SHARP Women Central Alberta | January 2022

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An Open Letter to the Shoppers I Met Today

Emma Lyle:

Transformative Learning, Transformational Digital Marketing

Strong Teams, Strong Teamwork

Orange Immunity Booster Smoothie

You Don’t Have to be Alone in Business SHARP WOMEN


Notice & Terms of use Sharp Women Magazine is an E-zine created by Sharp Women. The magazine is free for end users, and contains articles, features, advertorials, advertisements and interactive activities. It is published monthly. The Editor reserves the right to proof and edit content, without changing the intent. The Editor reserves the right to challenge statements and assertions of fact where citations or proof of fact is not offered. Sharp Women Magazine reserves the right to reject material that promotes, in the view of the publishers, unsafe or unhealthy practices, hate speech or other inflammatory content. Online comments are subject to review and deletion if deemed inappropriate. The material and content on this site are for information purposes only. Sharp Women Magazine assumes no liability or responsibility for any inaccurate or incomplete information, nor for any action taken as a result. Content has been contributed by individuals, events and/or organizations, and, as such, may not have been verified by the publishers. The opinions expressed in articles, features, ads and editorials are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions and views of the publishers. Any reproduction of the content and material in Sharp Women Magazine, without the express written permission of the publishers is strictly prohibited, though sharing links to the magazine and/or its articles on social media, with credit, is permitted.


SHARP WOMEN team Ranchelle Van Bryce Co-Founder

Danielle Klooster Co-Founder

Kelsey Evans Administrative Assistant

Rachel Braun Assistant Editor

Ruby Cole-Ellis Editor-in-Chief Central Alberta

Luci Morales Executive Assistant

Sissy Bustamante Lead Designer

Carla Howatt Editor-in-Chief Heartland

Rachelle Scrase Director of Photography


Grace Wong Business

Jacquie Gaglione Professional Development

April Wiens Personal Growth

Lynn Gagne Finance

Jackie Kobsar Health & Wellness

Kirsten Duncan Leadership

Janice Hrushka Food Recipe SHARP WOMEN


letter from the editor

Cheers to

New Beginnings! This January edition marks one year since I took over

I want to sincerely thank those who have supported

editorship of this magazine. Onboarding for this role

this project and who will continue to support it. Having

feels like a distant memory. I feel like I have been doing

a voice for women that is local and positive is very

this for what seems like a lifetime. But the thing is, so

important to me and thank you for trusting the vision

many things have happened in the last 12 months... I

of the movement.

mean, I was still sitting in a wheelchair last January! Of course, I’ll be around if you want to chat, so feel free Reflecting on the year’s worth of issues since I became

to connect with me on social media.

Editor, I can truly say: what a crazy ride it has been. I hope you devour this issue, because it is jam packed I’ve met some incredible women who have allowed

with tidbits of information that will help us rock this

me into their lives and shared their vulnerabilities. I


have had the privilege of laughing and crying with some of you during this journey, and I will keep those

Cheers to a new year full of opportunities... cheers to

memories forever in my heart. I have learned so many

new beginnings!

valuable lessons personally and in business that I will implement for a lifetime.

Enjoy the read, my friends!

But for everything in life, there is a season. For me, 2022 is a year I will focus on my family and my other businesses and endeavors and that is why, after this issue, I am stepping down as Editor-in-Chief of SHARP Women Central Alberta. But have no fear, Ranchelle, one of the founders of SHARP Women, is going to step up and become the editor, so... I know you will be in good hands! I can’t wait to see what she will do with the magazine and the Chapters!


Ruby Cole-Ellis

Editor-in-Chief Instagram: @rubycoleellis Photo by Amy Cheng Photography







By April

By Carla Howatt



By Ranchelle Van Bryce

By Grace Wong




By Lynn Gagne


MEGHAN DIRK By Rachel Braun













By Carla Howatt

By Jackie Kobsar





FOOD RECIPE By Janice Hrushka

LEADERSHIP By Kirsten Duncan




from the ceo


in the Raw

By Ranchelle Van Bryce

I am forever grateful for the peace and serenity that belonging to Alateen has provided me over the years. Some of my favourite slogans are:

One of our core values at SHARP Women is to hold space for difficult conversations. To accept where each one of the team members was and to support them even if we weren’t sure.

“Live and Let Live”. “Let Go and Let God”. “One Day at a Time”. My mom used to say, “everything happens for a reason“. Over the last year, I added to that saying, “everything happens FOR me and nothing happens TO me“. In early fall, Danielle and I came to realize that although we had a mission and a vision for SHARP Women, it wouldn’t be with her and me together, side by side. The decision came swiftly and with a little drama. Were we both surprised? Hell ya! We committed to each other and to you. When we asked Ruby and Carla to join us, it was with the understanding that we would have a one-year agreement and then we would reassess. Danielle and I had great, elaborate, expansive plans. We were excited about sharing the message of SHARP Women globally.


I had a plan, a strategy, and I was attached to it. As I started to uncover and unpack what this was going to look like, Ruby and Carla shared with us that they had decided to not renew their contracts. Their lives and businesses were expanding and they wanted the time to dedicate to their other passions.

It became clear to me that regardless of my clever

What can you, the reader, expect from me?

plan and strategy, there was another ‘higher’ plan for me. It was time for me to surrender to what I thought was going to be AND move into the ‘isness’ of my experience. True confession: I had moments of resistance. I wanted to know why, I wanted to explore if I had done anything wrong or bad. Thank goodness my moments were just that - moments. I was able to stay in my practice of serenity and surrender and reminded myself that nothing happens to me and everything happens for me. I went to ‘work’; what does that mean? It means that I meditated, prayed, and journaled. I asked questions like, what are my next steps? Was I really to walk away from everything? How could I do all of this and my full-time coaching business? What was I meant to give up, if anything? As always, my questions were answered with love and in love. 1. Yes, I am supposed to have both SHARP Women and Ignite Your Success Coaching and Consulting. 2. Yes, I am supposed to do the magazine, the events, and eventually a podcast. 3. Yes, the structure needs to look different.

More communication in between the publishing of the magazines. More opportunities to share with me what you love and what you think we could do differently. Most importantly, connection, community, and conversation will continue. I am so grateful for my time with Danielle, Ruby, and Carla. I am so grateful for the connection that SHARP Women has with you. I am grateful for your support and I look forward to continuing the mission of SHARP Women, to help all of us let go of comparison and competition, to guide

I also received another nudge that I resisted at first; I am supposed to invite others to write a SHARP Women Book.

all of us through busting through imposter syndrome

So, today’s Ranchelle in the Raw is to share with you what I have been asked to do. You see, Spirit leads the way for me.

get to decide what that looks like for ourselves. ▼

The SHARP Women event will be three events that will be shorter days. The SHARP Women magazine will be a quarterly magazine vs a monthly magazine. It will continue to have a directory, articles contributed by amazing women, advertising opportunities, plus MORE. I am going to combine SHARP Women Event Sponsors with advertising opportunities - the option of being part of a best-selling book AND advertising or being a contributing author for the magazine. The main point of contact for the magazines will be me until I have the other team players in place.

so that we can live the life that we desire so that we can live our lives, on point and most importantly we

With love and gratitude,





Mental Illness in My Adult Child: When Your Child’s Mental Illness Brings Guilt

By Carla Howatt


Did I cause my adult child’s mental illness? Then why do I feel guilty about my adult child’s mental illness? What can I do about the guilt from my adult child’s mental illness? I’ve always joked that when a baby is born, the doctor should say ”congratulations” and hand the parents their baby. On that day, the baby would have a bundle of guilt attached to it. When you learn your adult child has a mental illness, feeling guilty is almost automatic for many of us. You may think, ”mental illness in my adult child must be something I did”. After all, it was our job to raise, nurture and make sure they grew up okay, right? The truth is that when your child’s mental illness brings guilt, it saps your energy. It’s because you spend more time worrying about ‘why’ than you do taking care of yourself and your child.

