. “At the end of the day, the goal is to save them money and to get them into a property as an investment. I would rather see a client in something they can afford than set them up in a high-interest product that could potentially put them in a bad financial situation down the road. Even if they take their business elsewhere, this practice ensures I can sleep at night”.

Simply Local Before the start of COVID-19, Tanya collaborated with her friend, Lindsey Forget, to create Simply Local, an online repository of local businesses, community parks, and amazing people throughout Central Alberta. With excitement and passion, Tanya shares, “Our

Helping others achieve their real estate goals Today, Tanya owns and operates Simply Mortgages – Maximal Mortgages Inc, a franchise with Dominion

drive is to try to bring more attention to local business owners. There are so many gems out there that aren’t always widely seen. Lindsey and I love hearing each small business owner’s stories, particularly through COVID-19, and we are inspired by them in return”.

Lending Centre, where she puts her passion of helping

As Tanya reflected on her career so far, she often

others achieve their goals to work. Daily, Tanya and

expressed gratitude for the people in her life, and the

her team, Kelsey Evans and Kelly Huse, seek to make

way they impact her mindset. “A lot of my growth

mortgages simple to help people achieve their real

has been because I am strengthening my mindset

estate goals, while also saving them money. “People

thanks to the people around me”, Tanya shares.

don’t always think their next home is achievable, but it can be simple”, Tanya shares. “For example, people often don’t know that they can put 5% down as a second-time buyer. Rather, they think that after they’ve


“Challenging myself to be better challenges my family to be better, which also reflects in my work... I have been really blessed. I get great clients and get to work with amazing realtors. It’s been an intense couple of years for everyone in this industry, and when you are

surrounded by good people, it just keeps you going,

Canada. However, my husband and I’s ultimate vision

even if you’re tired. I also wouldn’t have the success

is to follow our kids’ dreams right now. In ten years,

I have had without the amazing ladies I have on my

we want to be wherever they want to be, applying and

team”. Tanya also has SHARP Women Co-Founder,

improving themselves”.

Ranchelle Van Bryce, as her mindset coach. “If I hadn’t had a mindset coach, I probably would have been very fearful walking into my business and where it was going to go the past 18 months. The biggest thing I’ve learned is to have faith over fear, and to trust God in the process. It can be exhausting, and success is not guaranteed, but if I can help a client achieve their dream of buying a home in BC or promoting their local business online, I am glad to do it!” In ten years, Tanya sees herself wherever her boys are. As Tanya reflects, “Things change so quickly. It would be nice to have more properties in different locations in

What does it mean to live your life on point? “To always be checking into my values and integrity,” Tanya reflects. “It’s so easy to be caught up in the busy and reactive nature of real estate, so I keep my values and integrity in check. A big part of that is trying to be the best I can be for my family, friends, and clients. I am not always great at taking care of myself, but I really try to prioritize family time. I don’t think Simply Mortgages would be happening if I didn’t have them”. ▼



young entrepreneur feature

Elevating the Lives of Animals and People By Rachel Braun

“ I just knew it was what I needed to do”


When I first logged on to Zoom to meet Mary Paulete

crew, Mary Paulette decided to become a flight

McDonogh, I had no idea of the story I was going

attendant. “I just knew it was what I needed to do,”

to hear. In a week of truly unwieldly to-do lists, I

Mary Paulette remembers. “At that point in time, I felt

neglected to do my pre-interview research and

like I was losing myself. I wanted to do something

went into the interview “blind”. Very quickly, I

that connected me with people again, but without

discovered that no amount of research would have

an authority uniform”. Upon her return to Toronto,

prepared me for this months’ multi-gifted and multifaceted Young Entrepreneur Feature. Readers, you are in for a journey of self-discovery, healing, and transformation.

Mary Paulette applied to West Jet, but was initially denied an interview because they wanted to hire people living in Calgary. Mary Paulette simply responded, “Ok, no worries! You’re going to hire me

She believed she could, so she did

now, or you’re going to hire me later because I’m

Mary Paulette was born in and raised in Ontario.

ever since.

Growing up, she often felt invisible. “I wasn’t good at school until grade 11. I had teachers who started

moving to Calgary”. Central Alberta has been home

Connect with Mary Paulette

to pay attention to me and really invest in me as a person. That really opened my world because

Today, Mary Paulette balances two careers. By day,

I could see that people cared about me”, Mary

Mary Paulette works with Transport Canada. Mary

Paulette reflects. Towards the end of high school,

Paulette recalls, “When I heard about the field, I was

Mary Paulette started to dig deeply into her interests

like ‘oh! You’re telling me that I can have a like-

and explore her career paths. While finishing her

police job in the aviation industry? I am all for it!”