Did I cause my adult child’s mental illness? The short answer to this question is no. Unless you were chronically abusive, it is unlikely that you were the sole cause of your child’s mental illness. However, that doesn’t stop parents from feeling guilty when SHARP WOMEN


their adult child receives a mental illness diagnosis.

or they were embarrassed in front of their peers. It

It’s not uncommon for mothers to wrack their

can also be things like sexual or physical abuse or the

memories for something they may have done wrong

loss of a loved one.

when they were pregnant. They wonder if their cold during pregnancy was something worse and

But what part do genetics play in your adult child’s

they just didn’t know it. Or they may have taken an

mental illness? This is often a question that is top of

over the counter medication. Even if their doctor

mind for parents. What we know is people can have

told them it was safe, they’re now wondering if they

a vulnerability to developing certain types of mental

made a mistake.

illness based on their family history. Again, it tends

Parents may look back on their child’s school years and look for something that went wrong. Maybe they yelled at their child too much, maybe they were too lenient or strict. The list goes on and oftentimes rational thought has little to do with it.

The truth about the cause of mental illness If your adult child is diagnosed with a mental illness, it’s little comfort to learn that the causes are still

not to be a definitive cause, but rather a contributing factor. But if your child has a mental illness that you have been told is definitely hereditary, please consult with your doctor. A good place to look for more information online are places like WebMD. Make sure that wherever you get your information, that it is from a credible source.

Then why do I feel guilty about my adult child’s mental illness?

uncertain. But one thing the medical community does agree is that it is likely not just one thing.

It is only human nature to look for a reason why things happen. If we can only find out the reason,

Our mental health is affected by a combination of things such as the environment, situations in our lives, and even genetics. Not one thing can be pointed to as the reason your adult child has a mental illness. Your child may be influenced by their environment.

then we can regain a sense of control. What you know right now is that your child is hurting. Your world is turned upside down. Feeling guilty about your adult child’s mental illness is a way of trying to answer the ”why” question.

If someone grows up in a society that values a slim female form, then they are more apt to develop

As a society, we often blame parents for how their

an eating disorder. But does that mean that the

adult child turns out. Right or wrong, we tend to look

environment caused the mental illness? Not by itself.

to the parent. That means when something happens

What about situational factors? For example, if your child faced a situation growing up that had a strong impact on them. And it’s important to note that whether we see it as trauma or not doesn’t really matter. Maybe someone at school made fun of them


to our child, we look to ourselves. The problem is society looks to parents because they are trying to answer the ”why” question themselves. If they can blame bad parenting, and they aren’t bad parents, then they are ”safe” from this happening to them.

In my opinion, trying to find out ”why?” won’t help because you’ll use valuable energy. This is energy you could put towards yourself and your child. Even if you’re able to determine what environmental, situational and genetic factors brought on your adult child’s mental illness, then what? You can’t go back and fix anything unless you are lucky enough to have a time machine.

What can I do about the guilt I feel from my adult child’s mental illness? Happily, there are some things you can do to alleviate the guilt you may feel about your child’s mental illness: 1. Education – Do research about the causes of mental illness. There is nothing better than knowledge to wipe out these types of negative emotions. 2. Find Support – Contact your local mental health association and see if you can find a support group. Many places have groups that are specific to certain mental illnesses. 3. Take care of yourself – Self-care is critical right now and making a conscious effort to take care of yourself will help keep you mentally healthy. If you need some ideas for self-care, I invite you to sign up for my “Weekly Self-Care Tips for Parents” that I designed specifically with parents of adult children who have mental illness in mind. As always, we encourage you to share. Who knows, maybe your story will help another parent? ▼ Go in Peace,




Keep Your Computer Secure At Home

When the pandemic started, many people were required to work from home, which created an influx of work for me as they discovered their tech wasn’t up to snuff. The term ”being up to snuff” means two things - if the computer is powerful enough to do the work necessary and if the computer is safe enough from external forces. Over the course of the pandemic, I’ve discovered that the number of computers that aren’t ”up to snuff” from a security standpoint is quite high - too high for my comfort. I have had more than my share of jobs having to reinstall Windows and software because someone was hacked. These hackers have come out of the woodwork and they’ve been very busy. So what to

By Grace Wong

do? Here’s a small list of things you should consider doing to keep you and your data safe.


1) Use a firewall

manager like Keeper or LastPass. Pretty much all password managers out there offer free versions

Microsoft Windows has a built in firewall called Windows Defender Firewall. Make sure it’s turned on by going to Settings - Update & Security -Windows Security - Firewall & network protection. For macOS, go into the Apple menu - System Preferences - Security (or Security & Privacy) -Firewall - Unlock the pane by clicking the lock in the bottom left corner and enter in the administrator

which are more than enough for the home user. What a password manager does is create strong passwords from random letters, numbers, and symbols and stores them. You create ONE strong password for the password manager itself and then it stores all your other passwords for you (if you’re anything like me, you’ve got hundreds). Most password managers are fairly easy to use and will save you a world of grief – being hacked is no fun.

(or Start).

4) Don’t open suspicious attachments or click unusual links in messages

For the more advanced of you, both firewalls can be

This is another big one. We’ve all been there

customized to your preferences.

you receive an email ostensibly from Staples,

username and password - Click Turn On Firewall

2) Keep ALL your software up to date

only to discover later that you’ve been hacked. This is called phishing. The hackers send out random emails to hundreds of thousands of email

Even though this goes against my instincts, I leave the automatic updates for Windows turned on. This allows all Microsoft products to stay completely updated, this includes Windows, Microsoft Office, and other Microsoft applications. For all other software you have installed, including browsers, Adobe Acrobat Reader, and other applications you use on a regular basis, go into their settings and turn on automatic updates if it’s available. In macOS, go to Settings - General -


Update. Here you can choose to turn on automatic updates. Turning on automatic updates in all

addresses, looking to find that 0.1% of people who will click randomly on links and end up with their bank accounts drained. Learn to check all emails, tweets, Facebook posts, online ads, messages, or attachments carefully, and don’t click on hyperlinks if it isn’t from someone you know. For anyone interested, please consider attending this webinar being put on by an IT friend of mine. It’s entitled ”No Phishing” and will talk about what phishing is, how to recognize it, and most importantly, how to avoid it. It’s scheduled for Wednesday, February 9th at 2pm.

installed software also applies.

3) Make sure your passwords are well-chosen and protected This one’s a big one. If you’re like most people, you use two or three passwords and variations thereof for everything, which is really asking for trouble. The best way to get around this is to use a password SHARP WOMEN


5) Browse the web safely

ii) Kaspersky Anti-virus

Avoid visiting sites that offer potentially illicit

This is an excellent anti-virus and I had used it

content. Many of these sites install malware on the fly or offer downloads that contain malware. Use a modern browser like Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, or Opera which can help block malicious websites and prevent malicious code from running on your computer.