Ontario Academic Credit, Mary started to take night

I applied and got it. I was a Cabin

school. Mary Paulette recalls, “I took a law course

Safety Inspector for a long

and the professor recommended I be a police officer.

time until I transitioned

Next thing I knew, I was applying to hardest police

to management. I am

service to get onto. It my mission! I said to myself,

more on the policy, special

‘I’m going to go to college, and I am going to be

project, and strategic side of

valedictorian’, and I that’s what I did!”.

the house now”. By the requests of furry, feathery, scaly, and spikey

Mary Paulette looks back on her years as a police

pets/animals and their owners

officer with bravery and honesty. As she shares,

around the world, Mary owns

“You know, [that time] was good and bad. It was both


the best and the worst thing that happened to me.

Connect with Mary Paulette,

It got to the point where I was compromising my

as an animal communicator.

morals and values and I wasn’t proud to wear the

“I talk to animals! I started my

uniform anymore”. In an unexpected turn of events,

business to 2018 and I have

Mary Paulette boarded a West Jet airplane to take

just been diving into it ever

a vacation. As she observed and talked to the flight

since. I love it!” Mary shares.






interest to myself and others – let In Mary Paulette’s work as an animal communicator,

me dive into that’. Immediately

she uses her gifts to create deeper connection and

afterwards, doors started opening

understanding between her clients, both animalia

and everything fell into place. It’s

and homo sapiens. Clients seek her services with a

been amazing”.

range of needs, from learning more about what their pets/animals need to thrive, to communicating with






present, passed, or lost pets/animals. “The session

wants to have an animal rescue

can be about anything, like food, anxiety, health, or

centre staffed with the best vets, behaviorists,

end of life. There are so many stories,” Mary Paulette

psychologists, acupuncturists, and groomers in

shares. “Once, I had client where her husband was

Alberta. Mary Paulette describes, “My vision is for

a recovering alcoholic and he had started drinking

these rescued animals stay with us for however

again but she didn’t know. The cat told me where the

long they need to be rested and have any behaviors

bottles were. When she went to look for them, she

corrected. Once they heal, we can truly match them

found the empty bottles exactly there. With another

up with their forever family”

client, I was working with a dog, and I was picking up an issue with her liver. When her owner took her to the vet for an unrelated reason, they discovered

What does it mean to live your life on point?

that her liver has elevated enzymes and she has liver disease. I am not a medical professional, but

“Being authentic,”Mary states, ”And it doesn’t matter

these are all pointers they can take back to their vet

how authenticity shows up. We all know what it’s

and say, ‘this is some feedback we received, is there any validity to it?’ In this case, they were able to spot it early”.

like to talk to someone who is ‘on’. For me, living my life on point is being true to me and showing up fully self-expressed. That means showing up

In learning how to grow and nurture her gifts for

exactly as I am. I know it might sound cliché, but I

animal communication, Mary Paulette has also had

don’t sacrifice authenticity anymore. Even if it looks

to nurture herself. Mary Paulette reflects, “When I first started in animal communication, I really had imposter syndrome. I didn’t feel real. I thought I was

messy or I fumble, I want to make sure I show up as my authentic self”. ▼

making it all up and I thought I had to fit into people’s preconceived



what my gifts are. I said to the universe, ‘I am going to make my own space based on what is in the best


Mary Paulette McDonogh is an animal communicator. Animal communication is being able to communicate with an animal in ways that interpret what they are experiencing and how they are perceiving their world. If you’d like to learn more about Mary Paulette and her services, find her on Instagram as May Paulette McDonogh, or on Facebook at Connect with Mary Paulette. You can also check out her website,



social media

Have You Defined Your Target Audience? By Emma Lyle

“If you want to create messages that resonate with your audience, you need to know what they care about.”– Nate Elliott

Social media is a fantastic tool for reaching and creating relationships with potential customers, but it won’t work effectively if you haven’t taken the time to understand who that customer is. It goes without saying, you should be focusing your marketing efforts towards the people who are most likely to be purchasing the goods or services you provide. Knowing specific characteristics about that audience enables your business to effectively market and efficiently communicate with them. By accurately refining and understanding your target audience, you’ll be able to spend less money by reaching the right people and see a better return on your investment.