6) Stay away from pirated material Avoid streaming or downloading movies, music, books, or applications that do not come from

for years before moving to Bit Defender. It’s a very streamlined program. However, Kaspersky has introduced their own password manager, firewall, and VPN into the mix which can be very irritating if you don’t remember to uncheck the option to install them during the initial installation process and are a pain to uninstall once they’re on. And one more thing the anti-virus program to AVOID.

trusted sources. They may contain malware.

i) McAfee Anti-Virus

7) Don’t use USBs or other external devices unless you own them

Once again, among computer techs, including me,

To avoid infection by malware and viruses, ensure that all external devices either belong to you or come from a reliable source.

8) Make sure to invest in a good antivirus program This is a no-brainer. While Microsoft Defender (which comes default in Windows) is an okay antivirus, I’ve noticed that nowadays, it simply doesn’t

you want to avoid this program like the plague. It has been proven to be among the worst programs out there because of its bloatware nature (bloatware being programs that are so full of crap that it will literally slow down your computer). It’s also one of the reasons that it’s the ”free” anti-virus of choice for companies such as Telus because most people in the know won’t buy it otherwise. Hopefully, you find these tips useful, and PLEASE be safe out there. ▼

cut it anymore. And while I understand the desire to not spend any more money than necessary, this is a very dangerous attitude. Free anti-viruses simply can’t do what paid programs do. So what are my recommendations? I’ll keep it very simple (added caveat I’m not being paid to recommend these programs):

i) Bit Defender is the best-paid anti-virus out there, bar none. It is the anti-virus of choice for computer techs everywhere, including me. And because it’s January, It’s a good time to invest, as most of their products are currently on sale.


With 23-years-experience in computer and mobile device repairs, Grace Wong has owned Apex Computer & Mobile Repairs for five years. She lives and works in Sherwood Park with her husband and 16-year-old son who she adores to the moon and back.

10 steps to follow if you’ve been in a car accident 1. Stop. Never leave the scene of an accident. If the other driver leaves,

write down their licence plate number so the authorities can locate them. Take a picture or video, if necessary.

2. Stay calm. Confirm no one is hurt, then check for damage. You might be

pressured at the scene to make snap decisions, but don’t let that happen. Take the time you need to assess the situation.

3. Check surroundings. Watch for oncoming traffic and turn on your hazard lights to warn them. If possible, set up flares or reflectors to warn oncoming traffic. 4. Call for help. If the accident is serious, call 911. 5. Address injuries. Keep injured people warm and don’t move them unless they’re in immediate danger.

6. Gather info. Once you know everyone’s okay, or emergency help is on the way, gather information to file an accident report. Collect: • Each driver’s name, licence plate number, insurance company name and policy number • The types of vehicles involved • The location of each vehicle • Names of passengers and witnesses 7. File a report. Call the police to file an accident report, even for a minor incident. Rules on how and when to report can vary; check with your municipality.

Need to make a car accident claim? For all Auto (including windshield) claims, you can make a claim through The Co-operators app, available through The App Store and Google Play. You can also visit Swift Insurance and Financial Solutions, or call us at (403) 340-4495.

8. Take pictures. Include damage to vehicles, all vehicles in the accident, the scene of the accident, the other driver(s) and passengers. 9. Move your vehicle. If you can do so safely, get it out of the flow of traffic.

If it’s too damaged to drive, have it towed.

10. Limit discussion. Try not to talk about the accident with the other driver, including apologizing to them. Only discuss the accident with the police and your insurance company Keep an accident report form in the glove compartment of every car you own. If you qualify for Accident Forgiveness, you may be covered if it’s your first accident!

Christine Swift, Financial Advisor


(403) 340-4495 SHARP WOMEN


personal growth

An Open Letter I Met Today By April Wiens

Today I was out buying some groceries and had the

I am not a lonely loser, sitting at home pining away for

absolute joy of being surrounded by ignorant people.

a man. In fact, I’ve been married for almost 28 years to

Not one time, but three times did someone make a

an amazing man, who just so happened to marry me

comment about my weight. I heard these words...

in spite of my fat-ness.

“Who’d date that“, “Fat cow“ and “Holy, Big Mama“. I’ve heard this crap my whole life, but today was an award-winning day of stupid. Today I feel like saying something about it, so I’m writing them a letter. A letter from this Fat Girl. “Dear Mr. & Mrs. Perfect, who aren’t overweight and believe that based on that alone, that you are better than those of us that aren’t like you“ I want you to know that you’re wrong. You are stupid. You are ignorant. And you are missing out on some incredible people, experiences, and relationships because of it. You are the one losing out here, not me. When you called me fat, it was shocking, I had no idea. Thank-you for telling me and because of you, I


can now lose weight and get skinny. I wish I’d known

Yes, a totally buff and muscular bodybuilder chose me

years ago. Thanks Captain Obvious, I know I’m fat,

to be his wife. Shocking huh? So maybe, just maybe I’ve

you haven’t told me anything I don’t already know.

got some value that’s greater than what I look like. Yes, he


chose me, I didn’t kidnap him and force him to marry me.


I am not sitting at home eating cookies and cake all day, and in fact, I probably accomplish a whole lot more than many of you that are judging me. I own and operate two successful businesses, I have two of my own children, and am also a foster parent to four teenagers. I long for a day filled with eating bon-bons and nothingness. I am beautiful. In fact, I get told that, on the regular, by total strangers. I may not be skinny, but I’m attractive and people are drawn to my demeanor. I’m gracious, I smile at everyone, and I treat everyone with respect. I’d rather be known for my pleasant demeanour than for being skinny any day. If you would rather be skinny than a decent human being, your life is going to suck. A lot. I have birthed two children, and as such, it’s changed my body. Frankly, until you’ve had a minimum of two, nine- pound human beings push themselves out of your nether regions, you should probably just shush. Enjoy your 20-year-old skinny, perfect body and give me a call in about 10 years. Just sayin’. I live a VERY full and fabulous life. I am not lonely or sad. I live in a beautiful home and drive a nice vehicle. I’ve written stories for magazines and have done public speaking engagements. People come to me for advice and help ALL THE TIME. Who knew a fat person could contribute something to this world? Craziness, I know. I challenge YOU to look at the important people in YOUR life. How many of them are overweight? I’m guessing more than a few, and somehow, you’re able to love them despite their weight. Why do you think it’s okay to treat me as ”lesser than” based solely on my appearance? You don’t know me, what I believe

“I may be fat, but I can diet. You'll always be an idiot.” SHARP WOMEN


in, what I do, where I’ve come from or where I’m going. The “extra body“ that I carry does not determine my worth. I don’t judge you based on your slouchy pants, caked-on make-up, badly behaved children, and bad breath. I see those things as exactly that, things. Things do not a person make. I am SO very blessed to be surrounded by other strong, intelligent, and world-changing women, the majority of which don’t fit the “perfect image“ that society demands. Instead of judging me by what I look like, judge me for what I do. I’m okay with that, in fact, I challenge you to do exactly that. Call me on my mistakes and shortcomings, but don’t you dare judge me on the size of my clothing. Thankfully, my parents raised me right, and I KNOW my value. I know my worth and just how awesome I am. But I also know that many overweight people aren’t like me and are struggling to just fit in and belong, so I not only wrote this letter for me but for them. I am smart, I am caring, I am kind, I am helpful, I do things that other people refuse to do, I love my fellow man, I’m a business owner, I’m a mother, I’m a daughter, and I’m a wife. I have a name and it’s not “fat cow“. It’s April. Never forget that.▼

April Wiens is a lover of rainbows, unicorns and grace but not necessarily in that order. Mom to MANY and owner of What She Said Creatives




health & wellness

How I Healed My Eating Disorder By Jackie Kobsar


One question I get asked often is, ”how did you overcome your eating disorder” Let me tell you, it was not easy. I was in the thick of it for so long, longer than I ever want to admit. But I finally dug myself out of that black hole with a mindset change.