Social Media Managers are there to help ensure your brand is reaching the right people across the world wide web. Here’s a great starting point to help you identify your target audience:

What are some of their individual characteristics? 1. Age & life stage: comparing someone age 45 to someone who’s 57 may not make a big difference, but what about a person who is 25 vs 63? Those people are decades apart and experiencing different life stages. Each of those people have considerably different goals, views and needs. It’s time to think about who your product or service is best suited for. Will you be trying to reach young adults, mature seniors or somewhere in between? 2. Where are they located and can you reach them: Consider your business’ physical location(s) and where your products and/or services are available. If you run an automotive repair service in Edmonton, then you’ll likely only be taking clients in areas directly in your physical servicing area. But, if you manufacture cell phone accessories, it’s possible that you can ship all over the country and the world - thus broadening your customer reach. 3. What they do for a living: for some organizations, their customers may come from all over and your product or service isn’t dependent on their occupation, while for others it’s imperative that their customer comes from a specific sector. Knowing what they have in common or not at all is key! You wouldn’t try selling advanced computer coding software to a wedding cake designer, would you?

you provide. You’re entering a new relationship with each person you reach. The advantage of social media is that it enables companies to communicate their values and connect with consumers who are looking for brands that align with their own values. If you discover that a large portion of your audience values supporting the local community, you may want to highlight your company’s philanthropic endeavors,





volunteering charities

How do your customers learn about what you have to offer? Is



business with


times? Society has moved forward and people are no longer relying



the lengthy process of enticing potential customers to a brick & mortar store in hopes they may make a sale. Social Media doesn’t only speed




journey but it can also enhance the overall buying experience. Now, you can reach people outside your physical location, connect with the buyer when they need you most, and target new customers - anywhere and anytime.

What else are your customers interested in? You clearly want to target people that are going to


business is more than just the product or service



How do you set your business apart from the competition?

be interested in what your business has to offer, but






competition is? Have you taken the time to analyze them? It’s SHARP WOMEN


time to dig deep and find out exactly what they do and how it resonates with their consumers. What do you think works or doesn’t? Now, look closely at what your business does and how your customers are affected. What is the difference? Why do their customers choose them, and why do your customers choose you? Use this information to set goals, push yourself forward and make your next move. If you’re still feeling a bit overwhelmed and not sure where to start, take a look at your Facebook/ Instagram Insights. You’ll be able to examine the audience you’re currently reaching and interacting with. Also, don’t hesitate to reach out to existing customers! Ask them why they chose your business, how they heard about you and other basic questions. Their answers might surprise you and give you valuable feedback to learn from. Answering these questions is just a start, there are many more things you can research, learn and analyze about your prospective customers. ▼

Emma is a passionate and experienced individual whose expertise lies in the areas of social media marketing, digital advertising and branding on all digital platforms. She prides herself in helping businesses efficiently and effectively communicate their stories online.

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My Dream for in Leadership By Tamara Dabels


When you see the word LEADERSHIP, what comes

organizations that have gender diversity, financially

to mind? Do you think of yourself, your boss, your

perform better than their counterparts without diversity,

parents, political leaders, best friends, your spouse, your

we continue to lag when it comes to gender diversity in

colleagues? Leadership can be found anywhere a person

Canadian boardrooms, and in the C-suite.

lifts others up, inspires, and serves others. For me, I’ve found leaders in the obvious places; educators, business

These stats both intrigue and irritate me. And they

leaders, political leaders, and employers, but I have found


them in unexpected places too; in young students, in my family, most certainly within my team. In fact, the

So, what’s the problem? Why aren’t more women getting

leaders that I work with inspire me, push me, support,

a seat at the table, and what will it take to get there?

and fascinate me.

Obviously, I won’t get through these important questions in this article, but I wanted to share these statistics with

Leadership is evolving, and leaders themselves must

you, and I’m curious what you think and feel when you

evolve. We can find leaders within organizations at any

read that. It is so important to continue to develop strong

level. Great leaders exhibit empathy, listen well, and

leaders, and to find ways to ensure women find their

have an ability to inspire those around them. They are

way to the table.

storytellers that inspire through both words and actions. Leaders empower and mentor. They are curious about those around them, how people think, what is important

Listen to the Leader in You

to others and what drives those they lead. Leaders are creative problem solvers and solution seekers. They see

I’m sure we all have a story

opportunities in the challenges and help those around

about a particular situation where

them to become creative solution seekers too.

we felt defeated, helpless, worn out, or undeserving. What did you do in that

I’m passionate about women in leadership and changing

time to flip your story? When I found myself

the landscape of leadership as it stands now. It is with

in that situation only a few years back, I needed

great enthusiasm that I take the proverbial pen to paper

something drastic, something out of character

to talk about leadership.

and a little scary. I needed a challenge that would prevent me from existing in my own

The Leadership Landscape Today

head with my doubts and fears, in that dark place where the mean little voices reside.

According to the Canadian Women’s Foundation in January 2021, only 25% of vice-president positions and

So, with the faith I had left in myself, I started to

15% of CEO positions in Canada are held by women. We

look for experiences that I may not have been open

live in a country that has been a leader within the G7 with

to in the past, and of course one such experience

respect to the gap between labour force participation rates

presented itself. I spent three days in Canmore

of men and women. Yet, despite evidence that supports

completing the Triple Crown with 30 other

leaders. Without these incredible women and coaches, I

decision you can make!

never would have finished this and I would have missed one of the most important leadership lessons of my life.