How it started When I first started my disorder, I had witnessed it with roommates I had while overseas modelling. I had seen them eat things that were on our “do not eat list“. Yes, I was actually given a “do not eat list“ from my agency at 17 years old. I remember potatoes were there. I loved mashed potatoes, so I was sad to see that go. And bread! I was a huge bread eater and it didn’t make me gain weight. Then, my roommates would spend a long time in the washroom with the shower on. I even peeked under the door to see their feet facing the toilet. When I got the “do not eat list“, I was actually a size 0... yup size 0. My mother was so proud. I remember when she bought me a pair of pants and the size one was too large, so the saleslady brought me a size zero. There were a lot of things that contributed to me feeling unworthy and needing to binge and purge. There was my mother who put so much pressure on me to stay thin, to travel, to live out her dream, and to not eat too much because I had a show coming up. There was my Grandmother always telling me that I was fat, and my butt was getting big, yet parading me around to her friends and bragging how thin I was. There was my agency giving me a “do not eat“ list. All these things plus an already damaged self esteem from no-one ever

I wanted help When I felt like I actually had a problem and wanted to get help, I told my mother I was bulimic. Her response was to get me a psychiatrist. I went to see this old man psychiatrist once. He prescribed an antidepressant and off I went. Nothing changed and that was it. I took the antidepressants for one week and threw the rest out. I didn’t ever see that psychiatrist again. The only time it was ever brought up again, was when my mother said to me “if you’re going to do that, then clean up after you’re done“. Tony Robbins says that we only remember things when we have emotion tied to. I remember that moment because it was another cry for help. I didn’t fully clean the underside of the toilet seat after a purge session, with hopes of her seeing It and talking to me about it. Unfortunately, that was another life changing moment. Her response and dismissal was all I needed to know that once again, I was on my own.

It continued... Many many years went by. Let’s just say, more than ten. With many breaks in it. I never binged and purged when I was pregnant, and had no desire to, until I was questioned about losing my baby weight. I put on 48 pounds with my pregnancy and was eating whatever I wanted for the first time. Happily. But soon after being questioned, I started binging and purging again. I had talked to my husband about it, because he was and is the most loving and supportive human being I have ever known. He was ready to send me

sticking up for me with all the abuse I endured,

away to a facility because that’s what I felt I needed

I was weak. Food was the ONLY thing I could

- to get away from everything and everyone and

control in my life at the time.

learn from therapists who specialize in this. SHARP WOMEN


Unfortunately, those facilities are very expensive

My husband and I started running because our

and at the time, the guilt was too great for me to

bodies are meant to move. We started drinking a

be selfish and take that kind of money from him.

green smoothie everyday because the nutrients in

So, I was determined to heal on my own. He gave

green leafy vegetables are unsurpassed. I got into

me a time limit to get things under control. I lied

a good healthy routine and put on some hearty

at the end of it.

weight and my husband loved every bit of it (more cushion for the...) My biceps were now a different size from my forearm, noticeably. I felt great. Don’t get me wrong, I do enjoy some foods that are not considered “fuel“ for the body, like Welch’s Gummies (my kryptonite). I can eat one slice of cake, a few cookies, some chips, even some Christmas cookies, and chocolates, with no guilt. At. All. And I am very proud of that. There could

How I healed

be a day or two where I eat not the best fuel for my body, but I do not purge and I feel like crap the next day, which is a great reminder of why I choose to

I read books, I started researching food and health

focus on health and notice how I feel after eating

and wellness incessantly. And then the mindset

what I chose. I tend to put on weight in the winter

shift happened. I switched my focus from being

months because I live in a cold climate and eat

skinny, to being healthy. That was it. That’s all it

more in the winter than in the summer, and I’m

took. As simple as that.

ok with that. I also exercise 5- 6 days days a week, healthily. I am proud of how far I have come and

Simple is not to be mistaken with easy. It was not easy. But, when I fixated on my health over being thin,

continue to improve everyday. I will not and nor do I ever want to be a size zero again. I am happy fluctuating between a 4 and 6 with the changes of the seasons. At Christmastime, I will always make delicious goodies and eat however much I

everything changed for me. I put on weight,

want, guilt-free. Food is no longer top of mind in

and some family commented on it, yes, but I

an unhealthy way.

was stronger and it didn’t bother me. What was important for me was my focus on my health and wellness - and that was it! I started learning all about how the body works, how food affects the body, and how what we eat makes us sick and makes us well. I learned how food is fuel for the body, and I wanted to make sure I was the

I am here for you! One thing I do wish I had when I was in the thick of it, was someone to talk to, who knew what I was feeling, who had gone through it themselves, and who actually experienced it. That is why I share this with you, if you know someone who

healthiest for my husband and son, and to live a

is struggling, or who might be struggling, please

very active lifestyle.

share this post with them, it could save a life.


According to there are 10,200 deaths every year due to eating disorders. That’s one

Do what you love, make time for it

death every 52 minutes. Click on the highlighted

Through this journey I have discovered my love

website for more info.

for the outdoors, I feel refreshed and revived whenever I am able to get outside - be it just for a

If anyone wants to talk to someone who has been

walk with my dog, a run, a bike ride, or something

there, please give them my info. I am happy to

more adventurous like exploring the Rocky

speak about this. If you yourself have an eating

Mountains only a few hours from where I live. I

disorder, or disordered eating (that’s another

know I need that and I listen to my body.

thing) I’m here for you. Please reach out. My hope for you in reading this, even if you have never had issues with food, is that you cut yourself some slack. We all have days or weeks, especially with COVID-19, where we have not made the healthiest choices. Do not get down on yourself, tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it. Pick yourself up and start over again. ▼ Because you’re worth it.


It is not easy, and thoughts and feelings of worthiness come up regularly for me, but I am so focused on my health and nourishing my body, that if anything happens that is negative, I do NOT go to food as a crutch like I used to. I can choose things that nourish me mentally and physically.

Jackie currently lives in Red Deer Alberta living life to the fullest with her family. Together they love experiencing adventures from roller coasters and bungee jumping, to hiking mountain peaks. Along with Jackie also started to help others switch to a healthy diet and lifestyle, because everyone deserves to thrive and not just survive. Mail to



great resources sponsored


Nestled in the Capilano community of Edmonton, the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition is one of the

What Students Learn

city’s lesser-known educational treasures. Although the school has been running for decades, many people

The diploma program educates students on the

are surprised to learn such a resource exists in our

functions of the digestive, immune and other whole-


body systems. They are trained to work with clients with all types of needs, from nutrition issues to

Offering both virtual and in-person classes, the school

address diet changes for a healthier body to helping

offers a Natural Nutrition Diploma and an Enhanced

you understand your macros for your workouts to

Clinical Studies program. The program is licensed by

developing a meal plan to help you change eating

the Government of Alberta Advanced Education.

habits. Students are trained to use food to live one’s best healthy lifestyle.

What is a Natural Nutrition Diploma?

Some of the courses included are the fundamentals of nutrition, anatomy and physiology, nutritional

Do you have a passion for wellness and prevention?


Are you wanting to help people make healthier life

and epigenetics. In addition, there are courses on

choices? Do you want to change lives and educate

nutritional literature research, lifecycle nutrition and

people? The Natural Nutrition Diploma may be for you!





Comprised of four modules, a practicum, and case studies, the program prepares graduates to work in a wide range of industries including: - Food Industry - Writing books and articles - Teaching and educating - Seniors and retirement homes - Consulting services - Natural health centres and spas Whether working in the private sector or with other healthcare professionals, graduates in Alberta become either a Certified Holistic Nutritional Consultant (C.H.N.C) or Certified in Holistic Nutrition (C.H.N).



How Long Does it Take? There is some flexibility depending on how long you

Learn More!

want to take for the courses. You have the option of 49 weeks or 22 months. This makes the course possible for those who want to take it full time or those who want a slower pace.

To learn more about the course

Visit the website

Where Is It? The classroom is located in Edmonton at 49th street and 92nd avenue. All classes are conducted from that

If you wish a brochure for information, just send an email to

location, but each one is also streamed in a ”blended virtual classroom”. That means you can do it online if you are not in a position to drive to the classroom.

If you are the type of learner that needs to be face-toface, that option is also available. All students take the classes live with an instructor. Whichever delivery method fits your life the best, you can be assured you will receive a top-quality

To start your registration process, visit the website



When Does it Start? The next intake is for February 2022 and registration opened at the beginning of November 2021. There are open houses you can attend either in person or via zoom, click here for more information on the next one. ▼


Or get in contact to set up an appointment




professional development

By Jacquie Gaglione

Think of a team that you’ve been on recently and see if any of these thoughts come to mind about that experience:

“That person is so annoying“ “Why does she keep saying the same thing?“ “He keeps interrupting me and it’s pissing me off“ “Why won’t she ever speak up? She just sits there and contributes nothing to the conversation. Why does she even come?“ “He and I are totally in-sync. I love that he thinks totally like me“ “Why can’t we ever just get straight to the point? Why do we waste so much time just chatting?“


While most of us have spent time working on

are brought up and debated. Decisions may take

teams, we likely haven’t thought much about the

longer to make, but they are often well-thought out

composition of those teams. We likely vented

and potential problems identified. However, these

to a friend or colleague about the person who

teams can have a higher level of conflict amongst

frustrated us, or we possibly commiserated about

members as they don’t “get“ each other.

the time we wasted. Quite possibly, however, we didn’t give much thought to why people acted the

Both of these types have advantages and

way they did, or how to improve the team. Maybe

challenges, so one isn’t better than the other. The

we even thought we had not control over how

real power comes in understanding the strengths

the team performs.

and blind spots of that team.

But here’s the thing: understanding a team can help mitigate some of our frustrations and create a sense of cohesiveness and movement towards a common goal. And this understanding is completely within our reach.

The first thing to consider is the type of team you’re on, which can be broken down broadly into two main types. Homogeneous teams are composed primarily of similar people. In this type of team, there is often a lack of debate or conflict as most

While it’s possible that simply reading the

people think in a similar fashion. Decisions are

descriptions above will give you a good idea of

often made easily, and members get along well

the kind of team you’re on, sometimes it isn’t

because they “get“ each other. However, the lack

always clear. If you want to gain similar insight

of debate can mean that alternative solutions

into the others on your team, there are a few

and ideas are not considered, which can lead to

things you can do.

blind spots when it comes to identifying potential problems.

One tool I’ve used is called a SWIC (Strength, Weakness, Interest, Concern) exercise. Simply

The second type is heterogeneous teams, which

create a sheet with those headings, and ask each

have a mixture of people. In this team, there are

person complete it. Then either share collectively

often great discussions and a wide variety of issues

as a team, or have each person meet privately with SHARP WOMEN


each person to present and discuss. The SWIC can

could let the person finish the thought and then they

enable team members to understand each team mate’s

could continue speaking, or they could remind the

perception of their own strengths and weaknesses,

person that it wasn’t their turn without ill feelings

as well as their interests and concerns. Identifying

for either side. The rest of the team also appreciated

key skills and interests of various team members

these more positive interactions because it reduced

means they can be leveraged when appropriate, while

the anxious feelings that often floated in the air.

understanding weakness and concerns can indicate when an individual may require extra support.

For other members who were results-focused, understanding why others needed to spend time

Another tool is a behaviour assessment, such as

chatting and getting to know each other allowed

Meyers-Briggs, DISC or Colours, just a name a few.

them to cut them some slack and reframe this time

Behaviour assessment tools help us understand our

as important. The team understood that those quiet

own tendencies, which helps bring a sense of self-

members who rarely spoke up needed time to reflect

awareness to our communication and behaviour.

and consider options before feeling comfortable

When we understand how we can be perceived, we

speaking. The team also changed their processes to

are able to mitigate some of our challenging behavior.

ensure that more detailed written communication

Likewise, understanding others’ communication and

and background was shared before the meeting so

behaviour tendencies helps us adapt to communicate

these quieter members felt more prepared.

more effectively with them, and to be graceful in our interpretations of them.

In working with various teams, I have seen great benefit in utilizing these types of tools to help understand both individual and team dynamics. I worked with a team that dramatically changed how they interacted once they understood their natural tendencies and how other people reacted. The individual relationships improved and so did the overall team effectiveness.

For example, learning that some people had a natural tendency to interrupt and that it wasn’t personal, helped team members break down barriers that had been holding them back. Other members of the team


Finally, simply invest in time to communicate. For example, build time into your meetings to get to know each other and check in. Talk to those who you think don’t think like you to see if you can understand them better. You can also discuss elements of what makes a strong team. Ensure each person has a chance to speak and then as a team, create a plan so that each person feels a welcome part of the team. As a team, spend time talking about what builds and erodes trust for each member of the team. We all have trust triggers - things that if broken kill trust for us - and trust blind spots - things which might matter to others but not to us. If our trust blind spot is someone else’s trigger, then it is essential to know so we can work on not eroding trust with them. Strong teams are essential to most organizations. Rarely is it just one person making everything happen, so we need to understand how and consciously do the work to create effective, cohesive teams. This means understanding your team strengths and blind spots and those of individual members of the team, and prioritizing trust building. Invest the time in building an effective team and then enjoy the results. ▼

Jacquie Surgenor Gaglione’s is a teacher at heart with a passion for empowering others. Her focus is on building great leaders and strong teams, and she holds a special place in her heart for nonprofits and small businesses. With a strong belief in parent engagement, she still plays in the education scene through her involvement with school councils. In her spare time, she is a mother of three, wife, avid reader who also loves spending time with family and friends.



Welcome to Your Happy Gut Box

The Happy Gut Box provides four key products that target the varied aspects of essential gut health.* 34 SHARP WOMEN

Working together, they provide layers of natural support for maximized benefits in nourishing your entire microbiome.* Immunity and overall well-being begin at the gut level, and a monthly subscription of the Happy Gut Box will provide the foundation for a more stable gut lining and digestion you need to be at your best—delivered right to your door each and every month! *

The Happy Gut Box Includes Ambrotose LIFE® FOR PREBIOTIC SUPPORT* When coupled with GI-ProBalance, the prebiotics in Ambrotose LIFE help to increase the viability and growth of healthy probiotic bacteria in the gut.* This healthy balance between good and bad bacteria may help support aspects of your immune system naturally, all while using gut-nourishing Costa-Rican Aloe, which is nature’s perfect prebiotic!*

GI-ProBalance® FOR PROBIOTIC SUPPORT* Tasty and convenient, GI-ProBalance slimsticks are designed to nourish your gut with 8 strains of probiotics and rich prebiotic fibers.* GI-ProBalance supports the natural-balance of good bacteria in your gut microbiome and helps to maintain healthy digestion with 50 billion CFUs.*

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GET YOUR HAPPY GUT BOX TODAY! Contact me to answer any questions and to help you set up your Canadian subscription.