My dream is to empower women to find their voices,

To use a quote from a friend, I can do hard things, I have

and to have the confidence to use their voices to evoke

done hard things, and I will continue to do hard things.

change for the landscape of leadership as it stands now.

To learn more about that experience with 30 incredible

I’ve found other women with the same passion, and

women and three leaders that I would follow almost

vision, and I’ll continue to align myself with people like

anywhere, please take a look HERE.

that. ▼

As I develop my leadership skills, I often seek out other leaders, people I admire and like a sponge, I soak in all they share with me. This has been a very successful strategy for me and through this I have built some deep friendships and a network where we can come together to support one another.

Know Your Leadership Values An important thing to consider when you are looking for mentors, is to have an understanding of their values and to be sure they align with your own. Knowing and understanding what you value is an important process and I encourage everyone to reflect on that. My top values are kindness, respect, courage, and integrity. I’ve recently added a sense of fun and playfulness to that list. When building a team, looking for a mentor, or choosing where I spend my time, I go back to values. In a team, you can coach skills, but you cannot change someone’s values. If their values aren’t in alignment with your own, then the grief that comes from that relationship takes energy I’m no longer willing to spend. Throughout the years, I have become more and more selective in those I choose to be around, and I am a happier person and better leader for it. Continuous education, great books, seminars, podcasts, coaches, mentors – there are resources out there to help get started in leadership, or to improve existing leadership skills. Investing in yourself will be the best


Tamara has been the Executive Director for the Chamber since 2017. She is proud to work on behalf of the region’s exceptional businesses community. She discovered her passion for working with entrepreneurs while developing business plans and doing market research for new and aspiring business owners. While she loves helping these businesses grow, she also enjoys road trips with her husband Trevor, and spending time their two kids, Logan and Samantha.



food recipe

Blueberry Cream Pie By Jackie Kobsar


STEP 2: Filling

STEP 1: Crust Ingredients: 1 cup almonds 1 /4 tsp sea salt 1/2 cup pitted Medjool dates Directions: In a food processor, combine almonds and salt, process until finely ground. Add dates and process until all ingredients are finely ground and slightly sticking together. Press into a 9x9 pan with a spatula. Put into refrigerator while making the cream filling.

Ingredients: 1.5 cups cashews (soaked 4 hours) rinsed well. 1 tsp vanilla extract 1.5 cups blueberries (fresh or frozen) If using frozen blueberries, add melted coconut oil last, while blending other ingredients. 1/2 Cup Water 1/4 cup pure maple syrup 1/4 cup melted coconut oil Juice of 1.5 cups of blueberries (makes it more ‘blue’, I only do this when serving for company) Directions: Put all ingredients in a blender and blend well. Pour on top of the crust. Refrigerate for 2-3 hours before cutting. Storage: Refrigerate covered for up to five days.

Jackie currently lives in Red Deer Alberta living life to the fullest with her family. Together they love experiencing adventures from roller coasters and bungee jumping, to hiking mountain peaks. Along with Jackie also started www. to help others switch to a healthy diet and lifestyle, because everyone deserves to thrive and not just survive.

This recipe can be found in Jackie’s latest ebook

Snack Happy! Get your copy here SHARP WOMEN


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Leadership Coaching

Tanya Kitchen-Johnson

Ana Solorzano

(403) 396-5152

(403) 596-9492

Accident and Sickness Insurance

Security & Automation

(403) 304-4593

Monica L Niederle Barrister & Solicitor

Business Lawyer

CASA Central Alberta

Lauretta Gorman

Master Lash Technician

Sara Barnes

Brandie Bowman

(403) 820-0448

(403) 396-3211

Home Security & Automation

Housekeeping and Cleaning Services

Tanya Warner

Kendra Numan

(403) 915-2391

(780) 864-8457

Medispa: Cosmetic & Medical Botox and Dermal Fillers

Sheena Johnson & Cortney Hollenga

(403) 347-3774

Intimate Apparel

Nail Artist

Emma Lyle

(403) 704-0699

Social Media Management

Shiel McClure

Shannon Campbell

(403) 352-1758


Event Planner & Destination Wedding Expert

Marketing & Advertising Specialist

Janice Hrushka

Jillian Vukovich

(403) 952-1920

(403) 872-5545

Health & Wellness Coach

Jennifer Sehn

(403) 877-0962

Bookkeeping Services

IG Wealth Management

Financial Advisor

Deanna Bailey

(403) 805-4359 Real Estate with Deanna Bailey

Rural Real Estate Agent

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