Tanya Mullakady

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5 Business’ Bookkeeping Reasons Not to Ignore Your

By Lynn Gagne

We all dream of financial freedom, more free time, and seeing our business flourish in the eyes of our customers. So, we start our businesses; we become selfemployed. Who’d have thought, with all the unexpected twists and turns thrown at us along the way, that our journey as entrepreneurs would seem more like a roller coaster ride. How tirelessly we work to make our dreams a successful reality! As our determination to succeed and our workflow increases, so does that to-do list on the backburner. Maybe you’ve made loose mental categories that spring to mind when you glance at that growing mountain of paperwork; the “I need to get on that“ or the “I’ll get to it eventually“ file. On that list, “tax stuff“ can feel about as urgent as Christmas in April. Tax time has its own season, so why would I worry about that now?


We continue to ignore it, knowing that tax season is


coming, unaware of the potential ticking time bomb


lurking in our midst.

FULL STOP Do I have your attention?

12 TIMES In January, you start paying for your gas with your personal debit or credit card. Should you? Do you pay with your business bank account or your personal

Leaving your paperwork for tax season is costing

one? Don’t wait 12 months to find out.

you a whole lot more money. Your hard-earned efforts are simply dissolving in a pit of paperwork and extra taxes, mistakes that some businesses never recover from. Here are five reasons why you should not postpone your bookkeeping and receipt management.

The same mistakes for 12 months can have a significant impact on your bottom line.

Keeping bookkeeping regular forces us to look at the process, compare checklists, and make sure we are doing it right. We don’t know what we don’t know - unless we choose to learn. You don’t have to be an accounting whiz to maintain the books but knowing the best practices for keeping your records and receipts can make a world of difference.

RECEIPTS FADE, BUT THE CRA DOESN’T CARE If you were to be audited, Canada Revenue Agency would ask you for copies of your receipts. They want the detailed item to validate what was purchased. However, our society is riddled with thermal paper receipts, which can fade over time. And, depending on their exposure to the environment, the air in your house, the car, your pocket and all the other factors they are subjected to, they can fade very quickly.



Remembering that an audit or exam from CRA will happen one to three years in the future, it’s important


that you have a receipt storage method that stops those thermal receipts from fading. Whether you

Another April rolls around. Spring is in the air, but

put them into a sealed bag, scan them, or use an

not in your step, when your tax preparer delivers

online program, you want to ensure you can read

some sobering news.

your receipts for the next seven years. “You owe CRA $5,000.“ Putting off your bookkeeping leaves you at risk of losing information from those receipts before you

Are you ready for that bill? If you aren’t, be prepared

have a chance to do anything with them.

to incur a 5% penalty plus interest.

REMEMBERING WHAT THE RECEIPTS ARE FOR CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE Have you ever looked at something and thought, “what on earth does this mean?“

This is especially true of box store receipts, dollar stores. The intention behind the receipt and the books should be clear. When you look at a receipt, think, “If a CRA auditor was looking at this receipt, would they know what it is?“

Reading receipts and writing down what they are can actually be an important safeguard in your taxes. Taking the guesswork out of your receipts also makes your bookkeeper, accountant, or tax preparer’s job that much easier. In fact, maintaining a good record-keeping routine might even make it easier for your bookkeeper to spot anomalies or errors, because they know how you usually keep your books.


Keeping up on your books means you always know what your bottom line is and you can estimate the taxes you will owe.


Your bookkeeping deserves all the love you can give it. Like any skill, learning and implementing the best practices can become second nature over

Let’s not forget that we’re human. As such, we can

time, keeping your business rocking for years to

easily be overwhelmed, especially our first years

come. The way you treat your receipts, and your

in business. Delegating responsibility is at times

bookkeeping will have a direct line on the amount

helpful, and at times necessary. As a society, we’ve

of taxes you pay. ▼

become dependent on others who provide solutions to just about everything, from cutting our hair to

I guarantee it.

keeping our vehicles running. Quite often, all we can do to get through the to-do list is turn things over to someone else. This is true of our taxes, too.

Tax preparers, however, are just as overwhelmed at tax season. They are overrun with clients, many of whom have put off everything to the last minute only to scurry in with clumps of receipts and a desperate look in their eyes.

In that scenario, it’s guaranteed that your books will not get the time, love, or attention that you need. You, along with everyone else, are counting on them to meet the tax deadline. There simply isn’t time for them to call every client for an explanation of every receipt, or to make sure paperwork was done correctly. They do their best with what they’re given.

CONCLUSION After all, who doesn’t want to be top of their game? To be the envy of your tax preparer’s colleagues around the water cooler, as they take a much-needed breather from the towers of tax returns waiting for them. (“Stressed? Me? Nah! That Alpha-boss is always SO organized, it’s a joy to work on their taxes!“)

Lynn Gagne of BWize Consulting & Training is a certified professional bookkeeper who spent more than 30 years running multiple businesses, including a professional bookkeeping firm with more than 300 clients. She built her company around providing tools to small business owners so they can keep more money in their pocket.






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Meghan Dirk:

Resilience and Gratitude for the Unexpected By Rachel Braun


Meghan was born in Red Deer, and grew up in Taber, Alberta. ”My dad’s job took us to southern Alberta, and years later, my husband’s job brought us back to Central Alberta”, Meghan shares. When she was younger, Meghan recalls wanting to grow up to be an actor and a mother. ”I wanted to entertain people,” Meghan laughs, ”and I always wanted to be a mom. I just knew that I wanted both of those things”.

Meghan met her husband, Adrian, one summer when they were 16 and have been together since. After

Cultivating Her Entrepreneurial Spirit

attending college, Meghan and Adrian married and started a family shortly after. ”Being in that role as a

As the Dirk family grew, Meghan cultivated her

mom, having a career was put on the backburner. For

entrepreneurial spirit to make extra money for

me, it was important to stay at home, and Adrian is

special items outside of the regular household

such a good provider”.

budget. To illustrate, Meghan shares, ”If I wanted to buy something from a direct selling company, I would join so my earnings would pay for my products for me. I also did nails out of my home for seven years. The birth of my second daughter spiked my entrepreneurial mind in creating and sewing baby items. It’s what fit into that stage of my life at the time, but the beauty industry has always been in my back pocket. Starting with nails, then dabbling into professional makeup and eventually leading into my biggest passion, brows”.

The Brow Lounge is a luxury brow-shaping service. Meghan recalls, ”I did it completely from scratch! I converted part of our spare bedroom and before I knew it, I had clients I had never met before. Before long, I had to swap my son’s room for the spare bedroom to create a customized space for the Brow SHARP WOMEN


Lounge. It grew so fast! I’m at the point now where I

refer customers to the store. Meghan has an ever-

can’t accept new clients, and my current client’s book

growing audience of diverse homemakers looking

3 to 5 months in advance. The Brow Lounge has won

for both great products and authentic connection. In

home-based business of the year and I’ve personally won second place in a world-wide Brow Henna Artist competition. I feel it’s important to show our kids when we are proud of our accomplishments as well as showcase that we really are capable of anything we put our minds to”.

Meghan’s own words, ”I want people to look at my account and know they are not alone. We are dealing with something truly unprecedented. It can be a lonely time, so I try to be open. If I am having a bad day, I talk about it. If I am having a good day, I talk about that, too. Social media can be an outlet to find

An Unexpected Blessing

people to relate to, and I have made so many new

With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the beauty

feel the same”.

industry faced multiple mandates to close. For Meghan, this meant losing a key source of income while facing months of uncertainty about when restrictions would lift. ”I needed to go into protective mode and dial back on purchases, find cheaper products, and save money,” Meghan shares. ”Within days of the first COVID-19 lockdown, I found an online shopping club. It was cost effective, promoted clean ingredients, and had the convenience of shipping to my door. It seemed like a no brainer! I thought, well, if I just start talking about this to my friends, I can use my earnings to pay for my products for me. This experience turned out to be so much more than I ever imagined it to be. Promoting the shop club on social media is now my main source of income. It’s turned into a big COVID-19 blessing that would not have happened otherwise”.

Today, Meghan balances running the Brow Lounge with creating social media content. Meghan uses her social media prowess to advertise for the largest online wellness store in North America, and to


friends during the pandemic. I hope my followers

When asked what she would say if she could talk to

The best thing I ever did was to put myself out there

herself pre-pandemic, Meghan bravely gave her most

even when it made me sweat. I would think, ‘oh, this

authentic response. ”I might cry,” Meghan reflects,

person is on my Facebook or Instagram and they’re

”I would tell myself, ‘The pandemic will be hard. You

going to think I’m so stupid’, but it was actually those

will have super dark feelings and will wonder when

people who reached out to me to share, ‘thank you for

the end will come. But everything is going to work

sharing – I really enjoyed learning that from you”.

out, and everyone around you will be ok’. Obviously, I wish things were different, but had events not

What does it mean to live your life on

unfolded how they did, I never would have created


my online business, which has been a huge blessing for my family”.

“Do things that make you happy, and don’t care about what others have to say about what makes you happy,” Meghan shares. ”You have to ignore what everyone else wants of you and do what you want for you, and only you can make that happen. If you desire something, you need to put in the work and the blinders to the haters and the naysayers. At the end of the day, it’s about what makes you happy”. ▼

As Meghan reflected on her social media growth in the last two years, she rightfully credits herself with strength and resilience. Meghan shares, ”The biggest promise I made to myself was that I would never give up. My goal was to consistently post every single day this year. Even if I had a day where no one commented or engaged with my posts, I would be consistent every day, so I could prove to everyone who has said I was a quitter, that I am not.

Meghan Dirk is the owner of The Brow Lounge, busy mom of three, and an award winning entrepreneur & mentor who educates about common toxins found in our everyday products. To connect with Meghan, you can find her on Instagram @meghan.thekindacrunchymom or on Facebook:



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young entrepreneur feature

Emma Lyle:

Transformative Learning, Transformational Digital Marketing By Rachel Braun

“You have to be OK with yourself and you have to know who you are. It’s a process, you’ll grow!” - Emma




Emma was born in Edmonton and moved to Stoney

Emma’s marketing internship proved transformational

Plain with her mom and stepdad at age two. “We

for her professional identity, knowledge, skills, and

lived there until grade 6, and then moved to Panoka,

abilities. Over the course of the summer, Emma created

where we lived until I moved back to Edmonton for university. Now I live in Penhold with my husband. Alberta is certainly home!” Emma laughs.

a social media plan and content for a counselling center in Edmonton. In Emma’s words, ”My project was to engage the next generation. While stigmas around mental health have lightened over time, young people don’t necessarily seek counselling services. I designed and led my own project that kept their values in mind, but transformed their social media into somewhere that the next generation would want to go. I spent hundreds of hours in focus groups, conducting group interviews, and creating content. By the end of my internship, if they wanted to implement any of my ideas, the materials were ready to launch”. Afterwards, Emma finished her last HR course, used all of her electives for marketing courses, and graduated with a marketing major.

Mid-way through high school, Emma began to reflect on her future career aspirations. Emma recalls, ”My mom is a chef so I thought I might so that way. Everyone in my family works trades, so I was the first in a few generations to be accepted into university. I ended up settling on s business degree because there are so many directions I could go. I chose to specialize in Human Resources (HR)”. After three years of dedicated schoolwork, Emma’s business program required all students to find and complete a paid internship. However, finding an internship in her specialization proved difficult. ”I couldn’t find a student HR position anywhere! Emma shares. ”I wanted to finish on-time, so I took a position in marketing instead. Unexpectedly, I loved it!”


him and he became my first client. He had nothing! No logo, no website... Nothing! To grow with him and his business has been so amazing,” Emma shares. ”The owner messaged me a few days ago saying that he’s getting the logo I designed blown up on Highway 11. I got to drive past it and say, ‘I did that!”

Gabby Girl Digital After graduating from university, Emma worked at a marketing agency in Red Deer for a year. Emma recalls, ”I learned a lot, particularly about business operations. After I moved on to a new position elsewhere, I was locked in a non-compete for one year. The day after the non-compete was done, I applied for my business license for Gabby Girl Digital! I had learned so much, but I wanted to do marketing my way!”. Today, Emma is a Marketing Coordinator at Old’s College, and Gabby Girl Digital is her ”side hustle”. When asked what she would advise to another SHARP woman starting out on a similar journey, Emma reflects, ”I’ve learned about the importance of having a niche, like, real estate or the beauty industry. Otherwise, it’s difficult to become an expert in your client’s needs and desires. It took me a while

In ten years, Emma hopes to live in the moment, with Gabby Girl Digital as her full-time career. ”I could hire my own student intern”, Emma laughs.

What does it mean to live your life on point? ”You need to be yourself, and that can change”, Emma reflects. ”Me a year ago is different than me now, and that’s ok. If you are not being who you truly are, you will not feel successful. Not everyone will

to figure out, but I realized that my niche is small

understand, but that’s ok. You have to be OK with

entrepreneurs and business owners”.

yourself and you have to know who you are. It’s a process, you’ll grow!” ▼

Emma’s transformative career journey has led to transformational digital marketing solutions for her clients. “One of my clients is a storage facility near Sylvan Lake. One day on Facebook, I saw the owner ask if anyone knew a digital marketer. I messaged

Emma is a passionate and experienced individual whose expertise lies in the areas of social media marketing, digital advertising and branding on all digital platforms. She prides herself in helping local Alberta small business owners and entrepreneurs efficiently and effectively communicate their stories online. Emma can be reached on all major social media platforms, by email at, and via webform at



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Whenever we gain nuggest of revelation we typically think, “Ooooh! I am going to start doing those things!” Usually, though, within a few days, we’ve forgotten what we heard, read or watched, and life goes on. This worksheet is a printable resource for you to use each month, to collect the treasure of insight and wisdom you fin each month in Sharp Women Magazine (or anywhere else!) and create action steps. Written goals are eight times more lokely to be achieved, so this is a great practice! You can make small (or big) changes by writing things down and holding yourself accountable.

Insights I have gained

New ways I will think

New things I will do

New results I will see



leadership sponsored

You Don’t Have to be Alone in Business By Kirsten Duncan 56 SHARP WOMEN

Being an entrepreneur can be a wonderful

you need. As an entrepreneur, support is essential,

experience. It allows you to build a business that you

whether you are a lawyer in Red Deer, or a florist in

love while being your own boss and ideally making

Edmonton. Most of the time what feels like a gigantic

your personal, business and financial dreams

problem that you can not face, often only needs a

come true. But what happens when you feel stuck,

new perspective to be corrected. A perspective from

overwhelmed or just not sure which way to turn...

someone who does have the right business sense,

This can lead to a lonely, frustrated business owner.

and the experience to back it up.

Should I quit my business, take on a partner, merge with another company? Do I have what it takes?

Business owners and entrepreneurs are unable to see their own business for what it truly is because

Entrepreneur Isolation is real, but you don’t have to be alone

they are too close to the matter! They have lived and breathed it, created every little detail. In essence, they can’t ”see the forest for the trees”. They need

Being an entrepreneur can be as difficult as it is

someone with a bird’s-eye view who can point

exhilarating, and during those tough seasons,

out what’s invisible from the ground. Maybe you

many business owners begin to feel the effects

just need help to implement change like Change

of entrepreneur isolation. A study done by Cigna

Management Beratung would assist with.

Health Services found that two fifths of Americans feel isolated from others, and one quarter rarely feel like there is anyone who understands them. Entrepreneur loneliness and feelings of isolation are just as prevalent. According to the Self Employment Review, isolation is one of the biggest challenges that business owners face. You have friends without the business sense or enough details to give educated advice, and family members frustrated with money lost wanting explanations and assurances. Eventually, the opinions of well-meaning friends and family can become noise that just causes more confusion, and even entrepreneur depression.

Don’t fret. Instead, find a new perspective But before you decide to put the brakes on the whole operation (or just have a meltdown in your car- which, by the way, we wouldn’t blame you for), there is another avenue that might be just what SHARP WOMEN


Help is on the way What if we told you there was help? That someone could help you to see the problem for what it truly is, to see your business from a whole new angle, to open your mind to new opportunities, and to see what you have previously been blind to? What if you had someone to call when you needed a second opinion? Someone who is not a friend, relative or competitor. No guilt trip, no explanations necessary. Just a clear new mind with the goal to give you a helping hand out of an issue. When problems arise, everyone has an opinion- but you need educated advice. You also don’t want your staff to know the struggles behind-the-scenes, so you need an outside perspective you can trust.

Leadership and Business Development Consulting may be exactly what you need. ▼

Take the next steps with us on your business development journey by signing up for our new and exciting on-line course "Practical Business Development Strategies for Small Business"

Kirsten holds a degree in Biochemistry from the University of Manchester and a Charted Quality Institute Diploma. She also attended a Leadership course at Harvard! She specializes in writing policies, procedures, employee handbooks, safety programs, conducting efficiency & carbon-reduction assessments for small to medium sized businesses within Red Deer and the surrounding area. Kirsten is a dedicated Yogi. She loves to practice several times a week at a local studio here in Red Deer. At other times, you will likely see her cooking plant-based meals to support her vegan diet!


Click Here



Located inside Float Wellness at #108-111 Broadway Blvd (Liberty Place) Sherwood Park, AB. 780-905-6003

Hydrafacial Microneedling Microdermabrasion Dermaplaning Chemical Peels, Facials Laser Tattoo removal Laser pigmentation Laser hair removal.




food recipe

Orange Immunity Booster Smoothie By Janice Hrushka

1 serving 10 minutes

Janice is certified in Holistic Nutrition, as well as Blood Microscopy. With a clinic in Red Deer, Janice works with her clients in person and at a distance. Her holistic approach considers the whole person - mind, body, spirit - helping people through diet and a balanced lifestyle. Through her one-to-one sessions, health assessments, meal planning, and Live & Dry Blood Analysis, she guides her clients, to achieve optimal health and wellness.




1/2 cup pureed pumpkin

Place all ingredients into your

1/2 banana (frozen)

blender and blend very well until

1/4 tsp tumeric

creamy. Pour into glasses and

1/8 tsp cinnamon


3/4 tsp ginger


1 1/2 tspp ground flax seed 1/3 cup unsweetened almond milk 1 navel orange (peeled and sectioned) 1 1/2 tsps maple syrup

- No pureed pumpkin: Use steamed sweet potato instead. - More protein: Add protein powder, hemp seeds or nut butter. - No Maple Syrup: Sweeten with raw honey or soaked dates instead.

The 21 Day Immune Boosting Meal Plan is now available! So you can shop, prep, and eat healthy foods, all while supporting your immune system.



SHARP WOMEN Category Experts

If you’re a SHARP Woman who wants to get her business noticed, join our Business Directory! Submit your application through this form TODAY!


@weareSHARPwomen @sharpwomenofcentralalberta



Kim Slezinsky

Danielle Klooster

(403) 357-9175

(403) 391-8443

Power Up Electrical Services

On Point with Danielle

Electrical Services

Success Coaching & Training

Mary Paulette McDonogh

Ranchelle Van Bryce


(780) 679-7275

Alternative Animal Care

Entrepreneur Success Coach

Rachelle Scrase

Tanya Rogalczyk

(403) 352-8471

(403) 506-3106

Brand Photography

Mortgage Broker

Corey King

Lindsey Forget

(403) 952-1920

(403) 318-9363

Hotel + Catering

Residential Real Estate Agent

Kelsey Evans

Christine Swift

(403) 318-2190

(403) 340-4495

Virtual Assistant & Online Business Manager

Home, Auto & Commercial Insurance Advisor

Robin Mckay

Dawn Wickberg

(403) 346-6695

(403) 887-5655

Wellness Practitioner for People & Animals

Health Store

Dr. Amanda Klimec D.C.

Deanna Bailey

(403) 347-0707

(403) 805-4359


Real Estate with Deanna Bailey

Rural Real Estate Agent

Erika Fetterly

Sheri MacLeod

(403) 597-5215

(403) 891-4939

Boudoir & Fine Art Portrait Photography

Heather Epp & Monica Millin

(403) 888-0238

Travel Designer

Home Watch & Concierge Services

Cathy Foster

(403) 391-0812 Body to Soul Massage Massage Therapy & Manual Lymph Drainage Specialist

Tanya Mullakady

Ranjit & Tanya Mullakady

(403) 350-6276

(403) 346-1011

Vitamins & Supplements

Signage & Digital Printing

Nadine Waterfield

Lauretta Gorman

(403) 782-0250

(403) 304-4593

Gift Baskets

Monica L Niederle Barrister & Solicitor

Elsie Anctil

(403) 343-3320

(403) 341-4343

Business Lawyer

Kari Lotzien

403) 786-0006

(403) 506-9636

Tanya Kitchen-Johnson

Leadership Coaching

Ana Solorzano

(403) 396-5152

(403) 596-9492

Accident and Sickness Insurance

Security & Automation

Women’s Fashion

Kari Lotzien

Psychology, Speech Therapy and Occupational Therapy

CASA Central Alberta

Skin Care & Make-Up Solutions

Master Lash Technician

Sara Barnes

Brandie Bowman

(403) 820-0448

(403) 396-3211

Home Security & Automation

Housekeeping and Cleaning Services

Kendra Numan

Tanya Warner

(403) 915-2391

(780) 864-8457

Medispa: Cosmetic & Medical Botox and Dermal Fillers

Sheena Johnson & Cortney Hollenga

(403) 347-3774

Intimate Apparel

Nail Artist

Emma Lyle

(403) 704-0699

Social Media Management

Shiel McClure

Shannon Campbell

(403) 352-1758


Event Planner & Destination Wedding Expert

Marketing & Advertising Specialist

Janice Hrushka

Jillian Vukovich

(403) 952-1920

(403) 872-5545 vukovich.IG

Health & Wellness Coach

Jennifer Sehn

(403) 877-0962

Bookkeeping Services

Financial Advisor


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